Server operators should be able to update with the following commands. Full Guide w/pics
steamcmd login anonymous force_install_dir /path/toyour/7daysserver app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental validate
For LGSM users, edit your /7days/lgsm/config-lgsm/sdtdserver/_default.cfg and look for the line that says
and change that to the following, and save as sdtdserver.cfg
branch="-beta latest_experimental"
If you're doing a fresh install with lgsm, be sure to run the ./sdtdserver command before looking for the configs, as it downloads/generates these on first run.
Forward port 26900
I'll update this if corrections are needed
Minecraft, CS:GO, Ark, Factorio and L4D2 is what I remember off the top of my head. No special optimizations, most were installed using LinuxGSM and Ansible. Everything was running locally, so ping times weren't a real problem.
This already exists. that’s what I use on my servers.
I’m running them under ESXi VMs, the VMs are stored in a FreeNAS share with ZFS snapshots and the game backups go to another NAS array.
While steam has a large amount of games, ive found this site to be linux friendly as well. (home: proxmox with LXCs Work: vmware esxi vm)
i use their quake and UT servers installs for a local VM lan server at work.
Virtualization means using your hardware as a host for virtual computers (allowing you to run multiple operating systems as virtual machines). So, think of it as your computer becomes a big foundation that you put tiny houses on -- and you can configure and customize those houses to your liking. You can turn them on when you want, shut them down, wreck them, rebuild them... all while the foundation (and other virtual machines) are safe and secure.
And I'd agree that once you add some more memory (I'd also toss a =<250, you'll probably have a blast getting into it.
ESXi and Hyper-V are good choices, but I'll throw my vote for Proxmox. It won't cost you a dime, it's a solid hypervisor with a pretty solid community and is based on Debian so if you need to drop down to the command line, you'll have a plethora of resources at your disposal.
Also, take a look into LinuxGSM. If the games you want to serve are on the list, it'll help you keep the resources down vs. running a top heavy Windows server.
Have fun, mate. =)
If you know how to use Linux you can use an old PC and install Ubuntu on it.
Then download the script files from here:
Setting up multiple instances is also very easy with Linux GSM.
Just my 2 cents:
As mentioned use a firewall and open the appropriate port. I can HIGHLY recommend pfSense. I'm running it inside a VM as well and it handles everything. Put your MC Server on a different subnet/DMZ than your LAN.
To access your server for administration set up a VPN. I wouldn't recommend opening up SSH to the outside world unless you really know how to secure it. Only asking for trouble.
As a better way to run a MC Server I can recommend Linux Game Server Manager (LGSM). Makes it very easy. Here ya go Handles updates, backups, notifications etc.
> Intel NUC
Don't expect wondrous performance since it uses a mobile CPU
> My question is whether it's better to run a Ubuntu container and have everything setup from scratch or if I should move to MineOS especially if it just makes it a lot easier to work with
The former, MineOS being based on debian is generally pretty outdated for no real advantage. I'd consider an alternate panel (pufferpanel) or LGSM instead.
> should I run Spigot or migrate to Paper?
If you'd like to install without lgsm, you can just
steamcmd login anonymous force_install_dir /home/yourusername/7days app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental validate
Longer version here. Be sure to specify the beta branch as stated above.
If you'd like to try lgsm, heres the link. It pretty much takes care of everything except the config edits, like rates, server name, password, ports, and that jazz. Will also require the edit to opt-in for beta as in the above post.
Server config settings as of a16, they may be different in a17. /shrug
Happy to jump in here as well.
First, learn about what OS you want to use. I run six game servers and a TS3 server off a single HP DL360 Gen 8 that I got second hand for about $375. It's running headless Ubuntu and all the game servers are virtual machines (LIBVIRT/VIRSH). Virtual machines are a STRONG recommendation because:
Now, most CPUs support virtualization these days so you'll want something with a relatively high core/threat count and a solid amount of RAM to spread around. I'm running 24 threads (dual Xeon CPUs) and 32GB RAM. That's why I went with a old decommissioned enterprise machine. CPUs and RAM are cheap for previous generation systems. But, energy costs go way up.
Second, Linux Game Server Manager is your absolute BEST friend. could not possibly be easier to set up a dedicated game server than using LGSM. Plus, they have a really good support discord.
Also, downstream bandwidth isn't super valuable to you. Your upstream is what's most important.
