Sounds like Sargon is fucked and will have to seek a settlement
Edit: This is the infringing video:
This is clearly copyright infringement. No commentary. Just plain stolen clip.
Obviously you haven't seen the original video and then Sargon's "transformative" video. h3h3's video was actually completely fair use and transformative. Sargon's is no where close to it.
Jim's statement from his patreon: "Looks like the Youtube channel got pulled down. I was issued two strikes the second of which was for spam (which makes no sense tbh) and the account was closed. This makes very little sense since Youtube operates on a 3 strikes and you are out policy so how you get shut down after 2 doesn't add up.
Not sure how this will play out but it looks like I won't be uploading this Wednesday as I originally thought. This may take a while to sort out if it can even be sorted out. I'll update later once I know more."
Edit: Found a fan-run Metokur archive on Bitchute that includes the latest videos that got presumably flagged for anyone that missed them:
Perfectly fine to buy, read and view online.
Will get you a decade in prison just for clicking this link.
Congrats, UK. You're being as awful as Germany.
You forgot to link the article.
TL;DR, man who never played any warcraft game fails to realise he isn't the target market for the film about the games.
The problem is The majority of the counties in those "blue states" are in fact red. The voices of the rest of the state are being drowned out by the democrat enclaves in large cities. A more accurate separation would look like this.
I for one would happily cut out the blue bit. I mean why would I want people to have to live under a system they did not agree to? Just draw a line around every major city and set them adrift to destroy themselves.
His ratemyprofessor page is amazing
One day he was discussing the allegory of the cave by Plato. It is basically an ancient version of the Matrix. Anyway, he pulled out a bike lock, beat some students, and shouted "Plato was a loser!". Then he tucked into the fetal position, rocked back and forth and mumbled something about his precious excrement.
Hello, I'd like to report a theft, my bike lock has been stolen after I parked it near campus in Berkeley. Has anyone found it by any chance ? I have a thick Kekistani accent so he asked me where I am from. I replied, "I am from Kekistan, Praise KEK PBUH". He started beating me with a big black bike lock while yelling, "That is f***en made up you POS. Thats not real like gender nonbinary nonconforming demisexual sapiosexualism!!!" All I could do was beg Pepe and the Lord KEK for justice!
Taking this class gave me flashback to Catholic school. Professor Canton would walk around the room wielding a bike lock and rap any students' knuckles who couldn't recite Marx's Communist Manifesto by heart.
Somebody can use the interwebs!!1!
And then stuff like this happens:
But they are allowed, they are journalists, real journalists.
Yes - if you thought the ban on portraying "offensive" sexual acts was bad, if you thought having to phone up your service provider to opt-in to access to pornography sites was ridiculous then GREAT news: Beginning next year you're gonna have to fork over your credit/bank card details just to access erotic websites.
The Bongistan meme is becoming more and more relevant every day. And the best part is, these restrictions are going to stop exactly 0% of people from accessing these things - even in China, which despite Maybot's best efforts still has worse internet freedoms than here in the UK - can't stop pretty much anyone from accessing what they want. Never mind the darknet, all you need is a VPN.
My 2 year NordVPN subscription I got on offer is turning out to be incredible value for money, and I don't think it's coincidence that they can suddenly afford to offer loads of new features.
I really find /feb 2016 usp board book.pdf
We sponsored the Haas Institute’s Othering and Belonging Conference, which provided a space for grantees to connect with state and local government officials and develop strategy. The conference featured organizers from the Movement for Black Lives and included speakers such as author Naomi Klein (“The Shock Doctrine”), New York Times columnist Charles Blow, National Domestic Workers Alliance Director Ai-jen Poo and University of Southern California sociology professor Manuel Pastor. The Institute shared its conference findings and provided training for funders this November with its report, “Implicit Bias and Philanthropic Effectiveness.”
This single paragraph leads down a bunny hole. All of the documents are like that.
