OP is referencing the 1974 James Bond movie The Man with the Golden Gun where these islands were used as the remote base for the bad guy called Francisco Scaramanga, who is played by a younger Christopher Lee. Who most people know him as the actor that played Saruman in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy of movies.
> After a long voyage from Scotland, pianist Ada McGrath and her young daughter, Flora, are left with all their belongings, including a piano, on a New Zealand beach. Ada, who has been mute since childhood, has been sold into marriage to a local man named Alisdair Stewart. Making little attempt to warm up to Alisdair, Ada soon becomes intrigued by his Maori-friendly acquaintance, George Baines, leading to tense, life-altering conflicts.
tmdb: http://www.themoviedb.org/movie/713-the-piano
Video is blocked in the US. I suggest firing up your vpn.
I was wondering the same. It looks legit, but could easily have been fan made.
It appears on two movie database sites, I also did a reverse image search and it doesn't appear to be anywhere else on the web. So possibly legit, which would be interesting with regards to the binary.
Because these websites do not provide an API, what you are wanting to do is not really practical. You could scrape data from their websites but this is tedious, breaks frequently and there are legal issues.
Honestly, unless you are partnered or employed by one of these companies, the best advice you could get is to think of a new app idea.
If you are just trying to learn and are not looking to build something extremely specific, you may want to look at the APIs at thetvdb.com and themoviedb.org. These websites are developer friendly and provide a lot of media rich data that is relatively easy to get at.
If you want watchmen or other movie related ones then I got THE site for you :)
That's where the one you posted came from and there are may other great ones. There is a search on the top for every movie you can think of.
There is also a sister site for TV series. http://thetvdb.com/index.php?tab=nojs
I use these sites for my metascraper that grabs all them for my TV and Movies but if you just want the backdrops there you go.
And btw all 1080p or greater for the most part.
nfo file for each movie.
here is an example from how i do it:
<movie> <set>Marvel Cinematic Universe [SET]</set> <sorttitle>Marvel Cinematic Universe 01</sorttitle> </movie> http://www.themoviedb.org/movie/1726
Ich kam diese Woche endlich mal dazu, mir Snowpiercer anzuschauen, und muss sagen, dass er mir recht gut gefallen hat. Während das Setting anfangs etwas albern daherkam (vielleicht ging das aber auch nur mir so), so haben mich die spannende Geschichte und die gut gelungene Cinematographie schnell in ihren Bann gezogen.
Das Ende war nicht so meins, ich hatte da auf eine andere Auflösung gehofft. Alles in Allem aber echt eine kleine Überraschung, ich kann diesen Film eindeutig weiterempfehlen.
Predb awhile back had banned radarr and it's not longer used in anyway. I believe on the backend a selection of Predb is treated as released (physical/web)
Released only applies to physical and web releases - it has nothing to do with in theaters.
There is no physical or web release date on TMDB .
End result is like I said everything is working perfectly as expected here
The Movie Database (Not IMDB). Look under ‘backdrops’ on each film’s page and there are usually some hi-res stills from the film.
Here’s Friday the 13th for instance: http://www.themoviedb.org/movie/4488-friday-the-13th/images/backdrops
Cross Of Iron Was a great movie, from what I remember of it. Told from a German perspective on the Russian front in WW2, starting James Coburn.
We're looking toward making our data more usable for stuff like this in the future but unfortunately we're not totally there at the moment. We use http://www.themoviedb.org for a lot of the non-editorial data you see on our site.
Sometime in the next year though, I may be bugging you!
Ich habe diese Woche Paranormal Activity: Die Gezeichneten gesehen und muss sagen, dass ich sehr positiv überrascht war. Im allgemeinen bin ich kein großer Freund von "found footage"-Filmen und öden Jumpscares, Paranormal Activity hat in diesem Fall aber eine sehr schöne Spannungskurve und darüber hinaus solide schauspielerische Leistungen. Das Ende war etwas 0815-mäßig, im allgemeinen aber tatsächlich ein ganz guter Horrorfilm.
