Pick up one of these. When it’s full you just plug it in the wall and it drys out the beads. If you have a safe a dehumidifier and a golden rod are solid investments. https://www.amazon.com/Improved-Eva-dry-333-Renewable-Dehumidifier/dp/B000H0XFCS/ref=sr_1_7?crid=AYJE6GTBVNYJ&dchild=1&keywords=safe+dehumidifier&qid=1629335108&sprefix=Safe+de%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-7
Thanks everyone for playing along. Here's the major points:
Thanks again for playing :) Below is the link to browse data on surveymonkey. I only wish I had made the PM/month a radio dialog so that this data was more massagable.
If you use Android, there's the bullion test app that uses your phones microphone to check the frequency when you ring the coin.
Honestly, this will probably answer most of your questions... Bitcoin is a really weird phenomenon, but I think it's important that it caught on... It shows that anyone can create a "worthless" currency to be used for trade, just like the government does.
>Dollar that strong?
Go out to the 1, 3 or 5 year view
We're going to hit 100 any day now. If the Fed raises rates, we'll be seeing more decline. I think there's a Fed meeting next week.
It might be a rough year for PMs.
You can use your desktop.
This is Chrome emulating a Nexus 10
Directions Here.
Basically from the tab you want to display in mobile mode press F12 and then click on the phone looking icon in the top left corner. Set your device type and refresh the screen by hitting F5 if the page does not display correctly.
It did not want to work as an iPad for me but the Nexus 10 does.
Several people have asked recently for recommendations for a cheap, accurate scale. I thought I'd post this -- bought two of these for $12.99 each off Amazon w/Prime free shipping. Comparing them side-by-side, they read identically and come with covers/trays and support grams, dwt, oz, ozt. Accurate to 0.001 ozt or 0.01 gram.
Best of luck! That's a 1/4 AGE on ozt - it shows 0.273 ozt because it's a 0.9167 purity coin. Multiply the two and you get 0.2502591. Close enough to 1/4 ozt for my calibration purposes!
I have plenty of useful things to say,, if you like I can flood these comment sections with all of the scams, I can talk about these psychology tactics that these scammers use to try to get people interested in cryptocurrencies.
Let's start by talking about one of the most famous scams bitconnect
I suggest anyone who's not familiar with that check out some of the YouTube videos it's absolutely hilarious.
Then of course there was the legendary shitcoin prodeum that left just one word after they exit scammed (Penis)
and of course the biggest Domino to fall which hasn't yet is tether... for those who don't know tether is being used to prop up the entire cryptocurrencies Market, it is suspected that it is actually a bankrupt entity , that many of the transactions are simply fake and that when tether implodes the entire cryptocurrencies Market will go down with it.
EDIT : please don't think that this list comprises all the exit scams, it doesn't it's just a little tiny morsel ,a tiny little taste.. I could spend the rest of the entire day just logging the shitcoin scams , the pump and dumps, the used physical wallets sold online and then as soon as people put their Coins in they vanish .
Dogecoin's community is SO much more active than ANY of the communities that are behind any of these crypto currencies and we're seeing 100% gains in some of them. It also accounts for more transactions than every other crypto currency combined. Much potential growth.
If anybody knows how to get the dogecoin tip bot working, please help me. I want to send yall some Doge coins so you can get more silver.
Update: The Dogecoin tip bot is really backed up from so many tips going through it's gonna take me a while to register.
If you want some Dogecoins Ill send you some... Just think of it as some money to buy some silver with later.
You can download a wallet at http://dogecoin.com/ . Send me your address and Ill send you some Doge.
>They should store it in my septic tank, that way, they won't want to touch it.
Are you sure? There's people like this now...
MUDOR 41 mm Coin Holder, 60 Pieces Silver Dollar Coin Capsules with Foam Gasket, Professional Coin Storage Case Box for Coin Collection https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RJCTKZJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_ifog8zQ4bAPsy
Got them on Amazon. Here's a link.
