Perhaps you are one of the few people who would actually be served well, on the end-user side, of that Acceptable Ads thing that disgusts the rest of us.
Among other things, AA's rules specifically prohibit video prerolls. (So if someone sees YouTube prerolls while he thinks ABP or "get" Adblock is active, something has indeed gone very wrong; it's never AA working as designed. Usually, it's Google Chrome being very tardy about fixing a certain bug that happens to profit Google....)
Also, you could change your subscription to something other than EasyList. I don't know if there's a "just ban prerolls" subscription out there, but nothing stops people from making one.
This is a bit extreme, but I would heavily suggest making a homemade VPN that blocks ads, there is a program called pihole that blocks the ads and relays your connection to your device.
Why to do it:
I completely agree with you, ads are causing people to get further pushed into their bubbles. For example, if you google I like trains, then next week all ads will incorporate some form of trains. Now imagine how political matters can box in a persons perspective, it becomes dangerous.
How it works:
I use a small 20 dollar raspberry pi 2, now the way this works is there are servers that have ads tagged with certain topics, if your cookies match those topics those ads will be sent to you. These ads are on their own url and/or dns. Hence all pihole does is blocks those urls/dns. To the website, it will just show up as a connection error and they won't send you the notification "please disable your adblock".
Why I did it:
I recently switched to iPhone and with it, I lost the ability to have whole system adblockers that are present on rooted android phones (I still miss it). I, like you, felt that the advertising not only influence my buying pattern, but also what I wanted to think.
Why it will be harder for adblockers to prevent this:
The current targetted advertising done online requires an adsense server to connect to your connection alongside the connection of the website. Either the website starts getting hosted by adsense or vice versa. This is an expensive proposition because it means all websites would be hosted by one dns/url in the same server farm. The complexity of matching that up makes it harder than embedding the ads into the page's html script.
Following advice here:
I have gotten these 4 filters:
https://cczmagu* ||^ ||^ /\/[a-z0-9_-]{15,}.[a-z0-9-]+.[a-z]{2,}\/.*?\w{40,}/$
It worked when I refreshed, and I haven't gotten any ads thus far as of adding these. Not sure which one is actually working (I assume it's the last one). Will update if they work permanently.
EDIT: These do work. Just had a streamer say "Playing ads now" and I didn't see them! Hope this helps someone!
Adblock Plus says its available for Edge
I reckon that sharing a laptop is a reason to use different browser, or a separate profile at least. Whats the second browser btw?
Some things to check.
If you are using Chrome. Uninstall the YouTube app. (It can automatically install itself when Chrome updates.)
Check if acceptable ads in Adblock Plus is turned off.
If AB+ fails. Try uBlock Origin with dynamic filtering. Completely block Google's doubleclick adserver from sending any requests.
For dynamic filtering (advanced user mode.)
I suggest using ublock origin as your content blocker. Not adblock or adblock plus. The sticky in this sub has other addons/links that might help you.
Pi-hole. It's a network wide ad blocker and you'd need to get a raspberry pi for it to run on. It'll block ads for any device connected to your WiFi, so you don't need to install apps on everything you own. Plus you can't block ads on phones in Chrome so it'll do it. The way it works is that you attach your pi to the network and set pi-hole up, after that all traffic goes through the pi and at this step it takes out all the ads.
Either that or uBlock Origin.
For Android phones install Brave Browser, it's Chrome but with built-in ad blocking/fingerprinting protection.
The latest versions of Firefox as well as of Adblock Plus are no longer compatible with Element Hiding Helper due to Firefox abandoning its Add-ons API in favor of web extensions at the end of last year.
We could look into reintroducing some Element Hiding Helper capabilities in the web extension version of Adblock Plus. For that the forum mentioned by Tim would be a good start to let us know how you were using it and which features you'd like to see again in future versions of Adblock Plus.
no ad blockers work 100% especilly if the ads are actually hosted on thr website you use.. Here is my advice... use uBlock Origin, and ONLY uBlock ORigin...and read this
> Ghostery
Ghostery was owned by an advertising company and they are now owned by a media conglomerate. It has been abandoned by the privacy community for years. It is also closed source code, meaning no one can tell you exactly what it's collecting under the hood.
I hope you appreciate this reply even more buddy.
download this and burn it to a cd, run it on boot. if that doesn't work format your hard drive.
this is not an issue with adblock, more than likely it's the mental capacity of the user.
