OP must work at Amazon. Amazon has assumed the role as publisher for many authors. They will sell physical copies of your book. Null set Cwc up with this I'm guessing.
Get one of these so we can keep track of him in real time
True, I found this cite with an as they admit atypical presentation that just looks like a common overweight guy you'd see at the beach.
I was just about to post about this. Some writer has definitely been overthinking, but I love that they incorporated "mass debate" into the book description.
Direct link: https://www.amazon.com/Warhol-Chris-Chan-Lifespan-Suppression/dp/B095F3762C/ref=sr\_1\_1?dchild=1&keywords=warhol+chris+chan&qid=1621906042&sr=8-1
I could buy a pet rock for half the price and it would be three times the better investment.
That's the Space Stage, i just fonud a Chris Chan on Spore and there's possibly more http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=advasrch-chris%20chan%3Afi-name%2Cauthor%2Ctags%2Cdescription%3Afu-CREATURE%2CTRIBE_CREATURE%2CCIV_CREATURE%2CSPACE_CREATURE%2CADVENTURE_CREATURE%2CCITY_HALL%2CHOUSE%2CINDUSTRY%2CENTERTAINMENT%2CUFO%2CADV_ATTACK...
You can find all the parts of the documentary at Geno Samuels Bitchute it is currently up to date and it appears as if it will be the series’ home for a little bit
My brother does a lot of wood burning and uses this wood burner. He does pretty well with it.
I'm going to copy/paste a comment I've made for a question about CNC related stuff before, it definitely would apply to woodburning as well.
> For something like this, you could definitely do it in a reasonably economical way without any fancy equipment. I'd make the design, print it out, and use a glue stick to mount it temporarily onto the surface of the wood. At that point use a Dremel tool carve out the borders of the design. Then take the Dremel and carve out the insides entirely to remove the paint from where the paint shouldn't be. The carved out bottom wouldn't be consistently flat like it is here, but from 5 feet away the signs would look essentially the same. I imagine that with a little practice at it, you could go from wood blank to finished sign in under 2 hours with the right Dremel bits(not counting letting the paint dry)
> I know for American flags, there's a lot of people who prefer flags that aren't CNC made and willing to pay a premium for them. I don't see any reason why that wouldn't be true for other types of signs; plus for something like this the texture added to the bottom would give it character.
Warhol / Chris Chan: The Lifespan of American Pop Culture, or The Suppression of Reality https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095F3762C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_FZ2V5WJ3972X8J0H7K17
Someone wrote this, posted about it on here, and everyone jumped him basically.
It’s something that would have been somewhat entertaining as an essay published online, but instead the author is charging 21.38 for it
It's not a stretch that she might have said something like that. Check out the book Silently Seduced.
Covert incestuous attention occurs when a child becomes the object of a parent’s affection, love, passion, and preoccupation. The parent, motivated by the loneliness and emptiness created by a chronically troubled marriage or relationship, makes the child a surrogate partner. The boundary between caring and incestuous love is crossed when the child exists to meet the needs of the parent rather than the child.
Hey my guy. Download an app called CamScanner.
You can use your cellphone as a scanner.
You are doing a great job, and I'm looking forward to more of your work. Keep on drawing my dude, you will be able to make money with it soon.
People are watching let’s use encryption.
They’ll never be able to crack this, saw in a James Bond movie.
Null never kept his promise so I'm an open book at this point. This is just an ounce that I reveal in my tell all book. The secrets of a Watchman. Coming to Kindle and Audible exclusively.
Learn everything from unknown CWC truths to behind the scenes of the Watchmen like the initiation rites like pouring hot wax straight from the candle onto one's gentials.
Pre-order now for just $19.99! https://www.amazon.com/Sonichu-0-C-W/dp/1699276854/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=1IEREGX9DL8U7&keywords=chris+chan&qid=1650926011&sprefix=chris+chan%2Caps%2C67&sr=8-5
This is the offical tapas page for the Sonichu comic. Chris got lazy and didn't upload everything.
You can also search "Sonichu" followed by the issue number on the cwcki. The cwcki has everything, even the the stuff behind the paywall.
> The court is trying to avoid this turning into a national shit show - the case started to get national attention on normy news outlets when it first broke and right away you had people weighing in with terrible hot takes about Chris's mental state, trans rights, should the state have intervened earlier, etc - this case is a political minefield for the county and the careers of everyone involved.
This is especially interesting now that VA's entire state government has shifted from blue to red. McAuliffe would've wanted to keep this as quiet as possible, since a transgender individual committing a sex crime was seen as embarrassing to his side of the political isle (hence Tucker's coverage). We all remember when Chris was hastily reclassified from female to male on his prison ID, once the public started talking about the possibility of him being unleashed upon a womens' prison, a la some cases in California.
