It depends (to an extent) on what part of the city you live in. Santa Monica is almost always cooler; downtown is punishingly hot in the summer.
Enter your zip code here. Then scroll down to see months at a glance and historical weather data.
Oh, and September is usually worse. It’s hot, it’s bone dry, and the Santa Ana winds kick in, which makes the dryness and heat even worse. (Santa Anas also push polluted air toward the coast, so be aware of that.)
Hey OP, if you username wasn’t a flag on its own, your post history certainly is. Given that you were recently asking about guns, I don’t think it’s wise for strangers to be opening their homes to you.
As someone who has struggled from extreme depression, I have some idea of the pain you are feeling. Before you make any big decisions, I need you to pick up a copy of Feeling Good by David Burns. It’s free with a library card in the LA Public Library system. Get the Libby app and have it the audiobook read to you on your phone.
That book uses a principle known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and it’s effective and fast-acting.
Do your parents know you’re suicidal?
Yup $20/mo is way way cheaper. Nice part is, you can sleep at the 24 hour ones if you need a break from that car life. this deal I found was like $15 for one entry.
We have been using this for bites and takes the itch away. Provides a little spot of heat similarly:
Same principle but why pass up a chance to buy a cool little gadget :). Is nice as you can carry it in a pocket. We passed on to friends and they all bought it too.
Well, if you work remotely you'll have no problem with the commute, which is in my opinion the worst part of LA. If you're a little lonely, you might want to check out a coworking space near where you live. 3K a month cash in hand is totally doable, although you will definitely want to seek out a roommate situation or a room rental rather than getting your own apartment, since that will eat up a large part of your budget. I recommend getting a place with PARKING. Don't sell your car. Having a car is a must in LA. Since you've been to LA and know people here, you may know the areas you like and where you want to be, but I will say this...choose your neighborhood wisely because you'll be spending most of your time there. It's such a pain to go anywhere in traffic and parking so you'll want the things you want nearby to be convenient and easy. If you want to make new friends when you get here, besides a coworking space for daytime, I also recommend joining some sort of club/hobby/workout class/group/etc. around whatever your interests are. I'm an artist, too, and there are plenty of sketch groups, plein air painting groups, art classes, etc. and I'm sure there are groups around video games as well. Also look on and find groups for things like adventure groups, hiking, etc. It's a good way to get some exercise and meet some people. Best of luck!
This is one of my favorites:
I went on a Thursday afternoon recently and barely saw anyone on the trail. It's a little rigorous at times, I'd probably put it an a medium in terms of difficulty.
It's one step above beating your clothes on a rock down by the crik but it will do the job. I used it for in between laundry mat trips back when I was an apt dweller. No shame in that.
Or you could make a giant margarita.
Nah, this is well within normal for Los Angeles. It's been less rainy than usual, but other than that, the temperatures are well within normal ranges. Compare the chart with the averages on that Wikipedia page with this year's weather.
Someone from the UCLA School of Dentistry posted this on my NextDoor recently:
Can't vouch for them or anything, but thought I'd share in case it's useful.
This stuff will do the trick. Just sprinkle it all around the edges of the apartment and any openings. It’s totally safe for you but disastrous for roaches. There a a few different brands of Boric acid, so you don’t have to go with this one. Can also get it at hardware stores.
Yeah... it happens every year. I just roll with it because otherwise my allergies are not bad in the summer. If you are already on meds.... then you may try a nasal rinse... I expect to do one tomorrow what with the firework stuff that will hang in the air... This is the bottle I use
This is the humidifier we have... We buy the big bottles of distilled water at Sprouts.
Some tricks to cut cost: Purchase “ first-aid re-fill kits.” They won’t come in a snazzy bag but it’s got the same supplies just double-check. example
and check out the dollar store/99 cent store and even thrift shops for things like flashlights.
It's in the official tariff - not posted online but given to drivers. Read page 5.
