This app was mentioned in 265 comments, with an average of 3.72 upvotes
A lot of Browser apps are built on top of Android's WebView. For example, Lighting uses the WebView (It is open source:
The WebView is a component built into the Android SDK that developers can use to display and render webpages. Android's WebView's is actually built on a version of Chrome's rendering engine internally. It is actually updated as a separate app itself. Since the WebView is built into Android, none of the WebView code itself needs to be included in the app, since it is already built into the OS.
If all the app does is display a WebView and load a url into it, the app would be extraordinary small because it itself doesn't really have all of the business logic of a browser/WebView in the app package itself. Though that would be a terrible app since the WebView only renders a page you give it, it doesn't have UI elements built into it. So apps that use this still have to add url bars, tabs, navigation and other features to actually be usable as a Browser.
Browser apps like Chrome and Firefox contain their own entire browser rendering engines, they don't use the OS one. So their apks are much larger.
TL;DR; Those small apps are using the OS's WebView for rendering pages so they don't have to include one in their apk. Firefox and Chrome include their own rendering engines.
You don't actually need a full blown web browser, just something to display a page if the OS cannot pull the response it's looking for.
For example on android you have web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, opera. But are not necessary to authenticate to public wifi.
There's a system app on all android phones called WebViewthat gets used for that purpose (as an example).
It ignores the fact that core components on Android can update independently of the OS.
Case in point, we have a bunch of Android powered barcode scanners at work. They're running Android 5.1, which has been EOL for ages now. But WebView continues to get updates, and since our app is web based, it works just fine.
Meanwhile we have a few iPad 2s sitting around which we can't use because Safari is running whatever shipped with iOS 9 and it no longer gets updates.
This happened to me too after updating on my 4a. Uninstalling and re-enabling Android system webview on Playstore fixed the issue.
Try uninstalling the latest update for Android System WebView, which fucked over gifs/HTML5 video. Not sure how Reddit sync deals with YouTube video cause I use Reddit Is Fun, but opening any HTML5 video or gif in any app basically causes your phone to freeze.
>Only a couple of months, but maybe she had an old phone. First time I'd heard of anyone having that problem with the site, but then it's not my site so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Were they running 5.0 and trying to view it with Webviews?
Some phones were having some difficulty viewing VP8/WebM videos on some sites because of it (specifically, imgur jumps to mind).
The app is Android System Webview:
Here is the description from the Google Play Store: "Android WebView is a system component powered by Chrome that allows Android apps to display web content. This component is pre-installed on your device and should be kept up to date to be sure that you have the latest security updates and other bug fixes."
Ich meine nicht so Ransomware im Sinne von "Diese News-App kannst du nicht deinstallieren", sondern andere Komponenten. "Android System WebView" ist so ein Stück. Das ist ein Wrapper für Chrome, damit Hybrid-Apps Webinhalte darstellen können. Ob man das Ding im App Store listen muss ist eine Frage, aber wenn man sich die Bewertungen anschaut [1] dann findet man da dieses Schema von "Versteh ich nicht, will ich nicht verstehen, 1-Sterne-Bewertung!"
Die aggressive Werbung für Dating-Apps ist in der Tat ein Problem, ich bin da nicht auf dem Stand ob es schonmal was gab oder nicht, aber ich kann mir vorstellen, dass es da nochmal knallt. Wobei doch lovoo auch schonmal hochgenommen wurde, oder nicht?
Hmm a few other people have reported this as well. It might be something wrong with the app or it might be a problem with the android system webview which has been getting a lot of changes recently. Either way the next release will have chrome custom tabs which should help relieve this problem :) Also I'll be adding the in-app image viewer in a future update which should solve this problem for all users as well.
Make sure this is up to date. If you use an app that has its own internal browser, it probably uses this component to do it.
Reinstall "Android System Webview" if it is missing. Everything was Force Closing and then I remembered that I had this issue before. Not sure why it happens.
There's a new Android System WebView released in the past few days. Are you using that?
No idea if it will help or not, since their changelog is outdated, but it's a possibility.
This is the component that displays web content within reddit is fun. If you cannot install or update it, then you will not be able to view gifv or WebM videos. You will have to use Chrome.
Support is not dependent on RiF, it's whether your System WebView component is up to date. Gifv/WebM videos have always worked for me in RiF, but I only use Nexus devices. Your device may or may not let you update the WebView component.
There is a recent update to Android System WebView that may fix this issue.
From the changelog:
>• Fixed inline video crash issues.
>• Added workarounds for graphics driver bugs which were causing some devices to hang.
> Disable chrome with adb.
Chrome can be disabled without adb.
Unless procedures have changed, disabling the Google Chrome browser will also disable its internal Android System WebView feature, which all Chromium browsers need. You'll need to download the Android System WebView app from the Play Store in order to let Kiwi work afterwards.
Two hours in the background is quite a lot. There really isn't anything Relay itself is doing that could cause that. I suspect it might be something to do with the internal webview not pausing automatically when the app goes to the background. Can you make sure your webview is up-to-date?
If you go here (open it in the Play Store on your phone), does it show as installed?
If you flashed GApps, it should replace AOSP WebView.
I have been hearing that the latest update for Android Webview has issues. I just updated the app this morning and started having issues. I have had to force reboot my M8 about 5 times today because apps keep locking up the phone. I also have apps that will not open. The reviews for Android Webview on the play store are full of users having similar issues. Just sort the reviews by newest.
I did not understand what kind of devices you are dealing with, but as of Android 5 the system WebView receives constant updates through the Play Store, the WebView is really no longer tied to the version of the OS.
In any case, if all fails, there is GeckoView, whose main downside is that of being massive.
Android System WebView and Chrome aren't the same thing. I don't have Chrome on my phone and apps that needs WebView works fine.
If you're on Android, go into the Play Store and revert the Android Webview to it's base version.
Go here:
Click "uninstall updates" then restart PAD. This fixed all the random crashes I was having (but didn't fix the bug that causes the controls along the bottom becoming unresponsive randomly).
That window you see in Messenger is really just an instance of the Safari browser, as far as I know.
Similar to the way that (by default) on Android, links in other apps will often open in Webview, which is basically just an instance of the Chrome browser.
I know some people have complained about seeing the white screen when receiving captcha. Updating the "Android System Web View" app helped them. This is the app that PoGo uses to render websites in the game apparently.
This is just a stab in the dark. If you don't have an Android phone, disregard this post.
Do you mean this? The Play Store version gets security fixes without a ROM install. Should be part of any Android OS as well.
Supposedly CM13 doesn't include the correct version of WebView. Installing it from the google play store might fix this issue:
/u/tributeswithcum /u/Aleks192 /u/gahrlaag
For anyone wondering:
> Android’s Webview, as described by Google, is a “system component powered by Chrome that allows Android apps to display web content.” In other words, Webview allows 3rd party apps to show content in an in-app browser or in an app screen that pulls from the web. It’s pretty important, and has only recently (with Lollipop) been decoupled as a stand-alone system component that can be updated as Google sees fit. And that’s important, because it allows Google to push security fixes and other enhancements without the need to push an entire system update.
