Mine does! I got my laptop on sale right when the pandemic hit (my old one was on its last legs) and it handles Ark just fine 99% of the time.
It is! It's a project I've been working on for a while now. It's not quite ready for release yet, but it's getting there. Here's (Google Photos) a screenshot of the unfinished (and frankly quite ugly) desktop interface!
the most magical time your going to have with this game is diving in and failing over and over.
your going to get mad as hell but you will dive right back in again.
100% of ark players wish they could forget what they know and be in your position all over again.
Depends on what maps you install. Base game(Island) is significantly smaller. You start adding on the Centre, Scorched, Rag, Aberration, Extinction...ya, it gets huge.
Post-Install you can use a windows 10 feature to compress the ark folder. It provides substantial space savings and no performance loss: https://github.com/ImminentFate/CompactGUI
No, sorry. You have half the ram needed, and the CPU is known as a SOC (system on a chip) so the RAM, CPU, and graphics are all integrated into a single chip which is a major performance loss. On top of all that, that is based on an optimized version of the game, which the early builds we are seeing are not heavily optimized. the Atom CPU was designed to do exactly what lenovo did with it, small power consumption tablets.
Edit: Im adding my sources in case im not right.
the 1060's are kind of high priced right now, if you want to save a bit more money but still see a massive boost in performance, i'd recommend the EVGA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti SC GAMING 4GB, its got an extra gig of memory and runs at USD 159.99 on amazon right now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MF7EQJZ
https://gyazo.com/2631a2a4d2768064c9740bf52a61cb53 <-- another one
so obviously theres some weird shit going on, idc if its my graphics card or something? but the EXACT same thing happens in RUST (didn't before that major remake)
can play gta with no lag at all so idk why i get this weird stuff, its not laggy, just the houses are dissapearing and people etc, and those black freaking lines all over the place! thanks alot
i could possibly pay someone in some random steam games that i got in my inv!
Ssh keys really should be used and not skipped. They are far more secure than password authentication. If you are just testing its fine but if its permanent, it should be done! Here is a guide on how to setup ssh login with and RSA key. 4096 bit keys are recommended. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-ssh-keys--2
As for this guide though, thank you for taking the time! You should see about getting this posted on the DO community tutorials page. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials
save your map file off to the side.
load your map with no mods and see if it works.
if it works, then its mods. if it doesnt, might be a corrupted map.
load a backup map after you back that one up.
if the map is good,
remove all mods and load your mods back one at a time until it crashes again. to discover which mod
Around there. On the server I play on, the guy who has a base in the little water inlet there is always seeing them. He's tamed about 9 of them already. Lucky S.O.B. haha
UE4 dev here :)
This can be fixed by increasing the texture streaming pool, the default is pretty tame at 1Gb VRAM.
The console command is as follows:
| r.Streaming.PoolSize xxxx |where xxxx is the amount of VRAM you want ark (or any UE4 game) to use for texture streaming.
(copy and paste, capital sensitive.)
you can typically set this number to 70-80% of your VRAM, which can be found by running GPUZ from TechPowerUp
Welp, there's your problem. CS:GO isn't exactly comparable to ARK as far as performance is concerned. As someone else said the game has yet to be optimized. However even when it does become optimized I doubt your rig will be able to do much better.
Your gpu alone is a big bottleneck and I doubt anything less than 8gb of ram will suffice. You can use this hierarchy chart to see where your gpu measures up. press ctrl+f and type 410m.
I'm not too versed on i3s but I'd wager the chipset architecture is holding you back as well. I've got an i7 3300k, 10gb RAM and a gtx 970 with 4gb of VRAM. After adding some launch options like /r/Nvidiator suggested I run between 40 and 60 fps with some dips as low as the mid 20s every now and then. Most settings on high, Sky Effects and ground clutter sliders at about 25%
It's already heavily optimized for AMD (GPU) and works way better than on nVidia. At least one of their developers is pretty fluent in optimizing for AMD GPUs.
against the entire backside of redwoods is metal nodes,some spots better than others.
before abberation, that was out main go too of getting an ass ton of metal.
They're on the expensive end for dedicated servers, but you absolutely get what you pay for. You are in full control and can run whatever the hell it is you want on it.
