What they said! I want to add that by using a Mod manager such as Thunderstore you can look for available mods from a list and installing is as easy as pushing a button. Additionally, they are installed in a seperate partition so starting and playing a non-modded vanilla version is again a matter of a single click.
One important detail:
Currently I got two quests 2 , for me and wife so we could watch movies on our bedroom without poluting the decoration of our room with a big ass oled.
2 quests + Phones = ultimate home cinema.
Oh, of course, since i'm kind of paranoid, i have https://kerberos.io/ around, so if anything comes up we will know.
tbh if you have some basic knowledge in the terminal is enough. Even with a Mac. The instructions to build are quite straightforward: https://linuxgsm.com/servers/vhserver/
its going to be a server so its terminal mode only.
i just installed a server with mods for us. i would recomend https://www.overwolf.com/app/Thunderstore-Thunderstore_Mod_Manager
best user experience from the mod managers. (i strongly recomend not installing the mods per hand
This was a posted to hackernews a few days ago, it's a fantasy map generator, but it must have similar math to what Valheim uses.
Hackernews discussion https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29205001
It sounds as if you are running the Valheim server as process from your terminal, which is then terminated when you close the terminal (puTTy session)
For the case of improving your linux skills, there are ways of stopping this behaviour, running the process as a background task by adding & to the end of the command, or including the nohup command to prevent the terminal closure closing the process. Screen is another command/tool worth learning for working with terminal sessions.
However the better way of fixing the problem is not to run the server as a process, but as a service, which you can start and stop. Most of the frameworks that enable you to run Valheim as a server, give you tools to start and stop valheim as a service
the command using linuxgsm for example will look something like vhserver start
I've had success with LinuxGSM for other game servers like rust. For valheim I just setup a dedicated server on my home server that's running windows with a ryzen 2600 and it has no problems supporting 10 players.
Here's a link for LinuxGSM - https://linuxgsm.com/lgsm/vhserver/
In my experience 95% of mods are client-side only and IF they're server-side, it's usually shown in the description.
I use Thunderstore to manage my mods, it lets you filter out mods with certain tags in their mod browser (e.g. "don't show server-side mods). It doesn't have every mod that's listed on Nexus though, but the catalog is good enough and it's a simple to use program.
I think 1GB of RAM and 1vCPU won't be enough, I'd suggest at least 2/3GB of RAM and, possibly (but not required) 2vCPUs.
Right now I'm running on 4GB RAM and 2vCPU and these are my server stats (from ./vhserver details
>Game Server Resource Usage
>CPU Used: 26.4%
>Mem Used: 50.2% 1930MB
If you wanna go cheap, try the CX21 server on Hetzner. They have 2vCPU and 4GB of RAM for ~5.8€ / month. I don't even have a referral for Hetzner (sadly) so it's just a friendly advice :)
Generally speaking every point of armor negates one point of damage. There's some scaling going on against very low hits as well as when you go beyond reducing damage by 50% from an enemy (above 50% diminishing returns start kicking in).
As far as the actual effectiveness goes of upgrading armor it's kinda hard to say. Best thing you can do to gauge if going for fully upgraded armor is worth it or not is using this calculator and looking at the damage values of the different mobs out there to see if the damage mitigated between fully upgraded and not is worth it. The percentage amount of damage mitigated varies between monsters, ranging from 26-28%~ against non-star fulings and weaker mobs with a full lvl 4 set of armor vs lvl 1, to 17.5%~ against 2 star fulings and mobs that do similar damage.
Also available on mobile too! (Though I can't comment on how well it plays there.)
Fun facts: Norwegian immigrants to Liverpool brought lapskaus to Britain, where it was Anglicized to "lobscouse" (British sailors may have also popularized the dish). Lobscouse’s association with Liverpool eventually resulted in the local accent and dialect being named the shortened "scouse" (with which non-Brits may be familiar from the Beatles).
Damn, I have a very beefy PC as well (basically this one), and don't come close to that FPS even normally. What do you use? Have you done anything else to boost?
> They should just mass hire and get shit done.
Mass hiring would literally slow them down and make it take longer, please consider reading the above book so you can stop saying such insane things.
For this step you'll want to create a directory/folder anywhere on your Mac mini. Inside the folder you need two files, the Dockerfile and the custom start script. You can create these files with a text editor. I recommend using Visual Studio Code: https://code.visualstudio.com to create/edit a Dockerfile and the shell script. So after you "ls" your directory, it should show those 2 files in it.
