Thank Merck for their Gardasil advertising.
It was to their benefit to make sure to fill the public with self-loathing, over goddamn warts.
I've heard elsewhere that a wart will turn white when you apply vinegar to it. If it doesn't turn white, it's not a "wart".
You could google this to investigate further.
Edit: Doctors don't worry about genital warts. They're low-risk strains of HPV (like the warts you get on other parts of your body), unlikely to ever result in cancer. That's why they don't make a big deal over them.
One thing you can do is apply a cotton ball with vinegar for 5 minutes on the area. Be careful if it's extra sensitive skin, like the head of the penis! If any spots become white, these may be warts. This is not 100% fool proof, but if nothing turns white, it's some extra comfort. (See here for example: )
It's often recommended to wait 3-6 months after disappearance of the warts before you can have unprotected sex again.
Yeah I know that, but the op might have a symptom of the infection. Which can be removed and sent off to pathology to check for the virus (unlike asymptomatic infections which THERE ARE NO TESTS FOR IT) Like I said, this is not done with all clinics so this is a matter of looking around and checking with providers. I’m not the type to sit around and believe there isn’t another way. So off I went for an std literate doctor and paid for the procedure to be done. If you want clarification of the state, this was in California. Many people travel to the clinic I went to for these purpose only and also because he’s a damn good doctor at leaving the skin as if there was never a single wart. To say a test doesn’t exist is just stupid. Biopsies exist for a reason. Partner also and unfortunately got hpv from me, told him he has it but doesn’t believe it is. He’s got an appt with his dermatologist to have his lesions biopsied if they don’t go away. But that’s his issue, and his money so I don’t bother.
Diagnosis of genital warts is usually clinical, made by visual inspection. Genital warts can be confirmed by biopsy, which might be indicated if 1) the diagnosis is uncertain; 2) the lesions do not respond to standard therapy; 3) the disease worsens during therapy; 4) the lesion is atypical; 5) the patient has comprised immunity; or 6) the warts are pigmented, indurated, fixed, bleeding, or ulcerated.
I found in the Netherlands a few brands. Online pharmacy's had it here. Just did a quick search for ya:
Good luck buddy! :)
Groprinosin 50 Tablets 500 mg
That is goprinosin which is the brand name in Eastern Europe. I ordered through this seller and it got here (middle America) in a week which was surprising. This seller and another also sell a different brand off Amazon. Before using, make sure you read the pamphlet. Best bet is the Imunovir pamphlet.
I took a different dose than what was recommended because i only got two boxes of 50. So far, so good. Thought i had a recurrence after the initial outbreak cleared but i think i was just being overly cautious. Still touched it up just in case.
Read this book:
I just take some immune support blend you can find in any natural foods store (Mycommunity brand or something). I think Reishi, Turkey Tail, and Shiitake are known to be the best. My supplement includes those, and some more.
You can also try AHCC (shiitake mushroom derivative) which has great reviews for cancer patients (look at Amazon). It's in phase II clinical trials at the University of Texas for fighting HPV infection with promising results, though the sample size is still too small to be substantial evidence. They're taking 3 grams a day I think for the study, but do more research on it yourself, you can find primary study info here:
Could be quackery, but everything I've read about mushrooms' potential for fighting cancer is enough for me to try and feel good about it.
renew lifethis one comes up often and can actually be found at most grocery stores. But then I purchased this one, maybe best seller is what got me but they both seem to be in the same realm of the help needed for my body women’s probiotic - this LCM247 can be found in most yogurts, Kiefer and cheese as well!
I did not because I figured the suppository when broken down was good enough with the drops, this is the one I used\_1\_10\_mod\_primary\_sns?crid=HQH3P7B4Z17F&keywords=probiotic+vaginial+suppositories&qid=1667839567&sbo=GLaw0Fx56FiNH%2FiZ%2B6XKiQ%3D%3D&sp...
I have diagnosed “extreme anxiety” as well. And I would say just try to relax . 1 in 3 people have HPV which literally means if you threw three people in a room 1 of those people most likely has it . Don’t feel alone.
And as for anxiety . What helps me is taking my medication. I take buspar. I also go to therapy. I also notice a huge difference since adding a probiotic to my diet . There is a big connection between stomach health and the brain , you can even find more info about this on YouTube. But I recommend adding a probiotic to your diet .
If you are interested here is a link to the kind I use
Yes, I know the ingredients are different but it seems okay to swallow....
What do you think about this one? It seems to be closer to the one that you use?
Papillex AHCC Supplement - Maximum Strength - Natural Immune Support Extract - Maintains Natural Killer Cell Activity - 20+ Human Research Studies - 60 Veggie Capsules (1 Pack)
I agree the mushroom sell for AHCC is fishy but turkey tail + reishi have been documented to help clear oral hpv and boost the bodies T cells. I said fuck it abs got a 90 supply of both from real mushrooms.
Reishi Mushroom Capsules for...
Real Mushrooms Turkey Tail...