Shared hosting services will screw you over because they factor in the "convenience" of having someone else set up the server for you.
I use NordVPN. I think ProXPN has a free version you can try, if you don't feel like paying for one right now. I'm not even sure if it will work, but it sounds like it may? Connection speeds may be a little slower when using a VPN , just an FYI.
EDIT: with the free version of ProXPN, you may also be limited on which servers you can connect to. Let me do a little more digging to see what I can find
you can always use the Avira Phantom VPN trial for free just to see if it fixes the problem. I had a similar problem when xfinity sent me a new cable modem/router. Also, why don't you have battleye installed?
With this update I remade the app using Vue.js. This allows me to easily update it if/when new forges or fuels come out.
People sometimes ask "what's the point of this app if it's in Dododex?" The Dododex version will only work online and will only have the refining forge part of the app.
You can download it here. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ark.forgecalculator2
Though i am not OP, i know a bit of tactics that are universal. If you want to know how to be a raid commander, read The Art of War by Sun Tsu. Read it, take into consideration what is actually useful (obviously formation of a vast army is not necessarily helpful with less than 25 people on one side) and put it to use.
Also read The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi as that can teach you a few things about 1V1 and 1Vmore than one.
Both are relatively short reads and there is a ton of knowledge that can be used for more than just warfare.
If alt tabbing is a hassle, and it is with as much resources as this game takes, and you have a smartphone handy.
The official ARK Wiki App is priceless.
I run a Lost Island server on this (link below), and runs just fine. I've only had a maximum of 2 people playing on it at a time though.
It's of course going to depend on personal preference, but if you prefer a keyboard and mouse for other games, you will prefer it for Ark as well and vice versa.
That being said, I like ark far better with a gamepad. It's far more immersive and comfortable in my opinion. You'll still need your keyboard and mouse from time to time, but it's easy to get used to. I got the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 and reWASD specifically for Ark. I remapped the back paddles with reWASD to give me four additional buttons. The controller also has four different configurations you can change with a button. Just for an example, my main configuration bibds T(follow one), Y(unfollow one), X(air brakes), and Left Ctrl(which toggle the jet on my tropeognathus). I also have a boss battle config on my second slot that replaces X and Ctrl with . (attack this target) and , (move to).
Unfortunately this setup isn't cheap.
Controller: $150 https://www.amazon.com/Elite-2-Controller-Black-Xbox-One/dp/B07SFKTLZM
Mapping Software: $25 for all options https://rewasd.com/
Hong Kong Game. Strategy Hero Battler with what looks like a CCG interface.
Went to report them to Google Play as they used to care about this but I can't without being the aggrieved Copyright owner.
It is here if you want to download it to review bomb it but I don't see this working out otherwise. It is an advertising fraud but good luck getting anything done with it.
yeah i got 2.0 or 2k hdmi cables set aside, unless im blind my gpu only has one hdmi input? so i stuck with the dvi cable on my acer and hdmi on my asus, but im upgrading monitors here in a couple of days, getting this guy tomorrow https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08JXP45CQ/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
and i think ill try the hdmi cable on this one and the dvi on the acer, gonna give my asus to a friend bc its the lowest resolution monitor between the 3. makes me feel dumb since i thought for some reason DVI was better then hdmi but i just looked it up and its really not.
Currently, I don't think anyone is providing service to how the users want, with the current standard of Global Events.
However, Epic has been releasing things in order from that road map. There's also Mod Support for select games.
The main issue they're facing is getting steam mods to work with their clients, and that's going to take time, considering Epic Games has their own Ark modkit available;
I will admit though, they should have had this figured out before they decided to approve offering a Game that is heavily invested in modding for completely free, especially when 95% (Not a real percent) of their player base is on another platform that cannot interact with the players who just acquired it.
Last i heard mods are currently not compatible with the epic games version of ark but they are working to implement them. "Mod Support for Games Players will soon be able to browse a catalog of player and developer made mods for their games. Players will be able to auto-install mods into games they own, that are managed by the Epic Games launcher or download the files separately for other games." https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/news/development-update-self-refund-keyless-partner-integration-and-changes-to-ownership-authorization
It should make any difference gameplay wise, I used to use one program for that, I think it was this one https://github.com/ImminentFate/CompactGUI. Also in steam you can select the DLC's you don't play, to free up space that way.
