> I even stated they went to US.
except it fucking didn't. AND ON TOP OF THAT it looks like AMD will no longer do anything like this ever again thanks to you.
He seems to deny wanting to do that.
Are you referencing this when you claim that he "literally wants to nuke the entire Muslim world"?
Adam Armstrong is one of the worst people in software I've ever seen. Some developers will go on rants for good reasons. He almost always goes on rants because people ask for features, or ask for clarification on how something works, or give him general feedback. His software is Observium, and the better alternative is LibreNMS, which was forked from Observium while it was under a more open license.
People like Naomi Klein in "The Shock Doctrine" and Eduardo Galeano in "Open Veins of Latin America" have argued that since libertarianism is such an anti-human ideology, so inherently unpopular as it is basically "all hail all-powerful corporations" that the only way it can be enforced on a society is through massive, organized violence, which is what happened in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and other Latin American countries where it was tried.
Because people like me who aren't on reddit so religiously and don't disagree with the decision at all were way late to the party. I was on /r/hockey when people started talking about the announcement so I moseyed over. The majority of people probably read it, shrugged, and moved on without voting.
That's what "vocal minority" means: that the small, angry portion of the population is the one actually shouting and voting.
I really invest a lot of hope in secular humanists and the science of morality. More than I like to admit, because we can and should do better.
I'd like to see what would happen with secular social and political leaders, but if it failed it would be heart crushing.
The tests are impossible by design because there are several plausible answers but no factual answers. They were designed to enable registrars to deny voters at will. Of course, preventing black people from voting was the point.
Not whatever bullshit 'lit review' from whatever legalize mary-jane site you happen to find that says "the effects are milder than alcohol", a startlingly dangerous, nebulous phrase.
Good news everyone, EA caved, sort of:
I'm not a gamer, but here's the thing I don't get. Gamers have been complaining for years about EA's business practices, so why do they keep giving them money?
Ad page in question, which is linked on the Bluestacks homepage: https://www.bluestacks.com/apps/adventure/ark-survival-evolved-on-pc.html
Most of the sites seem to be gone from the internet, but "The 27 Conspiracy" was a thing online a while back. Here is an old Metafilter thread about it.
That's all I can think of, anyway.
Don't bother trying to reason with americans. to them, anyone who even looks at an under18 is literally hitler. For anyone who think that adolescents are helpless little, innocent children, I recomend The Case Against Adolescence for an alternative viewpoint.