>The articles you posted are a bit old.
Yes, that's why I said this:
>It has been abandoned by the privacy community for years.
>LineageOS - I am not willing to go through the code to make sure it doesn't still have the embedded stank of microsoft.
The alternative being android where you absolutely know googles "embedded stank" is there. Luckily for you, there are people that are willing to inspect and maintain open source projects. No one but the applications proprietor can do that for closed source code. Microsofts involvement in cyanogenmod was an example of their three E's tactics. Once they discovered they couldn't dip their hand into the android market the project was useless to them.
When it comes to ghostery at this point there is absolutely no reason to use anything they offer. There are more trustworthy and effective open source alternatives in place. If you want to keep feeding advertisers information keep using ghostery, that's your decision.
Some trusted alternatives, I suggest starting with ublock origin on firefox or brave browser:
Interesting, while you're here, how do you explain the need for a privacy policy like this:
>The AdBlock extension captures anonymous usage information, including but not limited to: current version of the extension, preferred language, Acceptable Ads opt-in, number of blocked requests, and browser and operating system type.
You guys say it's to "make adblock better," but how exactly does keeping all browsing data like this actually help anyone. Why should I, or anyone, trust you with 90 days of my browsing data? Especially with gems like this at the bottom of your privacy policy:
>we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data in our system or while being transmitted over the Internet. Our best effort is given, but you use AdBlock's website and browser extension at your own risk.
This really gives me a lot of incentive to use another addon, one that is perhaps open source and doesn't collect my data. Collecting data in the same way the very thing you're blocking seems........counterproductive, at best. I'm sorry, but "giving it your best effort" just doesn't provide me with any comfort here.
Going straight to Luna as an alternative to a self-hosted DNS-based solution is a little bit extreme. Just using DNS-based adblocking service like AdGuard DNS, BlahDNS, AhaDNS, Mullvad DNS is usually enough. If you want to enable more lists, RethinkDNS is good, or NextDNS if you want logging too.
If someone can be bothered to spend their time setting up a pi-hole, I think setting up AdGuard Home on a free instance of Oracle Cloud VPS would serve them better than a locally installed pi-hole, it can easily be used from anywhere without rigging up a split-tunnel VPN or risking opening port 53 to public.
Have you considered a VPN? NordVPN is an excellent choice and will ensure your network privacy beyond ad blocking.
As for your specific question, what you need to do is basically have pihole as a DNS “man in the middle”. This is typically used for malicious purposes on a network but perhaps you could use the principle for DNS filtering pass through. A quick search didn’t turn up much for me but this guy seems to be on the same train of thought:
Overall, if it’s just your PC or a few devices needing DNS access, look into VPN services with adblocking. If you’re setting pi-hole up for the purpose of educating yourself, that’s fine, but the management overhead may be more costly and frustrating than the simplicity and protection outsourcing that task provides.
Im using Chrome version 70.0.3538.102, ABP version 3.4.1
I had about 2 tabs open? i rarely have many tabs open.
I have these other extensions:
- Google Docs Offline
- Betternet VPN
- Application launcher for Google Drive
For anyone else reading this with the same question, the URL was lol. I was still getting ads even with my adblocker on, so I used an app called Appbrain Ad Detector that tells you what ad companies all of your apps use, and then blocked their URLs. Here's a screenshot of the URLs I blocked to get rid of the ads in the app I was using.
> Sorry to say this, but then why did you recommend to install it if it doesn't block that type of ads?
It saves a lot of time if you watch youtube videos and don't care about stuff like intros, outros, don't like the constant "according to youtube statistics, blah blah blah" and don't care about sponsors like Honey, NordVPN, Audible, SurfShark etc.
> Do you know how to block them on the browser and on the YouTube apps?
uBlock Origin should block them by default. As for apps, Vanced should also block them.
> Could you tell me why? Is it faster and provides access to more sites than CloudFare?
It blocks more ads (at least in my experience) than cloudflare's DNS.
Blokada blocks by domain, so simply setting your Private DNS setting to adblocking ones like AdGuard, AhaDNS, NextDNS, RethinkDNS, Mullvad or WeDNS should do the trick.
If you need custom lists, NextDNS and RethinkDNS can do that too.
If you don't want to use a third-party service, AdGuard for Android can do host-based filtering and also HTTPS filtering locally, which would provide better adblocking.