Use this to remove swarms being spawned:
You'll still have a few after a restart, as it won't remove them, but it'll stop them re-spawning.
Can't test the fliers yet as not that far into the game.
Yo guys, a little bit late, but i found a Bee Hive on Gen 2, i got a few mods, like S+ / Simple Spawner. But i didn't spawned any hive, so i believe it to be legit.
I found it on a cliff, image for localization, with GPS : https://imgbb.com/YL3mB8B
Hope that can help some of you
Hello and thank you all for taking your time to read my post. Ive been having an idea of starting up an Ark Survival Evolved RP server for PC gamers for a while now but have not been able to decide wether it is worth it or not. I currently run a RolePlaying server for Ark on xbox one and it has been doing very well with over one hundred memebers. My idea is to do the same but for PC with a Total Conversion Mod called: "TC: Primitive+ Survival". This would allow players to have specific classes in the server and add that RP element that Ark is missing. I would also have the multipliers up so that players will not have to focus so much on grinding but instead on communicating. I personally have experience in running servers such as Arma, dayz, battlefield and much more and i also developed for these types of servers. This would be an awesome project for me if i get the support i need so please go vote on the survey i posted below :)
Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2PDC2S2
Current Website for Xbox One Ark server: http://arksurvivalists.enjin.com/
Possible ideas:
Different classes (hunter/farmer/warrior/etc)
multipliers for xp/harvest set to 3-4x
faction wars
faction settlements
full RP aspects (but not super strict, just the right balance)
Just like our xbox servers the application will be tedious to only allow players that actually want to play.
More ideas to come :)
Think this would work ? CYBERPOWERPC Gamer Xtreme VR Gaming PC, Intel Core i5-11400F 2.6GHz, 8GB DDR4, GeForce RTX 2060 6GB, 500GB NVMe SSD, WiFi Ready & Win 11 Home (GXiVR8060A11) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DHP9M9G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_i_S3Z2YD9FKTNFD8EMJVYF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
What graphics do you think that could run ark on also do you think this would work Pixio PX248 Prime 24 inch 144Hz IPS 1ms FHD 1080p AMD Radeon FreeSync Esports IPS Gaming Monitor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GYFQD6L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_i_3CVHFMX37XCGGDXBZD1D
> windows version, so no mods,
What does that mean? Normally mods only work on the PC version?
The Epic store does have a "modkit", but no idea how that relates to Steam's mods.
Edit: Ah you mean the Windows Store version? Didn't know that existed. That does seem pretty awful.
got 8 gig ram, said 4 on minimum for this game and i got 2.1 on 'dedicated video ram' (canirunit)
the black lines are in like every game, but in H1Z1 they are white/transparent so i barely see them.
I'm not a Mint user, but I believe it's basically Ubuntu. The PPA for graphics team info is here: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
As for the memtest, its a boot menu item. You can also do it from Live CD/USB systems.
Someone else said they had similar problems, and a complete reinstall solved their problems.
Link to bot - https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=676956513201291266&scope=bot
Other commands -
craft, dossier, help, info, kibble, ping, raise, forge, saddle, share, tame, tameroulette, tips, trade
We've re-created the popular "Shoothouse" map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
This arena will be used for fun, friendly competitions, where in-game prizes will be won!
Search "DragonCrown" in "Unofficial PC Sessions".
Discord - https://discord.gg/kGaVXG7
oka a third person just reported this problem and provided a tribe log pic of it logged.
im now convinced this is an ark issue and the devs need to patch.
feel free to drop by for ark help and advice
if your looking to increase how often the drop is, you cant.
that takes modification the the engine to do that since there is no ini setting to do that.
feel free to drop by, asn ask for ark help and advice
so you got the how to so ill explain the mechanics side of it for you.
the map file holds dinos, items and structures.
player file will load across all maps to include inventory unless there is a modded item and the new map doesnt have that mod.
tribe file is another separate file that will hold who is in tribe, permissions and tribe log file.
when changing maps, make sure to keep a backup of the map file if you can in case the map every corrupts.