Clear Display Stand Easel for Air-Tite Holder Coin Capsules Challenge Medals Casino Chips (Qty 20) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BIXR2HM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_SyFozbYPQ0G8A
This is interesting, I plugged the link that you gave into Wayback machine, https://archive.org/web/ (pretty much an archive of what the page was on a certain date) and they have been right with their predictions every time.
hopefully this means that silver has bottomed and we go to the moon, ;-)
Palladium seems to already be on an upward trend, but I don't follow it nearly as closely as I do silver.
On a side note: Have you seen this article?
It is sweet. Magnification is too far for full coin but maybe one of the lower magnification works for whole coin. You can pretty well zoom in as tight as you need for anything down to edge view of a date or the smallest scratch. Highly recommend. I havent tried extending the vertical run distance to view entire coin. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08G4Y6C65/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_W89KDQ1PNA20GEVMJ769?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The official red book is a great guide to US coins. It's very reasonably priced and a wealth of info. A good rule of thumb is their prices are about 15%-20% higher than what you can expect to easily get for any coin listed.
use a strong magnet. you can get it cheap on amazon. i use this one:
and go to your local coin shop and ask nicely. my coin guy gives me 98% of spot for most of my gold coins, and he doesn't mind testing things for me. until we can all own Sigma testers, this is what most of us use.
the Ping Test app isn't going to help you with slabbed stuff, so that's all you got :)
https://www.amazon.com/TEKTON-6610-32-Inch-Letter-36-Piece/dp/B01M26FDKD?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_1&th=1 something like this maybe i just looked it up quick
The Richest Man in Babylon. Read that or just be poor.
Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
Everything from Plato and Aristotle. If you do that, then everything else follows.
Funny you asked that. I just was at a used book store and boutgh a book called: The Silver Bears
I will probably give that away once I finish reading it.
NormandyInvasion, thank you for doing this AMA.
I'm not going to ask you how you made your fortune, but a common thread amongst many of the self made millionaires I've interviewed over the years has been the literature they've read... aside from "Think and Grow Rich" or "The Richest Man in Babylon" what books or manuscripts would you suggest for a young 20 or 30 something to aid them in emulating your success?
>Years ago I read The Creature From Jekyll Island
I'm reading this right now, great stuff I imagine most here would love. You can download it free in various formats at archive.org.
I haven't seen that one yet, thanks, mine is this.
Hearing Naval Ravikant speak about bitcoin and the possibilities... Just wow. Disrupting 20% of GDP? You now have my attention sir! Even if it only disrupts a part of international remittance, that is a $500B[1] disruption alone.
They fit my ASEs, Libs, Pandas, Brits, and some other misc coins (Taku, Doge, etc).
Someone else posted the files for them a few months ago, you can find them here
I found a local maker via MakeXYZ who made them for $12 each.
These were the first things I have had 3d printed, and I'm really excited and happy with them, though the printer shifted a bit while printing the purple one, the coins still fit.
I would like to get some that are sized for my CMLs, Phils, etc eventually.
I don't know but you may want to ask on /r/coins.
Do you have any idea what he likes to collect? Most American collectors seem to prefer American coins - though lots of us enjoy collecting world coins, too. There are also many ancient coins that aren't too expensive.
If you buy silver or gold coins a lot of the cost is going to be the actual metal value, though some have numismatic or historic value too. Most American collectors appreciate a nice Morgan silver dollar, though you need to make sure that you're buying from a reputable dealer because there are a lot of fakes out there now. If you can afford it there are some beautiful old US gold coins from before 1933.
I personally would LOVE getting a nice Greek or Roman silver coin - but those are currently outside of my budget and I don't even go looking for them. Bronze coins are more up my alley right now.
Is there a chance that you could casually bring up his collection in conversation? Mention that you saw something cool online and it reminded you that he used to collect coins. Try to get him to show you his collection again, or at least describe what he likes to collect.
This guy on eBay often has some amazing coins for sale, some of them of museum quality - but I've never bought from him.