Try monolaurin it’s a supplement. I’ve heard great experiences when helping to rid hpv from your system. Wishing you well. I normally get it on another holistic website but it’s sold out. . . but after some research I see that Amazon has it. Wishing you well
The Ultimate Monolaurin ® - 21 oz - 200 Servings, 3000 mg Each
EDIT: Important: I'm not a doctor. Nor is anyone else here AFAIK. So take everything with a grain of salt.
It also has a negative effect on the high-risk strains of HPV, which you don't have, but it does show that in general, oral contraceptives somehow affect the clearing of the virus (cancer only happens if high-risk HPV isn't cleared by the immune system for years).
If you’re still willing to try this out. You want this brand. Its pricy, and people claim they had success with this product in clearing out the infection or possibly suppressing it. I’m sure it wont hurt to take it except your pocket, i’d also take turkey tail mushrooms alongside. AHCC US just look for this brand on Amazon in Uk
update: just found someone say gropinosin is a legit inosine pranobex, and found it on Amazon: groprinosin
Hope this helps!!
A friend of me in Bulgaria bought it today for me, he is going to send it to me. Also a friend of mine in Poland will buy it tomorrow for me, she will send it to me aswell. In eastern Europe it is often Over-The-Counter sold.
In the US I believe one can get it on Amazon, but at a higher price, but it is very effective:
If you'd like, I can ask my friend to buy more and to send it to you aswell? Will be cheaper then amazon I expect.
Sorry to hear it man. I got them on my shaft too in 2018. Got them cryo. They went away. Then came back again this year. Not sure why and not happy about it. I would order some zinc sulfate from Amazon to treat them with. It is relatively expensive. You should also check out Planned Parenthood for cryo. They should treat you based on a sliding fee scale since you don’t have insurance.
What supplements are you taking? This might be a coincidence but I took 30mg daily w/ 1 mg copper for 6 months (Nov 2020-May 2021) and after treating my active warts (Feb 2021) no new ones have come back.. yet. Now I take 15mg daily with 1mg copper.. sometimes I skip a day.
I use these brands. You don't need the copper everyday but I read that zinc can reduce the amount of copper your body absorbs so it's good to add it into your regiment.\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
ME! I thought I knew what genital warts looked like at all stages but now every little bump that pops up I can't tell if it's a baby wart or just papule or something.
I ended up ordering a digital microscope so I could monitor any suspicious bumps popping up and take pictures for documentation to take to my doctors if needed. - I have VIN2 also and they took a biospy to get rid of the lesion but they left some behind and it wasn't visible to them even though I told him they missed some... but now it's slowly growing back and it's good to have digital pictures of it for when I go back to the doctor so they can't say they don't see anything again.
I work two jobs and I ate at home. Weed, alcohol, and junk food are expensive after a while. I also bought things in bulk and on sale which helped a lot.
Which brand is the right one? I ordered this one because of price, do you know if this is one of the good ones?
Also, which coffee do you recommend? I'm looking at the Navi Organics website and I see a lot to choose from...
Thanks for the tips. I'll be on the hunt for vitamin E creams. I'm just using good ol' hand cream but that's not going to do it. I also bought this off amazon, but it irritates my skin. It's meant to be for the face though I thihnk.
Oh my god. Get yourself a sitz bath ASAP. Here's an Amazon link, but every pharmacy has them.
All you do is fill it up with warm/hot water, put it on the toilet (seat up), and relax for 10-20 mins. It promotes healing, cleans the area, and reduces pain. I'm shocked your doctor didn't tell you to do them. It's the only thing that really helped me with pain. And I healed up incredibly fast with it.
Hey, I am in the US and take the following product. I take 2 capsules per day (1g), so it lasts me a month and is $50 per bottle. I don’t know if 3g per day would be more effective, but I just take 1g to save money.
Premium Kinoko Gold AHCC Supplement-500mg of AHCC per Capsule-Supports Immune Health, Liver Function, Maintains Natural Killer Cell Activity & Enhances Cytokine Production-60 Veggie Capsules
Again I'm truly sorry about the questions but I have to ask because I don't really know anything about vitamins
Is this one good? Nature's Way Systemwell Ultimate Immunity Multi-System Defense, 180 tablets
Or do you recommend this one
21st Century Sentry Senior Men 50Plus Tablets, 100 Count
Thank you!
Thanks for your answer, yea I’ll hold off on the inosine and stick with the mushroom and green tea. You think this is good ? Mushroom Defense Formula - Deep Immune System Support 1000mg - Medicinal Mushrooms Hot Water Extracted - Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, Shiitake & Turkey Tail
Dude.. All I can say is go on amazon and buy 10 bottles of AHCC.. you dont have to buy them all at once.. three bottles will cost you 150$ a month on amazon ( My treatment is as followed, "Because I take 3 grams a day, or (1 GRAM, before breakfast, 1 GRAM, before Lunch and take, 1 GRAM, before Dinner) or three grams per day, and I have seen what I believe to be my HPV to be going away, cannabinoids, and colloidal silver helped me as well..