I’m currently reading the book Escaping Utopia: Growing Up in a Cult, Getting Out, and Starting Over. I’m not sure if you can extract your mom from the cult, but this may be a good resource for you to understand how ensnared she is in the cult and offer you a way to speak to you/open up her mind to the possibility of leaving.
I found these guy from this book, written by Rev Stang. It's pre-internet, and it was a directory of every weird kooky cult and organization that would send you literature in the mail. I discovered Loompanics here too. This book was my introduction to cults and conspiracies many years ago and life has never been the same.
Yeah I wrote away for a lot of stuff, it was fun.
High Weirdness by Mail
You know you are in a cult when there are multiple books on Amazon about the scandals.
For example Killing for Krishna: The Danger of Deranged Devotion
There's a TV show with Kirsten Dunst that aired last year. It's on Amazon. It shows an extreme dynamic but it shows it really well.
The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad https://www.amazon.com/dp/0679774068/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T5F0YNFEAYGKDWT224QG
Really good book on them if anyone wants to do a deep dive.
There was one made in 1998 simply called 'A', it was on youtube until it got taken down because of copyright infringment
$25 on Amazon, but i'm still looking for another upload so i'll keep you posted
And here's Ayn Rand Cult:
There's a reason why it's not cheap--it's a rip-roaringly funny for one thing ;) If you don't want to shell out the money, get it from your local library for a fun read whose lessons apply to a whole lotta more toxic "philosophies".
People all over the Internet call it a cult. Here's a few articles for you, if you want to read. The authors actually investigated the cult by going themselves:
Snarky and honest can be useful! It's hard work but it's constructive! I know I only became informed because someone had posted an anonymous snarky-and-honest wordpress.com page putting names together. The author posted it and moved on, and I found it 5 years later and allowed me to see what had been going on.
>How did you become a collector? I just started looking on eBay, Amazon, and murderabilia sites (when applicable). Later on I started contacting ex-members, current members, and active groups through social media and other means.
>What kind of things have you collected? My focus is on artifacts from the actual time period, i.e. stuff that was really used / worn / owned by a member of the group. For example I have both an original Rajneesh mala (necklace) worn by a Rajneeshpuram resident and a new one that you can get here. Obviously the former is much more valuable. Some other rare things I have are: the first volume of Mo Letters, an original Aum bracelet, and a Dr.York action figure. That last one is quite a talking piece.
In his book, "Bhagwan the God who failed" his personal bodyguard Hugh Milne writes that Rajneesh became addicted to laughing gas treatments twice a day, and admitted during one high that he was glad he could stop pretending to be enlightened.
It's worth noting that while Rajneesh denounced Ma Anand Sheela and all her crimes, his personal bodyguard doesn't believe Rajneesh was ignorant as he ran the group and was just as informed as an CEO.
I don't know about spiritual bypassing, but I do know there are a couple of books documenting people's experiences with Tibetan Buddhism:
"Enthralled: The Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism" by Christine Chandler https://www.amazon.com/Enthralled-Guru-Cult-Tibetan-Buddhism/dp/0578710889
"Exposing Deeds of Darkness" by Donald and Cheryl Lynne Rubbo https://www.amazon.com/Exposing-Deeds-Darkness-non-attached-non-attachment/dp/1974538214
Incredibly, his book is a NY Times #1 best seller, and he's got 3,000 positive Amazon reviews and endorsements by everyone from The Rock Johnson to Liv Tyler.
Review by Mary Brooks, "While I do believe that viruses and metals are the root cause to my [Chronic Pain] disease, his information, nor anyone's has given me reversal of my illness, and I've spent about 15k on celery juice alone. "
Fantastic website and thanks for maintaining the list of cult documentaries.
Another to watch and add is "Blessed Child" about the director's growing up in the Moonies, getting mass married to a stranger, and the fallout for her upon leaving even as her parents remain high ranking converts. Available on Amazon.
