It drives me crazy when a door does the opposite of what you expect. There is actually a name for a poorly designed door that fails to give you an idea whether to push or pull. It's called a Norman Door. It was named after Don Norman, the author of The Design of Everyday Things.
Yeah you can do tons with it. (Last year Reddit's april fools was a button thing and some guy made his light change based on what was happening with the button at the time.) I would be surprised if the app didn't come with a way to do lighting based on time.
But even if it doesn't it looks like f.lux supports it already:
> 10: A simple schedule for Philips Hue, so you can f.lux your house
There's a 5-hour-energy lookalike with 5-HTP, GABA, melatonin, magnesium, etc. that may be what you're looking for. I like this idea.
You can lookup the reference word in Thesaurus. Results are sorted by similarity to the word. You can look up if your query word is in there and if there are closer words above it.
There's something very similar already out there. It's called critcker (
You rate films and it matches you to other users who give similar ratings and uses that info to predict the rating you'd give to other films.
It's not quite the same as your idea with professional critics but its pretty close.
The easiest way to get wikipedia in dark mode is to install an add-on for for your browser. I use this, which has a few other functions that improve the usability of wikipedia.
For other websites I use, which enables a dark mode for almost every website with minimal loss in readability.
The X-Files did this. They released a DVD set that's just the "mythology" episodes featuring the main government conspiracy plotline, and skipping the monster-of-the-week episodes.
One of my favorite games for Android is The Silent Age and it operates off the premise of time traveling between two periods. It doesn't quite offer the scope of what you're describing (which sounds awesome!), but it is a similar concept. I'd definitely like to see more effort put into time travel games and I like your mystery game idea. If that doesn't exist yet hopefully it will someday soon!
I think you are seriously underestimating the amount of work that has already been done on finding causes of Alzheimer's. For example, here's a paper that compares levels of alpha-synuclein and DJ-1 in cerebrospinal fluid for Parkinson's (although it also contains data for Alzheimer's):
And I found this in 2 min of Google search on my phone. If pH if the CSF were meaningful, somebody would have noticed. I think if you dig a bit more you might find data of pH for Alzheimer's and control patients.
I really don't think you're going to make a meaningful impact by reading papers and coming up with possible causes. I'm sure we could sit down and think up dozens of possible ways Alzheimer's could be caused, but without experimental evidence, they don't mean anything.
As a meta note about why you're not being taken seriously - your wall of text reads like something science crackpots write. They write huge things, cite research that is the background but doesn't actually support their theory and provide no data to support their theory. I think if you went to askscience and asked a simple question like "Does the pH of cerebrospinal fluid differ in people with neurological disorders?", you might get some really interesting answers.
Unfortunately, enforcing uniqueness of the currency is the problem that the algorithm solves. If, instead, it solved a real problem, several problems arise:
The problem might run out. The current bitcoin algorithm is an arbitrary problem, designed to be solved at a predictable time. When you find the cancer curing solution, why keep looking for solutions?
The problem might get easy. Again, supposing cancer is cured, there might be an easier way to compute solutions- instead of testing random values, test variations of the cure. Suddenly curing cancer crashes the economy.
You still need to verify solutions. As I said, the energy used when mining is used to prove that you put the work in. This work still needs to get done, so we're really just talking about making the problem harder.
A better solution would be to mine as efficiently as possible and use the mined coins to pay for an equivalent amount of computing power to put towards curing cancer (or w/e). That's the backbone of the economy- 1 BTC represents X Watts of energy where X is the least amount of power needed to find a solution, so now you can exchange the BTC instead of the Watts.
Take a closer look:
I've been using this app for 10 minutes now (swapped about 10 pictures) and got no penis yet. The closest were some legs with no pants on.
Edit: 30 pictures in: people send photos of their legs a lot.
You can do this pretty easily using RES.
=== Instructions ===
Install RES :
Go to
Find "Snippets" and click "Add Row". Add the follow snippet.
.subreddit { display:none; }
Hit "save options" at the top right corner.
