just be nice, crows remember your face and even pass your information onto their offspring who may have never seen you before! https://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2009/07/27/106826971/the-crow-paradox
An old book I have. It's called Oakland: The Story of a City. I highly recommend https://www.amazon.com/Oakland-Story-City-Beth-Bagwell/dp/096400870X
Order within 2 hours to get it today if you have prime
Robert from Bike East Bay here. The plan for Telegraph Ave between 20th and 29th is to take it down to one travel lane each way, with a center turn lane and parking-protected bike lanes. This means that the bike lanes will be along the curb and the parking will be to the left of the bike lanes, with a 3-foot buffer between the two.
The plan schematics that unpickle posted are mostly accurate but a bit old. The current striping schematics can be viewed online here: https://www.scribd.com/doc/288247147/Telegraph-Ave-protected-bikeway-design-11-1-2015
Another project in the works will extend the bikeway south from 20th to 16th via standard bike lanes at the same time, and a separate project to be implemented later will extend the Telegraph bike lanes north from 29th up to 41st Street.
Yeah, I always thought it was cute that the city felt the need to put up a huge sign when there's basically no useable space there.
That "park" is set to get a little bit bigger in 2016, though, as the city will be constructing a roadway safety project to shrink the wide intersection of Market and Adeline by expanding the sidewalk space on both the north and south ends. Here's a top-down schematic of the project: https://www.scribd.com/doc/274889518/Adeline-and-Market-HSIP-Project-Oakland (yellow lines are the current curbs, green lines are where the new ones will be).
From Nextdoor, there's another frightening video on the thread: https://nextdoor.com/p/b2GSW-LJYtFC/c/633739915?utm_source=share
> A vehicular assault, hit and run Sunday afternoon 8/8 off of Shepard canyon. The video is of the third attempt at hitting a family driving in the Piedmont Pines hills Sunday evening around 5:50 PM. This conflict began over the victims yelling for the assailant to slow down in the residential area around blind turns. The perpetrator drove a silver, Chevy Bolt and appeared to be male, twenties and of Asian descent. If anyone recognizes the car and driver, please share so we can send to the authorities.
> think really hard if Oakland will really have enough hot days to justify buying one
Not sure when you moved here, but the heat waves continue deep into the year (September and beyond) - google "east bay heatwave 2020". Last year it hit 97 in October: https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/ca/oakland/KOAK/date/2020-10.
Basically, if you think a new AC would make your life better now (after the first heatwave of the year), I'd recommend getting one ASAP. Stock on the highest rated portable ACs is pretty bad from June-Oct, so if you're picky you probably need to set up a stock alert and wait for now.
It's not just T_D. The voters themselves support short-sighted initiatives that make homelessness worse, not better.
Depending on supply, I think the shelter does lend out crates/enclosures to fosters. I actually have two kitten McMansions. One I got on Amazon and one I found on Nextdoor for free. The Amazon link is here or look up “Portable Foldable Pet Playpen and Puppy playpen” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PHCHHJW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_QZSHW135AD2769PZBX5M
I'm so, so sorry! I drop off/pick up my kid off near there and he's around there a lot. He's so ANGRY too. I can hear him clearly from 1.5 blocks away sometimes. FWIW, these machines that therapists use block out a FUCK TON of noise! I can hardly hear the garbage truck: https://smile.amazon.com/Marpac-Classic-White-Noise-Machine/dp/B00HD0ELFA/
I know it's expensive - but Amazon has returns if it's not to your liking. The hint is to put in the room in a corner that's farthest from you. It will fill up the room with the beautiful white noise. I have ONE, just ONE, really, really shrill chirping bird that starts in about 4:30AM and this covers it up. I can hardly even hear the garbage truck on garbage day. I have never slept better and am so addicted to sleeping with one, I take it on my vacation. Don't want to hear the Mariachi Band all night from your hotel room in Mexico? Domn.
