Bukowski was involved in a few underground comics in his time, so I think maybe this was just a really obscure reference to that.
You can see and download some pics of the art by going to Amazon's page for the show (in the EXPLORE tab) and scrolling down to where is says "DON'T LOOK" and clicking "LOOK".
You can buy both seasons on dvd from amazon for £10.99 and its totally uncut and in correct aspect ratio (I think)
I have exactly the same one my friend bought me for my birthday and it is literally one of my prize possessions
There are versions of it that have the German dub.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00MNU9SSK/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_RPQEJW3H5QADMARC28E4 there's season 1 for you. There's Blu-ray versions of both season 1 and 2 if you want and can play those. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00UBIU4DY/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_TZ0QAZTF9KXGHFSEE0ZN there's season 2. Hope this helps and I'm glad you're welcoming new people into the fold of watching the show :)
Just watched the german bluray release by Polyband and it has the right aspect ratio, and isn't cut, so if anyone can grab that copy outside Germany, it's the best version
Don't be confused by the back saying 16:9, this does include the letterbox
It's on dvd on amazon for £10.98. I have the same copy I think and it has deleted scenes and all that good stuff
Apparently the blu Ray version is just series 1 from what the reviews say so I'd go for dvd if you want both.
> Oh I have done the flash drive thing with friends but something about that they just can't get motivated to figure out how to watch it off a usb. It's been kind of infuriating really.
I feel your pain!
> Do you get flac files from hdtracks ?
Generally ALAC. It's easy enough to turn them to another lossless format if needed. I generally convert them to 256 kbps AAC files with XLD for storage on my iPhone—damned if I can tell the difference even on my system.
I'm not particularly good at audio engineering, but I made a rip, included the end part of the piece from later in the episode, tried to remove vocals as best I could, and here it is:
Available on blu ray from Amazon UK here:
Utopia [Blu-ray] https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00B2OI0FU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_EBxkBb1ZA6W5M
Season 2 was DVD only in the UK but the German Amazon has the German blu ray (with English soundtrack) available cheaply. I picked it up from there.
Um... Are we talking about the same series here? Because on the Amazon Prime-website it clearly states that it's TV-MA. https://www.amazon.com/Utopia-Season-1-Official-Trailer/dp/B08CZZTKWP/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=utopia&qid=1598009628&s=instant-video&sr=1-1
No Hola mate..
Zenmate is a better alternative although it has just few countries. But free VPNs in general should be avoided if you care for your data.
I'd use a dns changer instead, like . Sign up for a free trial and see how it works. Pretty great and won't affect your Internet speed usually.
It should be on US netflix any day now. It was meant to be last Saturday but there have been delays.
If you cannot wait don't whatever you do use Hola to access UK netflix for these reasons.
Zenmate and Unblock US are the most popular options.
If you were wondering, I find some free VPN services that are very easy to use on chrome are Proxmate and Hotspot Shield (and as Raf3 mentioned, Cyberghost).
Also, if you use adblock, you can skip ads on All4 by disabling adblock, then re-enabling it halfway during an advert, and it will work for the rest of the show.
Using a VPN isn't illegal. I use VPN's to watch foreign tv shows that are only available in their countries of origin. A good, free VPN is CyberGhost. You can just download it, sign up, turn it on and then switch to UK and watch it on the Channel 4 website.
What do you mean by status? How popular it is? It's the most respected TV channel behind the BBC ones and also one of the most popular.
I did a little more digging, and found this. It says it's region free, single disc. And here's another disc which clearly states that it's Region B, comes with two discs, and will not play on North American players.
So color me baffled.
Well, I did a little more digging, and the product information for the so-called "Region Free" disc is wrong. The below comes from the Amazon customer Q&A page for the Region Free disc. There is only one release, and it's Region B. Sony Blu Ray players apparently enforce the region codes. But a lot of the newer Blu Ray players from off-name brands will play all regions, which could easily lead you to believe the disc is Region Free. I assure you it is not.
> Also, it's listed as one disc, but is in fact 2, and looks to be the exact same version as this: Utopia: Series One [Blu-ray]
> Gets stuck on the Channel 4 logo on the PS3 for me as well.