As per your valuable feedback, Cavalier and Knights were removed, since they did not look much different. The mod was also split into different units. It is available as Paladin reskin and Hussar reskin. Alternatively you can search "Sauravt" in mod manager, to get both of these and also the original one (which included Knights and Cavaliers too). Subscribe at your convenience.
there are also 8 screenshots here
this one shows the Constantinople city of the Byzantines from the campaigns, and it looks like Byzantines got their own architecture now? (or maybe share it with the italians and portuguese)
For me it was getting obliterated on my first 1800+ game on Resonance22's Channel. I was confident... MISTAKE! I was flank on gold rush vs. Aztecs that harassed me with a 5 militia drush into m@a and xbows... Needless to say, my efforts to turtle myself out of this situation were limited in their success. I didn't die though. My pocket helped as good as he could but with me being behind and walling up he had to hang in there as well. So basically one of the other guys in my team won the game in the end. While thinking about that story (it was like a year ago) I realized i still can recall details (e.g. each players name in my team). That tells me this exact game very much took my innocence towards being aware of my own skill caps.
Starcraft and Starcraft II are those games that easy to learn but hard to master. It has one of the best single player campaign in RTS games, especially Starcraft I. The multiplayer though, it's already full of Korean veteran since 1998 so I'd rather not try. Oh, and Starcraft II is free-to-play! It won't hurt to try at least.
This is probably obvious, but have you tried.... Age of Empires III? I feel this is easier to play than AoE2, though I never try multiplayer. The setting is Colonial era and there are some meta-game about Home City that gives you periodical bonuses during battle, but my favorite thing about it is the graphics. Very beautiful.
0 AD was started as AoE2 modders. It's very similar to AoE2 but with some added features and in 3D. Soldiers can gather resources and many other twists. It has no single player campaign at this moment though, only multiplayer and random maps.
If you're bored with Total War there are many mods out there that offers different gameplay. I don't know which Total War game you have but there are mods from simple tweaking to historically accurate mods to mods set in Middle-Earth, Westeros, etc.
You won't ever see it again if you subscribe to this mod:
"Age of Empires II DE: No horrifying loading picture" by Newtonerdai. :-)
Rise Of The Abbasids is a fully-voiced 5-scenarios Campaign made by the Age Of Campaigns team.
the (Rise Of The Abbasids) Campaign will take you through an amazing journey to explore the 600 years long Abbasids history, the first 3 scenarios will allow you to play directly with the Abbasids and the last 2 allow you to play with their powerful vassal the, Seljuk empires
Click the link to download the Campaign
The (Rise Of The Abbasids) Campaign has many features including:
1- 5 Scenarios.
2- Fully-voiced Campaign.
3- Slideshows with voiced narration.
4- Everything in the Campaign including the battles, characters, maps, the environment is based on real history.
5- Three difficulties for all player levels.
It depends on the type of resource and how many vils you are putting on.
For example, forests you will be chopping at for quite a while, so long term placing the camp adjacent is more efficient, but 1 tile away would be better for that single line of trees only.
Gold mines on the other hand take ages to mine and there will be 2-3 vils per tile of gold, so it's better to have the gap so they work more efficiently.
Berries it can vary, as there's normally only 4-5 vils on them being adjacent can be good as there is a lot less bumping then other resources, but sometimes the shape of the bush is better suited to having a gap. See here
The original Age of Conquerors versions of the standard maps, in their random unbalanced glory. Only minimally edited to ensure the elevation works properly on DE. All of them use the CL (CLassic) prefix and will appear in the custom section of the maps selection screens.
Get the mod here:
Genette is no stranger to irrational behavior; he shows just how volatile he is every time he opens his mouth.