Good luck.
It's a Doming Block and Punch Set.
25 Piece Doming Block and Punch Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0024OC5KS/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_FX9Vub1Y58W8E https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0024OC5KS/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_FX9Vub1Y58W8E
It's for Doming the coin after punching for a better start on the Mandrel.
Win 7 has a disk image feature built in that works quite well, I have used it 100's of times without problem. Info here: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/4241/how-to-create-a-system-image-in-windows-7/
EDIT: You can't just image directly to another drive. You would have to write an image off, install the new drive and restore using a system recovery disk (you can create that in Win 7 as well).
EDIT2: Happy Cake Day!
If any of you need a proper treasure chest, I just noticed this kickstarter.
I'm not affiliated with these cats at all, just thought these would look nice full of silver.
>* JM bars look clean. Are all silver foundries (?) equal as far as product?
In my opinion, JM is on the higher end of the quality scale with bars. I also like Sunshine bars.
>* Are rounds something I should look into? Compared to bars?
I prefer bars to rounds, but rounds seem to be easier to find and come in much greater variety. I initially started stacking only bars, but quickly found that there were deals to be had on rounds as well.
>* How do you store your silver bars? I like the seals on new silver and Zip-Locs for the ones that come without.
1 oz bars go in AirTites, and then into these 3D printed holders. the only 10 oz bars that I own are Scottsdale Stackers, so they go into their AirTites, and get stacked.
>* Do you buy local, or buy from vendors like APMEX?
I can usually get much better deals locally, but at the cost of reduced selection. I've bought a lot of silver from APMEX, and love their service/products, but I buy whatever I can from my preferred LCS. That said, there's a second LCS in town that has terrible pricing, and APMEX beats them all day long, so it really depends on your local shops.
I bought these a while ago for my dad. You can only really look through one eye at a time but they save you the trouble of holding a light/magnifying glass. It's all purely recreational so I can't comment on inspecting. They also take 3 months to arrive, but for less than 10$ just buy it forget about it and let yourself be surprised when it comes in the mail.
I like to look at the silver:gold and platinum:gold ratios to identify buying opportunities. I buy all three metals, and I base my shopping on what metal is "on sale" based on historical ratios.
In short, buy silver when it is trading at 57:1 or higher. Buy platinum when 0.9 oz. or less of gold buys 1 oz. platinum.
I wrote an article for Seeking Alpha sharing this theory about 1.5 years ago for anyone that is a subscriber there, bit dated, but still might make you think about your buying habits: http://seekingalpha.com/article/658611-precious-metals-are-on-sale-or-are-they
I think your message got caught in spam.
Marketing is always an issue. I also disagree about the back story. Plenty of people like to read about the origins of a company. You are right, it does take users to build a community. My focus is not on sales, its more on sharing with sales to have a complete ecosystem. It will take money to market, that's just a reality. I just need to get the best bang per buck, its not like i have $10 million to spend, hence why i described why i sold. My budget is limited, but that does not mean this cannot be done. It's easy to compare to the people that made it, but hard to be the person that tries to make it. People will always kick you, but I just gotta tough it out and hope I make good decisions. If the community grows, then great! If not, I gave it a shot and built my own app from nothing. I do not sit on my ass criticizing people who are trying to make a $1 out of $0.15 and comparing with other people who have a lot more resources.
I can remove the fee to 0% while in testing but wanted to gauge response. It's better to take away a fee, than it is to add a fee. The base 2.9%+$0.30 fee from paypal still remains. One of the issues I hear about on offerup is that people will agree to a deal and then try to change last minute, when you meet up.
I signed up a month ago to lurk; your post prompted me to make an introduction post.
I hate to be that guy, but it's aggravating that they don't have SSL enabled, especially on the login page. If you have access to the site admin, can you mention that? There's really no excuse not to have SSL these days with LetsEncrypt.
It is a myth that Social Security payments are updated by a CPI that does not include food or energy. There are several myths about CPI you may want to look in to.
