Les Claypool's Frog Brigade. Live Frogs, Set 2. They cover Animals in its entirety. Live Frogs, Set 1 includes a cover of SOYCD if I'm not mistaken. Also, on the Primus EP Miscellaneous Debris, they have a cover of Have A Cigar. David Bowie covered See Emily Play on his album Pin Ups.
Here you go:
It's from an awesome book called Pink Floyd: Press Reports. It chronicles their career with articles and reviews and interviews from 67-84.
It's a great read.
According to this: http://www.uncut.co.uk/pink-floyd/pink-floyd-s-the-endless-river-track-listing-and-uncut-cover-story-revealed-news
It was based on a concept by a teenage artist from Egypt. After seeing his amazing art online ( https://www.behance.net/aee ), I wish they would have pushed the concept more. Oh well, I'll get used to it, but now it looks like a Christian New Age album.
Ok people, as promised, I have uploaded FLAC files on my OneDrive for TFCITW, both editions of KAOS Reigns (to included Enhanced CD content for the revised edition), and Wish We Were Here. I can upload FLAC version of the rest if there is enough interest. The others are the original Shedding Light On The DSOTM, the original TFCITW, and A Momentary Re-Lapse Of Reason. What I have that has been done since these mixes are a preliminary shot at Animals (MP3), and a revised DSOTM 2012 Mix (MP3). I am working on another Wall project, planning another DSOTM project pending review of some material, and another revised WYWH project.
This is a good taste of what it's got - The Early Years, 1967-1972, Cre/ation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01J2M0WYU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_DoEDAbT0D7YHZ
If you have Amazon Music, all individual box sets in the early years set are available to listen to, not sure about other services.
He didn’t make it, I have the same one hanging on my wall. Here’s the link to the amazon page where you can buy it: https://www.amazon.com/Echoes-Darkside-Moon-Masse-Poster/dp/B0759PCVHV
Edit: he might have made it, i just doubt it haha
They should've sped up the tempo, and preserved the pitch of the music...
I like the incense though, that looks cool.
EDIT: If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself: https://clyp.it/bsdpvxmv
Songsterr is a great resource for tablature, their collection of songs is massive and there is a flash-enabled play-along type mode offered for free. I can't stand sites like Ultimateguitar that have shitty tabs and way too many popups, especially when Songsterr is a much better alternative.
Don't know if these are the ones you had or not? My wife bought these for me a few years ago, the picture did scratch off a bit, but I think they're more decorative than for use. Hope this helps.
FYI this episode is The Love. Its one of the mini-stories episodes like "The Night". This mini-story even has some chiptunes since its presented like a 2D adventure. You need to watch the whole episode to get the flow of the story.
I can see where you are coming from but there are some good compilations and best of albums out there. I enjoy The Best of Pink Floyd: A Foot in the Door and some of the mixes people have released such as this one by /u/Grantchestermeadows located here
Up here in Madison we'll probably have significant clouds and possibly rain.
Drive down south if you can. From a weather map I saw this morning it will be clear in the southern 1/3rd.
And here is a pretty cool mix by /u/GrantchesterMeadows using these songs and a few others
Modern time compression and stretching algorithms can compensate for the difference in pitch when adjusting the speed. This means you can change the tempo without affecting the pitch.
Here's a 2x Speed Dark Side of The Moon that preserves the original pitch of the music, I made this with Sony Sound Forge Pro (there's better software for this job, this is quick and dirty):
This is absolutely appropriate, this community loves covers. I did a cover of Fearless from Meddle a while ago. https://clyp.it/r11kwd2p.
I also did Wish You Were Here, but it's not as good as I wanted it to be. https://clyp.it/y5wguf3v
Your instrumental cover sounds great. I reminds me of how David played on th '77 tour with his Stratocaster. Great job! :)
Personal favorite is this one by our very own /u/GrantchesterMeadows
It is a great mix of Pigs on the Wings Part 2, Mother, and Wish You Were Here.
Mix made by /u/GrantchesterMeadows
I listen to this daily and still can't get over how awesome the first transition is.
Inspired by a recent post by u/alves_42, I wanted to share how easy it is to create your own custom music edits. Audacity can be downloaded for free here. I have no direct connection to Audacity. But, I worked at a radio station for around 10 years and it has served me well and I've never gotten any kind of spam or malware from using it.