Here's some of my favorite Genette moments:
-Threatening to punish mbl for using the word "fag"
-Threatening to ban me for having a voobly username too similar to another player
-Kicking robo from his clan and making random hate-filled posts on aoczone in the dead of the night during some sort of drunken fit
-Genuinely thought that KGB was better than SY in the WIC tournament (he helped fix the tournament for a Tyrant vs Tyrant finale)
I'm sure there's at least a dozen other instances where he's made a complete ass of himself. I think the HD community in particular is familiar with his posts on steam forums
But don't worry about memb being unable to cast scheduled games, I'm sure Genette can fill in just fine -
By the way, Genette did it purely for personal reasons and nothing more.
Genette falls under "Game Management" in the staff tree
Game Management Overview - Voobly Leads involved with the addition of new games and maps on Voobly. Creation and upkeep of scenarios, ladders, lobbies and leagues.
Game Moderators Overview: - Members of staff who assist and regulate our players using our gaming services.
Obviously, if someone were to ban Memb, for a good reason or a bad reason, it should be done by a Game Moderator. Genette has referred to Memb negatively as a "thief," which I find kind of strange as if you were to hear his political views, it would be evident that he has absolutely no problem with thievery. The truth of the matter is that Genette has a vendetta against Memb and just wanted to get back at him.
The ranked map rotation was updated in September 7 (runestones was removed):
As of right now, I see the old maps. Anyone having the same?
Not bad, but there are greater legends of history like Akropolis. As far as I know, the first and only person to achieve a negative rating without point trading.
I was hoping for some buff for Teutons. Either
Also, since ZE's Balance Tweaker and CarlosFerdinand's Balance Patch had merged, I had thought more of their changes would be implemented. (for reference here is BP, here is BT.) Particularly increasing the price of the Crossbow upgrade, and reducing the price of Squires / Husbandry / Tracking / Hand Cart.
But I can live without it! Changes look good. I particularly like how Towers are more likely to be used, as well as infantry (with arson), as well as the improvements to the "Three Is".
>It’s that time again! The July update is HERE with a new seasonal event, a long list of balance changes to the civs and maps in Age II: DE, several brand-new features, and even a new battlefield where you can fight for supremacy! Here’s the abbreviated list of what you’ll find in today’s game build:
>Ranked Matchmaking updates! Separate Random Map & Deathmatch map pools; new ‘Preferred Map’ and ‘Prefer Random Civilization’ option in lobbies!
>Various balance changes and bug fixes to 6 civilizations and several campaigns!
>A long list of map improvements to over 23 maps!
>AI Improvements!
>Pathfinding improvements!
>The Horde of Genghis Khan approaches during the Mongol Civ Event!
>NEW MAP: Land Nomad!284
>New competitive Single Player scenario!
>New ‘player lookup’ functionality in Profile menu!
>This will also be the first release where your votes helped determine the ranked map pool! Nearly 5000 votes were cast for the maps you want to see—with six emerging victorious to join the 1v1 and Team Game map pools:
Wine is a compatibility layer that translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls so you can run Windows programs on macOS or Linux.
For older games, they usually end up running ever better than on Windows since they don't have that issue where they can no longer set their own exclusive DirectDraw color palette making everything weird colors on newer versions of Windows because it doesn't even actually use DirectX.
I gave it a brief look and played a game against the AI -- you seem to have put a lot of work into this. Nicely done!
I'm assuming that you guys are looking for feedback at this stage in the process: I would at least temporarily drop the token-cost to host multiplayer games. The reason is that this pricing scheme can be quite discouraging to new players (even though you offer 10 tokens for free to start), and at the moment you want the game to be as attractive as possible to new players. Once you've gained substantial traction you can think about monetization, but at this stage, it's not worth trying to reclaim the small amount in hosting costs. I would suggest having a Patreon to allow users to financially contribute if they wish, and then scaling up to an actual pricing scheme for the game once you have a few hundred or a few thousand active players.
I used to think that I prefer AoE 1 over AoE 2, but after I tried it recently..nope. So many QoL stuff missing, pathfinding is awful and units get stuck all the time, farms are full buildings, the start is very slow (or I just have no idea what the build order is), unit upgrades are insanely expensive to you're pretty much locked in to a strategy...
