I was shocked about that too - so I looked around. Turns out there's an alternative.
Adblock, which is made by different people to Adblock Plus and doesn't do the same things; https://getadblock.com/
"AdBlock is 100% user-supported, does not have a list of companies that get preferential treatment, and does not ask or allow companies to pay us to show you ads. "
> Adblock Plus
AdBlock Plus is not AdBlock nor a version of it, they are completely separete projects. Adblock Plus went the way µTorrent did for torrenting programs, letting companies pay to add themselves to a whitelist. µTorrent is torrenting, with ads. And Adblock Plus is ad-blocking, with ads.
Only AdBlock remains pure. The question asks for AdBlock, not AdBlock Plus.
Just so you know, AdBlock and AdBlock Plus are completely different addons, made by different people.
AdBlock is actually shit, you should be using plus. Also, while there is a little bit of truth to it, it's disingenuous to say that "ABP allowing advertisers to pay them to not block specific ads." Because of the whitelist system you mentioned, ABP needs to hire people to vet/review the companies that apply to get their ads whitelisted. In order to pay for that process, and to prevent every ad company under the sun from spamming their inbox, they have to pay a fee to get their ads reviewed. So it's not really getting paid "big money to not block ads", but more "getting compensated for taking the time to review potential non-intrusive ads".
Uhh.. didnt adblock also sell out to adblock plus a bit ago?
Edit: see here, adblock also has 'acceptable ads'
Edit 2: 'Adblock extension with 40 million users sells to mystery buyer, refuses to name new owner'
This needs more visibility. It's a shame they share a name, because AdBlock is an entirely different product maintained by one guy and supported by donations. AdBlock Plus business model is based around extortion, and owned by a for profit company.
I prefer regular AdBlock, it seems to have more options and out of both of them so far, I think AdBlock is the more reliable one.
When I used it ABP blocked a few important page elements on some sites and sometimes missed ads, but I haven't yet had a problem with AB.
The page I linked to is the official AdBlock site instead of the Chrome store page since it's not just for Chrome. They have a couple of versions for other browsers as well.
Please note that Adblock Pro is not the same as Adblock Plus, or Adblock. It can be pretty confusing. Adblock Plus has been around since 2006. Adblock is basically a fork of Adblock Plus.
Adblock Plus:
I want to whitelist h3h3 on AdblockPlus, but I don't have the option. Both Chrome and ABP are fully updated, and the general tab of ABP's settings doesn't show an option to allow whitelisting of YouTube channels.
Can anyone help me out so I can help Papa earn his dough?
EDIT: So someone on the ABP forum helped me out. The extension Ethan is using in the video is AdBlock, not AdBlock Plus. You can download it here: https://getadblock.com/
Adblock: https://getadblock.com/
Adblock Plus: https://adblockplus.org/
I'm not a big a fan of the latter, just tried it a couple of times, didn't work as well as Adblock for me. Anyway Adblock is awesome, I think its just run by two people. They only have extension for Chrome, I shifted from Chrome to Firefox few months back and now I'm using uBlock Origin, which is even better.
There's a big company behind Adblock Plus since a few years now. They've added a backdoor for "acceptable ads" and ad companies can buy into that. Just use the original adblock, it's using exactly the same filter lists anyways.
If you look at the top level comment of this thread, the post reads "AdBlock", which is a particular product and not just a general term for a type of software. The fact that the user went out of their way to capitalize the A and B tells me that they are referring to that particular software and not ad blocking software in general.
Or maybe it was just autocorrect. Either way, I appreciate users mentioning uBlock Origin because if a user that does not yet use an ad blocker sees someone say "use adblock", they'll just Google the word "adblock" and go with the first result: the inferior AdBlock.
The original Adblock blocks all ads, but a lot of people end up installing Adblock Plus which I feel just piggybacked off the name of the original.
A combination of AdBlock and ClickToPlugin can remove the need for Flash in YouTube. You'll still need Flash for a few sites but they're prevented from automatically loading.
Extensions work better than manually opting in because opting in uses cookies. If you delete them you have to opt in again, whereas extensions do it automatically.
Should also add that with the AdBlock plugin you can add a specific blacklist to cut out all the comments.
From the support/suggestions page:
>Hi all,
>The name change is part of an experiment and only temporary. BetaFish has always been the name of Michael's company. AdBlock is still blocking all ads by default, unlike other ad-blockers, and will continue doing so!
>HI everyone,
>As Neelfyn told you before, this is just a temporary name change of the extension.