Download Audacity (totally fee, totally legit, been using it for over 10 years to run a radio show). Then, you can create your own complete version. I've both created a full track for Shine On, but I've also broken it up into the 9 separate pieces for when I want easy access to a specific part.
Edit: I made a tutorial for you.
There are some interesting views about that on a book called "Pink Floyd and Philosophy: Careful with that Axiom, Eugene!" ( Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Pink-Floyd-Philosophy-Careful-Popular/dp/0812696360 ) That may help you in your research.
My personal thought: just look at the huge amount of professional and amateur musicians making (or attempting) covers of the album, or of individual songs. You just don't copy/tribute things that are not meaningful.
Same goes for all the good and bad fanart and tattoos. When you appropriate the artwork or the lyrics and reinterpret them from your point of view and even get them on your skin, that means something. What does it mean? I don't know. I'm no anthropologist or psychologist. But it sure means something.
Now, consider the following: I was recently reading a paper called "The Insignificance of David Bowie" (Saavedra & Miller, 2017). One truly important point the researchers advanced is that one needs to be careful when saying that someone (like Bowie) was a "world icon", because despite being hugely influential in Europe and in the English-speaking world, he was not important at all in many parts of the globe outside that. When you say "the influence of DSOTM" you will probably find that the importance of the album and its influence may be big, but restricted to the USA and UK societies, and maybe a handful other countries, but half (or more) of the world may be still unaffected by it.
The Love. Its one of the mini-stories episodes like "The Night". This mini-story even has some chiptunes since its presented like a 2D adventure. You need to watch the whole episode to get the flow of the story.
A Saucerful of Secrets: The Pink Floyd Odyssey
This was written pre The Division Bell. But I enjoyed it. The 1st book I read about the band.
As I said in your other thread:
Ok, so it's a bootleg live recording from 1972 called How Shall We Sing In a Foreign Land. Mystery solved! https://www.discogs.com/Pink-Floyd-How-Shall-We-Sing-In-A-Foreign-Land/release/2237459
So no, it's not a rare DSOTM cover, it's a live bootleg of the band playing DSOTM.
Yes, it is a show from 10th of March 1972 in Kyoto. You can listen to it on 2CD released in Japan https://www.discogs.com/Pink-Floyd-Kyoto-1972/release/8866866
Well, I found this on the genius page.
Outro: 5:34 – 6:26 "The short piece of music and voice after the final guitar solo is reminiscent of the band’s first LP, Piper at the Gates of Dawn, and possibly a homage to the musical stylings of founding guitarist/vocalist/Crazy Diamond Syd Barrett, who left the band after that record. This, being the last song on the last Pink Floyd record, is a perfect way to come full circle." - genuis.com http://genius.com/Pink-floyd-louder-than-words-lyrics/
Lake Spivey Park today, site of the June 26 show.
>I was listening to it when I read that, and I've gone over the lyrics enough. The part he's going for is: "So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone, dragged down by the stone (stone, stone, stone, etc)." The part at the end, saying "Who was dragged down by the stone" has no echo.
Oh, cool.
>I could be really snooty about this after the way you put that sentence, but I won't.
Oops, too late! :)
Hi all, Gilad Cohen here. Happy you enjoyed my "Dogs" analysis! If you're interested, check out my analysis of "Shine On." A video of a lecture I gave at the Pink Floyd Conference is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps--8dJlFFc, and the paper version will be published in 2018 at Music Theory Spectrum, but my "author version" is already available on my website (www.giladcohen.com) as well as here: https://www.academia.edu/33621759/Gilad_Cohen_The_Shadow_of_Yesterdays_Triumph_Pink_Floyds_Shine_On_and_Stage_Theories_of_Grief. I'm hoping to complete these into a book at some point, based on the Pink Floyd course I've been teaching at Ramapo College of NJ. Lastly, Shaugn O'Donnell's article about the tonal arc of Dark Side is available in print alongside other great articles about the album in the book Speak to Me: The Legacy of Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon. Enjoy!
