Allow me to introduce you to The Matador, one of the best dude-bro films ever, and without a doubt (fire) the best Brosnan film. It's not just a great movie, it's the movie that will make you re-think what you know about our man, because he is way, way fun in this as Julian Noble, a hitman who may or may not be having an existential crisis while also befriending a befuddled businessman (Greg Kinnear) and hoping that he can have something of that kind of normal life.
The song is The Cramps, I think it's Garbage Man, and this soundtrack is also nuts-great. The film is shot perfectly, and the script is perfect from a screenwriting point of view.
Watch it with friends while drinking good beer and toasting each other and you're in for a great evening.
It was a gift and I can't find one quite like it for sale but here's one close ( ). It's super cheaply made but it makes me super happy so I'm okay with that.
My girlfriend got it for me after she saw me looking at and heard me talking about getting one just for that...I had maybe had a martini or three.
I'm a huge fan of the Living Daylights, its in my top five of all time. My next favourite Bond film is probably not even in my top 250. I have a huge wooden crate that was used to send film stock to Vienna for filming, it still has the Eon stickers with hotel address on the sides (the thing is huge as well). I visited the shooting locations in Vienna, the opera house (sat in the window), the corner shop, Kara's apartment, Prater Park, Schonbrunn Palace gardens. I could rave about the film all day (in fact I did).
Thanks man! Yeah, the new one from Spectre is pretty damn nice, I got lucky enough to see the same model at an Omega dealer a few weeks ago and it was gorgeous.
Absolutely nothing wrong with an $80 watch though, I've funneled a ton of money into the more affordable ones to love and cherish until I could get this one. If I can make a recommendation, the best one I ever got for the cost was the Orient Ray. Here's the newer version of it on Amazon, cannot recommend it enough!
Hate to say it, but Phil ripped all these off from this artist, Tomasz Wagner, from Poland, who did a similar series a year earlier for the 50th Anniversary...
Hate to say it, but Phil ripped all these off from this artist, Tomasz Wagner, from Poland, who did a similar series a year earlier for the 50th Anniversary...
I don’t know to what extreme it may cause it to happen, though undoubtedly quite a bit, but if the damage caused Scipio to develop lymphedema, it could very well cause excessive weight gain and swelling to various areas of his body.
Amazon or Ebay are places where you could buy these posters as far as I know. Many other posters do have a lot of action going on within them, like this one for Thunderball I found on Amazon:
There's a book called "The Lost Adventures of James Bond" that goes into a lot of the details surrounding the planning for Dalton's 3rd film, along with a bunch of other ideas that never came to fruition. I've only ready the first chapter or so, but it's well sourced and the author makes it clear when he's speculating and when he's using facts.
I got this during the holidays on Amazon when it dropped to like $80 iirc. Had all of them and a special slot for spectre. Bluray is definitely the way to go.
James Bond Collection Bd [Blu-ray]
~~Credit goes to artist Phil Beverley, he made all of these covers so definitely check him out!~~
Apparently the designs are originally from Thomasz Wagner and Phil Beverley copied the main design elements.
Thanks, changing these in my Plex library!
EDIT: Found the Skyfall and Die Another Day covers that match the rest of the covers.
Credit for making these goes to Phil Beverley
Okay so the site is abebooks and for the rest you'll have to just search by title and filter for sellers in the UK, but here's Casino Royale:
Funny enough we both chose the same exact posters for Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace (I don't have Skyfall yet) I got them from the by using the built in XBMC scraper.
Well, here's a protip; When confronted with sketchy websites, use mailinator.
just type in Then, go to
Also, seems like an old one. I blundered through them, and it launched a trailer for skyfall. :|
I was the makeup artist haha! I bought this
Mehron Makeup Metallic Powder (1 oz) (Gold) and just followed the instructions. Be cautious though, I have never been so itchy in my life, had to hold back tears because I couldn’t scratch myself and ruin the look mid shoot.
I bought the mass market paperbacks from Penguin one at a time and like the cover art better than the updated current paperbacks by Thomas & Mercer publishing. I believe the link below will take you to the Penguin edition of CR on Amazon, but if not just click on the "Mass Market" option and make sure Penguin is listed as the publisher. OR if you prefer the "current" versions of the paperbacks they should be the ones under the default "Paperback" option with Prime shipping availability. The key, if buying one by one, is to make sure the publisher matches each time you buy. Amazon always has it listed.
