I think it's this one. There's actually a surprising amount of animal skeletons on amazon, goddamn.
How about chocolate mousse on a vulture skeleton?
Edit: no wait. Chocolate mousse on a mouse skeleton. Put Chocolate Mouse on the menu. Everybody thinks it's a typo. It's not.
Given that it is sitting upright, I don't think that this is a real light bulb (as they don't have flat ends. I would guess this is a bottle made to look like a light bulb. I would assume the metal part un-screws. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Tinksky-400ml-Tea-Water-Bottle/dp/B01FDA7C7K
If that is somehow a real light bulb, that's terrifying.
Kitchen shears are the most underrated and underused utensil in American kitchens. And it's the one that's the most useful in many applications. Learn from ajumma and cut your never-ending noodles, large cuts of grilled meat, pizza etc before serving.
I get german steel shears that you pull apart for easier washing, just like many Koreans use. Something like these: https://www.amazon.com/Gerior-Come-Apart-Kitchen-Shears-Culinary/dp/B074D3QHN8/
It’s not a repurposed toy, it’s an actual piece of disposable flatware, so I’m okay with it.
My primary concern with all the weirdness we see in this sub is how unsanitary much of it is. By comparison, this is humdrum and safe.
OMG, you could easily sell those boxes online. They are awesome! I've always loved those boxes. Hell, I'd pay to have you send me some.
So this is a service pan, almost all kitchens in the world will have a few dozen of these, they are anything but cheap.
My only concern would be letting a customer near my pans.
These are rattan or bamboo plate holders, and are fairly common. They allow the use of disposable paper by lending strength and structure underneath.
No that's an actual lemon with this thing screwed into it. I got one a while ago and use it all the time. Fresh lemon juice available all the time to spritz on seafood and salad and whatnot, and it seals up really well so the lemon stays fresh. If you like lemon then I definitely recommend it. edit I suppose it could also be used for you filthy heathens who prefer lime, though.
I am sure the ones we use are not medical grade forceps. Ours are much much cheaper.
Are yours actually serrated at the tip or do they mean ribbed for grip? Because i would maybe pic up some serrated ones even if they were 200.
It's not all that unusual, you can buy salmon skin crackers in convenience stores around Asia.
Never seen piranha skin though.
It’s a caniam. A mug made specifically to look like a lens.
Caniam Camera Lens Coffee Cup, Travel Mug - Camera Eos 24-105Mm Model Stainless 400Ml Thermos
Those look like the dental treats I give my cats.
There's no reason it would have to be a used egg carton. The restaurant could be ordering unused ones.
Here's a 100-pack of them on amazon for 35 cents each. I'm sure a restaurant ordering from actual suppliers in greater quantities could get them for pennies.
At least it's flat, and it can be washed. The actual food looks pretty good too. I still can't help but think this would look better on a plate though. Even if you wanted to keep the shape and contrast, it takes less than a minute to find something on Amazon
otherwise known as amber bottles I can buy at my local Sprouts, Natural Food Grocers, or any other place that sells patchouli. Also available on Amazon if you don't feel like venturing out. https://www.amazon.com/32-Ounce-Kombucha-Growler-Polycone-Phenolic/dp/B0749ZWF1C?ref=ast_p_pc_rc
Why is everyone assuming it's a used egg carton? Unused egg cartons are readily available, even Amazon carries them.
Unless the restaurant is going through 6 eggs for every meal it has to be buying these unused.
As someone who invests an inordinate amount of time to informing fellow redditors about the realities of medieval life I just want to say that I appreciate this comment.
If anyone is interested in learning more I highly recommend this book, The Art of Cookery in the Middle Ages. Tons of fascinating information including an elaborate feast where the main course was arranged to display a miniature pilgrimage procession, including dozens of roasted quail wearing robes and carrying walking staffs.
Funny enough, my apartment has both nearby. The one I’m talking about is a very authentic take on Korean food and another one is called “Kofusion” which has kbbq tenders, stir frys and sushi, no kimchi or bulgogi at all. I love kofusion, if it wasn’t for the small menu. Now I want to taste something authentic though. I live on a campus with lots of international students, so it’s the first time I was able to try ‘authentic’ foods like Indian, Thai, and Korean. (There’s also a Vietnamese restaurant nearby I might try before leaving.) before I lived in a rural area so it was burgers, pizza and maybe Panda Express/Olive Garden if you have time to drive.
Anyways I notice they have quite a few of those dishes listed. I’m debating between the bulgogi beef, the soon doo boo with beef or Kim chi jae yook book eum (“spicy marinated pork with kimchi and vegetables.) What do you think?
Here’s the restaurant if you really don’t mind helping someone uncultured pick their lunch.
There's a thing in India called a "tiffin carrier" which is like a multi-layer bento box. I would love to have a restaurant serve me my food in a tiffin carrier. But then, it is also very nostalgic for me.
This is the one I got from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002PNWCBA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_5kSFzb4MDWKHF It's ok I guess.
I wish Uline would buy some of mine. I'm guessing theirs are made in some factory in China.
