Mal unabhängig davon, dass man die Leute da raus holen muss, sollten wir langsam mal anfangen, die Story, die uns die Medien auftischen, kritisch zu hinterfragen und uns die Gesamtsituation dann doch mal von einem Nahost Experten erklären lassen.
Stellt sich dann heraus, dass dieses schöne Bild von den bösen Taliban, die auf einmal praktisch aus dem Nichts auftauchen und das Ganze Land erobern vielleicht doch ein klein wenig zu regierungsunkritisch ist. Die Ortskräfte da am langem Arm verhungern zu lassen scheint weniger Versagen, als viel mehr Kalkül zu sein, um kurz vor der Bundestagswahl nicht auch noch ne heftige Flüchtlingswelle zu haben.
If the app / version you're looking for is available from the Play Store, you can use something like Raccoon to download the apk.
Yep, that’s me. But I have a better method for anyone wanting android themes that don’t mind some work.
I pulled the split apk
Not sure if it will work, and it will most likely be a german language version, but good luck
Raccoon is a desktop client for downloading directly from Google Play, you might be interested in.
Just curious if a game such as Pathos is multi-platform will it it get cross referenced in any way?
Ja, das war aber eher ein künstlicher Aufreger. Luca hatte da einfach Quellcode in ihren Sourcetree übernommen, statt gegen das Binary zu linken und dann aus ihrem internen SCM nach gitlab exportiert, wobei die Kommentare kaputt gegangen sind, Fällt an der Stelle unter Schlamperei, nicht Böswilligkeit.
Apps aus freien Libs zusammenzubauen ist gang und gäbe. Die wirkliche Realsatire ist das, die Eier hatten, schon fett ins Konzept reinzuschreiben, dass Luca nicht funktionieren kann
Bzgl. der Zettel:
Ich habe die App nie genutzt, kann deshalb nicht sagen, was ich vorweisen können sollte. Ein "Ich hab mich eingecheckt" ohne die App auch nur geladen zu haben, habe ich mich nicht getraut.
So I found this description of what the GSF ID actually is, and it sounds to me like the only difference between the e-reader and, say, your phone is that you phone already has its GSF ID associated with google when you first get it (instead of having to register it manually later).
Now, I still can't fully answer your question since I don't have a child account to try, but I was able to add a secondary account without redoing the GSF ID association step. So if you run into issues just using the child account, you may be able to associate the device's GSF ID via your account then simply log into the child account as normal afterwards.
Hopefully someone with a child account handy can try it out and let us know, but if not it may be best to ask the official Boox support team. Good luck!
Nein. Der Server bekommt nur Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsseltes Kuddelmuddel. Die Prüfung erfolgt auf dem Gerät.
Eigentlich ein schönes Konzept, wär da nicht:
Finde das Audit unter ziemlich gelungen.
Muss ist so ein starkes Wort. In der Vergangenheit ließ sich das wohl auch umgehen, jetzt vielleicht auch immer noch.
If that day comes when Google breaks Aurora Store I'm planning to install a linux distro on my phone and use Raccoon instead.
But so far Aurora is working perfectly for me.
Gar nichts. Alles schon durchgekaut worden und als sinnlos verworfen.
Was passiert, wenn man ohne TAN Warnungen verschicken kann ist z.B. hier schön beschrieben. Die Ironie an der Stelle ist, dass man per App tatsächlich das Virus überholen kann, wenn man zulässt, dass Warnungen ungeprüft weitergegeben werden. Allerdings ist da dann Missbrauch Tür und Tor geöffnet und die Leute deinstallieren die App ganz schnell wieder, weil sie sich ständig auf Verdacht in Quarantäne begeben müssen. Aus diesem Grund wurde dann die TAN eingebaut, nur dummerweise wurde dadurch der Nachrichtenverteilalgorithmus implizit geändert. Die Effizienz kippt dadurch von exponentiell (was man braucht um schneller zu sein als das Virus) zu logarithmisch (nach oben begrenzt). Man muss sich an der Stelle die grenzenlose Dämlichkeit vor Augen führen: "wir" wollten die App, weil Gesundheitsämter bei der Kontaktverfolgung eine logarithmische Effizienzklasse haben (Obergrenze: Menge der Telefonleitungen), also zimmern wir uns eine App zusammen, die dann am Ende auch nur logarithmisch Effizient ist (Obergrenze: Testkapazität). Davon dass durch das Warten auf das Laborergebnis der Alarm praktisch immer zu spät weitergereicht wird, reden wir besser erst gar nicht.
Verschiedene Warntypen kannst du knicken. Gibt das Protokoll nicht her. Kannst du natürlich neu designen, aber ehrlich? Nach so viel Inkompetenz würde ich allen Beteiligten lieber lebenslanges Tastaturverbot geben. Ich meine: wir haben hier ja noch nicht mal über die physikalischen Grundlagen gesprochen. Die sind richtig witzig.
Anybody can open an issue on the Github page for this software, at no cost. This is just a communication problem on the side of OP. The support page doesn't even link to the Github page. Rules for bug reports and a better description on the support page would deal with this problem.
> People abuse Bugtrackers as supportforums.
Make clear rules for an appropriate bug report. If posted bug reports don't meet the rules, simply state that and don't ever answer until the user can deliver the appropriate content.