What did you buy it for? It is currently a steal at $77:
Is that a Casio AE1200WH? You can get those on Amazon for 25$
I’ve been arguing with myself and waiting to pull the trigger. It looks cool an you. I think I might get one 😅
Yeah... Bond plots aren't meant to be dissected or even thought about too hard... it's both a detriment to the series and also makes them fun, relatively mindless entertainment. Many of the plots are simply assembled by various set pieces the producers thought would be cool. In other words, don't think about it too hard. Hah. Bond is good. Stromberg is bad. That's really all you need to know for most of these movies.
Maybe the movie novelization goes into it more?? Hah... Let us know.
Looks like the new Google Pixel Watch and this watch face. That one is paid but I used to use this free watch face when I had my Moto 360 but that was several years ago and I'm not sure if that one still works
I don't think so, As said by Kiiroi, LTK isn't as good as people say it is. It grossed poorly for a reason. I mean I was expecting a "Yippee Kay Yay" from Bond. Miami Vice Bond doesn't work and you could tell in some parts Dalton didn't look comfortable.
Even Dalton himself he much preferred The Living Daylights to Licence to Kill. (In this book:
A photographer did a 30th Anniversary location-tour through Vienna, in case you want to see them in their current status.
Also, I highly recommend the Making Of Book from 2012.
i think i'll stick with the first series. i'd still like to get their book tho
There are a few Making Of books covering the Craig era. As a kid my bible was Sally Hibbin's James Bond Moviebook, but that's more an historical relic these days.
So to answer your question I would recommend "Some Kind of Hero."
Any luck? As far as I know, you're looking for the mix of the gunbarrel on the DVD version that came out in 2001/2002, I think. Also as far as I know, that particular mix was never released in CD form. I went back and checked my DAF score and it's a drier mix. So what you might have to do is buy the DVD -- I think it's this version -- and find someone who can rip the audio track from the DVD. Technically it's not difficult, but it is a bit specialized so just ask your techie friends, bonus if you have any audioheads.
i had an older version of it but i actually got rid of it - i prefer this one:
(cross post from /r/4KBluRay)
I expect they're clearing out current stock to make room for the newly-announced 5 film collection. I already have the NTTD Steelbook, so this is a great way for me to upgrade my BluRays of previous movies!
In case you didn't know, there's a book by that name by Tara Ariano (Television Without Pity), all about those actors who crop up everywhere, but never in a leading role. One of the best-know is Stephen Tobolowsky (Ned? Ned Ryerson? Bing!). Sadly, the book is probably a bit out of date now, but still a good read:\_1\_1
There was also a biopic with Jason Connery, son of Sean, playing Fleming.
Here's the thing: Fleming was basically a wartime bureaucrat and later a bon vivant. His life would be more interesting if presented by Julian Fellowes. The drama of him jumping from bed to bed, knocking up Ann Charteris and having to make an honest woman out of her would be far more fun. I mean, all her snob friends ridiculing his novels, that would be a hoot.
Actually, <em>The Battle for Bond</em> would make a great series. The Fleming–McClory contretemps which ultimately killed Fleming would probably make a better story. McClory was a man possessed. The story has Shakespearean overtones.
I've had a couple of collections--I bought the newest BR set right after SPECTRE came out and I don't have any complaints. There are a lot of extras for every film, the transfers range from acceptable to really good, and the sound is also top notch. It includes all 24 EON films, a couple of feature length docs, lots of deleted scenes, behind the scenes, some audio commentary, etc.
I'd expect that there will be a new full set that includes NTTD before too long.
I wonder what ever happened to SPECTRE island, the covert training facility where SPECTRE agents were trained in "From Russia With Love". I guess "Franz" decided to close it down and relocate his HQ in Paris (
Looks to be the Canadian release of this per the amazon Canada website no time to die 4K gift set amazon
Also these ones that are shaped slightly differently
This look somewhat similar. I searched for “tulip beer glass”
Another mirror for those getting 404's on MI6:
Sounds fantastic! She was a great choice, and it harks back to the Shirley Bassey themes. Loving the underlying use of the four "Bond notes".
Interesting tactic. Maybe Q-branch can design him some kind of brass knuckles, or a set of those pulled pork shredder things lol!