Also, you can find the actual reviews and the original description here
it's because Android and JavaScript are like napalm and a blowtorch. JavaScript runs like complete and utter shit on android and FFRK is almost exclusively JavaScript.
Try upgrading webview
Me too - since yesterday adaway stopped working. MX PLAYER started to display ads, the only thing i remember what i updated was: Android system webview but i dont know if this is related.
With Android System WebView a separate app that updates through Google Play, what's the point of this? Why add a dependency on a separate app (Chrome) to your app instead of using the system component? They could add the preloading and other stuff to WebView too, the whole point on putting it on Google Play is to be able to update it with new features and security fixes.
Unfortunately it's down to Googles webview. They've been updating it a lot in the last few weeks trying to fix things but there are still issues. All of my top crashes are related to it. You can try uninstalling updates for it and see if that helps.
This isn't a problem with reddit is fun, it's a problem with your version of the Android System WebView component. The "internal browser" is just a plugin (based on Chrome) built into Android that apps can call on to display websites. The updated component may require Android 5.x to install, so you might not be able to update it depending on what version of Android is available for your device.
It's Google's fault.
Try uninstalling the latest update for Android System WebView, which fucked over gifs/HTML5 video. Opening any HTML5 video or gif in any app basically causes your phone to freeze or apps to close (check out those recent user reviews of ASWV). CM12s comes with ASWV version 37 and the current version is 42, so it is perfectly fine to uninstall all updates; version 37 isn't outdated enough to really matter and works perfectly. Remember to disable automatic updates for the time being until Google fixes this bug.
WebView is what applications like Gmail use to open a webpage without launching a browser. You definitely want WebView installed or some apps won't work.
I'd say uninstall the version shown in your screenshot and make sure the official stable version is up to date on your phone (
I believe most Androids also have this webview installed because of that scenario:
I use bromite instead:
I wish we could use gecko as webview :(
From practical point to be competitive against the preinstalled System WebView (which is 60Mb), there should be a way to easily customize GV with only what is needed...or
figuring out a way to make a shared GV instance, and probably filing an antitrust lawsuit against Google, as System WebView comes preinstalled and is used to quote: "allows Android apps to display web content", which will be like bundling Chrome in Android and making it the only "default" to run web-content.
Otherwise you/we will end up with great code, which won't be of practical use (outside few specific large projects).
I wouldn't recommend Stoutner Privacy browser, it's based on WebKit
Browers using Webkit will leak some analytics/metrics to Google.
Let me show you how door works
Do you think 1 Billion people installed Android System WebView from play store??
For your convenience :
It is based on webkit
afaik any browser that use Webkit will leaks some analytics/metrics to Google.
> Firefox … extremely slow and lagging on my phone.
If you have 3 gigs or more ram, try to disable disk caching, use memory only.
That's basically chrome unless OP has a very odd android setup. Google uses the rendering code from Chrome for in app browsers, it's what that "Android System Webview" App is.
Hmm that's odd. See if you can download Android System Webview directly from the Play Store. If that still doesn't work, then you might (unfortunately) have to just do a factory reset and go from there.
PSA: If you're having trouble with any apps that use WebView bring unable to use it and/or crashing, you need to uninstall Android System Webview from the Play Store.
Do you have this installed?
Check the webview setting under Developer Options. I have LOS 14.1 too and with Chrome and above installed I can choose from three: Chrome Stable (requires Chrome), Google WebView (the app in above link) and AOSP WebView (pre-installed system app)
I think Google WebView and AOSP WebView are pretty much the same thing.
Webview will never show up in any "open with" dialog inside apps, it is a built-in thing in the apps to use it.
Does Google+ use custom tabs instead? That's a different thing and requires Chrome.
This is not intended behaviour. Can you make sure your webview is up-to-date? Can you also post your device info using the "i" button in the format bar when composing a post or comment (slide the bar to the left for more options).
> Focus is using the built in Android browser/Chrome Blink engine and not Gecko :(
Focus is using the Android System Webview which is only an updateable package since Android 5.0.
There has been a split of the internal rendering engine from the core into a separate package in Kitkat, but that one is not updateable and has been stuck on Chrome v30 on Android Kitkat up until 4.4.2 and Chrome v33 on Android Kitkat 4.4.3 and higher. Since Android 5.0, the package is being updated through the play store and is basically a version of Chrome stripped of its UI, but the rendering engine and the javascript engine remain intact.
I've had this too. I fixed it my switching the Webview implementation in Developer options. I first had this when my webview was set to Chrome Canary, then changing it to Android System Webview fixed it for a few months before it started happening with that as well. I'm currently using Chrome Stable as my webview and it seems (for now) to have fixed it.
this is from their store description
● If an error occurs when you try to sign in, update Android System WebView from the URL below, and then try signing in again.
> I do not use a VPN, is that common for RiF users?
Dunno how common it is. Any public VPN would be suspect since they can do whatever to your traffic, without accountability. So we've ruled that out.
Is your Android System WebView up to date? Try clearing app data & cache for that too.
Android System Webview is your answer for that. Once you have that installed and enabled, it should function as you want it without needing to do anything else.
Check to see if you can update this app. If yes, do so. If not, uninstall updates and see if that fixes it. If it does fix it, check to see if you can use the beta version.
I ran into this too and worked around it. I speculate that CM13 has the chromium version of WebView and doesn't include all the codecs. Anyway, you'll want this version of WebView from the play store
Unfortunately the only options are either through the proprietary store or manual sideload.
Edit: I misread your question. CyanogenMod 13's WebView is from July 2015 (version 44), even in the latest nightly.
Different Android versions have different versions of web browsers.
The base Android browser is based on WebKit, but some manufacturers like to roll out their own custom browsers, which makes the problem even worse.
The base browser can be manually updated by installing this, but obviously you cannot rely on it, unless your website is running in a fully controlled environment. can help too, although it is not a substitute for testing on the actual devices.
Hmm did this only happen in the latest update, or was it a problem in the versions from last month? Another user has reported similar problems, also on a nexus 6p. He was running android Marshmallow 6.0.1, is this the same with you? I've been unable to replicate the problem on my 6.0.1 Nexus 7 2013.
>This sometimes seems to be associated with a temporary memory leak since my phone will slow down significantly
Well it is possible that there is a memory leak somewhere, I'll try exploring and plugging any leaks. But it might be a problem with the android system webview as it was just recently updated. In this case I can try tweaking the way app treats webViews. It might help, but I have no way to test it.
