Honestly, go to https://www.photofeeler.com/ and do a few tests on your photos. It lets you put a photo up and random people rate your photos based on the context you ask (dating, social and business). People can even leave stock comments (so there is no chance of bullying). It can cost money if you are lazy but if not you can earn credits (so your photo appears to others more) by voting on other people. I found that a lot of my photos that I thought were good were good social photos but not good dating photos which i found by putting the same photo up, once in dating context and the other in social. Changed the photos up a bit and I'm getting a pretty good match rate now. Just need to work on the next part.
Tinder on kyllä ärsyttävän ulkonäkökeskeinen paikka, mutta sitä voi kompensoida esim. tällä työkalulla: https://www.photofeeler.com/ Jos ei osaa hymyillä kuvissa (kuten minä en osaa), auttaa siihen se että pyytää kaveria kertomaan jonkun vitsin samalla kun ottaa kuvaa.
Huomautan myös, että ei 30 vuotta ole vielä mikään paha ikä, koska aina voi hommata kymmenen vuotta nuoremman naisen. Eivätkä kaikki nuoret naiset mitään bimboja ole, siellä on paljon sellaisia jotka ovat fisumpia kuin mitä toiset ikinä pystyvät olemaan.
There's this website where you can upload a picture of yourself and people vote on, based on that picture, whether you are smart, thrustworthy, attractive or not.
I did forget what the website was though, I found this on 4Chan.
But as you can see, some people have shit taste in men and decided to vote Sam as not attractive nor trustworthy nor smart.
All 3 of which are wrong.
Edit: I found the website again. It's https://www.photofeeler.com/
Don't face reveal on reddit where the paranoia of being one day doxxed will crush you. Do it on Photofeeler where you can remain anonymous and can be reduced to a set of numbers.
The numbers will not lie to you.
If you are ever curious of your standing on the scale, here is a place you can upload a photo of yourself and have it statistically tested for.
Edit: enter at your own risk.. I apologize in advance
I disagree, the science and the numbers strongly support looking into the camera.
Anyone can quickly prove this hypothesis wrong by taking two photos and testing them against each over using https://www.photofeeler.com/
There ARE the situations where taking "candid" shots works well, like trying to pose for action and lifestyle shots but if you open with a profile shot where you're not looking into the camera, you've already earnt a left swipe by a large majority of people.
What are your photos saying about you?
Stop guessing, start testing. Choose your business, social, and dating photos using the world's #1 photo testing tool.
This is not as sleazy as "Hot or Not", but a kind of rating system where you can test various pics for how much attention they rate. You gotta take any rating or system with a grain of salt, because YMMV depending on what city you are in.
Gyakorlatilag ugyanúgy jellemezném magam mint te, nekem 3 hónap után jött össze (már ha komoly kapcsolat a kérdés). Ezeket javasolnám:
Ezzel nagyjából hetente 0.5 randit össze tudtam hozni átlagosan, ami nem csak azért jó, mert mindig ott az esély, hanem azért is mert meg lehet belőlük tanulni legyőzni a személyiségedből adódó feszengést.
Ezzel párhuzamosan pedig érdemes minél nagyobb baráti kört kialakítani (offilne), mert statisztikailag az a "természetes" módja az ismerkedésnek.
A személyiségedet figyelembevéve így tudsz rövid és hosszútávon is a legtöbbet tenni azért, hogy találj valakit szerintem.
Everyone so far has given some great advice! I'd also like to direct your attention to Photofeeler, as that way you can get feedback on a photo. Make sure to try it with different age groups and perhaps even in different settings. A great business or social photo may not be the best dating photo, and vice versa.
I hope that helps! :)
You can do a lot with pictures. I recommend you keep on tweaking and testing on photofeeler.com. Dating apps are a marketing competition where good looks + good pictures wins the day. Even if you look average you can beat a lot of other guys by having better pictures than them
It's not the only answer, but also try https://www.photofeeler.com/
I followed their blog and upped my attractiveness rating to a 9 from a 5 best for a recent pic I think. (Conviently I do have a super-adorable dog - their suggestions to take pics outside and with a dog - I also got a remote for my dSLR and got them nicely setup.)
Of course their blog will relate to what their voters like, which may not relate to what the people viewing your profile think.
Anecdotally, it does work and I do seem to have done better with new pics based on that.
Never tried mybestface but Photofeeler is actually quite good. You can even pick which category the picture is for (work, social, dating etc) and choose the target demographic (age,sex) that gets to rate your pictures.
I've been using it for a couple of years with good results actually.
Don't talk to me about dating unless you get a 2 or lower on PhotoFeeler with professionally taken photos.
I'm over here playing on hard mode and people talking to me about their "babbies easiest difficulty" mode tactics work really well.
" above average smarts " don't include that... It doesn't sound cool, fun or attractive. It makes you sound like a bit of an ass.
Use https://www.photofeeler.com/ for your pictures. Also try to get hold of a friend with a proper camera. Also don't be discouraged if you get shit ratings on your pictures when you first start out. Turns out people are quite critical of others pictures on the web. They also have quite a few guides of how to take good dating pics in their blog.
My profile looks something like this
Some quick facts about me:
-I can solve your problems with the internet
-I am as comfortable under water as above
-I make a mean risotto
-Want to travel around the world
-Have a relatively new interest of photography
-Want to take a dancing course relatively soon
Your turn: Hawaii, The Alps or the exotic Skåne (region not to far away in Sweden).
I find this works because its not to long and it highlights some of my interests in a not so obvious way. For example i work at an isp and i have an interest in scuba diving.
