Remember guy, fighting against the reunion to stop their overagressive land occupation threat is fantastic, but you know what is more fantastic, ensure that your data won't get stolen by hacker or faust and then sold back to the reunion. Which bring us to today sponsor, NordVPN
It is supposed to be because she's standing right up to your face, so the upper body should be bigger while her lower body looks smaller, because of perspective. Example chart (from this website).
That being said, I'm not good enough at art to tell if it's accurate, might still be some parts that are off I guess.
Hmmm got curious. Nissin Ippudo Ramen ( is 12.50 per bowl. I am sure Closure will slap on an Amiya sticker and bump it up to $18.
im not sure im comfertable with it but this is how i used to play dragalia lost which isnt available in my region so should work the same for AK. BE WARNED THO qooapp is a third party download store. Your doing it at your own risk if the site turns out to have malicous code in it. As far as i know its safe but i could be wrong.
step 1. go to qooapp
step 2 download it and enable 3rd party installation when promoted too.
step 3. search for arknights. 3 apps should come up, japan, korea and global.
step 4. download the one you want and hopefully it works.
i havent tried it with AK since i only play global but hopefully it works for you.
You are right in your description as an end result but I was trying to go for a prescriptive answer, like changing "why" that it is like that.
Right now the West's general perception of mobile games tends to be low effort/memes like RAID SHADOW LEGENDS, true. IPs aid in game adoption but aren't a major factor in playerbase retention. Here you can see a counter-example in that Epic 7 is high grossing in the West for an original IP, close to FGO. Though Dokkan, based on the Dragonball franchise, is even further ahead.
Here is the comparative chart for revenue I was referring to earlier. FGO is an exception in terms of it's revenue cases. CN is low due to perhaps players playing on JP, or their publisher really mishandled things somehow worse than KR. Meanwhile, Onmyoji is one of the highest grossing games in CN, and I believe that is an original IP.
Instead, I would like to focus on TW vs Global. TW almost always spends less than global, however, compensating for population (23 million vs Japan's 126 million), they spend more on gacha per capita than Japan. For FGO they've done high production-value livestreams similar to JP, as well as had live exhibits and such, like the Winter Festival Ozymandias pyramid. Like Japan, it's much easier to do these things with a more homogenous and localized society, but at the very least things like Livestreams can be widespread. Thus lies my question rephrased: "Will higher production value marketing (i.e. livestreams) be able to shift Western culture and perception of mobile games?" As mobile games' production value increases and we get closer to figuring out the value of a "premium mobile game" experience, I do hope we can catch up to the same hype that JP gets, like how people attend PAX or E3 but for mobile titles.
You wouldn't even be able to monetize your videos since your channel doesn't meet the requirements for it. So you can't really prove your argument by using that as an example.
I am not saying you are wrong. Just that immediately jumping into conclusions isn't fair to the other person. You can definitely question them, that's fine.
If you have an Android device, I recommend using scrcpy
It only streams video (i.e. no audio), but it works pretty well for me. Just plug your phone in, start it up, and game.
If not Nox then Bluestacks is usually the other big name Android emu people use.
Do you have an actual Android device by any chance? You could connect it to your PC with scrcpy and play that way.
I have no problem finding it and downloading it on my account, so it's probably some other issue. Might not be your issue, but I believe the Play Store doesn't show apps your device doesn't support.
Here's the link to the play store page, see what it opens up to on your phone.
Hey guys, I’ve been trying to play arknights on my laptop for several months now but it simply lags too much both on bluestacks and noxplayer. I’ve seen people with less powerful builds run it with no problems so I don’t know what I should do. This is my laptop and for anyone wondering I already turned on virtualization. What happens is that it runs at 40/60 fps at the very beginning but then it drops to 2/3 fps and then goes back to 30 only for it to drop again and it happens literally all the time. Playing like that feels like I could simply throw my eyes away and burn them
Just as an aside, today's currency exchange has $1 US being equivalent to 4.22 zł according to, so you might be seeing the result of a recent fluctuation. Looking at the chart, the conversion rate seems to have jumped at the beginning of April and it's been dancing ever since.
