Great to see you here! Basic nationalist reading:
On top of those, a general background in history, literature and philosophy. For those wanting to enter the latter, Will Durant's The Story of Philosophy is a good toe-dipping-into-the-water entry point.
Amazon link to the book. Don't forget leaving a creative one star review.
Might want to visit some other books by Kidner. Apparently the most important person in Europe since 1550 was Lenin. is a great place to find free audiobooks of old literature, its quite simply changed my life. Put on an audiobook of a subject of your interest, then workout or practice an instrument or whatever. It's very easy to burn through one book in one day while improving in another area at the same time.
I'm wary of funding anything produced by Hollywood, however. I don't watch much movies but the last movie I saw was Angry Birds since I heard it had anti-rapefugee sentiments (boy did it ever).
Of course the book is fake, that's why it was removed from Amazon.
Did you read the book "Night" By Elie Wiesel that we all had to read in High School?
He lied under oath and lied about the things he saw.
Holy cow this thread is brigaded as fuck.
Better contribute.
48 laws of power
33 strategies of war
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
On Jews and their Lies by Martin Luther
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Also anything about self improvement from the sidebars of /r/MGTOW and /r/theredpill in that order
Switch to Brave instead of Firefox.
It's run by the former Mozilla exec who got ousted by SJWs. Actually innovation is happening with Brave (built in ad and crap blocking, as well as Bitcoin integration, and password manager integration).
Jews have a long history of hating on Russians and murdering millions of them. Just read Solzhenitsyn
for some strange (((reason))) the book on Amazon is available only in Russian, so maybe check the copy here
I love the visual medium of movies, always have since I was a little kid, and I love acting. There's a lot of bullshit in this industry, but I think at the end of the day it's worth it and there's nothing in the world I'd rather do. What has really helped me to stay sane is stoic philosophy, stuff like Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and The Enchiridion which is a collection of thoughts from Epictetus. Also the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene is really helpful book when it comes navigating the political terrain of Hollywood. Specifically the 38th law, "Think as you like, but behave like others"
Here's a neat article to learn from about an alternative to the automation future.
Automation and basic income are just memes. There's another way.
Inevitability is a meme. It is only inevitable in a lassaiz faire capitalistic society structure where apolitical engineers lead the evolution of society. Statism can solve that.
Oh, okay, all clear now (sorta ...).
>I need to get an image editing program or something and work on my meme game. offers literally anything you could ever ask for from an image editing program, especially for amateurs (because of its easy functionality). I own PS and I still prefer using this (free) tool. Take care!
Well a quick google search:
Yields multiple indications that it is attributed to him. I'm not his biographer.
How are you finding Gulag Archipelago?
I haven't looked into it too much but this one looks like the functionality you want:
I have no other knowledge of them or if they're trustworthy, etc... Use a VPN or TOR if you want to make it hard for them to track you.
You can also google for "anon file uploads" for more options.
Absolutely serious, The core of fascism has many positive traits. fascism doesnt necessarily need to be totalitarian.
And it most certainly doesn't end in socialism. Sounds like you're confusing fascist italy with natsoc germany.
I suggest reading this
That's why I said allegedly, but since it's attributed to him, Socrates should count undoubtedly as one of the main philosophers in the West. To begin with it wouldn't make any sense for Plato to lie about it.
I don't know what have you read from Aristotle if anything, I'd start with Nicomachean Ethics, it's also related to Plato and Socrates, it's his best known work on ethics and one of the most important historical works. It also connects with Politics, which I guess you'd be more interested in. Here he discusses Plato's Republic and advocates for an ethnostate, among other interesting things for an Alt-righter like who qualifies as a citizen, the household or the Spartan regime.
Cultural Marxists have clearly never read The Art of War
Sweden will be the first point where one group of people has its back against the wall for survival, and those are the most dangerous types. Sweden will hopefully be the first domino to fall in ending this crisis once and for all.
Hardline atheists, aka New Atheists have many of those.
Behaviors: ritualistically resisting religion and degrading believers
World view: there is no god, religion causes all evil, we are oppressed by the faithful
sacred texts: The God Delusion by Dawkins, God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens, The End of Faith and Waking Up by Sam Harris
I hate these people, those books should be banned, the intellectuals of the movement locked away and publicly professing hardline atheism should be a disqualifying trait for many positions.
I was thinking about posting something about Anglish here. The Norman conquest was a great tragedy and many evils can be traced back to it. Check this out:
If you go to the book on amazong, "look inside" and read a little after the preface it refers to vitality as young colored people going into the work force for developed countries with an old aging population. I dont agree with it just saying.
> their racism
you're again confusing (maybe in purpose?) what I intended to say. If you've read the Torah, you either read it in a completely superficial manner or you're twisting the facts. Read the book and put some critical thought in the process.
You know the story about Jacob and Edom, right? Do you know what it symbolises? Are you aware how emotions are created in human beings?
Thanks. I just found this:
I went to hear a Christian convert out of Islam who is a scholar of both the Bible and the Q'uran, that the Q'uran is not accurately translated into English in order to make it more palatable to the Westerner. I wonder if this same problem exists in the Talmud?
Do you have a particular Talmud that you recommend?
On a similar note, I'd recommend reading this book. It's written by a Yankee priest who visited the South and described slavery in a light that was shockingly positive to him based on what abolition propaganda had told him.
Go read The Bell Curve:
IQ is not only a huge predictor for the success of a society, but it is heritable. Fuck me for wanting a nation of intelligent people, right?
That book is on my reading list, I would be in if you, or anyone else interested, can set up a good way to run a discussion.
If you don't want to spend any money and you have a kindle, there is a free kindle edition on Amazon.
Someone shared that a "Hate Watch" subreddit has this comment linked.
When I went to see it, they only have this small thread within this larger conversation linked. It would have been just as easy to link to the conversation, as a part of the conversation. It's obvious that they're disinterested in what r/AltRight is about -- rather, they're seek only echo chamber indignation fodder.
I was once a Leftist -- but also cared about intellectual integrity (which would explain my move Right). For the Leftist who thinks they've got all the information when their leaders lead, you should know that they're giving you a square inch of a building sized mural -- they are intentionally handling and deceiving you.
Here's something I said in a different part of this conversation. A part the Propaganda Ministers don't include.
[–]AltRightNow 1 point 23 hours ago Until you get to the White contributions, I would say exactly the same thing. We're always painted as hating everyone else, instead of loving ourselves and appreciating others. It's true that African, Jewish, and Latin peoples have made some fine contributions to the world. And I'll give credit where credit is due. But that doesn't change the fact that most of the essential contributions to civilizing society are overwhelmingly White. And I'll give credit where credit is due. permalinkembedsaveparenteditdisable inbox repliesdeletereply
[–]AltRightNow 1 point 18 minutes ago This book lays out the accomplishments of civilization. I hear that a "hate watch" r/group has this conversation linked. Someone in there might be ready for something more than chanted rhetoric.
This book lays out the accomplishments of civilization. I hear that a "hate watch" r/group has this conversation linked. Someone in there might be ready for something more than chanted rhetoric.
The best book on the true nature of capitalism that I have encountered is <em>Killing the Host</em> by Michael Hudson.
Hudson and Steve Keen are the best economists I have found; they both understand the actual economy in a way that none of the Keynesians or Austrians do.