>Some things to clear out:
> 1. We haven't been bought by some company. 2. We are not preparing for "Acceptable ads". 3. BetaFish Adblocker blocks all ads by default like it used to do. 4. It's simply good old AdBlock :)
>You can also see our privacy policy here: https://getadblock.com/privacy/
>Thanks for understanding,
>Extension Developer
Edit:looking into it a bit more this looks really fishy. Uninstalled it for now.
OK I've just done some digging and figured out what's going on here. It's a little confusing, but stay with me.
AdBlock Plus, the one that most people use, which shows up in the Firefox add-on repository as having been written by Wladimir Palant. It's the one who has gone on to found the company Eyeo, institute the "acceptable ads" program, write versions for all other browsers including Chrome, and become the force of nature that it's become. They are at adblockplus.org.
AdBlock, a confusingly named and similarly icon'd extension for Chrome was written by just some guy, and it was "inspired" by ABP (which was itself inspired by an earlier Firefox add-on product, but anyway...). His website is located at getadblock.com. The two products are otherwise unrelated.
It was the latter who was bought by Parties Unknown, but since the new owners have chosen to start participating in the Acceptable Ads program, I think it's pretty obvious who bought them and why: Eyeo. The name and domain is so similar that people get confused, but they can't exactly sue for infringement since they never owned the term "AdBlock" either. As for motivation? Eyeo has specifically stated it is not against the ad-revenue model, the just hate Punch The Monkey. The money they get from advertisers for being evaluated to see if their ads fall under the Acceptable Ads criteria and therefore their company should be included on the whitelist is their lifeblood.
My new prediction is that Eyeo is going to start quietly buying all "competing" software out there starting with things that have the word "adblock" in the title, and rolling out the Acceptable Ads whitelist into all of them, until they are literally the only game in town.
This is what it looks like. https://i.imgur.com/RL0cuUr.jpg
Red arrows added by me to make it obvious which ad is new.
Also, if we're talking ad blockers, uBlock Origin is superior to Adblock: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en
Adblock has an "acceptable ad" whitelist that advertisers can pay to be on. https://getadblock.com/en/acceptable-ads-faq/ Yes, you can opt-out, but it's the principle behind it that makes it bad.
Keep in mind, Adblock is not the same thing as Adblock Plus. The former is the one referred to in the article here. Both do not block "non-intrusive" ads by default, but that is also configurable on both.
Edit: Actually, half the article is about Adblock Plus, but specifically mentions they aren't the same thing and they aren't the ones doing the Amnesty International ads.
I have never used an antivirus on my Macbook Pro, I also know what I am clicking though. If you are afraid of accidentally clicking on garbage ads I would suggest adblocker it is free and will make your web browsing more pleasant for sure!
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Try https://getadblock.com/ it blocks the ads from even loading. (It works flawlessly for me)
^^This ^^comment ^^is ^^copy ^^pasted, ^^however ^^it ^^is ^^a ^^personal ^^opinion, ^^not ^^promotion.
So the auto moderator removed an earlier comment, so I'll try again.
In the case of adblock it makes money based on voluntary donations, see https://getadblock.com/#about
Some freeware could well be written by someone who has a job and just made the software to solve a problem that they had and thought others might like it and do not feel the need to charge people or use it as a revenue generating thing.
Sometimes freeware is provided by companies who sell other services / software and the freeware version is just a way of marketing their company and products.
>I heard you were asking big companies to pay you to show their ads?!
>Nope, that's what some other ad blockers are doing, and we're as unimpressed as you are. AdBlock is 100% user-supported, does not have a list of companies that get preferential treatment, and does not ask or allow companies to pay us to show you ads. With AdBlock, you are the one in control of what ads, if any, you want to see - not the advertisers.
From its official FAQ.
Same here. I got rid of cable because of the ads. I pay for AdBlock (the good one that doesn't let some ads through). I subscribe to Netflix but mostly because I enjoy OITNB. If Netflix went to ads, I'd probably go back to buying DVDs of shows I liked.
It's my time. I already have little enough free time, I definitely don't want to waste it with ads.
Depends on what browser (or browsers) you're using. The AdBlock website has an install button for whatever browser you're using. I would recommend uBlock over AdBlock because it makes the advertising company think you saw the ad so that you can support the website you're on without actually having to look at the ads.
Ghostery delivered better results for me than Disconnect. But whatever works for you, of course.