For reference, if you do pick up digital art equipment in the future, I highly recommend Krita as an art software. Free and open-source, and works more-or-less like paid alternatives afaik outside of some specific features.
Cute sketch, OP; keep it up
If I have to guess, you need to put your Chinese ID on it because Chinese gaming law.
Pretty sure Bilibili accept foreigner ID, but i'm not sure how you do it.
If you want to translate text from in-game, you can screenshot it and upload it to OCR translator
The game is licenced, but not really official.
So you can have sakuya with a soft or a cool voice.
Everyone has a different level of interactivity they like.
If you feel that AK is wasting your time, play Priconne or AL, which let you auto or skip most things. But even those games don't respect your time. I can give you a game that will truly respect your time: if things take up so much of your time.
I'm posting this because Hypergryph and their publishers have a practice of making all Arknights music publicly available, so I assume they don't mind. These tracks were ripped from the game by a Youtuber. Here is the link to the individual tracks in MP3 format:
I'm running a 6 year old PC (though it was high spec back then) and have no issues running Bluestacks. I do have an nvidia GPU though, so that cannot really be compared to a standard laptop.
Today's midrange hardware is probably on par, if not better than my PC, so you could check some recommended PC guides based on your budget if getting new hardware is what you want to do. Just keep in mind most setups still use older gen of graphics cards, cause new ones are hard to get or too expensive, but if budget is not a problem aim for newer 30 series. As for Bluestacks (and possibly some other emulators) you really want an nvidia gpu. The only problem is buying the newest cards since they are expensive (if they are even available), so it all comes down on how much you can spend.
Unless you want to buy a laptop, then you're kinda stuck with higher price for worse specs, and I wouldn't recommend "gaming" grade laptops because they are hot, loud and bulky, unless mobility is your #1 prio.
From my previous post, I still recommend setting up scrcpy if you want to use your current laptop with your current phone.
After watching some streams and videos, I saw a lot of people playing with a mouse, and it seems like in the official webpage it says 'Play on Windows', but it redirects to an Android emulator (Nox).
Is it safe to use, or is there another better alternative? What do you guys use?
Doing a google image search of your image gave amazon in the top results. Maybe check around there.
Not sure if those are legit though, better check reviews first.
I tried 4 emulator (nox, bluestack, memu, mumu) and MuMu seems the best out all of them
Also Download Nova Launcher to remove the ads (set it as default launcher)
For the blackscreen, try following the steps in this post and see if that works.
As for the incompatible issue, try signing out of the play store and signing back in or visit the Arknight page on the playstore from a computer and see if it will let you send the app to download on your phone.
Amiya, please stop bullying the Doctor ...
From Arknights Official Comic Anthology Vol6 Chapter8. If you can, please get the e-book to support the artists. Thanks.
Gamepress has a planner as does a mobile app, ptilop.sys.
Those are probably a model that doubles as a hearing protector, something like this.
Ur phone may have a built in dual app feature (as does mine) but it only works for a few apps. U can get another app from the Google play store, which makes exact copies of an app! You dont have to login and log out all the time. But the concern that I've run into is that making an exact copy of an app, means it's basically a 2nd apk, and takes up the same space as the original app. Also, depending on the dual app making app, it maybe or may not be able to hook up to the Google play store (but at tht point, just use ur stock/orig app, log outta ur main acct, sign into ur alt acct, buy stuff, then go back to ur main acct).
Someone posted another game on the FGO sub last year that had Shuten-Doji in the promo art, Idle Arena, and it still hasn't been removed from the stores. I think it might be difficult to shut down because they tend to come from countries that doesn't care or something.