When base fare is paid with TAP stored value or a 1-Way Trip loaded on a TAP card, the customer shall receive two hours of transfers to other Metro services as part of a continuous one-way trip. Transfers are allowed when transferring from one line to another; successive taps on the same bus or rail line are not allowed except on bus routes with scheduled short line service (see below). Transfers are granted automatically by tapping at each boarding using the same TAP card with which base fare was paid. Customers desiring a Metro-to-Muni transfer (MMT) should purchase the MMT upon making their last Metro boarding. Purchasing an MMT with a TAP card will invalidate the internal Metro transfer.
Free stopovers (on the same route) ARE available on bus routes that operate shortlines; this is to not penalize people who got on the wrong branch.
Look at AirBnB - they rent furnished apartments for as little as one night, or many months. 2k/month for two bedrooms is gonna be hard to find anywhere on the west side, but it looks like there have some studio/private room options.
Oakwood is a corporate housing outfit that rents furnished apartments for nurses and long-stay business people. I have not heard great things about the quality, but they have a lot of locations.
Finally, google search "Corporate Housing Los Angeles West Side" and you'll see some other options.
Just a tip, Culver City is served by the new Metro Expo Line, so you could expand search all the way to downtown.
Wunderground lets you find historical averages, and actual weather, for anywhere in the US, at any date they have a record.
70's. Sunny. Well, not that September, but you get the idea. The coldest it gets is mid 40's, which is uh... 9 Celsius? Something like that, and remember, that's at 4am.
Good bet would be Big Bear via AirBnB. Found some nice places in your price range.
Leave at 2:30pm or after 8pm and download Waze to your smartphone. Odds are it will direct you to take The 10 Eastbound, directly. Otherwise, resign yourself to traffic. Also, parking can be a total shit show for Artwalk, especially on the Gallery Row section. If you arrive early, you may get lucky enough to find a spot at the prime located garage located around 410 S. Main St.
This gel bait works like magic. You might need to keep putting down more as they dry up, but you'll notice the numbers dwindling within a few days.
There's no guarantee that moving to a new place would fix the issue. Even if the new building doesn't have them now, it's possible they'll have them a month from now. They're basically everywhere in the city.
I'd ask your manager if they have any kind of pest control schedule. My building has a rotating schedule where they put some gel down or spray each apartment and the exterior on an annual basis.
Generally it is safe but just be on alert and aware of your surroundings. If you can, pair up with a friend or SO when you're out, especially in more vulnerable situations (at night, in not-as-safe areas).
My wife and I are Asian and haven't experienced aggressive, racists (yet). But we also stay at home mostly and go out for necessities (she's not fully vaxxed yet; soon).
I say don't be afraid of doing what you need to; don't let it get in the way of your life. Just be cautious and maybe carry something to protect yourself. My sister got my wife a "She's Birdie" (not sponsored) in case of emergencies.
Edit: It's very safe in those areas you listed, stick with areas like that and you'll be fine. Again, BE ALERT.
Cosori I wound up getting this big one to fire up for larger portions for guests, etc.
Really any size will do it, though. Some nights I’m lazy and throw wings in there for 40 minutes and they always come out perfect. Fries come out perfect in 10 minutes. You don’t even need oil, just throw stuff in there and it just cooks.
Yes. I have never used a telecom provided router. Shit HW and shit support. I also use my own modem...
Not ATT, but spectrum:
I use this modem as well.
Great info, thanks!
I was planing on bringing a tarp shelter for shade (this one from Amazon). We actually plan on arriving at ~3pm to avoid the brutal heat. I don't think we will do any strenuous hikes while there, just some light walks to find good photo locations. We do plan on bringing a large amount of water for each of us. Good idea on the spray bottle and aspirin, would have never thought of that.
How busy should we expect it to be? Are we going to be OK just showing up and taking a spot? We were thinking of Arch rock or Jumbo Rocks, If hidden valley seems like it would be busy.
The stars are why we are going as well, I plan on doing tons of astrophotography while there as the moon will be almost completely new while there and only in the sky for a short period of time.
Maybe we will see you out there! And thanks for the detailed response!