Look up teracopy. It does this and more and is free. Also look up ninite as it allows for a ton of autodownloading and autoupdating of great free programs. When it updates programs it will do it and forcefully skip the extra bullshit those programs try to install such as toolbars and shit. It is great because then your java runtime and flash stays up to date so you won't have issues with viruses from those areas. Great program. Try it out. You will love it.
Do you actually think the internet started with Google? Apparently the worldwide web was made publicly available in 1991.
Waze lets you mark potholes to warn other drivers, but it looks like people think it would be impractical to submit them to municipalities. Which is super lame, because you're totally right. The data is there!!
I have a program called Free Alarm Clock and download whatever podcast I want to use as my alarm. The program can be set to play whatever mp3 file you want.
You can download the program at cnet:
As someone who has written some text adventures, I'd love for the art form to make a return! And I'm with you, I think it'd be super simple to make it a reality for Android, for example.
Interested in writing your own text adventures? Try Quest at
Never tried mybestface but Photofeeler is actually quite good. You can even pick which category the picture is for (work, social, dating etc) and choose the target demographic (age,sex) that gets to rate your pictures.
I've been using it for a couple of years with good results actually.
Some stuff like this exists - for example the PhotoScan app for scanning photos (although still images are easier since you can move the phone to remove the glare).
But what you're asking for is never going to get built by a major tech company because the main use case is to violate copyright law.
Apparently the other link was before the app changed its name, so hopefully this link should work instead
~~Or even better, it could change vibration based on both length and importance~~
It exists, it's called Field Trip:
I used it in Chicago and New York, was really cool walking around listening to the city's history!
Like this app?
And i think Google camera does it automatically.
I used to work in a factory that actually used this, a CO2 laser would burn the expiration dates onto the side of the boxes as they went by on the conveyer belt..
Sleep As ~~a Droid~~ Android does this. This one. It uses phone's internal accelerometer to measure your movement during sleep, to determine which stage you're in.
It also has a whole bunch of other useful features, such as having to scan a QR code (or NFC tag) in your bathroom, so you're forced to actually get up.
The thing is, in many cases the poll workers could decide who to give the test to and who to let vote without the test. And the test was intentionally designed to not be passable.
You can check out one of those tests here:
It's actually a pretty common acronym for techies.
CCCP = Combined Community Codec Pack
"The Combined Community Codec Pack is a simple playback pack for Windows with the goal of supporting the majority of video formats in use today."
For example if you have a video that won't play, or you have some other sort of playback problem, the simplest (but arguably maybe not the best) solution is to just get the CCCP, which will install a whole pack of the latest codecs that support any video you might be trying to play. The usually better recommendation though is to just get the latest version of a decent player like MPC-HC, VLC, or KMPlayer.
edit: I realize the soviet union joke now as well.
Be careful of this extension, it was recently hacked and taken over. Source
theres a few ways you may be able to achieve this today with some websites.
to track changes to a webpage and get a report you can use this site:
This site 'If This Then That' allows you to make this happen and get notified based on events.
you can also setup Google Alerts for search filters to notify you daily when things hit the web.
May not do everything you want however it may help with particular instances, hope it helps
Gimme a break. $29.
14,000 95%+ reviews on Amazon.
I like the last one 'DTC for non-traditoinal pet products'
I recently launched an app called SimplyLocal - Farmers Market, that is a farm to table marketplace for meats / produce.
android -
ios -
Definitely thinking about adding a 'Pets' category
Sola (formerly plag, plague) used to function like a plague in terms of spreading posts and gui, hence the name plague. but it [sadly] doesn't work like a plague anymore. Sola is now currency based and now has a functioning economy based on curating the last time I checked
I know there is an app that does this already. I used to have it back when I was on Android but I can't remember the name. I'm looking for it now.
EDIT: It's the history channel app..not exactly what OP mentioned but does notify you of historical sites as you approach them:
There are some but preinstalled? That's bloatware. Would root, then freeze or uninstall app. Preinstalled means uninstall. Ill just look for the sign if someone falls out.