Thought it could be just a weird style where the frame is just the bottom half, so I googled around. Turns out such glasses exist.
Its in the Play Store and Apple store for me. Where are you from? I remember hearing a while back about AK being removed from the app store for tax evasion in some southeast asian county.
You could use APK if you have an Android.
NordVPN is one of largest player. If you want to use free one, AtlasVPN seems to be a good one; it is fast and reliable but limit you to 2GB usage per day.
Again, just use the free one for now and see if the VPN solves the issue. Try data, too. The issue seems to be pretty widespread, but given the information, it is hard to pinpoint the cause.
It can be regional, too, considering that while it affects a lot of players, it does not affect everyone. Server seems to be working fine at least.
Use an emulator to log in then link your account.
Search Android System WebView on the playstore then uninstall from there.
I meant to say the context of the meme is based on u/Tuivi's recent comic but yeah sure
Context: Tuivi's comic
Original comic of this meme format: RandoWis comic
> If we talk Stereotypical Status effects, bleed is more of knife/dagger debuff.
It's a reference to Darius from League Of Legends, who has some visual similarities to OP's idea of Mudrock's father, and inflicts bleeding as a passive.
With an axe.
So I was thinking want to install /e/ os (a custom ROM without any Google apps at all) on to my phone. The question is, is this game can run without any Google components available? I know probably the in app purchases need a Google Play Services but I won't buy anything, I just wanna play the game.
Based on the song by Patti LaBelle. Credit for the stock photo goes to Tyler Hendy.
Download link code UAbo85ZsAtn4RAPsubRSQR code📷
link here! first time use it, if there something wrong, let me know
btw it is mov. file you need check it with Pr or Ae
Cue Pillow Talk
Also, could someone explain Ch'Alter?
All I got was this, but I'm not sure if it's related to anything else.
It's a tool for backing up app data, NB just checked it on google play to link it seems like it got discontinued, Swift Backup is a good alt
Pick one that strikes your fancy. Someone mentioned TunnelBear but I'm sure every search engine will gladly vomit out a dozen more options if given the chance.
And there should be no reason for you to get banned for using a VPN. You aren't tampering with the game itself or get an unfair advantage, you just change the way your connection gets routed. BUT(t *snicker*), I'm not a Hypergryph official, just some pleb, so take that statement with a grain of salt.
This reply to a reply is sponsored by NordVPN. Staying safe online is an ever growing difficulty and you could be exploited by hackers. NordVPN allows you to change your IP address, making you harder to track, securing your privacy. Check out the link in the description non existent second reply to get 20% off for the first two months and thank you to NordVPN for sponsoring this reply.
I also posted this on twitter and amino(though twitter I used it for a roleplay so sorry) Twitter link: Amino link: Hope this made you smile! Ngl she looks like a chuunibyou so I used chuuni vulcan as my amino posts bio thingy
1) Shit question needs shit response honestly.
2) I never said the question wasn't answered. I can see that.Which is why i didnt add any links or answers to his question, don't need to be redundant. I always give links/answers to the questions of people who can't google them because giving the links to them will more than likely make them use the links more. (You can look at my previous comments if you want to or not)
3) Honestly like i said, the UTC time zone stuff, thats like new webpages you need to do. First open to find when the maintenance ends then find out what UTC-7 means and then when you do do that, even i am getting confused looking at the first converter and doesn't match up with the actual time it finishes.
4) I am not annoyed, the same amount of effort to ask those question is put into my answers.
For anyone that's interested is on sale now. The arknight Collab is still there you still have to pay but at least you can cut some cost here.
Cleared PL-4 and CM without incident with an improvised blockless strat. Initially wanted to do a run where all three controllers handled left, with Kirara on the red tile, but the bleed is too strong for her without an actual healer. So I changed it up. Will probably try left side Controllerknights again tomorrow when my drill plans refresh. I'll just have to bring a healer along to sustain them.