Two speeds and you can make the tone go higher or lower to your liking or to mask some particular sound. You get used to it FAST.
So you don't actually need an n95 or equivalent mask for smoke, you need a pm2.5 filter in a mask.
A regular cloth mask with a pm2.5 charcoal filter added will do the job, and you can buy bulk inserts (to change every day or two) off Amazon. Here are the ones I'm currently using. Works wonders.
Also be warned about the kn95 or kf94 masks on Amazon right now. Lots of them don't meet any spec and there are tons of reviews failing them on test after test.
On Oakland's warmest day last year (93F) the humidity was only 20%. These conditions are ideal for swamp coolers.
If you do research on our weather note that you need to really look hour by hour, not at daily averages. On the day I list the average humidity was 50% (which is still fine). However, this might give you the wrong idea about how effective the swamp cooler might be since the relative humidity was lowest at the hottest part of the day and highest at night when it was cold.
This is my favorite trail in the region: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/seaview-and-big-springs-trails-loop
Great views of SF/Peninsula and Briones/Mt Diablo. Very enjoyable hike through forests and meadows with plenty of shade cover. Perfect for a walk n’ talk!
The internet never forgets.
Check out the "RE:Source" app from StopWaste (a public agency in Alameda County). You can search for basically any item and it will tell you how or where to recycle/dispose of it in your zipcode. Here's Google Play link below but I think it's on Apple too! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.stopwaste.resource
It’s a Coway. Let me know if you need a link.
EDIT: Link added.
There's a storm coming mid next week that, at least for now, looks to be bringing some rain, but more importantly when a storm comes to the Bay Area it pushes the wind in from the South.
I love it! The complete plans for the Telegraph bikeway can be reviewed online here: https://www.scribd.com/doc/288247147/Telegraph-Ave-protected-bikeway-design-11-1-2015
The only sections being implemented right now are the protected bikeway from 20th to 29th and standard bike lanes from 16th to 20th.
Oakland recently won a $4.5M grant to complete an additional segment from 29th up to 41st within the next few years, which will add some features not shown in the schematic link above, and planning/funding for Telegraph north of 41st will continue moving forward.
Just don't go by the dispensary downtown 'cause there's a whole <em>building</em> full of cops across the street from it.
That section of Broadway has been slated for resurfacing for a while, as part of a reconfiguration of the street from Keith Ave to Golden Gate Way including a protected bikeway and pedestrian improvements. Construction is scheduled to start this year.
The plans for this project can be viewed or downloaded here: https://www.scribd.com/book/292954370.
I've recently been using https://www.alltrails.com/ to find nice hikes, and it's been pretty great. As others have mentioned, there are many, many beautiful spots around here. We did a trail near Lake Chabot recently that was gorgeous, and was light traffic.
Two of his songs in the musical (spoilers, you're supposed to listen to music from musicals in order).
Lafayette and Jefferson both have very different singing styles in the musical, Diggs does both incredibly well.
As Lafayette - http://genius.com/Lin-manuel-miranda-guns-and-ships-lyrics
As Jefferson - http://genius.com/Lin-manuel-miranda-whatd-i-miss-lyrics
Unfortunately, I do not see the article address if Diggs is coming with the show to the Bay Area. My understanding is that no one pays actors like Broadway does, so it would essentially be charity work if he did stay on.
Hmm. Jello is (?) a vegetarian and anti-Corporatist, so he'd hate PepsiCo, 7-11 and McDonalds – the ones funding the lobbyist groups fighting the Soda Tax. Probably sympathetic towards minority kids targeted by the same. Wonder if he's referenced any soda purveyors. Oh, wait, he has:
>"Buy my soda!" said the Moose Diarrhea Salesman. And we did. We all did. But when we got it home and opened up the package, it was not what they said it was. And rather than chucking it all and searching for something better, we're content with looking for another Moose Diarrhea Salesman.