feel free to drop in and ask ark questions and advice.
this isnt much of a tutorial and TBH its your standard pve build your gonna see from most new players.
if your looking to break in the ark content creation market, id suggest seeing whats out there and find where you can fit it in where others dont do it.
for ark help and advice, feel free to drop in.
that is a mod dino so your standard taming calculators wont have it.
id suggest asking the mod community for help with this, it would more likely provide the answers you seek.
feel free to stop in and ask ark questions and advice.
if you cant mod or dont want to mod, this part gets annoying.
there is some scripts floating around from back in the day that did it for you.
so each level has an engram points that it recieves, you haft to increase that which each level requires its own line of code over and over until reach your end level goal +15 level codes if i remember correctly.
its been a long time since i wrote ini code but when they did ascension, you had to add extra level code to compensate to reach your level goal.
for feel to drop in to ask for ark help and advice.
i think the wiki is out of date TBH.
there is a program called smart breeder and the dododex can translate dino stat to dino levels per stat.
i been using amazing spyglass for over a year so i havent done it since then.
what it does is take base dino stat which is lvl 1 and subtracts it from your total stat, than divides the stat gains per wild level from the remaining info and that is your levels in a stat.
if your on a custom stat server for wilds, it gets a little more tricky.
feel free to drop in and always ask for ark help and advice.
as far as i know, there is no ini settings to increase or decrease drop times.
that is in the engine itself and would take modifications to the engine to change.
pc shutting down is your pc over heating.
your parts are breaking down or you dont have enough airflow to cool the parts.
if your parts are doing this often, you prolly heading to hardware failure and i recommend start saving for new hardware parts.
reason ark doesnt look like ark is the AMD.
AMD loads ark more cartoony than nvidia.
i have never heard of a boot loop for the client. i seen it for dedicated servers.
what have you done in an attempt to resolve this?
its a run command.
this was an easy google search, if you plan on running a dedicated server, i highly recommend in getting in the habit of google first, reddit help second.
not many people are going to offer you a spot in their tribe unless they are brand new to the game also.
on official, you gotta offer yourself as a grind slave and build their trust.
on unofficial, you gotta go solo and make friends.
EVERYONE is afraid of being insided, official and unofficial.
now building trust on official is harder since all new players are seen as threats or future threats and get chased off or raided as easy supplies.
unofficial the challange is finding a good unofficial.
OH! i know what happened.
your character is gone.
so, wildcard fucked up and deleted ALL characters and spent months fixing that.
no, your issue is hard drive space.
if your laptop has dual hardrive like my old laptop did, you could pop out 1 ssd and pop in a hdd. install windows and steam on the ssd and games on the hdd as a compromise.
if you only have 1 hardrive space, i recommend dropping some serious cash and upgrading the drive to a large ssd drive.
i wouldnt downgrade from an ssd to get more hard drive space but thats me.
ssd is the new generation of hard drives, they are faster and now getting up to hdd sizes for reasonable prices.
gportal and nitardo is the 2 that come to mind.
microsoft ark and xbox ark are the same game and can crossplay.
you cant cross play between steam and ps4 and xbox/microsoft
new HDDs are dirty cheap, even SSD are getting cheap.
i highly recommend hosting your windows on an SSD and run ark on a HDD.
your server load times will drop to a couple minutes.
i can server hop 5 times with this setup over someone running just a HDD.
your not to the point you start taming dinos to harvest with than metal tools.
anky is metal/flint
doed is stone
therizine,mammoth, beaver, is wood
anglerfish is silca pearls,
once you have those you can tame a quetzal and build a platform with a ramp on each side so it becomes the weight instead of the harvest dinos.
putting foundation or ceiling or ramp on its neck region will lock the quetz from flying.
once you are going great harvesting. time to start running caves for artifacts.
once you have all the artifacts, you can activate a boss fight at the gaint relic floating in the sky.
once you do all the bosses and all the levels, now you can do ascenion in the volcano on island and see the end game cut scene and gain +5 levels per difficulty.
once you do this you can go to abberation and sccene that end game cut scene by beating the boss.
then extinction to beat the king titan and see the final cut scene.
okay red drops.
so the way most cave drops work is that they share a spawn with ALL caves. if you dont find them in that cave, try another cave to find them.
