It hasn’t even been a month since the Christchurch massacre...
I cannot fathom how people can watch this Swedish millionaire patronize a developing country by telling it fix its “crippling poverty.” Like resolving poverty is such a simple and straightforward task. Just stop being poor, right?
He doesn’t know jack shit about the caste system, which has been ingrained in Indian society for thousands of years and is still not fully understood. India has been making huge strides against casteism in the past few years, but it’s not like PDP knows this or even cares.
As someone with a massive, young, and impressionable audience, he could be fighting the hate that permeates our society today (Christchurch), and spreading wholesome content. But no, he chooses to make bland, racist videos in a cringe attempt to come off as “edgy.”
Also, does anyone else see the irony in not wanting a “soulless corporation” to be the most subscribed channel, despite the fact that YouTube itself is a soulless corporation....
At the end of the day, it’s so fucking obvious he’s milking this tseries “battle” for the $$$. The man knows how to exploit dumb tweens, I’ll give him that.
Just to clarify, just because caste is described in a certain way in various texts doesn't mean that that is how society was necessarily organized. You see Buddhist texts talking about the superiority of the Kshatriyas or the Sakya clan, but that doesn't necessarily mean that that was how Indian Buddhist society was organized.
Descriptions of caste primarily come from British Protestants taking their views of the Catholic feudal system and superimposing them onto India. So British Protestants viewed Catholicism as a religion with corrupt priests imposing a corrupt hierarchy leading the people astray. So in the mind of British Protestants, there was an organized religion called Hinduism with texts like the Vedas with Manu Smriti being the Hindu law book, and the Brahmins were the priests imposing a hierarchical system onto the people.
This contradicts a lot of ethnographic data on caste (ex. previously Shudra Patels emulating the Banias to gain Vaishya status because Brahmin culture in Gujarat is not respected, majority of monasteries of in South India are headed by Shudras, atrocities against Dalits are a lot of the time committed by other Shudras and Dalits and not Brahmins).
Plus, Hinduism is not an organized religion (and the category "religion" is not a good way to describe non-Abrahamic traditions). Kashmiri Brahmins, Tamil Vellalars, Oria Adivasis have completely different practices, although with similar deities. Manu Smriti was only proclaimed as the universal law book for all Hindus when Orientalist William Jones translated the book in 1798 and made that proclamation.
Here's a paper talking about how the predominant theories of caste are extremely faulty.
As others have mentioned, it’s not you, it’s the cooking of Indian food. We flip houses so we are very proactive about Preventing Indian food smell from being absorbed in the house. We have this issue too but have found the following things really help with preventing the smell from entering any bedroom:
Make sure your bedroom and closet doors are closed when your mom is cooking.
Buy a small room filter that you can keep in your room to help filter out the smell. The link below is one for $35 and it works really well. My son has allergies and it keeps his air filtered from pollen and dust. GermGuardian GG1000
Politely ask your mom to make sure the exhaust is on when she cooks. This reason may be hard to explain without telling her that you are being made fun of because of the cooking smell sticking to your clothes. My husband and I also have a window exhaust we put up to make sure our house doesn’t absorb any smell. They can be found on amazon but are a bit pricier.
Make sure and shower after the cooking is done.
Keep an open box of baking soda (they are less then a dollar at any Walmart/ target) in your closet. It helps absorb smells that end up attaching to your clothes.
I am sorry you are going through this. I am also sorry for some of the negative comments on here- although most of them were helpful! I hope this helps.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. A poor black tobacco farmer to whom we owe a debt of gratitude, because without her we wouldn't have half the cures to diseases we have today - including the polio vaccine.
I really wasn't aware of this part of History. Apparently the British colonial govt., was still exporting food from India when India was under one of the worst famines in recorded history.
I found this article when I was trying to learn more about it. Highly recommend reading it.
Aren't kids there educated in this manner about the British empire? All the good they did for the "savages" way overweighed the bit of harm caused. One of the reasons I've little sympathy for these people. They have no regret( read the "recommended" comments for more true British opinions, even this "liberal" article equates eliminating sati as a balancer to killing off millions through man made famines) about the amount of destruction, misery, and death they caused and situations they created which still cause widespread problems today. Current generation shouldn't be blamed for their ancestors, but their education should at least reflect the damage they caused to the world. Sweeping it under the rug is tantamount to agreeing with the actions of their forefathers.