I have had quite a bit of success with it where some of the girls message me first and ask me what i would pick or other things related to my profile.
Do note though that this has been directly translated from Swedish so you would have to adapt it a bit.
Edit: Spelling etc
Here's a bit more on that which I found interesting, taken from that photo feeler website someone linked to the other day
>Since the invention of mirrors, people have come to know their own image quite intimately. You see yourself in the mirror at least once every morning and night, using it as a tool to ensure you're presenting yourself the way you want to.
>It's easy to take for granted, however, that your mirror image is not your actual image. It's a "flipped" version of what you look like to other people. Since no one's face is 100% symmetrical, flipping the image around actually makes a very noticeable difference to us.
>So when we see a photo of ourselves, we favor those representations that look most like our reflected image. Meanwhile, studies show that others prefer our actual image. There lies the rub, leading us to consistently choose photos of ourselves that aren't our best in the eyes of others.
>The scientific name for this phenomenon is the mere-exposure effect, and neighboring human tendencies like emotional lateralization and the left gaze bias (which cause us to linger on certain parts of our face) only worsen it.
Your bio is good, your prompts are decent but they don't exactly scream relationship material. I treat text as sneaky "relationship" material sales pitches, which works just like the age old "features vs benefits" in sales. It doesn't matter that the car has a V12 engine, it matters that driving feels like a dragon roaring and makes you the envy of your friends.
Your photos in my opinion are just super ordinary. Almost everyone is in the same boat of having ordinary/crappy/no photos (due to covid), so success really depends on getting out there and taking new ones.
If you throw your photos into https://www.photofeeler.com/ and get some ratings, I suspect the results will come back average <6 points. To do ok on OLD means photos with ratings of 7+, to WELL on OLD means having photos in the 8-10 range that capture you doing activities.
Your shots all make you look unhealthy and are extremely unflattering. Without good photos you'll never be successful in online dating sorry. Even the best prompts won't save your profile from bad photos.
Suggest you use https://www.photofeeler.com/ to upload shorts you're considering for your profile and having them rated, if they aren't 7+ (in everything) then they shouldn't be in your profile.
Yeah, according to him he's young and good looking. He's 31, not exactly the youngest anymore and to further add to it, women typically don't look for looks for men like that. He needs to be more negotiable about some things.
What's your cousins height and weight? Body fat percentage? Does he have abs? Big biceps? Full head of hair? Does he have a tidh?
I think a better survey to do OP: is do a random survey to women with the pictures of your cousin and have women rate him 1-10 on basis of attractiveness, trustworthiness and smartness based on his pictures. Perhaps with that info your cousin will either have further confidence that he is in fact good looking or perhaps he isn't as good looking as he think he is. I think this would be a much better study to do. Don't do it to the "eligible women" of the 40 you mentioned, but do it on a bigger basis. Here's a site you can use pictures.
Again, this is all very superficial and not a very healthy way to screen for well adjusted, well rounded individuals emotionally and physically. Last thing he would want to get is an attractive women that is absolutely psychotic. Think "puja what is this behavior".
I think you have a good fashion sense, but you've completely missed out on what makes profile shots important.
Throw your shots through https://www.photofeeler.com and you'll get your feedback and I'm sure none of your shots will rate well.
First shot, get yourself smiling and looking into the camera. Subsequent shots you having fun and doing cool shit, manufacture them if necessary. One group shot of you with your friends.
Female here - I wouldn't reply back to that message. You went from cute guy to creepy sexual in one text. I would be so worried if I met you that you would continue with the sexual innuendos, try groping me and try to get me drunk and pressure me into sex. That might be okay for someone looking for a hook up, but no woman looking for a long term relationship would put up with that.
For photos, I really recommend checking out https://www.photofeeler.com (Not you specifically, but I know a lot of posters ask for photo feedback and that site is great.)
One more bit of unsolicited advice. If people match with you, they are likely interested in going on a date. Don't chat for too long. Do a quick back and forth to establish that you have a personality and then just ask for the #. Girls are talking to something like 4-5x more matches at a time than guys are, they will lose interest quickly.
Also if you want to crowdsource some photos of yourself to decide what to use, this is a great site: https://www.photofeeler.com/. You rate other people to earn credit to get your photos rated.
I can certainly relate to your frustration.
Find a few pics you like of yourself, and pop them into https://www.photofeeler.com. Might help you increase invites.
Pretty sure i used this one. Ive been using my highest rated photo only, plenty of hits.
Also i used another site for how to take good photos, mainly its lots of light and/or natural light.
Please number the photos so it's easier for us to list them in order of preference.
If you want to do some homework you can run them through https://www.photofeeler.com/ and get dozens of ratings to rank your best photos - from there it's just about the arrangement.
Great photo selection though.
In my opinion your photos and their arrangement currently aren't doing you any good. The hallmark of a good opening photo is something that's inviting and friendly, bonus points if it shows off a hobby/slice from your life. Your first photo is uncomfortably close and has you looking sad, a guarantied left swipe for some people.
Would also echo that your photo of you in pink shorts, outside, smiling and looking into your camera is a winning shot. Crop to your pecs and above and it'd be perfect profile photo.
Otherwise your photo selection is lacking, they look like they were taken all on the same day due to clothing. Honestly I don't like any of them as they're uncomfortable selfies with poor framing. Remember your photos are just as much about showing off your lifestyle and making people think "wow, I want to be part of this person's life!" I literally wouldn't use any of them as they're all kinda weak.
You can immediately get a better dog photo selfie, carry them, be outside during the sunset. Don't wear sunglasses, don't wear the same clothing.