Try this.
Thinly slice 6 medium onions (not chopped). Sauté them on the stove with salt, garlic, chili, berbere (Ethiopian seasoning) seasoning. Lay all of those onions in a crock pot (if you don’t have one cast iron pot to do the same slow cooking in the oven), season chicken with the exact same seasoning. Throw 2-3 sundries chilies in there but don’t mix the chicken with the onions. Just lay them on top. Once it’s cooked to a point it’s juicy falling off the bone tender pull the meat apart. If you end up too liquidy throw in the oven to roast some. Take your thick ass bread (Italian, French, or hoagie always hard crust) that’s toasted and fill it with that chicken. Enjoy your luscious chicken sandwich as we call it ekmek arası.
Wellllllll pre-covid, there was such a thing as multi-person beer funnel/bong/drum, and tag teaming.
People have made homemade versions, with a 5 gallon drum feeder.
It is a disposable cloth ... but that doesn't mean that they're actually disposing of it, so both statements can be true.
// also, they kinda suck as dish towels, they're more for doing misc clean-up jobs around the house (Source: I use them to clean up trace amounts of oil and debris at the bottom of my deep fryer when I change out the oil).
Y’all, that is a cutting board, not a clipboard. I have one that’s similar:
The photo even shows knife marks from previous use.
Pretzels on a cutting board is pretty standard. The mustard smear is really the only shitty thing here.
I’m not upvoting cutting boards unless there’s some spaghetti on it
Wow! That’s something new, and I would even say it’s a brand new way to drink iced coffee. I hope this place doesn’t charge you for broken ice cups. Another thing is that you can’t order an iced coffee for takeaway. Your hands will be frozen, or the cup will melt if it takes too long to drink coffee.
Still, it looks pretty interesting. But I wouldn’t try coffee prepared this way. The only thing I enjoy in cold coffees is chewing ice that gets through a straw in frappuccinos. It reminds me of ice cream, especially if you add chocolate or caramel syrup.
Besides, I’ve recently learned how to make some good and delightful frappuccinos at home. I ordered this french press — https://www.amazon.com/French-Double-Wall-Stainless-Mirror-Finish/dp/B00MMQOZ1U. It allows me to brew the most delightful coffee ever, and I mix a coffee brewed there with some milk, add a bit of brown sugar, and blend everything. Then I add some caramel syrup and pour this thing into a glass. The taste is yummy! You should try it once!
this is a Stein. The material (stone( is what it referrs to. Not the beer itself, but what it is drunk from.
I live in a very Irish area in Queens. You can get it at most Irish spots. They also sell curry packets in delis and grocery stores.
This stuff: McDonnells Irish Curry Sauce 1.76-oz packet 3-pack Product of ireland https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HDSBW13/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_W95A4CS33H6Y91MKZ27X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Clearly you don’t have a dog and have never even set foot in a pet store.
Here ya go.. Not the exact same one but I bet with a couple more minutes of searching someone could find it.
For some people it's practicality, for some it's aesthetics. People may not always agree on what they choose to complain about here; that's what the up- and downvote buttons are for. No need for a speech anytime someone's choices don't agree with you.
Of course, if you're doing market research and soliciting feedback here, then you'll want to keep in mind that this audience is self-selecting for persons who are, shall we say, chinese conservatives. Doubtlessly there'll be people in your restaurants who'll find it all very cute and endearing. And there'll be people in your restaurants who'll say they find it cute and endearing just so you'll leave them the heck alone and let them eat their impractical grub in peace.
The Original Clack Egg Opener - German Engineered Stainless Steel Egg Topper - Premium Quality Egg Accessories (Black Silicone Top) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000VOQ356/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_7A9NYN5YVD994WXQ7YNC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Amazon Prime has it as does Sling TV who is running a free account special during the quarantine. You can even DVR up to 10 hours of programs but you mostly only use all the features during "happy hour" which is loosely from 5PM to midnight. No credit card needed to sign up.
I was curious. I think it's this product, or something similar. The linked one says it's 18/8 stainless (it's on amazon, but I couldn't find the type of steel in the description). 18/8 should be fairly good for food service, if it's sanitized properly. Doesn't make it okay to serve it like this, but you can imagine this restaurant wasn't the only one with the idea, as even the second amazon image has a similar application. I think cooked shrimp would be preferable in this setting, personally.
That's how you are supposed to eat caviar.
Basically your brain doesnt taste your hand like it would a spoon so you just taste the caviar. How true that is I don't know but this is a nod to eating caviar not snorting coke.
> to be fair 640 is the price of steak covered in gold foil. the same steak not covered in gold costs a lot less.
No it isn't. That's the price for the plain tomahawk. The gold covered one is £1450!
An additional £820 for what is about £2 to £3 worth of gold leaf ( you can get 30 sheets for £14 on Amazon )
> the same restaurant charges £630 for a giant tomahawk steak. That's just the steak, no extras 😆
Its OK, you can get it covered in gold leaf for only an additional £820.