I'm super curious about Desis in the U.S., and how we got here, so I sometimes do random exploration.
In this case, I started off looking for people born in India using census search websites like FamilySearch. I saw this guy, got intrigued, and started digging deeper—and the more I looked, the more I found.
The Internet is such an amazing resource for amateur history sleuths! All I needed was a computer. All the census data, old newspapers, and medical death records were all free to access.
What does that have to do with race? You can consider everything you listed in a race neutral manner. You might find it interesting that UCLA, when trying race-neutral admissions a while back to comply with CA's Prop 209, didn't end up with the number of blacks and Latinos they desired. They just ended up with a bunch of poor Asians!
I think the distinguishing factor is if you can tune out your brain and watch reality tv in general. Most of this show was just that and much of the cringe stems from it. I don't mind reality tv if it's somewhat interesting in concept, but I can see how it can be unwatchable.
If you actually want to see something about the concepts this show touches on, but doesn't have the cringy reality tv bits, then I highly recommend checking out A Suitable Girl. It's available free on Amazon Prime. It does a much better job of looking into arranged marriages, love, family and Indian culture surrounding all of this.
Desi authors have actually made it big as physician authors. Their books address scientific issues but are targeted for the general public (and they win Pulitzers, so you know that they're good). 10/10 recommend all of these
Started with the iOS Apprentice book and then took the iOS Nanodegree on Udacity. If you're interested in learning more I'd be happy to talk to you over PM.
Close to 0. I was a Republican when I knew nothing about politics. Then I became a libertarian, but then I graduated high school. I'm not even sure capitalism is the right economic model, going forward into the 21st century, because so much has changed since Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations. But that's a subject for a different time.
I use the Google Indic Keyboard for Android. It supports multiple Indic languages, including हिंदी and বাংলা, and has an easy mechanism for switching back and forth from english.
On my computer, I use SCIM for Linux with ITRANS keyboard layouts, but this seems really out of style (I don't think it ever was in style).
Most commonly, though, I just type phonetically into Google Translate and let it convert.
Great question!
I think two things should be kept in mind:
1 - we don't have to completely reinvent the wheel. Clinton won the popular vote, and but for a few tens of thousands of votes clustered in the midwest, she'd be president.
2 - Barack Obama and Eric Holder are running point on a new initiative to gain back control of state legislatures and governor's mansions nationwide so that we're in a strong position for redistricting in 2020. You can read about that effort here:
And if just a small fraction of the people who marched yesterday vote in their local elections, we'll be just fine.
I found a cookbook, called Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/Day where the author has recipes that you can make for cheap. You can download the PDF for free. There are some Indian recipes like Chana Masala and Roti. It has some amazing recipes I can't wait to try.
For our Desi's up north there is a poutine recipe! :)
P.S. I am not involved with the project, just wanted to share it for the Desi's that cook and are looking for cheap recipes. ;)
Haha YES! I saw the episode last night. Tbh, I think it makes sense. Mindy Lahiri is clearly not religious, but Danny is. I'm just waiting to see what this is all about.
Also, I really recommend this book to anyone in pretty much any kind of committed or long term relationship: The Hard Questions: 100 Essential Questions to Ask Before You Say "I Do"
We Baasha Labs have release an app for that as well (today morning actually). Please find the Baasha Hindi App, Humari Hindi
So the reason I was skeptical was because all the sites mentioned cited the same 1833 and didn't have anything else. This link provides some more context it seems, and even makes the claim that foreign medicine was banned in India (which is very confusing, maybe I'm misreading).
I can definitely believe they didn't accept it in mainstream medical practice; and they still won't accept it in any medical college because it didn't follow the rigorous standards for Western medicine. That's more of undermining it, than a "ban" in my opinion.
My point is, and perhaps I'm mis-contextualizing the article, one may certainly argue it is hypocritical that Western society didn't allow it and later sees it as important. But I don't agree with how Ayurvedic sites seem to make it like it was some sacred art that was banned by the evil colonists. A lot of that rhetoric was nationalism in combat to anti-colonialism.
EDIT: although it does seem there may be the case for the de facto ban as you mention it (I didn't fully and still don't fully grasp what that means), the article explicitly states legally as well and does not elaborate on its definition of de facto.