Start working on a new selection of photos, a nice dressed up shot of you at a restaurant, one with friends and whatever else you can manage. Selfies are a killer in online dating apps.
You can use https://www.photofeeler.com/ to get people to rank/rate your photos, to work out your winning shots.
> Our flagship product helps people land good jobs and life partners by optimizing their profile pictures using a combination of human opinions and our own groundbreaking AI technology.
Yep, that's a good start!
Photofeeler is good to get some feedback on your pics, ROAST is even better to know how your profile is doing overall and identify what you should work on to make your profile even better
An easy measure is to throw it up on https://www.photofeeler.com/ and let random people vote on it.
Low score = shit photo
High score = has potential for your portfolio
Photography is a huge one. You can start with landscape or urban photography, but I would really recommend to focus on portraits and street photography if you want to meet with new people.
- Having a professional-looking camera allows you to approach people on the street and ask to take their picture. If they like it, you can then ask for their social media to send them the photo! I've done it a bunch of times, never had negative reactions.
- Having a portfolio of good work allows you to connect with models, stylists and make-up artists to arrange the photoshoots! You get to work with incredibly attractive and sociable people and to have an opportunity to form a professional network.
- Learning photography will help you get better photos for your dating app profile. We all know that good pics are tremendously important for dating app success, and from what I've seen, the majority of photos are far away from greatness. It's a low hanging fruit for you to pick, and you can use photofeeler to judge if the photo is good or not.
- And taking photos of each other in a cool location is a fantastic date activity!
If you have any questions, ask me, I'll gladly let you know where to start.
You need to take more selfies to gain enough confidence to take good selfies. For some unknown reason, our ego doesn't allow us to try hard at selfies until this solo shame is pushed aside, and you take pride in your image.
A confident 6 is a strong 8 mate.
Use this site to help, you can rate others and have your photos rated and none of your friends will see. https://www.photofeeler.com/
Also you can learn good techniques or whatever. Step one is lighting...
Step two, a tripod and a timed shot because free hand is always better mate...
Yep. Also the stock email I was talking about? It was this article.
They'd mail it as a cope when you received poor ratings on your photo JFL.
More evidence of photofeeler messing with ratings:
> Thanks to sophisticated artificial intelligence, bad votes are detected and thrown out in real time.
> As soon as some variation of voter fraud is committed (for instance, a user exhibits careless voting behavior), Photofeeler starts throwing out these opinions so they never reach the photo owner.
wtf are 'bad votes' and 'careless' voting behaviour? probably honest low ratings because apparently only trolls would think people are ugly.
Try this site: https://www.photofeeler.com
Firstly, this site has a paid option if you want quick results. If not you can join the ranks of people rating photos. It takes about 30 mins of rating other people’s photos to get enough points for your photo to be rated. Rating is quite fun and I also give comments when necessary.
I was quite surprised which photos of mine were popular and got some good feedback. I thought I looked better in a hat but the comment was that bald guys use hats to hide their baldness. Hmm they sussed me.
I recommend giving it a try.
I'm terrible at judging my own photos, https://www.photofeeler.com/ is a semi useful place to test out potential dating profile pics.
I was in your exact shoes after a long marriage ended OP, it's really not as bad as you might imagine.
In my opinion, tinder is about pics. If you don't have great pics, they won't bother to read your bio.
You should try https://www.photofeeler.com/ and upload your pics to get "unbiased" feedback about them. I had a few pics that I thought they were cool and, to my surprise, they got the lowest score I could think. I changed them and matches started to roll.
This is the first step, the second step is to get a reply. Just don't take it personally, a lot of people is there only to get attention. Think of it like a "pokemon" game: oh look I have 10 matches this week, me 23 holy shit, etc.
I usually try to set up a date as fast as possible (without coming too strong), because if she only wants attention when I propose to meet, she will stop texting, or reject. That's good because I don't waste my time and proceed to the next one.
Just play the game, text a bit (no too long because she willl get bored) and set up dates. If she rejects/cancels/ghost don't take it personally and move on.
Also, if the girl is texting one word replies or she seems uninterested I unmatch her and move on.
Hope this helps
I've only ever used it for getting feedback on business photos, but https://www.photofeeler.com/ also has options for social media profile pictures. If you give feedback on a bunch of other people's pictures, you get credit towards your own review if you don't want to shell out cash. That way even if you're average, you'll get the best of your photos up.
I'm male. I do too, which is why most of my pics are taken by using my phone camera on timer because at least then it doesn't look like a selfie.
Happy to have a look if you wanna DM me.
I'd also suggest using https://www.photofeeler.com - on this site you can get girls to rate your pictures.
If you want something statistically valid: https://www.photofeeler.com/
However, I am curious what one would do with the information that you seem to be asking for. Let's imagine there's a magic booth you could go into, and poof, it takes, like, pictures and an MRI and X-Rays and a laser scan and spits out a receipt with a number that says "Beep boop I am a SMV robot you are a 5.8". What would you do then?
The algorithm is so basic. The news was saying it's this futuristic tool, but not at all. It wastes your matches while they're ordering your photos in a weird way, and the results are questionable at best. Recommend photofeeler instead.
It is for social media profiles, but also intended for more professional profile pictures like LinkedIn and/or if someone has their own website to showcase their work. You can find some info on why they chose those categories here: https://www.photofeeler.com/faq
You have a website for that! You can upload your pictures and other people will give you "grades" (how trustworthy/smart/attractive you look) and comments. You do need to grade other users pictures to have yours graded though.
Really sorry to hear that.