Feel free to reach out if you need any more guidance. I like setting up my dedicated servers more than I enjoy playing on them so it's fun for me.
There's lots of different types, but here's two I know best off the top of my head.
LinuxGSM is an easy way to deploy source dedicated server (srcds) instances. This is good for games like CSGO, CSS, Gmod, etc.
Node.js and Nginx on Linux. Node.js is a Javascript runtime that lets you run Javascript in the console or on machine level. It's popular for web apps.
While you don't need it to actually run the web server since most web apps are compiled before they're released to production, that guide I linled is a good starting point. It is designed for Digital Ocean, but you can apply most of the same steps for a local server.
Samba file server. This let's you host a file/drive over your local network. I currently have this setup on a small, super basic file server I made with an old PC. I watch a lot of shows/movies from it.
A lot of people use plex instead of raw files, but the raw files are more than enough for just me. I might do plex in the future.
If you wanted to, you could look into hosting it over the internet so you can access it remotely, but that has it sown security issues and is best solved with something like Plex.
i recommend you setup a server using LinuxGSM instead. the server will just run under a created user account. you can also hook into the server console this way easily.
All have Proxmox installed, they are set as a cluster and run .... many stupid and useful things from:
-server games ( for me and my friends;
-VM's/containers for my wife.
-nextcloud...etc :-)
Another option (maybe if you aren't familiar with Docker) is using
As for hardware requirements, I've had no cpu trouble (2x i5-4590S cores) you'll mostly just want 4gb of ram.
Should be not a big deal to run the game and the server on the same machine. If not a virtual machine can help.
Problem with this approach should be to make it an official server, so the statistic are working. I couldn't manage to get this work last year, but I didn't spent much time on it.
Installing a DOI server can be very easy, when you have a bit knowledge about Linux:
Download, and extract the linux files from, and run
./ start
Currently I use LinuxGSM scripts to manage my teamspeak server, which can be obtained from which contains instructions how to install the teamspeak server using LinuxGSM.
Here are the commands I ran below to install the teamspeak server on my server. Make sure you're in the directory where you want the teamspeak server to be installed. Usually, I install mine in /opt/teamspeak.
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386; sudo apt update; sudo apt install curl wget file bzip2 gzip unzip bsdmainutils python util-linux ca-certificates binutils bc wget -O && chmod +x && bash ts3server ./ts3server install
My tip: Have a look into the Linux Game Server Manager Framework.
Basically that's just some bash scripts that automate the setup and configuration of a gameserver. But they also give you a handy script to make most actions with 1 command. Like backup, updating the server (works good for Vanilla, for modded server mostly not, but depends on the game), etc.
And because of that the stuff can very easily be put in a Cronjob or your script that gets called via Cron.
Their website is here:
Their GitHub repository with the scripts is here:
I used them so far to host an ARK, 7DTD Vanilla and 7DTD Starvation Mod Server and it's awesome easy. Saves you a lot of time :-)
tbh if you have some basic knowledge in the terminal is enough. Even with a Mac. The instructions to build are quite straightforward:
its going to be a server so its terminal mode only.
Connecting to US servers from South East Asia? probably not great for any game outside of turn based ones, way too much distance for the ping to be anything but miserable for real time games IMO. But if you have local friends your playing with setting up a server locally is fairly easy, I recommend LGSM if you have a spare Linux computer (, works well when I host them (no clue about local server availability if your looking to buy one though).
You can also direct host, which uses steam P2P, so that just depends on how well your (and your friends) ping is to the local steam server.
It's been a long time since I have set up any game servers, but I remember it being pretty easy with this:
I used it to run a HL:deathmatch server on an old Optiplex. Hope this helps! :)
It sounds as if you are running the Valheim server as process from your terminal, which is then terminated when you close the terminal (puTTy session)
For the case of improving your linux skills, there are ways of stopping this behaviour, running the process as a background task by adding & to the end of the command, or including the nohup command to prevent the terminal closure closing the process. Screen is another command/tool worth learning for working with terminal sessions.
However the better way of fixing the problem is not to run the server as a process, but as a service, which you can start and stop. Most of the frameworks that enable you to run Valheim as a server, give you tools to start and stop valheim as a service
the command using linuxgsm for example will look something like vhserver start
So i used this tutorial here to upgrade my java and im using linuxgsm for server starting managing etc.
