You're short, you have acne, you dress poorly, you're no fun to be around, you have no friends/squad, you're shy/introverted/won't approach, you look like a boy and have no authority, you have no sexual experience ... why do you think you should have a girlfriend again?
I know I'm being harsh, but the earlier you learn this the better: you must offer value. Otherwise why do you think anyone would be with you?
Work on the things you can, accept the things you can't.
Short - no solution.
Acne - eat better, sleep better, see a dermatologist.
Learn to dress better.
Finally, learn to socialize. This will have all kind of cascading effects. You will be more fun to be around, you will have a squad, you will have authority based on your friends' opinions of you. It definitely won't be easy, and sure, it goes against what you think is your fundamental nature, but right now, your fundamental nature is also to be girlfriendless. How badly do you want to change the situation?
Some tips for being more sociable: Be generous with your time and thoughts. Compliment people. Listen to them. Think about what they need and offer to help them. Again, you must offer value. Sometimes you won't get anything back. That's part of the pain of the learning process. Let that unrequited kindness go.
Here's a book that may help you with your introverted nature. In part, the author recommends faking it until you make it. Make it into a game, so you can step away, and you can reward yourself for small bit of progress:
Zhang Yingying graduated second in her college. Not trying to victim blame here especially in light of what happened, but it goes to show how book smart means nothing if you don't understand something as basic as you shouldn't get into a stranger's car. I understand that she was running late for something and had just missed a bus before but still.
I read somewhere that she was under the naive impression that Americans are nice and civil and it led to her to do something that she would have never done back home or probably anywhere else that isn't white. This speaks to a problem of a lot of Asian people. How we blindly trust whites and look at what happens as a result. This podcast gets into a little bit about that.
You'd think what happened in recent history like the Rape of Vietnam, the Korean War, the Rape of the Philippines, the Boxer Rebellion, etc. that there would be more Asian people who know better but nope. It's exceedingly the contrary.
>What do I need to do to get more game and have more success with women beyond the initial stage?
If you feel your lifestyle is good, good career, good body, good self-esteem, then use it as a way to flirt and become sexual. Make a move and kiss the girl for example. Lead up to it.
Does this seem pick up like? Maybe but that's because you seem like the typical guy afraid to risk anything. It's ok to do wrong moves and things that turn off girls because the next one is around the corner.
I would recommend Models by Mark Manson. It's a self improvement book while teaching men to find their sexual selves.
Humans do not “need” to stretch before exercise. As a matter of fact, the latest science suggests that we don’t.
Stretching before an intense activity has been shown decrease performance as well as weaken your hamstring strength. Stretching before weight lifting can potentially decrease what you are capable of lifting by up to 8.3% and can leave you feeling unbalanced.
Instead of stretching do a warm-up such as light jog or movements that lightly engage the muscles you are about to use. Do this for about 5-10 minutes.
Sources: Mayo Clinic, NYTimes Is this dude out of his fucking mind? He'd be labelled a troll here for sure. People are actually taking his question seriously.
Which is why you ignore AFs who squeal about AM “toxic masculinity”
I was thinking of putting this up as a separate post initially, but here it is:
The tone of the piece might be a little too upbeat for this sort of thing - after all, the man is dead - but what struck me about the article was this:
>As I came of age I began to see more clearly that race games are not always overt and not always hateful. In competitive environments — the workplace, a football field, and a university campus, for example — it is the nature of competitors to seek advantage. And one approach to gaining advantage is to sow seeds of doubt in others. Have them carry the yoke of inferiority. It is a subtle dark art and its practitioners are masterful.
To that extent, people can and will make use of the perceived disadvantages of your race against you, but only as far as you let them. It's pure power-play jiu jitsu (see: Robert Greene's Law 33: Discover Each Man's Thumbscrew), but once you realize that's the case there's no reason to not move away from it.
Still, I can see why he was so focused on height and race, since they are (1) not alterable through effort and (2) are empirically proven to be in high demand by women. Even then, he was looking at the wrong side of the equation - what he couldn't do vs what he could have done.
Edit: Formatting
This was posted in asianbros subreddit. Betrand Russell's "The Problem of China". 3 Chapters in, and it's really good.
Korea has embraced multiculturalism.
Why isn't this thread stickied?
A few that I really liked off the top of my dome:
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
A People's History of the United States
Guns, Germs, and Steel
> Well, I am one who doesn't believe in deluding myself. I'm not going to sit at your table and watch you eat, with nothing on my plate, and call myself a diner. Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate. Being here in America doesn't make you an American. Being born here in America doesn't make you an American. Why, if birth made you American, you wouldn't need any legislation; you wouldn't need any amendments to the Constitution; you wouldn't be faced with civil-rights filibustering in Washington, D.C., right now. They don't have to pass civil-rights legislation to make a Polack an American.
> No, I'm not an American. I'm one of the 22 million black people who are the victims of Americanism. One of the 22 million black people who are the victims of democracy, nothing but disguised hypocrisy. So, I'm not standing here speaking to you as an American, or a patriot, or a flag-saluter, or a flag-waver -- no, not I. I'm speaking as a victim of this American system. And I see America through the eyes of the victim. I don't see any American dream; I see an American nightmare.
Anyone have any good books to recommend? Anything related to finance/self-improvement/Asian identity. Recently I've read Rich Dad Poor Dad, Tools of Titans and an autobiography of Malcolm X.
Kinda looking for a book to read on the history of Asian Americans.