Also, in the future, you won't need to encounter this problem in the first place because the next major update will have an in-app image and video player for imgur, gfycat, youtube, etc. instead of just using a plain internal webView browser.
> Standard Chrome install from the play store, android 5.0.1
> I click on a gif hoping to see a moving image instantly, it should work just like a png. These web page wrapped GIFs don't do that for me.
Chrome on Android requires you to click the play button before videos start loading (to prevent sites from running a bunch of auto-play videos and burning through your data).
It will still typically load faster because it is substantially smaller.
It also will typically play back smoother due to differences in how WebM and .gif are interpreted by the device.
> I still haven't figured out why the webm versions corrupt after the 2nd or 3rd replay, but imgur's latest ability to allow zoom at least gave me a fix for that.
That sounds like an issue with your config in particular.
I just tested this WebM and the other WebM you commented on with 7 different Android devices on various versions of Chrome and Android OS, and they all worked flawlessly.
What device are you using? Are your support libraries updated (e.g. WebView)? Are there any modifications to your device (rooted, xposed, custom ROM, custom kernel, etc.)? Is there anything non-standard about your device that may be causing this issue?
If this is actually a problem with Chrome, I'd like to get it reported upstream, especially if it affects more than one user.
No, this is Google's fault, not CM12s' fault. Uninstall all updates for Android System WebView, which fucked over gifs/HTML5 video, from your phone.
Had the exact same problem. Same issue, same message, and seemingly only affecting Splatnet 3 on the Nintendo Online app. Actually, I found your post trying to search for a solution to my problem on Google.
Here's what I saw suggested in the app itself, and I tried it. It's and update needed for your Android System WebView. This is what worked for me. I can now access my Splatnet just as easily as I could before.
No clue if this would work but it has helped other UI related issues.
Install or uninstall/reinstall and restart your phone.
It's a screenshot from the Steam Mobile App and that's normal that from time to time your Mobile App Login falls off so that you'll need to re-login to see that screen. Then why are you seeing the Code? Because otherwise you can't login into Mobile App. Code generation is tied to the App and that's why it says "logged in as" to show you which username and password you would enter there, just in case if you have multiple Steam accounts.
Nothing is wrong, nothing is broken, not a bug and today you learned something new. And if you lately can't login to that Mobile App, Steam pushed a very bad update for older OSes like Android that you need for Steam App to function without issues and if you can't install that, it's time for you to change that device.
If you're using LDPlayer (gonna assume it works the same for Bluestacks), download
Download Chrome
Go into Apps & Notifications and change the default browser to Chrome.
That'll open up the browser properly
In a prior post, user was getting that message for another app. Just a guess, I said to check if their Android system webview is updated and it seemed to fix it. uninstall/re-install if needed.
If you use chrome and keep it updated, should be fine. I know some people disable chrome and use another browser. Android system webview is built into chrome (forgot when it changed maybe Android 10?).
You can install webview directly on the play store
I think that the issue might lie with-in the Android System WebView instead of with Boost for Reddit. In the meantime, you could use the Custom Tabs feature instead:
Settings > Advanced > Link handling > Default browser > Custom Tabs
Have you updated the Android System WebView app recently? Half the issues faced by most users (Including random app crashes) tend to lie behind this app in particularly.
Use an emulator to log in then link your account.
Search Android System WebView on the playstore then uninstall from there.
Did you select "close app" everytime the app not responding dialogue appears? In any case the problem seems to appear when the in-game notices is loading, is your Google Chrome or Android System Webview up to date? Maybe your device needs a restart?
Android can be whatever the OEM wants, but 99% of the time it uses Google's WebView which is basically a stripped down Chrome and is not usually changeable.
Uninstall and reinstall this:
Please let me know if this resolves the issue
Navigate to the Google Play Store app
Search for Android System WebView
Select the "Update" option
Repeat these steps for Google Chrome
If the problem still cannot be solved, you may uninstall Android System WebView or disable Chrome then restart the device and check whether the issue still persists:
Go to Settings - Apps - Apps - three dots on the upper right corner - Show system processes, find Android System Webview, three dots on the upper right corner - click uninstall update, then restart the device. Hope it may address your concern.
That's not app related. That android or phone related. Try going to the page and see if you can manually push the update.
i don't know how much you can use your phone. you could try to reboot into safe mode maybe (google it). if you can open play store and chrome, try going to it should have a popup "do you want to open this in play store" and you would click that. Then you can uninstall updates, reinstall updates from play store.
otherwise you gotta start googling, "how to install apps via ADB" "how to install unknown apps on android" "how to copy apps to my android via USB." I can give you the ideas but not step by step.
Please do some searching and googling yourself
Note webview is also part of chrome - depends on device etc if it's required
This is wrong on so many levels...
For one, the error message specifically says it's a DNS issue...
For two, if you uninstall Chrome you just get stuck with the version of Chrome that came with your version of Android, you can't really uninstall and reinstall it, and it wouldn't change anything if you did...
For three, nearly all web browsers on Android use something called Webview, even Microsoft Edge on Android is technically the same browser, and uses the same web rendering engine that nearly all browsers on Android use... About the only one that doesn't use the same web rendering engine that is built into Android is Firefox for Android which uses its own...
All of which means that if you uninstall Chrome or try to install another third-party browser like Edge or Brave or any other 'Chromium' based browser, you actually haven't uninstalled or changed browsers at all...
You can find out more about Webview here:
That one + google chrome
the webview one is the embedded chrome(ium) for applications that embed a browser in the application.
The corona does this.
I've had this issue with two duo's, back to back. One was the AT&T locked duo I'm sending back (because it can't be unlocked) and the other was with my current Amazon Renewed (brand new, by the way) duo. Both phones are in perfect physical condition so it seemed like more of a bug probability than anything. They would power off on their own and would not boot. The boot screen would show the Windows logo and then a battery icon and would loop between the two. After plugged in for a couple of minutes, I could get it to boot by holding down the Volume Up and Power buttons for about 30 seconds. It did this to me about 5 or 6 times a day.
Here's what I've recently done, and (knock on wood) I've gone all day today without an issue:
After a factory reset out of desperation, things were going well. Until, I configured my Google Nest app. Within minutes of setting up my Nest app, my duo shut down on its own and boot looped. After I finally got it back up and running, I uninstalled the Nest app. I also did some binging (I'm not a big google fan) and came across an issue effecting Android apps crashing because of the Android system app: WebView. Admittedly, the issue only describes apps crashing and not the actual OS itself, but perhaps it had potential of crashing other system apps or even the launcher.
After removing Nest and updating WebView, I haven't yet had a crash. Although, I'm sure I'll have to come back, hat in hand and with a "nevermind" when inevitably it crashes later tonight but, it's worth a shot if you're having this particular issue.