I don't know what his opinion is based on, but I asked the same question to my friend's sister a few years back and she said it absolutely works. You just need to persists and it takes a bit of time but the constant 'bleaching' from it does lighten the skin.
But this change is not permanent. Once you stop using it, your skin will gradually go back to the original skin tone.
Edit: More detailed answer by a dermatologist here:
I lack a right ear lobe, so similar situation. Amazon sells these neat ties that work in a similar fashion, 10/10 recommend.
Sanjay Patel (the animator for Sanjay's Super Team- the Pixar short) has a website with some of his illustrated books, though I think they're more Hinduism centric if you're alright with that. Also the Panchatantra stories were also something my mom used to read me when I was younger. Hope that helps, and I love this bedtime routine way of getting your daughter to connect with her heritage, its so cute! <3
Nice! Protein will help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Try Greek yogurt, eggs, lentils, quinoa, and of course lean meats if you're not vegetarian. I've been using MyFitnessPal app to keep track of most of my meals; gives a good guideline of portions and nutritional balance for frequent meals.
Okay, in that case, I would also like to post this. Not technically music. Unless.. unless if you think rain is nature's music (so cheesy! Sorry, I just studied water so much in grad school that I can't help it... I wake up to this every morning that it doesn't rain).
I finished drawing a one-shot about queer women in Classical India! Read it here <3 It feels like it's been ages since I actually finished something, so it felt nice~
I've started eating pretty healthy in the last week- a great tool I use is this, which tracks your vitmans, minerals, etc. It also tracks your calories and fat and carbs, but honestly, the goal shouldn't be to lose weight. It should to be healthy. And as a side effect of being healthy, people tend to lose weight.
How old are you man? It'll definitely be easier to pick up if you understand it already. I brushed up on my Punjabi with a tutor online from preply. We just talk in Punjabi every week for a couple of hours about phrasing, grammar, etc. My Punjabi really deteriorated since I was young and growing up in the States, but this has really helped me improve. I didn't check if that have Gujarati tutors but they have Punjabi and Hindi so I'm guessing they do. The website is called Preply really cool.
This one is pretty good:
Parachute Advansed Jasmine Enriched Coconut Hair Oil - 10.1 fl.oz. (300ml) - Gives Strong, Shiny Hair
I think she has this one:
We make EVERYTHING in the air fryer. We use it more than the microwave lol.
It 100% affects you in the US.
No country has co-opted American policy making like Israel has.
I’m pretty supportive of Israeli interests. I am 100% against Zionist influence of American policy posture and aid the us gives.
Israel should pursue its interests as it sees fit but the US should not help.
>There is also a tendency among the wealthy or "successful" in a minority community to believe they got their position on their merit (where merit has been decided by the shapers of the culture, in this case white people). This ignores the fact that to maintain their self-perception of superiority they will align themselves with the "dominant" forces against those they seem lesser.
True. See also: How the Irish Became White
>A doctor consistently performing hysterectomies on captive patients that are (illegitimately imo, but that's another discussion) wards of the state is terroristic
It's some Nazi-level shit
You're missing my point regarding the relentless pursuit of financial well-being. That phenomenon arose largely as a byproduct of the institution of arranged marriage, which itself is largely an enforcement mechanism of the caste system.
It's worth noting that there are nuances here. The drive for wealth accumulation effects the upper half of Indian society far more than the bottom half. However, I would say almost all of us Desis here in America are descendants and/or children of people from this upper half population anyway, so this particular nuance can be safely ignored in our cases.
> Traditional sexism is justified by divine command and/or the weight of traditional custom
Yes, culture and religion, both of which are woven tightly to the caste system.
> not by "evolutionary psychology" and not by sleazy plots to get laid as much as possible and at any cost to women.
Where are you getting this from?
> The latter is pure modern liberalism: neoclassical individualist utility-maximizer thinking.
> Narcissism is a pre-modern communitarian holdover? Are you serious right now?
> Our culture is a liberal capitalist culture through and through, and all the racism and sexism within it is structurally intrinsic to liberal capitalism.
Interesting. What exactly is 'liberal capitalism'? Is it similar to what Adam Smith originally described in The Wealth of Nations?
> Siddhartha Mukherjee is on the list of the annual prize for his study of genetics and mental health in his book 'The Gene'.