Dann habe ich noch The Tall Man gesehen. Ich hatte zwar keine großen Erwartungen, wurde aber dennoch arg enttäuscht. Die Geschichte ist lächerlich schlecht, die Charaktere sind flach und langweilig - gegen Ende hatte ich sogar den Namen der Hauptperson vergessen. Alles in allem nicht zu empfehlen, nicht mal für solche, die Spaß an schlechten Filmen haben (so wie ich).
Funny enough we both chose the same exact posters for Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace (I don't have Skyfall yet) I got them from the http://www.themoviedb.org/ by using the built in XBMC scraper.
Here is the error I am recieving.
HTTP Error - Res: [GET] https://api.themoviedb.org/4/list/http://www.themoviedb.org/list/7113907: 404.NotFound
{"status_code":34,"status_message":"The resource you requested could not be found.","success":false}
> "Stalingrad" follows the progress of a German Platoon through the brutal fighting of the Battle of Stalingrad. After having half their number wiped out and after being placed under the command of a sadistic Captain, the Lieutenant of the platoon leads his men to desert. The men of the platoon attempt to escape from the city which is now surrounded by the Soviet Army.
1993 | 2h 14min | Drama | History | War 134 min Director: Joseph Vilsmaier Stars: Dominique Horwitz, Thomas Kretschmann, Jochen Nickel Rating: 73% with 363 votes
>Jeanne lives in Paris and believes she is the reincarnation of Don Juan. She visits a priest and tells him she has killed a man. He comes to her elegant flat - her father has died leaving her rich - and she tells the priest stories about men she has seduced. The seduction is easy, she tells him, it's destruction that takes planning. We watch her with an upright elected official, a wealthy boor, and a folk singer. She describes herself as a spider. Her friend Léporella tries to be Jeanne's conscience. What does Jeanne want?
Act fibernet user here. The API used by almost all apps to get the data of TV shows is blocked, so none of the TV streaming apps work.
That's TMDB (TheMovieDB) which is just a information database anyway so it's quite unfair to block something which is just like IMDb or Wikipedia.
Write an email to your ISP support highlighting the fact that http://www.themoviedb.org is wrongfully blocked because it is just an information database.
In the meantime you may be able get around the block if you switch your DNS to Google or Cloudflare. But unfortunately this doesn't work on all Android TV devices.
You can create a file called movie.nfo and put it in the folder with the movie. Edit that file and put in links like the following: (This is for Caddyshack, as an example)
For that movie you might want to take a look at the moviedb
Options for posters in various languages there too - the French ones can often be nicely different.
You don't give us much information about the problem, but with 99% of cases like these, it is related to naming of the media files.
According to the Plex naming standard, the movie should be named like this:
Move Name (Release Year).ext
So I would advice you to check out a couple of these problem movies and check on IMDB or themoviedb.org that the movie, and if you use separate folders for each movie that the folder also has the same name.
Also check out that the release year in your file name is correct. The matching agent might get problems if the years are different between your file name and the movie database.
Odgledao sam estonsko-gruzijski Mandariinid, o ratu u Gruziji/Abhaziji i estonskom dedeku koji se nije sa svojima htio vratit u Estoniju. Pogledao sam i već poznati Whiplash. Oba filma su mi bila super.
Ich habe diese Woche 2 Filme gesehen: <strong>Autómata</strong> und <strong>The Prophecy</strong>.
Autómata war für mich die Überraschung schlechthin. Zum einen wusste ich nicht, dass Antonio Banderas mitspielt, und zum andern hat mich der Film vom visuellen Aspekt her echt umgehauen. Zuerst dachte ich, es würde in Richtung von <strong>I, Robot</strong> gehen, der Film hatte aber dann doch eine sehr andere Richtung eingeschlagen (auch wenn Ähnlichkeiten eindeutig vorhanden sind). Die Geschichte ist wirklich gut und spannend, die Regiearbeit ist top. Im letzten Drittel hat der Film zwar etwas nachgelassen, ist aber allgemein wirklich sehenswert.