I've used AdBlock and Ghostery for way over a year, très satisfied. That along with extensions for YouTube and Facebook and Stylize… Make for a pretty clean web.
Firefox is only marginally better, in my experience. Unless there's a reason you didn't want to use it, I would go with Safari; particularly with Mavericks (and even more so with the upcoming Yosemite), it really is the most optimized browser. You would also do well to have extensions that reduce the usage of plug-ins, such as AdBlock and Youtube5.
Click the Chrome menu Chrome menu and select Settings.
Click Show advanced settings.
In the "Privacy section", click the Content settings button.
Choose "Click to play"
(You can also disable individual plugins here if you want)
Type about:config into the address bar and hit Enter.
In the search bar that appears at the top of the page, enter plugins.click_to_play. The configuration setting should appear on a single line.
Right-click the configuration setting and select Toggle. The value column should change from false to true.
Restart Firefox. Click to Play is now enabled.
There are also addons which should do this (I have not tested them): https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/click-to-play/?src=search
Note: On firefox 26+ Java is disabled by default, on Chrome: Java, RealPlayer, QuickTime, Shockwave, Windows Media Player and Adobe Reader prior to Adobe Reader X, are also disabled by default as they pose security risk.
Since a lot of malware comes via ads blocking them on sites that are suspicious should also help. https://getadblock.com/
Install Adblock extension for your browser https://getadblock.com/en/
It gets rid of most ads, and it sets some rules for reasonable ads that websites can follow to avoid getting blocked.
was taken down in 20 mins but i have soap2day so im good
(p.s if your gonna use that site use https://getadblock.com/premium/enrollment/?u=8xdmesfc74948203
or you will see alot of porn ads)
(pps doesnt have to be premium you can get it free)
You should only use one adblocker at a time as it uses more resources making your computer run slower and you can encounter conflicts between the two. It also makes it easier to track you across the internet due to your browser's unique fingerprint.
The best and safest adblocker currently available is uBlock Origin as it's open source and doesn't whitelist ads for money.
I know there is more ransomware than wannacry (like keranger for mac (hidden in transmission for a time)
Here's how " These Overhedtrew.info pop-up ads are caused either by malicious advertisements on the sites you visit or adware. This guide was written to help Windows users remove malware from their devices, so if you’re just looking for a way to block the Overhedtrew.info redirect on a specific site, then you can use a free browser extension like <strong>Adblock</strong>." https://malwaretips.com/blogs/remove-overhedtrew-info/
Interesting, while you're here, how do you explain the need for a privacy policy like this:
>The AdBlock extension captures anonymous usage information, including but not limited to: current version of the extension, preferred language, Acceptable Ads opt-in, number of blocked requests, and browser and operating system type.
You guys say it's to "make adblock better," but how exactly does keeping all browsing data like this actually help anyone. Why should I, or anyone, trust you with 90 days of my browsing data? Especially with gems like this at the bottom of your privacy policy:
>we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data in our system or while being transmitted over the Internet. Our best effort is given, but you use AdBlock's website and browser extension at your own risk.
This really gives me a lot of incentive to use another addon, one that is perhaps open source and doesn't collect my data. Collecting data in the same way the very thing you're blocking seems........counterproductive, at best. I'm sorry, but "giving it your best effort" just doesn't provide me with any comfort here.
Perfectly ~~il~~legal:
> That’s because today, March 12, is World Day Against Cyber Censorship. For just 24 hours, AdBlock is replacing many of the banners we would normally remove.
That's from adblocks own website.
I ~~still use ABP~~ use AdBlock on Chrome, because of their easy blocking GUI. Combined with Ghostery it is awesome
Update: Sorry, I was confused between ABP and AdBlock
The interesting part in there is that the wording in the last paragraph is exactly the same as the one used by Adblock Plus on its first run page:
AdBlock: <https://getadblock.com/installed/?aa=true>
> We'd like to encourage websites to use straightforward, unobtrusive advertising. That's why we've established strict guidelines to identify acceptable ads, which are shown under default settings. If you still want to block every ad you can disable this in a few seconds.
Adblock Plus: <chrome-extension://cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb/firstRun.html>
> We'd like to encourage websites to use straightforward, unobtrusive advertising. That's why we've established strict guidelines to identify acceptable ads, which are shown under default settings. If you still wish to block every ad you can disable this in a few seconds.
Firefox seems to not like this extension, but you can always install it from their own website: https://getadblock.com/
This is the real deal. Every other extension is an impostor or worse. And donate if you want to, it's a labor of love for this man.