Also you could get him a doodle board to help with communication. Go with a non electronic one to decrease the likelihood of getting stolen.
(unethical tip ahead... sorry lol) just buy a laundry key. But make sure the manufacturer lines up with what you have at your apartment. It accesses the maintenance bay (not where the quarters are) where you can usually push the manual start button... laundry key
The piers are your best bet, It's free, doesn't require a license and the fishing is fairly easy and almost guaranteed you will catch something with the right equipment. As for the equipment you can get a cheap rod and real setup but the most important thing is to get a Sabiki rig online or at a takle shop and put the tiniest bit of shrimp on the hook just enough that the hook is not entirely covered. []() you will also need a lead sinker on the bottom a 1/2 oz lead sinker will do. The lighter the better so you can feel the fish tug. Once you have it all setup drop your line into the water and lightly flick the line up and down.
The lakes in california are notoriously difficult to fish but you can try Lake Balboa which is the easiest one to fish in my experience. Echo park is also easy normally but they are experiencing a algae bloom right now when I went on tuesday.
Adding to already good recommendations and depending on how many miles you like to walk.
If you like exploring streets:
Nearby Griffith Park is packed with nice trails, and the Observatory is on the south end of the park, though getting there does involve a change in elevation.
It'll be about like this:
Although we might get a few days where it gets up into the high 80s. Or we might get a few days where the high is in the low 60s. Depends what the weather decides to do, and also on where and when you are doing stuff. It can be tshirt-and-shorts weather in the afternoon and you might want jeans and a heavy jacket as soon as the sun goes down. There's no humidity here, so when the sun goes down, it gets chilly quickly.
Wear layers. I've gone from being fine in a swimming suit at the beach during the day to needing jeans, a hoodie, and socks and shoes and still being chilly by a fire pit after sundown.
I've seen people also get some help on (in case you're unfamiliar, it's a neighborhood message board). People on there may also have some ideas for you.
I wonder too if your kids' school counselor might know of some resources? Might be worth an ask as well.
Hang in there!!
Check out this stolen bike checklist:
It is written for bike theft victims in the Bay Area, but most of it applies to everyone.
I just moved to LA, so I've been trying to find fun things myself.
Most of this is reiteration, but consider it a vote for what others have shared: DoLA, LAist, WeLikeLA, TimeOutLA. And I'll throw in as well. I subscribe to all of their newsletters and scan 'em for things that look interesting. Sometimes it helps if you know specifically what you're in the mood for and go to good sources. Very recently I was craving some house music, so I scoured Resident Adviser for LA clubs until I found a house music artist. Now, the Gallery in Exchange LA is one of my favorite places to go and dance to great house music DJs.
u/4E4ME Could you share your list as well? 😁
I just put in random dates, what about Jerry's Motel the location isn't super central downtown but the rate reflects that. The Seaview Hotel in Santa Monica may be able to do around your budget, for a different change of pace.
Your budget is a bit low to be on the beach during the summer. Maybe this hotel can do it:
Hermosa is Santa Monica on a smaller scale and very laid back - it has a small town beach town feel. It is nice if you want to relax but be aware if you want to do things like Universal, explore downtown, West Hollywood (famous bars and clubs), Getty, LACMA, Griffith Observatory and all that other stuff its not the most covenient.
This isn't exactly what you are looking for, but there is an arts/event space in the Arts District downtown called The Container Yard that has become a space for the best of the best to do murals and tag over pretty much every square inch of the interior and exterior of the different buildings.
This is their Instagram account:
I think it would be worth contacting them
List it as free on Craigslist and Nextdoor in classified/ for sale section.
If anyone is interested tell them you’ll move it to the curb at a certain day/time and they can meet ya there. (That way you don’t bring strangers or germs into your home)
I know, it's beautiful, that's why I live here. However, the average temperature of Los Angeles in January is 68/48 and the beach is a few degrees cooler. No doubt there will be sunny days, but not sure if you should plan a 24 hour trip around it.