I'd recommend 0 A.D. for a game that plays in the antiques (or whatever the term is) that is still pretty similar to AoE:
The video was made by the person who asked for Petard recoloring. Long time seen this epic video.
The Elite Petard is better, obviously. Jokes aside: The basic one is just good for getting through walls on arena when you're playing a castle unit civ.
If you didn't know - there's a (voobly) mod the allows you to upgrade the Petard (and some other fun stuff for casual games between friends)
High ping is a cause of lag dude. You ought to read a little about lag. Performance testing can only do so much.
Source: I'm a software developer and I use to work for an internet service provider.
Welcome to your Windows 365 Cloud PC
Securely stream your Windows experience—including your personalized apps, content, and settings—from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC.
Available August 2.
Hey, I got you
Honestly it's easier done than explained. But if you're interested to learn let me know.
Btw to anyone who can't hear the sound in the link... right click the vid > show controls and raise the volume.
Any news on the definitive edition of aoe2?
> Nope
Will it be a windows 10 exclusive?
> I assume so
Will it feature all civs from HD?
> Very likely
And is there a way of subscribing to news of aoe 2 HD?
> and should be a good places
OH, I am honestly just trained to answer questions straight because I am legitimately asked all the time if the remaster will have actually have multiplayer. I get all kinds of questions like these for Aoe2 HD as well. Some people don't actually know! :O With Matt Pritchard and Rich Geldreich on the team, I am quite hopeful but of course I will need to try the online play soon to see how it feels. You can also sign up for the Beta here:
With the Userpatch 1.5 Beta being available on Voobly now (, it's a great time to move into a public beta testing phase with WololoKingdoms as well!
Most information you should need on running the installer are on the Github page. Make sure that you've installed the 1.5 beta patch, and select it as the patch in the game room settings.
Especially some of the new maps might still have issues, as I can't possible test all of them :P I'm happy to hear any feedback you might have!
people here don't know ES made demo/trial versions from this game just like they did for first game? (file download isn't just officially hosted anymore)
I think these work (note: demos differ a lot from HD version and patched original game :
The conquerors trial (stand-alone, probably want only get this)
HD version on Steam will most likely be on sale on next week(autumn sale i believe) so you may want get it then cheaply
Look into getting a steam account. They have a revamped version of aoe2 that comes with the conqueror expansion
There's 3 more expansions that have come out as well since conquerors and they add a whole bunch of new civilizations and functionality that are worth checking out
Steam routinely has sales for the game plus all the expansions that cost like $20. I think the game alone is $30 off sale but don't quote me on that
You can join at the link below, it's free to have an account but you'll need to pay for the game
The only one that worked for me is the exponential tech mod, which avoids the crashes exactly by not needing to research so many times for similar effect.
He hasn't played any warm up games yet under his main account. He Hasn't been online since 9th September 2016. I'm going to be watching that page <strong>Bookmark it now!</strong> like a hawk.
You'll need to log in to your Voobly account (or create a Voobly acocunt) in order to see this page.
This, as far as I am aware is THE page to look at. It also shows each players win/loss streak.
Ratings are pretty fickle though. Slam was struggling last week and lost a few games and dropped out of the top 10. This morning his beat Nicov 6-0 and is now back to 4th in the rankings. It's not linked to skill so much as activity level.
Outside of what's displayed on this page, the only other measures worth looking at is current/past tournament performance or the highest rating they've ever achieved.
Hi nogaym,
Please host a game room and launch AoC in single player via Voobly. In the game menu, either select "Single Player" or "Options" and create a player profile (i.e. enter a player name). After this, you should be able to store your hotkeys permanently. Please keep in mind: You can always use our tech support chat or the support forums.
Hi, I would like to share with you the way to run the game on your Android phone/tablet:
Notes: a) The version you use should run without CD
TBH, this post is a little self-serving. I was going to make a comment about the validity of MbL's comments in my AoE News podcast, and I wanted to verify before saying anything.
There's a whole bunch of them on Moddb.