The <em>Mahabharata</em> is the longest poem in the world, and sets the context for the Bhagavad Gita, which is a foundational text for Vedanta, one of the primary branches of Hinduism. The Mahabharata has excellent lessons on philosophy, the meaning of life, righteousness and duty, and the giant gray area that is morality. In my opinion, it puts Western classics like the Odyssey to shame.
The <em>Arthashastra</em> is basically the South Asian version of The Wealth of Nations, albeit about 2000 years prior. Cool discourse on political economy, the philosophy of governance, and statecraft.
There has also been a lot of cool literature produced in the 20th century from Asia. Postcolonial studies is hugely influenced by South Asian philosophers and thinkers and movements; General Giap (who lead Vietnam to victory against both the French and the United States) has written interesting books on revolutionary warfare; and then of course you have all the Marxist/communist literature produced in China during the socialist era, if you're into that stuff (I actually haven't read any of that, lol).
Why do you want me to comment on this? Black women face the same out-marriage disparity that Asian men do. So some black women just think having any other option other than black men is positive. This is especially true for black women who had abusive fathers--the out-marriage disparity is fertile ground for abuse, since black men have more options in society than black women. There is a coffee table book that was popular in the 2000s called "Death Scenes":
It's a collection of murder photographs by an LAPD homicide detective (I want to say mid-twentieth century but not sure). You'd think there would be proportional race/gender here, but no. Literally like half of the victims are black women who were stabbed to death or disemboweled just for trying to have some kind of life.
The other side of BF is to cling as hard as possible to black identity as a means of survival. It doesn't matter that 70% of black households now are single parent households and that BF don't even expect their men to stick around. They work their asses of to get decent paying jobs as nurses or teachers or office administrators hoping that they can buy enough comfort to get a man be interested in them long enough to impregnate them and the child will give them some kind of meaning in life. If the father comes around once in a while and pays a bill, that's a good man.
Willpower Instinct is a great book. Other books I enjoyed include: The War of Art, The Little Book of Talent, and Engineering Happiness. In terms of habit keeping, I use [Habitica]( --a site where you gamify your life. I include daily rituals such as exercising and stretching to release endorphins, connecting with people to increase oxytocin, reflecting on my current situation and savoring that position to release serotonin, and planning and accomplishing every minute task to release dopamine
Obligatory martial arts reading:
EDIT: Here's some modern asian novelists that I quite enjoyed:
Ryu Murakami (Coin Locker Babies)
Haruki Murakami (Wind-Up Bird Chronicles, Norwegian Wood, Kafka by the Shore)
John Okada (No-no Boy)
> The reason these instances of inclusion happened in the first place has more to do with the decision-makers caving in to pressure, rather than having come to some sort of enlightenment.
This, so much this. Our history textbooks and common cultural narrative love to empathize how important a role rhe big elites played in liberating the poor, enslaved masses, as if they had done it out of sheer good will and not because they were essentially forced to by marginalized peoples who were willing to get beaten, bloodied, blackmailed, and brutalized (figuratively and literally) for having the audacity to stand up for their rights. The establishment loves nothing more than to sanitize the legacy of movements for social equality.
Remember the movies Selma and 12 Years a Slave? A whole bunch of cracker wingnuts went apeshit because they felt it diminished the role white people in granting black people their freedom (specifically with regard to President Johnson in the former instance). Remember when in the 2008 primary Hillary Clinton declared, to her African American opponent, then-Senator Barack Obama, that Dr. King’s dream of equality only “began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act"?
Because that's what they want you to believe: some Great White Savior came down from his heavenly palace and granted the enslaved masses their freedom out of the compassion of their hearts.
Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, and it is tremendously encouraging in times of equivocation and doubt to remember this: we came thus far by the sweat and blood of our own brows, and we shall continue to march on in the same manner, with or without their permission.
> There is a reason why certain races dominate track and field
I already know the road you're headed down.
you should read pages 49-52
I agree with Teen. We only are prime to think about Peter Liang. This is rings the bell about the remembering self and the experiencing self from Thinking, Fast and Slow It's like saying well, since we got an Asian American cop it's cool now. Hell no!! You didn't bring up the two cops that got executed in NYC. They're not even WHITE. They're POC. (nvm , you did . NICE)
WeChat definitely helped the organized protest a lot.
Credits to bananaboy
Confucianism and legalism are both outdated philosophies that hold Asians back by keeping them overly deferential to authority. It might have been fine back when Asian societies were homogeneous and isolated, but in this globalized world where they have to compete with western powers, realistically, machiavellianism is the approach that gives Asians the best chance to compete in an unfair society. The most read Asian classical literature among American businessmen and politicians is The Art of War by Sun Tzu, which contains a lot of insightful truths that may have inspired Machiavelli himself, who wrote a book with the same title with similar philosophy. The meekness and unquestioning loyalty to authority stressed in Confucianism and Legalism simply does not guard Asians from subliminal brainwashing and harmful manipulation that the agenda-driven American media operates on.
I'm proud of myself in that I always had a strong sense of Chinese identity starting from when I was young. My family upbringing must have had something to do with it, though my parents aren't even that hardcore pro-China. When I was in elementary school I would research the dynasties on my own at home. I also read animated versions of 36 Stratagems and The Art of War. The only wack thing is that my language skills are not up to par. Definitely going to be my near future goal to get that back up, as I hope to make China a part of my long-term plans.