Navigate to Play Store app
Search for Android System WebView
Select the "Update" option
Repeat these steps for Google Chrome (
This happened to me too immediately after updating. Disabling and re-enabling Android system webview fixed it.
protonmail app requires a webview provider to show email contents. LineageOS should already include aosp webview, if it's somehow not active check in developer settings if you can explicitly set it as webview provider. otherwise you can get google's webview here, or (better) you can get bromite webview
there are apps to test/verify webview, recommend you try one of those to see if webview is working.
Can you/ do you have installed this? This is normally a bundled capability for android to interpret web content. I actually programmed all the screens using that capability except for the very first welcome screen. Since the first screen worked but the age and rest of the app are unresponsive, I'm guessing that's the issue. Note- you don't need the internet to use the app, it's just the programming language I used.
For the purposes of a Reddit comment, there is not a huge difference at all.
Hmm, there was a recent update to android webview that broke all apps that used it. Maybe that is your issue, so I'd suggest updating it
You probably need to get your Chrome/Chromium fixed. Also, see if you can update Android System Webview (You should have it installed already, it's a system app). It's not a Barinsta issue and sadly I can't help you with that.
Is this on iOS or Android?
I don't know much about the inner workings of the IG app on either platform, but there is a chance Instagram could be using WebView on Android for the built in browser functionality.
Webview is generally based on Chrome, however it's updated independently of the applications that require it. The client could try updating WebView and see if that resolves the layout issue?
When I search on PS the term you said, it should me android system webview app"
Which is fortunately disabled by me. Anything else?
Hello there people!
Just fixed an issue yesterday with Steam's Android app so I just created an account to share it because I did not find the answer on the Internet.
Possible quick fixes (try one of them)
Actual fix found
try update system webView from app store and check version in system/developer options/Web View implementation compare both versions in system and app store should be same
Please share your configuration. Reply to this, swipe the formatting bar all the way to the right, and click the funky small-i-in-a-box.
Also, I suspect an older version of Android WebView, which is the VENDOR SUPPLIED component Relay uses display items. I use 86.0.4240.185.
I experienced this about one week ago. I updated all my apps and suddenly my phone gets slow, "laggy", scratching sound, battery draining rapidly even without using the phone. Among updates where Android System WebView.
The next day I go to the app store and see there's an update for WebView. Immediately after installing it all issues disappear, and to me there is no doubt this caused all the problems... Looking at the description of the app it also make sense. Basically any app that needs some kind of webview will make the phone rubbish. Can also somewhat be confirmed by restarting phone as it was quicker untill some apps got open.
Yesterday I got a system update and followed through with that, and phone started again to show issues, but maybe not as notably. Updated all my apps again (once again the WebView app also updated), which did not fix anything but might even worsen the symptoms from the system update.
Right now I'm hoping there will come either another system or webview update.... battery got drained in about 9 hours today with very litle use. Too bad cause I really needed the camera for work purposes as well which can't be replicated.. According to battery usage the android system itself used 25++% of the battery.
Due to the last system update I can't tell if it's the system or webview update, or both, that is causing the issues since yesterday.
Thank you for teaching me.
I'd like to confirm, do you have this app installed? Can you check if this app is disabled?
They can update it using Google play sure, doesn't make it a regular app. Kind of like how webview isn't really a regular app either even though it's on play
Your other examples were better
AnkiDroid uses the System-defined WebView for rendering. This will typically be (Chrome 84.0.4147.125).
If you want to debug your cards, either copy card.html
from your AnkiDroid folder to your PC, or enable debugging on AnkiDroid & your phone and use Chrome's development tools:
Yes, of course. WebView uses the Chromium/Chrome engine, so it has all security issues that Chrome has (until they are fixed in a WebView update).
I think it is because of the Android System Webview.
Try updating it and by any chance that you people are on Beta for this app?
Edit : I also have the same issue but I read somewhere that this might be the cause.
Okay... one final Hail Mary:
You have to pay attention to 2 things: 1, if the situation is "100% false", why don't I see something similar to this in Google Play? (The author of the post asks for at least a competition for WebView in this way, probably because of Google things they will not allow it)
Another detail, if you think that I am belittling the effort made by Geckoview, you are also very wrong, my point is that, with busier minds (apart without so much obstacle from Google and the incompetence of some developers), something like the Geckoview engine app would already be a reality
Seems to be Android version of PAD. According to posts/discord, check if you have the Android WebView System App. Seems like the latest version of the app has broken PAD. Rolled back to the previous version on my Pixel 3 XL running Android 10 and it seems to have fixed the issue
>it gives Google's fancy pop-up instead of the web login. However, the app doesn't seem to like that.
What does that mean, "the app doesn't like that"?
Are you getting an error message of some kind?
If you've not already, ensure your Webview is up to date:
I just went to the webview page and there was an uninstall button. I am also on the beta version, not sure if that makes a difference.
You completely uninstalled/disabled it and re-downloaded? Link here
Could also try a clean install of other default phone apps by disabling them/resetting them to factory settings then looking for updates: Google play Games and Google Play Services
Thanks for the video! Unfortunately I'm not able to replicate the behaviour... Can you please try updating this and see if that helps?
>because both my Nexus 7 and S5 can't play them.
Android handles WebM just fine.
There's a reason it's updated via Google Play now.
If you have Chrome installed that will appear there as well.
It's that small because it's just a shell for WebViews.
That's not true. The built in browser (webview) gets updated through the play store now. link.
Påminner om recensionerna för WebView i Android-systemet med skillnaden att de är odelat positiva för det senare.
I was referring to the WebView app which let's Android users to directly view a site in the app rather than opening it any browser. I think it keeps running in the background even when we return back to Reddit app. The only fix I was able to find is to turn off the autoplay option on youtube (but that doesn't work for gifcat and other sites) and to force close the WebView app everytime after visiting any link (which is annoying). I hope they will fix this problem in future updates instead of uselessly increasing the app size everytime.
>I’m sure that if the problem were easy to solve the Reddit build team would have fixed it long ago.
I think they still need to check this problem from their end because 16GB is too much and I don't think that WebView alone is responsible for that.
No, since Lollipop WebView is being distributed and updated as it's own app in the PlayStore.
Try installing android system webview from the play store
That bug has nothing to do with Lollipop. It's the fault of a Google app,
Uninstall the updates for Android System Webview. Lots of posts on here about it. Sounds like what you're experiencing. Link:
Uninstall and reinstall
Check if your Webview is up to date
> La courant de pensée actuel dans les logiciels c'est que les maj doivent être imposées, notamment pour des raisons invoquées de sécurité.
La principale raison pour laquelle l'OS des téléphones est mis à jour, c'est pour éviter la fragmentation, à savoir une grande disparité entre les versions installées sur les téléphones existants. Personne n'a envie de choisir une plateforme (iOS ou Android) pour se rendre compte que la moitié des applications du store sont incompatibles avec son appareil parce qu'il lui manque des fonctionnalités logicielles.