Not possible. try Youtube Vanced instead its the youtube app but modded to block ads
You need to download it from the site its NOT avaiable in the Playstore because google not like this app
I hope so. When I try Google, it didn’t bypass the popup. When I reload the page, it’s gone. So it’s a mixed success? I hope they will improve it. Maybe it’s worth to report an let them check. For now, it’s a better than nothing experience. Maybe this Blog helps:
Personally I switched to DuckDuckGo. Only use Google when I can’t find what I am looking for.
For the pi-hole server you will need a spare computer or raspberry pi (list of supported operating systems)
Follow this guide
Do steps 1 and 2 to install pi-hole and step 4 to setup pi-hole vpn (you will need to port forward for this)
Most adblockers do only apply to a browser itself, and all adblockers that are based on browser extensions fall in to that category. They function by capturing elements on a page that match a set of signature criteria, and prevent them from displaying in some way.
My favorite, and probably the most popular (although i have selection bias because it's the one i use) is adblock plus found here:
some use notes: adblock plus can be turned on and off on a per site basis, so if you have a site that you do not want any elements blocked on, you can toggle it off. also, they have a "non-obtrusive ad" setting which permits ads that are deemed to not interfere with the main content of the site (so like side banner ads and stuff typically). This can be toggled off also to allow for the most aggressive blocking.
There is also a mobile version that i find to work pretty well. I actually have stopped using the youtube app in favor of watching youtube on the adblock browser. the experience is a little more anoying, but overall time is saved from reduced ads.
Occasionally, some things will get through. this is because advertisers and the adblock community are in constant war to circumvent each others techniques. also, you will find that on some sites, content will be impossible to play unless adblock is turned off.
Toy around with it and take back control over what influences you. have fun!
The problem with adblockers that aren't uBlock orgin, Adguard, or Nano Defender, is that I just don't trust them as much as I just the three I listed.
For example, the adblocker that you just said worked perfect, has a pretty major flaw in my eyes. The acceptable ads part of it would make me entirely avoid this adblocker. Basically, a commitee meets together to decide on acceptable ads, or what ads will be allowed through the adblocker. Larger companies, have to pay money to let their ads through the adblocker.
Of course, you can turn this feature off, but to me, I would rather not have such a feature included in my adblocker of choice at all.
I recommend uBlock Orgin + Nano Defender. It is what I use, and I have never had any troubles with it. Also, I recommend going into google advertising settings, and resetting your advertising id, then turning off personalized advertising off. (I think) This prevents google from trying to circumvent your adblocker on sites like youtube, and google just gives you the regular, version of the site, with easily blockable ads.
Here's an update from two days ago, let's just hope this all works out. That white "skip ad" screen before every video is driving me crazy, and none of the solutions are working for me.
This blog post from 2013 may help clarify why we have to enforce our trademarks. Since then many other brands have come up such as AdGuard and uBlock and it seems users appreciate that clear distinction to AdBlock and Adblock Plus - both of which have been around for quite some time.
I'm not a lawyer nor a marketer, just a developer, but I hope that at least clears some things up and I'm confident that a good solution can be found.
Hey man, appreciate you spreading your insight and as you seem very reasonable I'd like to say the following:
Adblock Plus did not lose its Moral Compass. And companies don't "pay us to unblock their ads".
That sentence is missing the crucial and core essence of why Acceptable Ads was created in the first place.
Companies must adjust their Ads to be more user-friendly and non-intrusive. Once they adjusted their Ads based on the criteria (which are made by an independent coalition since 2017), we start talking about the rest. There is nothing happening before those Ads are adjusted. Afterwards, if the company receives a large revenue we then ask for a fee.
And this didn't come from losing a Moral Compass, but instead taking a look at what effect Ad blockers are having on the Internet as a whole and working to propose a solution, an alternative to the current model which we (and our users) deem unacceptable.
And it's supposed to make Publishers aware that having more user-friendly and non intrusive Ads is actually a GOOD THING. We want this whole crowded, pushy advertising nonsense to stop - the way to do that (we believe) is by communicating and offering alternatives. Just blocking all ads is harmful to content creators and publishers (not the actual Advertisers) and that's absolutely not what we want. So we're really just trying our best to pave the way for a better Internet in the future.