There are a lot of models that do this (this is samsung's app which allows full remote control, list of supported models included), the difference in price is pretty unreasonable though
I use Gyazo for that sort of thing; it's quite fast, and works universally on Windows, as far as I've used it.
It works pretty much exactly how you suggest: select a segment, it automatically throws it to their website, and there ya go. It can even capture gifs, though that's a lot less seamless and immediate to capture/upload.
Doesn't have actual release dates (as pointed out, they're generally not known until fairly close to the actual date), but it allows for notifications of when it is available.
This partly exists, trackmenot. It sends generic searches in the background, like: "miley sirus nude", "are aliens really real", "miley sirus nip slip", "why am I preggers", "no but really, why" and other things that normal people search for constantly.
You can do it with dd-wrt most likely.
Funny enough I just ran into an android app that showed me 6 ads within a minute, so pissed off as I was I actually just tried this in the last hour by feeding all the hostnames from this list ( more ) to my router's DNS server. The problem is that my huawei router only accepts like 16 custom routes for hostnames(??). Then I tried by adding it to the parental filter, but that one only accepts 128 hostnames.
So you definitely can do it, the question is if your current router software limits you. I'm pretty sure you can do it with a dd-wrt / tomato / openwrt router easily - as you could just edit the /etc/hosts file on those.
Note : You can add the entries above to your /etc/hosts file ( or on windows to your %windir%/system32/hosts file ), but it's not that easy on mobiles without routing. That's why I want to block those on router level as well.
Edit: I just read the rest of your message - you were most likely already aware of this solution. Yeah, making it more idiot/novice proof might be a nice thing. The only caveat is just that some websites actually stop working depending on how many hosts you block. I reckon a few mobile apps might stop working as well.
Download the free version, install and run. Backup, advanced mode, set the destination as removable and what drive the USB is currently in. Make sure to check "lock the destination to this removable drive". Set the sources to the files to backup. Adjust the filters as needed. Set type to mirror. Feel free to look at the other settings, and when ready, click save. It should now list the new job. Click on it, then create shortcut, OK. Save the shortcut somewhere you can find it.
Whenever the shortcut is run, it will backup all new changes. This means that rather than copying everything all over again, it copies as needed. The only change needed now is to run the shortcut when the flash drive is plugged in.
Find the .LNK file, right click, properties, copy everything in target. You will need to paste this later.
Search for administrative tools, event viewer, windows log, system. Look for something with Event ID of 7036, right click it "Attach task to this event". Next, next, next, then paste under "program/script", next, yes, finish.
Anytime you plug in a flash drive, it will run the created script, see if its the right USB, and backup if so. If you have any problems following the steps or if the USB check gets annoying, let me know, I'll look for a better way.
Sky Viper Dash Nano Drone
I got a good 30 flights out of it before I started to lose interest.
They already have this it's called a voice activated shock collar. You can buy one here: .
Generally, it makes kids much more pleasant to be around.
> It wouldn't be like the normal light displays, but kind of like a mechanical board covered in bumps.
The search term you want is "Braille Display".
Found something similar on Amazon. clip on bookmark
there's a book, (amazon entry follows)
Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships
by David Levy | Oct 13, 2009 3.8 out of 5 stars
Look up the app “Neverthink” I think it is. It’s exactly that
Edit: yes it’s neverthink AppStore- Play store- Sorry computer peeps think it’s for phones only unless there’s a website
Don't most devices use to play music through headphones these days have a VU meter option available? As an app, if not by default.
Measuring decibels is a lot more complicated if you want to do it properly, although there are apps that will let you use a device that plays the music to also measure decibels.
You're not going to easily get a real time, accurate decibel measurement from headphones while you're using them. The level of noise that damages hearing varies from person to person as well, so decibels alone won't give you the information you need.
You could build a test setup, mimic the shape of your ears and the like with some suitable material, then play a whole variety of music to collect data on a full range of frequencies, maybe figure out a general model on a per-genre basis or something, match it up with the VU meter app data to create a calibration function.