Hab nen Hetzner Cloud Host (den billigsten) für irgendwas mit 2-3€ im Monat laufen.
Absolut ausreichend für 3-5 Spieler.
Das ganze mit Hilfe von aufgesetzt.
If it's shared hosting then no. If vps or dedicated, then yes, you can run. There is LinuxGSM, if you are running your server on linux LinuxGSM might be more appropriate for COD 2, it supports a load of older games. You can run that in a VM pretty easily and their documentation is decent.
If you want to stick to using docker, they do have a docker container available:
I've had success with LinuxGSM for other game servers like rust. For valheim I just setup a dedicated server on my home server that's running windows with a ryzen 2600 and it has no problems supporting 10 players.
Here's a link for LinuxGSM -
Hetzner Cloud Server, 2 vCPUs & 4 GB RAM & Backup, 7 Euro/month.
Put CentOS 8 on it as well as LinuxGSM. Follow those basic steps from the dependencies and install tab and you are good to go. Additional documentation is superb and covers anything if questions will arise (eg with the config script -> basically make a copy of _default.cfg named common.cfg and you are good to go).
It isn't much more complicated than that GPortal fuckery. Easier in fact if you have some basic understanding of Linux.
Just saved you 7 bucks/month. Cheers, mate.
Yeah it's possible to copy your game to a dedicated server. That's what we did as well. You need to copy the folder from GeneratedMaps/ as well as Saves/
Are you going to set up a linux server? I used linuxgsm which made the process so much easier.
Lots of issues here. So bear with me while I try to help. I also run ubuntu for my 7d2d server so I should be able to help.
It might not be a bad idea is you start from scratch and follow lgsm instead.
I've been using lgsm for a few years and it has always been very reliable and the instructions will talk you through creating a user account to run the game instead of using root.
There's absolutely tons. If you're after specifics, might want to narrow it down a bit to some genres.
LGSM can ease the setup of some and what they support is only a small set of the total ofc. I use LGSM for my 7 days to die server, works well.
For any game server, I reccomend just using LinuxGSM. Makes Deployment, management, and monitoring heaps easier.
I know this doesn't answer your question. But switching from your Linux Mint to LinuxGSM may make deployment a lot easier.
>issue with Steamcmd about some SDL librairies not found
You probably didn't have this set right before your RustDedicated
command to launch the server (note I've hardcoded my path in this example):
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/home/steam/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Plugins/x86_64"
Linux works great; I'd hate to have to use Windows for any type of server ever.
For the original poster though ... I'd never heard of CubeCoders/AMP before this post, but I suspect there's not going to be a hell of a lot of tutorials quite that specific out there on the web. Since AMP looks to be a paid product, why don't you hit up CubeCoders for support?
You'll probably find a lot more stuff out there on the web about LGSM. I don't use it myself (I've rolled my own hand-built control scripts) but it's really commonly used, supports Rust with Oxide just fine.
>I want to make the server so that my friends could join and play on the private server. I don't want just anyone to join.
Easiest way I've found to keep a server private is to be careful with port forwarding; set the server software up to run on the standard ports, but forward your router from non-standard ports on the outside to the standard ports on the inside. That seems to make the server entirely accessible if you give people instructions to client.connect your.home.ip:36666
or whatever to join, but keeps your server unlisted in the community server list so randoms won't know it's there or easily guess it.
Finally -- check out r/playrustadmin if you haven't already.
If you can wait a short while (not long at all going by previous games they support, but don't quote me), LinuxGSM is adding Sandstorm in the next release.
It's a lot easier to use LinuxGSM if you're not too experienced with setting up a server, and makes updates fairly easy too. Plus it's great to install additional game servers alongside if you want.
I'm not sure I understand your question.
There are settings to Save the world every X minutes in the config, it should also by default save whenever a Player updates, which should be quite often.
As an admin, you can also use the /save command to save the server whenever you need to. If you need to shut it down, it's recommended to use the /quit command on the server so it saves everything and shuts down gracefully. You can do this either if connected as the admin user via the game client, or if you have access to the server console directly, you can input the command there.
On some platforms, you can get scripts that do these things for you. I use LinuxGSM personally ( ) for a Linux server.
If your internet connection is the limiting factor, there are game server hosting platforms you can pay a small sum of money to host the server for you. It's less expensive than you'd think, especially if multiple players chip in a little each. It makes a big difference to performance.