And while I understand you may not align with these thoughts, and dislike ALL ads (we'll always allow users to opt-out), I hope you now understand a bit better where we're coming from and that things just aren't as black and white as you may have assumed.
Hey, no worries!
Thanks for the follow up. I've reproduced this on my end and have forwarded it to our Filter List Team and they'll be looking into fixing this.
The Filter list you're using for this "Anti-Adblock Killer" is no longer being actively maintained however.
You can find up-to-date lists here:
Hi there,
We're aware of this, have looked into it and are working on eliminating any potential risks for our users. If you're interested in the technicality and how it shouldn't actually be an issue for our users who use standard Adblock Plus filters - you can find our full statement here:
Hi there,
We're aware of this, have looked into it and are working on eliminating any potential risks for our users. If you're interested in the technicality and how it shouldn't actually be an issue for our users who use standard Adblock Plus filters - you can find our full statement here:
If you are referring to Acceptable Ads, it is a program that companies and content creators can apply to. If they adjust their ads tostrict criteria they are then shown to users who have the "Acceptable Ads" feature enabled.
This is because most users have an issue with malicious or intrusive ads. We do charge large entities a fee once their ads qualify, however.
I mean do you have example pages that you can share where you're still seeing ads even with that option turned off? That way I could take a look whether I can experience the same issue on my computer to get it fixed.
On top of that there are some companies that actively try to force ads on you that we're actively fighting against (see blog post).
@planetb00m I've forwarded your issue to our macOS/iOS devs so that they can take a look at it. At least I assume you're using the Adblock Plus app considering that we recently released a new update for it.
@Darkhog I'm not aware of any issues with that option so mind providing more details about that so that we can investigate what could be causing it?
The browser's built-in popup-blocker is usually quite good at blocking non-user-initiated popups. For the ones that occur when clicking on something on the page any major ad blocker should be fine as they mostly all rely on the same set of rules for blocking ads and other annoyances and can be configured with additional rules.
If you're worried about the extension tracking you, I'd recommend checking out its privacy policy. It should include which data is being collected, how it's being collected and for what purposes it's being used.
I found this thread: ABP forum does not deal with filter issues
ABP doesn't deal with with filters' issues. I see there that i hate to go for filters problems to EsayList forum but i can't register there. I always see "The solution you provided was incorrect".
A blocker is built into the Brave browser, but you can disable it with one touch and read the text on the site where the blocker is prohibited. (Download from the official site-
Brave was created by Brendan Eich, one of the founders of the JavaScript programming language, using the Blink engine (developed by Google). All popular browsers are created on this engine - Opera, FireFox and Chrome itself.
To view videos (and indeed surf the Internet), use browsers with a built-in ad blocker, for example, Brave browser (Download from the official site- Brave was created by Brendan Eich, one of the founders of the JavaScript programming language, using the Blink engine (developed by Google). All popular browsers are created on this engine - Opera, FireFox and Chrome itself.
Take a try with Brave Browser (only blocked during browsing) (my personal referral link) and watch also YouTube without ads !
Brave browser does more than that, it will protect you by blocking: ads and tracking Phishing Scripts Fingerprint protection And https everywhere
And the extra bonus, you will earn BAT tokens (Crypto coins) for surfing and if turned on you can earn extra for selected ads from Brave.
Take a try and love it.....
Why not using Brave Browser ? Download and enjoy:-) (my personal referral link) and watch YouTube without ads !
Brave browser does more than that, it will protect you by blocking: ads and tracking Phishing Scripts Fingerprint protection And https everywhere
And the extra bonus, you will earn BAT tokens (Crypto coins) for surfing and if turned on you can earn extra for selected ads from Brave.
Take a try and love it.....
Honestly, I suggest installing a custom rom like cyanogenmod, paranoid android or copperheados. Then get your apps from the F-Droid repository. Google is an advertiser, they are going to constantly do shady stuff like this to make more revenue.
If you aren't up for that then you're going to have to at least root your phone and install something like adaway. That is, if you have to use an app to watch youtube videos. Watching youtube videos in firefox with the ublock origin addon would work without rooting your phone.
If you need information on how to do any of this reply here and I can help you through it. Once you get the hang of it you should be fine.
They are never going to reach that goal.
Take a look at how much the ones that have decided to block are dropping.
Clearly a lot of people would rather move on than white list them. They need a new model rather than trying to force the current business model.
It will be interesting to see what happens over the next 12 months. If they maintain the block.
