There's an app released by the CCC which reminds you when to put your bins out and tells you what week it is. Really handy as it updates for public holidays.
Edit: link here!
Ok, seriously. Bus timetables always suck because they have to mix with general traffic - so they are extremely likely to never be exactly on time.
The low effort solution - if you have android install and use this app to show exactly when the next bus is coming to your stop. I think there's a different iOS app that does the same.
Komoot has options for cyclist fitness levels and tends to do a better job of finding bike routes than Google. For Cashmere to Sockburn with rider set to "Athletic" it estimates 18 minutes. "Athletic" is probably the right level for the average ebike.
Seems the Council have put some effort into updating the app after all this time.
I used the app as a reminder to put the bins out but it would always bug out and stop sending notifications so I'm glad they updated it.
It also gives you any updates to their collection schedule and can be used to check what goes in which bin which is super useful now that they're becoming more strict.
Apple -
Android -
Firefox mobile browser has (as far as I know) anti tracking and you can also use ad blockers.
You could also look at setting up Pi Hole which acts as an ad blocker for your home network (LAN). It’s not tooo hard to set up (says the guy who’s been pulling computers to bits for 25 years) but you kinda need to be a tinkerer, and have a spare computer kicking about. You can also set your phone up with a VPN so that it always uses the pihole even when you’re not at home but I’m not sure how practical that is.
I've lived in Chicago and most recently Boston, both of which would laugh their asses (arses!) off at the kiwi idea of "winter" here. It snows, like, once or twice a winter in Chch. They have no salt trucks or plows. Climate is very similar to Seattle or Vancouver, but with more sun.
FYI: Wage calculator:
Housing is a bit more expensive in Chch, but then again, I was prepared since I had lived in (expensive) Boston. The other problem, aside from cost, is availability. You might be able to afford a place, but finding a place may take a while. We lived in a B&B for a month while we waited for the "right" flat to become available.
Dating: Chch is flooded with rebuild workers and there aren't many female carpenters, pipe layers, and civil engineers ya know? Going to the bars can be a sausage fest. I have a few single female friends who are early 30's and are very selective about men.
>I'm at a point in my life where I feel like I need to get out and see the world.
Pretty much why I ended up in NZ having an adventure. I said, "screw you Boston, I'm outta here," found a job, and moved as far away as humanly possible. :D
Just popping in here to shill Prey Project. Root level anti theft system for computers that will survive a wipe and allow access to practically everything. For phones and tablets I've always been a fan of Cerberus Anti Theft
Presumably anti spyware apps like malwarebytes will pick them up so be sure to add them to your white lists. is also the best calculator in the market.
Again, doesn't spy or send data. It just does one thing, and does it really well. Also has a history of your last sums which is why I use it and disable stock. Based on old android stock app
In Google maps, turn location history on. You now have GPS records of where you have been. Handy for an alibi, or time sheet tracking.
SwiftKey keyboard, slide finger from letter to letter to type.
Moonreader Pro - books on your phone.
Reddit is fun - best app for android I've come across.
Also toggle settings in your notifications bar, all phones have a default flashlight widget and other handy shortcuts. If I was rooted I'd be reconfiguring the home button to toggle light on/off on long press but have used button remapper to press camera button twice for flashlight.
Tasker if you like to get complex. Automate your phone. Automate your home with your phone. Automate the interface with your smart devices from your phone.
Can also offer advice on home networking (everyone has shitty WiFi).
Maybe it was from like a cheap-chinese-stuff-shop easter stock? Look sharp, dollarama, somewhere like that.
Here are the bonds one on Amazon UK they ship to NZ, pricey but if it keeps the cat quiet...
I recommend you download an app called AllTrails. It has a map view where you can see all the tracks in a given area. Has some really great ones I’d never heard of. The website also works great if you’re on a computer
I'd really recommend the Meetup app. There's tonnes of groups for 20s and 30s around Christchurch, along with several more for specific activities.
I would suggest instead contributing to OpenStreetMap - both the maps and data behind them are community-driven and freely available, unlike Yandex or Google Maps. And the maps are way more detailed in Christchurch already!
The way I see it is that you don't need to learn any particular language to learn programming, language is just means to an end in a particular domain and contexts.