So with that being said, obviously I've been cognizant of anglo media racist bullshit for a bit. And even though I am not a person who seeks attention or conflict, I'm trying to make it a point to speak up when others find it uncomfortable. Basically, I'm trying to live my life in a manner that the ancient Chinese could be proud of: humble and hardworking but doesn't take bullshit. Sadly, the latter part has become a lost art these days for many of our brothers and sisters.
Also, you can bet your ass that I will do my best to help Asians succeed in my field when I get that power.
This reaction is genetic. I read about half of Asians get it. It's not going to go away and anything you do to try to lessen it is only a bandaid solution. People with this reaction should not drink because alcohol is especially bad for your body. If you absolutely have to party with substances, try weed like someone else said or maybe hallucinogens.
Katya Latysh, a half Ukrainian (I think) and half Korean girl from Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Stumbled upon this girl awhile back in 2009 when I was surfing the Russian internet. She was fairly popular on their version of 4chan. No clue what happened to her, but I found a whole album of her on vk.
This posts reminds me of Tim Ferriss's recent podcast with Scott Adams... It's a very indirect connection to hypnosis. The white man has hypnotized Asian women to believe in a false dream, the American Dream. We must learn to hypnotize to take back cultural and social power. Judo is the Asian form of hypnosis... in fact, it all goes back to The Art of War. Don't fight them, lead people into your frame. In the podcast, Scott Adams discusses the genius of why Donald Trump is rising in polls. People are confused because they think that he's being a politician and they take what he says too seriously, but actually he is just using hypnotist strategies. None of the policies even matter; it's how you give people memorable feelings.
If some cracker mocks you for small penis, take his arm and pull it towards your crotch and tell him to check his facts. Whatever's his response, you can either call him out for being homophobic or pin/throw him using the arm you're holding.
"Asians are bad drivers." Yes, but only the the ones who don't need to drive due to superior public transportation... and white man can't jump.
"Asians eat dogs." Yes, an Asian man had the world record for eating the most hot dogs in 10 min. By the way, the original hamburger was invented in Ancient China.
"Drop a bomb on Japan" If you can pull that off yourself, I will applaud you. Have fun learning to pilot a plane. Oh wait, you're not qualified to join the military because you have xyz health conditions due to your shit genetics and terrible diet/work ethics.
I'm about to graduate and I've still never had a serious girlfriend nor do I plan to have one until I'm 30 or older unless some crazy miracle happens. Most girls are simply too one dimensional and boring. It's possible to not be a PUA, never have a serious GF, and just bang random girls with minimal effort. Just be a chill and interesting guy and escalate sexually if the girl looks like she's responsive. I think Models by Mark Manson is a good starting point. Also read Spin Selling and 4 Hour Workweek. Sell your vision of your ideal lifestyle to girls, and they will fall in love with you.
Firstly... fuck. You got dealt a shit hand. But not terminally shitty; you can still break the bank.
I'm going to throw a couple of books at you, since I'm curious if you've heard of them:
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie
Psycho-Cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz
The Book of Five Rings, Miyamoto Musashi
The Art of War, Sun Tzu (and for that matter, the Military Classics of Ancient China)
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey
The 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene (also The 33 Strategies of War, the Art of Seduction)
Note that Greene's work actually references Musashi and Sun Tzu, as well as Clausewitz, Bonaparte and others. If anything, he's a very engaging armchair historian and it should spark your desire to research his source material.
Does this count as electronic music? My apologies in advance if it doesn't or if you think the song just plain sucks. These guys are from Japan and that song was big around 1979-1980.
This one is killer.
Female here - I wouldn't reply back to that message. You went from cute guy to creepy sexual in one text. I would be so worried if I met you that you would continue with the sexual innuendos, try groping me and try to get me drunk and pressure me into sex. That might be okay for someone looking for a hook up, but no woman looking for a long term relationship would put up with that.
For photos, I really recommend checking out (Not you specifically, but I know a lot of posters ask for photo feedback and that site is great.)
Books I'm reading now:
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami (bonus points if you can read the Japanese version without needing the translation) - it's about post-WWII Japan, Western media consumption in Japan, and filling the void with serial love affairs. I've only just started, but I'm loving it so far.
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi- written by a neurosurgeon who had it all (prestigious medical degree, beautiful wife (AMWF!!), on track to becoming an accomplished neurosurgeon) and suddenly is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Musings on life during his final months of living it
I think books are a critical part of any self improvement journey. Currently reading Getting Things Done by David Allen and I would highly recommend it. Another good one is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
Anyone know any good self-help or philosophy books from Asian authors, or even Western authors interpreting Eastern culture? I have heard of Thich Nhat Hanh and Lao Tzu.
non-Asian: Watch House of Cards. Notice how Frank Underwood goes about his business - tonality, posture, and most importantly, INTENT.
Asian: - The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Can't go wrong with a toolbox of classic psychological techniques from a time when China was truly the "middle empire" of the world. - Den Xiaoping. Dude was 4'9, but reached the apexes of power and singlehandedly brought China's economy out of the ashes.
Legalism is actually quite Machiavellian itself. For example, the Legalist principle 術 explains how to use secret tactics to ensure that others do not gain control of the state, and how to obscure their motivations.
But The Art of War is probably more immediately applicable.
This is a great illustration of why "all [adjective] [nouns] are [statement]" thinking is very limited with respect to political maneuvers. "Black people", "Asian women", "White guys", etc. are not groups with a unified agenda outside of survival and reproduction.
