This app was mentioned in 146 comments, with an average of 3.73 upvotes
I think there may be scanner apps for phones that will combine all the photos you take of a document. This might be one of them.
CamScanner. Takes scanner quality pictures of books and papers with your smartphone camera (iPhone and Android). It's free, and really indispensable if you want to, say, quickly turn a chapter of a book into a PDF before you have to return it to a friend or the library.
Not even Office Lens is feature-rich enough for my needs. For multi-page stuff, I use CamScanner. I used to have Office Lens for one-off things, but as you pointed out, the Google Drive feature is good enough for those.
CamScanner - Scan Documents with your phone (easily!)
> Intelligent solution for document management on all devices, starting from capturing information precisely to storing, sharing, annotating and managing documents for different purposes. It makes the contents easily-accessed, organized and the collaboration efficient.
I know this may disappear in the sea of comments, but:
Use <strong>CamScanner</strong> to take a picture of every page and either save the images on your phone, send it to your email, save them to Google Photos, back them up on Dropbox, whatever.
Camscanner can straighten a picture (even if the photo isn't straight on), which is why you should choose it over using the normal photo program :)
You can also enhance the colors (this effect is non-destructive as long as the image is still in CamScanner, so you can change it after)
Estoy usando CamScanner para digitalizar un libro y me ha funcionado excelente, ahora estoy usando su cliente para PC que tiene y usando el OCR (Reconocer texto en imagen). El único problema es que el texto queda sin formato: lleno de saltos de linea y espacios.
¿Cómo se pega correctamente en Word? Soy tan huaso que uso la preview de oldreddit para pegarlo desde acá :(
Ik heb er ook een, van het Nederlandse merk Bambook. Voordeel van hen vind ik dat de pagina's zwarte randen hebben, waardoor het inscannen met apps een heel stuk beter gaat.
Voor het inscannen gebruik ik dus een app die pagina's scant: hij neemt een foto van de pagina, detecteert de randen, en trekt de pagina dan helemaal recht, en past het contrast en de helderheid aan zodat alles optimaal leesbaar is. Er zijn meerdere apps voor, ik gebruik al jaren CamScanner en die werkt perfect.
t'étais motiver de prendre 92 photos, pro-tip pour la prochaine fois, il y a des app de scan sur cellulaire comme CamScanner ou celle intégré dans Dropbox qui reconnaissent les feuilles sur les photos et corrige (partiellement) la déformation.
The best option would be a book scanner but they are crazy expensive. Maybe you can borrow one?
The second best option would be an app like Cam Scanner or similar. You can make photos of the pages and it crops and transforms the image in a way that it will look like a scanned page.
I wouldn't bother with a traditional scanner. It's a pain with heavy textbooks to eliminate the folding in the middle.
When you have your PDF run an OCR software so the PDF gets searchable.
For the extra bling you could add some chapter bookmarks.
I would prepare a weekend per book though :/
I like to use an App called "CamScanner" on my Android phone. It's great for taking a photo of your logbook page and then it will auto-crop and enhance the scanned image to almost flat-bed scanner quality. You can export it as a PDF to google drive and even add more "pages" as you go.
Its free and really handy....also great for doing expense reports :-)
While comparing a few scanning apps yesterday, I noticed this is currently 60% off. This is a license key to activate the free version which should be installed first.
I'm a big fan of this app. Basically you take a picture of a receipt and it auto crops out the background so you end up with a picture of just the receipt. Really cool app.
CamScanner is super simple! - -
If you have an updated iPhone (or may need a new one, no clue) you can use the Notes app. - Start a new note - Click on the Camera icon, located on the bottom of the screen - A menu opens, choose Scan Documents - Save the document, bottom right - Then hold down the photo, share.. and you’re done
CamScanner recently added a book option. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but the demo animation looks like it does what you want.