Or you could just use the VU meter and possibly do a periodic ringing test to see what levels on the VU meter are problematic.
Ringing test, btw, involves stopping use of headphones and avoiding loud noises entirely for 2 or 3 days, going into a quiet room, putting ear plugs in and listening for any natural ringing in your ears. This gives you a baseline. Then, go back to using headphones as normal for a day and repeat the quiet room and earplugs stage and see if the ringing is louder. If it is, you're listening to music too loudly and you should be aiming lower on the VU meter.
Thank you for that link! I'm aware that there has been versions of "real time" chat in the past. The link you gave me gave this website as an example. The UI is completely outdated and the idea is implemented poorly.
An app that's similar to my idea is the beam messenger android app. It got a little bit of recognition but it failed due to regular app problems (crashing, bad UI, etc).
Looking at Beam Messenger and its reactions, I don't expect it to ever be big. I'll probably make a web app that people can use if they find it useful.
There are hundreds if not thousands of apps in the play store that change wallpaper.... this one looks ok but I haven't tried it:
Yes, Playstore. I've never used any of them. After your comment I went to try some.
I've found this one that works:
And it does what I thought it would. Just after you open a blocked app, it jumps on top of it and blocks it visually. You can still find the blocked app in your home screen and app list. But it is unusable. I still don't know what could be done about iOS devices.
As you may know, Android apps have to ask for permission for most of the stuff. And I don't recall ever seeing something that could fuck up other apps, and I don't think it has nor is possible. The "Draw Over" is the most interesting approach, and can be easily scheduled, as you can see in the example above.
I use TV show favs for this. I can list the shows I'm interested in, marked the episodes I've watched, look at the calendar for next episodes.
It isn't meal planning per se. But, I developed an Android app some time ago that lets you create food plates based on the USDA database. Check it out. All free.
Distributed computing apps already exist for smartphones, they can contribute to many projects, so just add your medical-data-analysis project into the mix.
Your unique suggestion though is to make it opt-out rather than opt-in, by making it hard-coded at the chip level to run by default, yes? I'm not sure that's necessary. It would be cleaner for companies like Samsung or Google to just include it in their pre-installed apps.
Could also be done in the future with Amazon Transcribe possibly?
Also I would recommend to average the 5-10 second intervals whenever a new interval appends. This could give a more accurate number I think.
If the troll was at a level that every one on Reddit needed to know, then it would be up to the Admins to just remove them from the site.
Two options at a personal level.
You can get RES and just tag people you believe are trolls.
You can block them and they never show up again. I use this technique.
Personally option 2 is better. The purpose of a troll is to illicit a negative response and cause dissent. If you can see their post, it prompts you to react. It also generates more noise from others who are pulled in by the troll.
Amazon is releasing this at the end of November. They claim:
> a battery life that lasts months for reading and weeks for writing
This sounds like an awful lot of steps when I can do one of 2 things: pay for digital cloud service to host my files or buying a personal cloud. while it’s a cool idea that I can just buy a ton of flash drives or SD cards just using a cloud seems easier.
My MacBook screen automatically adjusts brightness. I imagine there must be external monitors that do the same. And yes Flux is great for the warming part. I have the color set warmer even during the day because unless you have tons of natural light screens usually emit too much blue light. Rule of thumb is that the white on your screen should look the same as a piece of white paper does in your room lighting.
Okay, I didn't know this exist. Thanks to /u/TheVeryMask, I did some digging and turns out VLC can do that.
It's not exactly what you described, but Wormhole does some of this. Beyond the fact that it's been pretty reliable, I like that you can send files "instantly" because the recipient can start downloading it from your device immediately instead of waiting for it to fully upload to the cloud.
Toffee Share seems to be rather promising. Only sky is the limit with this one and it's not for local use only like snapdrop suggested in the comments seems to be. This toffee share works almost exactly like what I had in mind. It's only for browser though but it works!