When I googled I did not find that page; if it had I would have continued. I am congratulating you on surfacing that page. The author appears to be linked to human-potential and so for me you have enabled the ticking of some more boxes. I am in the UK and I find this perhaps more interesting than those outside. A previous post by the OP mentioned links to the UK. Apologies for the chills; I wondered if I would have been able to confirm that assertion if you had not found this webpage.
Maybe you would have some luck finding them at your local library?
If you read French, two of Roch Thériault’s sons also published their story https://www.amazon.ca/Roch-Sylvain-Th%C3%A9riault-ebook/dp/B00STRGFCS/ref=nodl_?language=fr&previous_lop=fr_CA&external_lang=1
He is part of the Shiloh true light Church Of God. There was a book about it a while back. The locals just call it truelight.
Children of Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/158721721X/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_AAV36X5SV3508WWVXT7D
It is not easy to find.
Children of Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/158721721X/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_AAV36X5SV3508WWVXT7D
Some of the reviews will show you just how much being part of the cult will affect you even after you left. Kaila and I went in completely different directions.
>Marxism-Leninism (Lenin the Messiah, Stalin the prophet, Marx the creator of theology and "Bible", i.e. Das Kapital, etc.) could be regarded as a playing out of that dynamic over less than a century (Chapter 3 is esp. relevant):
Marxism-Leninism evolved well into the 70s into Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and even today there are branches of that thought being evolved and worked through, such as MLM-Gonzalo thought, or the Naxalites in India, or the Autonomist-Marxists in Western Europe, or the EZLN in Mexico
Marxism-Leninism is also not a Cult. It is a political philosophy. Marxist-Leninist groups have existed throughout history and they operate as a political movement. The only "political movements" I would say resemble Cults are Fascists considering Fascism operates as a mass High Control Group just within the State. Marxism-Leninism is based on philosophy and has its roots all the way back to Hegelian dialectics.
>Lenin the Messiah, Stalin the prophet, Marx the creator of theology and "Bible", i.e. Das Kapital, etc.)
This is a bit ridiculous for a sub about Cults dont ya think?
This is as much propaganda as a Cult leader telling you death is how you return to the Glorpinton Complex, try reading your history from ONLY HISTORICAL SOURCES, Corroborated, Historical Sources. This book looks like a big Uncle Sam poster to me
It may be that it takes centuries for cults to "chill out" and lose their cultish features--for most followers, anyway. It has been argued that the first generation or two (diminishing influence over next few generations) are the "true believers" and eventually either the belief system will plateau out or disappear.
Marxism-Leninism (Lenin the Messiah, Stalin the prophet, Marx the creator of theology and "Bible", i.e. Das Kapital, etc.) could be regarded as a playing out of that dynamic over less than a century (Chapter 3 is esp. relevant):
There is a good book exposing Gothard and his teachings, entitled "A Matter of Basic Principles", here:
I just finished watching this absolutely incredible, 4-part doc about NXIVM. It's so, so, so, so much worse than it seemed even from the first doc, which was fucking horrifying. What a monster.
No problem! One of the methods of control that a cult uses is to isolate the member from non cult members.
Having the cult be their only source of friends and family, and also not allowing for a reality check to happen, makes leaving the cult even more difficult.
If you're interested, read the book "Combating mind control" by Steven Hassan.
The author escaped a Korean cult in the 70s, and dedicated his life explaining how indoctrination works, developed a model called the "BITE" model, and has helped people escape cults ever since.
I also have escaped a Korean cult, and found the similarities between his Korean cult, the Unificatiom Church, and my Korean cult, Shincheonji, to be disturbing to say the least haha.
The site you posted is a fairly benign take on "I am woman, hear me roar". Another Google search came up with this:
"The Awakened Woman: A Guide for Remembering & Igniting Your Sacred Dreams"
I smile at them beatifically, bow, give 'em a namaste, say nothing and walk away.
(Is there ever any point in arguing with a "true believer?")
I just checked and the 85 minute one plays for me in the Firefox web browser. It's a 1GB .webm file so some browsers don't play it yet, but they should still allow you to right-click it -> "Save Video" or similar menu option, and VLC also can play the file locally.