Wikipedia notes:
>Biafra was an anarchist in the 1980s, but has shifted away from his former anti-government views. In a 2012 interview, Biafra said "I'm very pro-tax as long as it goes for the right things. I don’t mind paying more money as long as it’s going to provide shelter for people sleeping in the street or getting the schools fixed back up, getting the infrastructure up to the standards of other countries, including a high speed rail system. I’m totally down with that.
There's a very strong argument that in the fight between Big Soda and a modest excise tax used to educate school kids (and adults!) like the Soda Tax does, Jello would be spitting in the face of whoever runs Taco Bell or Wal-Mart.
Not according to DarkSky, Accuweather or the NWS.
The project is out to bid right now, so once it has been assigned to a contractor the work should start fairly quickly. It's a big project though, and may take a full year for completion.
The current plans are a big improvement over existing conditions, but yeah they are pretty outdated already and there's plenty of room for improvement. We are trying to at least get a parking-protected bike lane going on southbound Harrison, and hopefully some left turn bike boxes at the major intersections. These "paint-only" changes can potentially still be made even after the contract is awarded, so we will continue to push for improvements all the way up until the paint hits the pavement.
It's a bit technical, but if you are interested you can take a look at the project schematics online here: https://www.scribd.com/doc/283267248/Lakeside-Green-Street-bikeway-schematics-Oakland
If you are on next door - this guy posted that he is missing this dog:
I also sent him here (As I know not everyone can see nextdoor posts)
Agree. We worked on the Market Street buffered bike lanes upgrade project from a few years back, and while most people like it now quite a few folks back then were very opposed to removing the center turn lane in order to make space for the widened bike lanes. There were some fears about traffic back ups, and some said the purple-painted sidewalk extensions and posts were "hideous". But in the end it turned out not to be a big deal.
Buffered bike lanes work okay in that specific context because it's a residential street without a lot of parking turnover, so there isn't a constant issue of people pulling in and out of parking spots across the bike lane. It's also the same people parking there every day for the most part so they get in the habit of looking for bikes before entering/leaving a parking spot, which is not the case in a business district. There are occasional blockages of the Market Street bike lane due to package or food delivery drivers, but nothing like in a business district where this activity happens constantly.
This isn't to say that a protected bikeway couldn't work on Market, but due to the high number of driveways it would probably have to be raised at sidewalk level, which would be an order of magnitude more expensive than parking-protected at street level.
There is a really interesting book about the ways that low income communities are under policed and the consequences:
I got this one off of Amazon. I tested it in the air, and the crackle was scary. You're not supposed to fire it in the air for longer than 1 sec though, or the unit might get damaged, so I practiced doing very short pulses. There's a booklet that will let you know how to use it on a person, which is the last resort for me. Teaching myself how to use a stun gun in a responsible way felt very empowering!
You can get Chinese "frog" lights like that (red or white) on Amazon for like $3 shipped. They work p okay and don't hurt too bad when they break/get stolen. Last one I bought 6pcs/set bicycle lights Super Frog Silicone LED Bike Light Multi-purpose Water Resistant Headlight(Red + White + Black + battery)by Deru https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HHVAML6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_kCtADBsJPHczp
I appreciate reading history with a strong author's perspective, but it's not usually my first choice when reading a topic that's fairly new to me.
Just taking a quick look at the Amazon reviews, it seems that American Babylon does have that strong author perspective.
What was your impression when reading the book?
Found it on Amazon. Not much to lose at $3 for the Kindle version. If it sucks, the author owes me a taco.
I'd second the air purifier, although my personal rec. is this one, which is a little cheaper than the one you linked. We have a dog, and the rooms with air purifiers in them only need vacuuming like once a month for dog hair because the purifier picks all that stuff up in the pre-filter. Obviously you have to clean out the pre-filter, but that's easy and well worth it.
I'm trying to learn Japanese, too (just really basic reading in anticipation of a trip there later this year).