I can talk good about these guys until I'm blue in the face:
One of the server scripts they offer is Teamspeak three, and they give you step by step what to do with their script. I've hosted Ark servers, and Starbound servers, and minecraft servers using these scripts and they've been a pleasure to work with. The default instructions also expect that you have Ubuntu so this will be easy for you.
Try this;
I was wary of shifting my gameservers over to it too but once you get to grips with it it's brilliant. Auto updates, starts the server on boot, it's perfect.
Interesting read, a lot I didn't understand and I'm sure a complex implementation to meet a need.
But have you seen the following:
A lot of automation for Ark server setup and maintenance scripts.
Linux Game Server Managers make it even easier to set up a server, if you haven't had a look at them yet it would make it much easier for you if you do self host
Darn this got me intrigued with hosting a game server on one of my dedis. I typically use but don't see HLL listed here. After a bit more research it turns out dedicated servers are not allowed. I suppose this helps the developers to gather analytics easier if they're from specific sources but that sure is a bummer.
I've just done the update today and it worked fine.
I use Linux Game Server Manager ( but I reckon it's only doing in the background exactly what you did.
I use linuxgsm and recommend using it instead of dockers for linux.
This has a pretty straightforward guide and better option since it is compatible to other server side mods. you can easily implement the web feature for aerver side characters mod and run cron jobs if u need to schedule a restart
What mostly happen is: when you shutdown the connection, the terminal in which the server "run" is shutdown as well.
Minecraft has some kind of "live" console running in the background, so what you need to do is to "detach" so it stay in the background when you disconnect and doesn't get shutdown.
There's multiple way for doing that, you could use screen or tmux, launch the server in it and detach the console when you're done. You could also use an init script but this script will most likely use screen/tmux as well.
You could also use a panel.
Assuming you use Linux and a popular distro (Ubuntu / Debian or CentOS), you could go with It's a servers manager that give you the tool needed but it's only command line based, if you want something more fancy, you need to search for a panel.
It took me a bit of trial and error. Commands are on the linuxgsm website under the install tab.
Volume link server-files to hazzie's /home/pzserver/serverfiles and server-data to /home/pzserver/Zomboid.
Sorry for the late response!
When I self-hosted, I was using a linux machine with linuxgsm (LGSM) to manage everything. If you know basic command line, it’s easy to install. LGSM can also install oxide which is the extra piece needed to use mods on your server.
If you don’t have command line experience, there are plenty of hosts out there that streamline most of this process for you!
As per your suggestion, I've decided to setup my own server using LinuxGSM.
It was surprisingly easy, and it's already up and running better than the previous one. Thanks!
There's an amazing tool called LinuxGSM (Game Server Manager):
I'm loving the experience.
There's a (web)manager that uses SteamCMD to manage all kind of Steam game servers, including Valheim: ( > 'and many more...')
Yeah, I tried for Eco Global Survival to install Pterodactyl.
It's god damn powerful but you see right away, from the installation process to the setup of servers that it's made for "huge games" servers or clusters, not just to launch one little game (setting up location, binding thing etc).
So I ended up going with LinuxGSM, it's command line base so you won't have those fancy planel but it stay simple and do the job very well.
I remember using in the past McMyAdmin (paid panel) who was also nice but there's now enough free alternative on the web.
As someone who recently set up a private server, I'd recommend using a linux vps (I use digitalocean) and LGSM.
LGSM makes the process way easier and is the only way I'd personally bother with. That said, you may not have experience working in linux, and paying for server hosting may not be an option you're interested in.
As for your issues with the server itself - I don't recall any direct connect function using IP... My recommendation is set a server password and have friends filter the server list by name.
I believe the team balance settings should be configurable in the base server config files. Maybe check the wiki, IIRC it should explain configuration somewhere. If that's not the ticket, maybe add the Shine mod to the server. That will let you configure everything to your hearts content, and IMO has far better documentation.
The problem is going to be keeping these on 'standby' because the provider will still incur charges to store your data even if it's not in use.
You could always look at getting a VPS from one of the many providers, install the game servers yourself and simply keep them off, or firewall blocked until you need them. That may be your cheapest route but will require some technical know-how on using / configuring a server.
Could perhaps even use or similar.