>I am wary of our regular currency, but at least it is backed by the US government. What secures Bitcoin? I should educate myself, but I tend to follow proven investments more than the fringe.
Here's a great place to start learning: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=B4VOVLW3KcTpoATym4LwCQ&url=https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf&ved=0CBwQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNE1QrMbFOhwJkCI2-Jj0eiZ_7YeyA&sig2=6yJ53UPGm48FRNQKqNm3_g
Not trying to talk down to you but it may be a little hard to to absorb all of it but you'll certainly gain a greater understanding. I know it took me at least a month to wrap my head around Bitcoin.
Also the USD is backed by proof of violence. Bitcoin is backed by proof of work.
Decided I was interested enough to make a survey for us bugs. Please be honest and truthful, I will publish results after a week.
If you are not comfortable answering any questions, just skip it.
Heck I'm wondering if Amazon might even be an alternative. This dude has sold at least 27 of his gold Eagles there for a kinda crazy price. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07ZDLPHM4/
I used to sell books there, and I know fees probably aren't cheap, but ebays have never been cheap either.
I got this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008385NOO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_6fH3Fb8V5MZ07?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 and really like it. It's a little larger but I can wave it over silver bars and coins and feel the diamagnetic pull from the silver in the handle of this magnet.
I bought and returned a couple that I was not happy with before getting the one below from Amazon. It's very inexpensive and surprisingly accurate.
They’re great! Bought them from this guy named “OnFireGuy” on Amazon:
OnFireGuy Clear Display Stand Easel for Air-Tite Holder Coin Capsules Challenge Medals Casino Chips (Qty 20) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BIXR2HM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Fl16CbY4S4J23
With an android device you can use the Bullion
test app by Timmy Brolin. It uses acoustical analysis.
I highly recommend this tape gun, I own three and they are great.
I also suggest using scotch strapping tape for building the box, if you want to be extra secure. Only downside is it won't work with the tape gun.
Torrents or Usenet
If you are going to torrent though, especially HBO's stuff, it best to use VPN, like the reddit recommended Private Internet Access and log into the swarm from a different country.
To my dismay, even Usenet is getting pounded by "rights holders" to the point that it's not becoming worthwhile to have a Usenet account anymore. Pirate Bay all the way!
I download all my TV, movies, and music. I cancelled cable 2 years ago.
I used to torrent, but stopped because of fear of tracking, lawsuits, etc.
Now I use Usenet. I pay $17 per month (I think that's Canadian $) for NewsDaemon (or NewsDemon). It's unlimited downloads, I'm only limited by my Internet plan (300 GB per month, but *unlimited between the hours of 2am and 8 am). When I was torrenting, I would get max speeds of about 1 Mb/s, but normally around 500 Kb/s.
Now with Usenet, I average 2.9 Mb/s, and all my downloads are direct from servers around the world (not P2P where you can be tracked). All servers are connected via SSL.
NewsD(a)emon also gives you access to a free VPN service, SlickVPN. I only use it to mask my online activities on occasion, when necessary, as well as giving me access to different Netflixes from around the world.
Newegg just today or yesterday had two WD Red 6TB for mid-$300s.
Maybe your seeing $155 because you are in Canada? My Newshosting subscription just "auto-renewed" ( wasn't expecting that!) for $99
And you should check out Newshosting for Usenet. $99 per year, unlimited. Rock solid, lots of recommendations. Their client is pretty good too, except their search engine is pretty weak. I've found the best free (two searches per day without subscribing) usenet search engine is Grabit from . It's actually an entire client, but I only use it now for the search engine. But it is a nice clean client if you are looking, and it's free for limited use.
Bullion Test by Timmy Brolin.
The free version will test ASEs. Well worth a few dollars for the full version.
Ice and magnet are junk imo. A good scale and/or this app will give you much better peace of mind if you aren't familiar with the coins. I have yet to see this app fail but keep in mind it's still just one tool.