Ah, yes, a $1.75 bottle of water, height of luxury. Restaurant probably marked it up 200%. With tax and tip, that might be a $4 bottle. Ooh-fucking-la-la.
Here you are paper straws
Side note, why does Amazon feel the need to add a bunch of useless text when you copy a product link. It is the most mildly frustrating thing.
Health codes prevent restaurants from serving on actual newspaper nowadays. There was a small controversy about it when the UK changed the rules and fish n chips shops had to stop.
"Here's a direct quote from the USDA: Rust is not a food safe material so it should not be ingested. If you see rust on the surface of a utensil such as a cast-iron skillet or knife, remove all the rust before using it."
Yeah, rust is technically just iron so it's probably okay for you to eat, but thats like saying a small amount of mold is fine to eat so it's completely fine for a restaurant to serve you moldy bread, as long as it's not too moldy because it's not a direct health hazard.
Here is a brand new steel bucket from Amazon. It costs $10. If a restaurant can't afford that, do you really want to be eating there? What does the kitchen look like?
50 bucks. It would have made more sense to go with a small little cast iron made for serving. At first I thought that's what this was but apparently it's just a 10" skilled...weird.
The coolest book I ever got was called The Flavor Bible. It’s used like a reference book, where you look up an ingredient and it gives you lots of other flavors that pair well with it, or combinations of flavors. Really neat book for coming up with new ideas, menus items, or just having some fun.
here’s the Amazon link. even the scented stuff only has a very mild scent.
No no No. The problem here is the cost of a cast Iron skillet. ITs at least 24$. The other thing, You can buy "Fake News" (lol) paper as a paper sheet that is not like real newspaper. Here is one example. But the fact that if lets say your house ordered 20 plates in a night... and you have more than one round of guests... so 20 plus 15 to be safe. . . 35 plates. PLUS if you wanted to save money you try to clean them fast for turn over. so lets say 25 skillets for plating purposes. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND. . . Thought $625 for plating was a good investment. Plus the cost of the paper.
That is what is blowing my mind.
Edit... Did the wrong formatting.
I learned it from the book Wacky Insults and Terrible Jokes i got from RIF at school in 1989.
I think about it every time I see food-on-shovel pics.
I bought these on Amazon - but mine aren't drinking glasses, they are used to water plants. Fill them up and stick them in your plants. I also have the mushroom and snail versions. I'll come back with the link.
Which are probably so small you wouldn’t even notice, also, straws exist.
Not to mention that doesn’t matter at all to most normal people. It’s not a literal trash can, it’s just a little novelty cup that looks like one, probably in theme with the restaurant somehow, and I bet the lid actually closes for taking it to go. If I got served a drink in this I would think “huh, neat” before probably just ignoring it, like it isn’t these or something like them.
It's not a lightbulb. You can get glasses shaped like bulbs easily. proof
a large drip coffee at mcdonalds is like a dollar, you can make a pot of coffee with really nice fresh ground beans at home for pennies
as it happens i made this bowl at home for pennies with my 3d printer and some foodsafe PLA lol
Do yourself a favor and pick up some of this shit. It's amazing on pretty much anything. Especially useful to enhance shitty tomato sauce.
I found a mini hatchet that's a bottle opener. It was in Powell's City of Books on the "Portlandia / Oregon gifts" shelf. ��
Back in the 80's, the kitchen of the restaurant I worked at called them Butt Buddies as they were always in the back pocket of the cook's pants.
However, according to Urban Dictionary (and elsewhere on the net), "Butt Buddy" now means something else... so I wouldn't google it like I did :) I suppose cooks today just call them food scrapers or something unoriginal like that.
It’s not actually a camera lens... just like the light bulb ones
Caniam Camera Lens Coffee Cup, Travel Mug - Camera Eos 24-105Mm Model Stainless 400Ml Thermos
To me it actually looks like a hand you can use for a reference when drawing (see �� https://www.amazon.ca/Drawing-Jointed-Flexible-Manikin-Mannequin/dp/B019W54DS8) if you were actually curious as to what the hand is. Could also be some sort of hand mannequin thing to display gloves or rings too.
These are drinkware designed to look like a light bulb.
Sometimes I wonder if this subreddit would have gone apoplectic in the 90s when mason jars were becoming popular in restaurants...
Pretty easy to DIY, melt chocolate, pour in mold, add stick.
Here's an amazon link to one if you prefer to just buy it, though: https://www.amazon.com/Melville-Candy-Marshmallow-Chocolate-Stirrers/dp/B005EX6L6U
The top could come off, I have a stash hider that is a can that had the top cut off and a bottle stuck inside.
That glass looks like the this one from ikea, which has a stated volume of 12 ounces. That said, the product description for these mason jars say they're an inch shorter than the glasses, but still a pint.
Me too. It's like a small yard of beer. There was/is a bar in Baltimore where you canorder a yard of beer. Belvedere hotel I think.
Wiki link on a yard of ale
Edit: a word and I found an amazon link to buy the glass. Cheers, Prost and Salute