It's really telling when someone claims to have read The Art of War and The Prince yet still subscribes to that kind of inflexible Saturday morning cartoon thinking.
Read Fyodor Dostoevsky book Brothers Karamazov. A phenomenal book, it's fiction but man it has lot of harsh lessons on life. Fantastic novel, I'm reading it again. It's a Russian book. Russia is not really western or eastern, it is it's own enigma. After all the country was a rival to America during the Cold War and most of Europe fears them as an enemy. Fyodor has a lot of red pill material in general.
The Great Gatsby is another novel that has a good lesson. Which is don't let vagina be the downfall of you as a man in your journey to self-actualization. What a pathetic attempt b Jay Gatsby to fall for Daisy, when he had all the money in the world to get another bitch who is hotter and tighter than her. It's boring a novel, but now at this age I realize why it's highly regarded. Very important lesson. In school they talk about how it's a good book that enraptures 1920 culture so well. That is feminist brainwashing, it's a mans book.
Robert Greene, in his book Mastery talked about a monk Hakuin in ancient Japan who went against the monks of his times because they were too rigid in their learning. Too stubborn because of the elders arrogance not to challenge the status quo. A problem with most Asians in which they don't stop adapting and like to keep it safe. Learning doesn't stop until you die. Mastery is a phenomenal book by Robert Greene. All his books are amazing.
Also others to check out:
The Art of War, Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern. The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar. Man I should make a thread.
Up votes for Charles Bukowski and Ernest Hemingway.
For convenience you can log your progress via apps, such as:
Good for seeing your gains on a graph over time.
This is just wrong. A pretty boy just means a dude with a good handsome face with a trendy style. Every Asian dude on TikTok with hundred thousands of followers could be considered pretty boy. For example this dude can be seen as one. Girls love that shit:
Also, check out my post. I rock a semi-korean aesthetic and I'd say about 70% of females in my workplace has a crush on me (in the US). Pretty much all of them are older than me too.
We probably should not put the responsibilty on whites, republicans, or democrats to "get" us. We must either write our own responses and tweet it to the writers at the huff post, or we should try to send our own representative to write a guest post.
Or both.
I think the repeal of AA is a fairly uncontroversial asian american issue. It is also concise enough that a short essay could be written to argue for its repeal. Are there any other specific policy solutions that need to be written about? It would be much more impressive, if we wrote an article that was cosigned by many people.
Do I need to do it? Of course such activities might partially remove our anonymity. But this is important enough.
As for Trump. Here is my theory. He's probably someone that's smarter than the average person. So his main strategy is to stir the water up. The shit show he's conjuring up and what he will actually do might be two separate things.
The problem with sigma, alpha, gamma, beta, epsilon whatever is that you're still assuming that society is strictly hierarchical. We aren't in a fucking hindu caste system. Every situation and every setting is different and there is only alpha vs. beta for individual situations. Either that you're the leader of the instance or you aren't. Even when you're just hanging out with friends, whoever is making a good point that others agree with at the instance is the alpha of the instance and that could easily change in the next instance.
The goal is to be seeking alpha: maximizing the alpha of your portfolio. So it all comes down to well rounded self improvement in areas that are the most bang for your buck.
The actions we recommend are overall similar, but I prefer to think of it as doing the minimum required to reach your goals and get the most bang for your buck rather than adhering to a specific caste.
Perhaps this Quora thread can offer you some perspective:
I prefer Quora to Reddit for the quality of questions and answers BTW.
Yeah, I agree. These dates that I am talking about are dates that I match with on Hinge, CMB, or dating websites like
I actually do a lot of the lunch, and then coffee or milk tea afterwards. It gives me some time to converse with them, and at the same time, eat out at a restaurant that I have wanted to check out (coz I am the kind of person who never likes to eat out at a restaurant by myself).
Yeah, I seldomly drink alcohol. I try to stay away from alcohol, because I have to drive back home. So does the date. hehe. 😁
What do you guys think about establishing some kind of group via Matrix( The most popular and "official" client is Element, which is available on pretty much all platforms on the web, desktop, and mobile. I'm not trying to split this sub up or create a secret club or anything though, but it's kind of hard to ignore the moves made by Big Tech and company in the last two years (and further back too). You just don't know how long Reddit is going to allow this sub to remain on here, seeing that they can decide to shut you down by pointing to one or two bad posts as soon as this sub gets some publicity because some supposed member of it went and did something bad (imagine Elliot Rodger 2.0). It's just way too easy to astroturf on Reddit. And the internet (read: social media platforms and the like) have been getting way too spooky imo. The idea of having your life shaped by content served to you via algorithms designed for the purpose of engagement is absolutely bonkers. I recommend to anyone to stay away from Youtube or sites like that where there is a homepage or feed of content. It's okay to use Youtube, but make sure you're just there to watch exactly the things you want to watch. Best thing is to make bookmarks of your favorite channel pages and check them occasionally when you feel like it.
I'll leave it here for the other members to check out too if they want. Should be required reading if you're in your teens or 20's. First one should be best of craigslist "Myths and Truths (from the horse's mouth)":
Tells you about the psychology of women and how to approach it in the dating gaming at different points in your life.
Second one I just found here on this subreddit:
Take your time in reading these. There's gold in there!
@sashafroy on Instagram, A Russian girl:
Abigaile Johnson, Czech pornstar who does a lot of JAVs (SFW if pictures of fully clothed women in pigtails showing off, at most, legs is ok):
Prescriptive schemas :P We're just not encouraged to go into sports by either our parents or mainstream society. In fact, Asians who play sports are actually bullied MORE.