Realms and Tales of Middle Earth (LOTR full conversion) are really good. If you want a AOC fully centered in Europe you should try the Age of Chivalry: Hegemony Full conversion. Changes gameplay too much for my taste.
Didn't try it out but the Portuguese civ mod but it's definitely an interesting mod (adds 5th age, several techs and different civs like the Abyssinians, Dutch, Tupi, obviously Portuguese,splits the Spanish into several factions and some other ones).
I know that we're talking about official campaigns but I just wanted to give a shout out to this custom campaign to
Its has a nice story about harald hardrada (viking campaign) and it's fun, just saying :-)
You will regret missing all the live action of NAC3 which is going on over the next week.
More info:
Twitch Channel:
And you get to see Daut and top pros live (or stream after each day if you cant catch it live.
I have zero stake in this but I regretted missing it live last year. Also, 90% of the memes over the next month will come from this event.
f you play on Voobly the amount of points won/lost in teamgames is increased to help people climb/fall through the ranks, and also it DOES take individual players ratings into account. Some people on the team can gain 7 points, while other gain 9.
Example game
The highest rated winning player gained 7points and highest rated losing player lost 9 points, while the Lowset rated Winner gained 9 and lowest loser lost only 6.
Edit: Also the "pro" player making a smurf wont start at 1200 as they won't be able to access the New Player Lobby
HD compatibility patch
Using the Ak patch ( on the AK lobby ( means you have everything as is from AK, except for: Feitoras don't work, Siege towers don't work, and the 2 berber unique techs have been changed, Kasbah must be researched by players on the team individually, it's price has been reduced (250->150 food and gold) Maghrabi Camels gives their camels +1 melee armor and +5hp instead of the regen.
Thanks for posting this great news, and appreciate the Chivalry team for their great work.
I made the Age of Chivalry able to play at Voobly:
(you not even have to install the .exe and overwriting your original files, since it is running as game mod)
I NOT take any credits for this!
Play Age of Chivalry online or single player on Voobly
If you have the steam's HD version you still can play with this mod by the compatible patch.
You kept talking in plural. Who are working on this one? Is carlosferdinand involved? He is doing a great job, with balancing - and organizing tournaments with the patch. The arabia contest was already played with the balance patch and another event is in the making. So there was/is a movement from devs, even if not the original devs.
Install the UserPatch from or install Voobly from which automatically installs the UserPatch for you and allows you to find other people to play with online.
The ancient Chinese book The Art of War (孙子兵法) by Sun Zi/Sun Tzu was written as a strategic guide to warfare in the real world based on actual historical observations, but many of its principles are relevant to aoe2, over 2500 years later. Things like resource management, diplomacy, terrain, scouting, map control, and so on.
Nah. In Middle English, nickname was ekename. It was always used with the article, so "an ekename". Since we mash phonetic word fragments together, it turned into a nickname instead.
So this is my_ekename
Yeah I checked the official patch notes and they said melee armor only.
For whatever reason in my mind it included pierce armor too.
Even the wiki patch notes say it includes pierce, which just reinforced that (false) idea in my head.
You can download Rome Returns from Voobly:
And aok.heavens as offline version (not works for aoeHD):
It's a guy who made a patch for the game and has had 3-4 1v1 tournaments over the last 5 years.
Here is a list of his current changes
This Voobly Mod is similar. It triples every tech and civ bonus for each individual civ. That's everything from Fletching to Wheelbarrow.
Things get crazy pretty fast.
There are some interesting ramifications to it, actually. Britons for instance are kind of weak because their missiles at maximum range take so long to reach the target.
Pussywood (small trees) originally existed on the conquerors and it is also available on steam workshop. If you are planning to play on Voobly, here is the patch: . And this for the hd version on steam:
Perhaps your driver had some "features" which was not tolerated by the anti-cheat system. You can speak with admins at here if you are sure it was a fail detect.