> 'The Gene' highlights the relevance of genetics within everyday life and interrogates concerns with our growing ability to alter the human genome. Woven within this narrative is an intimate story of Mukherjee's own family and its recurring pattern of mental illness.
> He is joined by fellow Indian American author Paul Kalanithi, who could become the first posthumous winner of the prize for his life-affirming reflection on facing mortality, 'When Breath Becomes Air'.
>'When Breath Becomes Air' is a memoir that chronicles Kalanithi's transformation from medical student to neurosurgeon, patient and father before his sad death from cancer while working on this book.
If you haven't read or at least know about what these Books. Buy them now and Read it. if you are lazy at least watch Youtube lectures on these books. Read long reviews.
I mean that "stopping excessive snacking" and "reduce social media time" are vague goals. Have you quantified how much snacking you do, and how much would you consider excessive? Same for social media: how much time do you spend on it, what would you consider excessive, and do you have a way to measure it?
I hope my suggestion is taken as well-meaning advice that in the end will help in achieving your resolutions. In truth, there's a book called The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg that has changed the way I look at resolutions and adult behavioral change, and it has helped me effect a few changes in my own lifestyle. It's worth a read, but the major salient point regarding goal-setting is that they need to be specific and progress needs to be measurable.
I've posted my own resolutions!
watch a lot of insult comedy ("roasts") and just STEAL what they're saying.
take something distinctive about the person and make up a bunch of comments about it
go two layers deep. For example, in the case you gave above, "How does it feel not knowing your dad?"
Listen to Kevin Hart / jeff ross / triumph the insult comic dog / etc trolling people on youtube.
Take improv
play call of duty / league of legends.
You can make fun of ANYONE for ANYTHING. It's about holding your ground and not feeling like, "Oh, he got me." Never back down.
I've been looking for somone to go through this book with for 10+ years, I'd be game to go through it and practice the skills together
If you have Android you should be able to install APKs from unofficial sources without root (you can at least with Samsung devices, probably most or all at this point if you look in your security settings if it doesn't work natively).
TikTok APK mirror (for Android users) that should still work when it gets pulled from the Play Store:
No idea, but check this page. Maybe someone else here can comment on whether those suggestions are good ones, I personally wouldn't know. Hope that helps, though.
Also, how about instead of using the downvote button for all the wrong reasons aka because you're pissed off at my reply and want to make me sad by taking away my internet points, make a post and actually discuss why you're ticked off.
Are we talking about the Sultanate era (15th century) or even earlier? and I would also like to recommend this book about the entire subcontinent. I read this book a while ago, it has really good details about every part of the subcontinent
Have you tried nude lipsticks + a dark lip liner? It’s the only way I can pull nude off lol
Video for reference: Good color corrector for hyperpigmentation: L.A. Girl Pro Conceal HD Concealer,0.28 Ounce (Orange Corrector)
I started watching a show on Amazon called "The Remix." I initially started watching it because I like Nucleya, and was surprised he was doing a TV music show. But it is surprisingly enjoyable and I have actually been liking the music!
Really looking forward to seeing this. Just watched The Man Who Knew Infinity the other day. Solid performance. Great actor. He was my favourite in The Newsroom. Shame they didn't give him more screen time.
Currently reading "The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt". It doubles as a biography as well as a self help book because of how disciplined and ambitious Roosevelt was about every aspect of his life. He overcame so many illnesses and eventually ended up enrolling at Harvard and becoming president. It also chronicles the rise of the Roosevelt family in general from a farmer (Roosevelt's grandfather) to the social elite in the United States.
I just love the values Roosevelt had in regards to education and life and is one of the few American statesmen who's life is worth studying.
I highly recommend this book!
Duolingo is another good tool for beginners. They released the Hindi course some months ago. I found it useful for practicing the written language.
Curious how old you are? I moved to SF from the Midwest when I was 27. I didn't know anyone in SF so I threw myself into activities - alumni events, events, intramural sport leagues, and of course, online dating! There's always new people moving here wanting to meet others. Among my coupled-off friends, the majority are interracial couples; my husband is not Indian.
Wear a head to toe full body spandex suit. You can put on a Spider-Man mask or something or use the mask given to you, you're choice.
They 're not that expensive either, about 20 to 30 USD depending on which one you choose. Here, I even added a link:
With this you'll look "less Indian" and hopefully your internalized hatred and racism towards yourself will also vanish. Hope this helps!