>The stereotype of Black/African American and Latino American youth have “natural” physical and athletic abilities not only places an undue pressure to participate in school sports as a primary means toward success but also limits academic opportunities (González, Jackson, & Regoli, 2006; Kao, 2000; Miller et al., 2005; Phelan & Rudman, 2010; Tyson, 2002). In contrast, the “model minority” stereotype is the notion that Asian Americans achieve universal and unparalleled academic success as well as have limited physical and athletic abilities
>Research demonstrates that when Black/African American, Latino American, and Asian American youth do not conform to these stereotypes they may face resistance, verbal harassment, derogatory treatment, and social isolation from their student peers of all racial and ethnic backgrounds; in other words, there are intra- and inter-racial and ethnic tensions between racial and ethnic minorities who do not adhere to stereotypes and their peers
>Results suggest that Latino American and Asian American interscholastic student athletes are more likely to be bullied; however, participation in interscholastic sports is an insulating factor for White American and Black/African American students (i.e., Black and White student athletes are bullied less).
Again, always and forever, it is NOT US, IT IS THEM
Bulgarian Bag-Model Original, Black Vinyl, Made by Suples, Including The Instructional Video from The Inventor Coach Ivan Ivanov (Wrestling, Fitness, Crossfit)
Government and big business are always tied together. What is a "public-private partnership" in the US is just an SOE in China. Julian Assange wrote a whole book about when he met with Eric Schmidt of Google. He realized he wasn't meeting with Google, he was meeting with the CIA:
You are agreeing with me, you just don't realize it yet.
The USSR never liberalized their economy until Yeltsin came along, and then they did it too fast and the US State Department pushed "shock therapy", the economy collapsed, and Russia lost its sphere of influence. That's the whole reason they have Putin and why the West has been trying to get rid of him. He stopped the bleeding. Now they're fighting over Ukraine as Nato (globalist umbrella group) gobbles up all those former Soviet states.
Ebanel Retinol Serum works for me. I recommend vaseline and coco butter if your skin is on the drier side. An entire moisturizer industry is built on petrolatum.
>Are you short (<5'9")?
>Are you skinnyfat or just fat?
>Are you shy/introverted(can only feel comfortable with other Asians)?
>Do you have "soft" facial features(ie weak jawline)?
>In a dead-end career?
The solutions to these problems, in the most simplified form, are:
wear lifts (pulled this up from my Amazon account, I practice what I preach)
up protein intake, drastically reduce carb intake (especially sugar)
keep putting yourself in social situations. don't judge yourself if you get panic attacks, extreme nervousness, etc. it doesn't matter. a little birdie told you it will get better with time
lift heavy
(not really qualified to give career advice, sorry. sure there are people on this very sub that can help with that though)
u/DANNYBOYLOVER u/seoul_47 u/fioney u/psychacct u/BTS-Jimin
I'm anti-sexism, and pro-feminist. But current modernity is anything but pro-female. It makes the female heavily neurotic through 'education' and corporate slave labor. If you irrationally 'hate' something, it means you probably are on the same level as the thing you hate.
Also, Men should not let women be the center of their lives. This is not sexist. We should be building grand projects, developing ideas in fields of knowledge, conquering space, not fapping to mindless porn or thinking constantly about how to please womyn.
However, if you do find someone who you truly lust after with all of your soul, and her the same to you, then that would be a great relationship. Anything other, would be, like I said, either recreational or not-important.
I never seen any videos regarding East Asians as ASIAN is considered OTHER. I read this book below pretty interesting, it's not East Asian specific but the author is a Chinese guy. I knew a couple guys who did time in INS with some FOB Chinese dudes but I am unsure how or if any relations worked.
Everybody here should read or listen to Models by Mark Manson. It's one of the few genuine non-manipulative resource on attracting women I've found d. He even addresses the issue of race and how it would affect your dating success in the book.
If you guys aren't doing this already, I highly recommend keeping a journal. Having read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, and seeing this article, I'm convinced this practice of self-reflection will help one improve their personal philosophy and ability to self-direct.
Read Models by Mark Manson
You are already approaching the night out like you need to get something out of it, and this mindset will torpedo your success. How to approach, this or that situation, openers and lines, what should I do... these are all the wrong questions.
Go out with just the intention to have fun, enjoy life, and maybe make a friend or two.
Well you got the classics: The Art of War, Dao De Jing, The Book of Five Rings, Hagakure and a bunch more that are slipping my mind at the moment.
Other books that come to mind are The Lean Startup by Eric Weiss, a methodology for quick and iterative improvement of a product inspired by the Toyota Production System and more loosely around the Japanese idea of "kaizen".
The Life Changing Magic of Tyding Up by Marie Kondo, a Japanese "cleaning consultant", looks interesting as well.
Hey man I've been there before so don't worry; believe in what you are doing to improve yourself and the results will come. Read the book Models by Mark Manson I can't recommend it enough. You're absolutely right that it is tougher for an Asian guy to go for a White girl vs an Asian girl but it can be done. It's hard to accept that fact and I haven't completely yet but do your best to become "outcome independent". Instead of thinking in terms of "open to close" percentages or ratios, just think in terms of "open" numbers. Every time you go up to a girl, that's your victory.
