Brown Girl Dreaming- award winning YA book
I don't know about the rest of the upstate, but Greenville county has a great app, that you can report litter on. I've used it a lot, and I've either received a response, or they have cleaned it up quickly.
If you hate it so much, do something about it or leave. I am very happy with where I live. My school is fine, my area is beautiful, my people are nice. If it upsets you so much to live in South Carolina, there are other places in every direction. I just ask you to try not to misrepresent my state.
Good things:
Multiple great universities and colleges
Courteous People (Generally speaking, of course)
Low crime rates (
(Relatively) Low gas prices ( -zoom out and you can see a map of comparison.
I could go on all day, brother, but I assume you get my point.
Here you go. Also this time of year you'll see more roaches since the weather is warming up. They are trying to stay out of the heat.
Another great option if you want to avoid harsh chemicals is diatomaceous earth. You can get it on Amazon pretty cheap for a 2lb bag. It's a food grade dust that you can use to treat pantries and whatnot. It sticks to insects exoskeleton and cuts through it causing them to dry out from the inside and die. Pretty badass.
Weather Underground has some good data as well, with predictions that differ slightly from the NOAA's.
I agree about not liking those Hugo vibes. For the last few updates, Weather Underground's Ensemble model (which shows multiple possible paths) has shown a couple of possible paths mimicking Hugo's track almost exactly. Let's hope and pray that that will not be the case.
I have not been to Texas myself so I can't compare. But Columbia is seriously hot and humid, and smack dab between the beaches and the mountains so you can't benefit from either. Average temps
Culturally, it's been a few years since I lived there so others can chime in and correct me. There's a lot of government and college stuff (USC will mean University of South Carolina, not Southern California, so get used to that), but an active art and music scene as well. Not the most liberal area of the state by far, there's a whole lot of Christianity.
Columbia and Charleston both have a large technology workforce. The state as a whole is rated as one of the fastest growing IT workforce states in the country!
That being said, if you don't know how to program then you don't understand the complexity of making the game. It's easy to go from a couple hour project to something impossible. Xkcd example
Care to elaborate on your idea? If you're worried someone will steal the idea I'd recommend reading The Lean Startup. It explains that an idea is not valuable until it is implemented, even to a direct competitor.
Here's the official site. It's pretty neat but (obviously) not as large scale as the real thing, or even the one in Helen. The city shuts down Main St. and a bunch of people set up arts and crafts booths in the middle of the street. Most of the local restaurants represent themselves in some way, most of them by having a stand selling bratwurst, sauerkraut, and beer. You're allowed to walk around Main St drinking beer. They set up a "Biergarten" here, and have various bands playing on stage all day.
It's pretty fun, specially for something that's free.
Apparently there's also stuff for kids to do, but I can't elaborate as I'm not a kid :)
well we got rained pretty well a couple days ago and about to get fucked by the long dick of a storm system here in 10min or so!
This site gets it's data from cyclist's garmin devices. They can be hit or miss but it's data none the less.
The starting elevation on both of these looks a tad suspect but 75-80ft elevation gain is probably pretty accurate. If you're looking for distance to the water you'd probably need to add a few feet.
You want some fun roads? For 80 miles of serious fun(and seeing some cute mountain towns) Try the Gran Fondo Hincapie route. Be incredibly careful coming down Oak Mountain- there are no guard rails and it is hundreds of feet down.
There is a 'haunted' motel at the end of the Green River Cove climb that is pretty cheap and a great place to stay.
Columbia has some great twisties, but they are all in neighborhoods, so I don't want to share any of the locations.
True Southern exposure detected. "I swanny!" is a declaration I heard frequently from my mom. She's got the thickest accent in the family, and is unapologetic about it! We make fun of her, but she adds a lot of color to any situation. It's easy to forget she's got her Masters and was invited to Oxford. Folks are too quick to judge the mind behind a thick Southern accent, but it did embarrass me when I was a teenager.
OK so this works for WSJ (I just now installed it myself) and ostensibly many others.
With firefox it's literally just like a one-click install. From a security perspective probably not optimal but hey whatever.
Join Rabbit the Pawless Poodle and his friends, Otis the Bulldog and Shirley the Squirrel, as they navigate their neighborhood. Through their adventures, they discover that:
their differences make them unique,
all it takes is a little accommodation to maneuver this World,
and different does not mean disposable!
This book is a read-aloud tale intended to bring people together, make the unknown a little less scary, and encourage children to ask questions about the differing needs of those around them.
Wow. I just looked at the Amazon reviews and I confirm this book actually says that … while I don’t necessarily disagree with that sentiment - I think the author missed the mark with this wording in a children’s book. Oddly enough - I doubt this book is even on the radar of most of the people mad about books. Our Skin: A First Conversation About Race (First Conversations)
I mean I wouldn't go as far as to say the AQI is terrible. It's actually 21 and safe. Besides atmospheric gases, water droplets, and dust particles, air pollutants also determine the sky's color at sunrise and sunrise so you're not wrong.
Aerosols suspended in the air scatter sunlight into a band of colors. When there are more aerosols or smog, more sunlight is scattered, resulting in purple or pink sunsets.
There's also app for that if you're curious about the air quality in and around your area.
you can buy them pre-tinted. so that doesn't break this law. If it comes pre-tinted you are not changing the original design or performance.
Also by "use any device or equipment which tends to change the original design or performance" I think they mean changing the display of the lights or something similar to that, not changing the color.