PL-4 CM SSSknights Clear, Blockless
Supporters, Snipers, and featuring one Specialist (Manticore), cleared with 8 Ops. Could probably 7 Op it and just take Manticore out. I also wonder if swapping my AoE Snipers' positions would result in even better control of right side.
Mostima does absolutely absurd damage when leveled up with her S3 and the slow is much more useful than you'd think it would be. That in addition to the SP gain on casters means I think you're underselling her.
That being said there may be a bias here.
The manual install steps (if you don't want to install AK through Google Play/QooApp/Other 3rd party app stores) usually are:
Install the latest APK.
Put the latest version of AK obb into /sdcard/android/obb/com.YoStarEN.Arknights/
Failed to do the above will be resulting in endless black screen.
FYI, according to APKCombo, the latest version of:
APK: arknights_0.8.14.apk
I dunno if it fits but they have chibi Jojo's, Game name: Pitter Patter Pop
half my gatchas are "uncompatible" and all works 100% ok from APKPure :)
You can try download chinese version today and check if working:
I did it for mytablet and it even support 16:10 so no stupid borders top/bottom. And looks and run super smooth.
It runs the same kind of rootkit as Valorant. Just search "genshin impact rootkit" on Google and you'll find atleast 3 pages of material. Even the devs said in a blog post that their "anti-cheat program will immediately end once the game client is closed or uninstalled", presumably from the massive backlash they received.
I personally have never bought or played an online game with questionable anti-cheat program. You're literally surrendering your system to either the devs or hackers that attack the servers.
Okay, let's assume it's bannable. And let's assume he's only emulating clicks and points. We can agree that injecting code is literally hacking, but I'm on the fence with official macro programs.
Yes, apparently bluestacks endorses macroing for arknights
I think it's just like asking someone to click for you, you know?
And the fact that the game is gated by sanity limits the spammability of it. If the use does want to spam it, they would have to pay for it with real money.
From that pov, I think Arknights stands to financially gain from macroing and explains why they don't ban touch-macro users. Not to mention it's pve, so there's practically zero human interaction within the game, so macroing in arknights does not harm another user's gameplay.
That's just my thoughts on it. So long as the game benefits from whatever automation you're doing, I'm okay with it.
Thank you ~ I used this amazing free Software which is exactly the same Photoshop but free and you don't have to install it because its online:
The photos I sourced from Wikis, Gamepress and other sources via google :)
You can check this website it tell you the ranking on playstore in other country
so yeah they really popular but I dont think it will reach fgo level
> no graphics card
This is the problem. Emulators run better with a dedicated graphics card. Bluestacks especially loves Nvidia gpus.
Alternatively you could use scrcpy to screen mirror your device onto a PC.
If you're not comfortable with logging into an emulator, there's It let's you mirror your phone to your computer and let you click the screen from your computer. The response time is very low, the only con is lack of audio. You would need an jack to jack from phone to computer or if your computer has bluetooth support, get the audio via bluetooth connection.
Now imagine trying to play with impaired vision. My eyes still haven't entirely recovered yet properly from medical issues over the past few years, so even with reading glasses (don't develop early on-set cataracts, didn't think I'd need these in my late 20s lol ), reading the text in this game is a pain.
What I found that works for me is ScreenCopy/ScrCpy. I still have to use my phone for the audio, but at least with this, i can play it on my PC without having to use an emulator. Which means everything is much larger, and at least while I'm playing at home, reading everything is way easier.
If you don't like your current guest account's roll, bind it to an e-mail address and then create a new guest account. You can get instant, temporary disposal e-mails for rerolling from the following site:
Does your phone use ios? You could consider using this site for instant throwaway e-mail accounts. Just bind your guest account to a throwaway e-mail account here, then you can create a new guest account. When you are done with that, bind it to another throwaway e-mail and create another one.