Bumble and hinge are definitely the apps to use if not looking to hook up.
https://www.photofeeler.com is really good for testing your photos to see If people think you look attractive or not - also loads of tips on there about how to take great photos, and if you're at home with average equipment
There's also various subs on here where you can post your profile to get feedback on it.
Good luck!
I found this website recently and it has been absolutely amazing. I will probably end up recommending it so much that people will think I work for them or something.
It's a website that allows you to get totally unbiased feedback and ratings on your photos for free.
It also has loads of tips about what makes a good photo. Sometimes the photos we think look good, or convey something about us actually show us in a terrible light.
I found a photo of myself yesterday that I was excited to put on my dating profile. I also put it on photo feeler and was shocked by the negative results. For comparison, I tried another photo - one I'm not especially keen on and it did very well.
If you want to get a totally unbiased view on your attractiveness, I've been using this https://www.photofeeler.com/. It's been incredibly helpful for me.
With regards to your actual question, I would say hinge and bumble are definitely good places to be to find somebody more interested in a relationship. Dodging horny boys online Will unfortunately always be an issue. All you can do is try to sniff out that fuckboy vibe as soon as possible and just roll on. If you have that little " relationship" tag on your bumble profile for example, It should at least help to act in some way as a fuckboy repellent
Your post comes across as very thoughtful and introspective. I really doubt that there is any problem with your personality or "character."
Guys often want relationships with attractive women but only hook-ups with decently-looking women. Nobody will tell you truthfully how well you look if they want to be polite. The only way to find out for sure is with anonymous sites like photofeeler. But don't do it unless you're prepared for the truth. You might feel relieved or depressed depending on the result.
It is also entirely possible that the problem lie with those guys you dated. Young people often don't know what they want. They oscillate between wanting the comfort of a relationship and the freedom to date many people. Consequently they appear wishy-washy. Older guys are more likely to want to have a long-term relationship, and they tend to harbor less insecurity
Not sure if this is really allowed here, but I figured I’d just throw it out for anyone curious about which pictures are/aren’t working for them - https://www.photofeeler.com/ is pretty handy. I’ve tried getting advice on these threads a few times and generally you just get one or two people giving you advice along with that dude trying to promote his ROAST ai thing. Plus, it’s pretty likely that all of the people giving you advice on here are just other guys, which isn’t really the target audience for most of us I’d assume.
Just one comment.
Use https://www.photofeeler.com to get feedback on the pics you want to use.
Made a HUGE difference for me at about a similar point in my journey I started at about 40 lbs lost with 60 left to lose.
I’ve been with my partner for three years now. She’s seen me lose about 50 lbs if not a bit more.
>I(male 28) never had been in a relationship before and have no idea how to improve my ‘game’ with women.
Seek out more failure / rejection and try to learn from every interaction.
>Every girl I matched with ghosted me before I can reply. No idea what I’m doing wrong.
The gist of it: You're probably unattractive in your pictures. This could be for many reasons. Maybe you have pictures where women consider you to look too aggressive, intense, creepy, negative or arrogant. Maybe your picture quality is very low. Maybe you're overweight or dress poorly. Perhaps your hair or beard or grooming is very bad in the eyes of women. Perhaps the angles and/or lighting is bad. The best place to get feedback on your pictures is the website https://www.photofeeler.com women will give you verbal feedback.
If your pictures are fine (which is possible) then it is probable that your bio / profile text contains some red flags (usually some form of sarcasm or negativity).
>I wonder how I could have improve my game. Just every option I don’t think I can do. I don’t know where or how I can approach women. How to express interest or strike up a conversation.
I really recommend you seek out social events..find interest or meet-up groups on Facebook for example. When they host events, go to them all! Home parties or events around food are great.
Lastly: the first success is always the hardest. So keep your head up..as soon as you get your first tiny success it gradually and slowly becomes easier and easier!!
If it's still hard after 4 hours, call a dr. (Little dad joke for ya).
Honest suggestion. Make yourself as carefree handsome as you can. Ask your friend to help you with a photo shoot. Get a bunch of good pictures. Submit them to https://www.photofeeler.com/ real people will give you feed back. It's very weird. If you're an 8 or up, you'll get a lot of 10's. If you're a 7 or below, you'll get a lot of 5's. Just add 2 points unless your 8 or up. While working on this, work on a profile. Google that crap. There's so much info about writing a great profile.
Put the two together in your epic dating profile. Date anyone!!! Seriously. How many times have you heard girls like confidence. Date until you start to think you need time off. Try all sorts of free (or cheap) dates. Fire in a park (it's awesome), build a snowman (offer to bring hot chocolate in a Thermos), bike ride, if there's something in there profile that jumps out at you, offer that.
There are lots of people looking for a free meal. Don't offer it. Think, heart warming date.
Date. Date. Date. Date. You might fall in love first try but, have a goal of meeting a lot of people. I would also recommend not trying to have sex. Just take it light.
Use https://www.photofeeler.com/ , you can test your photos in your target demographic range and get a bunch of honest opinions for free.
My dates kept telling me I looked better in person. After testing some photos, it turns out the pictures I like of myself are not the ones women like.
I'm surprised it doesn't come up more in these threads, unless there is something about it I don't know?
Women will say women are underrated. Men will say they’re rated appropriately.
I think it should be taken at face value. They have a pretty strict guide on how ratings are given, but I feel like I can never guess what people’s ratings would be.
I’m gonna take this opportunity to plug Photofeeler because ~~i got a decent score on it~~
You're allowed one selfie per profile, any more and people will think you're a loser. Also agree that any other photos than your current profile will do better, because the most critical thing is being able to see your unobscured face and a smile.