Since a lot of people related and this touched home with them, I thought that this post from Amanda Bradford [founder of The League, a new dating platform designed for 'elites'] did that you guys might get something from that might help:
> I always like to see Westerners learning and partaking in our culture.
I agree, I love it when folks (not just Westerners, anyone really) shows a genuine, curious interest in desi culture because it shows that sexy, sexy quality of wanting to grow as a person. I do, however, draw the line at folks trying to scrub the 'Indian-ness'/'desi-ness' of it and try to pass it off as superior as a result.
Case in point: shit like this.. I've brought it up before but this kind of thing, I find disappointing.
My most controversial opinion is that Indian/Pakistani/Sri Lankan/Bangladeshi/desi restaurants in the west should never have to tone down their spice level as a default to cater to Western people. If they get their faces melted, it's because they ate what we ate. That means you get to cry eating Andhra food like some of us do.
I think the Brits got this right - even though it was slightly milder, Indian restaurants in the UK do a better job of 'retaining the original heat' that Indian dishes used to have back in the motherland even in the UK and the alterations are at a minimum (barring the few dishes they straight up invented).
I think this is a 3 piece outfit - should have a plain base layer top underneath the jacket you have pictured, and then pants to suit.
Something like this is my best guess:
My mom had pretty bad dandruff that was very persistent, she used an anti dandruff shampoo called Nizoral and it went away:\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
First it's important to distinguish between dry scalp and dandruff. The treatment for them is likely going to be different.
Dandruff comes from a fungal overgrowth on the scalp. That's why medicated treatments like Head & Shoulders, Selsun Blue, Nizoral, or even tea tree oil help with them. The flakes are a bit more oily and yellow because the fungus grows better in oilier scalps. An extreme form of dandruff is sebborheic dermatitis, which usually causes red and itchy scalps, which seems not to be the case for you.
Dry scalp is just that--flakes coming from a particularly dry scalp. Oiling before shampooing can help (and yes, coconut oil is particularly good for it). A gentler shampoo is probably going to do you better; look for SLS free/sulfate free options (Maui Moisture is pretty good). A good conditioner, separate from the shampoo, can help. Also using a scalp brush like this or this helps exfoliate the scalp so you have fewer flakes.
Buy a fake nose ring, which you can put in without a piercing and get a piercing when you come back. I used a fake for 2 years and it's pretty secure on the nose. I got something like this, never had any issues with it.
This book is a pretty good primer and is filled with a bunch of Indian myths/fairytales. Just got done reading it with my kid but it's suitable for adults with little background knowledge.
I recommend reading this:
Just add any dupatta that matches. It doesn't have to come with the outfit.
Makeup: If the color of the hickey is more purplish or blue then buy orange color skin corrector. If the hickey is more red like a pimple then buy green color skin corrector. Whichever color you get, blend it in with a sponge. Then use foundation or concealer over it. If you have a powder to set it then that should be used at the end.
L.A. Girl Pro Conceal Set Orange, Yellow, Green Correctors, Pack of 3 (LAX-GC990+GC991+GC992-B)
NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP HD Studio Photogenic Concealer Wand, Medium Coverage - Sand Beige
Here ya go, how about you educate yourself rather than continuing to spread nonsense..........
Well I don't want to brag, but since beard is my specialties and I've an awesome beard! I highly recommend you to moisturize and conditioner your beard! Since your sided are curly you have 2 options...either trim it or fade it with the beard (I recommend the faded).
If you wanna buy a trimmer buy the "Wahl Professional 5 Star Magic Clip" and if you wanna line up your beard also buy the Andis 04710 Professional T-Outliner Beard/Hair Trimmer with T-Blade or some trimmer that has the T-blade. Good luck brotha! 💪🏾
do you like to read?
Also, don't bother to watch Beeba Boys if you're looking for accurate's mostly exaggerated for the movie
I'm reading this translation of the Bhagavad Gita. I'm only a couple of sections in, but so far I'm finding it to be a really approachable text. The translation and commentary (by an Indian, not a Westerner, which is important to note imo) is fairly easy to understand and not overly convoluted. I did go into it with some prior knowledge of the Mahabharata and the Gita though, but I think even those who are new to or have little prior knowledge should find this version easy to understand. It includes a glossary of concepts/ terminology as well, which has been helpful.