You don't have to create an e-mail for every reroll, you can use disposable ones like from this website:
I had the same issue with rerolling and I just used disposable emails to bind guest accounts then cleared the cache (since it seems to be broken otherwise).
this is the most important one the rest I just bought off like ebay from random sellers or thrift stores
I was thinking about the asshole star ship AI from the Expeditionary Force when i made that comment. Guess that either of them understands personal space.
I can highly recommend SNKRX.
It's only $3, but got a lot of replayability, a surprising amount of depth and is regularly receiving updates.
It really shouldn't be as cheap as it is.
Probably this:
I never used it but it looks like a mix of a VPN and a DNS changer, which could help resolve any connection issues that stem solely from your ISP. If it is a device or server issue I don't think it would help though.
No, the sniper department is lacking big time. I mostly rely on Meteor, Mei and Jessica. I also have Pramanix to pair with Executor, but he's not AA.
I also plan on raising Suzu to pair her with Angie, is that a good idea to substitute for Eyja?
>Since Exusiai is waifu, ignore everything I said and choose her.
Welp, might as well preorder her figure as well then... I don't want to whale in-game, but I will whale on Amazon anytime.
Wow the pricing is like double (W) the Amiami preorder price. (Still waiting on Ami shipping though...)
Since I have some people who asked me about updating the app, I am just going to leave a quick post here to tell people it has been updated. It doesn't really fix the bugs some devices have, but I kinda lost my motivation ever since A6 team came and trashed aoe+range and defender+healing tags. Looking back, it's actually really a badly code app but I hope you can still find it useful until you also learnt to remember you only need to look out for slow+dps, slow+guard, slow+healing, support, shift and debuff.
For people who didn't know about this app, if you are interested in this widget, you can find it here.
Hmm. I'd say try using this app SD Maid once after uninstalling Arknights. The Corpse Finder feature of this app is meant specifically for such use cases.
Finally found some time to translate this app into chinese for those players who are in CN like myself. I have decided to do away with the scanning feature because it crashes on a lot of phone, especially China phones like Hua Wei for some reason. If you are interested in this app, you can find it in playstore here.
Thinking if I should make a Japanese version (basically gonna be a lot of copy pasting Japanese names to replace Chinese ones if I were to do it). Any Japanese players out there here?
This app can scan your tags for you!
Otherwise, I keep my eye out for rare tags like Nuker, Summon, Crowd Control, Shift and combos like Survival+Defense/Defender.
+1 this, I tried 4 emulator (nox, bluestack, memu, mumu) and MuMu seems the best out all of them
Also Download Nova Launcher to remove the ads (set it as default launcher)
You like Azuru Rane, but the arts is too "much"?
Warship Fleet Command : WW2 Naval War Game
But very very very grindy, no stamina, just resource managements
For Android, I just use this app,
any generic custom wallpaper app should still work, I think it's the same for iOS. Hope it helps ^^
Around two weeks ago I posted my first version of the Arknights Recruiter Widget and I am glad that so many of you found it useful! I really appreciate the replies and used the feedback to make the widget better. Essentially...
As of now the app is shy of 200 downloads to reach my goal of 1k. I will be really happy if someone would help me mention this app on Arknights discord/facebook since I am really only active on reddit only. I will probably go and share my app there soon though. But I have to thank you guys on reddit for all the feedback. Thanks for the awards too!
For those who are interested, you can find this app here.
As part of a practice, I messed around with android studio and created this floating widget that lets you pick the tags you have and see the output results. It can float above the screen and easily be closed after you are done. I confirmed with Yostar through the game's customer service that this app is safe to use since it doesn't modify ingame data. If you are interested you can find it here.
Ironically, I had to study over the tag combinations to make this calculator. By the time I am done I have already memorized the important tags, making it useless for myself orz.
go into google settings, select ads then reset advertising id.
couldn't find the app so i had to download this:
might be useful
Yes it should be up in case you are in a supported region.
If your region is not supported you will have to use an app like qooapp to get the game.