They're being indoctrinated into postmodern and Marxist ideology, where communism is the inevitable consequence.
Democracy, Capitalism and Freedom, are in direct opposition to that ideology. That's why they want that all gone. From the ashes of civilization, they will build their utopia.
They don't think about it. The whole point of teaching an ideology is so they don't have to think. Teach the few rules behind it, the ideology plays itself out. You can't convince them with better arguments, as long as they're committed to just applying their ideological principles to everything. The very notion of rational arguments is oppressive, since it would refute their ideology (i.e. communism has been tried, it doesn't work, it has no reason to work.)
Maybe the solution is to separate civilians from citizens. Mandatory military service to everyone so they're forced out of their bubbles and have to work to earn a living in the real world, then they get citizenship.
I'd like to see him read Economics in One Lesson.
In fact, I would like a lot of people to read it. Just go crazy in the search terms.
And also keep in mind that she was kicked out of the Watergate investigation for being too corrupt and untrustworthy and that she is so dumb that she thinks she can find Trump on his terms and win.
Also, you are not a Hillary Shill dont't worry. The fact that you asked got the reasoning proves that. A real shill would ahve given """reasons""" she is better than Trump.
Ooh talk of this horrific climate of: legitimate dissent/ protest/ activism being supressed by nonsense... about time.
Now to discuss who might be encouraging this, and on whos behalf... How this may be the legitimate elite distracting these hopelessly confused proles into what amounts to anti-protest without having to hire them and insert them into any actual legit physical proests...
Rememeber Edward Snowden and all that stuff he told us about agencies distracting legitimate protest and discourse online on behalf of what amounts to big industrial interests?... Well yeah. There's the fucking elite, you silly confused SJWs... There's the elite and here's you doing their jobs for them for free.
> But there is an expectation that in a photojournalist piece that they at least accurately describe the context of the original photo
It wasn't Time's photo. The original image is from a Getty photographer who labelled it correctly and commented on several articles before the Time cover came out. It's the person at Time's art department who misinterpreted what the photographer said at the time and screwed up the captioning of the cover online.
> "“One of the last people to get on the bus was the mother of this child and her daughter together,” he told CNN’s Ana Cabrera. “And when they went to body-search (the mother) against the vehicle, they asked her to put down her child. And right then, in that moment, the little girl broke into tears.
> “At that moment, the young child broke into tears and she started wailing. I took a knee and had very few frames of that moment before it was over, and she picked up her daughter, and they were rushed into the van and all taken away.”
> Moore, who speaks Spanish, spoke with the girl’s mother briefly before border patrol agents took them away. [...] U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed on [19 June 2018] that the mother and child are together.
That's their opinion article on it. The "factual" one was just as bad.
Just look at the picture at the top. It sums up exactly how that papers views men.
Made it 52 seconds in and had to close it due to the constant pausing of the video and armchair psychiatry/profiling. Is this satire?
I listened to it through Playerfm The original
And the one with Kristi Winters
Here's the full story :
His final strike was for a video about a video game. A FUCKING VIDEO GAME!
This cannot stand. I don't have any power to help him, but I know others here do. And if you don't personally, you may know or be in contact with somebody who does. This is what real censorship looks like people. A man making political cartoons just got removed because 'muh hate speech'. A man making political cartoons just had his income taken away because 'muh shocking, dispespectful content'. And millions of people will no longer receive this political commentary.
Please do not let this stand.
Even if the alliance created Israel 'for its own benefit', it was mistaken. And that's not what happened. Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel.
You can renounce a religion, dipshit.
Yeah, I don't even know how it turned up in my youtube feed. The last time I used to visit Cracked it was because Seanbaby was talking about how hard Fujita's head was
I almost felt compelled to give out a trigger warning due to how fucking cringey that smarmy prick in the video is
The term originates in the 13th century and refers to the husband of an unfaithful wife.
The racial overtones are in no way a part of the word's actual definition.
A word from Republic of Kekistan's leader, the Kingdom of -Kekistan-.