As with any spiritual text, read it with a small grain of salt. There will be certain verses and translations of which you'll probably disagree with by modern standards, but it's best to just look past that and instead learn what you can from the rest of the text. I would also suggest to stick with it, I didn't find the first chapter all that interesting since it's just a set up for the main dialogue between Arjun and Krishna. But chapter two is when the real discourse starts and when it becomes much more interesting.
There is a free online copy, but the hard copy is worth getting, imo, especially since the Gita isn't a text you read just once.
Not specifically Tamil, but The Divine Loophole is the absolutely best way to get your kids interested in the Ramayana. The art by Sanjay Patel is just perfect
I thought this book was cute. My kid loved it when he was 3 years old.
Let's Celebrate 5 Days of Diwali! (Maya & Neel's India Adventure Series, Book 1)
War of the Smells!
Incense sticks might work:
If you have the money to splurge, you could get perfect rotis every time. Otherwise, I wouldn't sweat the shape as long as they taste ok.
Dharampal is very underrated. He was a Gandhian thinker who wrote many books about what precolonial Indian culture was like.
One book was "The Beautiful Tree: Indigenous Indian Education in the Eighteenth Century." It's a collection of archival work by British surveyors going over education in different parts of India including South India (Madras Presidency at that time). Not only does it talk about the curriculum at the time, but also the demographics of the various schools. Surprisingly, in many schools, most of the students comprised of Shudras and other lower castes.
I haven't read his other books, but Dharampal has other stuff like "Indian Science and Technology in the Eighteenth Century", "Civil Disobedience and Indian Tradition", and "The British Origin of Cow-Slaughter in India."
There's also a good book by Cynthia Talbot about medieval Andhra history called "Precolonial India in Practice: Society, Region, and Identity in Medieval Andhra."
> just think about the hot bod you will have after cutting all the junk out
Eyes on the prize!
Yeah I have been trying to control portions. I start eating apples or drink herbal tea or something else when my parents are snacking and drinking chai. So much sugar in it! I also have started using My Fitness Pal to log the calories and my exercising; it has opened my eyes to all the extra calories I'm consuming that I can really do without.
Yes. I've been watching since my teenage years (early 2000's). It's easier to watch nowadays but I also like watching shows/movies from Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, Hong Kong, and China as well. I use (can find which streaming service show/movie is available on) and (can use to search by genres, etc...) to keep track of it all.
Overall, I enjoy them but dislike the rare occasions I have seen them randomly bring in South Asian music, food, clothes, or a tourist/taxi driver shows with some stereotype.
It's a flashcard system. It's really fast pace and you memorize things very quickly. I'm using it primarily for vocabulary at the moment.
Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it's a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn
That's unfortunate and was a horrible thing for her to say.
Why don't you like the classes? Sounds like that's something you should stick with since you don't have to fit a certain image for them.
I'm a female engineer too so I know what it's like to be in your shoes. I've met a lot of ladies that I liked in a book club and in Society of Women Engineers. I'm also a member of the local theater's young professionals group where we basically go to happy hour and then go watch plays.
Do you live in an apartment? Can you make friends with any of the neighbors?
Or there's always That can be hit or miss, but you never know.
If you really do want to understand why/how of Indian cooking, Rather than blindly following ingredients and measurements try this book,
I think you're a bit different being from a Brahmin family with Sikh influences.
Here is an excerpt from an excellent book on the subject
Also worth reading is the story of Lala Jagat Narain, a Hindu writer who told Hindus to report their language as Hindi in order to ensure Hindus had political relevance in the region. This is one of the reasons he was shot by a Sikh group.
Again, this is nothing personal against Hindus; Shiv Kumar Batalvi was one of the greatest Punjabi poets of all time! And I love my Hindu buddies who are passionate Punjabis as well! But as an overall group today, one can easily make this observation.
>As for politics as you mentioned,I know plenty of Sikhs who call themselves Indians (yes they are Punjabi first) but when they talk to a non desi they identify first with Indian. But politics is another whole topic by it's self.
Saying you're Indian doesn't mean you identify wholesale with it. I mean, many Sikhs actually do call themselves Indian [even I used to until I started caring too much], but when we say identify with Indian, it's more nuanced. Some Sikhs are patriotic towards India as well. But I'll give you an example; the majority of Sikhs on my newsfeed never celebrate Indian holidays like independence. On independence day, one of my buddies posted a picture and was lambasted for supporting the state that gave us Partition and 1984.