Put your right hand in. Put your left hand out. Stick your right foot in. Stick your left foot out. Turn yourself around.
Repeat until you pass out and then you are one with our lord HokeyPokey.
> i can’t have fun like an ordinary twenty year old.
Being 20 is LIMBO. Can't drink, can't get into clubs. Have no money. The Dead Zone.
You need to learn stuff. I suggest taking classes at MasterClass, learn from some real pros. The Comedy with Steve Martin, acting with Samuel L Jackson..have some fun!
Also this class will help you through your whole life.
No need to worry. It's not black magic. As far as it being "cult related", this is a symbol of ceremonial magic, which is most often performed alone without a group.
It's actually the pentacle of the seven planets and you can buy a pewter version here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Talisman-Pendant-Pentacle-Planets-France/dp/B009V1S326
I think (although my head isn't so clear right now, as I'm battling a respiratory infection, so any of you magick folk out there, please let me know if I'm off base) it's from one of the Keys of Solomon. It's alchemical/mystical/ceremonial magic related, and as far as I remember (again, damn coughing fits jar the memory!) it's for protection.
Given the printing (doesn't look hand drawn), whoever had this before you guys found it probably either bought it in a pack of paper/parchment sigils or cut it out of a book.
You can keep it if you're open to it and want some protection. Or respectfully burn it. I guess. Or leave it at a crossroads for whatever person that needs its protection to find it.
Thanks for posting. I had only seen clips taken from this movie previously.
For those interested, here's the book the documentary was based around:
Thanks for posting. I had only seen clips taken from this movie previously.
For those interested, here's the book the documentary was based around:
Depends on which country you're in. We have details on our store page. Though frankly if you can, order it from Amazon.
Given the choice, I'd rather not be on Amazon but in terms of keeping fulfilment costs down there's no other game in town that doesn't ratchet up the cost by $5 and the effort by x5.
If you order from us, we're likely to send you an Amazon box unless you make special arrangements with us.
It might be somewhat relatable for you watching episode 4 of Cults ans Extreme Beliefs, which is about UNOI cult in Ohio. Incredibly heartbreaking story involving a family in a black cult.
Hope this book helps..
I googled how to escape a cult many websites came up. Not sure if the advice is good or not.
So I didn't link them
Check out Steve Hassan's book Freedom of Mind: helping loved ones leave controlling people, cults and beliefs. Hassan is a mental health counselor, cult expert and former Moonie. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0967068819/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_JuQ9FbV40YVDH
Regarding 'The Pleiadians' there was a book going about in the 90s, some reiki masters touted as their source of power - The Pleiadian Agenda - kinda looking for extraterrestrial external agency that their 'special' powers was from 'light-beings' from the Pleiadian star constellation...
That too is deceptive. Her mom was one person out of 2,000 in the community.
One thing that Hoffman doesn't mention is that the University had a daycare set up for people to drop off their kids when they went to meditate, but her mom chose to buy optional herbs rather than make sure that her kids were taken care of. Since the daycare was staffed by volunteers, the TM organization made just as much money from the daycare as from the herbs, but her mom wanted the herbs, so she didn't drop the kids off so they'd be safe.
That's HER decision.
But Hoffman made it sound like her mom was conned into abandoning her kids.
You get exactly the opposite perspective by reading Rhoda Orme-Johnson's book, <em>Inside Maharishi's Ashram</em>, about her life as a faculty member at that school during the same time that Hoffman was growing up.
Neither book is a complete picture of the community, but without reading the perspective of the "other side," you'll agree that your impression is limited, right?
I'll have a look into that Monkey on a Stick book.
I've finally remembered the one that I bought from the guy in town, the first one was the 'Bhagavad-Gita, as it is' which I read from cover to cover, and the next one was 'Srimad Bhagavatam - Second Canto; The Cosmic Manifestation' which I mostly skim read.
It's not a very exciting answer, but most people are members from far away, so I've never met anyone other than my family who was a member. I know that my grandma and her sister went to stay at their facility in Washington for a while.
This is the book that my grandma always read to me. It's very odd, with little kids like, climbing down from the sun to live on earth.
