There are two kinds of shoes in Track: Spikes and Trainers. Trainers are your standard running shoes.
You should get them (or at least pick them out) at a specialty running store where the staff will help you find the shoes that fit your feet/stride. This will help prevent injury. This is REALLY important. Running in the wrong shoes for you will end your track career before it even starts.
Spikes are dedicated sprinting shoes.
You'll wear them at some practices (top speed/block/hand-off work) and at ALL your meets. Sprinting without spikes is basically pointless. Finding the right spikes is somewhat more difficult. I picked up my first pair in 10th grade and have stuck with them ever since. I would ask your coach what he recommends.
Ankle specific jumps correlate more to late acceleration and top end speed btw.
Also, I found that jump pads (like the probotics one you have) that rely on hang time vastly overestimate vertical jump for some reason.
Also here is a sample of Chapter 1 of the Sprinter's Compendium as well. This sample is formatted for Kindle.\_pap\_swatch\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=&asin=B07613VRVF&revisionId=&format=2&depth=1
This one is good. Start with ~5% of bodyweight for sprinting. Make sure that the weight packets are evenly distributed to prevent slipping.
Read the section on event runs in Hart's article on 400m training. Also the 350 times are calculated by adding 6.5-7seconds on top of the 400m best time that's it, even though the programme is for a 200m. It's that simple. Don't conflate 200m times with the 200m times or any other assumptions. Read the notes for the true intentions of the coach who wrote the work outs.
4.6 sec is 10% of 46 seconds. So the time of 52.5 sec' is about 85% intensity for a 46 sec' 400m sprinter. So it's the high end of intensive tempo and low end lactacid end II. Remember that the delineations of training zones, classification, are not concrete but bleed/blend into each zone.
May I also add that Hart's programme is very very similar to the original Bud Winter programmes.
I could only find basic ones since nobody else has found any cool looking ones.
You're talking about stuff that's been proven through actual analysis. Science doesn't give a fuck about your opinion, and it says you're wrong.
At max speed, you're only using enough horizontal force to get through the wind resistance and overcome the small amount of braking forces caused by having your foot land in front of your center of mass.
If you want to read about it, check out Ralph Mann's book on this kind of thing:
Here is the one I have. It is adjustable, relatively economical, and should work well for walking. A disadvantage is that the strapping system allows it to loosen during activities like running or push ups.
Going back to my roots. I'll be putting sled pulls back into my program and doing a good amount of work year round. My friend made this sled for me 18yrs ago but in order to give access to use it on the track or grass I needed to remove the chain and replace it with a nylon strap. The original plan was to purchase a sled for about $80 that wouldn't have any hanging parts dragging along the track but I decided to try the cheaper way first. You can see the nylon strap kit I purchased from amazon - I will only be using the straps, not harness.
I saw one for 50 but seen too many of the same negative comments. I’m leaning towards getting one for 80. This one seems solid enough and I like the attachment point being high.
I’ve work them for about a month, week 2 I noticed my foot turning in and it felt odd, a week later it felt normal and I was moving totally different, my glute and ham are working 1000x better it’s an absolute miracle
Would have thought the barefoot tempos would have been enough but something about just walking around made a massive difference
I liked it enough I dropped the cash on some that actually look good and will last a few years, because they’re so minimal they last as long as the material doesn’t fall apart so some people use them for like 4-5 years
I was a huge fan of the powerweb but they are no longer around. Since you don't like 2xu. I been using the one's below for the past 12 months and for the price you can't beat the feel.
No problem. Their are many different ones, I can recommend T iNlovEaRTs Bo-dy SLI-mming Equip-Ment Elec-tric Mu-slce Sti-mulator Elec-Trode Mu-scle Sti-mulation Instru-Ment (Round) And this one Compex Sport Elite 2.0 Muscle Stimulator with TENS Bundle Kit: Muscle Stim, 12 Snap Electrodes, 10 Programs, Lead Wires, Battery, Case / 4 strength, 2 warm-up, 3 recovery, 1 TENS
I’ve also found that using it as a warm up ( few minutes per muscle group) has really helped prepare for speed sessions. Looking into ems and how Olympian’s use it including Usain bolt, I think it’s a powerful tool that isn’t being talked about much
(curious, as we don't have the snow and ice problem here, but other 'track access issues'). In a gym, I assume basketball court, what do you use for shoes and/or grip-wise? Do you just thoroughly clean the wood floor for say 10 meters, and your clean your shoes for grip? you 1st and 2nd step out of launch don't slip back?
I've been thinking about buying some of these, and screwing them doing to a wood 2"x12" board, maybe 3' long to make some sets of indoor blocks. The end of the board (could be placed up against a wall so they don't slide back ... and/or a 2nd kid stands on them.
I've read that before, but there is no evidence that either exercise improves speed (though I like RDLs better because of the more obtuse joint angles) . Look at this study (nordic hamstring curls were the staple):
There was pretty much no difference in speed even though eccentric hamstring strength improved, hence my theory. Imgur
I never wore socks with spikes. After doing some research I may give these heel grips a try. My sister gave me permission to return them if we can't fix the heel slippage. Maybe the superfly elite 2 has a more lockdown heel.
I'm reading your weight-room guide,
You mention about "max power iso 90/120/150 degree". I'm wondering how do I implement this properly ? Squat down/deadlift up to 90/120/150 knee degree and holding there for 3sec is good way to go ? (for squat, I just put the bar on the safety bar after iso hold, for deadlift, I just drop to floor)
any better way to implement them ?
Bionix Pull Up Assistance Bands 3 Pack Set Travel Bag - Thick Heavy & Long Exercise Resistance Training Loop Band Chin Up Assist Stretching Yoga Pilates Legs Glutes - Mobility & Strength For Men Women
Yeah it should be. The only difference I really see is the coloring of the shoes, though. Here are the ones I ordered.
The Sprinter's Compendium. Read the reviews Tony is a contributor to the book as well.
Alright thanks, will take a look into that! Was actually thinking of these:
What do you think?
The arch exerciser is not very challenging so in order to make it harder I did something. When you receive it, I'll send you a video of how i do it to make it more's hard to describe.
Get the blue archexerciser:
Can't find them anywhere, either. Amazon has sizes 11-12 here, but if you're looking for other sizes, you'll probably have to stalk ebay for awhile. It might also be worth it to wait a month or so when the indoor season starts in earnest; sometimes stores will replenish their stock. Puma is selling the v2s on their website, but I don't know if they have a similar colorway to your link because none of the buttons seem to want to work for me.
Otherwise, if you've worn them before and like the plate, the Nike Ja/Superfly plate looks like its twin.
I've always seen good results with Mark Rippetoe's programs.
Depending on how advanced you are: Starting strength is a solid program and has a number of variations that tailor to level and goals. You said you've been lifting for 9 months. Typically people would have moved on from starting strength at this point but seeing as you're only 165 lbs at 6'1" it may be right for you.
If you've passed by linear progression (usually, though not always, squat 1RM around 350-400lbs) The Texas Method should work well. Again, there are Texas Method variants that are designed for strength/power athletes.
I'd check out Rip's book, practical programming ( It has a ton of wisdom to help walk you through programming appropriately.
Edit: Didn't realize you weren't the OP.