Learn to use the timer on your camera to take a portrait looking into the camera and smiling. Be outside, smile, look into the camera, be well groomed. You can use https://www.photofeeler.com/ to gauge your shots or read their guides for amazing profile photos.
Just going to outright say I hate your opening photo, selfie, boring, lens distortion, no smile, etc.
I test my photos personally by running them through https://www.photofeeler.com/ usually only takes half a day or a day to get a result, which is better and faster than ruining your actual profile by direct testing.
Te perdono por ser extranjero... de nuevo
Si, ya la saque. Lo que decís de la foto en el chaltén me deja en jaque, porque hasta ahora ninguno de los otros comentarios me dijo algo en contra de esa, es más el sabado pasado publiqué otro set de fotos (sueltas, no en tinder) y uno me comentó que la del chaltén estaba buena porque demuestra que viajo (lo cual tiene lógica), pero bueno, justamente lo más probable es que haya sido un tipo y no una chica.Y ahora para demostrar que viajo añadí la que estoy parado en un fucking glaciar, que para mí es una de las mejores, lástima que si la quiero cropear (recortar) más se va a perder un poco de calidad y no se va a ver que estoy en un glaciar, pero si pongo la foto entera por más que se ve excelente todo el hielo, mi cara no se ve correctamente.
>te daria like si pusieras la ultima foto como la primera. Creo que entre todas las que subiste es la que mejor calidad tiene y la que se ve mas decente
Medio que me molesta ese dato, porque si bien es verdad que como foto, es la mejor de todas (porque literalmente me la sacó un fotografo profesional, con una cámara con un lente de 3000 dólares), no se si es en la que yo me veo mejor o más atractivo. Según mi propia opinion (y siempre uno es su peor crítico), la mejor es la del glaciar. Pero bueno, justamente para eso hago estos post, para tener la opinion correcta y objetiva de terceros (y mejor aún, del target al que quiero apuntar)
Y de hecho me da bronca porque no entiendo cómo no es que la del perro no gusta, si es la que según la página photofeeler es la que más votos tiene en atractividad (8.8)
Loving your photos, I would actually throw them into https://www.photofeeler.com/my-tests and getting a social vote on which ones are your best.
Photo of: you in cafe, you on boat, you snowboarding are fantastic, those are keepers.
Profile itself is kinda meh, instead of listing things write a short story/sentence or pull an anecdote from your life experience. Better to list less and have something interesting to say about it than list a bunch and come across as shallow.
"I've love to enjoy a read wine and discuss how to fix climate change or talk about places to visit before time takes them away"
Look at your profile as opportunities to create engagement and you'll ideally get more people interacting with you.
It always is, everywhere, consciously or subconsciously. Mostly though, in my experience, it's about the way a person feels like in a photo. They can be well below average but if their eyes shine bright, are expressing some unique quirky personality in a pic, bio or adventures these things can stack up and outweigh the looks.
Try out https://www.photofeeler.com/ that's where people vote for your pics and how they're perceived. You might gain invaluable stranger feedback that you can apply on bottled.
Keep your messages short and playful is my suggestion also.
Welcome to the club, 36 here! Zero relationships I was just about to type your exact same words asking for advice. Try the league it has virtual dates which are fun and look like they will go somewhere only if more people use it. And use photofeeler for your pictures https://www.photofeeler.com
But keep trying and never give up.
https://www.photofeeler.com/ make an account at https://www.photofeeler.com and upload your photos and vote on other people’s photos and they vote on your photos, do that every day for a week or 2 and you will figure out which ones to use
Try uploading your pictures on https://www.photofeeler.com/my-tests, you'll know if it's good enough or not. As far as I can critique, your pictures lack eye contact and 1st 3 are almost the same in blue suit. Click some casual photos and no offense, cut your hair to look good. Shorten your bio too... Women usually don't read that big thing. On other hand, online dating is exhausting.
I'm sure many can empathize with your frustrations. Covid hasn't made things easier and when people do well in this part of their life they tend to flaunt it. Whereas all the hard work and rejection they went through to learn and improve is largely hidden from view.
Know you're not alone, and it's completely normal to struggle with this kind of thing. Also at your age.
As per specific advice here are my top tips for your situation:
1) Maintain a daily grattitude journal. It can take 1-2 minutes of your time per day. You can use an app for this. It will help you maintain a positive mindset in the presence of adversity. It's been scientifically proven to improve mental health outcomes.
2) Align yourself on the same journey as you. Where's your wingman? Who can you vent to? Who can help you with advice?
3) Dating apps can take months to years to figure out. Lack is success is not a reason to give up - it's a reason to change your approach. Don't worry about ELO scores. Tinder stopped using that ages ago. The key is pictures and a good bio. For pictures you want to test them on Photofeeler.com. There are many posts here on Reddit already discussing the bio that you may want to read through.
4) Continue being as social as you can and have been. But make sure you're also hitting on girls.
5) How are your grooming, and clothing style habbits? A lot of men drop the ball on basic issues like hygiene or dressing badly.
A lot of things. Hairstyle, clothing, posture...
The one that friends liked the most but was rated the worst, had me cuddling 3 cats who were fighting for space on my lap. "This is so you!" By my beard needed a trim, I needed a haircut, and my clothes were frumpy since we were on a farm all day. It was a very candid and unplanned photo.