Youngkin, the new governor, is a very moderate-leaning, very establishment Republican who campaigned on curbing the Democrats' excesses, but he seems to want to win, unlike McConnell et. al.. Seems to have someone with social media savvy on his team, so maybe he'll take advantage.
It hasn't been confirmed that Chris has never signed up for Tinder, but he did try Match.com on at least two separate occasions. While I wouldn't put it past Chris to want casual sex without any effort, you also have to keep in mind his other priorities.
He doesn't appear to simply want a living sex doll, but a replacement for his mother; it is widely believed that Chris hates living with her, and wants to replace her with someone who can support him and fulfill his every need, sex included.
So in a way, his signing up for Match.com, which isn't as associated with hook ups, may be reflective of this priority.
As a result, his standards may go beyond attraction for the long run, but someone who can tolerate him while also supporting him. Even trolls posing as attractive women, most notably Asperchu as Jackie, note that Chris wasn't willing to put in basic effort to appease them, especially when it includes confronting his own flaws.
This is all conjecture, but while Chris is a thirsty motherfucker, to say he only wants sex period isn't necessarily true either.
Maybe something actually useful for Chris's situation.
The "it's meant to simulate having a stroke" thing is made up BS from a title when someone posted it on reddit. The real answer is it was generated from ArtBreeder which is software that mixes a bunch of images together.
I don't have to imagine Chris himself said he has 4 inch diameter balls.
If you're packing two of those bad boys in your drawers you ain't afraid of anything!
I highly doubt it's Chris. Sadly all these Print-On-Demand sites have the same issue, anyone can upload without any proof of ownership. For example I made this Apu and Aspie Tshirt and one person actually bought it, which made me wonder how would they know whether I'm the original meme creator or not? And would it be considered Fair Use that I took two characters made by other people (Apu and Aspie) and simply put them under a blanket? I looked it up and apparently there's massive piracy in the PoD industry.
You watch too much porn, his dick is average sized he is just fat so I don't think he has Klinefelters. (average dick size isn't even 6 inches erect).
However he may had the world record for cojones with 4 inch diameter testicles holy shit!
They're pushing the "good for autistic kids" angle here, but OP probably just saw it in a dollar store as a toy for all kids. Some places call them "whirly tubes" because when you stretch them out and spin it, it makes a weird noise.
Had two as a kid. Its... worth exactly what they are charging for it if I'm being honest. More fun than a cheap plastic slinky, but its still a toy very broadly powered by a child's curiosity, and falls apart fairly quickly.
Don Lashomb wrote a book comparing them. It came out in May, before the allegations.
The author regrets everything.
I sometimes wonder what toys he used on her. Null said that he had been spending a lot of money on sex toys before his arrest, also he bought this book. Wouldn't be surprised if he was toying her with a dragon dildo and pretending that they were having a threesome with Mewtwo. Food for thought.
Shop&Three Custom Design Photos or Text Outdoor/Indoor Throw Pillowcase,Personalized Pet Photo Pillow, Love Photo Throw Pillow,Wedding Keepsake Don’t know if a sonichu body pillow currently exists, buuut we can always make one exist lol
Throw Pillow (20" x 54") https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BTMK4QN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_YT8KCTBYP7K0D1V10V7A?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Andy Warhol / Chris Chan
Warhol / Chris Chan: The Lifespan of American Pop Culture, or The Suppression of Reality https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095F3762C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_FBWNYNBJ1HNE78R2HBDK
The book is still there unless Amazon hasn't updated their site. I was able to see it from this link but idk if its work for you. https://www.amazon.com/Warhol-Chris-Chan-Lifespan-Suppression/dp/B095F3762C/ref=zg_bsnr_1064_6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=WABS3SHN01GQV66ZRTEA
It's not too hard to find similar ones on Amazon but yeah I can't seem to find the exact same style he wears
Get this, I'm new to 3d printing, and accidently ordered a spool of overture purple petg right when I first got my printer at the end of november. I still haven't opened it yet, cause I'm scared to print with it.
I'm using the ender 3 v2 and it comes with a glass bed, and I've heard that petg can meld to the glass and take chunks out of it. I've heard its avoidable with the right settings (and bed level), but I resolved to get a flexible metal bed before I try it. I've only printed with PLA up until now.
It's from a company called Overture which I can't recommend them enough. You get so much in the box and the filament is amazing. Here is a link to the PETG rolls I got off Amazon
I'm using an Ender 3 with a nozzle temp. of 230C and bed temp. of 95C, 15% infill with line pattern and 2 layer borders.