Incan EEW should have a niche that is unique to their EEW. One thing I've thought of is making it so that Couriers gives an attack bonus vs economy units (villagers+trade carts) to their EEW kamas and slings. It would make them exellent raiders combined with the speedboost. Their EEW would lack offensive stats but they would make up for it by their raiding ability. The bonus would make it so that they kill a vil with loom in one less hit than an aztec EEW (and they would be able to outrun tradecarts). Also I'd give them thumb ring and maybe architecture?
I think the indian villager bonus should be buffed so they can make more use of it earlier and maybe can up a vil earlier. It wouldn't be OP that they would reach castle sooner since they get no kts. Perhaps give them a free fortified walls tech? Boost the AP of the EleA? I think it's hard to balance them. Italians i dunno, perhaps increasing their age bonus?
How can you say this? What numbers are you looking at? I cannot say either way, but I actually bet HD is bigger, there's just no published numbers to compare.
According to there were 105,000 players in Dec 2014, 116,556 in January 2015, 78,699 in February.
You compare this with what Voobly published in January:
We can assume 'well over 50,000+' compared to 105,000 in December 2014 means they are about equal, If Voobly hit 100,000 I bet they would have said that as thats a big milestone, so I'd GUESS it is somewhere between 50-100k in December, which would put HD at a few more unique players per month... Now maybe a voobly player plays twice as long as an HD player, or the other way around, so this number alone doesn't really say anything. Maybe people just watch games on voobly, or login but don't play, making HD more active as far as games played, or maybe HD players join but don't play, etc. etc.... Still not going to get number that you can directly compare.
What I can say, is there are quite a few players on both.
If you do end up giving Voobly a try, as mentioned below it is a good idea to start in the New player lobby Rating range from 1100 to 1400 max ELO.
If however you are feeling brave then maybe the Medieval Siege lobby is for you : Rating here go up to 2400+ ELO
Where you decide to play, remember the most important thing with AOE2 is to be with friends.
On Voobly if you get stuck, at the top of every lobby you have a tool bar. Look for the ?? Live Help or alternatively a RED named person ( Voobly Staff ) they are all there to help.
Anyway good luck and have fun
There is a very active competitive community at
This uses the original version of AOC with some patches which are automatically installed. You can also play more casually on voobly in the New Player Lobby.
You can play casually on steam also, although the Steam client is quite a way behind voobly in terms of features.
And it's all about 21 pop scouts now man ;)
all of these are included in the voobly map pack, except art of defence. unfortunately my hdd got wiped and i lost many maps including 10+ different versions cbf.
For comparison purposes, the original CD's, including the Age of Kings and the Conquerors, are available on Amazon for $9.99.
Man this brings back memories.
edit: It feels like yesterday I was squeezing that case open to get to whatever agp grapics card I had at the time. Geforce 440MX 4LYF.
I appreciate the feedback (and the suggestion to visit Poland ofc), both shorefish and the tiny stone island of Bornholm has been added; the island should also pose as an interesting strategical point if you build some towers on there.
I have added the map itself without structures and players (without Bornholm & the shore fish as well unfortunately, as I added that later) onto the mod page on Age of empires. I will release a final version of the map as I still have some bugs to iron out, but should be available soonish - hopefully I will have some time this week!
Ok so a few people have asked for the file so they can play it, Unfortunately since my non HD version of AoE went bust a few months back just after I made this and I haven't had a chance to reinstall it I haven't been able to test to make sure it still works.
It has a few trigger events in it from when my friend suggested making it a kind of scenario, I think you can get gold from razing towns and such, I forget. Anyway Here is a link to the file. You will need AoFE and the non HD version of the game!, if anyone uses it could you let me know if it works?
There is being made an open source clone of age of empires 2 for linux:
I think they will in the end also port it to windows and mac. Would be cool if they keep it up, I heard that dedicated servers are also on the road map. I don't have linux myself, so I'm not sure how far they are, if their project is already playable, but I definitely think age of empires deserve to be open source, as Microsoft seem to fail resolving the most annoying bugs (at steam).
It is possible in scenarios (and, by the looks of it, will be possible in random map scripts as well once the next patch is released).
