Better check the temperature with this app. If it overheat processor would down clock speed. Maybe should replace thermal paste.
Do you watching 1080 video ?
My MacBook Pro 2017 temperature around 60 when play 1080 video but fan still silent but I could feel it get hot.
You could check what is temperature during playing video using this app.
You could cehck temperature with this app.
Also wenn du den Platz hast, würde ich eher ein ATX nehmen :) für SFX zahlst du eigentlich immer Aufpreis und die sind schwieriger zu kühlen, was die Geschichte lauter macht. Lieber ein gutes ATX wie ein SeaSonic Focus GX, Super Flower Leadex II, Corsair RM, BeQuiet Straight Power 11 oder BitFenix Whisper M.
Lad dir mal das hier runter und lass dir mal berechnen, wie viel Verlustleistung deine CPU ungefähr erzeugt, mal als groben Anhaltspunkt:
Wenn man die Intels laufen lässt, nehmen die nochmal deutlich mehr elektrische Verlustleistung auf. Allerdings werden bei dir die VRMs des Mainboards irgendwann am thermischen Limit laufen und die elektrische Verlustleistung der CPU nach oben begrenzen. Heißt effektiv: der 10700 wird bei deinem Mainboard nicht so schnell laufen, wie er eigentlich könnte - aber auch weniger Strom verbrauchen.
Da die 3060 jetzt auch nicht gerade ein Säufer ist, könnte ein 450 W NT hier sogar ausreichen. Mit 550 W dürftest du dicke im grünen Bereich sein.
Assuming his computer doesn't have dedicated graphics, there's a specific part of the processor being dedicated to graphics - the iGPU (i for integrated), so the CPU isn't necessarily doing extra work. It does use some of the RAM for processing graphics and it could, on theory, be a reason for the whole CPU to get hotter and, therefore, throttle.
I'd suggest using Intel Power Gadget to look at the frequency and temperature. Test it with and without the external monitor attached.
It might also be a good idea to consider a tool such as Macs Fan Control to set a more aggressive fan curve to keep the CPU a bit cooler. Disclaimer: I have contributed to a portion of this app.
8GB is not much RAM. You are probably disk thrashing. Check your RAM usage.
Could also be thermal throttling. Download Intel Power Gadget to observe any throttling.
I’d say it’s probably fine. They are designed to allow short bursts that are way beyond the systems cooling capacity to make tasks like opening your email feel snappy. It will then throttle back down to an acceptable power limit if it’s faced with a sustained load. As mentioned intels power gadget can help you visualize what’s happening: https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/intel-power-gadget.html
Check temperature with this app.
Is it i5 dual core or quad core ?
You could check temperature using this app.
You could use this app.
What is temperature during idle ?
You could check using this app.
What are you doing during at cafe ?
If it was in sleep how long it would last ?
Check the battery health and temperature using these apps.
It still in good condition.
Maybe high temperature caused the battery down faster. During play youtube video check temperature using this app.
Can you run Intel Power Gadget and check if there's a noticeable difference in power usage between Firefox and Chrome?
Download Intel Power Gadget and see what it shows for power consumption under your typical load. Then compare to 3700X/3900X power consumption from myriad of reviews available.
You may also want to consider 5600X over 3700X, depending on what benchmarks show on Nov 5th.
Download the Intel Power Gadget:
Ok, so I know you're not very tech savvy. But you need a couple of utilities to check your frequency as that's the base clock that's showing up and you're comparing it against the turbo clock. You first need Intel's Power Gadget to monitor the frequency a.k.a the GHz number. and run a benchmark like cinebench.
Here are the links: Power Gadeget: https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/intel-power-gadget.html (you need to scroll all the way down and download the first link. Cinebench (to get the frequencies up): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/cinebench/9pgzkjc81q7j?activetab=pivot:overviewtab
Run the intel tool then run cinebench and launch a render and try reading the number on package Frq0 in the intel tool
That's... odd. Because I'm actually installing the latest version from IPG (which is 3.7.0) but it installed the 3.6 version kext.
I'll try re-installing it, bork the system again and see if some new error message shows up.
You can run the stress test in intel power gadget and this gpu stress test. https://www.geeks3d.com/gputest/
That’s some really weird s... tuff. Do the Mac feels too hot? Let’s try something... there’s a app from intel. I think it’s Intel Power Gadget that allows you to see if the amount of power it’s using and the processor frequency.
Install it and try Hulu. Too see if the processor speed drops or it gets too hot.
do you mean? https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/intel-power-gadget.html still seems available? I have a slightly older version:
I might be mistaken, but I think you need to have Intel Power Gadget installed in order for iStat Menus to report temperatures & fan speeds.
Open "activity monitor" and check what happens.
You can also download Intel Power Gadget and see what your CPU performance looks like. Maybe it's thermal throttling under that load.
A RAM upgrade probably makes sense, but simply put if you're running LR/Photoshop.... If you have the desk space, building a PC with a desktop CPU rather than using a Mac Mini with what's basically a laptop CPU will help a ton and cost much less than a newer Mac Mini. With a nice KVM switch, running two computers is fine :)
You could try downloading intel's power gadget in the background and seeing what it shows when you get these drops. It will show you current clock speeds of the graphics and cpu and you will get an idea if you're being throttled.