How many people will there be? I found some 2 bedrooms in Big Bear on Airbnb that look nice.
Good reply by /u/katharinekay. If you don't mind I'll add a bit to it.
KPCC is all news or newstalk from NPR or MPR (SoCal local, plus Garrison Keillor). KCRW (89.9) is best described as high end community college, with NPR, local newstalk, culture, and music shows. If you're in the entertainment industry it has some good entertainment news and interview shows. The two are similar and different, so I keep both in my presets. And I can remember the LMU (88.9) and CSUN (88.5) college radio stations.
Also agree with the pop music recommendations. Will add 93.1 "Jack FM". Morning drive time I mostly love K&B and sometimes can't stand them. Also the old classic rock station KLOS, 95.5.
Jazz is CSU Long Beach's KKJZ, also a professional (but low budget) college radio station that specializes in jazz.
Can't help on sports other than I think you'll only find that on AM. Check Streema for LA.
It looks like this streema allows you to listen live. You might have a problem with those types of websites because you have a Canadian IP. Streaming TV and radio is sometimes locked by region.
There's a Chrome add-on called Hola that will mask your IP and make it look like you'd using a computer in the right country. It works really well. I use it all the time to watch BBC stuff that I normally wouldn't have access to because I'm American.
I've had work done at Modesti's and Westside Brake and Tire. Both did fine work, though Modesti's can be a bit more pricey for some stuff. They were both quick, and accurate. As in, "You should do this other repair too, but ehhhhhh..." not "OH GOD YOU WILL DIE. Also, have you thought about a new car?" the way my dealer likes to.
As always in this sub any indication of the general area would be helpful.
Angie's List is theoretically made for finding this kind of thing. It's been a little helpful but I wasn't impressed enough to pay for it myself.
Also try Nextdoor, it's free, connects you with neighbors who can be great for such recommendations.
His name was Mark Shark/Sharf
I forget the lastname, but he helped me get the basics down.
Seriously though, get this book.
I highly recommend going to Target or similar store and buying 2 large pillow sized blue ice things meant for coolers. Hand sew a hand towel into a "pillow case' and you'll have the perfect sleeping buddy on hot days. I couldn't have survived previous heatwaves without it because my apt did not have AC in Koreatown. You can also lean against them while working. Just always have double what you need so you can have a fresh one the next day (in case you forget to put the warm one back in). They take a while to freeze because they're so big.
Like this:
You can buy the bracket tool and remove them yourself. You pinch the brackets with the pliers and they pop off.
So I was about to order the product you suggested but then saw it has a warning for California Prop 65, not sure if you’re aware of that. I found a similar one that seems to be made of higher quality material in case you want to take a look: Ring Size Adjuster for Loose Rings - 12 Pack, 2 Sizes - Jewelry Sizer, Mandrel for Making Jewelry Guard, Spacer, Sizer, Fitter - Spiral Silicone Tightener Set with Polishing Cloth I ordered it, let’s see how it goes.
This will do in a pinch. It's a small, clear piece of pvc you wrap around the underside of the ring once or twice until it fits. I lost a lot of weight in the last couple years and my ring didn't fit anymore so until I get it sized I been using this. Does the trick, it's not uncomfortable or anything.
Put out a fake box and [sprinkle it with this?](
Home Depot. Better yet, get this 12 pack from Amazon.
Actually you can get a whole house multi stage filter stack for a couple of hundred bucks. You can run any number of these in series and the replacement cartridges are cheap.
Hey OP I live in DTLA in a pretty shitty complex. I had roach issues at first but ever since using these Hot Shot things I've been roach free.
I check them once a week or two and when they are getting low I replace. Haven't had issues for the rest of my time here.
Unless it's emergency maintenance (like your apartment is actively flooding or otherwise needs immediate attention) they need to give 24hrs notice.
If you feel uncomfortable I'd recommend getting a portable door lock so people can't just let themselves in when you're home. It just gives peace of mind. was how I started meeting people.
Depending on your job, you could also make a lot of friends at work, especially if you work in a startup environment with a lot of young employees.