> "... Shame we have to do this really, I've been on NS for 3 years now (with a different nation) and my enjoyment has got progressively worse the more woke I became. I created Kekistan because I believed it had to be represented on NS somehow! We've found out for ourselves that we will never have peace with the Leftist Mods and Admin..."
I agree, the negative impact to the project probably would be measured in very small numbers. However I think the negative impact of doing nothing would have been zero. But I'm not part of the project, so my opinion means nothing.
It's more surprising they responded that way to a complaint. Hell, a widely used FOSS program shares a name with bondage play. Something tells me that wasn't a coincidence, and I wonder how many complaints about it they've received/ignored over the years.
Thomas Sowell, John Locke, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, H.L. Mencken for more of the classical libertarian right.
William F. Buckley/national review for the more moderate right.
As far as modern commentators/sources, Reason might be OK.
I like PSA_sitch's video here, taken off of YouTube for mentioning Farrakhan:
Edit: Sorry for the mix of authors, news, and one content creator. I'm bad at following rules.
Some websites that might help in the pronunciation of names:
Beyond making videos and comments what are we actually going to do about this?
We are so paralyzed by political correctness we are allowing our sisters and daughters to be raped. Europe is being destroyed before our very eyes
I think "Economics in One Lesson" by Hazlitt is a good find also. If you want, the book is freely available. Economics in One Lesson - courtesy of Mises Institute
Here are some on classical liberalism and I am pretty sure Sargon read most if not all of them.
The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
Second Treatise of Government - John Locke
On Liberty - John Stuart Mill
Politics - Aristotle
The Social Contract - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes (while not really a liberal, he inspired many other liberal writers)
The Republic - Plato
Sargon, like all leftists, doesn't understand economics. You could see this really well on his recent appearence on the Tom Woods show. And I don't see that changing anytime soon, since he is reading Naked Economics, and not a better introductery text like Economics in One Lesson, which was endorsed by Hayek, who Sargon seems to be a fan of.
Of course, Sargon's oppostiton to immigration is not entirely economic, it is mostly cultural. And with Sargons support of public property, immigration becomes a trickier issue. And I certainly am much more sympathetic to a more closed boarder position given this. A private property society would not have this problem. And if there are cultural differences, people tend to segregate themselves naturally.
>The social security program isn't funded by shit.
goes against this:
>It's raided like a piggybank constantly, and then other money has to be used to pay it out.
It also isn't true, you're asserting a conspiracy theory with about as much validity as bush did 9/11.
And here's a more precise breakdown of how it's funded.
>It's a welfare program.
Nobody agrees with you on this. This seems to be your own personal belief.
>I posted that link because it has the actual numbers in the second chart.
The same numbers you twisted into being proof that the welfare state encompasses twice the amount of money that literally every source I can find cites? Is there a reason why when I literally google "Us welfare 50% of budget" or anything like that, I get fucking crickets?
>Also, I really like how you keep bringing up right wing talking points, even though the only source I've used thus far is motherfucking politifact.
Because when researching, the first thing I saw was a debunking of a right wing talking point that 1 trillion is spent on welfare. I know you're on the right, so I wanted to use the base right wing assertion. Also, when trying to find literally anyone to tell me what you're telling me, I found nothing. I know you're on the right, so I wanted to see some right wing blogging hack who'll tell me what you've told me. I can't find one—obviously I'm not going to find a left wing one.
This is just an archive of NYT front page with the headline on top left. And they act surprised when they are called out for being fake news.
Full cringeworthy article with lots more pearls of wisdom at
You act like these emails don't exist. They do exist and they've been leaked to the public to show how scandalous she is and to push her indictment. Since you are incapable of performing basic searches or looking at reality, I have also messaged you the link to the leaked archive of the hacked emails.
There is nothing "magic" about them nor have any connection to right-wing conspiracies. This is reality.
very great in size==15-20% If you believe in that sure it is statistically accurate.