I too used to call myself Indian when talking to non-Desis, but now I try to avoid it. As petty as it sounds.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Fanney Khan, here are some Trailers
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Viceroy's House, here are some Trailers
Lloyd Banks - Rather Be Me samples A. R. Rahman's "Bombay Theme" according to WhoSampled.
He may be dishonest with the truth when he says "$16,000." How can we believe this figure, given that he's already demonstrated that he's ready to use a dishonest means of getting into the USA?
Why can't he go to China or India, which are both much better nations than Bangladesh in terms of standards of living? India is probably a better bet, but there are over 12,000,000 (that's 12 M) Bangladeshis in India already.
Nobody has created Bangladeshi economic migrants, but the Banglaeshis themselves. Tiny Bangladesh has more people than <strong>Russia + Mongolia + Kazakhstan put together.</strong> Perhaps the developed nations who outsource their textiles productions to the Bangladeshis have a modicum of complicity and perhaps they should do more to promote family-planning initiatives in Bangladesh.
I am not really familiar with game development and virtual reality. But from what I heard, you would need a background in C++ and graphics for that. You will also probably need good knowledge of data structures and algorithms. Try looking at job postings in those areas. That will give you a good idea about what skill set you will need.
You might find some related courses online for free. Try looking up in or These introductory courses will also help you find the area you are most interested in.
If you find it hard to land a programming job after the boot-camp, consider joining as a Techincal Support Engineer in one of the bigger tech companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Salesforce etc. That will help you get your boot into the door and will also provide you access to their tools and people while you hone your skills.
Also don't ignore non-traditional places like Home Depot, Walmart etc. when you apply for jobs. These are not hard core tech companies, but they have tech departments for in-house applications and it may be easier to get into them than into purely tech oriented companies.
I got my copy from India a long time ago and I can't find my copy on Amazon!
The Penguin Classics one should be good tho.
rubs hand I am Marathi, and really love learning about Indian languages and their history! I recommend this book Wanderers, Kings, Merchants by Peggy Mohan to those interested.
The Modi script (lipi - script in marathi/sanskrit) with a hard "D" like in "WeDnesday" or ड, is a cursive script developed from devnagari in the 11th century as a faster way to scribe court records. It remained in popular use until the 19-20th century when typewriters and printing became popular, and the devanagari script was much more suited to those.
I went to a summer workshop in Pune about 10 years ago where we were taught how to read/write in the Modi script. Helps if you already know devanagari! Was a very cool experience. If anyone's interested, the Bharat Itihas Samshodhak Mandal has online classes.
i personally don't have any experience with this because i'm usually too busy shooting the shit with my friends at bars, but this seemed to be a good way to do it. read the first letter and the response:
For the people who don't follow Mindy on instagram, she posted two pics of herself in a sari with the hashtag #themindyproject: & I hope this means she's going to do a Hindu wedding ceremony, especially if she's filming it in Boston.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, here are some Trailers
You could have them shipped to someone in India (if you have any relatives) and have them re-ship it to you in the US? Aside from Myntra, there's Amazon India and Flipkart as well. Not sure what their shipping situations are, but worth checking out maybe.
Tasnim was 16 months old when her dad set her mum’s home in Telford alight. Tasnim’s mum, grandmother and aunt were all killed in the fire. Lucy Lowe, Tasnim’s mum, was just 16 years old. Azhar Ali Mehmood, Tasnim’s dad, has served 18 years in jail for triple murder. He is now eligible for release and Tasnim has been asked to bring her opinion to the parole board. Tasnim, now 19 years old, wants answers about why her dad killed her mum. Her search takes her back to the late 90s as she investigates her parents’ relationship, and it reveals a shocking truth that takes her deep into a secret that rocked a community.
Tasnim was raised by her grandfather, the only family member to survive the fire. She talks to her grandfather and great-uncle to learn more about what happened that night. Tasnim turns to local newspaper and TV archive footage to try to understand her dad’s motive. She finds allegations of his possessive behaviour towards Lucy and suggestions of problems in their relationship.
Unexpectedly, a newspaper investigation into child sexual exploitation changes everything Tasnim thought she knew about her parents.
