Does what users wanted, images in a single scrolling view. It also has swipe view.
If you set albums to open externally, and set imgurviewer as default for albums, it works seamlessly, as the only purpose of imgurviewer is to open links from other apps.
It has been updated to include image descriptions after user requests.
I have this exact problem with the "continuous mode" or whatever it's called (the mountain icon in the upper right). I cannot scroll by gesture if I want to use my thumb. Happens in my OP6T and my older OG Pixel XL
Joey for Reddit | 1.6.9 (167) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A6013/OnePlus6T/OnePlus6T |
RAM | 7.46 GB |
It was done deliberately to avoid having to maintain this part of the app. But you can download a dedicated app, such as ImgurViewer and configure Joey to open Imgur in that app by default.
> The "hithox" or tolerance has to be bigger than the button sprite to allow not 100% accurate touches.
It is.
can you please enable "show touch" from developer options of your phone settings. and share video of the issue.
here is an app you can use to record the video
Thanks for fixing the layout issue. So much better now.
Fancy pants editor is awesome! Easier and Seamless editing while typing selftext/comment, now I can see real time what it would look like when editing, no need to preview everytime. I think I'll never go back using that markdown editor lol. Thank you!
Edit: I long press the banner image. You got me lmao
Hope this will fix the crashes and freezes that have been happening lately.
Edit: it did not.
Joey for Reddit | 1.7.4 (193) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A3000/OnePlus3/OnePlus3 |
RAM | 5.6 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (181) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A6013/OnePlus6T/OnePlus6T |
RAM | 7.46 GB |
I'm all for supporting the dev with ads until I can get an ad free purchase done, so this is really bothering me, especially when the dev has been stellar so far.
Unsure of how to reproduce it. It happens whether I'm connected to the net or not and is random.
show video of your internet speed using this app
then show video of gfycat not loading.
also provide your system info
Same for me. When you put two fingers on the screen to zoom it jumps in.
Joey for Reddit | (137) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Sony/H8416/H8416/H8416 |
RAM | 3.6 GB |
I would love the option to make the Cards view look similar to Google's new card design in their app.
Other than that the app looks and runs amazingly. Easily my most used app for sure.
Install this:
Find a link to an album in Joey and open it. You should get a prompt to choose which app to open it with. Choose ImgurViewer. You may be able to choose "always open with imgurviewer" at this point, depending on Android version, but if not, the next album you open, you'll be able set ImgurViewer as default. That's it.
Does what users wanted, images in a single scrolling view. It also has swipe view.
If you set albums to open externally, and set imgurviewer as default for albums, it works seamlessly, as the only purpose of imgurviewer is to open links from other apps.
It has been updated to include image descriptions after user requests.
This has been on going for months. The key reason I haven't paid for this yet, as it does this multiple times a day.
Joey for Reddit | (205) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Sony/J8110/J8110/J8110_EEA |
RAM | 5.37 GB |
Either that, or the phone simply didn't have enough RAM (=memory), so it can't keep both applications running. OP can you check your RAM? The debug info the bot here is asking for should have it.
For reference:
Joey for Reddit | (197) |
Android | 6.0.1 (23) |
Phone | samsung/SM-A310F/a3xelte/a3xeltexx |
RAM | 1.34 GB |
the quotes and numbered lists bugs are fixed in this version for me
and thank you for the redesign, looks neat
Joey for Reddit | 1.6.6 (154) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | xiaomi/Mi A2 Lite/daisy_sprout/daisy |
RAM | 3.49 GB |
You can use that app to set rotation per app.
I have the same problem when scrolling through threads after clicking on one of them, then opening another app and going back to joey after a while
Joey for Reddit | (205) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | samsung/SM-N950F/greatlte/greatltexx |
RAM | 5,21 GB |
Some imgur links work fine, while others show this, even though they work fine outside of Joey.
Joey for Reddit | (190) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel XL/marlin/marlin |
RAM | 3.68 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (190) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | lge/LM-Q610(FGN)/cv5a/cv5a_lao_com |
RAM | 3.55 GB |
I've had it happen before too, but none today. It might help the dev if you share a link that's broken for you so he can poke around it to see if it's specific to the link or the app.
Joey for Reddit | 1.6.9 (167) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel/sailfish/sailfish |
RAM | 3.68 GB |
This has been happening to me too!