Anyway you read too much in a few statistics you posted. Yes they might imply that, but he could also literally have a botnet with 50 actual retards that follow him.
"The vast amount of his supporters are living off their parents. Most of the familys' support these children and young are working class parents which raise them."
Hope you understand it now.
I've seen a handful of people making the claim that 'people' were stuffing "explosives" in bottles and throwing them (including Gavin McInnes), but with the exception of this random website Snopes have pulled, I haven't actually come across anyone making the claim specific to Mouldylocks.
This is, however, part of the problem. I've also seen people claim that she was 'choking' Damigo (because the photo was snapped when her hands were up and outstretched as he stood in to throw the punch) and that she was wearing "SAP gloves" (in which case, you'd wear fuckin' two, wouldn't y'think?)
So, unfortunately, because a handful of people insist on sprinkling in their own speculation, it takes away from the fact of what she was actually doing, and allows for articles like the one linked to be written.
Which is.. frustrating, to say the least.
Honestly, though, some of the unfounded claims being made against antifa could turn out to be grounded very much in reality the next time this shit goes down, if things carry on the way they are..
I didn't have much to say about it, really, just figured ppl would be interested. You could look at this.
See Computing Forever's video on the topic, it touches on both questions. (TL;DW: yes there is but it's mostly hopeless romantic thinking it will work, and it does affect Britain even if not directly)
> However, what I don’t realize is that out of all the other high profile people they could take down, why do it to Alex Jones and expose their trap card? It’s doesn’t make any sense, and there has to be more to this story, some people theorize that he was becoming a legitimate threat and influencing the elections.
> I’m still going to miss him, and especially his reaction videos and Memes.
And by the way, in some of the screenshots there are anti-SJWs under cover trying to blend in like Dominick and Kai for example. A lot of us have joined the group to spy lol. I'll be updating this with more info for you to view.
Edit: Kylie's Patreon Slavery reparations:
Yes, it's called a decentralized platform. Recently, Mastodon has emerged as a decentralized Twitter-like platform (based on a pre-existing protocol). Even if everyone hates your opinions, you can still get by and host your own instance, which can then still share the messages with other instances. There's a similar concept for videos called PeerTube. One of the most famous decentralized protocols that almost everyone on the planet uses daily is e-mail.
The regressive feminists seem to want whatever they can claw at. You usually see them going after free speech restrictions because for some reason they can't handle mean tweets even though they are supposed to be adults.
There is net privilege that benefits women legally, yes. Specifically if you look at custody cases, they overwhelmingly favor the mothers over the fathers. Also a woman can opt out of parenthood by having an abortion, but a man has no such recourse. There's the harsher sentences for males in prisons. Women don't have to sign up for the draft. There is a preference for teaching methods that work better for females vs males in schools. Circumcision for males is legal, but for females it is not, while it is proven traumatic for both sexes.
Also it is surprisingly hard to find information on the nuclear family, at least information that is free.
Yes, I'm aware of CRT, and agree with the critique of it in
But this is a more moderate, understated, and ultimately deadly critique of the postmodern/SJW phenomenon - as is Kim Badenoch's - but Guido Fawkes goes over the top, and I don't think this is as effective.
>But Porter’s casting also represents a much-needed, progressive update to the wand-wielding godmother and the fairy tale itself.
>Princess movies have become “controversial”—even, I dare say, taboo—for woke parents, the type delightfully dressing their little girls in Ruth Baby Ginsburg Halloween costumes and dutifully reading them <em>Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls</em>, in which Nefertiti and Beyoncé are the suitable heroines.
..fucking 𝔀 𝓱 𝓪 𝓽
Are you using the offical Reddit app ?
Because that'sbasically the worst one around try Joey for Reddit i use it since a few months and it is a great app.
Fully customizable and with almost any option from the Desktop version.