Very nice! I love your use of colors here, it looks really well-done~
I draw on paper occasionally as well, and I recommend an app called CamScanner. You can use it to scan your images and save them in higher quality and even apply filters to them! I use it fairly often for notes and stuff for class and thought you could get some good use out of it c:
Personally recommend CamScanner. Works well with whatever that I've thrown at it so far, just that there's a little watermark at the very bottom right for the free version.
Could use the Note and use an app called CamScanner to clean the image up and make them look like actual paper. Not sure if it will provide amazing quality but it should do the job.
I would recommend finding a scanning app for your phone. Saves you the trouble and extra bulk of having to carry a dedicated scanner. I use CamScanner almost daily,(
Edit: IOS version (
Not necessarily a gadget but an app on my phone. CamScanner FREE - Android, iOS I use it daily to send pretty much anything I need, no need to use a copier scanner. It will automatically save it as a PDF file & from there you have the option to be done (saves to your phone) or send it via any way you can.
This doesn't directly answer your question, but have you tried using CamScanner? I've found it to be sufficient for most cases.
edit: btw that's not a referral link. I didn't even know they had such a promotion until I clicked it.
I use CamScanner with the purchased license but it may not be what you want (they are meant to take pictures, resize them, and make PDFs). Scanbot is not bad too.
You can try both for free. I used CamScanner last week to make PDF of hundred of papers that were randomly lying around the house and it's good for that.
Hey my guy. Download an app called CamScanner.
You can use your cellphone as a scanner.
You are doing a great job, and I'm looking forward to more of your work. Keep on drawing my dude, you will be able to make money with it soon.
What you scanning tyasto bro? I have a scanner that isn't much use. It's personal not office ko. Where you at?
Have you tried this? CamScanner - Scanner to scan PDF - Apps on Google Play
I've used CamScanner for like 7 or 8 years now, even bought a full version license after a while. Used it for professional needs countless times with no issues.
I suggest to use app like this, it basically transforms your smart phone to scanner.
Wait...what....Are you saying this is possible without 3rd party apps?
For 5 years I have been using an app to scan documents with my phones camera. It converts them to PDF and everything. Can I do this without an app?
CamScanner - great app for digitally scanning your pictures. I actually discovered this app on this subreddit when someone asked the same question as you!
Sulla on varmaankin kamerapuhelin? Sovelluskauppa on täynnä ohjelmia joilla tuon voi tehdä ja niistä tulee ihan skannerilaatuisia. Itse käytän tätä.
I love Cam Scanner. It allows you to take a photo of a document and turn it into a pdf. There are numerous handy features in this app. It detects the edges of the document and will let you adjust the detected edges to only select what you wish to capture. It can also enhance the image to make it more readable. You can do this manually or let it do it automatically. I then share my pdfs to my google drive/dropbox and can easily email them to anyone.
I use CamScanner on my Android phone. edit: I meant CamCard
It will OCR the cards, and does a pretty good job of identifying the fields (first name, last name, company name, phone, web site etc). It makes both a PDF and a standard contact which can be pretty easily converted to a spreadsheet.
I had a physical device years ago, and it was basically just a high resolution scanner (higher DPI than my phone)... so you would think it would get slightly better results. But the scanner was monochrome and I have a 16MP HD color camera on my phone now... not to mention the fact that the dedicated scanner was so old it had a parallel port... so I think I am better off today.
For funky card designs, or for law firm names it can get confused on field placement, but it is MUCH faster than entering stuff by hand.
I spent a good while trying to find riki. Also if you're using an Android phone, use something like Cam Scanner to maybe get sharper images.
Great artwork btw, hope the int heroes come soon.
A great integration in the app would be something like cam scanner does, except that it also automatically scans the receipt for transactions. These could be averaged to reflect upon income and savings. Good luck with the app
There are a ton of apps like CamScanner (
to help people take nice photos and build pdfs from books.
I tutor students and yeah, I've been known to use my phone to scan a chapter in and carry that around on my tablet.
Jeez, at the costs (and weight) of books, compared to the cost of a 11" tablet, it's ridiculous to sell paper books and not just make pdfs of the text available to students.