There was a similar question a while back which might help you:
If you or your friend are familiar with Linux, I use the Linux game server manager:
it runs well, a little buggy at times but that's to be expected.
my save currently takes about 4.5GB of ram, started out at 4GB. I run it on an ubuntu server box using the Linux Game Server Manager (LGSM). No docker for it. Couldn't get it to work in docker initially and didn't feel like spending time troubleshooting it. I just ran it via a systemd script from their wiki until I discovered LGSM and it went public.
Check out the Linux game server manager site for a list of servers and games you can self-host.
If you can't self-host you can always rent a server. Search for any game server hosting company and their website will have a nice list for you to choose from.
I don't own a server (yet), but I have experience with linux, so i might be able to help you out.
Just to get a picture of where you're at: Did you already install SteamCMD?
I'm guessing you're talking about this guide.
The user you need to create that the guide is talking about is a LOCAL user of the server, not a steam user. This shouldn't be mandetory, but it's good practice fpr the sake of isolating the server from the rest of the system/security. If you ran all the commands from the guide, you should be good.
As for deploying the Valheim server: You might want to check out LinuxGSM. It's a tool made to install and manage gameservers on linux. You can find LinuxGSM's page on Valheim here. Note the tabs on the left, there si some useful info in those.
I believe it's stated somewhere what's recommended for the server. If you're hosting it on your own PC I'd recommend getting more RAM yourself. e.g. 12/16GB and split it 50/50 for server & client.
For a dedicated server/VPS/any other server somewhere between the range of 4 to 8 should be fine. Although I wouldn't ever use a dedicated minecraft host. Since those prices are through the roof. A simple VPS is way more worth for your money. But inclined to say you'd need to have some knowledge regarding Unix. LinuxGSM does help out a lot and provides with a good guide. Minor adjustments needed from their default Minecraft JAVA server. Which I'm currently using.
It depends a little on what specific servers you'd want to run, how many servers will be running at once, and how many players you'd like it to support at any one time.
If you only want to run a single game server at a time, for a handful of people (4-8ish), the requirements are really quite modest so there'd be no need to splurge on anything extreme. An old used prebuilt would probably be fine (and cheap!) but of course that isn't as fun as building one :)
The two most important components for servers are the CPU and RAM. Generally, the more CPU cores/RAM available, the more players your server will support, and the more plugins or mods it can handle (if that's your cup of tea). It'd probably be a decent idea to look up the recommended specs for the game server(s) you're thinking of running.
The server itself typically does not do any graphics processing whatsoever, so there's no need for a GPU at all if your CPU has integrated graphics. This counts doubly so if you intend to run your server headless (that is, no screen attached).
To some extent the operating system is worth considering as well. The more resources your OS sucks up, the less will be available for your game server. (Though for small servers hosted for friends, this isn't a big deal.) Personally, I go with Linux for my own game server, but I understand it's not for everyone. If you do go that route, I'll also recommend LinuxGSM, a really amazing piece of software that handles server setup and management for you for many common games.
Personally, I wanted a server with a smaller footprint so I went with a Deskmini X300 from ASROCK - this is what my build ended up looking like: PCPartPicker
You could if you dont mind learning a bit linux commands buy a VPS and run the server there. Installing and managing the eco server is really easy with this tool
Otherwise if that is no option for you, most if not all gameserver hoster provide you a FTP connection to get the config files and edit them.
Edit: typo
I know this is a cop-out to what you're trying to do. But, once you get to the point where you just want something that's easy to run, monitor, and update, take a look at LGSM.
Free, easy, linux-based, well supported.
Well, I did (try to) set up a monitoring cronjob like described here:
Can't see it so far running under htop (not that experienced yet with LGSM), but well... let's see if it fixes that issue. :)
Game servers are the best to run on Linux - less resource consumption, less possibly your server is getting hacked. Setup is not that hard, just copy and paste command line commands from guides.
If you don’t have spare PC, you can run Linux VM on the same pc under Hyper-V/VMware etc. has many supported servers.
