If I'm remembering correctly the direction of the koi is extremely pertinent. Found this for ya. The direction of the koi, being toward the head or toward the foot is not as important as the direction of the water it is in... the koi facing up stream, regardless of the directionality toward the head or foot is a sign of determination and endurance.. the continuing battle to overcome adversity... the koi facing down stream does not signify failure and giving up.. it is a sign peace with tranquility.. the same way fish gather in still water to feed.. i hope this helps. That was the most important part but there's more directionality input.
If you're looking for a good read, my favorite book (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig) has a lot to say about arete and its meaning for modern philosophy/life. It's not a quick read but well worth it.
Elemental chemist here (I have done research on pigments including makeup and archaeological pigment samples found in a shipwreck). If you're looking for a scientific peer-reviewed analysis of tattoo pigments, this is a good one. Unfortunately, the whole article is behind a paywall, but you can read the abstract:
"Of the 30 tattoo inks studied, the most commonly identified elements were aluminum (87% of the pigments), oxygen (73% of the pigments), titanium (67% of the pigments), and carbon (67% of the pigments). The relative contribution of elements to the tattoo ink compositions was highly variable between different compounds. Overall, the manufacturer-supplied data sheets were consistent with the elemental analysis, but there were important exceptions.
CONCLUSION: The composition of elements in tattoo inks varies greatly, even among like-colored pigments..."
This is another really interesting article where they first analyzed 5 commonly manufactured tattoo inks (blue, yellow, red, green, and black). Then they tattooed a pig and analyzed the inks in the animal after awhile.
This is what whatthefont came up with.
I use this stuff
Neutrogena Beach Defense Sunscreen Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 70, 6.7 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MQIUSK0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JWXE70ZPAKWPEZ0DHQXQ
Rubs on easy, doesn’t smell, protects great, and it’s cheap.
you can cut it and overlay multiple sheets. I got mine off amazon. search Saniderm, Tegaderm or Tatuderm. it's all the same stuff. They come in different sizes.
If you talked about this product, you can find it in any pharm store here (out of the USA) I used to work in a pharm store and we always had those.
The tattoo is much better than the original! Beautiful details and shading. Really gorgeous.
A long time ago I got my gf (now wife) this book and wrote a bunch of inspirational quotes on random pages.
She ended up pursuing a different career. But she still has the book at looks through it occasionally. Very interesting.
I can't use second skin products because of adhesive allergies, so to keep from sticking to my clothes or sheets, I use nonadherent bandages, like this. You could probably get something similar at your local drugstore. I wash, air dry for a few minutes, pat dry with paper towels, apply a very small amount of Aquaphor, and then put on the bandage and secure with hypoallergenic medical tape.
Where are you from? Lately I’ve been seeing some ads of a tape that can hold large breasts without discomfort, like these https://www.amazon.com/Alternative-Clothing-Waterproof-Sweat-Proof-Invisible/dp/B08DJD5QVR but you been allergic to saniderm don’t know if this will cause a reaction or not…
I have never used this method to heal my tattoos but from reading the directions on the box, it sounds like you leave the second one on for 3-5 days.
Personally I just went with the cheapest available rotary pen on amazon at the time with positive reviews (atomus I believe, but all those Chinese brands are basically the same) and had no issues what so ever. Later I bought a $30 wireless power supply for it from Amazon as well and would probably recommend just getting a wireless kit from the get go. For instance: Hawkink wireless kit
Plenty of cartridges and ink to practice on fake skin with, although I wouldn't recommend using either of them on real skin. The machine itself would be fine for real tats, just get better quality needles/ink once that time comes.
It’s so worth it to acclimate kittens to claw trimming! Another set of hands and a tube of churu can help in the beginning too. Strongly recommend these nail trimmers over the larger ones designed for dogs that make a big clicking sound- https://www.chewy.com/pet-republique-cat-nail-clipper/dp/155579?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=%7Bcampaignid%7D&utm_content=Pet%20Republique&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D
An inkpad would probably be your best best, like what they’d use for human fingerprints. If you live in the US, chewy.com has ink pads marketed for pet paw prints here but I’m sure any non toxic inkpad would work.