I personally have used AdBlock for several years now, much better than any other adblock I've used and I love that it's just one guy and it's 100% user supported, pay-what-you-can. It works absolutely great for me on multiple browsers/platforms.
AdBlock is just a dude and his wife.
According to the FAQ they don't mine your nav history: > Is my information safe? > Your browser may require AdBlock to ask for permission to access your browsing data so it works on all tabs in your browser. AdBlock won't save or retrieve your personal browsing habits or information for any reason beyond what is required to make it work. AdBlock is entirely supported by voluntary donations from users like you, and collects no information for advertising or promotional purposes.
Source: https://getadblock.com/
Real child porn is constantly tracked and taken down, however cartoon child porn is considered as art and thus falls under freedom of expression and is usually considered legal unless it seems too realistic or exhibit a real child
There will always be bigots, only thing we could do is make them really quiet and even then that's not guaranteed
This also works for AdBlock, just visit the site: https://getadblock.com
I think any chrome extension direct link of the form: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom will work to install extenstions, there just is not a a link to manage the settings for them, for that you have to manually put in chrome://extensions/ in the address bar.
What you're downloading is not actually AdBlock; you've fallen victim to a scam which installed malware on your computer. When Googling something, opt for an actual result, not the advertisements at the top of the page.
> I'm on a Mac
I'm on a Mac and I've been using Adblock for years. If you mean that you're using Safari, a quick Google search for "adblock safari" returns a number of results (I don't use Safari, but this is the one I use in Chrome, which claims to work in Safari as well).
Anyway, is the ad opening in a new window/tab or replacing the page you were viewing? If it's the former, try changing your popup settings (Safari -> Preferences). If it's the latter, I have no idea what's going on (that shouldn't be happening), but there might be a way to report a particularly obtrusive ad to Google. Alternatively, you could try an ad blocker and see if that solves the problem.
There is a second purpose to this list of websites: if you're married or in an LTR, check your gal's browser history. If more than a few percent of what she visits and reads is in this list, you may want to reconsider your long term future with this lass. Because one day it's all going to turn to shit soup on you; you have been warned.
If you'd like to be able to read the internet without accidentally giving money to sites you disagree with, consider Adblock. The ads aren't even downloaded, so there's no display or clickthrough revenue from them.
There's no paid version for AdBlock for Safari. You should be getting Adblock from the official website. They do ask for a donation, but it's optional. And no blocker (either AdBlock or the AdBlock Plus beta) blocks youtube ads, it's a limitation of the browser.
I use AdBlock, DisconnectMe, and ClickToFlash all to keep safari running smoothly and with less website bloat.
If on a PC or laptop then try AdBlock Honestly, I don't recall any ads on YouTube on my laptop!
But hell, I agree. When I watch YouTube on TV, it's all ads recently...
https://getadblock.com/en/ - it will bring you to the edge/chrome/safari app-store where you can download it (this is the one which i use at least) - you will need to select filters after first installation (just pick 1-2 filters, too many filters may make your browser slower cause it will have to check all filters before loading pages).
no, its not illegal.
Én hónapok óta egy ilyet használok, azóta youtubeon és a legtöbb weboldalon egyáltalán nem, a többin is csak elvétve látok reklámokat
Edit: az Opera böngészőben van automatikus adblock beállítás
No videos,
Assuming you are using chrome. Download install AdBlock extension. Right-click on an ad you dont want to see and click block this ad. adjust the slider to desire level and click block.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
like i said i use a normal adblock https://getadblock.com/ it doesn't need any setting up or filters. yeah there are a few things that you can tweak like whitelisting etc. but other than that its a good adblocker for youtube
Adblocks are on every computer browsers. I recommend ublock origin.
YouTube Vanced is a modified version of YouTube which has no ads, plays videos on background. root not needed
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
I've been using regular AdBlock and that's been working fine until some point in the last 24 hours when Crunchyroll has managed to get ads through. This has happened before, around a year ago, and it took a couple days until AdBlock managed to block the ads again.
I know you can allow ads everywhere except on specific sites with AdBlock (the one from getadblock.com), I'm not sure if the other ad blockers have that functionality but it seems like they would.
Well, I've been using this Adblock since I got my MacBook and I find it to be pretty reliable. Make sure to complete the installation process as it requires some macOs permissions, and to restart safari after installation is done.
I think most ad blockers offer that? AdBlock (getadblock.com) definitely does. If you open the options page and click Customize, there's an option that says "Show ads everywhere except for these domains."