There are 2 types of AdGuard DNS, regular and Private/Encrypted. I'll talk about Private one.
AdGuard < AdGuard DNS < AdGuard Premium.
AdGuard is only works on browsers. AdGuard DNS works system-wide and blocks in-app ads too. AdGuard Premium includes AdGuard DNS and does more like allowing you to pick filter lists, custom list, white/black list and more.
See more on AdGuard.
privacy badger is useless compared to a well oiled ubo in medium mode
Uh, actually it does stop him.
See under "Not Supported" on this wiki page.
Also, there is a filter-list-language option "sitekey" that is vital for the AA list, and is only useful for it (or a list with similar intentions). It's not mentioned at all on the above page, but in view of what is mentioned, it's obvious that it wont be implemented.
This is nothing new, some other sites have been using it for years. uBlock Origin can remove content with :matches-css() :matches-css-before :matches-css-after.
remove them both, and use ublock origin and ONLY ublock origin Then read those
add this to ur filters^$inline-script or enable advanced user in settings and there will be an option to block anything u want by clicking the u block icon. see this guide for more info.
Look at what /r/smartereveryday does. He's got a youtube channel. But look at this: he makes nearly seven thousand dollars per video via Patreon. He works as an engineer but still manages to make two videos a month. That's pretty good money for a hobby.
Why does that work for him? His videos are super high quality. A lot of his videos are very time consuming to produce, so there's not a lot of competition for the kind of material he produces. For some kinds of things on youtube if one content creator burns out, there are dozens or even hundreds of others doing much the same thing. Put that all together and what he's got is high quality content plus strong demand plus a niche that's not already overpopulated with content producers.
Because of all that, he's doing something that people are willing to pay for. Good for him!
There has been no success yet as far as I know to circumvent their flash player which is quite solid.
However, TIL you can bypass some paywalls and anti adblockers by changing your user agent to Google's spider bot. I've not tested this myself yet. Probably won't work because it's flash we're dealing with here.
I know it's been a while since you posted, but if I remember correctly when I had this problem the fix for me was to actually download the Vanced app manager from [](here). After reinstalling YouTube Vanced from the manager I was prompted to log into my account, and then I was good to go when I opened up YouTube Vanced. Hope this is still relevant and helps someone! handle apps to in premium version, though for YouTube you're better off with Vanced, and for Reddit use the various third-party client such as Slide or Infinity.
If you like to know the reason, I recommend this article: And no, I didn’t have any Ad issues all the days. The guys are really quick to fix the Ads. Just make sure to update your filterlist.
There is a simple way ... 1) go to WiFi 2) click on setting of ur currently connected WiFi 3) click on advanced 4) change ip settings from DHCP to Static 5) type in IP address (the same one as greyed out in the fill space ) 6)Change set DNS 1 and DNS 2 values to following: , 7) Save the changes 8) WiFi will disconnect and reconnect 9) Almost all the pop up ads in-game will stop 10) only problem is that to view ads for reward , u have to change back up setting to DHCP or u can use mobile data
It's a DNS adblock by adguard , been using it for so long , safe and reliable
If u have any doubt visit their site at
It’s legit but also outdated new releases are distributed via the website and auto update independent of play store
This is a FAQ. (Literally).
Sometimes ads are only paid "per click", in which case there is obviously no point.
When they are paid "per impression", this rate isn't fixed, and significant use of this strategy will make it go down.
A separate big reason not to do this is that it leaves you as open to malvertising as not blocking at all.
For adblocking on a browser, be it on desktop or on mobile, the best browser right now is definitely BRAVE. I'm in the tech field and I am really encouraging everyone to give it a try. Been using it for a month and I am impressed. In terms of security, confidentiality and privacy in general, Brave is really recommended. Faster and more efficient browsing and has built-in Ad blocking feature, no need to use any adblocker extensions. And clearly, chrome can no longer be trusted. This is the future, board early.
Download brave here
Right now all the Ad Blocking extensions are not working, the lists that the extensions use need to be updated to include the new ads, and this might take some time before it happens.
While I highly suggest using uBlock Origin over Adblock and Adblock Plus, (and never use more than one ad blocker at a time) it has the same issue as Adblock.
If you want to watch ad-free on Crunchyroll just download the Brave Browser, it blocks all Crunchyroll ads and a bunch of other bad things that are on the internet these days.