Thanks I appreciate that. There's a lot of Asian guys that are very successful romantically and professionally and a common theme between them is that they don't dwell on things they can't change and that they have a single-minded determination to change the things that they can. has a ton of resources to get started on fitness; for self-improvement and confidence I'd suggest reading Models by Mark Manson; and for fashion/style the best place is /r/MaleFashionAdvice (read the sidebar).
You have the right attitude which is 90% of success. Let me know if you have any other questions on how to get started but I'm sure the next few years for you will be immensely rewarding if you keep at it. Read some of my post history if you want know a little bit of my path so far.
I think you'll find Cal Newport's book So Good They Can't Ignore You helpful. (he's the same guy behind StudyHacks)
It talks about people going for their passions but lacking substance to be successful, and so fail or can't advance further than where they're at.
The takeaway I got from it was that you don't find passion, you get good at something and as you keep improving, you become passionate about it.
Arthashastra - ancient Hindu text on kingship and brutal political realism. Machiavellianism before Machiavelli was even born.
Go Rin No Sho - The Book of Five Rings. Read the translation that has to do with swordsmanship, it's better than that hippie dippy new age crap it first got translated into.
The Art of War - Obvious.
Tao Te Ching - Confusing and weird, but some great insights if read with an open mind.
This is what I use. It's from the Philippines and I get it for way cheaper when I'm there. But it is the BEST thing I've ever used. It's also really hard to wash off so be warned lol
This is what I use : Toner device, V shape Mask
For skin care, you can check r/SkincareAddiction, you'll need some research and experimentation to find what suit you the best.
That is, of course, the exact thesis of this book:
It's called the "mismatch theory," and has been confirmed by other studies, although the liberal establishment flatly denies it. You know it's true though because the liberals who run those universities could easily disprove the theory by simply releasing admissions/graduation rate/ending degree/4 year GPA data in aggregate (without violating students' privacy). They don't because they know the data would just confirm the theory.
>A 2008 study by Jesse Rothstein and Albert H. Yoon confirmed Sander's mismatch findings, but also found that eliminating affirmative action would "lead to a 63 percent decline in black matriculants at all law schools and a 90 percent decline at elite law schools".[139]
Yeah that’s why I usually avoid large gatherings and suspicious place and usually try to be aware of my social surroundings even when I don’t look like a typical target. For example I seen many Asian Americans and Asians in New York who stand too close to the subway platform even after what happened to Michelle Go and I shake my head and tell them to stay near the wall. After Michelle Go incident, I tell all my family and friends to be super aware of social surroundings and bought them sun glasses where one lens is mirrored view and one lens is not. Something like this
Mr. Chill please give me your opinion on this matter:
I just bought this derma roller after watching several youtube clips recommending this product along with the Vitamin C serum with Hydrolonic acid
I have a pair of jeans that look and fit almost exactly like the first pic.
Here is the link.
For me, the sides of my hair is where i have most trouble. What i figured it there are two stages where it looks “good.”
The short fade or the longer stage were it can be slicked back slightly was pomade. It looks like you’re in the middle stage so it’s gets puffy. This is just a personal preference but i like my sides short with a fade. Not a skin fade. And then i keep my top hair longer so I could style it similar to the jujutsu Kaisen references.
Another other thing i do is literally google Asian men hairstyles and find something i like. I know it could be anxiety inducing if you go in and try a style that doesn’t you don’t like or didn’t turn out the way you wanted. But one thing I’ve come to really learn and accept is that hair literally grows back! So I accept it for what it is and then try again in a few months.
Keeping all that in mind, i think you’ve got a great head of hair to work with. I used to wear my hair down like you have there but in my late twenties, i started wearing it “up” and styled like that jujutsu Kaisen reference and i never went back. I think that look could be cool for you too.
But in short, google some references that is Asian men specific. Bring it to a stylist. Don’t be afraid to tell them your nervous or what not. They should know hair is important and if they are a professional, they’ll help you through it.
As far as products, i love this hair wax/pomade thing. I use a pea size (maybe 2) after i blow dry my hair. My stylist used this on my hair once like 7 years ago and I’ve been using it ever since. It’s a nice hold without making my hair greasy looking or crusty.
Nature Funky Beats Hair Styling Matt Wax
I recommend this Satoomi Natural Tongkat Ali Root Extract 200:1 - 9 Essential Herbs Equivalent to 3450mg - Support Strength, Energy and Healthy Immune - 1 Pack 90 Vegan Caps 3 Month Supply
It has tongkat ali and tribulus in it. Tongkat Ali has been proven to increase testosterone many times. something like tribulus terrestris helps. beware, i got the 1500mg. The picture shows 15,000mg.
as far as asian emasculation, I grew up in Taiwan until I was 10. I never thought I was inferior. Instead I felt superior. The school is just too easy compared to Asia.
For privacy and security reasons, I'll pm you my age. Currently, I've been meeting women through dating sites, social events, house parties, and just walking around in public. You gotta take the initiative. Get yourself out there. Find something you're passionate about and see if there is a *insert your passion* social event near you. Facebook groups and are great for finding said events.
You should be fine looks wise.
Just learn to have general social skills with people first. This book helped me. The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism
Once you get good conversations going with people then you can use other resources to start learning how to flirt with women and build attraction.
Please learn to Google, thanks. I've invested hundreds of hours in educating and hand-holding y'all, at some point, you have to learn how to find shit on your own.