This AutoHotKey script seems to do this (but need to adapt the hotkey to caps lock first):
They have something similar to this at airnb. But if one was to expand to have it work with say Uber of Lyft for a combo of non-hotel stay with easy transport, something great can come out of it. As for the people whom are allowing you to live with them, possibly an interview process similar to Uber's would be fitting.
Yeah, you can get all sorts of neat sockets nowadays
I’ve got one of these
It’s awesome cos it installs over the existing socket, but screws into the center of it, essentially replacing the faceplate.
Not an electrician, but an electrical engineer. It's mostly done for convenience and space-saving. The outlets have a strip of metal on either side. In order to make this work, we'd have to make the outlets a bit bulkier to support wiring the correct prongs on the outlet together. This is not to say that they don't exist, though.
Thanks. Found SpotyPal just now.
SpotyPal The Original - Bluetooth Tracker, Leave-Behind Protector, SOS Button, Key, Wallet, Bag, Phone Finder (White)
Any other recommendations?
There is something like that currently going on with major bookstores right now.
If you buy the paperback, you can get the ebook for 4.99, the idea being to give either version of the book, or keep one for on the go vs. being at home.
This is the result of Googling the words 'Shazam bird call'
TL;DR Lifehacker article that answers the question.
If someone wants to do this right now, you can use the Magic Hat extension to add the urls you want. Assign it a keyboard shortcut, like ctrl + Space for example. Then make the following script using Autohotkey.
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe chrome.exe XButton2::^Space
This remaps one of my side mouse buttons to ctrl + Space, but only if Chrome is active. Which is the key combination to trigger the extension which opens a random url.
This works on Chrome on Windows.
I was thinking is an app that's activated in theatres and samples (decibel levels, timestamps) and puts them somewhere. You activate the app when entering a theatre and deactivate it when leaving.
There are a whole host of decibel level apps available for Android. I don't use an iphone, so maybe someone else could chime in about it.
Reminds me of Spore and of some work done with algorithims that "learn" how to move over "generations." Really cool stuff.
I think this would be a lot of fun. I hope a game designer steals it :)
This already exists, minus the speech recognition. Unfortunately natural-language recognition and processing takes more processing than a Raspberry Pi or similar low-power device can provide, which is why commercial products like the Echo offload it to online servers.
There are open-source speech recognition solutions you can run at home, but you need to dedicate a more powerful processor to it.
They don't need to pick it up - you can just do it. :) Seriously, you could add a patch for, say, openwrt that implements it and just let it be a de facto standard. Put up a web page defining the format and you're all set for others to follow.
Its been out actually for a few months now, but really didn't gain too much traction. Original owners of vine made it together, project slowed down a bit after the one co-creator passed away from an overdose Byte
Hi! I'm late to this thread, but I just made a Chrome extension that might help here. It doesn't have chat (yet), but it lets you synchronize the video. Link:
If there's interest, I add stuff to it (chat, scheduled programming, etc).
If you just want to track what you've watched, trakt seems pretty good. Integrates nicely with some media playing software as well.
Although I've not done it, you can apparently integrate it with Netflix as well.
It's not only possible, it's the normal way things are done. If you're working with .mp4 files then you're already working with a container format.
I don't know what software you're using to export media, but you should find an appropriate muxer for the container you want to put things in (e.g. mkvtoolnix for .mkv, MP4Box for .mp4). Then you can do whatever you want with your media streams without having to worry about either mis-configuration or limitations of whatever software you're currently using.
There is no difficulty currently. The mechanisms required already exist and you're already using some of them. If content creators don't put video as separate streams inside a container and you can't use a muxer then you can use an encoder (like ffmpeg, as mentioned previously) to cut and paste sections of the video as you see fit.
Basically, get appropriate software to do whatever it is you want to do and then do it. mkvtoolnix and MP4Box have existed for 15 years or so, ffmpeg is nearly 20 years old I believe, various container formats have been in common use for longer than that. It's nothing new nor difficult.
I had one a while back. I'm a gnu/linux guy and was using open source software to achieve this function. Sometimes interface support can be a problem though.
Check out and if that is of interest.