Also, a great deal of my LA friend circle actually came from online dating, i.e. I'd date a girl, but it wouldn't work out romantically, but we still liked each other enough to continue hanging out, and eventually got to know each other's friends.
Where are you coming from that this seems like a good idea?
Restaurants, coffee shops and bars are mostly closed, except for some awkward sidewalk seating.
There's no stance scene in Santa Monica, you'd want to head East of town out toward the San Gabriel Valley for that, but that's going to be like an hour commute each way, and I can't imagine much is happening during the pandemic, although you might be able to find something on Instagram / Twitter.
Right now, I'd focus on hiking and takeout, as it's not going to be the best social scene.
This is right next to LA Live in DTLA and tends to be reliable:
If you're from WA then I'm guessing 60s is no sweat off your back, you can get away with a dress or similar outfit, maybe bring a light coat but you probably won't wear it unless the bar is pumping AC. The asphalt, tall buildings, and predicted lack of wind probably means it won't get cold out.
Depending on what part of DTLA though, I'd plan on staying safe and not wandering far alone in a revealing outfit.
82 yesterday in the Valley, 77 in downtown LA. 39 this morning in the Valley, 44 downtown.
The closer you are to the ocean the more moderate the temperature range. You can clearly see that on Weather Underground’s map
Just saw this in Groupon: Up to 10% Off on Internet Cafe at Reflexion Gaming (Gaming Community Center)
I think the museum is closed Mon-Wednesday. But it’s awesome. Groupon always has a 50% deal for admission as well*things-to-do_g*museum-of-flying-2&template=regular&bypass=true&gbraid=0AAAAADxu4DDqIkExC4Sj0dKhMbimBften&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3a_VypLm-AIVUsLCBB1_KwO7EBIYASABEgI7fvD_BwE
Not OP but I have this Coway and it seems pretty solid. Coway Airmega 300 Smart Air...
I bought it for twice the price during the 2020 forest fires because there’s nothing like exploiting people in an emergency. All the brick-and-mortar stores were wiped out, only shitty super weak purifiers were left if any. And I had a few week old baby. I know, nobody asked, lol. Just saying, get one now or you might be screwed when the sky inevitably turns red again.
Have you considered trying to make it yourself?
First off, get an egg pan. Perfect for making a circle egg-patty.
Then just grab some english muffins, some frozen sausage patties and some cheese and you're set.
And T-Joes has some bomb pre-made hashbrown patties. 5 mins in the toaster and you're good on those.
You can make your own b-fast sammies any time you want in like 10 minutes. You could even meal-prep them & keep a bunch in the freezer wrapped in tin foil and just pop em in the toaster oven.
I used to live in LA but recently moved to OC. I was in Venice last weekend and had to use the bathroom - BADLY. The coffee shop I was in had no bathroom, the Starbucks had no bathroom and I had to use the disgusting public restroom on the beach. There were no lights after you closed the door and the stall was totally dark; there was urine and sand on the floor and the roof looks like it's rusted over with disgusting graffiti all over it. It was so disgusting I didn't even want to breathe, let alone touch anything while I was inside.
Anyway, that weekend I was in Venice was when I started to noticed that coffee shops that once had available restrooms when I lived there now had lock codes on all their doors. I just feel bad for the business owners as well as the employees. If I were a business owner, I for sure would want to have nice facilities for customers and my staff. But the public and the worsening homeless situation fucks things up for decent people.
Someone on here mentioned getting a little Johnny and I'm seriously thinking about buying some to keep in my car the next time I'm in LA. Sad but true fact about life in LA now.
This should help a lot. I have been living in airbnbs for a year with varying noise levels and have very sensitive hearing. Was almost going insane, but these completely changed my life:
Pump the white noise directly into your ear and it will block out almost all of the stomping and crashing noises
Download the TAP App on your phone and you can have a virtual tap card to pay anywhere! I used it on iPhone and currently use it on Android and it's easy, fast, and prevents using any plastic!
