Aight, basically it's the same way as for Portal2 mods, the only difference is that you need the items_game.txt from scripts/items else it'll crash
At first I thought it wasn't possible, but after adding everything from GO it ended up working, I later realized that it was the items_game not being there causing the crash.
Expect modding CS:GO the same way as Portal2 (almost the same engine branch) including the messy VPK stuff, meaning you can't overwrite the original files unless you make your own custom VPK.
VPKs are additive, if there's a pak01_dir.vpk, the game will read it AND it will add it as an addon to the original from CS:GO.
You basically put the stuff in it that needs to be overwritten from the original.
Obviously CS:GO mods was never meant to be a thing, and I believe I'm one of the firsts to try this and managing to get it to work... So yeah... All you'll find is tutorials for previous games.
> I think you can release it elsewhere too, but you have to put it on steam
Both Titanfall 2 and Apex aren't on Steam, yet are made in Source. You can have agreements with Valve to sell your game completely outside of Steam, but it might cost more to license the Source Engine for such purposes. It seems to be determined case-by-case.
>because Epic Games is doing some shady shit
Luckily, the Unreal Engine is open-source and you don't need the Epic Games Launcher to develop for it. I agree that the company is doing shady stuff, but that's no reason to throw out the entire engine, especially if you have full control over that aspect. You can just compile the engine yourself from any version you'd like, and release it completely outside of Epic's ecosystem.
>for paid games you'll have to check the respective pages
I only know how UE4 handles paid games: you pay a certain percentage of what you earn from the game once it passes a certain threshold. I never used Unity so I can't say.
Sauerbraten is a free open-source 3D fps engine which is built for arena shooters, but it handles maps of any size with no limits. It has in-game map editor (which you can use in multiplayer on coop edit servers), has builtin bot players, supports multiplayer, handles some easy-to-export model formats, has its own scripting system, and basicaly you can do anything with its source code.
Really worth checking out!
> If your using git, you could try reverting your changes until the issue fixes itself, then scanning the change that broke the mod to see what went wrong.
Git actually has a feature to do this: <code>git bisect</code>. It helps you find the offending commit by binary searching through your repository history (given a known good and known bad commit).
Here is a quick mockup of what I've done with displacements. With more care you can get something with much better results. To get what is there took me about 5 minutes.
Here is the file:
It's been a long time since I have set up any game servers, but I remember it being pretty easy with this:
I used it to run a HL:deathmatch server on an old Optiplex. Hope this helps! :)
I purchased a book C++ Primer Plus sixth edition. I really like it, so if you can spare $29 USD (Amazon price(prime)) I reccomend it for it's pacing and humor. The website I started learning with is called The pacing and the description of concepts are not bad.
Could have been an error in which verts I merged, but they should still technically be planes - 2 points have the same coords so it can't have any rounding errors or something to make the merged points to split, can there?. It's not something I'm having problems with now - displacements take longer to make but are more versatile and textures are simple to align.
Brushes do work a bit differently to the id Tech 3 ones, and so do meshes, that's the kind of thing I'm curious about.
Here's the prefab for the tetrahedron based cube if anyone wants a play - I just tried make a twisted corridor using them and the vertices came off grid even though they were aligned when saved
The last file for that mod was in 2014. I've been playing SMOD Tactical: Project Life V2, which was last updated in 2015. That's the one that's broken, and if that's broken, I'd imagine this one would be double-broken, but I'll see if it works.
Thanks for the interest team. Someone has messaged me and I'm sending it to them. Apparently, this is still buyable over the internet on Amazon direct from the author, Erik Guilfoyle, if anyone else wants a copy!
Arrow and info_targets not showing up.
Here is the .vmf:
Thanks for the help.
Edit: When I set the parent of the arrows with my auto_logic its works fine. Still no luck with my info_targets.
I have taken just one of the levels and compiled it alone, still doing it. so here you can take a look at the vmf. the textures arent baked into the bsp yet.
One of the func_rotating later on, i am teleporting it away and back with path_track, because kill never worked right.
Thanks for any help again.
Are we talking about this Verdun Game?
If so It is powered by unity if I recall correctly :)
EDIT: It is powered by UNITY :(
See the side bar here
You could make a keyboard macro with something like JoyToKey, I'm sure by now someone has created an open source alternative.
You could also just have a terminal open and just alt tab into it and run your commands.
Here's also a diff for the dota.exe arguments. Some of them may be invalid, it's just from a list of strings in the exe. -dx9, -dx11 and -gl arguments are interesting, they set the rendering engine. The OpenGL one is currently very broken, though.