> well the style can be seen here. Game.northmyth.com and here https://www.deviantart.com/art/Roman-Barracks-comission-Northmyth-com-744159921 :) and it is done in pure html javascript and css soo webbrowser game :D
we are also doing a horror game jam to test peoples skills at making horror games so come on over if your a developer and don't forget to read the community post I put some important stuff there https://itch.io/jam/horror-spoopy-game-jam
For OP's benefit, want to mention that TWINE is a great tool for games like that. Very little if any programming involved, yet you can easily create a branching narrative, and it has the power to build out into rudimentary inventory systems and basic variables if you need them. u/Simply-Absurd if you can figure out Reddit formatting, you can make a twine game. Check it out if you don't have luck assembling a team...
edit: Linky!
Try downloading the Godot engine. It's very powerful, and much easier to work with than Unity or Ureal. The download size is also very small I think it's less than 45 mb. It's main language uses a simple python like syntax that is easy to pick up. It also supports C#, or coding through nodes.
The videos and screenshots (with the exception of the gun in the screenshot) on that page are all directly from the monthly free UE4 marketplace content Polar Sci-Fi Facility. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/featured-free-marketplace-content---october-2020
Images and video of the actual game itself might be better received.
I'm not sure if this will actually be easier to learn than any traditional programming language. Why use 'X' for multiplication instead of '*'?
Disallowing numbers larger than 10 will make it more challenging and seems to contradict the intention to make the language easy.
By not looking like a stronger programming language people might be put off since it will be hard to translate this to a more useful language.
Depending on a lot of english keywords might add an extra barrier to children who don't speak english.
If you want to build something for learning programming then it helps te be able to build something rewarding very quick. I don't think any child will care about fizzbuzz or the collatz conjecture, but if you make it easy to build some game or something useful for them they'll probably feel more motivated to learn more about it.
How would this project compare to scratch? Scratch is also aimed at children and it works with pre-existing blocks too.
I'm interested in making art for a game which involves breeding plants or animals. Any interest in this genre? I'd specifically recommend Plant Tycoon as a starting point for designing a new small game:
Steam page for Plant Tycoon including free Demo
If you'd prefer an android game for ease of trying it out, Fish Tycoon 2 by the same developer is similar, though not identical.
Play Store page for Fish Tycoon 2
I'm a cartoon/anime 2D artist who usually makes vector graphics in Inkscape, though if you don't want to work with .svg files it's easy to export them as .png with a transparent background. Reddit isn't very friendly to sharing images, so DM me a discord invite or similar place where I can dump sample images for you.
Hey, this looks interesting. I'm an artist and a designer.
Here's my bio and work:
You can find my behance, instagram and Dribble links at the end of the page.
>Do you have concept art/assets available?
Not really... But I think this is not the critical part. War theme assets are widely available online like in Unity store I assume. Do you think we can finish the mechanics first, and if it looks good, we can find a way to replace the assets with better ones.
>Or are game mechanics written down somewhere?
If this is the top priority, I can do that with no problem. I am reading the book On War, which is a must to simulate real world war tactic IMO, so it may take me some time to come up with a mature design.
Seek help from fiverr.com, it's cheap. Also take what NoseKey said into account. If you don't sell or try to make money off it, nor attach your real name to it in any way shape or form, or allow any possibility of them tracking the game to yourself, you should be fine. They likely won't find out about it, but if it gets big they will, and then your hard labor would be for nothing. I'd recommend just making something similar, or sonic inspired. You can also find some sonic greenhill inspired backgrounds and assets on itch.io just search green hill pixel art it should come up.
im a new coder and making a game. it will be called primal. its a text based adventure game set way back in the time of early humans. i dont expect money on it and prob just gonna publish on itch.io.
Hey, ive tried this near exact thing multiple times and it has yet to work for various reasons, all of which I no longer chalk up to bad luck. You see everytime ive tried putting together a team it has been an open ended project with no goal, no deadline, and full of beginners; the basics of something destined to fail. Moving forward, i can only make educated guesses on what is best to do.