thecenter is REALLY bad with this system but over all cave drops are not isolated to that cave only.
i forgot to mention weekends are doubled rates, but i understand.
i didnt see you wanted extreme rates.
i use to do extreme rates but i found lower rates more fun since i meta the hell of the game and even 1x rates seems to be nothing harvest and taming wise to me.
i wish ya luck finding a good server, i can promise the server will still be here years from now if you want to bookmark it.
you NEVER use breeders for anything but breeding.
i been breeding my dinos for over a year now and working on mutations which will take another 6 months to hopefully complete.
i will hatch an egg from the breed line thats a reject and use it for other stuff but my breeders will never leave the safety of my base.
to loose a breeder is over a years time lost.
its not pve but the server is very chill so you would need turrets to discourage some people from taking advantage but i can promise the server isnt going anywhere and has been running wipe free since 2015.
my base turrets was down for a month and im filthy rich in resources from being there over a year and no one touched my base, granted everyone knows im experienced in pvp and would have been a very bad idea.
let me know if your interested.
if your talking vanilla drop table and upping quality of drops, you will get whats in the drop table but at better quality.
drops pull from a set table, you can custom that table (not easy) but just upping the quality in INI just increases better drops with in that table.
you and about 100 other people have posted since the map has dropped.
there is 2 maps. 1 is official release and 1 is the mod map in steam workshop.
make sure you dont have the mod subcribed too and installed.
to download official release, click the box in DLC in ark page in library.
some have had issues with this not fixing their problem.
at this time no one has provided me with feedback of how they fixed it beyond this.
For those who have a linux server handy or can repurpose an old computer, this is how I got it working. I'm running a Centos 7 server and used LGSM (https://linuxgsm.com/lgsm/arkserver/) to install Ark server. After you get it up and running, you need to edit /lgsm/config-lgsm/arkserver/common.cfg and add: ## Server Start Command | https://docs.linuxgsm.com/configuration/start- parameters#additional-parameters fn_parms(){ parms="\"${defaultmap}? AltSaveDirectoryName=${defaultmap}?listen?MultiHome=${ip}? MaxPlayers=${maxplayers}?QueryPort=${queryport}? RCONPort=${rconport}?Port=${port}\" -automanagedmods - NoBattlEye" }
This modifies the startup of Ark to disable battleye. Run the server as per the instructions and then run Ark in the epic launcher by clicking the little ellipse ... and selecting the first option which launches it without battleye. You need to then start a single player game and go to console, type 'open yourserveraddress:7777' and hit enter. If all things go well, you'll see the loading screen and to character creation on the server. Have fun!
Oh that's perfect! linuxGSM uses parameters from launching the file so I can close the SSH connection, then relaunch and execute ./arkserver console view what I need.
Link for anyone else with this question: https://linuxGSM.com/lgsm/arkserver/
I had checked yesterday. Looks like they sold out of the $12, but there is a $16 season pass. Still a lot better than base price https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/3270-buy-key-steam-ark-survival-evolved-season-pass/
It's just like the webapp I made with the same name, but it also lets you add a crosshair even when servers have it disabled.
You can compress the ark folder with this: https://github.com/ImminentFate/CompactGUI/releases
Just keep in mind when big updates happen you'll likely have to re-compress it again. Well worth it though my Ark folder goes from 350GBs to around 171GBs after compressing it.
You may find CompactGUI HERE.
To use, simply select ARK's root folder and let it go. It took just over two hours to compress the game on my Ryzen 7 2700X.
You need to recompress after updates. You may also uncompress it via CompactGUI for them.
built-in like in Windows XP NTFS compression, OR the Win 8 (or 10) compact command? (edit: added the tool i used: https://github.com/ImminentFate/CompactGUI It's a GUI to make the progress of compressing the game much easier)
because the latter one is much better. NTFS compression was made to save space on HDDs back in the 200x-ish years.
I compressed my game with the highest setting and saved 90GB (from a 144GB install with some mod maps i haven't tried yet)
The savegame folder gets really with every map you start playing on and keep for later, too.
Hey, I shutdown the server but uploaded the most recent saved files for the server including the config and all other map/tribe/character info here https://hostr.co/cO2rShRPrpYw in case you were interested.