I don’t know if this also fits what you are looking for, but this book right here helped me leave the cult I was part of.
Twisted Scriptures by Mary Alice Chrnalogar
“For Someone Else If You’re Concerned. For Yourself If You’ve Ever Wondered.You joined your church because of its intensity for God. Like no other place, it’s helped you discover the meaning of obedience. Of teachableness. Of death to self. If there’s one problem, it’s the confusion that sometimes comes from your own carnal thinking. But God has given you leaders who can lovingly correct a doubting, independent spirit and help you choose God’s best for your life.How can you go wrong with a church like that? Easily. What you’ve just read actually fits the profile of many abusive churches. Twisted Scriptures reveals in depth how the Bible can be distorted in ways that rob you of the liberty Jesus died to give you. You might be shocked at what you discover. This book uncovers the subtle but powerful techniques by which, in the name of truth, controlling leaders manipulate and intimidate countless believers. It also supplies tools for overcoming persuasive, deceptive teachings and practices. Thousands of Christians have already moved from struggle to true freedom and hope through Twisted Scriptures. If you truly want to grow in everything God made you to be, you owe it to yourself to read this book.”
I highly recommend this book:
I might be a bit biased, but "Better Than a Turkish Prison" by me. lol. It's about my time in the Twelve Tribes. Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/Better-than-Turkish-Prison-Religious-ebook/dp/B07QJ79YYZ
Here's the book you want to read, "Synanon Kid" https://www.amazon.com/Synanon-Kid-Book-Memoir-Growing-ebook/dp/B073RHQPB2
Tennessee? Needle in a haystack deal if the following words ring any bells: Evangelical, fundamentalistic, charismatic, legalistic, word-bound, true believer.
There is a really good documentary series, I can't seem to find it ATM but I believe it's either on Amazon or Netflix, or used to be. I want to say it's this one: https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/engineering-an-empire-the-maya-and-the-aztecs/
With Peter Weller, but I'm not sure - that one is really shitty quality.
Also this is a great book: https://www.amazon.com/Underground-Disinformation-Civilizations-Astonishing-Archaeology/dp/1932857192/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1548717798&sr=8-1&keywords=underground%21+disinfo+books
Thanks! Man, it just takes time and patience. And you get good at skipping stuff, i.e. just try searching "Jonestown" and you'll see how many stupid Brian Jonestown Massacre records and CDs are for sale... Also, there are certain "murderabelia" sites out there that auction serial killer type stuff. That's a little outside of my interest but you know, sometimes they go hand in hand, i.e. The Manson Family.
Sometimes it's as easy as looking on Amazon. Here, I found this for you LOL!
Check out this book. It was REALLL easy to read (and I dislike reading). Small book, big print, interesting content.
I've heard them mentioned in various fundamentalist religious circles - the ones who are into the Botkins and Lady Lydia Sherman, etc.
Roots of Royals "Wife School" is expensive and seems custom-designed to separate people from their $$
They also run a matchmaking service, as you've seen. Ro is also somehow involved with the Institute of Feminine Grace...
Here is the book Ro wrote: https://www.amazon.com/Man-Leads-woman-follows-Everyone/dp/1494779536
Her "credentials" are very skeptical
This might be helpful: http://www.forharriet.com/2015/10/the-shame-of-wife-school-class-is-in.html#axzz4Wq1IqUsW
I'm fascinated by cults and cult leaders, especially American new-age type cults from the 70s and 80s. My favorite cult leader is Adi Da, aka Franklin Jones (he had many names during his long career). Really a fascinating story. His autobiography went through several editions and expansions over time, with the most recent edition over 800 pages. Tons of photos, complete self-aggrandizement. Really a great read.
This is a great book about the Source Family a cult in 1970's California. It's possibly a bit different from the others posted here as it is by people who were involved and still very much believe in their teachings. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Source-Family-Magical-Mystical-Commune/dp/0976082292/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1460621789&sr=8-2&keywords=the+source+family There is a documentary as well which is thoroughly recommended.