Using these educated guesses along with my failures, here are my personal next steps. By myself, im going to do a few game jams that strike as interesting (ive already done one https://rifintidhamar.itch.io/iterum and am in line for another https://itch.io/jam/gbjam-7 ). Im going to have fun, hopefully learn, get advice on how to improve, but most importantly im going to make a god damn game. and once I become confident in my own ability to maintain a task, Im going to go into a gamejam with a small team of others who have done a few game jams as well. Anyways thats my current plan.
Sorry for the rant, I just thought it was worth noting that what you are trying to do happens often, yet seldom bares fruit. If you do get a team together, i wish you the best of luck!
I am coming more from the programming side of things, but I would recommend starting with a simpler language or framework to get the general feel of making a game. Then it might be worthwhile to pick up a more comprehensive framework like gamemaker or unity/unreal. Is this horror game 3D? That will add complexity but no need to deter you...
I would recommend you checkout scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/ to start with. It will be really easy to start with and you can get the feel of creating a gameplay mechanic. A fun exercise may be to implement just one subsystem of your game as a scratch project. Then you can also get a chance to test out your designs in practice.
Once you get the feel of that, it would probably be wise to start looking into a more comprehensive engine like unity. There are a lot of good YouTube videos and guides. The most important part of this process is not to get discouraged when things are hard. They will be but if you keep pushing forward you will eventually make it through.
I don't know as much of art, but I imagine that's its similar in that you just want a lot of practice at it.
Game design might be up your alley though. I assume you are already doing it to some degree? You basically are just describing in as much detail as possible, all the systems that make up your game. Then you are trying to prototype or otherwise validate your design and iterate on it. I would imagine that this one would require the least practice to be effective at. Still you'll want to be able to actually prototype your idea, so it may require some other skills as well.
Hope that helps! Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.
Right now our games are very small, however we plan on making much bigger and more professional ones when we have a bigger team.
Here is our latest game, it was made in 72 hours for a Game Development competition known as Ludum Dare, where you have to make a game in less then 3 days. http://gamejolt.com/games/chroma/252054
A portfolio/examples of your work would be nice.
Finished two complete projects that were posted online and received good feedback.
I can get on board with the idea of this project as it is simple enough for a portfolio project. The pokemon style battle is easy to implement. Though I'd want to see some of your work first along with other people here.
Im a programmer working on an RPG combat system. looking for sound people and arts where i can. Could use some help with either sound fx or some music if you are interested. https://trello.com/c/h7ZQtJbX here is a link to some of my references. If you would like to talk more just PM me :)
Have you heard of the game Teardown by Dennis Gustafsson? It’s voxel-based and has destruction physics and raytracing. It looks awesome and the destruction mechanic is great for player agency. It might give you some ideas. I’m wanting to make a game that is a blend between the open-world survival of Minecraft and the visual aesthetic and physics of Teardown. It’s going to be built from the ground up, with Vulkan and C or C++. The Notion explains the idea in more detail. If you’re interested in collaborating, my discord is bur3ku#7222.
Where's yours at you fucking cunt, I don't fucking care if you like my grammar, I've always gotten high marks and made perfect grades in creative writing and I've done all writing not just that. You try to insult me but don't explain yourself, how long have you been writing, where's your portfolio? What's your linkedin, although I'm going to find it out or something similar later today one way or another. Keep calling me illiterate, I'm good not writing if I can be violent against you.
i think you should start by joining [https://itch.io/jams](game jams) , this way you would gain some experience and add a few small games to your portfolio. i will be joining [https://itch.io/jam/my-first-game-jam-summer-2019](this jam) if you want to work in a team please feel free to message me .