The Prophecy war ebenfalls sehr unterhaltsam. Die Geschichte ist interessant und die Schauspieler haben durch die Bank eine gute Leistung abgeliefert. Langweilig wurde es nie, und die Geschichte hatte einen guten Abschluss. Würde den Film ebenfalls weiterempfehlen.
Ich habe diese Woche 2 Filme gesehen: <strong>Autómata</strong> und <strong>The Prophecy</strong>.
Autómata war für mich die Überraschung schlechthin. Zum einen wusste ich nicht, dass Antonio Banderas mitspielt, und zum andern hat mich der Film vom visuellen Aspekt her echt umgehauen. Zuerst dachte ich, es würde in Richtung von <strong>I, Robot</strong> gehen, der Film hatte aber dann doch eine sehr andere Richtung eingeschlagen (auch wenn Ähnlichkeiten eindeutig vorhanden sind). Die Geschichte ist wirklich gut und spannend, die Regiearbeit ist top. Im letzten Drittel hat der Film zwar etwas nachgelassen, ist aber allgemein wirklich sehenswert.
The Prophecy war ebenfalls sehr unterhaltsam. Die Geschichte ist interessant und die Schauspieler haben durch die Bank eine gute Leistung abgeliefert. Langweilig wurde es nie, und die Geschichte hatte einen guten Abschluss. Würde den Film ebenfalls weiterempfehlen.
I would start here if I were you. http://kodi.wiki/view/Supplemental_tools/Windows
Go to 3) Library managers.
I personally for movies, I rename the movie like this. Dead Snow 2 Red vs Dead (2014).mkv
Then add a file like this (its just a notepad file renamed). Dead Snow 2 Red vs Dead (2014).nfo
Then I just paste inside the .nfo the url from themoviedb.org like this. http://www.themoviedb.org/movie/241842-d-d-sn-2
For TV, I just use sickbeard, creating each folder for each TV show and for stubborn files, I just rename them to something like s02e01.mkv and then let sickbeard rename it for me.
Folder. Death Parade Inside folder. Death Parade - s01e01 - Seven Deadly Darts.mkv And so on.
Kodi does the rest.
I know I'm late to the game, but I already checked and TheMovieDB won't allow the individual seasons to be listed as a movie. Currently there isn't any decent way of doing it short of creating your own nfo manually :(
Movie Posters By Numbers is the fruit of a 1 month long school project. It's an interactive website that allows you to check out common movie poster gimmicks and trends. You can switch between a graph for more data and a poster wall for the maximum visual effect.
We really wanted to give full control to the users so you can dig the website as much as you want, and try many filters combinations, and comparing what makes a Comedy Poster or a Action Movie Poster.
The data was all entered by hand (over 2000 posters analyzed and 40000 data entered), so we really put our heart in this project ! Movie posters come from TMDB and the color use API Cloud myColor Tag. We used D3.js to visualize the data.
We hope you enjoy !
I don't know what agent you're currently using but maybe the Open Movie Database <em>agent</em> would provide you with better metadata. It uses details from IMDB rather than The Movie Database, which I believe is the default.
http://thetvdb.com/index.php?tab=nojs It is the sister site of http://www.themoviedb.org/
I use them because my metascraper gets its data and artwork from it. Great site for artwork and everything else relevant.
That said I would not swear by any ratings site however because too many people pollute it with 1's and 10's. IMDB is plagued with fake reviews and gamed ratings. About the only thing I check for is if a Series or Movies rating falls under 5.0 in which case its almost always total crap.
Personally the only ratings site I could get behind is RT because you either like it or don't like it. There's no rating number people can assign so I find the result far more accurate.
There's my 2 cents on the matter.
Check out /r/movies and the Reddit Top 250
My personal recent fav: MOON
Edit: I recommended x-posting into /r/movies...you'll get a nice response in that sub-reddit.