Wow i gave that to u like over 2 yrs ago. lol
you can look up that Public key by going to this website here and and doing a search:
It suks to type all that out so u can download a QR scanner app to your phn, scan the qr code and then copy and paste the number into that website.
U will have to find one for the iphone if u own that instead of an android phn.
I use this app on my samsung galaxy phn. 1st scan that public qr code > click Share > then copy to clipboard/copy > then paste into that blockcyper/ltc website.
EDIT: what ever u do don't ever scan that Private Key with one of those QR scanner apps. I have a offline QR code scanner app for my macbook that I use for my private keys. there maybe something like that for windows im sure. Download the JAXX wallet if u want to scan and import your LTC private key and then send it to someone or another address that way. Don't send the private key over reddit PM to someone.
Bullion Test
I'm very impressed that it can distinguish between coins so consistently. It will test only a couple coins until you buy the full version. I won't even bother listing all the coins the full version will test (it's a lot and everything worth testing). It has several gold coins too.
Very nice. I do love me some slots. My favorite might be Lil Red
see if you can get this locally - http://www.amazon.com/Official-Blackbook-Price-United-States/dp/0375723560/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447172087&sr=8-1&keywords=us+currency+paper+money
Got any stores close to you? Available for pick up everywhere around me. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-official-blackbook-price-guide-to-united-states-paper-money-2015-47th-edition-thomas-e-hudgeons-jr/1116930092?ean=9780375723568
There may be a coin store in your area with a bargain box too. That one in Florida charges two for a quarter for run-of-the-mill foreign coins, and many of them are real gems. I have even pulled a few small silver coins out of bargain boxes. Having a bargain boxt used to be a common thing in coin stores to attract kids to the hobby, but I never got over my love of cheap foreign coins.
Even if you could just afford a pound or two of bulk coins they would fill a small pouch or box and be fun for him to sort through.
Just look through these auctions and hunt for bargains.
Otherwise, you might want to look through eBay for nice cheap foreign coins with low or free shipping. In general it's more expensive to buy them individually, but you'll have much more control over what you'll be getting that way.
Good luck.
I know your heart is in the right place, but over the last five years the value of the US dollar has crushed precious metals:
And yes I'm not at all against the analogy that the US dollar is the "least dirty shirt in the laundry" basket of fiat currencies! :-)
If you buy postage via Paypal, it should cost you around $4 at that weight, and will include tracking. You'll be able to fill out the customs form here too. I always say they are numismatic coins, never had any issues the 5 or so times I've shipped to the Great White North.
Most people on here mail with PMs in a bubble mailer. I linked to it below.
As far as shipping goes, it would be more to ship to the U.S.(/u/gordie44 probably would be better than me to answer this), but I know there's a couple active silverbugs that are also from Canada, so international shipping might not be an issue.
Then the other highly recommended option is getting a tracking number on the shipment, but that can be something you and the buyer discuss
25 #000 4x8 KRAFT BUBBLE MAILERS PADDED ENVELOPES 4 x 8 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000GHTBJ8/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_5rjQub14X5MFQ
I've had to chunk it into 6 parts for various reasons, but I hope you find it interesting
This was printed in 1992 and there isn't much English information about them since, with so many fakes and replicas coming out, thought this might provide some insight into rare and ancient Chinese silver.
Good luck trying to buy these specimens at spot though, they range from $1000-$14000 in price, the 50 tael tax ingots and the small gift ingots being the most expensive.