Google a fait un choix initial qui s'est avéré horrible mais qui a facilité l'adoption d'Android au départ : laisser les constructeurs customiser l'OS, parfois fortement et leur laisser la responsabilité de le distribuer et de le mettre à jour. Problème, les constructeurs n'ont aucun intérêt à continuer les mises à jour logicielles sur les modèles qu'ils ne vendent plus : les questions de sécurité ou de fragmentation ils s'en foutent.
Bilan, même si d'après /u/Silencement le développement iOS est plein d'emmerdes sur d'autres points, quand tu fais ton appli, elle sera très largement compatible avec le parc de téléphones installés, même en utilisant les dernières fonctionnalités de l'API. Si tu fais la même chose sur Android, d'un coup ta population cible est divisée par 4. C'est naze.
Google a rectifié le tir en détricotant Android et en mettant un maximum de choses dans des applications à part comme Google Play Services ou Android System Webview pour pouvoir continuer à les mettre à jour même quand le constructeur a cessé le support d'un téléphone.
La sécurité c'est une raison avancée, mais elle est la conséquence de la fragmentation importante et surtout elle n'est devenu une priorité que quand des failles ont commencé à être exploitées massivement. La prise de conscience a été tardive.
> A un moment il va falloir que les industriels exigent une certaine maturité des solutions logicielles, impliquant une stabilité et moins de mises à jour.
Vu les niveaux de complexité en jeu et pour ce domaine là, c'est tout bonnement impossible. Le jour où un constructeur décide d'appliquer les principes qui permettent d'avoir ce genre de niveau de qualité logicielle, il est mort, parce que ça sortira trop tard par rapport à la concurrence et avec moins de fonctionnalités. Et les gens n'achètent pas leur équipement en fonction de la sécurité en général.
You can also install the newer Android System Webview from the Play Store. Not sure why it isn't getting bundled in ROMs.
AOSP WebView miał pełno komentarzy tego typu jak ostatnio sprawdzałem. Link
Make sure your Android System WebView is up to date.
This is an issue with Android system webview, not relay. Go here and delete and reinstall it.
Make sure you have the latest Webview installed
Have you tried rotating the screen to landscape and back to portrait while having the keyboard out or updating Webview?
It seems to work for me, I think your problem might be resolved by downloading webview from the play store.
Perfect! Here's a link to Android Webview, if folks aren't sure what you're talking about:
Hello again!
I believe I do have a fix for you and in case I cant explain it very well here is what I used to fix it (I only did the First Possible Fix step):
You'll have to do this on your phone so I recommend having this opened up on A PC for reference.
> If there is no Update/install button on that page go to Settings -> Apps -> Chrome and disable it. Also a pop up will ask if you want to reset Chrome to the factory default so select yes for that. Then open up your app switcher and go back to the Play Store and refresh the page. (If there's still no install/update button just scroll down to the bottom of the page, wait a few seconds, then scroll back up to the top, that seemingly worked for me). Now update/install Android System WebView.
> Here, since Chrome was already disabled, I decided to go to the next step
> Here I had a bit of a problem. I decided to clear the cache first then the data. The cache cleared without issue, but the clearing the data would cause my Settings app to crash. So what I did was open Settings back up and clear Chrome's data a few times (with the crashes everytime, I just pretended they didn't happen)
> This went off without a hitch
> Also went off without a hitch
Hopefully this works for you, otherwise there's 3 other possible fixes on that page I linked above. Also formatting on Reddit is ass.
Edit: After I got signed in and typed all this up I:
After doing all this I was still signed in
update this
and chrome on your phone if you using nougat or later
latest version is 67.0.3396.87
Why don't you update it and let me know if it fixes the issue.
Updating to the latest version of Android System Webview should take care of that
No regular webview installed as a system app?
Under 50 MB.
Try installing this if it isn't already.
Check out the reviews on the Google components that you update through the app store. Webview is my favourite
Update the WebView if you are on Android and it will probably work. It worked for me.
Try updating your device's Android System WebView App - I have TWC and this worked for me.
I fixed this issue by installing:
I just got it too, and I think it's possibly related to the WebView package, which got updated recently. That'd certainly explain why this is the first time I'm seeing a crash (on my Nexus 6P).
Hi please make sure you have the latest Android System WebView:
Updating your Android System WebView will likely fix the issue.
Is your Android System WebView up to date?
~~Perhaps update webview
Try uninstalling the latest update for Android System WebView, which fucked over gifs/HTML5 video.
Some have had luck updating or uninstalling/reinstalling WebView:
Looks like you might have joined the Beta for Android System Webview
Here's a link to fix the issue
But I'll just put in what the link is just cause I want to, lol. Hopefully it works!
Firstly, you need to navigate to your App list via Settings > Apps. Then, Force Stop and Disable the App called "Android System WebView". It looks like this:
Next, install the beta version from Play Store:
Then, restart your phone. You have to do this or the game might still crash.
Once that is done, FGO should be running normally.
Again, big thanks to u/agiversonjr for solving this huge headache of mine for the past few days/weeks.
I hope this will help people with clearing their Fever tickets even though I've already cleared mine before doing this fix.
If you are running Android 10 or 11 (in your case...OxygenOS)., try updating Android Webview:
check if your system webview is up to date, maybe reinstall it though I doubt that helps much uninstall and reinstall if it's not showing to update.
It's probably just this thing:
It is indeed Chrome under the hood
Try uninstalling WebView
Make sure this is installed/updated
Have you tried updating the Android System WebView app recently?
Try updating Android System Webview in play store then restart.
Worked once but when I closed the game and opened it again it zoomed in again. So would have to do that every time.
I received confirmation that it is due to a faulty webview update.
It can be resolved by uninstalling updates to
Possibly something to do with your system's WebView. Try updating or reinstalling it from the play store:
Hmm, maybe their system WebView is not updated? That's what handles JavaScript
See if threes an update for webview or chrome (if you use it)
Uninstall updates from Android System WebView.
I've had this issue with two duo's, back to back. One was the AT&T locked duo I'm sending back (because it can't be unlocked) and the other was with my current Amazon Renewed (brand new, by the way) duo. Both phones are in perfect physical condition so it seemed like more of a bug probability than anything. They would power off on their own and would not boot. The boot screen would show the Windows logo and then a battery icon and would loop between the two. After plugged in for a couple of minutes, I could get it to boot by holding down the Volume Up and Power buttons for about 30 seconds. It did this to me about 5 or 6 times a day.
Here's what I've recently done, and (knock on wood) I've gone all day today without an issue:
After a factory reset out of desperation, things were going well. Until, I configured my Google Nest app. Within minutes of setting up my Nest app, my duo shut down on its own and boot looped. After I finally got it back up and running, I uninstalled the Nest app. I also did some binging (I'm not a big google fan) and came across an issue effecting Android apps crashing because of the Android system app: WebView. Admittedly, the issue only describes apps crashing and not the actual OS itself, but perhaps it had potential of crashing other system apps or even the launcher.