Here's a few Floyd wallpapers I happen to have on my hard drive. I hope you enjoy / don't have them all. And I think most of them are 1920x1200
I always thought this was an intense photo. I could be reading into things but David looks like he is looking down and away from Syd uncomfortably. Syd looks like he is glaring at Waters kind of ticked off. Waters seems to be leaning back trying to show who is boss. Wright is either pretending to be a school girl sitting straight backed and hands just right or he is really high and Nick is just Nick.
That is what happens when you are 16 or 17 staring at an old Pink Floyd book on LSD. I would believe that this version of Floyd was troublesome because of bringing in the guy to replace Syd without actually kicking him out yet. I know I am wrong because if there was this much tension why would David play on a lot of Syds' first solo album. I will see if I can find that book and let you know what it is. It was from the late 80's maybe very early 90's.
*Edit Book I know photo from and it was released in 1988 my LSD heydays!
Yet again, absolutely zero references to cocaine. Par for the course for Pink Floyd Wikipedia quotes by the way. But I'll just have to trust the reading it "in the late 80s in a couple of books" is a reputable source.
The show is on Saturday the 25th, not today
I found a plugin for the TV streaming app "Kodi" which apparently lets me watch a stream of TVP2. I'm going to record the whole show if I get it working. It's not exactly a legal stream, but for Gilmour it's worth it! If you'd like to do the same check it out:
1) Download Kodi, it's free and reputable (no viruses).
2) Download the "WEEBTV" Kodi plugin, which lets you stream TVP2 HD from Kodi.
3) Open Kodi, go to System -> Add-Ons -> Install from zip file, and find the WeebTV zip you just downloaded. Let it install.
4) Go to Video -> Add-Ons, and select "WEEB.TV"
5) Select Sorted channels A-Z [live], and find TVP2 HD. That's it!
Nice work! I play my slide guitar "lap steel" style, where I either put my guitar on my lap or on a stand horizontally. It also helps to raise your saddle height string action too, so your slide doesn't hit the frets.
Your intonation is pretty good, but don't be afraid to give the slide some vibrato, it goes a long way!
EDIT: I played the solo for fun a while back, gets kind of weird towards the end lol:
I think I'm gonna keep Snowy's solo in, can't bring myself to delete it :P But yeah, I see what you mean. Here is my final version: https://www.mixcloud.com/Trip_Out_Dig_The_Froggies/pigs-on-the-wing-mother-wish-you-were-here-re-edited/
I bought that without the frame on AmazonPoster
Is this something you would have liked to receive as a gift?
Pink Floyd All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track https://smile.amazon.com/dp/031643924X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_92D7J8VMT91EARRVZMNH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I'd second this. I don't know about its availability on streaming services, but you can get the soundtrack album on Amazon. There are seven Floyd tracks on it, and if you add "Give Birth to a Smile" from Roger's first solo album (has the entire band playing on that song) it adds up to an album's worth of material - sort of like a "lost Pink Floyd album".
I certainly hope so, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. The Amazon Prime Video (US) listing has been available in their search for at least the past week or so, but it's still unavailable to be played: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0851V511D. Amazon Prime is the only provider that I've been able to find showing a landing page for it.
It's strange that there isn't a preorder for a physical release on Amazon. Why in the world would they release a physical version after the digital one?
Looks like this frame on amazon. Seller has the white version as well I believe. I’ve ordered the black and it’s a quality frame, easy to install too.
The remasters sound better (as they should) — more dynamic range, clearer details in the sound, et cetera, but if you're not paying close attention these might get lost to you.
The difference between mp3s and FLACs on Android is a lot more negligible, though — you might want to invest in a separate DAC if you want really high-quality sound. I do know that Shuttle supports gapless playback.
"The Wall". It was released on Blu-ray in Spain, but that release has taken some hard knocks by critics that have reviewed it.
AMLOR was remixed for the Later Years box. Re-recorded drums by Mason, and Wright more prominent in the mix. The standalone CD was released last year.
I got his book from the merch table when I saw The Saucers a couple months ago — can’t recommend it more highly, definitely worth picking up!!
Try this? Either way if ya end up getting it hope u enjoy ! Cheers
Apparently there was one in pre-production with Johnny Depp ages ago. You can buy the screenplay on Amazon. According to the writer, it was nixed because Roger Waters was unhappy about it and threatened legal action.