Saniderm Tattoo Aftercare Bandage, Breathable Waterproof Bandages, Sanitary Transparent Adhesive Wraps, Protect and Heal Tattoos, 3 Pre-Cut 8 x 10 Inch Sheets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LGHJMBD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_4NPGWG06KYVFR7E2QX58?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The CPL lense only really work with the light filters, here’s a link for the filter if you want to try it! I have pretty bright overhead light too but the direct light seems to cancel they out pretty good. I feel like pictures are sometimes the hardest part about tattooing lmao always gotta try new things though
lense, wrap this around your light with a rubber band to soften the light
I use this spray on mineral sun screen that is SPF50 ANY time my tattoo sees sunlight. It’s a full sleeve, so yeah it’s a little tedious to apply every time I go outside, but it keeps everything looking super bright and clean.
This stuff seems to stay on great even in water. But you do have to reapply often. I think the bottle says every hour or something when in water. I’ll find it and link it. My wife also says she loves the smell of this shit and it’s not as greasy as most others.
Limited-time deal: UV Sun Protection Arm Sleeves for Men & Women - UPF 50 Sports Compression Cooling Sleeve - Skin Cancer Foundation Recommended https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073TWJ7LL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_dl_T2WYWQX84GQVWEAZC2PE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
My point being it’s better than nothing. There is literally products designed to protect new tattoos from the sun.. so your cheesegrater is a tad extreme. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Balm-Tattoo-Sunblock-Ointment-30g/dp/B01MTRSL71
I use this sunscreen ,it has great protection and moisturizes as well so tattoos look great after using it.
Sunscreen is a must! I like this one fr Elta MD.
Just to mention, I have a sleeve tattoo that’s slightly faded and I get the same results from my daily moisturizer and my sunscreen which is slightly tinted and has a shimmer and it’s significantly cheaper.
Aveeno Skin Relief Deep Moisture: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0013OJUY4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_76REYGF4QDY518H8F8NR
Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00639DLV2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_F3KFATRY2NZQDJ786STM
Yes. <strong>Zoylee</strong> is one of the best salon/spa/parlor booking apps in India. You can book an appointment for a tattoo, hair treatment, facial, makeup, massages, etc using this <strong>Zoylee app.</strong>
I got tatted professionally for the first time and I was intrigued by the whole tattooing process so I decided to tattoo some of my own since tattoo artists charge a shit ton an hour and I'm an artist also anyway. Dragonhawk Complete Tattoo Kit... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JFQXDDQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I got that one since dragonhawk is a reputable brand. That's one of the cheapest ones they have, but I wouldn't use the ink, I tried it and it barely sticks to the skin and it's super cheap. It feels like acrylic paint.
Rotary pens are easier and better to use than coil machines, but they are more expensive.
I met a guy with this exact tattoo yesterday. This isn't him, because he has darker skin. But this is weird.
EDIT: This is the best I could find since I'm not Facebook friends with him. Not the best angle, but you can tell it's the same one. And sorry it's in black and white, but even the colors are the same. I remembered the blue teeth. http://tinypic.com/r/2jam3yf/8
Just to double check, this one?
Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion, Moisturises for 24 Hours, Body Lotion for Normal to Dry Skin Care, 500ml https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08JL5B792/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3VQ0KPEM4VPKW3HN158J
I got this thermal printer from amazon
Life Basis Tattoo Stencil Transfer Machine Thermal Tattoo Kit Copier Printer Thermal Printer for Temporary and Permanent Tattoos Free 10pcs Tattoo Stencil Transfer Paper Silver Update Version https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MY14CQR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_KS9T4FV1NVV6Z3NFXJHB
Assuming she already has a regular printer, this thing will save her hours of stencil hand drawing
Very simple to use. Might wanna find a cheaper version, i believe i got mine for $100 couple of years ago
I highly recommend a better quality lotion. I use hustle butter ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AEVIIYK ) and love the results. I still use it on my older tattoos to keep them moisturized in the winter when it's super dry. Brings out the color a bit more. They say not to keep a new tattoo super moisturized but this butter soaks in real well and I use it multiple times a day on fresher ink.
I like these sports bra for areas with tattoo. They are made of cotton, although not the best support, it's fine for a week or 2 while healing and is better than nothing.