Make it clear that the support is not for breakage or bugs, but for a personal use case of a certain user, for support and help.
You're right that many people don't really seem to be able to make that kind of distinction. But you can do quite a bit to make sure this doesn't happen as often. This site is rather shortly described, and it is no wonder that "problem" is a different thing for everybody. If you see many people tripping over this, you should consider changing and extending this text.
> If everyone had your views, all of the amazing things we have wouldn't exist!
I totally forgot that tech only advances when privacy is violated. Wow, what an eye opening revelation! /s
> since you would be less likely to get infected
Your "lack of" understanding about how the world works is troubling and concerning.
And if everyone had your views, we'd be in a future with absolutely no privacy and tech companies involved in every facet of our lives beaming commercials into our dreams.
> Why discourage?
Simple, privacy above all else. Self ownership and responsibility.
Oops, forgot...I use a custom ROM so my input is null and void.... Thanks Cancel Culture! Can't wait to hear what I'm supposed to think next.
I noticed that the paid pro version of stericson.busybox promises "additional support for Magisk". I don't want to try blindly even if the pro version is GSF-independent and Google happens to have just locked my account, potentially due to using Aurora store and Raccoon.
Läste den här sågningen av idén om frivillig bluetooth spårning via app med skydd för integriteten.
Är det någon som har koll vad man haft för diskussioner i det länder som är på gång att införa likande i Europa? Vad förväntar man sig för andlutingssgrad?
Att Kinas centraliserade fungerar där man inte är anonym fattar jag men gissar att Europa tittar mer på Singapores där 20-25 % verkar ha appen. Apple-Googles lösning verkar ju ha backning av flera europeiska länder och är det inbyggt för länder att slå på en fråga om man vill ha appen kan man säkert nå fler personer.
This article has some great points about the caveats of contact tracing apps:
The main take away is that tracer apps track phones, not people and their intentions least of all infections. And so, any dataset that arises from a tracer app is always an imperfect proxy model for a far more complex reality. The efficacy of tracer apps hinges on their trustworthiness, and that hinges on the reliability of the data and what it's telling you.
Manual contract tracing is more cumbersome because it requires you to actively remind yourself to keep track of who you've talked to. However, taking notes in a small notepad does allow you to provide more context information about contacts which could be really important.
Automatic translation here
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I personally use Raccoon to download apps straight from the play store on a PC, then move the APK to the phone.
That way I can be relatively sure that the app is the app I wanted to download. It's also open source, which makes it a lot more trustworthy.
You still need to have a Google Account though, so maybe this is not a perfect solution
I use neither GApps nor microG, Android works just fine without them.
With "just fine" I mean:
I think that this is a really unsuitable setup for most people (as it's not as convenient), but I don't mind it.
Signing in to my Google account fails due to the SMS-verification (I used a disposable prepaid number) and I don't want to create a new one for every wi-fi network I access. If these issues continue I move entirely to Raccoon (desktop).
Another alternative that you can use is Raccoon APK downloader (
Lets you download APK’s directly to your computer and can install them to your phone through ADB if you pay for the upgraded version. You still need to have a Gmail account to download apps, but it won’t be on your phone.
I’ve never used the anonymous logins anyways, so I didn’t know that.
Even if you do have to log in, it’s a third party client that doesn’t keep track of your app useage, or look at your calendar or contacts, or send any information to google other than asking for the apk file you want. So it’s really not that big of a deal.
If that’s not good enough for you you can use Raccoon ApK Downloader ( to download to your pc and then copy the apk files to your phone.
Or APKMirror
Or a dozen other sites that are out there.
The main thing is that 3rd party, privacy doesn’t solutions exist and function.
I use Tasker without the Play Store on my OnePlus 5T. I use an service called MicroG to fake Play Store functionality to different apps that check if the Play Store is installed.
I have Tasker and the majority of the AutoApps purchased through the play store, and I use an app called Aurora Store to download the app/ updates on my phone. Tasker works perfectly, but the majority of newer AutoApps do not. I use an old pirated version of AutoRemote because the new one requires you to be logged into your Play Store account to be able to function.
I've been using custom ROMs without the Play Store for about 3-4 years now. MicroG does a great job of providing the base functionality i need and Aurora Store downloads all the apps I need as well.
There is also a client you can use on your computer called Raccoon APK downloader to download the APK files and then copy them over to your phone. Works great for creating backups of all your apk files if you ever want to go back to an older version of an app.
If you don't mind using a computer to install, I've used Raccoon to download the APKs for my paid Google apps. Last I checked only the paid version will install the Apps for you automatically, but you can manually install them with Android debug tools or just transfer them to the SD card and install from there.
That APK downloader would have been Raccoon. Just search with it for "pocketcasts", click on the app, open the "Market|Direct Download" dialog, and tick down the versioncode.
You could use Raccoon to roll back that upgrade: Go to the "Market|direct download" menu, Package ID, version code and offertype should be:
Hmm... I can think of a couple of possible ways.
If you're rooted and have Magisk, try MagiskHide Props Config module and change your device signature to a supported tablet. It might involves changing your device's DPI to make Play Store thinks your phone's really a tablet.
If you don't have root, another way is to try to download the APK from Play Store using a PC and sideloading it to your Android. Try this APK Downloader Chrome extension or this new PC/Mac/Linux app called Raccoon.