Or use AdBlock. I personally don't know if Reddit blocks AdBlock, but if it does you can get the Tampermonkey browser extension, and then install the Anti-AdBlock-Killer script on Tampermonkey and now you will not be asked to turn off AdBlock.
This is the adblock i was talking about that will white list ads when payed to, Ublock is much better than the aforementioned Adblock and actually has a companion extension for youtube that lets you white list content creators you want to support with ads
I've already been looking into this specific problem while working on the extensions for Flattr and Adblock Plus. The main problem is that the channel name cannot be inferred from the video URL. There's also no easy way to access it when looking at the page's content when it has loaded because of various reasons such as: 1. Ads may load already before such information could be extracted and processed. 2. YouTube doesn't reliably update the page's schema.org meta data when navigating from one video to another. 3. YouTube's code actively tries to prevent extensions from fiddling with it.
I'm not saying that it's impossible but it is not straight-forward and may be a pain to maintain.
Having said that, I know that AdBlock provides a "Allow whitelisting of specific YouTube™ channels" feature. As far I'm aware of, they reload the video page to add the channel name to the URL and thereby work around the primary issue I mentioned.
Another option would be to keep blocking ads and support YouTubers using Flattr. With Flattr you can define a monthly budget and it will automatically be distributed depending on the content you consume during that month. It also allows you to add certain YouTubers or podcasters so that they get rewarded each time they create new content. And if you create content yourself, you can automatically receive money from anyone who's using Flattr and who's consuming your content.
Currently running Opera 58.
Disabled UBlock, went back to Adblock, no longer seeing ads.
The released an update in December stating they blocked ads on Twitch.
Also using Opera's built in ad blocker and this host file edit, but neither of those along seemed to work alone.
Hopefully this helps for the moment.
Want to disapprove of the recent actions of the admins? Turn on your Adblock and don’t guild users. Profits are influencing the recent events on Reddit, and this is the only way they will listen.
Censorship isn’t taken seriously until you are affected. This is the beginning of the end for virtual freedom unless changes are made to the business infrastructure of Reddit and various social media outlets. We are no longer the customers, we are the product.
That's not as easy as it sounds because the ads usually load before the ad blocker sees what channel the video you're about to watch belongs to. From what I know, AdBlock offers an option called "Allow whitelisting of specific YouTube™ channels" which tries to work around that limitation.
I had the same issue.
I just got it to work. I had to have adblock turned on before I accessed the stream. It wasn't even turned on for me, but once it was, it worked like a charm.
In addition, gotta turn on Flash. (lmao who uses flash)
This is the adblock I use just incase: getadblock.com
If you have a question, let me know. I'll try my best. Go Clones.
Try https://getadblock.com/ it blocks the ads from even loading. (It works flawlessly for me)
^^This ^^Comment ^^is ^^copy ^^pasted ^^due ^^to ^^the ^^recent ^^complaints ^^about ^^ads.
Try getting an ad blocker. I use https://getadblock.com/ personally because It blocks ad services instead of just removing things flagged as ads (it also does this however)
(Not paid promotion or anything just saying that it is an amazing ad blocker)
Title | Herbie Hancock - Chameleon (FULL VERSION) |
Description | I'm tired of great songs being brutally severed into multiple videos. Enjoy funking out to this uncut, studio rendition of "Chameleon", from the 1973 album Head Hunters. No copyright intended. p.s.- My apologies if you see any ads on this video. I have no control over their placement, nor where any of that revenue goes. I doubt very much Mr. Hancock sees a dime of it, so I'd advise not clicking them. If you prefer to browse the web without constant interruptions and distractions, I recommend using Ad Block Plus, and chipping in with a donation to its creator at https://getadblock.com. Thanks. |
Length | 0:15:45 |
^(I am a bot, this is an auto-generated reply | )^Info ^| ^Feedback ^| ^(Reply STOP to opt out permanently)
> Despite having similar names, AdBlock (https://getadblock.com) and Adblock Plus (ABP) (http://adblockplus.org) are unrelated products developed by different companies. They work the same way, with some differences.
> That’s because today, March 12, is World Day Against Cyber Censorship. For just 24 hours, AdBlock is replacing many of the banners we would normally remove.
Oh, that's ridiculous.
Well, I'd think that the obvious solution would be to use an adblocker such as AdBlock Plus, AdBlock, or uBlock Origin.