Have you considered making some example assets for an asset pack? There are sites like itch.io that have asset pack shops and if you're building a portfolio you might as well do something in that vein(mentioning that as it was one of the things I was looking into, though my work is pixel and vector art).
I'm a technical sound designer and I'm experienced in creating and implementing sounds in Unity. Let me know if you get to assemble a team and need some sounds :)
Works: music: aleasandrofama.de sfx: https://itch.io/c/394905/sfx-and-music-work
Hi, this is a rev-share project but recently I found out that there are two types of rev-share. One is a paid rev-share that is aiming to create a crowdfunding and the other who is just rev-share and is aiming mainly to earn experience and if possible put it on itch.io and steam.
Also, I have to admit I followed an example I saw in this reddit in order to avoid problems with mods. Sadly I can't change titles so it may remain like that.
You should make that creator/engine available to people, and a community of adventure fans and creators will build around it! Just like with QUEST for text-adventures as example!
For one on my phone the bottom of the page is completely mangled. I assume the text is supposed to show in the scroll. But it and the buttons are all over the place. The random white bands in between things make it feel like it's made of random blocks stuck together. I love the top bit though! Maybe put the play the demo text in a scroll that goes all the way across and remove the bottom white block all together.
Edit: this is likely the type of thing you want runescape website
I've found it to be a bit more beginner friendly than Unity, and the tutorials for basic games should get you started well!
there is a game jam coming up next weekend and my team is still looking for an artist for that. So if you are interrested and have a good amount of time available next weekend it would be awesome if you could help us out.
For a free and user-friendly solution, I’ve found this site quite useful when I need something quick. Looks like it can crop videos but I’ve never tried that feature. Pretty nifty for turning videos into gifs though!
Maybe this will help if you don’t get a response?
A couple of issues:
- Your video hosting solution is not legal. You're leveraging another platform to host all of your media without their consent (medal.tv).
- You're also linking to images hosted on a myriad of other websites even for your static image content. This is an uncontrolled dependency, and is likely against those website's ToS.
- Your CORS is not set up properly, so no one can even upload a video.
- This website is quite literally a bare-bones copy of one of the websites you're leeching media hosting off of (medal.tv).
You have a lot of legal issues out of the gate, on top of lacking some basic technical stuff.
Hi i'm interested !, i'm studying web development in my free time i work around with unity i have 4 months of experience. I've done different projects , mobile games http://recordit.co/rnTQCDMD0D , 3d infinity runner and other prototypes . I mainly do game mechanics and other things and a little physics. I can help with your project in my free time
I worked in a 2D rhythmic game for mobile and other prototypes ,infinity runners , 2D shooters . iI'mstudying web development and in my free time i work with unity to learn new thinks . I'm interested :) This is a gif of my prototype game i worked a round in one week http://recordit.co/rnTQCDMD0D
Hmm, I can't explain that one! Hopefully its a reddit issue but you can also find more details here: https://crowdsourcer.io/project/467
Our biggest need at the moment is for a technical artist in Unreal Engine. This is a smaller scale project that actually has a realistic chance of getting completed :)
Hi! Good questions here!
Most of movement and attack mechanics are designed and implemented as seen in the demo. More can be added in the process if the game asks for that. I do not have any levels created yet, just a bunch of mockups for mechanics/enemy AI testing. But yes I haven't mentioned it but the game is using Tiled map editor so it is fairly easy to design levels.
Ideally I want to make a full game out of this about the same size of any of mentioned NES games above or bigger. But at first I believe it's nice to make just a single level that clearly shows the gameplay, pacing and visual design of a future game so we can build upon that. I personally got stuck at the time I had to make enemies (and environments too) because I can't draw and design visual stuff. Also my imagination sucks most of the time.
With the help of an artist I expect that a single level can be created in about ~1-2 months of teamwork.
I like Love2D, but it's really barebones without 3rd party libraries and you need to know Lua as it's very much a code it yourself sort of deal. You might give Godot a look if you're trying to avoid code.