The rest is up to you :)
"In some places like St. Louis, the first generation of white flight is now giving way to the second generation of white flight, where the original white flighters in the county running across the Missouri River and leaving decimated cities like Ferguson in their wake."
i wouldn't be so quick to automatically blame whitey for this. Who the hell wants to live in a crime infested area with unsafe schools? "About St. Louis crime rates. With a crime rate of 82 per one thousand residents, St. Louis has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities ..."
Dude, you look like you could be brothers with this Chinese Indonesian badminton player from my home country. Anyway, I could see this guy's hair style working out for you.
family mart podcast
chris punsalan is a youtube music producer
Saw your comment on another thread regarding online courses to learn for languages. You can take a look at Rosetta Stone, they currently have a 3 month free trial due to the Corona crisis.
After the free trial is over you can find another course if you don't like it but this will work in the meanwhile.
I'm good with Cantonese but I'm utilizing it to learn Mandarin.
For data visualizations, learning d3.js is a must ( Any tutorial that you can find on google for d3.js will do good.
It's a high learning curve that also requires a good understanding of full stack software development (HTML, CSS, Javascript), but once you do get to learn it you'll be pretty set (It took me about a year of working on various visualizations d3.js to be an expert on it). I have gotten so many comments of how impressive it was that I know d3.js (because most people use out of the box tools).
If you're goal is to become a data scientist, being comfortable with an array of programming languages and libraries is a requirement anyway.
In terms of learning hard skills, there are no strategies other than taking a lot of time to learn something and getting your hands dirty. It's after you've mastered a hard skill where you can use them as tools to an overall strategy.
>Also, make sure you're looking at data for singles.
I didn't have details for singles but I don't think it will be all that different (unless you think there are way more Female-Female households than Male-Male households so that the overall M/F ratio is distorted). Male-Female non-single couple, obviously, won't skew the numbers since they take out 1 male and 1 female.
Regarding the San Jose article, I think it's only for online dating from It doesn't reflect the off-line population.
I've found PhotoFeeler quite helpful with picking out better photos for online dating. I took a handful of my own photos (because 90% of those taken by others had me with a drink in my hand) and allowed them to get rated just to get some unbiased opinions on them. It's surprising how even simply cropping a photo a bit can make a difference.
Rick Lee is guess was pretty popular I guess, he covered his face in many of the scenes if I can remember. I think he had a normal job and did this on the side. He was in the documentary below
Read Wesley Yang's article on the Virgin Tech shooter. One of the reasons people like reading/watching about serial killers is that they represent an extreme version of themselves. One of the things Yang points out is that the response to the VT shooting took on a different character because Cho was Asian. It's probably the best article Yang has ever written (used to be available for free but I guess they've monetized it):
at this point i'm like 80% convinced michael pettis is a chinese boomer in a skinsuit, the man has been channeling gordon chang doomer vibes for the past at least 15 years and yet manages to shoehorn in 'THIS CAN ALL BE FIXED IF YOU JUST LOWER PROPERTY PRICES' to every piece he writes. which is not necessarily wrong, but it's such a fucking boomer thing to say, you'd think the man would die if he was forced to buy a house outside the 3rd ring or something. anyway, i would suggest you read lenin instead, but you seem like the pathologically averse type so michael hudson is a good alternative.
i don't think anything here actually directly contradicts what i said, so pass.
one point i'd like to elaborate on: america is beginning to engage in protectionism because it got greedy and let its financial sector usurp its industrial sector. per your last paragraph, finance produces very little in the way of material value, but it is able to much more quickly generate returns on what it does have, and so what we are seeing now are the consequences of american capital's shortsighted decision to go for the low hanging fruit.
as for the other points, i'm not sure how they relate back to whether or not the america is a rentier state or not, or the relative states of the chinese/US economies, or even if either of those are the the points you're trying to address. it seems like you're railing against my portrayal of 'dollar hegemony' as a unmitigated asset of the US, but haven't provided much in the way of examples where the dollar has worked against the US. out of curiosity, how would the USG rationalize the maintenance of the current system, to the point of outright intervention as in the cases of libya and iraq, if the benefits to itself were quantitatively unknown?
Hey man no doubt. I grew up on some bands that technically were metal core before the term existed, bands as Overcast, Starkweather, Bloodlet. The only 2 bands after 2000 I gave a real listen to is Killswitch Engage and Sinai Beach. I am a little biased with Killswitch Engage since I know one of the members but that first one was really good for this genre.
For all the people on here that is into this type of music check the link below I will be purchasing this book and looks like an interesting read.
I carry a stinger with me. this will break bone with minimum force.,of%20its%20normal%20manual%20dexterity.
It hurts.
Below is a book which might worth reading. Definitely and interesting subject
you still have time to grow till you're 22, so ASAP i recommend you to get calcium pills, or grow tall pills off of Amazon, its worth a fking try and you have nothing to lose
wear height increasing insoles or elevator shoes, i got these in 2018 and have been wearing them fking forever and its done wonders for my confidence since i live in an area with a lot of tall people and no one even knows
grow a personality to make up for it, as long as you're funny and charismatic, you're going to drop panties, and yes youd have to do a little more dirty work compared to taller guys, but its worth it down the road.
Here's a good book. It tells you to go after women based on "honesty." It leads to slightly better results than faking confidence since it's genuine and helps you realize that if a girl rejects you it's probably because you're a bad fit. It helps you move on.