If this is unclear I'll reply with an image of what I'm talking about.
"Bathtub tray" hope this helps 👍
Amazon can ship it to you if you use them. I really like this brand. https://www.amazon.com/Hafi-Swedish-Cloudberry-Preserves-BlackTie/dp/B000YBEZYM/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2XD7OGADTAL4S&keywords=cloudberry+jam&qid=1662331033&sprefix=cloudberr%2Caps%2C186&sr=8-3
This was done using the Valheim VR Mod on Nexus Mods. I highly recommend reading the full installation guide found here.
This was the final stretch by sea on my way to my recent town. I had that nostalgic feeling of going on a long trip, and finally starting to recognize local places on your way back home.
I'm working on slowing and stabilizing my head movements, but does anyone know a good video stabilizer?
This was done using the Valheim VR Mod on Nexus Mods. I highly recommend reading the full installation guide found here.
There are a few noticeable hiccups with the system I'm on, and I wish the draw distance could be further out but this has been the most fun I've had in VR since I finished HL: Alyx. Only thing missing is friends, which is totally possible since multiplayer works with this mod. VR and screen players both.
I'm playing this mostly blind, after playing up to the first boss on a screen, and the scale of everything feels so much more real now. Thanks to now having depth perception and physical presence I don't feel as driven to min/max and literally have gone on strolls through fields or by the shore just because of how beautiful this game is.
Copying from one of my previous threads: > It's a mod off of Nexus, but it works shockingly well on Index once you figure out the controls. With a bit more fine tuning, VR might be the only way I play this game now. Here's the installation guide I used, if anyone wants to try it out!
I can't vouch for other headsets, but once I got the hang of the controls, this has been the most fun I've had with VR since HL: Alyx. I hope it works for you, let me know!
I installed the VR mod for Valheim about a month ago. It really takes the game to another level. If you're into VR at all, do yourself a favor and check it out. Guide here.
It's a mod off of Nexus, but it works shockingly well on Index once you figure out the controls. With a bit more fine tuning, VR might be the only way I play this game now. Here's the installation guide I used, if anyone wants to try it out!
Reading comprhension brah, "the amount of work required for such adding achievements is miniscule in comparison to most other systems". If you're interested in learning more about dev cycles, I'd first suggest checking this out first. [Beginner's Textbook](https://www.amazon.com/First-Learning-Library-Box-Set/dp/9388369882/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?keywords=childrens+learning+to+read+books&qid=1655874228&sprefix=childrens+learning+to+read%2Caps%2C95&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFKTzNFNFdKMVdWV1omZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA5ODA2NjZPQ1pTQktHMkxKS0smZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDkyNDU4NlFMUVE2RERHNzFSQSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=)
My Valheim career was very short lived and I just ended up hosting the server with my VPN turned off. From what I remember Mullvad did not offer split tunneling at this time.
I still have the server ready to go and could gladly try hosting it with tunneling active to see if the issue you are describing is related to a fault with your VPN providers tunnelling service.
I'm away from home until Wednesday night but if you send me a reminder then I will update you right away.
I have a tower that is out of shot and am hosting a server that my girl is playing with me. The device under the laptop is a cooling fan, her laptop runs so hot she's worried something bad could happen. The device has two built in fans, super quiet, and has a digital temp gauge. Works very well. Here is a link for the PC I'm using.
Yep, 16GB should be enough, so it's probably some memory access violation that happens at that moment of RAM usage spike. It's probably related to Unity engine then Valheim specifically. I don't know how to throubleshoot this problem on Linux, but I would try adding PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command% in Launch settings, try Vulakn, giving Valheim more privileges and maybe disable some advanced memory management features in BIOS for CPU and RAM.
Yes. Several ways.
First, start Valheim on the server, create a new world with the seed you want to import. This generates clean world.
Second, copy your old world to server machine.
In either case, set your dedicated server to load the imported world. We setup a server and imported our old world to it.
Incidentally, if you have trouble getting port forwarding to work, you might be behind Carrier-Grade Network Address Translation, CGNAT. In such case, take a look at https://playit.gg/ it helped us a lot to get server available for friends.
"The broadband requirements for hosting a Valheim server should, in theory, be easily met by all professional providers. If you take the upload guideline of 53.4 Kbit/s per player for Steam source games provided by Steam developer Valve as a guide, a broadband connection that offers one to two Mbit/s upload speed should be more than enough. In practice, many gamers experience serious lags as the number of players increases, since these providers may limit the maximum upload speed by default. In this case, consult your provider to remove the restriction - if possible."