I'm also having this issue, all of a sudden. Redirect links (like to imgur) work fine. But the last couple days, almost any time I try to open a link using the internal browser, it just hangs up right at the beginning of loading. I'll edit this with my stats, as I'm on my PC right now.
Joey for Reddit | (140) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | samsung/SM-N960U/crownqltesq/crownqltesq |
RAM | 5.45 GB |
Edit: There may be a pattern here. It seems that it's only link opened from the main view. If I open one from comments, it seems to work pretty consistently. I'm not 100% on this yet, but I'll keep looking and make any updates necessary.
Joey for Reddit | (140) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | xiaomi/Mi A1/tissot_sprout/tissot |
RAM | 3.49 GB |
To reproduce the bug, clicking on any link will work
Update: seems to be working just fine now. Thanks all!
Joey for Reddit | 1.6.0 (122) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel XL/marlin/marlin |
RAM | 3.67 GB |
After the most recent update about 50% of imgur links result in an error message when previewing (tap and hold on post) or opening in the app. Opening externally works fine.
Linked content is an example of tapping and holding, then opening a post, and finally opening it externally.
Second this, it makes zooming nearly impossible. I thought it was my Note 4 but I still get it on the Galaxy s8.
Joey for Reddit | (137) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
Phone | samsung/SM-G950U/dreamqltesq/dreamqltesq |
RAM | 3.28 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (138) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A3000/OnePlus3/OnePlus3 |
RAM | 5.6 GB |
Here is the link to the post in the screenshot
Thanks for reply. Restarted, same result.
Actually I should clarify, in official Reddit app it shows the player and I can tap play button which then turns into pause button, but nothing happens and time stays at 0:00. Error in both Joey and ImgurViewer.
Joey for Reddit | (140) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A6003/OnePlus6/OnePlus6 |
RAM | 7,46 GB |
Interests play a role but it's a small part of your profile.
Companies track you around the Internet and build a profile on you, this is commonly referred to as "fingerprinting", mapping an IP/browser session to a persons' profile. They probably know your age range, your gender, your location, your political alignments, the political alignments of your friends, which shops you like and a whole bunch more.
Of course when I say "they" I really mean a computer algorithm does but you can bet that advertising companies share and sell this information when it's convenient or profitable.
So what's happened is there's some specific trait not related to your browsing history they want to target for whatever reason. I have no idea what that reason is but...
Some things you can do to combat this:
Obviously, I don't do the things I mentioned because it would be horribly inconvenient but you should be aware of to what extent that you're being tracked. At a minium, I would suggest VPN and a good browser-based adblocker.
I often notice this on text bases articles that have horizontal scroll. It scrolls for the first half second and then tries to take me back to the the post I came from.
Joey for Reddit | 1.5.9 (121) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
Phone | Sony/G8341/G8341/G8341 |
RAM | 3,64 GB |
Edit: damn I need to update.
Just the albums open externally. After some complaints about the scrolling the dev took the feature out. I suggest using the app imgurviewer. It's basically as if you'd open albums internally.
Yes holy crap this has been happening for months. I've never been able to get a recording though so I just ignored it.
Joey for Reddit | (200) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Sony/G8341/G8341/G8341 |
RAM | 3,64 GB |
Happens pretty often while just browsing normally. Has been happening since 1-2 months back
Joey for Reddit | (197) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A6013/OnePlus6T/OnePlus6T |
RAM | 5,5 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (180) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel 2/walleye/walleye |
RAM | 3.57 GB |
Yes it's a bug report and no I cannot currently reproduce but it's happened 3-4 times in the 6 days since introduction. I've never had this app crash yet so I may have to switch apps if you ignore my issue
Joey for Reddit | (170) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel XL/marlin/marlin |
RAM | 3.68 GB |
Works for me no issues. Maybe it's because you're still on Android 6.0?
you must have blocked the notification. if not, can you please show video of the issue.
here is an app you can use to record the video
Also happens on my 3xl
Joey for Reddit | 1.6.9 (167) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel 3 XL/crosshatch/crosshatch |
RAM | 3.47 GB |
I just tried and looks like I have this issue too. Have to scroll up almost the whole screen to go to the next media.