Unless you want to learn programming, you might as well ask any prospective partners what tools they prefer, though.
> I don't have much time left
whats the time frame if you don't want to say why you don't have much time
im sympathetic but not going to stress myself out, i imagine a lot of people are like that
is the project open source, are you using love or another engine.
Just credit to Antti Luode where possible. I see people crediting anttis instrumentals and sometimes I get no credit at all. But if possible, it would be nice to have Antti Luode as credit.
Your post inspired me to send this to soundclick:
Hi There. .
I have Anttis instrumentals on your site:
I have tongs of songs and I get messages like this every now and then:
One suggestion, if you could separate the songs by genre, style or even BPM, it would help a lot!! For example, I copied some songs I liked to use on my current game, but I don't think they would be good for any other game with a different mood or atmosphere... Then, I'd need to listen, even if it's just a piece of each music, everything again... If we had genre or BPM separation, it would be really awesome.
And it made me think. How hard would it be for you to implement optional tagging system for songs, where people other than the artist could tag the songs according to genres, moods or even other artists, then they could search for those tags.
While you are at it, you could turn the tags into reddit like page where songs could be voted on under different tags. Where there would be front page for most popular tags. (rock, edm, instrumental and so on) Then people could search for what they want, they could subscribe to channels with certain tags etc.
A big thing could be channels where people would tag music according to what it sounds like, sounds like ludacris etc. This is already happening on twitter where beat makers release beats with "xxx type beat".
Ya, My name is Tim Lamb. I used C# on unity. Here is my LinkedIn page and a link to that Oculus project. The Project is a little bit of a hot mess, but main should have all the code on it. You can email me at .
Hi I'm a Pixel artist, I've made a mobile game called High fashion clique on google play store. Here is the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Fashiondeluxe.HighFashion
If you like my work please contact me.
I've got a simple mobile game and it's my first time including multiple language support. Currently the Spanish is a combination of Google translate and my high school Spanish which is not so great xD. Having someone who knows their stuff could improve things greatly.
I use a csv file (comma separated values), so text can be edited via any simple text editor, though a spreadsheet program like excel or Google Spreadsheets is easier for viewing purposes.
If you want to check out the game before hand, it's currently in open testing on Google play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ImposterGameStudios.IceRoadEscape
There's around 50 - 100 lines for translating. Well I should be sleeping... So if you're interested let me know and I'll get back to you tomorrow xD
Would be interested in further discussion.
The biggest project I've completed to date is this: Conscientia.
Here's a breakdown of the project and my responsibilities:
-Programming & Maintenance (completed in Java using the LibGDX framework)
-Assets (modified assets using GIMP for in-game items and UI)
-Music (composed and mixed most of the songs)
-Writing (wrote and edited 75% of all content in the game)
Personally, I'd be interested in turning this text adventure into a game using Godot (have already begun the process). I realize the scope of the project isn't small, as your title requires, but I figured I'd give you a shout just in case you were interested.
Dear Goatfanboi23,
Thank you for reaching out. I’ve included a link to a mobile game similar to what I hope to make, so you’ll be able to estimate the kind of programming needed. The only element that might be more complex than anything featured in the example is an interactive timeline where players can see when historical figures lived and review their discovered factoids.
Have you created any (mobile) games before that you can show me? I’d love to see some of your previous work.
With kind regards, Sjon
How would you feel about working on a game like this:
I am an amateur/aspiring mobile game developer and I use Unity3D with C#. I am interested to join your team.
Example of my work: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lazybitcreations.jumphoops
Hi there. I'm an author and am interested in being a writer for you. I'll put my novel in this link. I'm also a composer if you need one. I'll also put that in here. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Truth-Lies-Gemma-Cartmell-ebook/dp/B07NBND7WM/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?keywords=gemma+cartmell+the+truth+in+lies&qid=1573416072&sprefix=gemma+Cartmell+&sr=8-2 Check out Gemma Cartmell on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/gemma-cartmell
I definitely can't hire you, but I also like making 2D games in Godot. (like this) And I'm 21 years old.
