MS paint? Absolutely proprietary.
Get your ass on GIMP dude. Professional grade software, easier than the adobe shit, no license bullshit, free of charge for ever, can be installed on virtually everything, even a raspberrypi, no snooping on the user ... And If one day you study computer processed imagery it will allow you to learn a lot and give back for all the awesomeness it gives freely to everybody.
Biggest size available of this. Entire desk = mousepad = win
As a graphic artist myself, I feel the title needs something more. It’s a good idea when using fog to have the fog weave between the text. Gives it more dimension.
Also if you are going to leave the text like that, you might either want to center it or square it off by enlarging one of the words.
Alternatively you could do more with the sword by making it longer and passing through the S or something below it.
Other than that it’s not bad, good job.
EDIT: The text at the top doesn’t really serve any purpose and is pretty lost. I didn’t even notice it until a second look. I also think the blood looks corny on the text but that’s personal preference. I’m big on minimalistic design so that could just be my general taste.
Spacing is also really important. White space is good. Your title, the credit text and the release date feel super cramped and smushed together as well.
Lastly the title text doesn’t really pop. You have more than enough gray. Why not try making the title text match something like the fire? You could even give it a fire reflection gradient as if the metal was reflecting the colors of the flame. It’s literally the main thing you want your viewer to see so making it a brighter color would really help it stand out more.
NOTE: Pexels is a decent free stock photo website. You also don’t need royalty free images when doing student projects ;)
i7-7700k is fairly decent and should be able run Mordhau without problem. I recommend running UserBenchmark and see what it says about your CPU. If it's ''performing below expectations'' it will show you some of the probable causes.
Here is the fix from the official discord tech support :
solved my issue (Failed to download mods), which was due to missing VCruntime 140_1.dll in the log for the modio dll, because it wants a very specific VC redist. Manually downloaded and installed from: ->Other Tools, Frameworks and Redistributables ->Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019
then pick your OS architecture (x86, x64 or ARM64) to download and install If you don't know what that is and you're running on windows, press and look for System Information -> it should be here
Just download that for whatever OS version you have and install. Start up Mordhau and join a mod server everything should work.
12 on the side. 5 on top. Not this exact model but similar
It won't make a huge difference in mordhau unless you're an archer. It should help if you turn it off in any game with a focus on mouse accuracy like fps though. Check out for info
We would prefer people sent us the full unedited footage, as it shows the full context of what happened.
I highly recommend for easily recording clips, just open the console, type playerlist, hit the key to record the last few minutes. Then after the game, let it upload and send all those clips to any active moderator. If you send it to moderators who are offline, you won't get a quick response.
Eventually the list of the packages... But I know with experience with my rescue kitty that it took about 2 days. I wish they'd leaf in some of my settings, it might be NordVPN causing the issue although I think you have the integrations enabled for it. You could easily be rooted if needed. So far never once gone over the transactions? use a spreadsheet. do you think there are some dwellers in here
Nice that you share your solution.
Could you also file a bug here:
Then it can be fixed and will work OOTB again.
You sure you looked up the right server name? If you look at the very end of the log file you'll see that the server started up successfully and what not so if you didn't change the name of the server in Game.ini file it'll just start up up with a generic default one. Could also be be a firewall issue that's preventing it. Also just FYI if you set this up manually initially and want to avoid less headache look into LinuxGSM as they have Mordhau server support and it makes setting it up a piece of cake. Just note that if you go in the realm of modded maps some of them will act a bit wonky on Linux since a lot of mod authors just cook them for Windows.
If Precision X doesn't work, then MSI Afterburner will. I prefer Precision X personally, feels easier to use and more polished. If the software doesn't work on your card, there should be a pop-up message saying something like "this software may not work, as it wasn't made by gigabyte" or whatever. MSI Afterburner is a general use tool. it works on my EVGA card, so it should work for your card.
Laptops will absolutely get hot if your running normally, much less having temperature problems. Also, laptops are basically skinny jeans for components, I think other guy missed that it was a laptop.
I would start with putting hardware monitoring software on it. I agree the top two are power supply issue or an overheating issue, but I think you would feel it if it were overheating.
If there is a way for it to write to a file thats what you would want, so you can look at it after the fact.
Also you can go through event viewer to see if anything says why its shutting down.
You could make a set of high-res screenshots of your model and feed them into Meshroom. If everything works out correctly you can then use Blender to convert the resulting model into something a 3D printer will digest.
Hard to tell what's causing this. You might want to try PingPlotter which would tell you if you have a "slow" hop on your path to the server. You'll need to use to look up the server's IP of course.
If the latency peaks on a hop near the "middle" of your route it's an ISP/Interconnect problem. If it's near the end of the route it's the server hosting company. If it's close to the start it's something in your home network though I find that unlikely if you're on a wired connection.
If it's an ISP problem you can work around it by trying a different ISP or by setting up a dedicated server closer to you.
If it's a hosting provider problem you can only work around it by setting up a dedicated server closer to you.
This could be multiple issues: Your ISP routing / Their ISP routing / Steams routing, Variable daytime load on various hops.
But no I feel ya. I can't find a single server below 80ms most days even though i'm well below that with virtually every other service on the internet.
Try using this to see if there is an issue with your end of the communication:
That program will show you what routes your information takes to get to destinations plus the time and reason for delay (somewhat)
Depends on how much you think is expensive, but I got a mionix mouse 3 years ago and it's easily the best mouse I've ever used. But it's very much up to personal preference I think.