The story behind the Liberty Dollar or Norfed Dollar is very interesting. In short, Bernard von NotHaus developed this .999 silver round to be used as a barter type of currency. These rounds were accepted by various merchants across the country as payment for goods and services. The different "dollar" denominations changed as more rounds were produced over the years to reflect the rising spot price of silver. Mr. NotHaus was arrested, tried, and found guilty for the crime of counterfiting. I am not doing this story the justice that it deserves so please check out the link below for a better explanation. Take note to the links on the upper left hand side of the page and you can see almost all of the different Norfed rounds that were minted. My research shows that is is legal to own these and they are very collectible. If you trade these rounds for Federal Reserve Notes, you must be clear that you are "selling" them as a collectible and not as a form of legal tender. DYOD https://sites.google.com/site/libertydollarencyclopedia/introduction
This is our first survey, so we are rookies when it comes to surveys. There were no options to alter any privacy policies. No personal information other than personal opinion is asked of you in this survey. Only bulk statistical information of responses will be shared to Silverbugs. Text box suggestions will not be shared. This might be the page you are looking for. https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/policy/privacy-policy/ press ctrl + F and search "Privacy for Survey Respondents" or just scroll down until you find it.
It's a Vaultz brand pencil box like this one. I got a couple of the clear ones, and they make an awesome display, although I'm not in the habit of displaying silver.
Each one holds four 3D printed inserts for either bars or rounds/coins.
> Messrs. Smith, Wesson, Taurus, and Springfield (depending on the room) are always standing by at the ready. Does that count?
Sure does! I've got pretty much the same.
I was referring to something that protects while you are away. I think my next layer of security will be this.
The USD is the new Gold Standard. I love Gold and Silver as much as anyone, but it's hard to argue that when volatility hits the markets (like we saw yesterday) people do not flee to Gold and Silver anymore. They flee to the USD.
What's your point? The one year chart still looks the same. Is there some fundamental reason you believe that the price should be higher?
good luck.
I uploaded two new pictures of the bar. What concerns me is it looks like the sides were actually scraped. Not sure how well it shows up on the pictures but it visually looks like someone shaved down several places on the top parts of the border edge on the front of the bar. I'm not sure if that was so someone could test them or what but it concerns me.
Edit: Rather than stress about them, I may very well give them away at some point with the warning that I don't vouch for them and if they're fake then the receiver has lost nothing and all I'm out besides the initial cost is shipping. I'd like to get a scale and weigh them first though because I think that will give a better idea.
First, those are some good tips. I manually turn on/off my remotely monitored cameras when leaving and returning home. Who really knows how secure they are?
Second, home carry. Don't take off your pistol just because you are at home. If you have a comfortable holster you shouldn't even notice it.
Fourth, voilà.
Zerohedge is an absolute goldmine
The articles are ok, but it's the comments which are even more hilarious!
I have two of the smaller Cheerson CX-10's which I fly around in the house. I practiced with those for awhile and now have the Tarantual X6 which is on sale right now at Gear Best's US warehouse for $52-
It's a great little quad copter and has good range and very responsive.
by the looks of it - it shot up ~$1.10
Also - to the detractors who snubbed the QE3 announcement last week - here's your proof:
(the news is so fresh that I can't actually find a news article on it. But this headline just popped up when I was in my Yahoo Fantasy football account.)
edit: Here it is - hot off the presses
You have a coin from Tokelau?!?!??!?! I lived in Samoa and wanted to go to Tokelau but wasn't allowed to. Where can I get that coin? Also, what is the coin above it? I can't quite read it.
EDIT: I googled it and found it. I am shocked that there are so many coins from Tokelau. It isn't even a full island, just a ring of land around water.
yea the code is almost identical to that of bitcoin
when you accept the tip the reddit bot will make you a reddit wallet that you can use to tip others or you can send the money to a wallet you download here
Have you seen this book? I bought it as a present for Christmas, but kept it. I love the behind the scenes stuff like the weeping angels getting their makeup put on, etc...
It is pretty hit or miss but I always check out RetailMeNot before making a purchase online. It looks like there isn't anything there for Provident though. (http://www.retailmenot.com/view/providentmetals.com)
Yeah, I would...$1,000 invested in Eaton Vance in 1980 would be worth over $1.3 million dollars today.
El Salvador, 90% of which is of volcanic origin geologically, is less well endowed with mineral resources than other Central American country. Mineral production contributed less than 1% to the GDP. The country has produced gold and silver in the past. As of 2003, there had been no recorded production of gold or silver since 2000. Recent activity has been limited to exploration, including at El Dorado, whose indicated resources were estimated at 25,536 kg of gold and 164,849 kg of silver.