So if you're interested in working together for a portfolio game, or just floating ideas, text me on my discord. Ohmi#3809
Hey man, I like what you said about finishing the game you start.
Here's my game published in the play store (made in Unity) :
Im looking to get more (and better quality) games out there carrying the same minimalistic nature but since im working I dont have much time and motivation to work on them on my own.
If you're interested in getting minimal (but smart) games out give me your discord maybe we can figure something out.
Hey there! I'm interested in being a writer and composer. I've linked my SoundCloud for you to listen and I've written a book if you wish to check the reviews to see I'm alright at writing haha! Thanks so much for your time! https://m.soundcloud.com/gemma-cartmell https://www.amazon.co.uk/Truth-Lies-Gemma-Holly-Cartmell/dp/1729669611/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=gemma+cartmell+the+truth+in+lies&qid=1567881144&s=gateway&sprefix=Gemma+Cartmell+&sr=8-4
Hey Misha, yours is a pleasant post! :)
Would you like to work with an agency (that I own)? We create games and games since years, and did this game in Unity an year back - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pigsinperil.game&hl=en.
My Partner and I have combined exp of 40 years and we worked on C# for 10 years even before unity came in existence. :)
This is my linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mobile-app-developers/, and here is our website www.agicent.com
Yes something simple. Maybe 2d with cute chibi-ish avatars. Just trying to think of what would make it a little unique. This does sound like a fun idea.
Just letting you know I'm a hobbyist gamedev. So this is all in my free time.
Here are some of my work:
Sure, I'm 28 years old, I am an electronics technician in the United States Coast Guard, and I'm interested in most areas of programming. My new years resolution was to have an app released on the android app market by the end of the year and I do feel that I'm on track for that, but we'll see.
I've always been interested in game development, so ultimately I'd love to end up with an indie team at some point down the road. But I have also enjoyed every other program I've made, so I've definitely opened up to the idea of dabbling in other areas like web dev and smart phone apps.
As far as studies have gone, I'll be signing up for college courses as soon as I can get out of Kodiak, maybe do some distance learning before then. I've read Thinking in Java, and I'm thumbing through Head First Java. I bought the Big Nerd Ranch book on android programming and I'm currently learning from that. I've gone through the problems on Codingbat and learned from a few other misc. websites recommended by reddit. So basically self taught.
Sounds fun! I'd love to help out as a programmer (terrible artist). I'm US Central too.
This breakout clone is the only thing I've got to show for myself, though I have a dozen abandoned projects under my belt. /flex
Thanks. Here's the current screenshots I'm using https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.NirInteract.Lines As you see they're kinda dull and I want you to photoshop them on 2 phones. Thanks a lot !
I'm a Unity/C# programmer looking for an artist to collaborate on small mobile projects. I actually release one I did by my lonesome today, Galaxus. (Requires Two Players)
I also have my writing and Jam portfolio at geraldburke.com
I'm open for anything that is not a huge time commitment. (More than a month or two)
I've started an LLC this year with a team of 8. Comp Sci Tutor. C , C++ , C# ,Java , etc. Three projects so far : 1. Battle is Key - a Real Time Tile based strategy game. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=808104405 SatoSoroban - An education game for a client https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Cenobium.Soroban Currently working on a mobile app for a college (can't discuss publicly)
I've started an LLC this year with a team of 8. Have worked on 2 educational projects.
Three projects so far : 1. Battle is Key - a Real Time Tile based strategy game. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=808104405
SatoSoroban - An education game for a client https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Cenobium.Soroban
Currently working on a mobile app for a college (can't discuss publicly)
Shield Me: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pilrtech.ShieldMe&hl=en
Touch It(very silly): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowthatsrad.TouchIt&hl=en
I don't want to just have some people pitch in for a game. I want to really form a close team to make cool stuff. Maybe progress into a studio that makes a little bit of money.