Check your college library's reserve! Most professors put a book on reserve for a set period of time (mine is only a few hours). Check out the book, take pictures with your phone (I use Cam Scanner and upload it to my computer so I can see the text) and you'll have a scan of your book on hand. Take a picture of the whole book or chapter by chapter, and just return it to the desk when you're done.
If it doesn't have to be really really clear, and you can take a picture of your card in a bright environment, I suggest you use the CamScanner app on your phone or tablet, and then just print it on a any colored printer.
Android: iOS:
eu além de receber quase tudo de forma digital o que ainda vem em papel tiro uma foto com o telemovel e uso uma app CamScanner para fazer o pdf do documento
aconselho-te também outro software que é o Boonzi nacional e que permite gerir as contas. não é gratuito
I'm going to try out CamCard - I use CamScanner for doing receipts and expense reports and I love it. The cloud support is actually surprisingly useful. I never knew the same company made an app for cards and such. Thanks for sharing that!
See my response to /u/swandor for more about the Internet in particular.
But, the real point here is that expensive hotels nickel and dime the shit out of you. Whereas in contrast, more budget oriented hotels lavish you with perks to keep you interested.
For any other business travelers out there, I like to use CamScanner to photograph/scan all my receipts and turn them into a single PDF doc to turn in for my expenses. That takes some of the hassle out, depending on your expense reimbursement process after all the nickel and diming.
Oh all right: I got you, buddy.
camscanner is a really good app that does this a lot easier
For Android i use CamScanner wich is amazing and free, lets you convert to PDF and jpg, i use it daily and is incredibly useful.
Try camscanner. It's way better than taking a photo of documents. And from my experience way better than goggles app
Here's the link:
Whats the difference between this and CamScanner?
I currently use CamScanner for my work receipts and it's incredible. Great little app that does the same thing.
I highly recommend CamScanner
I have the surface pro 1, and one of these I love it. Its a little bigger than the surface type cover, a lot cheaper, and the buttons click better. And as far as it not attaching to the tablet, that's never really bothered me, I keep both in my backpack so its a very portable combo.
I will say the surface pro is a students dream. I have coupled this with cam scanner and Drawboard. OMG I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. Any hand out a professor gives me, I scan it with my phone, push it to my tablet, and throw out the hand out. Everything is so organized, with the stylus I can write all over everything very intuitively, and its so god damn portable. For paper notes I use one note, and hand write them. This has completely replaced everything I used to do on paper. My back pack use to weigh almost 50 pounds with a textbook and three ring binder with notes/handouts for each class. Now all I carry is a single notebook with a little emergency paper, and my surface pro. Also as far as price the surface pro 1 has done everything I wanted, I can run Photoshop some video games, watch moves whatever, unless you really have the money or need to do video editing or something the pro 1 is enough for the average student.
Give Camscanner a try.
Instaliraj, pa slikaj papir i pošalji pdf
I use CamScanner to make PDF's on my android.
There's an app called camscan:
Use your phone to make pdfs of your forms. I did it today and emailed it out.
CamScanner ... If you have shitloads of legal/official docs to scan on a regular basis.
Just use CamScanner - works great, lets you determine the cropping points, and pro account is free with an edu email address.
I used cam scanner to scan old pictures in. Seemed to work a lot better than the photoscan app by Google.
Si no son 40024324 paginas usa tu celular y esto
I use CamScanner all the time, it's a very similar app
I use this one for Android, works great: CamScanner
Try Camscanner. It does magic things to documents.
Estudio en una universidad de USA de forma online.
Tengo una Lenovo G480 aunque prefiero una thinkpad para estos casos pero es lo que me dió la empresa. Conviene comprar una usada para empresas que una comunacha
Aparte me compré una kindle de las ultimas pero sin luz, el tema es que ahora sale mas barata una de ultima generacion nueva que una de generacion anterior usada. No tiene sentido. Como ereader para leer informes, apuntes y demas la Dooku estaba buena por el tema de que usa android y tiene una pantalla similar a la kindle pero el precio ahora se fue al demonio mal.