I downloaded the duolingo app on my smartphone. It's available for free here for apple and android The Japanese program is only available for smartphone and not on the web version of duolingo, which is too bad.
I'm sure an app doesn't come close to in-person language instruction. But maybe it's a start!
I believe you are talking about 棉袄(mian au), cotton padded jacket. Something like this? https://www.amazon.com/Womens-Chinese-Cotton-Embroidered-Jackets/dp/B07G84M7HG/ref=mp_s_a_1_7 I’m not sure China town would have it because it’s usually sold in areas below freezing temperatures.
If he wants to take his game to the next level I recommend this https://www.amazon.com/Everyones-First-Chess-Workbook-Fundamental/dp/9056919881
I’m not a big dancer either, but my wife and I ended up at Cana on a sunday night and there was a band and then a dj and a bunch of people enthusiastically doing some, what i presume to be, cuban dances. It was cool to watch.
As for walks, there is a cool book called Secret Stairs East Bay that we have that lets us do some interesting exploring.
But even if you dont have that the lake is a pretty cool place to walk on a nice day.
Kume Spa has a variety of options, but the foot reflexology massage is kinda their thing. You go into a dimly lit room with maybe 8 comfy chairs (think lazy boys) with some soothing background music. You soak your feet in some warm water and then you get a massage starting with your head and shoulders, then your forearms and hands, then your calfs and feet. It might sound weird, but it’s ~50 minutes of being relaxed and it’s great after a walk/hike.
Feel free to search the Google group I manage as well. And if you want to DM me any info (just the color/brand of the frame will do) -- I can share it to my network on FB (which I primarily use for stolen bike info.
You're going to want to look into a rotating stand. Something like this, but better: https://www.amazon.com/Turntable-Motorized-Rotating-Photography-Products/dp/B07ZBWNB7Z?th=1
Most of these require capability with the camera, so if you have a camera already then you'll want to look up stands that work with your camera. Others will probably have better advice than this, but this should point you in the right direction.
Gooseneck Floor Stand – CTA’s Compact, Adjustable Gooseneck Floor Stand with Swivel Casters for iPad 7th/ 8th/ 9th Gen 10.2”, iPad Air 4, 12.9”, Surface Pro, Zebra & Other 7-13” Tablets (PAD-CGS) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1YH7OR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7BTBFE42BJCMM9M12ME4 this is not remote controlled BUT it would allow for a buddy to walk around with the caller and possibly have the iPad at eye level so a more natural conversations could take place. There are others like this on Amazon as well. Hope this helps.
Just to draft off the top comment…
I bought it online because I’ve read one firefighter memoir before and I learned many things, including:
You totally depend on these people to live a civilized life. It’s amazing to learn how it works. Please thank your dad for his service.
He got discouraged yesterday, so I'm trying to drive some in person traffic his way, but it can be found online as well. Thanks for asking 🙂
Inside the Fire: Memoir of an Urban Firefighter https://www.amazon.com/dp/1955791244/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_K3PGZ8PGZC88TZTGTE1N
I'm not sure about the breakdown honestly, but he doesn't care about making money from it.
It's available on Barnes and nobles as well as Amazon, but monetarily I'm sure either is fine.
Yes. It's available on Barnes and nobles as well as Amazon
Try Oakland Hi-Fi on International and 11th Ave or StreetSounds in E-ville on San Pablo.
But, I installed a dash cam on a 2019 Lexus RX with one of these. If you have a Gentex HomeLink mirror, this slick adapter plugs in-line with the 10-pin mirror power connector and provides a 2A 5V USB output. It tucks in behind the cover for the Toyota Safety Sense/Lexus Safety System front-facing camera. It’s pricey but saves you from having to take off the a-pillar trim and knee bolster covers and routing a USB cable around live airbags.
