Badlion Client is a client (e.g. Minecraft Launcher) that groups many different quality of life mods together, including OptiFine, into one place. People can also buy cosmetics that are visible to other Badlion Client users.
I highly recommend it. The only downside is the versions available are quite restrictive; just 1.7, 1.8, 1.12, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16 are supported.
Disclaimer before I start: This comment is NOT sponsored by any VPN service.
From my experience, on a high quality paid VPN such as NordVPN, if your ISP’s routing fucking sucks and you have 30-50% more ping to servers than your friend who lives 20km away from you, sonce those VPNs do have better routing it CAN slightly decrease your ping. But we are talking minor changes. example: hypixel before -> 150-160ms after -> 130-135ms
A 1 doesn't mean it can happen and i don't think you can understand that. You can be doing a milion iterations of ender pearl drops with a online simulator each day for the rest of your life and you will never get Dream's odds. Tell your children to keep doing it so someday you can prove your point, they will waste their lives.
I don't need to do the math to understand it, but you do need to understand it to talk about it.
Can somebody win the lottery 30 times in a row? Of course they can, if they are the only ones playing.
Here's your legacy:
I already have a mouse pad and this isn't my first "gaming" mouse. I replaced an office mouse with this ( 7 months ago, but the clicks became so soft that I can click them accidentally and I need to replace it with a better one (the old one could drag click, cost me €30).
Even though Microsoft isn't known for their mice this mouse can double click easily and the texture is amazing for drag clicking. My friend had it and I tried drag clicking and it actually registered the clicks. The weight though is on the heavier side but for drag clickers who don't want the mouse to move its a good option.
This mouse has a double clicker in the software and u can even drag click with it. even without the software U can double click really well and its 10 bucks only! I Highly recommend it.
I like the question. There's a lot of 1.7/1.8 purists that you simply can't appeal to because they'll settle for nothing less than reverting, and that's impossible.
Strawpoll is a bit leading and limiting, though. The issues relating to 1.9+ combat are broad and complex, and people tend to boil it down to "spam clicking", which hasn't been very helpful for either argument.
In 1.15 I'd like to see a focus on issues that can't currently be easily addressed by a plugin like this. Servers can already modify a lot of the gameplay, and they already do so on 1.8 servers, so many arguments are moot. But we can't, say, animate the sword to the side to simulate a sword block (or parry, as I'd like to call it). Essentially, we need more client side options so that servers can better customize the gameplay how they like.
We are back pice of shit
Download badlion client today! Forget about lunar(p3do client) and download the best badlion client! It supports 1.8 to 1.16 and you will never have to stwich again! Download here:
Make sure to buy our cosmetics and get access to serial emotes,skins from the best client ever!
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Client side anticheat,say goodbye to the hackers!
More than 300 modes!(lunar supports less🤢)
And thebbest cosmetics ever!
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Reddit banned us but here we are
Download badlion client today! Forget about lunar(p3do client) and download the best badlion client! It supports 1.8 to 1.16 and you will never have to stwich again! Download here:
Make sure to buy our cosmetics and get access to serial emotes,skins from the best client ever!
We have:
Client side anticheat,say goodbye to the hackers!
More than 300 modes!(lunar supports less🤢)
And thebbest cosmetics ever!
Download today!
Download badlion client today! Forget about lunar(p3do client) and download the best badlion client! It supports 1.8 to 1.16 and you will never have to stwich again! Download here:
Make sure to buy our cosmetics and get access to serial emotes,skins from the best client ever!
We have:
Client side anticheat,say goodbye to the hackers!
More than 300 modes!(lunar supports less🤢)
And thebbest cosmetics ever!
Download today!
Download badlion client today! Forget about lunar(p3do client) and download the best badlion client! It supports 1.8 to 1.16 and you will never have to stwich again! Download here:
Make sure to buy our cosmetics and get access to serial emotes,skins from the best client ever!
We have:
Client side anticheat,say goodbye to the hackers!
More than 300 modes!(lunar supports less🤢)
And thebbest cosmetics ever!
Download today!
Download badlion client today! Forget about lunar(p3do client) and download the best badlion client! It supports 1.8 to 1.16 and you will never have to stwich again! Download here:
Make sure to buy our cosmetics and get access to serial emotes,skins from the best client ever!
We have:
Client side anticheat,say goodbye to the hackers!
More than 300 modes!(lunar supports less🤢)
And thebbest cosmetics ever!
Download today!
Download badlion client today! Forget about lunar(p3do client) and download the best badlion client! It supports 1.8 to 1.16 and you will never have to stwich again! Download here:
Make sure to buy our cosmetics and get access to serial emotes,skins from the best client ever!
We have:
Client side anticheat,say goodbye to the hackers!
More than 300 modes!(lunar supports less🤢)
And thebbest cosmetics ever!
Download today!
Download badlion client today! Forget about lunar(p3do client) and download the best badlion client! It supports 1.8 to 1.16 and you will never have to stwich again! Download here:
Make sure to buy our cosmetics and get access to serial emotes,skins from the best client ever!
We have:
Client side anticheat,say goodbye to the hackers!
More than 300 modes!(lunar supports less🤢)
And thebbest cosmetics ever!
Download today!
I'd say that keyboard and mouse are the way to go, but since you seem hate that idea, there are programs that make it so that your controller input could be used so that your computer reads it as keyboard & mouse input, specifically programs like AntiMacro or reWASD ($6 + 14-day trial).
You could use OBS to record all your gameplay or you can install, this software allows you to record clips and publish them to share with your friends or anyone in general.
If you're on Hypixel, and have a rank, you can use the game replay feature witch allows you to see a replay of your games.
Some office mice (Dell), a random $5 wireless mouse, track pads on laptops (moves the cursor but you can get like 30cps), a $15 “gaming” mouse from amazon, a model o, model wireless, a weird mouse my friend has, and a roccat mouse. Also tried on a razor mouse (forget which) and a steel series mouse and it didn’t work (double click prevention).
When I say bloody mice I mainly mean the Bloody A70, which is in my opinion the most ugly looking one. B it you’re right, some of the mice do not look bad, such as this one -
Which in my opinion is a pretty nice looking mouse. Might not arrive for a month or two, but I'm sure it will come faster than you can get your hands on one in the U.S.. Them bloody drag clickers will suck 'em dry.
This might be a bit out of your price range but this is one of the best budget keyboards its called the Techware phantom and it has red switches. The best dragclicking mouse I have come across is the model D i can get round 45 cps with that. Hope this helps <3
This is the tape I use: I can drag click every 10 attempts or so with it.
I have a Fnatic Clutch 2 and it's pretty light and drag clicks great. Only issue is that it's much larger than the model o. It's 90g, but the difference between 80 and 90g is basically unnoticeable while PvPing, so don't instantly rule out anything between 90 - 100g. anything above 100g starts becoming a handicap. Redragon also makes some solid Dragclicking mice, It's just that their software is really garbage and ruins the good pricing and quality of the mice. If you can dragclick well without tape or special surfaces, then those Coolermaster mice with holes in them are incredibly light and good for dragclicking. If the reason you don't want a mouse like the Model O are the holes, then logitech mice like the G403 is your best bet.
Hope this helped!
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