I can't vouch for the SB2 but my Surface Book (1) has suffered 3 or 4 falls from hip height to hard floor, luckily every time it happened was inside a $20 ProCase like this one ProCase Amazon Link
My Surface Book has gathered all sort of scuffs, scratches and dents in it's body, but fortunately the display and all hardware components still seem to be working fine (as far as it goes for a 4 year old device). My wife also dropped a glass of water on the keyboard right where the "Escape" key is located, which means it probably got inside the vents onto where the dGPU, fan, etc. is positioned. I was able to act quickly and detach the display, and drove back home with the wet keyboard upside down, then I placed it on closed room with a dehumidifier overnight. It works flawlessly up until right now.
So in my personal experience I would say the device is pretty tough, but it might not be the case for everyone. There are a bunch of other issues that do not involve mistreatment, such as bulging batteries, display tint blotches, keyboard key caps broken (my Ctrl Key is split in half with normal use), rubber feets getting unglued, etc.
I love this device and I only want to upgrade to this series (SB3 or maybe 4 down the line)... but it is far from perfect.
I don’t remember exactly what the reason is, but I think you have to get a specific type of converter. This is the one I bought, and it works fine with my SB3: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07THJGZ9Z/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o09\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I ended up using this with the tablet only, no base. Not ideal but not a big deal for me since the base doesn't have the GPU.
I plug the surface dock directly into the tablet and it works like a charm. Love the setup.
With how cheap 65 watt chargers are get one of those instead, I have two at home.
I should have said output voltage but If you can find a battery bank that has at least an output of 15V you should be able to charge.input voltage would be the minimum required for your power adapter to be able to work. 100V isn’t something you’ll find on a battery bank so you’ll have to use a battery bank that has a cable for the Surface.
Hereis one that has the actual charger designed for the Surface line.
At a guess I'd say the problem is trying to run two monitors through that hub - it's probably not designed for that use case.
Try one of these instead:
I use it to connect my SB2 to two 1080p monitors in my office and it does the job and it's a bargain price too.
Your other option would be the Surface Dock which is a pricey way of doing this...
Amazon Basics Monitor Stand Cost: $26
Laptop Mount Tray Cost $18
Pretty affordable mount setup that does the job. Also sorry for late reply.
Heres the Amazon link. It has Amazon choice status and mostly good reviews, so I think the charger is legit. Plus I've used it with my phone and have let other people use it to charge their laptops. I spoke with a MS store manager about this, and he's the one who told me not to use type-c for charging. He said he's spoken with the people who designed and engineered the book 2, and that they recommend against type-c charging.
Forgot to mention: for the Surface Pen, the additional tip set comes with a variety of different tips which alter how it feels on the screen, so if you can, try them out. I found the B tip to be the most like writing on paper.
YES... this bothered me for some time and at great expense, meaning I've tried many, this is the only one that works. The key is to get ACTIVE and DisplayPort 1.2 - it seems, that's what finally worked for me. I have two of them and they work flawlessly.
edit: letter
edit 2: I'm sorry, I totally glanced over the fact you are using DVI. I'll leave this here for VGA folks... and hey, maybe a 1.2 DVI that is active will work.