Here is an example of a product that you can buy that comes pre-tinted:
This is a great time to talk to your cat about gun safety. "How to talk to your cat about gun safety"
I personally enjoy Radio Garden. They have a App and a Website. It is free and allows you to listen to radio streams from around the world. You can pay to remove on screen ads on the app but the functionality is still the same regardless. The webpage is lacking some quality of life features from the app such as favorite stations etc but you can't go wrong either way.
Dude. Yes. Reposting to my thread over in r/Michigan.
It bothers me so much that "al-Qaeda" is used as shorthand for "anything I oppose." Like, "We need an x-ray of your entire body. Oh, it's to stop al-Qaeda." Never mind that backscatter x-ray machines were outlawed in Europe for their cancer-causing potential. The Transportation Security Administration is "fighting terrorists" and apparently personal safety and privacy are not priorities.
There is a lot of gun violence on Bay Street these days - gunfire about 3 nights per week. Carl Gooding still owns the radio station and is still doing chit-n-chat every morning - he broadcast on Mixlr from 830a-1045a eastern time ( The Hardees is being remodeled but I think it's still open. Not as many Florida hunters as there used to be. Cooterfest is still a thing and they still have the Cooter Race on the courthouse steps every spring - it's about the only thing the town has in a positive light. Fleetwoods is still there but Dean sold it to some foreign investors... they don't run the gameroom or the pawn shop like Dean did. USC-Salkahatchie has almost tripled in size since I was there in the early 90's. They split the campus between Allendale and Walterboro and have a Baseball, Basketball, Softball and Soccer team now. There is a new road construction project currently underway to reduce US-301 to a 2-lane going through town where USC-Salk is - they're naming it "university mile". Property taxes are through the roof because there is such a small tax base. The town council has a fistfight or a gun or knife pulled about once a year during council meetings - amongst council members. There are mom and pop service businesses but other than Collum Lumber Co there isn't any real industry there. A lot of folks, my family included, left years ago. We still keep a house and property out in the country and when we have to go to town we just go to Barnwell. I live in Charleston now and go back about once a month for upkeep on the house and things. Just a dying old small town that probably looks about the same as when your folks left but with a lot more empty dilapidated buildings.
Here is an example of one I’m looking into using . These old coolers are just to expensive for my taste to replace with the old type . It has instructions but there are plenty of others just on Amazon .
These are real ppl with real experiences. I won’t lie and say I fact checked every one but after cross checking Facebook with the funeral homes all the ones I did fact check were simply what it seems. The kind of info you are looking for simply doesn’t exist this is the first time we are using this type of vaccine it may very well make a spike protein but u,I,nobody knows what the side effects will be in the short or long term and in some cases “Larry king” for example it led to death.
For this type of questions Weatherspark is great. Report for Columbia. Scroll down to get a nice graph of wind directions.
Most states permit religious exemptions, and 18 states allow parents to opt out for "religious or philosophical beliefs." I think it's far more likely these people are on the anti-vax Andrew Wakefield/Jenny McCarthy train and are just using the religious exemption as a loophole; all you have to do to claim religious exemption is fill out a basic form. Most anti-vax campaigns are in affluent, less religious areas. MS and WV historically have the highest rates of childhood vaccinations, for example. The only religious groups that outright oppose vaccines are Christian Science (based out of Boston) and the Dutch Reformed Church.
And here's the RSVP link for the next webinar, on Santee Cooper & Clean Energy:
FWIW, if you are traveling the country, I highly recommend the Off The Beaten Path travel guide. My family has used it for years when on trips and we have discovered some amazing things along our journeys that we would have never found otherwise. (Who knew a lunch box museum in Columbus, Ga. not only existed, but was amazing!?!?!)
I'm glad you guys got back on the road and got some encouragement with all that's going on.
On a side note, you should consider picking up a jump pack like this:
I've found they are incredibly useful (as long as you keep them charged) and make for good gifts. Being able to jumpstart your car anywhere, anytime is awesome. I've used mine with my own cars a few times and have helped out plenty of people get theirs up and going, too.
There’s a very specific roach killer you should use - it works amazing. But note it’s also a bait - so don’t put it anywhere you’d actively want to see them or anywhere by food. Put it by doors, windows, and keep away from pets. This stuff works miracles. Have used it for years. The only time I see them are when it’s time to put more bait out, or they’re already dead.
advion 383920 4 Tubes and 4 Plungers Cockroach German Roach Pest Control Inse, Brown
Here is the exact one we have as listed on Amazon, and here are more of nearly the same, again from Amazon.
You should check out Robert Siegler's four books on South Carolina units, it's very comprehensive (down to individual company commanders in many cases) and breaks SC down regionally. Here's a link to one of them. It might also do you some good to contact the Relic Room in Columbia.
If I can point out any more SC specific Civil War resources let me know.
FYI the HuffPost article is about a book that was written. Not sure why you think their political affiliation is super important for a book review.
Amazon link - The Book of Broken Promises: $400 Billion Broadband Scandal & Free the Net
I live without AC and it's not so bad as long as you have a fan and a house built off the ground with lots of screen windows.
That said, something to cool like less than 350 sq feet is like $350 through amazon. And you could always take it with you. Now i live in less than 200 sq ft so that seems like a good deal to me. I realize most people's bedrooms are likely 350 sq ft and their houses are super inefficiently large.