I highly recommend Thunderstore Mod Manager. It makes downloading new mods super easy. You can search for and download mods right from within the desktop app. They will install automatically. From there, you can enable or disable any of them before launching the game; so no need to worry about constantly manually removing mods you tried and don't want. It also provides an interface within the mod for configuring each mod, instead of the normal manual technique of going into the config .txt file and typing in 1's and 0's to set values for different variables.
Are you hosting on a dedicated server or you are just using your PC as the server? If so, you need to port forward 2456-2458. My ISP prevents this and I need to buy it to really enable my port forwarding outside my local network. The workaround I did was to use tunneling. You can use playit.gg program for free. It's really easy to set it up. I'll find the YouTube guide that I found.
Factorio, which I personally consider to be the gold standard of “fully optimized to run on potatoes”, shared a bit of their experience on programming a fluid system. And theirs was restricted to fluid in pipes only!
here they describe the problem a bit, and here they talk about the solution they eventually implemented.
Obviously water-in-pipes is not super relevant to free-flowing-and-pooling water physics, but the point is that it can get pretty gnarly and I would expect a massive surge in CPU/GPU needs were flowing water to be implemented
Its actually quite easy to change the textures yourself, if youre willing to spend some time learning new programs. I changed some of the ground clutter to be more interesting.
You need UAEB and UnityEX and a program for editing your textures such as Gimp or Photoshop.
The problems you face will mostly be getting the textures right as the original ones are extremely low res, some are 32x32. So not much reference to go by there :P
But you could also just wait, theres bound to be a texture pack for this game.
Dark Forest other grass and ferns
It's going to load a full ubuntu desktop, running and storing on the usb stick, without interfering with your main operating system/hard drive, so I suggest you to look up in google "installing steam on ubuntu", steam is already in the repositories, just look in the menu for "software installer" or "package manager", and then look for steam, install, log in, install valheim, get killed by a falling tree. :)
This is for ubuntu 16.04, but the mechanic is the same: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/06/install-steam-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts
Keep me informed if you need any help.
Well, I did (try to) set up a monitoring cronjob like described here:
Can't see it so far running under htop (not that experienced yet with LGSM), but well... let's see if it fixes that issue. :)
This was a personal project to learn more about systemd but ended up being practical so figured I would share.
https://linuxgsm.com/lgsm/vhserver/ is still an option since it supports Centos!
I used Linux Game Server Manager and it was super easy.
Youtube should have a bunch of setup videos to help you out if needed. I watched a couple by TheGreatSt0rm when I set mine up.
I booted up a linode box (2 core, 4GB ram) and installed this linux game server manager https://linuxgsm.com/lgsm/vhserver/
Was reaaaaally easy to set up, didnt have to mess with ports or anything, and it has everything you need to manage the server
Initially my server wouldn't run, but after digging further, I was using a box with not enough resources. Bumping up to 2 core/4GB did the trick
Hey, I am having the same issue running on Ubuntu 20.04. I am also using the Linux Game Server Manager: https://linuxgsm.com/lgsm/vhserver/. For me, it does not go past "Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "RearBig"..."
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
There's a lot of useful info here so figured I'd share this too since a lot of guides seem to be Windows based. On my Linux dedicated server, the save location for the world files appears to be:
I used LinuxGSM to set mine up.
The very first step on the lgsm installation manual is to create an own user for the server. Never ever run software with root privileges!
>From the command-line do the following. Ensuring you have also installed the required dependencies.
Create a user and login.
For security best practice, ensure you set a strong password. Random password: generatedpasswordfromthesite
Thanks! I have a physical server in the basement with a fast connection and relatively powerful hardware running a dedicated server 24/7 using Linux GSM.
It sounds good that it meaningfully can be played both individually and together on the same server.
You should use https://linuxgsm.com/lgsm/vhserver/ if you want, super easy t osetup, just make sure to go into /lgsm/lsgm-config/vhserver and replace common.cfg with default.cfg and then edit it to change server name
For linux script use https://linuxgsm.com/lgsm/vhserver/
Super easy to setup. I used it on my dedi and it worked (may need to debug a bit like server name config : had to go in the config, replaced ''common.cfg" with "_default.cfg" and changed server name, password etc)
Source video: https://youtu.be/xA5IqVY_Msc
How to install:
download thunderstore mod manager https://www.overwolf.com/app/Thunderstore-Thunderstore_Mod_Manager
make a new profile called something like "turrets"
download the mod MoreDefenses and all its dependencies
click "play modded"
optionally you might want to install the raft mod and sktoolbox so you can quickly build whats in the video and experiment
A few - Search: using mods in Valheim
The easiest way is to download Thunderstore Mod Manager. Once you install that, search for BepInExPack. I think it's pinned -- you need that to manage all the mods in general, so that's the first mod you need. Then start playing around!