The (whitelisting) feature is already available: it is the big power button. It serves to whitelist the current web site, and its state will be remembered next time you visit the web site.
Read more about white listing on the uBlock Origin Wiki
I guess that extension is communicating with another 3rd party domain. Or a 3rd party iframe. These rules disables all 3rd parties except for what's required to view videos.
When you click on the uBO icon when advanced settings are activated you'll see a a couple of columns. Check the wiki for more info. First click on the center cell in the column to the right on 3rd party frames. Reload and see if that fixes it. If not, do the same with other 3rd parties below until you find which domain it needs to communicate with.
In this case an ad blocker may not be the only protection you need. Blocking 3rd-party frames in uBlock Origin would be a good first step that everyone should do. Ad blocking is a reactive technology and still have holes. Websocket ads in chromium for example. I even recommend people to use a script blocker. Not a very user friendly approach, but it adds that extra protection needed.
Meet the world's most advanced ad blocker!
AdGuard is a unique program that has all the necessary features for the best web experience. The software combines the world's most advanced ad blocker, a whole privacy protection module, and a parental control tool — all working in one app. This amazing software deals with annoying ads, hides your data from a multitude of trackers, protects you from malware attacks, and lets you restrict your kids from accessing inappropriate content. Install AdGuard and see the internet as it was supposed to be: clean and safe.
Get rid of annoying banners, pop-ups & video ads once and for all
Hide your data from the multitude of trackers & activity analyzers that swarm the web
Avoid fraudulent & phishing website and malware attacks
Protect your kids online by restricting them from accessing inappropriate & adult content
Meet the world's most advanced ad blocker!
AdGuard is a unique program that has all the necessary features for the best web experience. The software combines the world's most advanced ad blocker, a whole privacy protection module, and a parental control tool — all working in one app. This amazing software deals with annoying ads, hides your data from a multitude of trackers, protects you from malware attacks, and lets you restrict your kids from accessing inappropriate content. Install AdGuard and see the internet as it was supposed to be: clean and safe.
Get rid of annoying banners, pop-ups & video ads once and for all
Hide your data from the multitude of trackers & activity analyzers that swarm the web
Avoid fraudulent & phishing website and malware attacks
Protect your kids online by restricting them from accessing inappropriate & adult content
Blocking ads on the Youtube app is not possible anymore, unless you download a modified version of it (like Cercube, Youtube++) with a signing service called AltStore. Both modified versions are commonly used in the jailbreaking scene, me included.
Take a look here:
Follow all the steps for installation, then search for "Youtube Cercube/Youtube++ IPA" and install it through AltStore
Hello u/Delicious_Ad3063, it appears you tried to put a link in a title, since most users cant click these I have placed it here for you
^I ^am ^a ^bot ^if ^you ^have ^any ^suggestions ^dm ^me
If you're on pc then ublock origin extension. If you're on android, then like u/TheOracle722 mentioned, Youtube Vanced. And if you're on ios, then sorry but idk about that. I'm sure there are other options similar to Vanced though
I don't know about AdBlock, but i can told you about my experience in use Pandora with Adguard :)
I'm use Adguard (from chrome store) for block ad including audio ad (for block audio ad i add custom filtering rule to adguard user's filter "*"), and streamkeys for play/pause, next, etc. on keyboard shortcuts.
If any difficulties encountered, i can write more detailed.
Your bookmarklet works great, thanks! The Fetch API doesn't work in all browsers yet, though (for instance, I use the Epic Privacy Browser for its free, built-in encrypted proxy and ad-blocking attributes).
If you get a console error when trying to use this bookmarklet (or if nothing happens, if you're not sure what the console is), try adding this Fetch polyfill script. You'll need to minify it, then wrap it in a self-invoking function prefixed with "javascript:", like this:
javascript:(function(){ // paste minified Fetch polyfill here })();
You'll need to remove the line breaks in the example so that the entire piece of code fits on a single line, then paste it in the field for the URL of a new bookmark.
For those who aren't JavaScript geeks, adding the "polyfill" script essentially adds new functionality to your browser that it doesn't support yet, expressly so u/joepie91's excellent bookmarklet will work.
After performing the steps I described above and loading a Wired article, I clicked the bookmarklet, and the annoying adblock nag overlay was instantly replaced with the content of the article. Nice.
