is the song if you want to make it into your own ringtone.
zedge has it and other archer based ringtones.
There's only one other instance which would work is Batman/Superman animated movie: World's Finest where the quote is "Harley Quinn: [holding a gingerbread Batman cookie] Hello, Mr. J. I'm Batman! Eat me! Eat me!" but there doesn't seem to be a link to be found on that.
After looking around for some time, I managed to dig up something like what you are looking for. The only difference is this sound pack has Cabal and Eva doing voiceovers.
I also found the individual unit sounds for the Soviets. I hope this helps ya out!
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Sorry didnt see you wanted iPhone. Heres a link to a .ZIP with all the MP3 files from your link. Im sure iTunes has a right click make ringtone option. Or Google can tell you how.
m4r and m4a are the same thing, you just rename the file with the extension you want (a for audio, r for ringtone).
MP4 extensions are usually audio and video. if the file is audio only, renaming to from m4(r or a) to MP4 shouldn't be a big deal.
you can try convertio to change the file extension. I've used it before with no trouble.
MP4 and mp4 should be the same thing. my guess is it isn't really and mp4 file, if garage band doesn't recognize it.
Here you go: Gay Song
If you need instructions how to change mp3 to aac>m4r in itunes:
Enjoy! Come to find out there are a lot more on Valve's website, you can download the entire OST for Portal 2 and they also have bonus ringtones/notifications linked as well.
I'm on android, i don't know much about iPhone but from what I do know is you need access to a apple laptop to make it work as for the website I used it was: There were so many sketchy mp3 converters before I finally landed on this gem
I just use a program like Audacity to chop up sound files as needed. You'll probably want to install the MP3 plugin for it as well.
Once you've trimmed the audio or normalized it or whatever you need to do, go to File -> Export Audio to save what you have as an MP3.
You can try my app
Thousands of popular ringtones in categories.
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