It’s a fairly lightweight server, using single digit % cpu and around 2GB of memory so far for my 5 friends. The only thing though is we noticed some performance problems if it was running for awhile so I have it reboot every day at 4:15am
If you’re gonna run it on Linux I can’t recommend enough
Run Linux. Headless, like u/vanimox suggests. Look into this. If you really need Windows software (don’t think you will) there are things you can do before resorting to full virtualization, like WINE. Add some drives, make a ZFS pool. Put up an NFS share. Host a website with Apache. Maybe run Plex or nextcloud or something like that. You can write some scripts and set up cronjobs as well. If you figure out the networking bit you can expose some ports to the outside maybe. You might consider running a VPN server with wireguard. You can self-host bitwarden maybe. Right now it seems like you just need to learn about servers/Linux, doesn’t really matter what you do as long as you learn.
It is htop, kind of a task manager. Im using LGSM ( except on gothic 2, which is a simple downloaded executable. Last summer I started a "hobby" to host old, sometimes niche(avp2, vice city) games
I'd honestly recomment that you use LinuxGameServerManager for your Factorio server. With it you'd have an automatic update function. And it's really simple to set up. The only downside is that you already installed everything manually and I'm not sure if you can just copy the files. I'd say that you should just install a new server with LSGM and copy the savegame and config to the new folder.
This was a personal project to learn more about systemd but ended up being practical so figured I would share. is still an option since it supports Centos!
I used Linux Game Server Manager and it was super easy.
Youtube should have a bunch of setup videos to help you out if needed. I watched a couple by TheGreatSt0rm when I set mine up.
Um.... did you bother following the instructions on the Valheim page? Specifically the dependencies part?
Seems you don't have curl installed, but I'm guessing you're missing a shitload of other dependencies too.
Your ports look right.
I have Valheim Dedicated Server running in my homelab. I use LinuxGSM setup ( Everything works.
There is an issue where steam doesn’t properly show the status on servers window.
I booted up a linode box (2 core, 4GB ram) and installed this linux game server manager
Was reaaaaally easy to set up, didnt have to mess with ports or anything, and it has everything you need to manage the server
Initially my server wouldn't run, but after digging further, I was using a box with not enough resources. Bumping up to 2 core/4GB did the trick
Welcome to the beginning of your homelab 😎
Docker is a containerization tool. You install it on your server, fetch services from DockerHub (or build your own) and run those in a Virtual Container. To simplify this idea, think of them like virtual machines (although there's soooooo much more to it than that).
Maybe you want to add more services to your server down the road. Instead of installing them directly on your windows computer, you can run them with docker, and control when to run them or reboot it, all without affecting your other apps (think of rebooting your pc just to install something. With dockerized apps, you just reboot that container, it's like closing and opening an app)
Just to give you a rundown, install docker, and then go to dockerhub, and find the main minecraft image. Run it, and connect another computer to that server, you'll be up in no time. Want multiple minecraft servers? Just run it a 2nd time, it's so easy!
Also, look into - pretty interesting stuff. I use docker for everything (homelab is pretty hefty) so databases, websites I host, metrics server called Grafana, Redmine, GitLab, there's a ton of docker containers out there for everyone.
Hey, I am having the same issue running on Ubuntu 20.04. I am also using the Linux Game Server Manager: For me, it does not go past "Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "RearBig"..."
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
There's a lot of useful info here so figured I'd share this too since a lot of guides seem to be Windows based. On my Linux dedicated server, the save location for the world files appears to be:
I used LinuxGSM to set mine up.
The very first step on the lgsm installation manual is to create an own user for the server. Never ever run software with root privileges!
>From the command-line do the following. Ensuring you have also installed the required dependencies.
Create a user and login.
For security best practice, ensure you set a strong password. Random password: generatedpasswordfromthesite
Thanks! I have a physical server in the basement with a fast connection and relatively powerful hardware running a dedicated server 24/7 using Linux GSM.
It sounds good that it meaningfully can be played both individually and together on the same server.
You should use if you want, super easy t osetup, just make sure to go into /lgsm/lsgm-config/vhserver and replace common.cfg with default.cfg and then edit it to change server name
For linux script use
Super easy to setup. I used it on my dedi and it worked (may need to debug a bit like server name config : had to go in the config, replaced ''common.cfg" with "_default.cfg" and changed server name, password etc)
You can always try this:
Make sure to edit the LinuxGSM default settings + edit the new PZ settings file that it creates as well.
Other than that I am not sure how the server isnt working for you if you are following the SteamCMD instructions, are there any errors?
For game servers you would probably wanna check out
It supports over 110 game servers at the moment and runs on various Linux distros.
You can start each server you need from the command-line which means you can also script it if need be.
