I used two of these https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VJ4X2QL?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details since I had 6 plants in one 4x4. Id say 3 plants would be the most you could grow with just one. Check my posts, they did great! I finished everything outside but thats due to the temperature and humidity in my unfinished garage being dangerously high.
About as cheap as you can go. https://www.amazon.com/Briignite-Spectrum-Coverage-Dimmable-Greenhouse/dp/B08S33266Y?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1
I’m confused. Trellis netting is really cheap anyway.
Nowadays there are plenty of very nice lights on Amazon. Here is a name brand Maxisun for $59! (there are many that are serious under performers also of course) https://www.amazon.com/MAXSISUN-Sunlike-Spectrum-Growing-Flowering/dp/B08342W6NW/ref=sr\_1\_34?crid=3TMF555NSL18P&dchild=1&keywords=grow+lights+for+indoor+plants&nav\_sdd=aps&qid=1634157079&refinements=p\_36%3A2661614011&rn...
If you go up to the 200 watt range this one seems good. https://www.amazon.com/Phlizon-Upgrading-Dimmable-Waterproof-Hydroponic/dp/B08B87HWK3/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=2SLSNGAYXXV8D&dchild=1&keywords=phlizon+led+grow+light&qid=1630873409&refinements=p\_89%3APhlizon%2Cp\_36%3A2661614011&rnid...
https://www.amazon.com/VIPARSPECTRA-Included-MeanWell-Dimmable-Spectrum/dp/B092VD2GHZ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=viparspectra+xs1500&qid=1619104582&sprefix=viparspectra&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGl... This won't work for you? It says I can order. Must be only in US I guess.
Hahaha sorry im dumb, anyway i think I found the same one but in my country! This is it right: light
I had to purchase this grain roller. Its the most costly item getting into the beer game. (Ordered 999 silver wire too, since I was blowing money)
Still gotta find a ½ hand drill, at the pawn shop, to get this vacuum pump spinning again, I only blew up the ¼ hp motor, on my vacuum. Also a ½" drill could power a grain roller.
Anyways, I've got some hash in the freezer. That hasn't been put on the crock pot....I may just vacuum all the solvent out, cold cooking it (if i can get my vacuum Jimmy rigged)...will post results
People pawn everything worth anything...although you will occasionally find nice things at the thrift shop...and thieves selling stolen things at the flea market
Not worth it. I briefly had a Viparspectra "450W" (actually around 200W), I wasn't very impressed by it. It stopped working after 10 days, so I returned it and got a QB. Those work great, but they're expensive.
While I haven't used one myself, the [https://www.amazon.com/MARS-HYDRO-Hydroponic-Thermometer-Hygrometer/dp/B07RSRX1RS/?th=1](Mars Hydro TS 1000) series is supposed to be one of the better budget LED options from Amazon right now. You didn't mention what size tent/canopy you'll have, for a budget grow I'm guessing 2x2.