Saniderm Tattoo Aftercare Bandage | Transparent Hygienic Adhesive Wrap | 10.2 inch x 2 yard (25.91 cm x 1.83 m) Roll | Protect and Heal Your Tattoo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0765F2PKT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_K963KZWCC11VED035HRS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I highly recommend this one! I got it after I turned out to be allergic to the nice ointment I got from my artist. I got my last tattoo in May, and I still use this when I get dry (which is a lot, I live in a dry climate)
After Inked Tattoo Moisturizer and Aftercare Lotion, 3 Fluid Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005I4R75O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WA0SG3N5J4AR1VH192T7
After it has fully healed, check out compression sleeves. They're surprisingly comfortable.
This is what I use.
Neutrogena Beach Defense Water Resistant Sunscreen Body Lotion with Broad Spectrum SPF 70, Oil-Free and Fast-Absorbing, 6.7 oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AEN4QZ8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_X4Q9MG8R9J9EMNQ3H5YZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I've used the brand Saniderm before and had similar issues. My artist uses Dynarex, so I got a roll of it and it was so much better. Hope this helps! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SSMLM9K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_X7KZMDH55DN7HP86W8NA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
UV Sun Protection Arm Sleeves for Men & Women - UPF 50 Sports Athletic Compression Cooling Arm Cover for Basketball, Running, Cycling, Golf, Baseball & Football - Skin Cancer Foundation Recommended https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073TWJ7LL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JoXOFbFKC59FF
Tattooer here. You can also try Tegaderm. It sticks to dry skin but won’t stick to your fresh tattoo, and keeps everything germ free. We like to encourage this for tattoos on areas that get a lot of friction either from clothing (waistband, bra strap) or other body parts, and for covering new tattoos during sleep. Lots of people just keep their tattoos covered with it all the time throughout the healing process and have great results.
A sleeve is perfect for being outdoors! I use these from Amazon which are rated UPF 50 (the clothing equivalent of SPF). I've done a few 5-6 hour hikes with close to no shade and have not been burned at all. And I am SUPER anal about protecting my art from those damn UV rays.
If you're extra anxious, you could put sunscreen underneath as well. But IMO the best part of sleeves is that they're low maintenance. You don't have to reapply anything every couple hours.
*Also, although the sleeves I linked are all UPF 50, darker colors like black are generally better at absorbing UV Rays better so that's the color I use. I own the white ones too and they work just fine, but it bugs me that I can see a silhouette of my ink through them if I look closely enough. Makes me a little doubtful.
Look at the first link again, what that definition is saying is very different to what you're trying to say filigree is.
It seems like plenty of people are wrong, but the second result on that Google search literally calls the design scroll.
This book looks excellent, albeit pricey. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Advanced-Drawing-Scrolls-Engraving-Designers/dp/B002L0QEGG
My skin is more or less medium level. I've never gotten sunburned so I'm guessing SPF 50-70 might be fine for me. As for new tattoos, I'll probably wear a hoodie or something like that.
What do you think about this one?
It really does, it's great aftercare... I've been using it on my piece after each session. The healing is much faster than nothing or aquaphor and I don't have e an issue with itching...check out the reviews on Amazon.
Hustle Butter Deluxe – Tattoo Butter for Before, During, and After the Tattoo Process – Lubricates and Moisturizes – 100% Vegan Replacement for Petroleum-Based Products – 5 oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AEVIIYK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_ogdyAbJES5RAD
Oh yes. I got mine on amazon. It's just really strong lidocaine that you put on your skin two hours before the appointment. It stayed completely numb for about two hours.
I've got enough large tattoos that I'm over the whole proving myself thing. I use it almost every time now. I am usually sitting for three or so hours when I get something done, so not feeling it for the first bit is always nice. I feel no shame, and my artist doesn't judge!
Here's what I use.
You should absolutely pick up some Wet Skin Kids.
It's like a big Chapstick and it's awesome for protecting tattoos in the sun. It's also great to use for some extra protection on you nose and cheeks.
Definitely from the after-care he recommended you use. I have sensitive skin too and have had reactions to certain ointments. The most recent one I've used is After Inked. Recommended to me from my last artist and by far the best tattoo after care ointment I've used.
Amazon for free two day shipping you could have it by wednesday, depending on where you are in the world.
There is a book you need to check out we keep it out on our coffee table called Inked Inc. Its all about tattooed professionals. Its definetly a good one to look at and has some cool stories.