When installing NextDNS you have to go into NextDNS settings and choose “Use Custom Configuration”. Go to on your device and press “Try for Free” then copy the Endpoint number into the NextDNS app. After that go back to the website, you’ll now have access to tabs on the top of the NextDNS website. To change Blocklists go into the Privacy tab and click “Add A Blocklist”. You can add/remove them all right there.
*** Should I get Ad Blocker, AdGuard? Link to it here Any thoughts on it? Does it work for apps?
Well, Sorry about that, but I don't really know you would have to ask Adguard for that answer. It is working for me and I live in the US, you can go to their website to see it for yourself. Sorry if I hurt any feelings :)
Hope that helps :)
It's cute how they think use of an "adblock wall" can have only two outcomes:
Users switch off adblock.
Users abandon the site.
And I don't even rely on the linked one that often....
"Anti-Adblock Killer" is an excellent open-source script that disables scripts that detect adblock. (That was a mouthful.)
Definitely safe. I've been using it for years and have no problems. It does a great job of blocking adware and trackers as well. If you want to know about privacy, check this It's also open source which is perfect.
There are lists containing cosmetic filters, which would still download the code but don't display the ad, as opposed to network filters that won't download the ad at all. Cosmetic filters are usually implemented when the ad content/script is integrated with the main content, so the blocker will edit the content after downloading it, which also helps to reduce blank rectangles or error messages.
You can go further with extensions like AdNauseam which actually click on each ad that is already hidden, which implies that the advertisers see those traffic even if the ad themselves never got displayed.
This isn't popular, because as you've guessed, ad networks can detect tampering. They can, after all, include a JS code that checks the current DOM and reports back. Adblocker will usually stop this too because most users not only want to block ads but also tracking. Those who want to save bandwidth and CPU usage will also prefer to just skip the JS entirely when possible.
I've been using regular AdBlock and that's been working fine until some point in the last 24 hours when Crunchyroll has managed to get ads through. This has happened before, around a year ago, and it took a couple days until AdBlock managed to block the ads again.
I know you can allow ads everywhere except on specific sites with AdBlock (the one from, I'm not sure if the other ad blockers have that functionality but it seems like they would.
I think most ad blockers offer that? AdBlock ( definitely does. If you open the options page and click Customize, there's an option that says "Show ads everywhere except for these domains."
I've already been looking into this specific problem while working on the extensions for Flattr and Adblock Plus. The main problem is that the channel name cannot be inferred from the video URL. There's also no easy way to access it when looking at the page's content when it has loaded because of various reasons such as: 1. Ads may load already before such information could be extracted and processed. 2. YouTube doesn't reliably update the page's meta data when navigating from one video to another. 3. YouTube's code actively tries to prevent extensions from fiddling with it.
I'm not saying that it's impossible but it is not straight-forward and may be a pain to maintain.
Having said that, I know that AdBlock provides a "Allow whitelisting of specific YouTube™ channels" feature. As far I'm aware of, they reload the video page to add the channel name to the URL and thereby work around the primary issue I mentioned.
Another option would be to keep blocking ads and support YouTubers using Flattr. With Flattr you can define a monthly budget and it will automatically be distributed depending on the content you consume during that month. It also allows you to add certain YouTubers or podcasters so that they get rewarded each time they create new content. And if you create content yourself, you can automatically receive money from anyone who's using Flattr and who's consuming your content.
That's not as easy as it sounds because the ads usually load before the ad blocker sees what channel the video you're about to watch belongs to. From what I know, AdBlock offers an option called "Allow whitelisting of specific YouTube™ channels" which tries to work around that limitation.
Try using AdBlock instead; it has been developed for Safari for far longer than ABP and should be more stable in that browser:
With that said, the Safari versions of both extensions will lag behind the Chrome versions, because it's just so much harder to build (you have to actually build them from the browser itself while Chrome extensions at least allow for an automated build process).
Chrome is trying to break adblockers. Switch away from chrome to firefox.
If you really want chromium on android, try bromite. It is Chrome, but with an adblocker built in.
I don't know about Pornhub in particular, but when I'm working out what domains to block or keep, I use NoScript ( in Firefox which lets you block or unblock all domains on a page individually so you can work out which ones are required and which are superfluous. Then I can add the bad ones to my PiHole blacklist or whatever blocker you prefer.