Joey for Reddit | (140) |
Android | 9 (28) |
RAM | 5.57 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (138) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A6013/OnePlus6T/OnePlus6T |
RAM | 7.46 GB |
This doesn't happen for me. The animation is a consistent speed across all the comments.
Joey for Reddit | (75) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
Phone | Sony/G8141/G8141/G8141 |
RAM | 3.64 GB |
Seconded. Happens to me too.
Joey for Reddit | (200) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Xiaomi/Redmi Note 4/mido/lineage_mido |
RAM | 3.49 GB |
I have the same issue with the screen timing out and going to sleep unless I tap it.
Joey for Reddit | (205) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A6013/OnePlus6T/OnePlus6T |
RAM | 7.46 GB |
Happened to me as well. I didn't take screenshots though.
Joey for Reddit | (200) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A3000/OnePlus3/OnePlus3 |
RAM | 5.6 GB |
can you please show video of the functions you are talking about.
here is an app you can use to record the video
This has happened to me on every phone that I have used the app on
Nexus 6P
Pixel XL
And my current phone
Joey for Reddit | (197) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | google/Nexus 4/mako/occam |
RAM | 1.79 GB |
Exactly this. "Something went wrong" until I open the link in Chrome.
Joey for Reddit | (196) |
Android | 6.0 (23) |
RAM | 2,73 GB |
Same here. Works if I open externally, does not work in Joey.
Joey for Reddit | (196) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | samsung/SM-G975U/beyond2q/beyond2qltesq |
RAM | 7.3 GB |
Still works on newest version
Joey for Reddit | (192) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Xiaomi/POCOPHONE F1/beryllium/beryllium |
RAM | 5,5 GB |
Does work for me! No issues!
Joey for Reddit | (184) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Xiaomi/POCOPHONE F1/beryllium/beryllium |
RAM | 5,5 GB |
Unfortunately, for me, this issue is still present on my phone. Not sure how I can help solve it, since it's difficult to reproduce. Have you ever had this issue, yourself? Would details show up in a logcat, you think? Thanks!
Joey for Reddit | (194) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Sony/G8341/G8341/G8341 |
RAM | 3.64 GB |
I use helium (without root)
It restores every Joey settings.
Both of those links work for me when inside Joey, but not outside. Have you tried Imgur Viewer (supports many other image services as well, I use it for any services that Joey doesn't support, like Imgur Albums):
17.2.1 Remove Ads button is unresponsive.
Joey for Reddit | (176) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel 3 XL/crosshatch/crosshatch |
RAM | 3.47 GB |
Same problem. Tried difrent setting, clear cache and app data - nothing helps.
Through searching on this subreddit i assume that showing images in post is standart feature in Joey, so displaing only links looks like bug to me.
Joey for Reddit | (171) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
RAM | 3,63 GB |
I've reported this ages ago, and others have too, I even sent a screen recording of it happening to the dev on request.
Joey for Reddit | (170) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Sony/H8416/H8416/H8416 |
RAM | 3.6 GB |
Happens to me as well. I always press the home button, then reopen Joey to remain in the same subreddit, otherwise I have to press back and return to front-page for Joey to unglitch.
Joey for Reddit | (166) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A5000/OnePlus5/OnePlus5 |
RAM | 5.58 GB |
I've also noticed this issue.
Joey for Reddit | (166) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | motorola/moto x4/payton_sprout/payton_fi |
RAM | 2.68 GB |
Happens to me, too, sometimes. Mostly when using the internal browser and then switching to external browser using the three dots in the upper right corner.
Joey for Reddit | (166) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A5010/OnePlus5T/OnePlus5T |
RAM | 7.54 GB |
That's the same bug I reported ages ago.
I happens almost every time I open a link into an external app.
Joey for Reddit | (166) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Sony/H8416/H8416/H8416 |
RAM | 3.6 GB |
Joey for Reddit | 1.6.9 (167) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A6003/OnePlus6/OnePlus6 |
RAM | 7.46 GB |
Steps to reproduce: Open AMA mode
Edit: this also happens in the Media Cards view
Joey for Reddit | (159) |
Android | 7.1.1 (25) |
Phone | Xiaomi/MI MAX 2/oxygen/oxygen |
RAM | 3.51 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (144) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | motorola/Moto G (5) Plus/potter/potter |
RAM | 3.53 GB |
I have the same issue
Joey for Reddit | (152) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A6003/OnePlus6/OnePlus6 |
RAM | 5,5 GB |
So I have a minor complaint regarding the UI. The padding in the comment section is different than the posts view.