After removing Nest and updating WebView, I haven't yet had a crash. Although, I'm sure I'll have to come back, hat in hand and with a "nevermind" when inevitably it crashes later tonight but, it's worth a shot if you're having this particular issue.
Navigate to Play Store app
Search for Android System WebView
Select the "Update" option
Repeat these steps for Google Chrome (
Webview is a completely separate entity.
Maybe you could reinstall it?
Sometime ago I encountered the same problem. For me it was caused by a bug related to LineageOS, if I understand correctly.
I found the fixes to get rid of this annoying problem permanently, before I installed a newer LineageOS build, which also fixed it:
Fix 1: Simply install Android SystemWebView from Google Play. This fixed it for me. I found this solution here. This worked for me.
Fix 2: Replace all BrowserMetrics folders with a file by the same name, to prevent it from creating the folder and the files in it. I found this solution here. This also worked for me.
Fix 3: If you use LineageOS: Update to a LineageOS ROM that was built after 12-27-2020, as explained here.
Roll back the update on this app
The DuckDuckGo browser uses WebView, the OS-provided rendering engine.
In its essence, it's just a UI slapped on to WebView, which is why it's so small. At the moment, the only WebView options are Chrome and Chromium, so basically, DDG uses Chrome/Chromium. AOSP has Chromium, but I'd imagine most phones would ship with the Chrome WebView.
There is a Mozilla project called GeckoView which could, theoretically, at some point, with some development, be used instead of Chrome in WebView. So if you (theoretically) plug GeckoView in as a WebView provider, suddenly your DuckDuckGo browser would be using Firefox instead of Chrome.
We still didn't find out what it is but it's always ancient Webview versions (based on Chrome 51 like /u/ForestHooter below or 42 like I saw today).
Please, please, please update your WebView:
For Android 5 it means updating
(not necessarily from Play store, from any trusted source)
update this and let me know if it fixes the issue.
>...However, the "Full" package also installs Google Chrome. In Android versions 7 through 9, Chrome itself can act as the default WebView provider.
That's right. It can be selected as default in > Developer options > WebView implementation.
Same can be done with the standalone Google Android System WebView in Play Store as linked above.
>...I've always just used the Aroma installer...
But the Open GApps Aroma package can't be installed on some devices because it's old script is not supported by some recent versions of TWRP as you can read in Open GApps Wiki - Aroma Package.
I tested it myself on Galaxy S5 G900M & TWRP v3.3.1-0 & TWRP crashes & reboots to TWRP as soon as you try to manually flash the package.
In that case one can install a larger Open GApps package & use a gapps-config file to select which apps one wants as described in Open GApps Wiki - Advanced Features and Options.
I wonder if Open GApps Aroma can be installed with the LineageOS Recovery.
> ...LineageOS ships a version which they do compile directly from source code, but to save time, they build it once per version bump, and then ship it as a prebuilt binary in their day-to-day builds. This version of the engine will only be updated when a new OS build is installed…
FYI the LineageOS Android Chromium WebView updates are now in the branch master & that's why they do not always appear in the individual devices Changelogs:
For example on my Galaxy S5 G900M LineageOS 16.0 klte build 2020-03-01 + Open GApps Pico it's currently 80.0.3987.117 & in Play Store it's 80.0.3987.119 @ the present which is just a few days more recent:
>...If you install GApps on top of LineageOS, then in most circumstances the closed-source Google Chrome-derived version of WebView will be installed and used automatically by all apps which invoke the WebView API.
As you can see in Open GApps Package Comparison only the huge Stock & Super packages includes Google WebView.
> Safari on iOS 13.3 [latest] scores 488
It really wasn't there until three hours ago. I had just seen 13.1 still holding at 455.
> a scant 3 points behind Firefox on desktop
It's even higher depending on who you ask (I swear to god, I don't understand why FF72 is scoring 30 points lower on my desktop). Then you check differences though, and you see how somehow they counted not supporting stuff of the caliber of "input type=week" thrice.
> Yup: that's how people react to data these days, sigh.
That's how you react hastily when you see numbers from 2014 (but it seems like I didn't do due diligence) and you already know something.
Somehow it seems at least some very, very, very long time bug got fixed exactly by this fall though. Gg?
> I wasn't the one who tried to claim Safari is "an amass of out of spec hacks". "It's out of spec." "No, not really
You understand that just checks for availability, and not conformance? Example
> even though the very Twitter thread you linked explains how A12's memory subsystem is a step-function faster because, shocker, IPC alone doesn't determine JavaScript execution performance.
Shocker, I had linked an article explaining that too.
I'm just telling OP it's not all hardware magic (put even aside that I'm not sure how much google webview couldn't be at fault for lack of extreme architectural optimizations)
I've always thought Tasker used the built-in Android System WebView. Or Chrome, if you have it installed, since it replaces WebView.
Well, then she should consider getting a BOOX or Likebook device, but I do warn that those aren't easy to use, unless using them only with DRM-free books in the built-in reader.
They run Android-based firmwares but with support for user apps enabled right out of the box. They can't legally offer Google Play Services, though, so both have them, just not enabled out of the box, so I usually would just not enable them, and instead sideload them from other sources, unless she's installing an app that specifically checks Play Services for its licence (Calibre Companion is the only one I know of that does this). You can enable Google Play Services, but at your own risk.
There are a number of things to note, at least with Likebook (which I know because I own a limited edition white Mimas), so here are a few of those that I can remember right now:
Ensure webview is up to date
Try uninstalling Android System WebView then sign in again in vanced.
Did you root your phone? I had the same thing happen to me when I rooted mine. If not try installing this.
Your device probably has an old version of webview, please try upgrading it or install
Maybe webview isn't working properly? Try looking it up in playstore to see if there is an update.
Nvm, go this link and try install/update
Only thing I can imagine is this
There's webview on android which not all devices will install. Are you running your games via the built in webview or the one provided by google? AFIAK, the google-provided one tends to be updated more so than OEM webview.
E: I realized that I didn't answer your question.
HTML5 stuff runs fine via the google-provided webview, but not so much for OEM webview from my experience. So to answer your question: it depends?
How many people knows about Android WebView? It has 1Billion+ downloads
Could you please confirm you're on version 7 of the app and that your Android System Webview is up to date.
Try updating WebView here:
Hello, I'm also seeing the same Warning. It has only started showing up since the latest update. I installed Android System WebView from Google Play, but the Warning still remains.
As far as I can tell, the app worked well without "Android System WebView".
Chrome is the main html rendering engine on android. If you disable it you'll need to install WebView ( as a rendering engine
> It defaults to Google as a Search Engine...
But you can change that: LineageOS built-in Jelly Browser > Settings > Search engine.