My t2.medium in AWS (with extra storage added, even) is around $20 month. The reserved instance pricing is a lot better, if you're planning on keeping the server around for > 1 year you should definitely check it out cause it's a lot cheaper: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/reserved-instances/pricing/
The t2.medium type handled the server but very quickly ran out of CPU credits. Overall CPU utilization from AWS console was steady average ~45% until CPU credits ran out and throttled to 20%. Game ran a bit choppy and animals were teleporting around a bit lol but still playable.
Testing a c5.large for science https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/c5/ but I still have poor FPS and a bit choppy from my local client. I do not believe AWS is going to be a cost effective solution unless you run multiple servers and get reserved instance pricing.
I experienced similar memory usage on both 1.6-1.9
For those of you who don't know how to patch files yourself, I have patched the required files for you.
This pack contains three patches:
client-245760-x4 = Patch client maximum data rate from 61440 (60 kB/s) to 245760 (240 kB/s) [x4 the original data rate].
server-614400-x10 = Patch dedicated server maximum data rate from 61440 (60 kB/s) to 614400 (600 kB/s) [x10 the original data rate].
server-614400-x10_maxplayers-20 = Patch dedicated server data rate + patch max players from 10 to 20
With these patches, clients need at minimum stable 2Mbit/s upload speed, and server needs 5Mbit/s upload speed.
20 players patch is a hack, it is not guaranteed to be stable.
Use ONLY with game version v0.145.6 (February 17, 2021 patch)
Do NOT use server patch to patch client files or vice-versa
Client assembly_valheim.dll goes to Valheim\valheim_Data\Managed
Server assembly_valheim.dll goes to Valheim\valheim_server_Data\Managed
Download: https://pixeldrain.com/u/Wvuzdofw
That's some double plagiarism right there. I personally play Rise of Empires: Ice and Fire on Android, and it's nothing like this game.
A guy actually made a full game based on those ads. Its actually pretty fun. Its called "The Actual Game"
Fred Brooks wrote about this in an essay titled “The Mythical Man Month”, later expanded into a book. The key insight is that communication costs scales geometrically. If you have a team of 5 you have 5*(5-1)/2 or 10 lines of communication. For a teaming ten it becomes 45 lines, at 20 you’re up to 190. At some point you need management, structure, policies, and new tools.
I recommend sync if you're on Android. I've never had an iPhone but I've used several Android apps and sync is by far my favorite.
I've noticed the same thing. Worst performance was sitting idle at a fire (wtf?). Don't care, still love it.
i7 10th gen
RTX 3060
32gb RAM
200m/200m fiber
Pretty sure you end up mining copper for you and eth for Iron Gate. Lol
The absurd amount of processing happening during play (even local solo) makes no sense to me.
FYI - You need a fan that plugs into AC outlet, not USB, to cool your laptop. USB ones do nothing. I used one of these with mine and it was great.
I went with horse fencing with an additional layer of smaller chicken wire behind it. I have two giant schnauzers who *love* digging in raised beds so it's as much for the deer/ rabbits as it is for them. An added bit of angled wire (similar) at the top should keep any jumpers out.
I use Private Internet Access for my VPN. I monitored network traffic on my home network and noticed that when I was connected locally they packet loss went way up. So I tried when connected to vpn and packet loss drop to nearly none.
When you are connecting in game are you using the IP address or by name?
Those are some great suggestions. It would be a great quality of life improvement for RSI to go down. I like how you suggested ways to help.
One thing that works for me is a hand shake type of mouse. Your tendons are not crossed in that position, and my hand pain really went away once I started using it. I use this one which you can get for under $20, lasts me a couple of years before wearing out.
Thanks! It’s this 5 in HDMI LCD screen, but any little HDMI powered screen will do if you are wanting to add something like that. I just use it to display stats with Rainmeter.
To be super clear, these are the gels that fit with my aid. Not all bluetooth earpieces come with these, but since the gels are generally standardized you can just order these if whatever earpiece you order comes with a different type.
Hey mate. Mine is running fine but I've only had max 4 players. I also have a laptop cooling pad underneath so if I hear it grinding its gear I just flip that on.