I am amazed at the price difference as well. I read that silver was once more valuable than gold in Eygpt during the Old Kingdom.
That class sounds terrible best of luck, I have two websites that might be able to help:
http://www.hemingwayapp.com - For flow, making your essay easier to read
paperrater.com - I never used this one, found it once but class ended, I heard its good for grammatical errors
I am debating about what to do after college, most likely either going to Phd in engineering or get a masters in business. All depends if I can get into research then the school can pay for me to go there. Business Admin is a good major, I recommend highest statistics courses you can take just incase you wanna do some higher level stuff, problem solving comes in handy.
I bought some 46mm ones from Amazon. Ordered this same kit two different times. They are cheaply made but perfect for bullion and budget.
Item: SPLF 32 Pieces 46mm Coin Capsules and 6 Sizes (20/25/30/35/40/46mm) Protect Gasket Coin Holder Case with Plastic Storage Organizer Box for Coin Collection Supplies
I use this in my safe. The beads change color when they're saturated, then you just plug it into an outlet for a few hours to recharge them.
This is what I ordered for the platypus the kook come in a capsule from the Perth mint.
The frequencies (timbre) are what matters for ping, which is testing the speed of sound in the material. Bullion Test for Android has a useful spectral display that shows the peaks (choose any coin, as you'll be ignoring its expected frequencies shown in blue). Perform it on one of the good coins, note the frequencies, then compare with the questionable coin.
I bought this one from amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003OVHH0S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_F5FBN5G5KVY3KYPHAYZM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I weighed some scrap gold and then went to the jewelers to sell it and both, my scales and the jewelers scales had the same amount of grams
I got a few of these boxes. 32 cases with a box to put them in for like $13. Until I get more silver, or key dates, I’m fine putting them in these cases for now. The foam insets are reusable and sizable. Any non key dates will eventually end up in a tube together.
SPLF 32 Pieces 46mm Coin Capsules and 6 Sizes (20/25/30/35/40/46mm) Protect Gasket Coin Holder Case with Plastic Storage Organizer Box for Coin Collection Supplies https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PZSMG88/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4HBZD4227XA0WR53C8AT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here's an imagefrom the product page for it on Amazon.
From reading another thread, you could wrap it in aluminum foil. I also bough some of this silver protecting fabric on Amazon to wrap around a few loose bars I have:
I’m not sure if something like this would work for you?Quartz DIY Wall Clock Movement Mechanism Battery Operated DIY Repair Parts Replacement it seems like it might be an easy fix! Just gotta make sure things are the same size
50 for 6.21 with free shipping on amazon - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0040ZFXLC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
they are kinda small but work for most anything up to 7 ounces
I found this link on an Amazon description that may shed some light on silver clay. A buddy of mine is over in South Korea now with his wife who is from there. I sent him a text to see if she could tell me what it is.
Any specific style or size/weight? When I think sterling jewelry for men, a big ass "cuban chain" link comes to mind since silver is so inexpensive vs. gold.
My go-to for that sort of thing is Amazon Prime due to return policies and free shipping, etc.
I just open an ebay issue before anything else. From auction, to ship, to resolution, to pay back, can take a month, and that's w/o any extra seller communication and if you're pushing the process. If you've got a $ block on you cc that you don't owe but you can't spend for a month, it's annoying. Half the time they request the coin back, half the time they grant refund and zero further communication.
Get a strong magnet and keep it stuck to the bottom of you desk. :)
You could always go for the whole set...
Edit: found out the name of it. Don't know if any of the sites that have it in stock are real but there's always ebay... if you're feeling lucky...
2 oz Privateer Davy Jones Locker
Says "The 2020 5oz America the Beautiful Samoa will NOT fit into this capsule due to a change in size from the mint. "
I think the Z5 fits 3.84mm depth, while the Samoa coin is a little over 4mm :/
Amazon is way overpriced for that stuff.