>...along with its replacement webview
You can download Android System WebView from Play Store (or via Yalp store) and in Developer options > WebView implementation > it will add a Google WebView option (currently 69, same as current Chrome browser) besides the LineageOS AOSP WebView default (currently 67).
That setting choice is used by several apps including Jelly.
There are some Chromium WebView 69 updates for LineageOS 15.1 in the tubes @ the present & I guess other ones soon for 14.1 & 13.0:
>It could default to DDG, for example.
Bromite also defaults to Google but offers more search engines choices compared to Jelly. ;)
I added the Bromite F-Droid repository as a third-party repository, downloaded & installed both Bromite browser & vanilla Chromium browser, used them, hard rebooted and this did not work:
>The Bromite webview extends the privacy enhancements and ad blocking into these other apps.
As the Bromite SystemWebView is not added as an extra option in Developer options > WebView implementation for LOS 14.1 so I don't see how Jelly or other apps can use it.
Bromite repository's Vanilla Chromium also does not add any option.
Edit: I did not try yet replacing the /system/app/webview/webview.apk as described in Bromite's Installing SystemWebView but obviously it would not survive a LineageOS update.
Installing Google's Chrome browser does add a Chrome stable option in WebView implementation. But disabling Chrome like I do most of the time removes it hence why I installed Android System WebView as a sticky extra option.
In Bromite > Settings > I disabled AdBlock as I use system wide host file ad blocking via AdAway, currently using PerfectSlayer's more recent version here or here - sorted by newest first because my S3 i9300 is rooted but it's still quite laggy/choppy scrolling compared to Jelly.
>...I choose to limit the private data Google slurps...
I agree with that. In Settings > Google some stuff can be done to limit data collection but obviously not all of it if you are a Google Play Store or any app made by Google user.
FYI there is a thread in the Android Apps subreddit by Bromite's dev here: DEV - Bromite Browser - Chromium + adblocking and enhanced privacy
Anyway, thanks for the pointer.
I'm unsure on that, I'm surprised you went for the naked browser as it's probably the least popular one on my list. I don't like it's appearance and can't get on with it for that reason. might help fix it, if it doesn't try with Chrome/Firefox then if it doesn't work the issue is a operating specific issue :S I personally use Chrome and Flynx, Chrome for my normal browsing (only because it syncs up with my PC and Laptop) and Flynx for any links I open from other apps so it loads in the background.
If I was looking for a new browser, I'd download them all and try each one to see what one I like.
Good article! Thank you for writing it.
I noticed one typo: the word "booko".
Your article's pure-blue text is a bit awkward to read. Navy blue text, or even black text, would be better. Nowadays, modern Web browsers recognize a rich set of color names, including MidnightBlue, DarkBlue, and navy.
In your article, you mentioned a magazine app which allowed you to get to YouTube. I assume this is because the magazine app included a WebView. This is a widget which can display arbitrary web pages.
On Android 6.x or below, WebViews are drawn by the WebView app; it's preinstalled on every Android phone.
If you have Android 7.x or better, and Chrome 51 or better, WebViews are usually drawn by Chrome, but you can change this.
I'm not sure whether or not it's possible to disable the WebView app. But you can definitely use an app locker to lock your magazine app.
The closest Firefox-based equivalent to WebView is GeckoView.
Your Reddit post, above, contains a slight formatting mistake.
Nowadays, I use a smartphone so old that it can't access Wi-Fi. I also don't have a data plan. So, I can't access unwanted websites.
If you want to do what I did, you can cancel your data plan; then, you can carry a Palm Treo, or an older BlackBerry with no Wi-Fi, or a feature phone, or a flip phone. Old-phone questions can go to /r/phones, /r/Smartphones, /r/techsupport, /r/Palm, or /r/blackberry. (Some vintage smartphones are 2G-only. You may need to switch to a carrier which still supports 2G, such as T-Mobile.)
/u/RNYCX2, do you still use Pluckeye for Android, even nowadays?
Sorry for the late reply! I meant this.
I like many features of Chrome, but I tend to use Firefox due to the open nature of it's development and a non-tracking organization behind it. I do know of the recent mayhem with Mozilla and Firefox's intrusive feature, yet I have high hopes for that foundation.
You can get it here:
Did this solve the problem?
> I normally use the external browser but it seems to be fixed now. ��
you are able to open the original link that you mentioned, without crash?
If so, I think, your webview had problem. You can try clearing its data and updating it from here
Redreader probably uses Webview for the sidebar. ROMs usually use an old AOSP version.
You can try updating it or freezing/uninstalling it and installing the Google Play version if you are on Marshmallow or later. You can even try installing it alongside AOSP. In my case Redreader uses the newer version.
Oh okay so your webview browser, that mini browser things thats integrated into apps, isn't loading the web page and is instead sending an intent to an external browser.
Check out "Android System WebView" -
That thing right? It loads in there instead while still being in the app?
What happens when you tap a link in the stock messaging app? Does it load the same integrated mini browser thing?
Clearing data for that as we as cache then uninstall it and update it again.
Did you happen to do the thing that's not a good idea and disable random system processes by chance?
Update this and should be there as an option
On standard Android the webview function is a standalone APK for Android 5 and 6, so you can update it on Play Store.
On Android 4 it is part of the system, nothing you can do but keep your whole mobile updated.
On Android 7 Chrome itself does that job.
I don't know if Samsung following this on stock rom, but probably.
The google webview APK just in case is this one:
> How can I find out if I have one?
This might have to do with the webview. Chrome OS might not have it propely supported, or you need to install another app.
I'm just guessing (haven't developed for Android extensively)
Edit: is this available to install on your chromebook?
So I see quite a few of these posts and its a few days after you made this but here:
Install Google System Webview.
Next go to your phone's Settings > About Phone > Software Information and find the area that lists Build Number. This will vary based on your phone manufacturer's interface design but this is approximately where you'll find it. Tap this information 7 times to enable Developer Options.
Now back out into your main settings and find the option for Webview Implementation and select Google Webview.
Now kill FFRK via your recent apps screen and restart it so it renders using the older engine. This should fix the hit targets.
You can indeed be a tester. [Edit: If you're interested in being a tester, email Jon.]
Yeah, SAA and SLAA are good. I also like /r/pornfree.
Spin browser? Cool.
How do you remove the Google Play store? Can you still get security updates to things like WebView when it's gone?
Have you made sure that this is updated on your device:
Those errors mean the GPU is out of memory and it looks like chromium(the webview) is the cause. Either a texture been uploaded is too big or the driver has a memory leak. Either way it's a rom/gpu driver issue.
The only other thing you can try is to make sure the webview is up-to-date.
edit: Also try enabling google webview as shown here.