Read Comfortably Numb by Mark Blake. You can order it on Amazon here. You'll learn a lot about how the band came to be, how Syd's mental issues (still not quite understood) paralyze him and throw the band into chaos, how they move on with David, and how Roger's genius for lyrics and concepts eventually cause him to believe his own myth and discount the other members (most of whom were better musicians than him) and strike out on his own, believing that Pink Floyd could never continue without him.
Or if you want a breakdown, I think of it like this:
Syd: The spark
Roger: The brains
David: The soul
Rick: The heart
Nick: The bones
Here it is if you want it, I don't think it's official Pink Floyd merch obv, I just couldn't find very much like it elsewhere. Btw this is not an advertisement or referral link so please don't remove.
You get what you pay for with turntables. This is my first turntable, which works really well, but the sound quality can lack at times and the stylus isn't the greatest quality. Honestly, the extra money counts. I recommend this U Turn, it looks beautiful, is easy to set up, and has Audiophile-Level sound quality.
Or my personal recommendation with Fluance Ai41 speakers.
Hey, remember that time Frank Zappa joined Pink Floyd to play an over twenty minute version of Interstellar Overdrive? It happened on 25th October 1969, fifty years ago next Friday, during the second day of the Festival Actuel in Amougies Belgium. Frank came on and tuned his guitar fora few minutes and proceeded to shred. He also played with Captain Beefheart on the same show and footage is rumored to exist but has never seen the light of day.
The photos from that concert are fascinating. They essentially built a small floating island mid-way between St Marks' Square and St Giorgio Maggiore, with a breakwater, and loads of people watched it on boats:
I've been to Venice a few times - the thought of supplying 200,000 people with water, toilets etc, and getting them back to the train station from St Marks' Square at the same time sounds nightmarish.
The Shirt is now LIVE for all. You can get yours, if you wish to. From here : <strong><em>https://teespring.com/exposed-in-the-light-shine-on?pid=2&cid=2397</em></strong>
Good Choice This Is My Favorite Pink Floyd Song (Go Ahead Say I'm Weird) Just The Scene Of It Is Amazing In The Film. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipODrA-ApkxvhaiGNiDaoF0gyeUkLcASY4q8cCLe
Go to this mix I did a couple of years ago and start at around the nine minute mark. You'll hear a pre-WYWH live recording of both parts before it was decided to split the song into two sections. I used the version from the "Wembley Soundboard" bootleg.
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "RYM"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
Some Beatles, some Radiohead, Pink Floyd of course, some Black Sabbath, some Metallica, Nirvana, Gojira, King Crimson, Yes. A variety of stuff. I listen to a lot of prog and metal. If you look at my RYM you can see what I have listened to. (My age is set to 18 so I can see every album cover).
Not sure what you're talking about with the copyright. Care to elaborate?
Couldn't agree more with a massive BBC set that's actually been mixed and mastered. They would put Jimi and Led Zeppelin to shame with the many songs they recorded for BBC. As for now I've been trying to A/B the sessions side by side with bootlegs and can tell no real difference aside from even leveling. The very first few sessions pretty much sound identical to the complete top gear sessions since I've had since 92. This makes me question if the source for a lot of this box set are not anything different than what has been available unofficially for years. Particularly the first few sessions with that horrid hum. All the later sessions I've had on bootlegs already sounded great to begin with and having real trouble being able to tell if they did anything to them at all.
It's an odd box. For folks that haven't had a chance to listen to or see a lot of this material will be delighted. It almost feels like they're just capitalizing on the bootleg stuff that's been around for eons. And the only real engineering work that was done aside from the leveling are Obscured and Pompeii. Which is also weird as Obscured was just remastered 5 years ago. A side by side really isn't telling me anything as far as what they've done.
I find that hard... The original U.S. edition opened up with Emily, and on Echoes it follows nicely from Domine, but I prefer them as standalone singles, almost like an album in themselves.
Sorry guys, seems like YouTube removed the video on the basis of some 'copyright law'. Here's the video link. You'll have to download it, though.
The high-pass'd vocals in the intro are a great touch! Quick question, why are the chords behind the melody played in 6/8? It gives it a really cool, syncopated feeling.
I love a cover that changes things up, well done!