That's where it gets a bit confusing. There were really two British Empires, the first was in North America and we largely lost that with American Independence (although we did hold onto the Caribbean because of the Sugar). That grew up around the same time as the Spanish, maybe displaced by around 50 years. We subsequently used the profits from that to found the Second Empire, which was centred on India and later Africa.
Of course there's a fair bit of overlap between them, but historically it's quite beneficial to distinguish them. With some notable exceptions (the Tasmanians being one, although that was more of an 'on the ground' act than imperial policy) the second was relatively benign. If you're a SJW/Leftie type it's easy enough to pick holes in the imperial project, but there is two sides to the balance sheet and more than usual in the positive column.
It's old now, but if you'd like to read a well written narrative account of empire 'Pax Britannica' by Jan Morris is something of a page turner -
As to the Spanish. The Spanish use of slave labour for mining silver was easily as bad as the British use of slaves for growing sugar.
> Israel is a satrapy of the USA
As Mearsheimer and Walt ask in The Israel Lobby, is all this grovelling by US politicians to Israel an attempt to cover up the fact that Israel is subordinate to the US, or is the more parsimonious explanation that it is the other way round?
EDIT: I just noticed that you are referring to a video game. You're joking, right?
> If you apply different standards to different ethnic groups, guess what that makes you.
Yes, but I don't. If you read my comments above, you'll see that they are based on how long ago your ancestors lived in the country, not on your race.
I think the Jerusalem issue is a diversion. But the leftist demand "end the occupation" is not. It means Israel can withdraw to its 1967 borders, and everyone will see this as a great, and final, concession to the ethnically-cleansed Arabs. But that would effectively say "the war of 1967 was unjust, but the ethnic cleansing, rape and murder of 1948 was justified".
Incidentally, I always recommend this book about the foundation of Israel, State of Terror by Thomas Suarez.
No, I've not read it, but I know what it's about. It argues that in some circumstances it's adaptive for a man's genes to encourage him to be a rapist, and that's why it happens. Alice Dreger's Galileo's Middle Finger describes how the Arizona police believed the alternative view (rape is about power, not about sex), undermined their investigation of a case.
> arguably
You make it sound as if it was six of one and half a dozen of the other.
A recent book on the subject, State of Terror, shows that it wasn't, giving overwhelming evidence from (mostly) British documents from the time.
No, Livingstone was referring to the work of Lenni Brenner, 1983. That has been superseded by Thomas Suarez's book of this year, which, mostly using information recently released from the archives at Kew, shows that Nazi/Zionist collaboration was more extensive than Brenner alleged.
The best argument I've come across against the idea that members of different races have, on average, different IQs, is Stephen Jay Gould's The Mismeasure of Man, second edition, chapter six - a response to The Bell Curve. I find it convincing. However, I've found Gould convincing before, only to discover that he was wrong. Gould is notorious for persuasive arguments for dubious theories.
I've read it, and it's typical of a liberal woman squirming as her world view is trampled by reality. An even more extreme case is the Rotherham whistleblower, Jayne Senior:
> Of course there was a grooming problem involving Asian men and white girls – you’d have to be blind not to see that – but there was no way I was going to contribute to any political point-scoring on behalf of the BNP or the EDL
She also dismisses UKIP's accurate “1,400 reasons not to trust Labour” poster (page 353) as "point-scoring". Again, an example of a party spreading data which conforms to its viewpoint. All parties do that, but somehow, when the data conforms to the worldview of a right-wing party, that's "point-scoring" or "milking" it.
She went on to campaign for the party primarily responsible for the authorities' neglect of the Muslim child-rape gang problem, and for her getting her project for youth closed down, and the suppression of her findings: Labour.
PS. I despise the BNP. But if one of its members says something which is true, I have to admit it.
That libels Captain Bligh. His story is misunderstood - he wasn't a tyrant, but a liberal for his time - see Caroline Alexander's book on the Bounty.
I followed the EDL Facebook page for a month or two. I'd say you are exaggerating - I rarely saw explicit racism, although I often encountered thick, angry people. I can't vouch for the other two groups you mentioned.