She'll need a SSN to take the state license, so get her that as soon as you can.
And how long has she been one (and working in Canada?) I have no idea what they need to study to pass the California board, but I suppose something like this?
what kind of carrier do you have? i have a similar issue w my cat and it was near impossible to get her into a front loading carrier, even the big hard sided ones. I have a top loader one now and it is much easier to scoop her and very quickly drop her in and its tough for her to get big enough to grab something w her paws and bolt.
mine is like this:
I have a solution for this, having had the exact same problem. The secret is carriers with a top opening. Like this one: petisfam Soft Pet Carrier for Medium Cats and Small Dogs with Cozy Bed, 3 Doors, Top Entrance | Airline Approved, Escape-Proof, Breathable, Leak-Proof, Easy Storage (Pink)
Prepare the carrier with all doors closed except the top one. Grab your cat like if you just wanted to hug him. Then without showing him the carrier, move him down like if you were putting him on the floor, but target the opening of the carrier. Right before he comes close to the entrance of the carrier, block his back legs and put him inside. As soon as he is inside, squish him quickly more inside and close the carrier.
The silicon based earplugs are amazing. I shared a hotel room with a buddy who snores and I couldn't hear him. Flip side is you won't hear fire alarms.
Mack's Pillow Soft Silicone Earplugs - 12 Pair, The Original Moldable Silicone Putty Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Swimming, Travel, Concerts and Studying
There's actually a really interesting book about escaping LA during a catasrophe and how to survive in the wild afterward.
This is definitely a cheaper book but could feel super personal for an LA culinary fan. You could also park it with something else. You could also do an LA food tour.
Looks like AUTUMN is the cheapest time of year to fly to LA.
>The “best” time to buy actually depends on the season when you plan to travel.
>In winter you want to try for 62 days in advance, spring 90 days in advance, summer 47 days in advance, and fall 69 days in advance, on average.
>When it comes to when you fly, there is a difference. The cheapest days to fly are Tuesday and Wednesday, while Sunday is the most expensive.
There are 7 days in September for studio city 100+, ~25% of the month...
September 2019 had zero days of 100+ in studio city.
It is comparably much hotter year-over-year.
Depends on your definition of "near", I suppose. Runyon Canyon, at the top of Fuller or Vista, is closest. It's very busy, with lots of dogs and actors but great views. Franklin Canyon and Kenneth Hahn Parks aren't too far, and there are a gazillion good trails in Griffith Park.
It doesn't sound like you will have enough time, but if you do find a little more time try downtown Culver City. It is walkable, and the Museum of Jurassic Technology is there. Note that when you are at LAX and want to catch Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus to SM, there may be a longer wait than you might expect. Their website is not very modern, and they don't have a smartphone app. I will save you the trouble by saying that you want Route 3. And use Google Maps. Also, since you'll be on the pier in Santa Monica check out the end (start?) of Route 66.
inside, outside... I just want something creatively different. like this guy is doing with his daughters. I like what they did because my 5 y.o. daughter has a great imagination. Or if someone is good at vintage style (think Dapper Day) or that looks like Paris (her mom has the dream of seeing France someday), I can find the right outfit for my daughter and meet at a location. If someone has good ideas, I'd like to hear them out... I'm just not able to think of anything creative that I like. I'm just trying to avoid a run-of-the-mill Sears picture. I don't mind photoshop being used if it helps the picture. Do you work with kids? edit: yes, will go out to location if photographer has great idea at locations
There are a number of problems with doing this legally.
The biggest is zoning. If a property is zoned commercial or industrial it generally cannot be used as a place of residence. I know this is the case with rentals/leases as residency is usually grounds for termination of a lease agreement.
Los Angeles is zoning/building code hell. The building codebook is over one thousand pages. Excuse me, Volume I is over 1,000 pages.
I'm not clear on what the rules are for living in a commercial or industrial property if you personally own the property but you're looking at coughing up a couple million for that easily.
Can you do it legally? You might be able to but it's extremely doubtful without a huge pile of money and some dedicated people.