I did a traditional cover of this song about a year ago. Don't mind the vocals (lol).
according to wikipedia "he was forced to resign from Pink Floyd during The Wall sessions by Waters" and "he was retained as a salaried session musician during the live concerts to promote that album in 1980–81". that seems to be about the same as how it was described in nick mason's book but it's been a couple of years since i've read it so i'm not 100 % sure if i remember everything correctly.
wikisource from http://www.allmusic.com/artist/richard-wright-mn0000292369/biography, no clue if reliable or not
I don't use iTunes, so my only information comes from AllMusic's page for the album, which shows a link for it.
>All i have is a relatively low-bitrate mp3 copy.
All you're going to get from iTunes is a relatively low-bitrate mp3 copy anyway. They've allegedly upgraded everything they sell to 256kb/sec, but that's still a long way from offering a legitimate lossless version.
I was listening to it when I read that, and I've gone over the lyrics enough. The part he's going for is: "So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone, dragged down by the stone (stone, stone, stone, etc)." The part at the end, saying "Who was dragged down by the stone" has no echo.
I could be really snooty about this after the way you put that sentence, but I won't.
I found the original ISO track. I uploaded it to sendspace.com . I don't think you need to have an account but it's free to join anyway if you do need one. http://www.sendspace.com/file/h380xa The kick drum (heartbeat) goes 8 times before you would want to hit your first E chord if you want to play along to the intro. Otherwise the actual song starts around 1:50 in. I did a quick search on youtube and there are other guitar backing tracks for this tune. The one I listened to sounds a little Midi'ed but a much fuller sound, with more than just drums. You may want to try that instead. If there are any other floyd tunes you guy's might want tracks for, let me know. I love playing along to floyd and even know I'm in two other bands, I just can't find anyone that likes to play floyd as much as I do. Heh.
Your links all look like this in chrome. Maybe it's a urlencoding thing.
The link shared by /u/Mrbee914, who happens to be Zolcaro, btw, works just fine.
Why'd you even try to break em up? That link goes to all of 'em, doesn't it?
Haha...don't think so. It was closed when we walked by there.
Not a lot on the Google about it. Seems to be a regular old bar. Tripadvisor seems to be the only page that has something "recent".
10) Atom Heart Mother
9) Dogs
8) One of These Days
7) Breathe
6) A Saucerful of Secrets
5) Any Colour You Like
4) Welcome to the Machine
3) Echoes
2) Shine on You Crazy Diamond (I-V is better IMO)
1) Careful with That Axe, Eugene (Ummagumma live)
That is an original pressing I believe... https://www.discogs.com/Pink-Floyd-Meddle/release/432716
So what exactly is the issue when you play it in stereo? How does it sound? Distorted? Low vocals?
>1. a person not native to or naturalized in the country or jurisdiction under consideration.
>2. a person from outside one's community.
You don't know what a foreigner is either. Lmao @ Your 5th Grade education.
Here's the link to the artwork: http://www.pinkfloydhyldest.dk/pladerne/moment/a_momentary_lapse_of_reason.jpg
Here's the link to Some of Our Parts: https://mega.nz/#F!ox1zAAzI!udwdBCt7hw_AgpyQoAxfrg
Enjoy! If you have any problems with the files then let me know.
Okay. I would recommend either a Fluance RT-81 or an Audio Technica LP-120. The Fluance Turntable comes pre aligned, the Audio Technica doesn’t. If you have time to align a cartridge, (this could take anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours) then maybe go for the Audio Technica. If not, the Fluance is what I’d go for. The Fluance has a better stylus on it, but the stylus is around 10 dollars more. It sounds better though. It’s your preference. The speakers I can recommend to you is a definite option though. These: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002RJLHB8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 . My brother owns these, they sound SO GOOD for the price, 70 dollars. There’s one more thing I would recommend, that being a receiver. If you want a refurbished one on eBay will work just as well as one from Goodwill. Take your chances there. Also you need speaker wire. Amazon basics does the trick. Have fun setting up your stuff! I sure as hell did!
It's tied with the Fingals Cave concert or whatever show on the Animals tour that inspired The Wall or the one that had them playing with Hendrix and Traffic. http://www.openculture.com/2014/08/christmas-on-earth-continued-1967.html
One of the unfortunate things about living in Massachusetts is that when things get announced in England.. I get excited and then quickly let down as they are talking about the original town of Weymouth... and not the one a few towns over... sigh.