Interesting that the text appears to be Simplified Chinese and mentions the "China Film Group."%20%E4%B8%AD%20%E5%9B%BD%20%E7%94%B5%20%E5%BD%B1%20%E8%82%A1%20%E4%BB%BD%20%E6%9C%89%20%E9%99%90%20%E5%85%AC%20%E5%8F%B8%20%E8%81%94%20%E5%90%88%20%E5%8F%91%20%E8%A1%8C%20%E4%B8%AD%20%E5%9B%BD%20%E7%94%B5%20%E5%BD%B1%20%E8%82%A1%20%E4%BB%BD%20%E6%9C%89%20%E9%99%90%20%E5%85%AC%20%E5%8F%B8%20%E8%AF%91%20%E5%88%B6%20%E4%B8%AD%20%E5%9B%BD%20%E5%B7%A8%20%E5%B9%95%20IIVI%2FA%0A007-11%0ADIME%0AMGM%0A%23SPECTRE%0A%E5%B9%B3)
This is kind of an old thread, but I'm wondering this as well.
Like Goldeneye 4k UHD... is not available on Bluray but is available to stream?
I guess it's just Amazon that's doing the up-conversion so that your TV doesn't have to?
that's really odd - it says "in stock" when i click on it. does it switch to an irish website for you or something?
what about this?
It's $152 bucks though.
Ebay might offer more affordable solutions if that's too much.
Which is you as an individual. Not invalidating your experience here, but like I say - if there was a way of directly translating the novel into a modern day movie - do you not think the writers and producers would have done that? They didn't just change it for the sake of change, they changed it because - even for the time of its original publication - critics were picking up on the fact its small and somewhat insular in comparison to previous outings. Fleming received many letters from readers via his publisher Johnathan Cape complaining along the lines of:
>"We want taking out of ourselves, not sitting on the beach in Dover."*
Parker, Mathew **Golden Eye,Where Bond was Born: Ian Fleming's Jamaica Page 45
Apart from NSNA being included, they're just grouped in the same way they were for the Special Edition DVD volumes with these matching (left to right) volumes 1, 3, and 2.
50 Greatest Bond Cars book. My wife got it for me this year for Christmas and it’s very cool.
50 Greatest James Bond Cars (007)
you may be right - i got quantum as part of the 50th anniversary bond blu-ray set (all the movies up to quantum), but it doesn't have much in the way of extras. neither does casino royale, but i bought that one separately with a bunch more features.
the skyfall one i just bought off amazon - it doesn't say it's a special edition but it has extras like two commentaries so I considered it a step up from the bog standard edition.
Compilation? I'm new to vinyl, this piques my interest...
EDIT: I trust you mean this?
It's a slightly comic strip-y graphic novel adaptation of the novel... so it, indeed, appears to not be what OP is looking to purchase.
The paperback is easily available on, but for a hardcover... OP might have to go with the premium Folio Society release. It's £37.95 (currently equivalent to 41.79 Euro), but it's very nice.
Getting the blu ray collection is absolutely worth it. That being said, I am pretty sure if you wait a bit (Black Friday, maybe?) you will be able to score a discount. You might also look into the Bond 50 collection, which has the same discs (minus Skyfall which you already have and SPECTRE) and is currently selling for much cheaper. I’m pretty sure they are the exact same discs, but in different packaging. The Bond 50 collection has all the discs in two cardboard books, with discs held in sleeves. Maybe not the best way to store discs, but I haven’t had a problem. The Ultimate collection might have jewel cases of some sort, if that’s important to you. I’d also bet that the Ultimate collection’s Skyfall disc is identical to the one you already own.
What about Dusko Popov? Read Into the Lion's Mouth, Real Life Inspiration for James Bond
this is awesome, instant pre-order! when looking at this on amazon i also noticed the soundtrack is available for pre-order on vinyl as well!
My friend gifted me those two from Amazon and As a James Bond fan I absolutely loved the gifts! Both of them together are about £28.
There are no pictures of the cast on them. They literally just have Casino Royale written on them. You can find them here on Amazon
I'd check the reviews regarding the quality, but here's one on amazon:
Not sure what the shipping costs are, but I'm betting it's cheaper to import than buy in the US.
Interesting. I forgot about the pink gin. Here's a good website with a nice list but doesn't seem complete
Or maybe this Amazon book is better but I need to find reviews. The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond, 2nd Edition
It's really easy to find searching Amazon but here you go.