He may need to update his Android System Webview here
It's interesting to compare it to Android System WebView, which I assume is used by Android in the same way that Windows uses Edge's rendering engine. Rather than being baked-in, it's a separately updatable component.
You need to update your Android System webview here
You need to make sure Webview is properly installed.
i had that problem and the solution was to update my Web view app from playstore
You need to update your android system webview here
Try downloading webview from the play store.
Update: Temp solution can be found for android 6 by updating Google Webview app.
"untested" Possibly for IOs at
Not 100% sure, but I think if you remove/disabled the Android System WebView all apps will default to your default browser, instead of opening up their in-app browser, which I think is just a slice of the Chrome browser anyways.
I guess something like or needs updating. Does the device have pending app updates? Try doing those first before attempting to install Facebook.
It will show up on your system as Android System Webview
Do you have this app and/or is it up to date?
You should have Android system WebView installed on your phone. Try to uninstall updates from here:
If it works, see if updating it again is OK.
Downloaded Webview from the play store, and used this website to make sure it's the one being used.
Two final questions:
>Naked Browser uses the Android WebView (WebKit) that's on your device--the same one used by the stock Browser. All data requests & retrievals, all cookies, all passwords, etc. are handled by the WebView and Naked Browser does not interfere with the default behavior.
Does this mean that this browser (or any webview browser for the matter) is as secure as Chrome?
EDIT: Formatting
Chrome browser shouldn't open. It all should be done in a web view
What actually address is opened in chrome browser? Is it*. I guess you might be in a wrong country.
Please check whether Android System WebView app is enabled.
Did you update Android System WebView or did you simply dismiss those updates?
What version of android are you running, and have you updated WebView?
What version of Android are you running, what tablet do you have, and have you updated WebView?
Also I saw this one as well. "Please make sure your Android System WebView is up to date:"
Have you updated your Android System WebView?
That's really weird! I assume you've updated all google apps (especially Play services is very important from what I understand) That reminds me, do you have the newest webview ( Apps might use that to view stuff, I don't know.
Also, if you're willing to do a full wipe again, try repairing it using Sony's PC Companion program, that way you can be certain you get the right image and stuff. Unless you're rooted and can't be bothered to reroot and stuff.
Best of luck!
That's just a shell for WebViews.
Would if I could, that's why I'm shopping ROMs.
>"Your device isn't compatible with this version"
Also, that stupid chrome cube map game in the 2nd screenshot didn't work correctly in chrome on desktop either a few days ago.
> would you happen to know if the redditisfun app and stock browser play gifv/webm more reliably with that rom? something changed recently and I'm not certain what.
Make sure your Android System WebView is up to date.
> Because Chrome on Android is kept up-to-date pre-Lollipop
If it's about backwards compatibility, that's one thing.
> this feature can work with any web browser app that supports it, not just Chrome.
That's not really a reason to use it instead of WebViews though. And it forces other browser developers to include it if they want to use it.
> But mostly because mobile versions of websites (and websites in general) tend to work better in Chrome than a WebView, mainly because Chrome is one of the main browsers web devs test/design for in the first place.
WebView is based on Chrome, so that shouldn't be it.
> Android WebView is a system component powered by Chrome
I just don't see the point of it. They can update WebView to make it as fast as Chrome, with preloading and similar, and a back and reload interface shouldn't be difficult for an app developer to include in their app.
I prefer a WebView or a button to open it in my proper browser.
Do you have this installed/enabled and updated?
Edit: This is only compatible with android 5 or higher, didn't know, thx /u/elmicha
Please make sure your Android System WebView is up to date:
A bit before nuplayers time then. Can you update android webview? It's the engine that does rendering for baconreader.
Any ideas why this works?
EDIT: Would it make more sense to keep it up to date with the version on the Play Store as it shows as not being installed on my device (although obviously it is)?:
You might have to update your 'Android System Webview'. I'm not certain, but it is possible BacconReader uses that for the embedded web browser.
Do you mean this? If you have Android Lollipop then it should already be installed and you simply update it on occasion. It is not for KitKat or older btw.
My guess is it just relies on webview which is an independent component updated via the play market. Could be wrong though:
Webview is very trick. If you have a android v 5+ devices then it will work better. On older devices you wont be able to see it using appium / uiautomtorviewer.
On newer devices this system app is already installed.
The app isn't mine, but I love Android System WebView reviews:
Have you updated your Android Webview? ( there was an issue that has since been fixed where GIFs would stop playing or wouldnt load or would crash your phone.
I had that issue with my redditisfun app to the point where I rolled back Webview to the previous version until they issued a fix
It's the standard android webview (, which is basically latest verison of Chrome mobile so can roughly expect that base functionality.
Now that would be cool. Visit website, download apk, and launch. Will have to check if possible.
Nope, no other names. Try this link
It was pre-installed on my phone. This app
> Google released an Android System WebView update dated May 11, which should fix the crashing issues. You can now update to the latest Android System WebView, and it should work again.
See if you can update your WebView to the latest version here:
>Got a non-Webm? They don't work on mobile
They're designed with mobile specifically in mind.
If you're on iOS, then your problem is that iOS doesn't natively support HTML5 (as Apple has been trying to hamstring the HTML5 Video standard for years, in an attempt to continue getting patent royalties from H.264/HEVC). You can view it in a video player like VLC.
If you're on Android, then you need to update WebView, as the version that shipped with 5.0 doesn't work with some website's implementations of WebM.
>Offtopic but gifv doesn't really work for mobile, or at least for me, as I have to go to the share page to actually load it.
If you're on iOS, then your problem is that iOS doesn't natively support HTML5 (as Apple has been trying to hamstring the HTML5 Video standard for years, in an attempt to continue getting patent royalties from H.264/HEVC). You can view it in a video player like VLC.
If you're on Android, then you need to update WebView, as the version that shipped with 5.0 doesn't work with imgur's implementation of WebM.
I will jump in (again lol) just to confirm it's not just baconreader. I've even left a comment in your review section on Google Play to let people know the issue. I've been drowning in emails and bad reviews from HTC One m8 users about how my app no longer opens these past days. Can't believe this issue isn't fix it yet. Anyway sort comments by newest and look here. m8 users are not very happy with Android System Webview:
EDIT: Wow thanks for the gold!!! :)
Doesn't matter, 5.1 update download didn't install. Was probably just a coincidence that I got the update after updating that app
Yup, they uploaded an updated WebView to the Play Store. (Which im using)
What do you mean by "secure"?
> Via browser seems to top some lists but how is it security wise?
Via is made by a chinese developer and it's closed source. I wouldn't trust it.
> I'm looking for a browser that loads faster and is more secure than Chrome.
What do you mean by more "secure" than Chrome? No browser is more "secure" than Chrome (except Tor Browser).
Also, the so called "lightweight" browsers are lightweight because they use the Chromium based "Android SystemWebView" so they are as insecure and outdated as yours.
That's not true anymore