I would personally strongly advise against trying to install and use a GUI on a VPS, as SSH tends to be more reliable, and you'll end up doing a lot of work via the command line anyway, but check in your home directory when you log in via ssh for any xrdp logs, run ls -a
after you login, and see if there's anything named like .xorgxrdp.10.log
and look for errors in there (or upload to pastebin and link it here).
What game are you trying to host? Check if its supported by LinuxGSM and that will make it much easier to set up, as that takes care of a lot of the work. In general though, you'll probably want to download the server files, either by copying them from your home PC, or downloading them from the internet with curl https://download_link_here
, then most game servers should have instructions on how to run them.
Hands down the easiest way to have an ECO server running on Linux while still using a game manager is to install it using LinuxGSM (game server manager). The link below takes you to the setup instructions for Eco.
Then you can find all the game files such as in the /home/ folder.
Check out LGSM_
There's a multitude of different game servers you may consider hosting. Even if you don't actually use LGSM, it'll still give you ideas.
The first thing that comes to mind is the GLST tokens and Steam WebAPI keys. Verify they are all unique (for each server instance) and haven't been regenerated on the steam account they belong to. They are regenerated when the steam account password is changed.
It that isn't the issue, then you are going to have to use some of the servers as guinea pigs and do some troubleshooting. My suspicion is maybe some kind of conflict between the xanmod kernel and Tuned. Try running one of the servers without Tuned. In the meantime, if this becomes a prolonged issue, you may be better off simplifying your server setups with more traditional installs.
LinuxGSM may be helpful, so you don't have to use screen, and definitely makes the server setup faster. I use it for my game servers and hardly ever have to touch them.
Got a Linux dedicated server running easily using LinuxGSM, a script which installs everything for you.
Workaround for the broken Epic Games version server browser: open the console (press ~) and enter open ServerIP:Port
to connect to your server.
A Windows dedicated server should similarly work: see official guide.
For those who have a linux server handy or can repurpose an old computer, this is how I got it working. I'm running a Centos 7 server and used LGSM ( to install Ark server. After you get it up and running, you need to edit /lgsm/config-lgsm/arkserver/common.cfg and add: ## Server Start Command | parameters#additional-parameters fn_parms(){ parms="\"${defaultmap}? AltSaveDirectoryName=${defaultmap}?listen?MultiHome=${ip}? MaxPlayers=${maxplayers}?QueryPort=${queryport}? RCONPort=${rconport}?Port=${port}\" -automanagedmods - NoBattlEye" }
This modifies the startup of Ark to disable battleye. Run the server as per the instructions and then run Ark in the epic launcher by clicking the little ellipse ... and selecting the first option which launches it without battleye. You need to then start a single player game and go to console, type 'open yourserveraddress:7777' and hit enter. If all things go well, you'll see the loading screen and to character creation on the server. Have fun!
Oh that's perfect! linuxGSM uses parameters from launching the file so I can close the SSH connection, then relaunch and execute ./arkserver console view what I need.
Link for anyone else with this question:
This will provide turnkey gaming servers:
Also, you will likely need some sort of virtualization. I would use whatever OS you are comfortable with as the host. Windows can run Hyper-V and Linux (Just pay for Unraid) can provide QEMU-KVM.
Yes, it’s still terrible at multi-threading. Here is what I would do.
Install VMware ESXi Free as they base OS
Create VMs with 2 CPUs for each server. Ubuntu LTS for the OS and use LGSM for the Arma install.
Create VMs for headless clients to take advantage of any remaining CPU cores.
Have you messed with LinuxGSM? It's super easy and makes management of Rust so much better.
Then you can do ~/rustserver wipeall as a cronjob!
> I have dual Xeons E5645 48GB of Ram
> Im going to have 3 people on most of the time, and want to plan for expandability. I plan on running spigot with light plugin support.
You'll need to 'expand' into a CPU that isn't terribly slow for minecraft, you need fewer faster cores not more slow cores.
> What OS is best to host a minecraft server.
There isn't.
> Bonus: what remote GUI do you reccomend? I like mcmyadmin, but am open to ideas
You sure you looked up the right server name? If you look at the very end of the log file you'll see that the server started up successfully and what not so if you didn't change the name of the server in Game.ini file it'll just start up up with a generic default one. Could also be be a firewall issue that's preventing it. Also just FYI if you set this up manually initially and want to avoid less headache look into LinuxGSM as they have Mordhau server support and it makes setting it up a piece of cake. Just note that if you go in the realm of modded maps some of them will act a bit wonky on Linux since a lot of mod authors just cook them for Windows.