This book was published by TASCHEN. ISBN 978-3-8365-0857-5 Amazon has it in stock: amazon Connery Movie Icons
I read the Jeffrey Deaver one and it was ok, but lacked something the Fleming ones had. Personally, I enjoyed the book below a lot more. Not really a continuation novel, but it's a fun read for Bond fans. Pearson apparently worked for Fleming and was his biographer so he did have some insight into both Fleming and Bond.
Only covering the end of Brosnan and Craig's era though.
The James Bond Archives is definitely the book he needs in his life.
Ive had it for a while but no coffee table. Will buy a table just to have this book on it.
Yeah, they had to break pattern with OHMSS. Check it out.
Note the title according to Amazon is just OHMSS, not The Lazenby Collection or whatever. And the box art matches the others, which is nice, but it doesn't say either the title of the film or "Collection." Just "George Lazenby." Which is kind of awkward, but I guess it keeps them consistent across the series.
This was one of the first Bond films I ever saw {introduced to the franchise via this boxed set}, so that probably counts for a lot, as this is my second favorite film of the franchise, second only to Casino Royale.
+Timothy Dalton is at his best here. He's angry, he's out for revenge, and he is the Bond of the novels.
+Robert Davi as Franz Sanchez is great. He's charming, funny, but also a terrifying villain. For a drug-dealing villain, he's actually likeable.
+I don't hear or see many people giving Pam Lowell any love. She's one of my favorite Bond Girls. She's tough, badass, doesn't need saving like so many of them do, and is really helpful to Bond. (I generally am not a fan of 'useless' Bond Girls who are only there to look pretty)
+I am a sucker for revenge tales. The more gruesome and painful for the baddies, the better.
+Benicio Del Toro as Dario...ooh, this guy is creepy, scary, and out of his mind. Great performance.
That being said, I am not letting nostalgia cloud my ability to see that this film isn't perfect. I don't like Talisa Soto's Lupe in this film, as I find her quite wooden. Wayne ~~Campbell's~~ Newton's character feels totally out of place here. Finally, I don't like the high school drama between Lupe and Pam; could totally have done without that. But these are minor gripes and don't take away from the overall awesomeness of this film.
For its dark, serious tone, great characters (Bond, Sanchez, Dario, Pam, Q going out in the field), great action (Awesome pre-credits teaser, the underwater fight, and the tanker chase in particular), and great score, it's no surprise that this is my second favorite Bond film, and is one of only 3 films I feel comfortable giving a 10/10.
I have this one, The 23 With Skyfall and I absolutely adore it. The presentation is gorgeous, love the books etc.
Anyone else disappointed in the Steelbook? I quite liked the Skyfall one, but this seems bland. Personally I felt that they should have used the IMAX poster.
Not identical, but I found this one
This is a collection of comics made in the Daily Express, based off Fleming's books. I highly suggest the Omnibus series, I have 1-5 and hoping to get 6.
It's probably "Donna Lucia". Possibly "A Place Without Mercy"
Both of these are original pieces composed for the film.
Here's a link to the soundtrack on amazon
You can listen to the previews to find the one you're thinking of
Were you listening through this soundtrack? It should contain the track you're looking for, if not it will be hard to find.
I assume your referring to non-fiction books that talk about the film franchise. I would reccomend the James Bond Encyclopedia by John Cork who is involved with the Ian Fleming Foundation and did the Audio Commentaries found on the DVDs and Blu-Ray. The book is updated when new movies are released the most recent addition containing Skyfall.
This is true. I would also at least think they'd do something similar to the way Modern Library Classics handled Chandler or Hammett's work:
While the books aren't all in one volume and aren't leather, they are hardback and they do maintain consistency between each volume in terms of size, type, and design.
There aren't any collections that I have seen. I had a few omnibuses that collected just a few novels and I've also had the paperback collection in one single case.
Here is an example of one that has five novels in one hardback. If you're referring to an entire series bound in one book, I'm not certain that exists. I also did a cursory search for you on and nothing else, either.
Oh cool. I'm glad you liked the Kangaroo Kicker (and it's great that you used it's original name). If you like Kangaroos, you'll love the Vesper. If you're making it with Lillet, remember to add the Citric Acid and a dash (or maybe even just a drop) of aromatic bitters. Cheers!
In case you need it: Citric Acid
Here's the UK box set, pricey but a nice conversation piece. And actually, if you look below the listing in the suggestions, you'll see the US versions. Unfortunately they don't sell them in one complete set like the UK copies. I think Penguin might.
I recommend this:
I own it and read it and found it really informative. Goes into a lot of stuff about the movies.