After your 5% off you’re still looking at $36 for an ASE. That’s assuming you get a legitimate one, not counterfeit.
Look elsewhere.
Bullion Test app by Timmy Brolin for android.
A magnifier is also useful.
I'd skip amazon for PMs, but I'd get supplies from them... capsules, paper wrappers, sorting trays, pirate chests.
But there are plenty of things you can do with gift cards that are "outside of the box"... I frequently trade gift cards for Private Internet Access usage or other gift cards to stores that I will shop at.
Its interesting to me that people frown on a "Walmart" gift card, but you can go to Walmart and get a giftcard from them for something you can really use - like to sears to get better quality furniture than walmart sells or to bestbuy to get better quality computers than walmart sells or whatever.
Good luck!
My Newshosting account cost me $100 per year, buying it as a recommendation from some affiliate site. newshosting is right up there with the best, some people rate it the best.
Here's a hint for you though: There is a free newsreader program called "grabbit." I've used it as my client for a long time, although right now I use Newshosting's client. The thing about grabbit is that it has the BEST Usenet search engine I have ever found. You can use it twice daily for free, other than that you have to buy a $5 per month suscription.
Has anyone used or heard of VPN unlimited? Right now (for four more days) they are offering an unbelievable deal of $19 for three years.
They are US based, seem to answer all the right questions with the right answers, but the offer just seems too good to be true.
I've been using reddit recommended Private Internet Access VPN at $35 a year, with no complaints. Not sure what to do.
Any feedback or suggestions?
I use PrivateInternetAccess right now, and it doesn't slow my cable speed to any meaningful degree. I get 2.5 -3 MBps on Newshosting.
When you are using Usenet, does your provider enable end to end encryption while downloading? If so, you are safe to run it without the VPN. Your ISP can tell you are using Usenet, but can't see what you are downloading.
33 male, engineering student soon to graduate with entry level engineering salary hopefully fast tracked into management. I also operate an eCommerce business that keeps the bills paid and shiny in them mail.
Echoing other posters, lifestyle is as important as salary. Some people making 6 figures drive very nice cars, eat out every night, and have large houses, but are crazy far in debt that they will likely never get out. Yeah sure, drive that sweet car, but live in a constant state of stress and panic due to suffocating debt. As the kids say, "!@#$ that noise."
Be conscientious of your spending. Everyday you pack your lunch you can buy an extra 1/3 ounce of Ag! Every soda instead drink water, get a silver dime! (not to mention lower health care bills) Go to a bar, drop $30, or grab a nice $10 six and hangout with close friends... another ounce on the stack. But, on the other hand, know where and when it's OK to spend currency, life is a balance and meant to be enjoyed.
Here's a pretty good book to read: Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and How to Correct Them: Lessons from the Life-Changing Science of Behavioral Economics
CBT is actually what I meant by mindfulness.
There's a book called The Feeling Good Handbook that was written by the inventors of CBT. Lots of therapists recommend it but I did it horribly dry and a struggle to get through, especially when you're not motivated as is. I had much better success with Mind over Mood.
So, I'll give you the same advice that I give most people when they ask me how it is money is so easy for me to come buy. Odds are you won't listen and I will be down voted for it.
Get up EARLY in the morning and work out. I am talking like 4AM. Then eat a healthy breakfast. Work out and eat appropriately for your body type. Do this every day.
Understand that you underestimate yourself and overestimate everyone else. You will probably say that you don't, but you do. Now think about what you really want to do in life. Don't put that aside for later. Do it now because this time next year you could be dead. Shoot for the moon. Most people will be average. They will live the average life and do average things, wile working at average jobs. Because most people will do the average, that mean you will find the most competition doing the same thing. So few people strive to do the amazing you will find almost no competition if you do the amazing as well.
Now read these books.
Think and Grow Rich
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Atlas Shrugged
The Richest Man in Babylon
Also. I make most of my money trading stocks and such. I also own rentals and run a small business. I also have a job.