I have found a new way of installing it by using Linux Game Server Manager
If you need to host ARK or mostly any Game Server on your own VDS/VM/Virtual Server with ZERO Linux experience such as myself. the site tells you how to install it, and then use it to install other mods. Highly recommend using Ubuntu LTS 18.0.4 though. Thank you to everyone who tried to help me.
Since I struggled to find a solution: I added this comment in case someone googles similar terms in the future, and possibly stumbled across this thread for guidance to spare them the headaches.
> take the time to learn how to use a dedicated server.
Yes, I'd recommend learning on a cheap Digital Ocean VPS.
Pick an 'server' OS like Ubuntu Server or CentOS and go from there, to actually manage the server I'll always recommend LGSM. Digital Ocean and Arch Linux wikis are chalk full of information.
I have a superior solution for you.
You could just run screen -A -m -S TTT
then run your command, but here's one better.
Use LinuxGSM (lgsm). I have been for.. legit.. years? for any source powered game and a few others. It's worth it and takes care of this shitheap problem for you.
Here's the site with the command to make a fresh install:
It grabs everything and you can just ./gmodserver start
to bring it up in its own tmux (screen alternative) terminal.
I would look into lgsm for hosting a rust server, you can setup a cron job that will try updating the server at regular intervals and only will restart if an update is available.
Also for setting up auto updates/restarts see:
Yeah! It's pretty easy to get the server going. Instructions here. But configuring it requires editing some fairly finicky config files.
The game itself you can find on abandonware sites, and some mods are still being developed. It runs pretty much perfectly in Wine with no configuration.
I would suggest to go straight with QL (I saw your final commend :) ) and if you're not very skilled in setting up game servers, you can use this new server manager on Linux that will do everything for you:
You just need to have "basic" Linux and networking skills in order to set it up and nat it to the internet. It is compatible with the most popular Linux distros.
Hope it helps and happy fragging!
Here's how I fixed mine... I use the LGSM to install my wurmserver.
Turns out I had some bad files in the server so running the command included in the LGSM ./wurmserver validate replaced the bad files with good ones from steam.. and dropping works again.
I think you are in the wrong sub.
Anyhow, there is already software out there that does just that. No need to code any thing. Take a look at But there are also alternatives. With Web UI that are simple to use.
> i need for this servers a ECC
Depends on your Linux knowledge and if you want to learn it or not. If you want to set up a simple panel like Multicraft or something else like LGSM then thats fairly easy. Tons of guides out there that do a good job of explaining how to set up a Dedicated or VPS, but if you don't want to learn how to, it's going to be a pain in the ass. Committing to it will give you the best results, even if you're new to Linux.
If anybody is still reading this post in search results or whatever, you should seriously consider switching to a headless linux server to host your games. Ubuntu 18.04 Server + Linux GSM. I recently tried it and I will never go back to windows hosting methods for anything.
These days my rust servers are on a rack server in the datacenter my employer uses (hehe). But I used to run a single server on an old laptop. lol. 16 gb ram. 256 gb ssd drive. cpu is a dual core with hyper threading i5-3210m, which if you check has pretty good single thread specs and turbos clocks around 3.1-3.2 and stays there 24/7. Used centos 7 linux minimal install and setup LGSM on it from here :
Used my at the time home Atlantic Broadband 250 MB down/20 MB out for data (i moved and no longer have these guys but man I miss their service). Never had ping problems or network issues unless Atlantic Broadband went down or something but that was rare.
I ran a 4000 x 4000 map. Pop limit of 150 but I never saw that many on. It averaged around 40-50 and max was like 105.
While doing this (after the server started) I would see cpu usage around 56% empty, close to 74-75% at most populated. Ram use was around 4.2 GB on opening day and around 8 or 9 GB at the end of the month when I would wipe. This was with increased spawns in cfg file (nothing crazy like just bear.population 5 chicken.population 6 ect).
IMO if its your first server you do not need professional hosting. Your wasting time and money without the players being there first. That said, its your money. Feel free PM me if your looking for advice setting up RUst server (or any game server really) on centos7. :P