You can probably grab the scenario with the size and team distribution that you like from my Forest Nothing 256x Tech mod (, open it in the scenario editor, regenerate the map from the map script of your choice (the triggers that do the magic will be untouched by this), and then play that new scenario against the AI.
Well, they are fixing TG Elo: I wonder if ratings will be reset as right now the rating distribution is so messed up,
As a reminder, please remember that all participants in the beta have agreed to an NDA upon sign-up and should not be discussing aspects of the beta outside of our closed forums. Please feel free to continue this discussion on the linked forums.
> Easier process to upload to Steam Workshop.
There is no Steam Workshop support for Aoe2 DE. :'(
Mods will be hosted instead on Hopefully the website receives a complete overhaul before it is used for mods. "0 A.D. (pronounced “zero-ey-dee”) is a free, open-source, historical Real Time Strategy (RTS) game currently under development by Wildfire Games, a global group of volunteer game developers. As the leader of an ancient civilization, you must gather the resources you need to raise a military force and dominate your enemies."
13 new civilizations
new age after imperial age
new rare resources including xp system
new buildings/units/techs
new cheat codes
new interface and commands
improved Ai with UP 1.5
a total new gameplay experience
Official page
Download from voobly
It is a voobly mod called Sectator Overlay, most likely. Some (EG VODs) on HD also has a cheat-tool that has been community-limited to casters which is not available to the public because it can be used as a cheating tool in live games. So, if you want such a feature (you do want to use it, believe me) you need to use Voobly. Using Voobly with an HD installation and/or Expansions has a guide here, which is very extensive so just take a look at that guide.
For spectating there's the spec overlay and the dashboard. Ingame I'm not sure if there is any, but you can click on that green leaf thing (diplomacy tab) on the top right corner of the image.
New features compared to Sheep vs Wolf 1:
(this mod only works on Voobly)
i would normally only do 25+2 if i had deer and i didn't plan on going more than 3tc. but presuming you do you can get a really fast imp time. here is me doing 25+2 and 3tc with vik:
but with civs that have no eco bonuses it can be more awkward, and better to go up 27+2
Hi, as it's not easy to determine the cause of the issue with the given information, please create a new thread on our technical support forum. If you can, please join alternatively the Live Chat Help.
Some thoughts on your points:
1.) Once Voobly is installed, all the updates should be automatic -- hopefully only taking 20-30 seconds on a machine with a fast connection. The only update that isn't automatic is the age2h compat patch if you have steam version of the game... eventually we launch the compat installer automatically.
2.) Hotkeys as others have noted are the game's defaults. I thought even on steam, they kept the regular 1.0c hotkeys other than AoF ?
3.) For port forwarding, 90%+ of the players don't need to port forward, the only ones that do have special types of routers and if we didn't ask folks to port forward we'd have to proxy/relay which would lag and any client that doesn't prompt for explicit port forwarding when required would likely perform worse (albeit easier to set up initially).
We're continuing to improve on usability though and reducing steps to get started (e.g.: ). What other defaults did you have trouble with? Can you list specific steps you think could've been automatic?
AOE is as active as never before. Records have been recently set for the conquerors as well as for HD edition
As for why there aren't any rooms: are you sure you are not searching for the forgotten? When I first got the game I couldn't figure out how to switch between HD and forgottend for quite a while.
Details on the Voobly updates for AoE and RoR are at . The updates are focused on improvements benefiting multiplayer while keeping the balance the same as the original.
No. It's not.
First off, you can get it for slightly cheaper from a more reliable source with free 2-day shipping on Amazon.
Second, if you're going to spend $10 I'd spend it on Age of Empires 2:HD on Steam, which gives you access to Steam mods, Workshop, multiplayer, and all the newer features they're adding like new game types and campaigns and stuff.
Still available thanks to internet archive
I'd recommend reading the extensive series "On the Road to Expert" by Darq_DarkJihad and Out4Blood, but its been more than 10 years, i can't find it online.
You can use it, just not through the steam workshop until someone creates it.