There are other alternatives, however. PM me and we can discuss it further. No creeper stuff, promise.
Happy to help. I read TONS of reviews before my last trip to LA, and most complaints are from people expecting hotel standard from motels. Have you singled out a couple of options, or are you still searching?
Edit: Might be something here:
If you park at Lake Hollywood and Wonderview and hike up to the back of the Hollywood Sign, you will hit the Wisdom Tree first: If you don't mind walking through neighborhoods, you can also turn this into a 7-mile hike/walk around the Hollywood Sign so that you see both sides. If that's of interest, let me know and I can send you a route link from Strava.
As for Tree People, it is an outdoor educational center at Coldwater Canyon and Mulholland West. Technically it is Coldwater Canyon Park, not Fryman Canyon, but most refer to it as Fryman Canyon. The "Fryman Canyon Hike" typically starts at the bottom off of Laurel Canyon but you can also park up at Tree People at the top and start from there where there. FYI, there are bathrooms at Tree People and also at the Laurel Canyon Gate. Here is a route link to the 3-mile route which goes through trails and a tree covered neighborhood: Hope this helps. And I would echo, don't do Venice unless she's a really big fan of The Doors or a skater girl.
cool and you're now the 2nd person to say this exact trail. might be a good match, if we don't just do the entire hollywood sign hike. it's about 4 miles all said and done, and the ferndell is 2.5. so we have options in roughly the same area it seems
You'd want a downtown hotel or one of the hotels by LA LIVE. If you mention your budget I could be more specific.
EDIT: Also re-read and noticed you're working with a talent agency. Many of the agencies I've worked with have good relationships with AirBNB hosts near the office and frequently use the service for clients. Might be worth asking about even for short time.
I worked in health care in California state prisons. The reason you're relatively safe in that park is because of annoying "police state" stuff like that, in addition to real sentences for predatory stoned fuck ups. People rightfully bitch about tons in jail but heres the stats, being ripped off or mugged sucks
I know you said you tried everything, but I have a recommendation just in case, for you and everyone else:
In my experience with ants, only one product has worked: Raid's Bug Barrier, which you can get here on Amazon or at pretty much any big box store. My building has a horrible ant problem but I almost never get them.
It doesn't work like typical bug spray, it creates a scent that repels them and (I suspect) is similar to whatever your exterminator uses.
When I use it, I will wait until I see a trail of ants. Once I see the trail, I'll follow the trail to find the point of entry (usually a crack in hardwood, or an outlet, or a doorway). I'll spray a small amount on the point of entry, then wipe up the trail with a normal cleaning spray like Method or whatever. Genuinely once I do that, they won't pass thru that spot for at least 6 months.
(For people who aren't OP: if you have a bad ant problem already, there's gonna be an element of whack-a-mole at first: find trail, spray entrance, wipe up ants, repeat - don't give up! Eventually you'll get every entrance, it takes maybe a month).
Anyway, that's my advice on ants. Raid claims Bug Barrier is effective against roaches and other bugs, but in my experience it works on ants and only ants, but it's fucking lights out.
I can tell you what I did but I went about it the long way. If you want to save a dozen years or so then I suggest this:
Open a basic brokerage account at Vanguard
Subscribe to the r/Bogleheads subreddit
Read John Bogle’s book
… with those three things you will be able to create a simple and mostly automatic way of investing that will give you vastly-greater returns than the money-losing rates in a normal savings account.
The basic idea that Bogle championed was to invest in the entire market via index funds, not in small slices or individual companies. He was the first financial industrialist who wanted to simplify and demystify investing for normal people. I have made it a bit of a personal cause to explain this to my friends because most of them are completely stumped by investing and so they usually don’t do any. And they are needlessly missing out on growing their wealth. I’m giving you basically the same advice I give them.
I use Handy. There are some good ones and some meh ones, but I try to stick to my preferred cleaning people and schedule them as best I can. Amazon is doing a $30 off cleaning services thing right now, too.