Would love to have the comfortable padding of the posts in the comments section. The rounded corners matches my phone screen better, and the padding keeps texts away from glare on my curved phone screen.
Been using Joey ever since I converted to Android a few months ago. Hands down the best Reddit app on the Play Store. Keep up the good work!
Joey for Reddit | (152) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | samsung/SM-N960F/crownlte/crownltexx |
RAM | 5.49 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (144) |
Android | 7.0 (24) |
Phone | Lenovo/Lenovo P2a42/P2a42/kuntao_row |
RAM | 3.52 GB |
Kindly see video for steps of reproduction. It randomly happens while swiping back to previous post. Is it caused by a wrong setting?
The bug manifests whether i swipe fast or slow. There is a chance it will happen whenever I swipe back. It's hard to make the bug happen so hope you can understand that I have to swipe fast to make the bug happen faster.
I've noticed a lot of GIFs failing or taking much longer than normal to load recently. Your link here didn't work until I turned off stream media.
Joey for Reddit | (140) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Sony/H8416/H8416/H8416 |
RAM | 3.6 GB |
I also get this issue on numbered lists. Any numbered list - also from the UK.
I'll edit this post with my system info shortly.
Edit: I forgot to edit this shortly because I'm a dumb dumb
Joey for Reddit | (148) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel 3 XL/crosshatch/crosshatch |
RAM | 3.47 GB |
Confirmed but only a very short window of time
Joey for Reddit | (138) |
Android | 6.0.1 (23) |
Phone | Sony/D5803/D5803/D5803 |
RAM | 1.73 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (127) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | samsung/SM-N960U1/crownqlteue/crownqlteue |
RAM | 7.41 GB |
Open a webpage in the browser. Pinch to zoom. Release fingers. Webpage zooms properly until fingers are removed then it reverts back to no zoom
This is me tapping on the title several times and then swiping back.
Joey for Reddit | (126) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
Phone | samsung/SM-G965U/star2qltesq/star2qltesq |
RAM | 4.89 GB |
it works fine for me.
please provide the link to the page? system info, and preferably video of it in action. . Currently using this app for browsing imgur albums and it isn't half bad.
U should be fine in Note 8. That's wierd.
Not note 8 but its fine for me.
Joey for Reddit | (101) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
Phone | samsung/SM-N935F/gracerlte/gracerltexx |
RAM | 3.44 GB |
I can confirm .
Joey for Reddit | (93) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
Phone | samsung/SM-N950U/greatqlte/greatqltesq |
RAM | 5.1 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (90) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A3003/OnePlus3/rr_oneplus3 |
RAM | 5.61 GB |
Oh weird. It doesn't seem to be working for me.
Joey for Reddit | 1.4.9 (84) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | google/Pixel/sailfish/sailfish |
RAM | 3.67 GB |
~~Is it okay to add them to the supported links list anyways?~~ Hm, Google must've done something to chrome. Sometimes when I reload the page I can open reddit links in the app, but everytime I swipe back to the search results and hit any amp links in there, the links only want to open in chrome until I refresh.
Also, amp links have (recently?) disappeared from my Google app. I'll search using that instead of chrome.
When posting a reply, scroll bottom icons to the right, you will see an "i" icon. Press it, it will copy-paste your phone specs/system into text field. This might help dev to look into your issue.
like this:
Joey for Reddit | (69) |
Android | 7.1.2 (25) |
Phone | Sony/Xperia Z3 Dual/z3dual/D6633 |
RAM | 2,72 GB |
Thank you and a Very Happy New Year to you.
Love the bottom navigation bar.
Request: Allow to pull up the bottom navigation bar, and not let it come up and down depending on the scroll direction.
Bug: Taking youtube video full-screen crashes Joey.
Joey for Reddit | 1.4.5 (73) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
Phone | OnePlus/ONEPLUS A5000/OnePlus5/OnePlus5 |
RAM | 5.58 GB |
> But they are no longer showing in the Joey folder in Gallery. Nor anywhere else in the gallery. Any ideas?