Happy to help where i can.
I'm pretty sure hot glue residue isn't something you want to be eating. Then again I'm not sure protein powder is a good idea either.
On the other hand if you shake the container the scoop should rise to the surface:
I use the Improve Youtube! chrome plugin to remove the end screen recommendations as well as modify YouTube's functions in a variety of other ways.
They exist already.
AdNauseam is a plugin for chrome.
This website does the same, just searches for random stuff.
I recall using some app which would act a bit more realistically, you start it when you leave your PC for a bit, it opens random pages, scrolls a bit, clicks some ads, opens another page, etc. Fucks up your search history so that it becomes useless to advertisers and trackers.
It exists, it's called Noiszy and they have a plugin for Chrome too. It clicks and scrolls on random ads to fuck up those tracking algorithms.
There's also AdNauseam which clicks on ads on all websites you visit but then it also hides them, so the website gets the clicks while you aren't shown any ads, win win.
Yes, its from scratch, but using the Django framework, which takes care of a lot of the difficult bits, security, database access, etc.
> in roughly 8-12 hours.
??? I was on-and-off working on this for a bit over a month. You build something, don't like it, tear it down again, build it again a bit differently, try it out, tear down some parts, etc.
That goes for layout, design, backend, features, etc. The site now looks way different than it looked a month ago. Most difficult part is to keep it simple and not to add too many features and functions.
If you do Python and are interested in web dev, have a look at Django
There is not yet something like this but it would be possible for you to build it using Google’s Deep Learning A.I Chatbot Software. You enter stuff you would say such as “Hi mom” and then what the response for that would be and over time it learns and evolves. You would have to manually enter your messages and her responses to those specific messages but it could be done. It won’t be your mom but it might be a good coping mechanism. You could always go onto to look for developers as well. Good luck :/
There's something kind of similar, you rate how attractive/ friendly/ authentic and shit like that someone looks. Not an app though, so that's something.
Things by Cultured Code can also sync locally (but it also uses a server as a third-party)
They had a really good blog post on some of the challenges of syncing and how they resolved them.
While I don’t think it’s a bad idea, why not invest your time into some OSS like Joplin instead ( If Joplin itself is the problem, there are also other OSS note taking apps.
Alternatives are always good to have, of course, but since you plan on developing an open source and free project anyway, maybe it makes sense to gravitate towards something with established communities? Just my two cents.
elmex menthol-free toothpaste, 1-pack (1 x 75 ml)
There, I use this. Kinda bitter but better than the minty stuff imo
I had no idea what “covers that are put into doorknobs to keep kids from opening the doors” were, so searched and got this:
Is that what you’re talking about?
Depending on your bathtub controls, those might actually even fit.
These look like they’re just a piece of plastic; you could probably make different sized ones yourself.
A shutoff switch high above what a child could reach would be more secure, but would be a major installation.
Just Buy gel Odor absorbent beads. They neutralize almost any smell
Great for bathrooms instead of matches.
Better than candles or sprays.
Link: Clear Air Odor Eliminator Gel...
There you go you arrogant bastard.
First result of google: alarm holidays
Clock with Holidays RMB188 (USD26.85) from taobao, excluding shipping. shipping varies for countries and can be quite expensive USD20.28 from amazon (cheapest i found)
if not, just search "c8s wireless" on some shopping website. its actually brandless but youll see many different brands for it anw
That is precisely what what3words (for Android) (iOS version) was designed for. I have read the service is already actively used at actual emergency response facilities.
they charge alot for those (idk why). You'd be better of using portable speaker that have aux ports and using an FM receiver in the aux port. Then use an FM transmitter on your music device. You can get them for pretty cheap. Those car ones are a good example, but the actual hardware is pretty cheap. Just need them to meet these specs.
And heres a good one that's usb powered for 35 bucks.
There are of course larger versions that can transmit AND receive (look up hackrf) but this one is a nice cheap one. If you are looking at a group portable sound system it's not a bad idea, and can even be used as a sort of PA system or off grid notification system.