People zooming around on these things:
I NMOTION V11 Electric Unicycle, Off-Road One Wheel Adult Unicycle Self-Balancing Unicycle Wheel 18-inch One-Wheel with Built-in Air Suspension Powerful 2200W Motor and 31mph Max Speed https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093WY7411/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_1MS55GDQCG7FFP4VGV7D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
People buzzing around the city on these:
I NMOTION V11 Electric Unicycle, Off-Road One Wheel Adult Unicycle Self-Balancing Unicycle Wheel 18-inch One-Wheel with Built-in Air Suspension Powerful 2200W Motor and 31mph Max Speed https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093WY7411/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_1MS55GDQCG7FFP4VGV7D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That's perfectly understandishable. But not everything they sell is in gigantic quantities. When I buy steaks, they typically come in butchered packages of four, so I'll vacuum seal two of them and the other two are for an upcoming meal. I live in a 500 sq. ft. apartment and my kitchen is tiny. I made efficient use of my space by adding a shelving unit to one corner of my kitchen to store all the bulk items I buy.
Cesar Chavez Park on the bay at the end of University Ave (ok, its Berkeley). Flat, about 2 miles, hold hands. You will see a lot of other folks and feel safe. "I love you and the view walking along the bay was lovely, the golden gate bridge lights across the bay"
Or walk the York trail (one of my favorites, ferns, Redwood Trees, a creek that flows all year) to the top to get a view of all of Oakland to SF - top is a great place to watch the neighborhood fireworks on the 4th of July. Uphill, get your heart rate up, follow the trail from the bottom until you get to a fire road, left and follow the fire road past a right hand U-turn to the top and the view. You won't see anyone and will feel safe. Enjoy the sense of finding something new and following your nose and instinct a bit to find the view. "that was a bit of work but fun, and beautiful along the way and at the top, let's do it again"
I'm in the East Bay with the gigabit plan and I'd say I'm thoroughly satisfied with Webpass - https://www.speedtest.net/result/i/3870766693
Can't recall any outages in the last few years either... if you want a referral we both can get a free month...
I don't agree with everything on this guide, but it provided some useful context for me.
It’s great! Be warned though you should probably have a higher clearance vehicle as the dirt road can vary in condition. I’ve seen regular sedans and minivans up there before though so it’s not impossible, just a little risky for your undercarriage.
There’s also a great backpacking spot along the PCT at Raymond Lakes. You don’t need to get a permit beforehand, just at the trailhead. It’s a 3.5 hr drive up to the Ebbetts Pass Trailhead on Highway 4 from Oakland without traffic. I was up there two weeks ago and it was gorgeous - but the weather can turn this time of year. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/ebbetts-pass-trailhead-to-raymond-lake
Sorry to hear about your sleep deprivation! I myself have enthusiastically stompy night owl neighbors who slam doors with vim and vigor.
I recently started using the "Colored Noise Generator" in the myNoise app, which allows you to customize the noise frequency to match that of the noise you're trying to cover up. I play it through a good bass-y speaker. You can also use the NIOSH sound meter app to make sure your white noise is within the safe volume decibel range. It was a quick fix, and I've finally been able to sleep through the night for the first time in 7 years.
I did post on Nextdoor and similarly got a lot of attention, but unfortunately nothing ever came of it. I’m just going to keep trying. I spent the evening with her tonight and she is just such a love. Really want to just snuggle in close and squish her head into your arms for kisses.
I don't know what other options you might have or what kind of workplace this is, but the thing is that Covid is most commonly spread through the air, usually not surfaces, so you might be able to ask for other inexpensive methods that would make the air safer, like: everyone wearing good-quality masks (N95 or KN95 - these are my favorite) and increasing ventilation (like opening windows and doors and running a fan).
(https://www.groupon.com/deals/ale-industries + coupon code) *2
You can talk with Ale Industries about using their space. I think it's actually free if you buy X amount of beer. But they allow you to bring food into the space (conveniently located next to some awesome taco trucks). The coffee shop next door is also dope and has a great ambiance! Also, literally like 2 blocks from Bart! They're a great space! If you throw your party on a Thursday evening, they even have the doggies from the Oakland pound stop by for an adoption happy hour :) Ale Industries is great!