I just unzipped the contents of: (Sorry that was the first upload service I found)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Age2HD\resources_common\slp
Exactly as I did before, just a different directly (never had much luck with the steam workshop)
These are the endstats :P back and forth, a lot of stabbing and comebacks, it was played on arabia, last man standing. A lot of funny stuff happened but I doubt it will be as good watching it as playing it. Here are the recs for who's interested (halfway through I DC'd and we restarted the saved game)
With about two small fixes it runs fine. I've been playing on wine fulltime, the only issue is the steam overlay doesn't work
For anyone wanting to try it out:
Hi there! This appears to be a modded dataset, specifically "9x Civ bonuses UT and EUU by Overconfidence" (you can check the mod name at the top-right, "Dataset", in your list of recorded games as well as lobbies that you join). Games using UGC appear with the star icon in the lobby list. The host seems to have indicated the mod correctly in the lobby title.
I got coaching by scooter, and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I just played a random civ 1vs1 on oasis against ~1680 player on AoE HD where I would have 100% died if I didn't wall like he said. This is a perfect example of how the games I win go where I'm behind in feudal, stabilize, and then start winning. It's probably because they just have more villagers than me and do a timing attack I'm never ready for.
I made some notes on the major mistakes I noticed:
a) Lure boar with 12th villager. Mill by deer.
b) More villies in feudal. I forget to make them constantly for some reason because I'm paralyzed by fear of being rushed or castling fast enough. I got really confused around the time I started hunting the deer because I'm not sure how many villies to have on things anymore, and I'm not sure if I should fast castle and wall and/or how many defensive things to make. I think I just have to scout better to see how much they're committing to a push which I should have known here.
c) I need a scout by ranges to see when leaves. I also should have seen 3 ranges with my scout and million villies on gold, plus he's chinese (we both random'ed). For some reason I had no idea he was going archers in game because I spaced out.
d) 3 stables to queue up knights. I panicked and attacked with my first wave of knights way too early when I should have just chilled out and pulled back villies to get more knights because the archers weren't going to do anything.
e) I need to have way more military units out way faster than I did at the end. I had way too much wood. A spearman on the other side of the map wouldn't hurt me just in case I got castle dropped or something since I was pretty far ahead at that point.
You need a gamer keyboard or mouse or alternatively use a script macro
I made mine using my Mad catz keyboard:
You are giving them too much credit for their understanding of timing / coordination with RB. I'd be surprised if them sneaking that phrase in is due to Microsoft telling them rather their internal plan / will. If they are planning to make more AoE2 content and wanted to make it known they wouldn't be shushed by Forgotten Empires, this is Redbull.
I can however imagine that they want to see how AoE4 fares, probably throw in another $50/100k into a tourney once the game settles some (with the leeway not to if it flops), while also maximizing hype for RBW5 and giving them slack to come back to AoE2 (if it gets thru AoE4 unscathed) with a few more twists up their sleeve (RM or new non-EW (dark age 8/12 pop EW, please oh pretty please?)).
I can also imagine that they are simply done with AoE2 and will retire from the franchise. "Wololo" has to be the most iconic AoE sound and they'll have associated their brand with it for a long time as it is. (I'm not a marketer but) The job is kind of done, for $212k (+ admin fees + WB5 production - other sponsors' money) RedBull will remain on AoE players' mind to some extent over this game, probably for a while over however many people watched any of these tournaments. I do hope for the come back AoE2 tournament series, I also hope RedBull goes public.
I never tried it, i just was seeing it in the mod section, because i was browsing through every site there, since the civ builder entries are spamming the mod section, what makes it hard to find good mods.
quick tips from me: always make sure your town center is working, and make sure villagers aren't idle
Art of War Early Economy challenge good for dark age practice
and Interactive Build Order Guide mod is really nice for practicing
for anyone interested I went ahead and uploaded this terrain pack to the aoe2 DE mod site, and it should be gettable in game (just search for 'lego' in mods)
Both enhanced graphics and standard terrain gfx should be supported.