Nvidia graphic card is the best gaming card you can get. That is not the reason. If your pc is full of dust and overheating that would be the reason.
This program is free. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/geforce-experience/ Open it up, find ark, hit optimize. If something is wrong it will say you cannot run ark.
Enter game after optimized and turn down terrain shadows and general shadows.
Do you vacuum the dust out of your pc with a shop vac? Might help. Put a fan on it if you don't have a good cooling system. I use an air purifier because I can clean the dust out of the air and aim the thing right into my pc. Ark runs hot.
Do you have trouble running other games besides ark? Run anything like Elder Scrolls Online or Skyrim or other heavy 3d fancy games? Do they also mess up?
Sounds like same old "we are super friendly admin honest" bullshit admin do on a lot of servers, and is probably the reason why the server only had about 9 or 10 people on it @Rolo.
People would join the server and leave just like you did as soon they realise the admin are dicks whenever they feel like it or get bored.
if you want a genuine PVP server with good admin service play this server, the admin don't even play the server they just help people. and they certainly would never pvp with players let alone have a webpage bragging about it.
[dR] 3x All Fast Night - (v206.0) https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
It's the highest ranking UK server for a reason, good service, good performance and good admins that actually care.
Guild BT Games, PVP, Fresh Server, No Lags 0_o Last updates. RUS/EU
50 slot server - Will upgrade depending on how ACTIVE the player base becomes.
Server Rules: No cave blocking. Any Structures found to be blocking caves will be destroyed.
How to connect to our servers. go to your steam click on "View", then click on "Servers", Go to "Favorites" Right Click, then click "Add server by IP address" type in our ip "" then click add to favorites, our server should show up in your regular ark favorites menu
EU-lang support: RU-support: https://vk.com/arkguildbt
We also have a fibercraft map that is currently being worked on looking tube launched 1st June & PvE Genesis map which is being launched on 11th May. Just search for Saibots in unofficial PC sessions. Join our discord group for more info: https://discord.com/invite/DqwSydv
You might like this - Age of Monsters - dinosaur apocalypse
Thank you! I’ve been doing a little bit of my own research but still feel clueless. 😅
What are your thoughts on this computer?
lol, I mean it can be, but no it doesn't need to be. For example, my rig has two 34" ultra wide monitors which is total overkill but it allows for multi tasking as it's pretty much the equivalent of 4 monitors.
We buy these at work for our engineers, they are pretty sweet and a nice price point for the size.
Yeah, looks like the same one I bought last year. If it is, it's actually an insanely good laptop. This one
Here’s the link: Dododex on Android
It just launched an hour ago, so it may take a minute to show up in the App Store. Sometimes if you force close the App Store it’ll update.
ProtonVPN and don t put too much hope in that. They showed so far that they are one of worse devs in optimization and breaking bugs. They have good idea and good content and it seems like they mostly gave up from everything else.
It feels like they know their programming limits and limits of managing the game. They mostly just focus on creating new content becouse that s what they know best and that's making them money so far.
You can host a dedicated server and use a VPN service that allows port forwarding like AirVPN which allows you to forward ports without accessing your local router. I have heard hamachi works but it is cumbersome since you have to establish the connection whenever you want to play and only those that join your hamachi connection can play on your server.
Here is a link to the PC I bought a month ago. I run ark on some med some high settings, shados on low. I messed with the resolution and it plays really well. Only lag at all is if I'm in creative mode and try to fly across the map in suoer speed. Just to give you a starting point to see what you want to spend. If you can, I would recommend getting a ryzen 7 or I7 processor instead, that will just help things run smoother.
Skytech Archangel Gaming Computer PC Desktop – Ryzen 5 3600 3.6GHz, RTX 2070 8G, 500GB SSD, 16GB DDR4 3000MHz, RGB Fans, Windows 10 Home 64-bit, 802.11AC Wi-Fi https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085X2DCBT/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_hjEfFbC44WFFN
This part of the map made me wish for a Dinotopia map, Waterfall City would be fucking epic. ;)
BTW: If you don't know what Dinotopia is then wtf are you doing playing Ark? Nah, seriously look it up, if you like Ark for dinosaurs it should be right up your alley (but read the award winning book, preferably illustrated).