Actually. Media scan by the phone needs to complete, before it can show up in the gallery. I will force it after download completes in upcoming version.
To subscribe, open the right drawer, by right swipe, and then click on plus sign next to the subreddit name.
> It's the only way I use reddit now!
please rate :) and spread the word.
Look at this
What you are really opening is the AMP in for (blue on the screenshot)
You can press any link and you will exit the AMP ( to open, wich will open Joey (red on the screenshot)
Its not a Joey problem, its because of the AMP, wich is NOT reddit
PD:Srry 4 any mistakes, english isnt my language.
> - Fancy Pants Editor, no need to mess with markdown. See pic
* Gasp * D:
> - Markdown editor has not been removed, you can switch between the editors.
Sweet, sweet, sweeeeeet relief
Jokes aside, that's a great update OP :D
There's a bug wheere if you use column view, the three dots under the post's title are out of the view. Terrible explanation, see for yourself. As you can see, most of the time the dots are not even visible, and sometimes they are cut in half. It's probably not easy to fix, since the space is limited, but you if you could figure something out, that would be amazing. Thank you, awesome app btw
Dont wanted open a new thread just for this but can we have a option for this? I want it to be colored. Because in amoled its still white or on purple i want it to match the app theme. Look this.
Hopefully this helps, it's my first time trying to put an image in a comment. It says "visit subreddit" before you put anything in, then give it a second to load and you should get that.
Also, unrelated but there also seems to be a bug with the media viewer and auto theme. The "restart to apply auto theme" message appears constantly, no matter how many times you press the restart button. Screenshot to show what I'm talking about.
Thanks for an otherwise amazing app!!
When you came here to ask this and it's been exactly thirty days since it was asked. Fry Money
But in all seriousness, I'd like this option it's a lovely app, I'd like to support it and not have ads take up it's beautiful pixels.
can you please enable "show touch" from developer options of your phone settings. and share video of the issue.
here is an app you can use to record the video
Joey for Reddit | (200) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | xiaomi/Redmi Y3/onc/onc |
RAM | 2.75 GB |
Images do not load. Red error screen with bear appears if image is clicked on.
Joey for Reddit | (205) |
Android | 8.0.0 (26) |
Phone | motorola/Moto Z2 Play/albus/albus |
RAM | 3,55 GB |
Here you go
I know you might be looking for a Joey feature. Just figured I would share something that I use on my phone. it is an app called Keep Screen On. And I use it to make Spotify keep my screen on while playing in the car. Just select the apps to make it stay awake.
Joey for Reddit | (197) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | xiaomi/Mi A2 Lite/daisy_sprout/daisy |
RAM | 2.76 GB |
Joey for Reddit | (197) |
Android | 10 (29) |
Phone | google/Pixel 3/blueline/blueline |
RAM | 3.46 GB |
I have this issue.
Joey for Reddit | (197) |
Android | 10 (29) |
Phone | google/Pixel 3 XL/crosshatch/crosshatch |
RAM | 3.46 GB |
Joey for Reddit | 1.7.5 (198) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel 2/walleye/walleye |
RAM | 3.57 GB |
Post your specs.
Also which fullscreen mode?
Don't have this problem
Joey for Reddit | 1.7.5 (198) |
Android | 10 (29) |
Phone | google/Pixel 2/walleye/walleye |
RAM | 3.57 GB |
Joey for Reddit | 1.7.5 (198) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | Nokia/TA-1032/NE1/TA-1032_00WW |
RAM | 1.82 GB |
Works for me, please send a screenshot and your specs
Joey for Reddit | (197) |
Android | 10 (29) |
Phone | google/Pixel 2/walleye/walleye |
RAM | 3.57 GB |
Joey for Reddit | 1.7.5 (198) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | motorola/moto x4/payton_sprout/payton_fi |
RAM | 3.66 GB |
I can't replicate it easily, but it shows up quite commonly on any sub or frontpage feed.
Joey for Reddit | (184) |
Android | 9 (28) |
Phone | google/Pixel 2 XL/taimen/taimen |
RAM | 3.58 GB |
I have run into this at random on both of my phones
Joey for Reddit | (190) |
Android | 8.1.0 (27) |
Phone | google/Nexus 4/mako/occam |
RAM | 1.79 GB |
As well as a Pixel XL on the latest official update