Do you have any actual evidence that it uses less resources and opens webpages faster? If I try to search AdBlock vs ublock I only get results for Adblock Plus vs ublock. I cannot find anything that compares AdBlock.
AdBlock does not allow payment for whitelisting of ads. See the FAQs here
So again I ask the question, what makes ublock better than AdBlock (not Adblock Plus which is what you answered).
Han kunne også FLUSH DNS.
Og derefter installer Ad-Blocker, som de andre foreslår.
Så er jeg sikker på han aldrig ser hende igen :)
Nothing. Maybe AdBlock, but that's about it.
I dislike NoScript because I don't like having to enable every single thing to make it work. Also causes compatibility issues with some websites from my university.
And you're right, no infections that I know of but then again, smart browsing habits kinda prevent any infections.
No idea, but I noticed you have AdBlock Plus (ABP) which is basically a copy-pasta version of AdBlock. (People have been saying it might even go as far as being malicious but I have no idea. Anyway here's the creator's page of ABP: https://adblockplus.org/en/impressum)
Here's the original app: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom?hl=en
And here's the famous page of the Michael, creator of Adblock where you can donate to them, if you're ever in doubt of which one is the original app look for the donations page: https://getadblock.com/pay/?source=O&u=u6dwuedc58589162
I paid and am very happy. I am not on the Apple iPad /Credit card tablet for it anymore though.(It crashes every 5 minutes) My service works great as I am Vintage Mac. It is great, when my iBook is running a PPC, while the Intel Chip is now the norm for OS. They need to stop saying they will do the job, while throwing new users under the bus.EDIT-{The Honor System
Hi, I'm Michael, the creator of AdBlock! That's me and my wife Katie in the picture.
AdBlock is honor-ware, which means that we trust each other to be nice:
You pay what you can afford for AdBlock. I let you choose the price. I'll send you a thank you note for paying -- and more, if you pay more. You get a refund - and you can keep AdBlock - if you don't love it. Ten percent of your payment goes to charity. I quit my job to work on AdBlock, so we're trusting you a lot, but we think it's the decent thing to do.
Please pay as much as you can, since if you change your mind you have 60 days to get a refund! Are Katie and I naïve for trusting you to pay? I guess we'll find out :)
Slide the slider to the right to see how I'll thank you. Amount: $35 How I'll thank you: I'll send you a thank-you note from the bottom of my heart}https://getadblock.com/pay/?source=O&u=ci2o6cuv34389
There is one. Let me try to find it again, I don't remember its name..
This video shows you how you can enable ads for certain channels. It's in German however, but the layout of the plugin will most likely be the same for every language:
I'd just get Adblock. Adblock Plus has a whitelist, companies can pay to get their ads listed. Not bad per se, but websites are required to route ads through one of the investors who then gets a 30% cut.
Maybe it is because you are using adblock plus instead of just adblock.
ps: adblock is better, and adblock plus sucks. (this are obviously just my opinions, but they should be taken as fact) Here is the website so you can switch, how can you not love and give them your support by using his product...just look at them. He has a hell of a jaw and hair line.
lol my comment totally sounds like /r/hailcorporate
Having many webpages open simultaneously is in fact considered heavy usage. We get countless threads from people noting this about Chrome specifically, as it is particularly inefficient.
You would do well to go with Safari; particularly with Mavericks (and even more so with the upcoming Yosemite), it really is the most optimized browser. In addition, use extensions aimed at reducing the impact of plug-ins, for example AdBlock and Youtube5.
I use Primewire.ag to watch just about everything... this is the page for Supernatural - every season and episode. Firedrive, Thefile, and Sockshare are my favorite link to use. http://www.primewire.ag/watch-11054-Supernatural
I would also suggest installing ADBlock because there can be a lot of popups, it is free and awesome... https://getadblock.com/
Try using AdBlock instead; it has been developed for Safari for far longer than ABP and should be more stable in that browser: https://getadblock.com/
With that said, the Safari versions of both extensions will lag behind the Chrome versions, because it's just so much harder to build (you have to actually build them from the browser itself while Chrome extensions at least allow for an automated build process).
I use this site for just about everything... don't need an account, totally free, and has almost every movie or show you would want to see. click the episode and the best links are usually at the top. I would suggest getting free Adblock though... there can be some unwanted popups without it.
There are more than enough alternatives that do just the same.
I use the "regular" Adblock which is free(or pay how much you want) and works just as good as ABP.
He even adresses the issue a bit on the frontpage.