For the best one, I trimmed my beard, had a haircut, put on some good clothes. I made sure the lighting was good. I set up my camera on a small tripod, with the self timer and multi-shot feature. Struck a pose - with good posture - as if I was having a conversation with friends. And click click click. Then I chose the best one from the lot, where my eyes were open and my smile looked natural. I also tweaked the contrast and colour saturation a little bit since cameras aren't designed for darker skin by default.
Equally good was another where I posed while working on a hobby. Same camera/phone on a tripod setup.
Take a look at Photo Feeler. Their blog has some really good tips.
How do you measure success? I met someone on there a couple of weeks ago, we had a good time together, went for a walk and a coffee, conversation was flowing on both sides but ultimately nothing came of it. This Sunday I have another date lined up too, again it will probably involve a walk not much more than that. If you measure success by actually meeting up for a date then yes I would say there is a measure of success on that score. If you measure success by actually getting into relationship using that site, from a personal perspective the jury is still out.
If you want an honest appraisal of your pictures try here...https://www.photofeeler.com/
Your camera quality and lighting could be improved quite a bit.
Read up about some basic photo techniques on photofeeler, they have some nice blogs about taking good pictures: https://www.photofeeler.com/
Depending on your age and location it might be harder, being in its twenties and living in a good-sized city is the best.
The most important thing is pictures, taking a good photo is hard, putting a good set of photos together is even harder. Don't hesitate to look online for inspiration, use this website: https://www.photofeeler.com/, to find which of your photos are the best. Also, they have some guides on how to take good photos of yourself. If you want some advice don't hesitate to send your profile to me, I'll gladly review it. Back in the days where I used tinder regularly, I managed to get 10 to 15 matches and 2 to 3 dates per week. I completely sucked during dates so ultimately gave up after 2 months, but if your problem, for now, is to get some match I can help a bit.
An important tip for tinder is to delete and re-create your account every week, so it's treated as fresh and your profile is shown to more people so you can get some match quickly and stay on the app.
You can browse r/tinder to find some inspiration for your profile and opening lines, I had a lot of success with the time traveler one: Hello I'm your husband from 2030 and we're having an argument over our first date, you're telling me it was at [option-1] but I'm pretty sure it was at [option-2]. That's fun and she's immediately engaged, I could lock a match in just 3 messages with that opening.
There are a lot of videos, blog post and even scientific studies which talk about online dating, don't hesitate to read and instruct yourself as you would do for any topic you're passionate about. It might take days, weeks, or even months, but ultimately time spent acquiring knowledge is never wasted and maybe you'll manage to get a few dates.
Don't hesitate to ask if you need more tips or answers, and good luck to you :-)
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Are photos common in europe in Australia you can not have a resume with a photo. I would recommend using this https://www.photofeeler.com/ - I think you could have a more professional photo with a white background and be looking into the camera and smiling.
Great effort overall, as a recruiter i do think you should link to your LinkedIn as well.
I think photofeeler is a better site to have your looks rated (since there's no way to interact with eachother's profiles it seems less bias) https://www.photofeeler.com/
As for style and aesthetic, it's probably worth looking into people with similar body-types and see outfits you like on them and try out similar things for yourself.
Use the free version of photofeeler. Take a lot of photos and then get feedback from a large group of anonymous people about what you can do better. They use comments to tell you to get better lighting, improve your posture, or tell you that your expression looks uncomfortable.
Ich geb dir jetzt mal den Pro-Rat für Fotos. Es gibt ne Website da kannst du deine Fotos nach Attraktivität bewerten lassen -> www.photofeeler.com
Hab da selber schon sehr gute Erfahrungen gemacht und meine Bilder teils echt falsch eingeschätzt. Ist gratis, man muss halt "aufladen" indem man andere Bilder bewertet, aber sonst würde es ja nicht funktionieren.
Ootko kokeillut seuraavia?
Maksulliset ominaisuudet. Esim. boost on tosi hyvä, koska naisilla on rajallinen määrä aikaa, mikä tarkoittaa että heillä on myös rajallinen todennäköisyys että juuri sinun naamasi tulee heidän eteensä. Boost auttaa tuohon. Itse olen käyttänyt myös superlikeä jos nainen on sopinut todella hyvin itselleni. Ei sen takia että olisin jotenkin superlätkässä häneen, vaan koska periaatteessa superlike on sama kuin kohdennettu mainonta, ja mainontaahan sinä lopulta Tinderissä teet.
Ammattilaiskuvaajaa ja/tai omien kuvien arvioittamista esim. täällä
Oman profiilitekstin hiomista jonkun toisen kanssa. Mielellään jonkun kanssa jolla ei ole sinuun henkilökohtaisia siteitä jotta hän olisi mahdollisimman puolueeton.
I met my girlfriend on Tinder! It's a good option for your age range.
Parisuhdemarkkinoilla on hyvä jos pystyt 1) toimimaan tehokkaasti, 2) esiintymään eduksesi ja 3) omaat realistiset vaatimukset.
Ykköskohta tarkoittaa, että älä ainakaan kuuntele ohjeita että aloittaisit jonkun harrastuksen. Se on äärimmäisen tehoton tapa tutustua uusiin ihmisiin. Se vaatii paljon alkusäätöä ja muuta vaivaa ja lopulta tapaat ehkä kourallisen ihmisiä. Sen sijaan mene sinne Tinderiin ja tarvittaessa maksa vaikka niistä erikoisominaisuuksista. Ne on oikeasti hyviä.
Kakkoskohtaan auttaa kun pidät itsesi hyvässä kunnossa ja pyydät jotain ulkopuolista arvioimaan/auttamaan Tinder- tms. profiilissa ja kuvien otossa. Kaverit tosin saattavat olla puolueellisia, joten voit etsiä vaikka netistä vinkkejä profiilin tekoon ja testauttaa kuvasi täällä.