Right on. I hope it works for you. The other option I could think of, is to host it on a cloud server like AWS or Azure, and migrate everything over. That could get a little costly though, depending on if you want to spend money hosting it or not. I doubt you'd have many issues then. Sounds like you're pretty into it, I understand completely.
Btw, Nord is running a deal for a 3 year sub for $107.55, if a VPN works for you. I had IPVanish before Nord, and I love the features it offers over other VPNs I have used in the past.
One more thing I could think of, is using Hamachi, and using that as a VPN directly to his network. It would essentially show up as a LAN, versus using someone elses VPN server to connect on the US side of things. Personally, I'm not a fan of it, but it would probably work too. And I believe it is 100% free. Just a little bit of configuration on both ends.
Get one of these VPN providers like ExpressVPN, they have 30 days money back until your ISP or their respective pairing partner realize they have an issue. You will be able to play instantly. Have seen issues like this taking a week or two to get resolved.
Cool thanks for the tip guys. I also discovered that if you don't have all of the required materials, if you click and hold on the shortcut key a tooltip will pop up showing you what is needed. This is much more efficient that clicking and checking. ��
I also found an android app called "Survive Ark Companion" which lets you know the total number of mats needed if you wanted to, for example build 20 wooden foundations. It does a lot other stuff as well.
You can get the app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.landdragoon.sacompanion
My tribe is recruiting new members. The Art of Warfare TAW. We are planning to play on Ragnarok server when the game launches in a few days. Requirements to join are working mic, speak english, 16+ years old, and follow our code of eithics. Check us on our website at taw.net. If you have any question feel free to add me on steam : Zenmire
Anyone willing to knock these guys off their high horse feel free to send me any and all Intel you have. I'm planning a massive offensive on them and loot is irrelevant to me. Msg me for any and all Intel you have on every server they are on.
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
"Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate."
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Anyone willing to knock these guys off their high horse feel free to send me any and all Intel you have. I'm planning a massive offensive on them and loot is irrelevant to me. Msg me for any and all Intel you have on every server they are on.
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
"Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate."
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I'm running 2 maps on basically this pc that I got from work but with 16gb ram and a 256gb ssd:
I put a player cap of 30 per map and have seen maybe 10 people on at once and did not notice any issues. Memory usage was probably around 50-60% and I don't think I've seen CPU usage past 20% so far.
If you're planning on only hosting a small number of players, then you don't really need something too crazy but if you're expecting official like population, then yes, you'll need a pretty powerful (expensive) rig.
1.) I'm in the IT biz too, its super weird. I've never even have thought it could happen. But yes it is literally crashing my entire internet for all devices connected to via my modem / router (same device). The device I have now is a newer model (with DOCSIS 3.0 (as another commenter mentioned)).
3.) 250 max pings / minute still doesn't fix it. It just takes forever to load the server list, but then after a minute or two it does the same thing. (normally it takes 10-15 seconds)
MSI Gaming G series GE70. If you can find one with similar specs you should be OK on medium. I've played on this laptop for months before going to a Desktop and it worked great. Make sure it's plugged in or it will go into power saving mode and the performance will suck. I've provided a link but you might want to check the specs and see if there is another machine out there that can give you more for your money. If you can get a desktop do it. You'll get better performance for the money. But as someone that has both I still jump on my laptop as much as my PC to play Ark. http://www.amazon.com/MSI-GE70-Apache-Pro-012-17-3-Inch/dp/B00IMTQ5I2
The original post indicated 5-10 players which is not the same as a turn on when you need it solution like yours. Electricity costs do wipe out any cost savings in a 24/7 operation unless someone else is paying for your electricity. Get a device like a Kill-a-watt: http://www.amazon.com/P3-P4400-Electricity-Usage-Monitor/dp/B00009MDBU and you will become much more aware of what the true cost of electricity is for different devices. High-end computers are really pretty bad for electronics devices, not that this will stop me from getting GPUs that require 600 watt+ power supplies. Servers aren't so bad because they lack a GPU typically and have no need of a monitor. But I'd imagine for ARK, it would be running at high utilization instead of idling and therefore consuming more power.