I'm not seeing it available in the US [1]. Is it actually available on Prime Video or has a placeholder just been created.
To my knowledge, Us + Them has not been officially released outside of the cinemas.
[1]: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Roger-Waters-Us-Them/0M2DDWG6AD7AFYRPDEG30BCGXA
> In the Division Bell CD liner notes, this song's lyrics are placed next to a picture of a pair of boxing gloves, and the song's interlude features a boxing announcer declaring a "Winner... by a knockout." Some fans have interpreted these as referring to the ongoing commercial success of post-Waters Pink Floyd, as opposed to Waters' own fading into near-obscurity as a solo artist. (thanks, Joshua - Twin Cities, MN, for above 2)
It may not be exactly what you're looking for (especially since I don't think you'll be able to print it out (Edit: I'm an idiot, it will)) I'm not sure how Piano/Organ Tabs work, but they're on "Us and Them" on this site, and the tabs are written so that it gives you the beats per measure, and how long it's held out (listen to the Tabs and you learn which is a half note, quarter, whole, etc; eighth and so forth are easy). If you can read Piano or Sax Tabs, go for it. Only some of the Tabs can allow you so select the instrument and look at piano/sax Tabs, so yeah. You can go to the broad selection of Pink Floyd Tabs by just clicking on their name in the title.
I'll try and make one including Fearless :)
EDIT: https://www.mixcloud.com/Trip_Out_Dig_The_Froggies/pigs-on-the-wing-mother-fearless-wish-you-were-here-mix/ here you go, I added Fearless after Mother so I could still have the solo from Mother right after POTW.
Super rough, but you see what I mean. It was painful, though. Snowy kills it on that track.
Outstanding collection man! I'm also a big fan of Childhood's End, it's just brilliant. Btw I most defenitely recommend as new adition to your collection their live album at Amsterdam in '69: https://www.discogs.com/Pink-Floyd-Amsterdam-69/release/3472012
This is what I downloaded, its the original concert film without the studio outtakes. It is at the proper speed and is the best version I have heard/seen:
I got this a few weeks ago and it's beautiful.
DVD * Pink Floyd - Live at Pompeii (Director's Cut) [Import allemand] https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B004D0YB0S/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_53FC94JVYW8CGPWF0H97
If you’re in the US, Amazon are getting new stock of the DVD within the week.
Probably The Division Bell. If you take a look at the Amazon listing for the album, you can see the disc looks the same as the back of the album cover.
For anyone interested the unproduced Syd biopic screenplay is in the kindle store
Syd Barrett: Crazy Diamond - The unproduced screenplay about Syd Barrett and the early Pink Floyd https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WTNH872/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_A52ANC03QAH6GANTJBAB
My girlfriend gave me this one Pink Floyd All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track and it's a great read. It goes song by song with lots of info.
Saw this on here earlier, thought it would be good.
Pink Floyd All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track https://www.amazon.com/Pink-Floyd-All-Songs-Behind/dp/031643924X/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=pink+floyd+story+behind+the+song&qid=1606608816&sr=8-2
what's nice about this one is 1. lots of pics 2. tour date notes and all kinds of tid bits and ticket stubs all in chronological order...when there was nothing about floyd, this was one thing we could get as fans
I don't think the original movie does it, I'm talking about the concert film:
There's nothing like that AFAIK. There's a CD/DVD "casebook" edition: https://www.amazon.com/Endless-River-Casebook-Pink-Floyd
and a 2-LP vinyl edition.
Amazon has it for around $60. Hunt the internet for the bootleg of the demos if you want to hear the previous mentioned parts 2 and 3 of "Is there Anybody Out There".
The Wall demos have a few versions. First was a solo recording by Roger when he presented the band "The Wall" and "The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking" giving them a choice for the next band album, and the other would be a solo album. They chose "The Wall".
Then there are a few versions as they were recording, with some songs included that were later dropped, and missing songs yet to be included. There is no complete version of all the songs from the project, but you can find most between the bootleg and Immersion box set version. With a little editing you can create a mostly complete version of it. I personally love the complete demo version, even as rough as it is, it's an emotionally raw masterpiece.