Surullisin on kolmoskohta. Parisuhdemarkkinat toimivat lopulta aika samalla tavalla kuin monet muut markkinat. Jos haluat jotain todella hyvää eikä sinulla ole mitä tarjota, niin "kauppoja" ei synny. Tähän auttaa riman laskeminen.
Idk about forums, but you can submit the pics on https://www.photofeeler.com/, people rate the pic based on your goal (social, business or dating) and you can choose the demographics (women up to 35, for example).
Unfortunately, you can get only up to 10 votes per pic for free, and you need to vote on other people photos as well
You ideally need:
Good lighting (nr 1). Big, directional light from the side is great. Like from a window. Harsh sunlight is no no
Dress well, fix your hair
Use a timer and put your camera somewhere. Don't take selfies from your hand
A small laugh is better than a straight smile or a neutral expression.
Eye contact with the camera
Make sure the background is very clean and tidy. Less is more.
Color grade your photo with some software
Different clothes and background in each picture
Ideally At least some shots should be outside. Like in a park or something
Take many pictures. At least 50 in each pose / location
Get your pictures rated on https://www.photofeeler.com/ use this to make your final selection
Optional: More expensive camera and tripod. Lens between 30 and 85 mm. Ideally f/2 or less to blurr the background. Use wifi to connect to your phone to see what the camera sees focus, and trigger the shutter.
More resources:
Hot or not was so much fun. A similar and more useful site nowadays is https://www.photofeeler.com/
You can either pay to get your photos rated, or rate other peoples photos. Its crazy how a good photo makes you look 100x better.
Use Photofeeler to get some input for your images. They have a blog where you can read about what images typically get high marks, and some tips with examples.
For example, you have to show yourself being active in some way, dude. Travelling, practicing your hobby or something. And smile when you do it.
And, may I suggest r/malefashionadvice? You're not showing a lot of style in your images. The baseball hat and the windbreaker you have in the car are not doing you any favors.
You are actually attractive and you could probably go somewhere with tinder if you put the slightest bit of effort into your profile.
All of your pictures are in the same location. At the most, keep 2 of them. You need to get the rest of your photos wearing different clothes in interesting outdoor backgrounds. Get that golden hour light. Check with photofeeler to compare your photos and see if you took a good photo.
I'm sure you're right.
Ben is listed as CTO of photofeeler. We're not so much helping people as we are helping Ben's company get paid to help people.
According to this site www.photofeeler.com, my best picture is only about 5.5/10. I have a long hair and a beard, maybe that's hotter among poly women than the average voters?
There's something kind of similar, you rate how attractive/ friendly/ authentic and shit like that someone looks. Not an app though, so that's something.
My suggestions:
Byt bild. Du överskattar dina bilder och du underskattar hur mycket andra fixat och valt och vrakat. Jag föreslår att du testar dina bilder på https://www.photofeeler.com. Du kommer blir förvånad över vilka bilder som gillas och vilka som är skit för ändamålet. Men vänta, hur blir det när man ses sen? Du ser bättre ut i verkligheten och där spelar hur du talar och för dig större roll.
My advice for pictures is to use https://www.photofeeler.com to have women rate your pictures. I spend $150 to get good photos and it’s well worth it.
Secondly make your profile original and specific or you will not attract the type of girl you like. If your listed hobbies are generic like traveling, hiking, and your pets you will not stand out.
I got a remote phone shutter for my dSLR.
However while it was useful for framing the picture, I ended up setting it to take a picture every second and trying lots of different poses, then choosing the best - could do with a phone camera (You can get really cheap bluetooth phone remotes too by the way).
Had a few people comment on 'professional photos' when asking for profile critique - pleased for a selfie, though may then be bad for that!
You could upload your pics to https://www.photofeeler.com/ and see what they say - it helped me.
Everyone thinks it's not their pictures. I have a friend that says the same thing, "My picture game is not the problem"....then I saw them and they weren't good. I mean, it's mainly about the lighting, the distance from the lens, and the pose not looking awkward or fake. Here's the best tip I can give you, post your pictures on this website (it's free) and see what feedback you get: https://www.photofeeler.com/
I have pics that I know are good that get good results, and I have a couple I thought were pretty good but didn't get good results, so there you have it.
I forgot to mention photofeeler.com. Upload your profile photos and have strangers rate your pictures. Their blog has many good articles about how people view other people through their pictures.
Check for events in your city. I don't know if they have farmer's markets in AZ but I'm sure there are other events where you can meet people. This will test your communication and small talk skills.
Another options is lower the bar on the dating apps until you get a match and meet someone IRL. Use it as a means to meet people, test your dating skills and boost your confidence. It sounds like your confidence is good but waning due to lack of improvement. Good luck!
I've found PhotoFeeler quite helpful with picking out better photos for online dating. I took a handful of my own photos (because 90% of those taken by others had me with a drink in my hand) and allowed them to get rated just to get some unbiased opinions on them. It's surprising how even simply cropping a photo a bit can make a difference.
I found this tool excellent to get an overall good feedback on what pictures to choose from: https://www.photofeeler.com
Imo your smile looks too forced and uncomfortable in your pic, I think you're trying to portrait yourself as a very fun guy who doesn't care but it's probably not helping you. A more moderate smile with only you in the picture might work better, specially for your initial profile pic
I dont really like any of these photos for your main photo, it should just be your head and a blurry background (DLSR) but nothing else (not even your dog, save the dog pic for like your 4-5). A lot of people will only ever look at your main photo and just swipe based on it, that needs to be the best part of your entire profile, so do whatever it takes to get a good looking headshot.