En el celular uso el moonreader para leer libros en el subte, el camscanner para convertir lo que sea a pdf, el photomath, myscript calculator y un par de apps mas.
Me compré una Casio FX82ES PLUS que esta bastante buena pero todavia me pierdo con algunas cosas.
Por ahora solo uso eso mas una PC.
Make a picture of some document, automatic cropping, put it into a pdf and/or send per mail/...
easy to use
idk what are you talking about
CamScan is pretty good too and sssssooooooo easy!
Cam scanner available on iPhone too.
Buy it, it's slick.
The fact that this has 4 upvotes so far saddens me.
I'm impressed with your memory and I am happy to spread the wonder! Here's an album for you:
<strong>The Giant Walt Disney Word Book</strong> (1972)
Includes such favorites as:
I should thank whoever mentioned CamScanner in the recent "What phone apps are the most impressive?" thread in /r/AskReddit. I downloaded the app for the first time and it inspired me to finally document this wonderful book!
I've been pretty happy with CamScanner.
CamScanner. It lets you take a picture of something with your phone and turns it into a PDF file.
After decorating your office you will need tools like camscanner to make all your scanning easy at ago, learn more about this app for more inquiries
Ah, finally something I can chime in for as I have tried a variety of free and paid scanners and can report back.
The best paid option (or freemium with watermarks, but that sucks) is certainly CamScanner. It's very fast, has amongst the best document quality for black & white and excels at usability.
For the free apps, there are three competitors that all provide rather similar feature sets. You should probably decide based on your ecosystem and whether you already use Adobe or Microsoft software, as those are of course tightly integrated.
The free version of this makes nice PDFs if you need a good scan before faxing.
Yeah, camscanner and regular photoscan are what I've been telling my clients to use during the pandemic
It's usually better than just free-handing it and having the pic come out tilted, lowres and distorted.
Presumably nothing, now (or maybe ever). I never had problems with it.
Around a year ago a build of it included an ad library that was deemed to have malicious capabilities, and since it takes way too long to explain that to people, the short version turns into wide speculation of what could or may or possibly happen and places writes headlines calling it a "malicious app."
> However, at some point, that changed, and recent versions of the app shipped with an advertising library containing a malicious module.
> some of the users have reported on suspicious behavior of the app that they’ve encountered while using the infected version.
> It looks like app developers got rid of the malicious code with the latest update of CamScanner. Keep in mind, though, that versions of the app vary for different devices, and some of them may still contain malicious code.
This was their response:
It was subsequently restored to the Play Store:
Have you tried CamScanner? I've used this for the longest time. Hope this helps!
also for android users.
this app called cam scanner does the same thing. it even has ocr
edit: Reddit links are hard
>I recommend picking up a scanner and digitising them
Like cam scanner.
Maybe this one
CamScanner has been going on about their new book mode. Maybe that would do what you want.
Here's what I use
If you have a decent phone, you can install this app:
Android phones
iOS phones
Then clean the lenses of your phone with a cloth. open the app.take a picture.cut the unnecessary parts. Voilà. Now you have a free and perfect scan of your photo.
This is a nifty tool for this sort of thing.
This one is the most used I think. I normally use Google Drive witch also allows you to scan, but just a personal preference.
CamScanner za ubuduće, ima i iPhone verzija, osim ako nisi na dummyphoneu ili WP, onda jebiga. :)
Camscanner for instance works quite well.
Yeah I use it myself. I even bought the paid version it was so useful.
Gebruik Camscanner app OP. Gewoon een foto maken en de app knipt het recht en verandert het contrast (Y)
This app works pretty well for that stuff.
get camscaner app (free) and take pics from library book or from barnes and noble
Can't they just use this and send it via email and text? Why yes media crews I am looking for a job!