It has a built in grid for those that like grid mods. I originally made one tile as an experiment but found it oddly enjoyable to play using the textures, so did basically a full conversion.
As a reminder, please remember that all participants in the Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition beta have agreed to an NDA upon sign-up and should not be discussing aspects of the beta outside of our closed forums. Please be mindful of this when posting, thank you.
As a reminder, please note that all participants in the beta have agreed to an NDA upon sign-up and should not be discussing any aspects of the beta outside of our closed forums. Please be mindful of this when posting. Thank you!
As a reminder, please note that all participants in the beta have agreed to an NDA upon sign-up and should not be discussing any aspects of the beta outside of our closed forums. Encouraging the sharing the of leaked/confidential information is also a violation of the NDA & Guidelines. Please be mindful of this when posting. Thank you!
that's cool! i kinda taught myself to draw so i dont know much about the technicals. I look forward to the weekly drawing thing if you ever decide to do it lol.
I tried to do something like what u said, making all the unique units together - but i gave up after 4 lol, so i just posted those. it did get shared on the official aoe website tho, which was cool #humblebrag
Are you going to be on the gamescom ?
There seem to be an/several AoE events... But I am sure when and what exactly. The official webpage says something about starting August 21. but Gamescom does only start one day after?
Does anyone know anything clearer?
"The largest possible map size in the limits of the Genie Engine (the game engine that AoK is based on) that is playable is 255x255, which is only slightly larger than the "Giant" size in the editor. Ludikris map size is 4x that, so 510x510. That's massive- a max amount of 260,100 tiles as opposed to 65,025"
Found here:
Also, you might like to read this:
You need to port forward Voobly port: 16000 (UDP) protocol. Don't know how to port forwarding? Google your router name + port forwarding. I also recommend enabling UPNP in your router as well as in Voobly settings.
If you don't have a router or access to router or connected through a mobile network . There is a solution: Windscribe
All you have to do is install it and turn on the switch then connect to voobly and voila never fp again.
I like your tool. I made similar script in Python two years ago. But finally, here is the hero who improved it in Java. The hero who added more teams and hard teams.
As you say, splitting by elo sum differences (ESD) is not optimal at all. Assume we have eight players having rating (1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1700, 1700, 1800, 1900). It should represent four noobs, two players who know how to play fast castle, one good player knowing flush, and one player who knows how to monkrush. * ESD would split players to teams 11122221. In this scenario, 1900 player would play with three noobs who could ruin the whole game. 1700 would rush noobs easily. * Elo low variance (ELV) splits noobz - 12121212. In this scenario, it would be 1800 vs 1900. I noticed that players prefer ELV. They usually split highest or/and lowest players. Honestly, I would stick with this metric and it is easy to calculate for people. :)
tldr: Elo is just a number which can be hacked by smurfing.
Ok, so it's coincidence your account got created when tocaraca got banned for the first time and remained inactive until tocaraca got banned again?
And it's also a coincidence that your voobly account played games on the days that tocaraca didn't play any games? Then when tocaraca started playing again your account got inactive.
Also you said in your game against Redeagl that he also made a new account, implying that this isn't your main account.
And it's also a coincidence that both of you don't like towers and type 11 all the time in the game chat?
A bit too much of a coincidence imo, but maybe you can explain why
My opinion on wonder victories improved dramatically after it allowed me to beat Joadn in a viewer game yesterday... :D It was 8 players FFA, and I was very lucky to survive until being able to build the wonders (yep, 2 of them were needed). IIRC, a total of 5 wonders were destroyed in the process... At first, nobody thought about wonders at all, until Jordan started to build his. I immediately started to build a counter wonder, being able to finish it slightly before him, about 2 years ahead. Tense moments there. :D Needless to say, I wasn't able to defend properly and we reached a point where all existing wonders were destroyed. I then went for the second wonder and that did it. So that's just to give a counter example that wonders can be quite entertaining (especially when not expected at first) and don't have to be lame.
Check out Jordan's stream, it was good fun: Voobly: