I strongly recommend that you do not take this or any other powdered compound without measuring with a scale, each time. The type of phenibut (FAA/HCL), crystal size, different batches, how you load the spoon, etc., all make it hard to get reliable, repeated doses.
The scales are cheap--here is a very popular one on Amazon:
Phenibut can be a fantastic aid to better living--let us know how it goes!
Sorry for late reply, I thought it was discussed more but this appears to be the only reference to phenibut and it’s possible anticonvulsant activity.
> It is also suggested to have an anticonvulsant effect,[4] though studies on other GABAB agonists, such as GHB and the phenibut analogue baclofen, have shown them to act as potential convulsants. It should be noted, however, that GHB acts on the convulsion-inducing GHB receptor,[17] which phenibut does not.
No idea what website that is, and I couldn’t access the source for that particular quote ([4]). What would probably be the best for research purpose, is checking if baclofen is convulsants or anticonvulsant since GHB binds to a convulsant GHB receptor.
You're already worried as shit going into using an anxiolytic... Try working on your mindset because drugs will only help so much.
In regards to withdrawal, it's very overblown and you're also using a very low dose. The only tip I can give is to try not to be so anticipatory in life. That's the single most helpful thing I've done, and I've turned my life completely around. Maybe read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. That's been the most helpful book I've ever read, hands down. Not specific to anxiety, but it may help you to stop being so anticipatory.
When I see people with anxiety I want to slap them because there is so much you can do to curb it - it's just that present state awareness is so foreign. The first step is the hardest, but the most pivotal. You can make it part of your everyday life though, so just keep working at it. Phenibut is my favorite anxiolytic, but it will only help a marginal amount. The work you do with your mind is going to be what makes lasting and meaningful change.
Mindset by Carol Dweck may be a helpful read too.
Oh, yeah, no problem. I mainly lift weights myself, my HIIT session is pretty easy (for me at least I've been doing it for so long), only 10 to 20 minutes max. I basically get on a stationary bike at the gym and go as hard as I can for 10 - 20 seconds then bike slowly for 2 to 3 minutes then start over. I do this about 5 times and I'm set for the week.
Tyrosine has different uses, but I use it to help me stay interested in things for longer. It's a precursor to making neurotransmitters like dopamine. Dopamine makes things in life interesting; it makes you feel good clear-headed and focused. You should get the powder form, it's super cheap yet super effective.
Another thing I do for anxiety is what I call my 'slow motion' routines. So say you're doing a bench press, right. You decrease the weight to like 20 or 30lbs, just enough to get some solid resistance and go up and down 'as slow as you can.' Do about 3 sets each and you can do this with any routine really; like pull ups, dips, or barbell curls etc...
I have decided to taper off Wellbutrin and in addition take propanolol, I hope I don’t feel anxious again. However, I still want to take multi supplement
Lol the HCl molecule on each phenibut molecule turns them both into a salt, and the pH of phenibut HCl is much less severe than straight HCl. Fair point though! I should have addressed it, thank you for saying so.
I wouldn't blend this into Pepsi / coke or anything with buckets of phosphoric acid in it. Buffered drinks work better. Club soda ftw, the fizzy source in my mocktail formula. I also tried some sugary-ass "mango nectar" stuff once which is under-sour IMO, and the phenibut HCl tartness made it taste better. Don't worry, that artificial "nectar" has buffers in it, so what I was tasting was less citrate salt and more citric acid in equilibrium.
I might have to push up my glasses and write a post on the stoichiometry (molecule ratios) of phenibut HCl, how to make FAA in solution, etc.
This a good one?
Smart Weigh GEM20- 20g x 0.001 Grams, High Precision Digital Milligram Jewelry Scale, Reloading, Jewelry and Gems Scale, Calibration Weights and Tweezers Included https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ESHDGOI/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_Y68CPCEAKD2YHF1HSG1Z
I don’t usually post in this group as I have quit but I know they banned phenibut in Bama. I live in Tennessee and they still sell it at a lot of gas stations inside supplements. If you need it that bad I’d suggest taking a road trip over state lines. I can’t list the name of the products on here because it won’t let me but if your interested you can dm me and I’ll gladly tell you. Super proud of you for tapering! I was on it for several years. Although I don’t like to encourage usage I do remember that scary feeling of realizing my supply was low and I COULD NOT get it anywhere! I wouldn’t wish that on anyone! Also here is a link to one of those products on amazon. Amazon pulled ALL products containing phenibut ages ago so I am just guessing that these have slipped through the cracks and I’m sure they won’t be on there for long. They are almost out of stock as well. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HFGHJ4Q?psc=1&smid=A1L2I8XIQBN22Y&ref_=chk_typ_imgToDp You may be able to actually have them shipped to you because I can’t find the ingredients list on the description which I’m sure is on purpose. So they can sell them there. It would probably be the quickest option. Wishing all the best on your journey!
LM is where I order from. I've tried the ND product once. They seem about the same in quality.
According to what I've been reading, you need to order from old.liftmode.com insead of their new site. They've had some issues. On top of that I would never risk using a debit card. ALWAYS a credit card for any online orders. You are fully protected from fraud that way. If you don't have a CC, look into privacy.com.
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Pedialyte Electrolyte Powder Variety Electrolyte Hydration Drink 0.3 oz Powder Packs, 24 Count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JO4KWAU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NA9FQ2SQMXTYKKVWQAXY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
To answer your last question, at reasonable doses, no. However, I would suggest against relying on Phenibut solely but it can be an effective component of a stress management stack. If coordination is very important you're not going to want to exceed, at most, a gram weekly (it lasts 2 days). I'd say at that level it's safe to assume you won't lose anything but you should 100% try it at lower doses such as 200-250mg and add 200mg the next *day* you try it since it takes 6 hours to fully kick in. You cannot take this everyday otherwise it will build up in your system and you'll effectively be taking a higher dose than what's administered.
Back to the stack, which I should add this is more of a rotation since these are not meant to be taken simultaneously. I'm going to assume this is mental stress, the second strongest OTC stress reliever out there is silexan. It's even an RX med in parts of Europe. Others: Agmatine, L-Theanine, Polygala, and two I haven't tried Magnolol and Honokiol.
Or for real you could go to the doctor, Trintellix is a highly effective anti-anxiety / antidepressant. Obviously the best answer is to not rely on anything, this is harm reduction advice strictly, I figured if you're determined to give it a whirl this info is useful.
I take this one from Amazon, and yes, at the same time with the Phenibut. They work well together and it’s not caffeine!
High Strength Korean Red Panax Ginseng Capsules 1500 mg Supplement -120 Vegan Pills High Ginsenosides Powder Extract to Boost Energy, Endurance, Mood, Performance https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C28RX4K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8EYH0KXHEBEE82E0MNX0
Wow, this is above and beyond what I would ever expect. I really appreciate you taking time to do this. I wish I had of known you back in my college chemistry days, I did get a B but if you had tutored me I would have received an A.
Okay, that said, I am so far past my little bit of learning 50 years ago that I still don't know how I would practically translate this into deciding how much potassium to mix with phenibut. What about this, would you be able to give me general ratio to use with this specific alkaline potassium as it looks like a good "candidate":
No problem if this is asking too much as again, you have done way more than ever expected already. And again I really really appreciate it.
Get a scale, it's like $20. https://www.amazon.com/Smart-Weigh-GEM20-Precision-Milligram/dp/B00ESHDGOI
It's very risky to give an estimate as the powder density can vary based on the source, but 1/4 teaspoon should be ~1 gram.
Thats weird. I would imagine being more relaxed and less anxious would help with acne if anything. I recommend a benzoyl peroxide product. I scrub with it a few times a week and it really helps cut back the oil and dead skin.
I recommend a different approach. Dopa Macuna boosts dopamine levels and makes life more interesting. I add it to my daily regimen and it comes without side effects, unlike a drug like phenibut. It's subtle but there for sure. Knowing you take it will help you notice. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001QG5F0W/
I live in NY and all vape shops have started selling full spectrum CBD from Hemp production. You don't have to be in a marijuana state to get it. It looks like Amazon is starting to carry them too!
I have not tried this, but it looks fine : https://www.amazon.com/Watermelon-Gummies-Serving-Spectrum-Organic/dp/B07FCVDYV9/ref=sr_1_8_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1548537240&sr=8-8&keywords=cbd+gummies
I know this is silly, but there are measuring scoopers being sold on Amazon that "measure out your favorite nootropics" in varying scooper sizes which should equal mg. Could be bogus claim. The items bought most frequently with this item is a scale and capsules. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077VSD8H2/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B077VSD8H2&pd_rd_w=GraBp&pf_rd_p=10ebaf99-73de-4f5d-a994-e7f5fc52f86f&pd_rd_wg=hYXlG&pf_rd_r=50S4D3V13RFC7523RR0G&pd_rd_r=0c035ce6-3530-11e9-adc0-bfcd34605665
I didn't find any advantage to sublingual over toss & wash. I still searching for my optimal once per week dosage and I'm moving down from the 1700 mg with a 500 mg booster I tried last night. That was still too much. Next week I'll try 2000 mg with no booster.
I also ordered oblate discs from Amazon so I don't have to wash the phenibut over my teeth, I can just swallow it like parchuting but without swallowing toilet paper. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07VN4BV1M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I know the F.A.A. form is not acidic like the HCl but even so, it irritates my mouth a little and my teeth are sensitive after taking it. I'll see if that changes when I start parachuting with the cornstarch oblate discs.
It'll work well enough for phenibut. I'd still suggest something more precise, like this one for only $4 more, but it's definitely not practical for regular kitchen use. At the 0.1 level of precision, you might just want to consider buying caps and skipping the scale all together. I cap phenibut in 00s, and they come out to 450mg +/- 50 every time.
This is the one I use. It weighs down to 0.01 and is foldable so you can put it away. Usually meant for weed, you’ll hear it called a blade scale.
Digital Pocket Weight Scale with Retractable Display 100g x 0.01g (Black), BL-100-BLK https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002SVLB8E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_4nlCFbZTFKRQY
This is the one I have measures down to .01. Weigh Gram Scale Digital Pocket Scale,100g by 0.01g,Digital Grams Scale, Food Scale, Jewelry Scale Black, Kitchen Scale 100g(TOP-100) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y61YW7S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_Ac1KBN3b8IHoQ
Thanks. So something like this would work, right. Precision 0.1 gram, up to 3 kilos, so it can be used for other things? https://www.amazon.com/AMIR-Electronic-Functions-Stainless-Batteries/dp/B01DGEWHN4/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=AMIR%2BBrifit%2BDigital%2BKitchen%2BScales%2C%2B5%2Bkg%2C%2BDE-KA6&qid=1601211251&sr=8-4&th=1&psc=1
Super happy with mine.
GEMINI-20 Portable Precision Digital Milligram Scale 20g x 0.001g (Silver), GEMINI-20 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012TDNAM/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_i_PtiCFb39DSB5X
Has to me a milligram scale.
It's these things right here, you can get them on Amazon.
It's an edible sheet made of some kind of starch, I think potato starch and so you put the powder in the middle of the disc, fold it up and swallow it down with water.
Each of these Amazon link holds 500 to 600mg... usually, be sure to double check with a scale.)
You should be able to find them at healthfood or drugstores too
Never taste it again.
Too bad you missed the 40% off dealio the other day when they moved warehouses at bluebird botanicals. That's the vendor I used btw. I also use 400mg of magnesium citrate from vitacost and https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003710UVS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 occassionally oh and i use this app most nights https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pzizz.android&hl=en&rdid=com.pzizz.android&pli=1
Yes I have one of those and it's pretty damn accurate. Then again you don't need to be 100% accurate so i bought a scale with a bigger surface for doing both pheni and kratom https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012LOQUQ/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 which should be plenty and you don't need to use a special weighing surface
$10. Seriously do yourself a favor and purchase this scale. Got mine a year and a half ago, use it multiple times every day, still works perfectly.
It's so much easier if you use these capsules and just mash them into the powder (or pour the powder into the lid and then mash the capsule onto it) until packed tight, and then put the small end of the capsule on the other end. You will have a 100mg F-phenibut capsule, pretty reliably/consistently.. Though with something like this, I suggest getting a scale to be sure of accuracy.
Too bad you missed the 40% off dealio the other day when they moved warehouses at bluebird botanicals. That's the vendor I used btw. I also use 400mg of magnesium citrate from vitacost and https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003710UVS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 occassionally oh and i use this app most nights https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pzizz.android&hl=en&rdid=com.pzizz.android&pli=1