Keep in mind that I'm also really new to this, but in my short journey these books have been helpful:
For investing:
Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond
For trading:
Mostly though I learn through making a lot of mistakes on Bittrex lol
Pinging /u/johnidamary
I am not OP but I will try to answer you. I am a little similar to you. My dad was never strong male figure in my life and my mom was the main caretaker in my family especially during my teens. They are still married but do not have a great relationship. But I digress, I think the basic steps you should take is to see some therapy, if it is truly bothering you why not try that first? I had friends that I could relate to in terms of masculinity issues, which really helped me.
I also recommend some books. Models by Mark Manson (talks about not only women but also building a strong foundation for a masculine identity)
>Arthur Chu is a mainstream asian "male" example of a fucking simp. A chubby out of shape blowhard who has academic credentials and some media attention but can't help but suck at the white liberal teat for a pat on the head by the master.
And of course he had to throw us, as a gender, under the bus with his SJW article.
>For an asian man in the west this mental fortitude is doubly important because no one is going to help your ass, not even "fellow" asian americans.
An excellent point, and this Mr. Chu character is a classic example of the 'fellow' Asian Americans who won't help your ass. He's got his 'ass' so to speak since he's married so why the fuck should he care about the struggles of the rest of us in the dating game. Of note I bring up the dating game because that's a note of concern for Asian males in the Anglosphere.
As far as philosophy is concerned I think it's great that you've given the Minamoto Mushashi reference. It is a good read.
I would also like to add Sun Tzu's The Art of War to the list of philosophy books to read, particularly because the fact that Sun Tzu's kingdom of Wu wasn't the largest and most powerful kingdom in the days he was writing.
Anyone have experience with activated charcoal teeth whitening? Seems pretty effective based on ratings and affordable too.
im 36 and i still get acne. 2 things i realized were.... i have some sort of food allergy to beef. And to use a non super harsh benozly peroxide 2% gel such as this Not 10% but 2% that stays on all day. Keeps it semi under control.
i've actually done accutane twice, and even that didnt stick. Only thing that worked is not eating beef for the most part and that gel.
I've tried benozyl peroxide, salicylic acid, oral medication, etc. but what worked for me was a gentle face cleanser like Cetaphil and a toner like Thayers. Also make sure to wash your pillow cover often.
If your acne is genetically related like mine then exercising and diet won't really make your acne any better (but still have a healthy lifestyle). Over-washing your face will make your acne even worse because it dries out your skin which makes your body create more oil leading to more acne. I would only recommend Accutane as a last resort because of it's many side effects.
I like the haircut that you've attached. Also, I know how hard it is to style hair like yours so I am going to offer you a game changer. Use this American Fiber - Hair styling creme.
I use it every day and it works with very stiff hair that sticks up like yours. How do I know? Because I have the same kind of hair. I always hated my hair until i found styling creme. This is the best brand I've discovered so far
Also, as a tip, just in case you aren't sure of how to talk your barber about how to get that hairstyle, just ask for a #2 on the sides and back, straight cut up for the sides, and longer on the top and front.
Here's also a good reference for talking to your barber:
Anyone read this book? This seems popular and probably written by a goblin. Honestly this is pseudo philosophy. Might as well just pick up "On Bullshit" to actually be a more critical thinker. This book smells like goblin piss.
>this book seems to have been written by an angry little boy that hates practically everyone simply because they don't hate everyone too. in his opinion, no one else should have an opinion unless you agree with him. if you want insight on what it must be like inside the twisted brain of a trump supporting xenophobic moron, this book is for you. if you listen to sarah palin and think she's not retarded, you'll love this book, but you may have to have your mom read it to you. if you're the sort of person that runs for president because god called you on the phone and told you to run, you'll appreciate this work. this book belongs on the shelf at the 700 club, your local kkk branch, and comes highly recommended by those westboro freaks.
Amazon reviews. Seems like the goblins had really came out FULL FORCE. Everybody we must mobilized or the battle of helms deep will come.
Why are white men so obsessed with penis?
because they are pedophiles and child molesters.
They need to be sterilized for the sake of the world.
My proof is this
A good book to read about the Olmec Shang hypothesis is Gunnar Thompson's Nu Sun: Asian-American Voyages 500 BC
A good read that I've seen is Johnny Shaeffer's Swole: Greyskull Growth Principles. I plan on reviewing it at a later date.
The book is here Swole.
The best reference for this would be the following 2 books:
"The Evolution of Desire" by David Buss
"The Red Queen" by Matt Ridley
Both are excellent reads in the field of evolutionary psychology and biology. When David Buss was about to publish his book, some of his female students suggested him not to do it because it's going to cause quite some pain to the female readers. For man, among all the factors that defines his attractiveness, only HEIGHT cannot be conciously altered or worked upon. Everything else is purely based on his personal effort. While for women, almost all the things that makes her attractive are genetically defined, which makes the world all the more cruel to girls who are born plain.
White urban liberals are your enemies due to legacy status. Whenever there is a "diversity" initiative at a school or workplace, that just means it's just affirmative action for white legacy liberals. These affirmative action programs only decrease asian enrollment and employment, while increasing white legacy enrollment and employment. They don't do much to increase blacks and hispanics beyond 5%. This is legacy status
In every elite institution there are always more whites than asians, even if the asians had better grades and came from a poor background. Cries for "diversity" from the liberals is just affirmative action for the legacies. Their true intention is to not help the blacks and hispanics, their true intentions are to help the legacies. Always remember that the liberal and conservative legacies are your enemy. The legacies want to be able to stay in the upper-class even if their performance in life is inferior. Notice how there are always more white students compared to asians at every elite school. They most certainly did not have the best stats. They are the legacies your enemy.