You probably shouldn't use 9 pictures, you don't look equally good in all these photos and you have too many different looks going on. Pick your best 5-6 and keep those. Very basic layout would be: headshot, body shot, group shot with you in the center, then animal or hobby shots.
Use https://www.photofeeler.com/ to figure out which photos are best or get more photos and try and get best results possible.
Use all the dating apps, not just tinder, as a man online dating is all about casting a wide net.
I dont like your beard, I am man though. I would highly recommend either shaving it off or going to a nice barber to help you get a good style for it. You probably look best to me in your second photo, but that isn't a good photo for your main photo.
I use photofeeler to rate all my tinder pictures.
The main idea is that you post your photo(s) there, and they get rated by people anonymously based on the topic. If you don't want to pay for it, you basically vote on other people's pictures to help them out and the karma will come back to you after maybe a day per picture.
The key part is anonymity; your friends will be too nice, reddit will be savage for the sake of, and tinder itself will ignore your potentially terrible photos. Find your best photos but be prepared to take new ones if they're not as good as you thought, they have some really good advice on the blog about taking good photos.
Good luck mate!
Upload a few photos to www.photofeeler.com to get some feedback on what picture and smile suits you. I've been surprised with photos of me I thought were good which, apparently, are not attractive to women.
Yah but who's saying the pics are good? Friends? I have my sister review pics before I post them. There have been some that I thought were great and she was like "nah".
You could try https://www.photofeeler.com/
I'm sorry for your loss.
There's no one sized fits all solution these days, I personally believe it's getting worse. Between the immense strain social media puts on pretty much everyone, to people simply living in their cell phone, not one thing will work. What I'm saying is to hit any target these days you need a shotgun, not a scalpel.
It also sounds like you're hurting, my friend, and it also doesn't sound like you have the support you need, I'd look into that if I were you.
For anonymous photo feedback check out https://www.photofeeler.com/, I run all of my photos through there, got to spend some time rating other photos for "karma" (ironic eh?) to get free feedback, or toss pennies at the machine for expediency. For bio feedback - here or r/okcupid (cringe a bit) will give feedback, as with all take with salt.
As for women in public... the ingrained mindset of "it'll be creepy if I say hello to someone I don't know" is wrong. You're not creepy if you're respectful and know when to exit, sadly social awareness isn't taught in school, it should be.
Good luck my man, it's rough out there, but I'm rooting for ya.
Wrong thread, but I'd stick your pictures in www.photofeeler.com - I'm a hetro 39M, so not your target audience, but I suspect your initial picture may be a bad choice.
(My first picture does feature an animal - but my own dog.)
For me, when I'm in London I note the average 'quality' of women is much higher on Bumble. But I believe the same is also true of men - I note women commenting on it being pretty common for men to be pictured with their new expensive top end cars and 6 packs on display, etc.
I have neither of those, alas (and a garage full of random competition motorbikes is only of interest to a much smaller demographic!)
I did similar - got a remote plugin for my dSLR, though ended up using it on the '1 picture a second' and trying lots of different poses for a couple of minutes.
You could try www.photofeeler.com to get people to rate your pictures and get an idea of which are considered good/not.
Separately, I recently chucked some varied pictures of some of the stuff I do/have done up on Instagram and linked to accounts. Got a good few matches after, but not sure if it's just that, a boost from that or with valentines day coming up, just them being more desperate :).
You could try using https://www.photofeeler.com to judge your photos.
I barely get any matches - I'm more selective than the average bloke and shaved head is an easy "deal breaker" for a lot of women online, where it may not be "in real life".
My friend, may I introduce you to https://www.photofeeler.com/
Post your photos there, and use the results to find what people like and don't like. If you get bad ratings, it's not because everyone hates you, it's because it's a weird picture. Try again, change the setting, lighting, expression, whatever and see if they like it. Keep trying till they do, then make the picture they like your main. Then bask in matches
That’s great you’re getting more matches. I find it interesting how people look in photos some people who I have been attracted in real life I might not have swiped right in them online it’s so hard to tell. I tried putting a couple of photos on photo feeler just to get feedback it was an interesting experiment; some people were kind of harsh. On the website though there are articles about the difference angle and lighting make in a photo. I’ve included the link if you’re interested. photo feeler “unbiased” feedback
Mdr non mais c'est que j'ai lu qqpart sur le sub que les "abs pic" c'est pour les mecs ne cherchant que des plans fesses.
En vrai met des photos ou tu te baiserais toi même en les voyant, si elles te plaisent, elles plairont, te prend pas la tête non plus.
Si vraiment ça t'importe de savoir quelle photo mettre ou pas, tu peux les faire tester sur photofeeler
Poste tes photos sur Photofeeler, c'est gratuit, tu fais un peu de karma en jugeant les photos des autres et tu pourras faire "analyser" les tiennes par la communauté. Franchement c'est pas mal pour se rendre compte de l'image qu'on dégage sur une photo.
Après, une petite bio, franchement c'est pas du luxe pour les mecs sans imagination comme moi, pour démarrer la conversation. Hésites pas non plus a briser la glace toi même pour gagner du temps.
There’s a website called ‘Photo Feeler’ that lets you have other people ‘vote’ on how Attractive, Trustworthy, and Smart you appear in each of your profile photos: https://www.photofeeler.com
It’s free if you vote on other people’s’ photos or you can pay to get a bunch of votes more quickly.