A lot of these cleaners are happy to work for you outside the auspices of Amazon and Handy. You just have to ask them and work out a deal. The drawback is that they might not have insurance coverage without Amazon or Handy.
Unfortunately because everyone is buying bikes it's hard to find anything. This one is pretty good if you can haggle. Check out this Bike for $275 on OfferUp
If you're willing to drive a bit, head up into Angeles National Forest. I don't know of any trails in particular, but I'm sure there's tons to choose from. Alternatively, EveryTrail has a list of trails ranked by users, and filterable by length, difficulty, and duration.
It's a little bit further, but definitely worth getting 'out' there.
Since the trails in the park intersect, you could start anywhere if you wanted a longer hike. Get a free GPS map (like Organic Maps or Gaia) and you can find your own route.
If the machine is just sitting idle, consider firing it up and donating your unused computing resources to Folding@Home to help fight COVID.
>Not sure if any of this is true, but what do you mean by "modern history is defined by 'transplants'"?
LA is one of (maybe the only) major US city that grew consistently over the 20th century and early 21st century. That growth was fueled, overwhelmingly by transplants and immigrants. LA's population and demographics are in a constant state of flux, perhaps more than any major city in American history.
Suggested readings:
For the time being, the water crisis hasn’t hit residential customers. Farmers are most effected right now which eventually translates to higher food prices. However, if we continue to grow without implementing water conservation measures we’re very likely to see water shutoffs in the next decade. Read this book, it’s actually as entertaining as it is educational!
I haven't used my apts laundry for over a year.. i don't think its safe to use common surfaces in a small room due to covid..
I just was my clothes by hand and it's fine as I live alone and don't leave the house (work from home) so I can get by wearing leggings and a tshirt for a week straight or longer... I just wash it in the sink... I don't go anywhere so I don't need to wash much!
You could always buy a portable washing machine... they are real cheap on amazon
I think you connect these to a faucet and the water can get dumped in your bath tub or something like that...
I don't have much to wash to be honest as I wfh... and am kind of lazy so I don't think washing is a necessity for me at all.
I was seeing that this works to filter out chloramine in case the water sticks one doesn't work! Thinking about buying it myself.
I should add that the reason I recommend that book is that it is very of its time and is often an unapologetic look at what LA was in the late 1960s. In other words, the author doesn't really question whether the city was making the right choices or heading in the right direction, he was mostly just making observations. Like "gee look how magnificent these wide freeways are. Also, there's awful smog every day and stores sell eyedrops to help with the smog. But...FREEWAYS!" You kind of get an insight into why LA bungled its post-WWII growth so badly and set up the car-centric traffic nightmare that it is today.
Also, I thought of another recommendation - there's a series of books called Images of America e.g. one like this. There are a ton of them for individual neighborhoods and cultures in LA and I think they are pretty fascinating. Only downside is they are pretty pricey if you want to buy a bunch of them individually. But if you're looking to do a deep dive into the history of a specific neighborhood in LA, I think they're really interesting and helpful.
By the way for anyone else interested, I forgot to mention there's a reallllly neat book written on his films with essays provided. It's called The Films of Kore-eda Hirokazu: An Elemental Cinema. Maybe we could all read a chapter per film we watch as a reference. It's expensive to buy, but I found a free PDF copy if anyone is interested.
Have you tried a scraper with blade at the end? Something like this:
This isn't super helpful because I just looked at it and there's only a few pictures of 2000s Highland Park, but I have this book that's a history of the neighborhood. Just if you're generally interested in that kind of thing.
It's a pretty fascinating series of books. They have them for a bunch of neighborhoods in LA. You can usually find used copies of them for pretty cheap on Amazon or AbeBooks.
I've got Spectrum, but I've had my own router since day 1. I've been using this one for 5 years and have never had a single problem with it.
These aren't outdoor ideas, but we've found this book of 365+ indoor activity ideas to be really fun, both during quarantine and during the pandemic in general since we can't get together with friends:
I recommend getting the paperback instead of the ebook version since it's easier to just pick a random page in a real book.