I went here not too long ago. Really quick and easy. If you wait to buy on a day Groupon also has a promotion, you can get more off. You do, however, have to pay $8.25 for the certificate.
He's playing at New Parish on 18th and San Pablo this Friday. $10 ahead, $15 at the door. http://www.songkick.com/concerts/23255058-fantastic-negrito-at-new-parish?utm_source=8123&utm_medium=partner
The ferry ride from Oakland to SF is fun and adventuresome. Airbnb has some nice places to stay. If I had a toddler I would be drawn to this one, which has goats and a rooster. It is not super close to "everything" but if you have a car . . . : https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/279978?guests=3&s=62e3iEjQ
Thanks. I'm sure I've been by here before but I never noticed it. It would be hard to hide something that big in Oakland unless it was in the middle of nowhere.
Also good is this page: http://foundsf.org/index.php?title=Key_System_and_March_of_Progress and on this page, you'll find this video: https://archive.org/details/0027_March_of_Progress_The_03_35_22_00
The video is pretty fantastic, with archival footage of San Francisco soon after the 1906 earthquake, as well as the trains on the Bay Bridge and more. Really cool.
You are absolutely right. But <em>wir reden aneinander vorbei</em>.
Context matters. And this context is a subreddit with a 98.5% non-black population.
When I see someone posting what has come to be typical hysteria about perceived danger Oakland is, I see it fit to call out reality on reality's terms.
Agreed. It's been worth the cost purely in terms of how much better I sleep.
I also try to park directly in front of my cheap WiFi security camera, which is inside my house on the windowsill looking out at the street. I pan it left and right if I have to park a space or two away.
Reminded me of the French restaurant formerly located where Sidebar is now. A two-person mother-daughter operation, and when things got busy a friend helped out.
This was the view from that spot and the Mediterranean vibes ran deep. Check out this book for more pix.
There is a childrens book that a friend of mine illustrated about a journey across the sea from Osaka to San Francisco by a young man, /Kenichi Horie, that took place back in the 60's.
It's called Kodoku if you are interested.
This may help you out: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/stolen-bicycles-bay-area
When I first moved here a few years ago I had my lovely red Schwinn stolen. It sucked, but I learned from my error. I feel your pain. Best of luck!
My favorite run in Oakland: French Trail Loop in Redwood Regional Park.
There's no need to go all the way up there for great runs, though. In Oakland it's all gravy. Starting at Lake Merritt I love to take Trestle Glen / Longridge / Mandana up into the hills, swing through Piedmont, maybe do a loop in Mountain View Cemetery on the way back. It's fun to explore all the hidden staircases and urban paths in the old streetcar suburbs.
You will find some city workers who actually care in the process of setting this up and doing it.
We have had city crews come over and deal with some crazy situations over here in the hood and they have generally been good natured and have a sense of humor about what they do. Someone once dumped 400lbs of rotting meat from a food truck onto the sidewalk near us and they cane and scooped it up same day. Wgh
Waste Management is less great, they are a for profit company with essentially a garbage monopoly that doesn't give up much for free and they push back when their toes are stepped on. They will work with you, or at least will stay out of your way.
If you post on Nextdoor.com for a specific neighborhood, you can get more hyper-local people involved and give the nosy people in the neighborhood a heads up. The first couple times you will get trolls and complaints but action speaks louder than the internet, so just keep going and don't get pulled down by the inevitable naysayers.
Most of the Oakland neighborhoods have mini-newspapers or printed monthly newsletters, they LOVE this sort of story, so clue them in. The readers will mostly be older people who will chime in and some will actually show up. Church groups too.
My biggest piece of advice it to keep it light and fun if you can for everyone involved.
I have both a window AC unit as well as one of these window-frame mounted fans. I very rarely use the AC unless it's 80F as I near bedtime. So long as you have a window in another room that you can leave open, this fan will move outside air through your unit and for me that does the trick.