Journalist Geraldine McKelvie’s investigation uncovers horrific evidence of child grooming rings operating in Telford at the time that Lucy was killed. Reports reveal that Lucy Lowe’s death was used as a threat to silence their victims
full doc for UK:
>outlook wasn't liberal
Historical and archeological evidence proves otherwise if we just observe how people lived back in those days. And aside from the Vedas, even other texts have guidelines of who should follow what. For instance, yes, a priest/brahmin should be somewhat conservative. Well, basically they should get rid of anything superficial in the pursuit of moksha including sex, alcohol, etc. One exception here is where shaivites smoke weed claiming that it is not for pleasure but as a way to connect with Shiva. That said, I do see them still talking about sex with people who came to them as advice since that was their duty which is far from the outlook of what it is in India today. But looking at the scumbag kulcha warriors who are forcefully imposing that on EVERYONE. That is why I call them very un-Hindu.
>Prescribing a rigid form of the caste system
Err... not really. That came as a societal thing. The Vedas prescribe a caste system based on profession. It says that anyone can train for any caste. Too lazy to type so read this. Heck, the term, 'Varna' means, one that is adopted by choice.
>praying for the complete destruction of their enemies' cities etc
I used to make it myself but recently, I got this one off Amazon [Amla, Reetha, Shikakai, and Methi dana Powder ](/dp/B081Y1FKRQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5D7Q52PC9RG20XQ4S64Y?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)
Actually I have already seen that video. It has more to do with the manipulation of statistics and how White Supremacists hijacked IQ in order to show the White race as untouchably superior at all times. It does not disprove there are cognitive differences between people. If you really think retards and Engineering PhDs have the same IQs, you are completely lost.
Tomorrow you’ll tell me that Lebron James is the actually the same height as Peter Dinklage!
I am not going to have dumbass arguments with you. Especially when you close your eyes and purposefully leave out a very succinct point that I made:
Think of your interactions with a university STEM professor and now think of your interactions with a high school drop out, McDonald's employee. There is a very obvious difference in the cognitive ability of the two. Most people are in between.
I'm so happy that you have gained awareness!
When I first read the book on enmeshment, my world turned upside down.
I love my mom but didn't realize my people pleasing ways in my relationships and lack of boundaries were because of this. It all made sense now.
A boy is supposed to have a male figure pull away a child from his mother from the ages of 5 and up. That was the time I was immigrating to America. The identity I was supposed to form and develop my needs was hampered by the "immigration experience."
Such as moving around, watching my immigrant parents work shitty jobs and be in desperate times for money. I had my dad be away for long periods of time and my mom couldn't speak English. These moments all played a significant role in Enmeshment.
After realizing this and how it impacted my adult life.
It really allowed me to view my parents differently... in a good way. My last relationship failed because I failed to set boundaries and fell into nice guy syndrome. Another good book:
These realizations led me to become more secure and attract a partner that I can show with better communication and awareness around "my baggage"
I highly recommend reading these books to change your lives!
OOh thank you for sharing. Very interesting how it impacts the opposite sex.
This book changed things for me:
Any books you've read that have enhanced your insight?
No. If you are concerned about your health, read this book: The South Asian Health Solution: A Culturally Tailored Guide to Lose Fat, Increase Energy and Avoid Disease by Ronesh Sinha MD.
Also check the author's website.
This doesn't really answer your question, but I thought this book offered a pretty in depth and clear account of Buddhist philosophy. The author's not Desi but he's a philosophy professor who studies Buddhism at least.
hydroxatone anti-aging bb cream! it's spf 40 and goes on super smooth on ur face. idk abt minerals but it has vitamin c and they sell it at costco. it's sold out on amazon rn but here's the link
also the skin tone colors blend rlly well bc the cream is so light- i was outside a lot this summer and most of my makeup doesn't fit my skintone anymore but this still works and matches perfectly!
If you have time, follow this recipe:
If you don’t have time/lazy, buy this and add dried chilli plus seafood of your choice. I normally use cod or shrimp:
Super affordable, and when he's sore after a hike, he can use this while he watches TV. He can put it on almost any part of his body. My grandma used it on her hip. And it's portable so he can use it no matter where in the house he is.
I usually tweeze. Also found this nice thing that sort of works like threading can easily do this without a mirror
I found this on Amazon it's not a thermos brand but this is the type of thing in talking about.