If you can refer to it with a CSS selector, you can hide it, and the most popular ABP filter lists do just that:
Here's another explanation, still in "draft" status after a couple years:
Basically you just allow requests one by one, and then narrowing unblocked request.
In uBlock Origin you can allow domains with dynamic filtering, and when a page start to work, you can filter requests in uBO's logger for the last allowed domain. Allow requests from that domain one by one and find necessary ones.
To speed up the process you can predict and allow domains in custom order.
In the thread's particular case, if you open the logger, reload the page, and click on Q-music, there will be about 20 net requests and 9 css(dom) filters. But you can clear the logger and click on the Q-music button, there will be like 5 blocked requests.
If you asked how to create rules - read Adblock rules, or uBO's wiki if you use it (you can create rules with UI in uBO's logger).
It's crowd sourced. Anyone can contribute times on a video that are sponsored (I.E. 0:37 to 0:50), and it will skip those times for everybody who uses the extension. You can also downvote times if they are wrong.
I’m gonna say don’t as even though they mitm ads there is nothing stopping them from morning other traffic with out notice (prolly won’t happen a risk). Also yes they can see bank info if they change.
Here is an example of bank info that could be seen. I used a free open source program called mitm proxy to get this.
> because Firefox can't tell if Mullvad is broken or just blocking).
If you don't set that trr mode thing, then, Firefox could leak some queries. Typically, these queries will be for local network domain names.
AdGuard is also better for the client app devs (browser, forwarder etc). They resolve blocked domains with null IP and 1 hour TTL, which means browsers and apps won't badger the DNS again and again for the blocked domains. Meanwhile, Mullvad DNS just drop the TLS connection, making it indistinguishable from a broken connection (also why their Firefox guide mention disabling native fallback, because Firefox can't tell if Mullvad is broken or just blocking). If they don't want to give "fake" results they could've used NXDOMAIN or REFUSED instead.
>NordVPN offers excellent ad blocking. Its ad blocker, called CyberSec, scored really high in all tests. And we never saw ads on ad-heavy pages – banners, pop-ups, or video ads. NordVPN even blocks ads on YouTube – the ones at the start of a video and during it. The only YouTube ads CyberSec struggled with are the overlay ads – we saw them more than half of the time. And CyberSec was able to block our connections to malicious HTTP sites.
Go into Settings and under your name you’ll see Profile Downloaded, click that and install. Now go into Settings and use the Search bar, search VPN and click the option that appears then you’ll be able to Manage the DNS Profile and your VPN Configurations. Turn off ExpressVPN here and make sure AdGuard is chosen in DNS.
Hi! How can I make sure that the DNS is being actively used? Here's what my profile page looks like. I chose Mullvad, but I guess I had somehow already added Adguard at some point in the past. Does that mean I'm using two DNSs?
For Reddit use Boost , it is very cheap to support dev and have ad free experience.
Also adguard for Android blocks ads on Boost.
I don’t know for NordVPN, isn’t the data on your router already encrypted? I think it will be in co Flickr with VPN Adfiltering solutions.
Or you simply use AdGuard DNS as Upstream on Router instead of Quad9. People also recommend NextDNS. But I don’t know if it works with NordVPN.
Question about using adguard dns blocking. So I would have to set my iPhones dns to adguard? Now if my router is set to quad9 will that interfere or will quad9 not be used at all? And now what if I use NordVPN on my iPhone which doesn’t allow to set a dns?
Hi all,
We're on telegram now: come say hi or ideate over newer features or to report bugs.
Also we just announced Network Monitor in the latest revision of the app released to Play Store today:
You can add Draeneg on Android: the app blocks all intrusive and malicious content, and it also allows you to enable encrypted DNS (DoT and DoH)
For Androod, you can install Draeneg, The application supports encrypted DNS (DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS) while blocking intrusive or malicious content (ads, trackers, adult content, etc)
Can u run Hulu in Firefox on android? If yes then ublock Origen + nanodefender is the best option.
If this isn’t possible Luna vpn works well (though has a baggage of privacy concerns due to mitm approach TLDR it can possibly see the https connections from ur device I put a more detailed post a few times in this sub will link in a reply)
The last option (similar to to Luna) is keowan Adblock a more open alternative to Luna vpn (you need to use root cert method I think). I havened tested this as I am on iOS.
You can try Draeneg instead. And the VPN is local inside your device. We collect nothing, no user data. Everything stays locally.