But anyway, to put racism in perspective, read this, from the book about Rotherham, "Broken and Betrayed":
> “One evening he set out to find her, having been told by police that "it wasn't their problem". He quickly located her and banged on the door of a terraced house, demanding that whoever was in should open up and give him his daughter back. Unfortunately as he was shouting he used a racist comment towards the people inside. He shouldn't have said it, and it's unforgivable, but that's what happened. Neighbours heard the fracas and reported that someone was racially abusing people in their street. The police arrived pretty damed quickly, the door was opened and they went inside. By all accounts, Jessica was just getting out of bed with her abuser when the police came through the front door. She hid under the bed while the man was caught putting on his trousers. When they finally brought her out from under the bed she was intoxicated, semi-naked and clutching a police truncheon. She didn't come out quietly, apparently, which led to her being arrested and charged with disorderly behaviour, as was her father. And although the house was full of men, one of whom had just been in bed with a fourteen-year-old girl, not one of them was spoken to, arrested or charged with anything.
> Jessica subsequently told me that when she was driving around with her abuser in his flashy car, he'd often play the 'race card' if stopped by the police. "You're only pulling me because I've got a brown face," he'd say, and they'd back off.”
Backing up my argument, I refer to Pat Buchanan's The Unnecessary War for the case for, and Philip Roth's The Plot Against America for the case against, but with Freudian slips exposing its real agenda, this view of pre-war anti-fascism.
Freedland expresses Jewish fear of neutrality toward Nazi Germany. He says Lindbergh's America First movement wanted to
> make an accommodation with Hitler
meaning "don't attack a country which had not attacked the USA" (before December 1941). A better expression of this idea that Americans should fight for Jewish interests is Philip Roth's The Plot Against America.
There is a book called Pendulum that predicts everything that is going to happen in the future by look at the patterns of the past. In the book it is predicted the next step for us to hit is going to be a repeat of the 1930s and 40s if memory serves me right. So theres a little farther left that we have to go before the far right leads us to collapse.
It could be a cunning ploy to get Sargon's attention, that devious fox.
Although in seriousness, Sargs often will use an article as a counterpoint to something he has indentified in TWIS, so perhaps it makes more sense when looking through such a lens
>That's how Hitler started, he pulled in the youth to miseducate them, to brainwash them, it's happening today.
That's a very good point that is often overlooked. The narrative today appears to be that Hitler duped that great unwashed masses into following his cause, when there were plenty of 'intellectuals' running alongside Hitler ensuring that all levels of society followed suit. There were many 'revolutionary' ideas running rampant in Universities in the 20s, with their advocates expressing the same fanatical zeal for them as anyone in the USSR.
I'd recommend anyone, including Sargs, to sink their teeth into Michael Burleigh's The Third Reich: A New History which touches upon many aspects of Nazi Germany that have often been overlooked, including attempts to Nazify religion (that's right folks, Jesus isn't a Jew anymore, but instead a glorious Aryan)
The Guardian contrasts police treatment of Black Lives Matter protestors with the English Defence League, and concludes that the former are treated worse than the latter.
They obviously haven't read Tommy Robinson's biography, watched his interviews on Youtube, and checked out the videos of the police assisting "anti-fascists" violently attacking the EDL.
During the great Chinese famine, China did the opposite of this. They would send farmers to dig canals and trenches, or to go work in steel mills, resulting in a loss of food production.
This will not have a positive effect. Sending people that have no knowledge of farming to work farms will be minimally efficient. While also reducing the efficiency of the industries that these people already have a specific skill set for. Even if the government instructs people on how to work the farms, odds are the government will not give correct instructions. And once again I refer back to the Great Chinese famine, where the government created the inefficiencies.
This is what happened in China, "ohh you have this crop growing food, well this isn't the crop we wanted. Plow the field again and plant this instead." Then they act surprised when no food grows.
See this book, Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine, 1958-1962