Hello. The game was finally published. Changes have been made regarding the difficulty, fluidity, menu navigation etc ... It is available at the following address:
Thank you for your feedback :)
Hey, I'm a programmer and I work with a sound designer on video games... but we're both terrible artists. We're looking for anyone who'd be willing to help us out.
We're fairly serious about making games, but we like to have fun doing it. We're not picky about art style, as long as it's better than what we can do, lol.
Here's a game we've previously released (if you've got an Android device): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ca.Twod4.Banditos
If you're interested in working on some of our stuff, let me know!
You haven't requested it Nischal but Portuguese is a cool market too for Apps so I thought I could help:
1: Desvie-se dos picos que vão caindo, Colecione moedas, Desbloqueie Personagens, Continue a Saltitar : ) 2: Salve a bola saltitona neste mundo de picos. – Não toque nos picos. – Colecione moedas laranja para subir a tabela dos picos. – Desbloqueie todas as Personagens. Toque no ecrãn para muder a direção da bola, quanto mais tocar melhor conseguirá controlar a bola.
Quantas moedas consegue colecionar?
Durante quanto tempo sobreviverá? Confira o jogo na appstore aqui: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.omgabird.spikyfall
I just need translation for two descriptions:
Description 1: Avoid falling spikes, Collect coins, Unlock characters, Keep Bouncing :)
Description 2: Save the bouncing ball in this spiky world. - Don't touch the spikes. - Collect orange coins to move the spiky chain up. - Unlock all the Characters.
Just tap the screen to change the direction of the ball, more you tap better you can control the ball.
How many coins can you collect?
How long can you live?
Check out the appstore listing here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.omgabird.spikyfall
ClemLan forget the 4 last lines of the 2nd description :
Just tap the screen to change the direction of the ball, more you tap better you can control the ball.
How many coins can you collect?
How long can you live?
Check out the appstore listing here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.omgabird.spikyfall
I would translate it as :
Tape juste une fois pour changer la direction de la balle. Plus tu taperas, mieux tu pourra contrôler la balle.
Combien de pièces pourras-tu collecter ?
Combien de temps pourras-tu vivre ?
Jetez un oeil à l'entrée sur l'appstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.omgabird.spikyfall
Another thing, in french we make the difference between "you" and "you". ;)
There's "you", like how you say to someone close to yourself (in terms of relationship), like a friend (even a new one), and there's "you", the formal one usually used when speaking to someone you don't know, or when you want to be very polite.
All the french traductions proposed use the first version of the "you".
Hi there, i have something you might be interested in - i made game which is already published but the graphics are... well, some of them i found on the internet, other i did by myself so as a whole it looks awkward.
In short: 2d, single screen, fighting animations, backgrounds.
Screenshot: https://img.itch.io/aW1hZ2UvNDkyMjMvMjE1Mjg5LmpwZw==/original/pnchaT.jpg
Release: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.solyrood.kickime
What do you think about it?
1: Ontwijk de vallende stekels, Verzamel munten, Ontgrendel karakters, Blijf stuiteren :)
2: Red de stuiterende bal in deze stekelige wereld - Raak de stekels niet aan. - Verzamel oranje munten om de gestekelde ketting naar boven te bewegen. - Ontgrendel alle karakters
Tik enkel op het scherm om de richting van de bal te veranderen; hoe meer je tikt hoe meer controle je hebt over de bal.
Hoe veel munten kan je verzamelen?
Hoe lang blijf jij in leven?
Bekijk de app store vermelding hier: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.omgabird.spikyfall
Hi Grai_M,
You have a wonderful album, thank you for sharing with us. We are currently working on a game, based on mobile and superhero theme. Could you please help us in designing logo/splash screen?
The game is in playstore, here's the link to the game.
Contact me for more details.
Thank you very much.