I used this to clear smoke smell out of my old work van.
But I'd also recommend a Fram cabin air filter with baking soda it seems slightly more effective at removing smoke stink.
I got something like this https://www.amazon.com/CrocSee-CRS-022B-Frequency-Multimeter-Transformer/dp/B07K3S4K9L/ref=sr_1_30?dchild=1&keywords=watt+meter+inductive&qid=1609050486&sr=8-30 off amazon and hooked it up above my circuit breaker (which was in my kitchen, so it was easy to see)
Then you can see in real time what the whole house/apartment is consuming.
"Kate and Michael, 20-something housemates working at the same Trader Joe’s supermarket, are thoroughly screwed when people start turning into zombies at their house party in the Oakland hills. The zombie plague is a sexually transmitted disease, turning its victims into shambling, horny, voracious killers.
Thrust into extremes by the unfolding tragedy, Kate and Michael are forced to confront the decisions they’ve made, and their fears of commitment, while trying to stay alive. Michael convinces Kate to meet him in the one place in the Bay Area that’s likely to be safe and secure from the zombie hordes: Alcatraz. But can they stay human long enough?"
Especially when you can probably get 75% of the utility with a portable lithium ion battery! Something like this would be enough to charge phones, laptops, lanterns, etc. Just go to the store and get some ice for your fridge and save $38k!
Something like this might be able to help you out. A little pricey, but I can’t imagine a private test being any cheaper.
I also love my air purifier and after using it daily for going on five years now, couldn’t imagine not having it around. Definitely worth it as an investment in your health.
I scored through amazon- reasonable price for reasonable amount of rolls. Look for “Toilet Paper Magnolia”
Magnolia Two-Ply Toilet Roll Tissue Embossed 96 Rolls of 500 Sheets Each Roll J4000
$100 for 96 rolls, and it’s shipped very quickly
What's your street like? Is there traffic at 3am? If not, someone is gonna cut that lock in like 5 minutes.
If you're gonna do it despite my advice, go for a lock with a shroud to make it hard to get the bold cutters in, like this master lock or even better something with a hidden shackle, like this one.
Even if you get a good lock, the door hinge or other part could be a weak point.
I would box all your stuff up in your apartment ahead of time and just hire some happy illegals to tote the boxes/furniture down to the pod in the morning before the pickup.
Fantastic, thanks for all the links.
I have all the big furniture locked down because I have a monkey.. I mean a 4 year old in the house. I haven't found the right cabinet closures yet because I have ones with glass and very little room for a gizmo. Was trying to find something attractive that's on the outside, maybe.
For quakehold, I use Museum Wax and it works great!
You're probably looking for local shops, but I purchased this Fossil wallet on Amazon last week and adore it.
At this price point Bose really isnt that bad. I can't really think off the top of my head who else is doing massively inexpensive HQ audio. Most parts and components at this tier are all the same massively produced items from China at a large scale with different branding stickers.
If you're truely on a budget I've always been a fan of Yamaha products:
And if you have some extra cash, Energy is a consumer brand I've been supporting for a while. My buddy has this set and its working out well for his home set up.
Why not do it yourself? A few pieces of sandpaper and a $15 guide off Amazon and you're in business using the scary sharp method, or you could shell out $23 for decent set of sharpening stones that'll last you the rest of your life.
Simple bikes are cheap - you probably had one when you were a kid. Here's a basic bike on amazon. You can find similar bikes at Big 5.
$1/hr is what it costs to park a car in most cities, definitely re-coupable. The idea is to just provide a reason for the person to drop off the bike relatively quickly.
I use the somewhat poorly named Quicky app for Android (formerly QuickMuni). My favorite part is that it also works for Muni, and I like how I can see at a glance what the closest bus to me is based on my location.
edit: link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.worldofbilly.quickmuni&hl=en