If you're starting out, I would suggest picking a no-code tool like Take some lessons, and go build couple of projects there. It will give you a very good high level idea of the typical web dev workflow.
Once you learn the fundamentals behind web programming, you will pick languages and frameworks at a faster rate.
Once you are good at Bubble, I would recommend picking a full stack framework like Ruby on rails which is still is a gold standard in web development and is amazingly productive. Try building the projects you built on bubble, on Rails.
This means you will need to learn a little bit of ruby and then some JavaScript along the way. You don't need to waste much time on HTML and CSS cause we all use some kind of component library these days, so just pick something like tailwind.css and master the utility classes.
Steer clear of all the messiness of the JavaScript ecosystem at the beginner stage, where there's a framework born everyday and it's easy to get lost. You can learn something like react with next.js down the line, or even try using react in your rails app.
During all this, they key thing is to not chase perfection, keep your projects simple so you can finish them and learn how to Google effectively to find a solution. Join communities of Framework and languages you are working with and ask questions. We are all beginner at some point.
And two most important things, enjoy the process and don't give up, cause it will be hard at the beginning, but then it will all make sense suddenly.
Hope my answer helps in your journey :)
I think it was this one, claims to ship here. Last time I got the super to install it but looks like you could do it yourself if you're confident!
Hi Vikturus it really sucks that you're feeling so isolated at the moment. I've had moments in my life where I had no friends and was feeling isolated and really helped me with that.
I can't speak specifically for CHCH groups since I'm based in Welly at the moment but from a quick search I can see 2 groups that might be a good fit for you (Good Clean Fun Get-Togethers and, The Christchurch Movie,Adventure & Social Meetup Group).
From personal experience I can tell you that these groups are always super welcoming and friendly to new members.
I met a group of people who I now consider close friends through that site and we meet up every fortnight.
Also drawing from personal experience Board Gaming Groups\Tabletop Roleplaying Gaming Groups (E.G. D&D) are always looking for new friends. If you've ever wondered about playing a roleplaying game then you could check out a local game store's facebook page and see if they have any scheduled meetups, The Wizards Retreat in CHCH looks like a good candidate for this.
I see from your post history that you've tried getting work in ICT, I hold a senior role in an IT company in Welly so if you ever want to chat about the business or get some mentoring please send me a PM.
If anyone in you immediate family works for a company that uses Xero accounting package they are offering free counselling services.
I'm quite decent at web design - I've always loved it ever since before I even started high school and have learnt quite a lot in my own time. It's a passion/hobby of mine and I love designing things that look good as well. I've had classes throughout high school and university based on web design which was a breeze because I had all the knowledge beforehand. However, even with all this knowledge I still don't feel like I can keep up with some other good web designers and sometimes question my ability to create websites. I've always wanted a web designing related job but there are very few job opportunities and those opportunities always want someone experienced. I don't know how I can learn more web design and get work experience when there's no one wanting to take on a inexperienced person.
I've tried asking around businesses if I could design them a website (even for free, as long as they pay for domain/hosting - which is not much) and had no luck. It seems quite a lot of businesses these days and even some "web designers" resort to the likes of or which is quite depressing because it seems like web design is a dying industry and all the learning I've put into it has gone to waste.
Yea.. not really sure where to go with web design from here. Maybe I should look at another skill set/specialisation. Do you have any other ideas in mind? Data visualisation/database management doesn't really interest me.
I love Rock tumbling the ones trade me are a rip off. Get it from Amazon nearly half the price. I just brought another one
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Hobby Rock Tumbler Kit - Rough Gemstones, 4 Polishing Grits, Jewellery Fastenings, Great STEM Science Kit for Geology Enthusiasts
Take a surf lesson in Sumner!
Go on one of the mountain bike trails in the Port Hills (or wait for the new mega bike park to open very soon.)
Take up climbing - find a buddy and get out and about.
Some nice graffiti to look at - download the Streetwise app to help you find them.
If you have your own transport (or hire a car if you don't) - get out and see Castle Hill boulders / get a wetsuit and go through Cave Stream. Do a day trip up Avalanche Peak (perfect time of year for it). Check out Akaroa and the bays down on the banks peninsula - take a picnic and go exploring!