Listened to a great interview with her on Call Your Girlfriend and felt inspired to look more into her work.
>I’m obsessed with the realization that care is critical to our success as a nation—socially and economically. Rosalynn Carter once said that there are only four kinds of people in the world: people who are caregivers, will be caregivers, people who need care, or will need care. It’s true across race, class, culture, and geography: We all are either in need of care or are going to be in need of care. And we have completely failed to support caregivers to the point where it’s fast becoming unsustainable.
>In such a polarized time, we need issues and experiences that unite us. And we need solutions that make life in this country better for tens of millions of us. That is why we’re championing “Universal Family Care”: the idea that we should have one fund that helps all working people afford child care, elder care, and paid family leave—essentially everything we need to take care of our families while we work throughout our lifespans.
So, I've recently become re-obsessed with the netflix show Bojack Horseman after the second season release, and just bought a tank top from a post that a user from their subreddit created.
I am eagerly waiting for it to arrive!
1) Sexism is defined as <em>"behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex"</em>
2) Asian men are stereotyped as misogynists
3) u/weastwardho's comment perpetuates the stereotype of Asian men
Make sense?
The video on the Nextshark page won't play for me and I assume won't play for anyone outside of the US so here is a link to the full doco
She also did a doco on cybersex in the Philippines in 2015, which has similar themes but I believe it was removed.
Here is one about the sex trafficking industry in Cambodia
You'd be surprised! There's a ton. The problem is they're just not very good or are usually stereotypical but not in the way Park is stereotyped.
Someone compiled a whole list here.
Why say stupid shit about shit you don't know then? Ducking arrogance and spewing false narratives.
Watch the fucking documentary. She linked it.
Here I got it for you.
Therapy has been the best thing for my career. I also read this and it has greatly reduced my overall anxiety as well:
Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect
IT was so eye opening for me to understand how others perceive me and why and then figure out what I wanted to change Bc there’s always shit like sexism, unconscious bias, and racism to filter out too.
I also started reading some books about women in the workplace in general which really helped me too like
It helped me understand overall company dynamics and how to navigate them. Therapy also helped me understand why I communicate the way I do and what about it has hurt or helped me. (I’m Korean , was raised by my iron fisted grandma)
It's not just the women. THe men are now also wearing makeup. What is causing this rise in plastic surgery and men feeling the pressure to look good why the usual suspect Competition for JOBS!!!!
Totally makes sense. Well, I'm not much one for self-help books, but my friend really loves The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. It's about increasing your productivity and how to get along with people in general.
I also enjoyed the parts of it that I read, but I didn't finish. (Guess I should've read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Readers first...)
My husband got Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchen as a gift from his great uncle and it seems pretty legit. I haven't tried any of the recipes yet because honestly they're a little intimidating, but just flipping through it, the recipes looked "right" if that makes sense.
I own The Key to Chinese Cooking by Irene Kuo. It's out of print but used copies look pretty cheap. I got it at the Strand for $15 and there were a few other copies, if anyone else is in New York.
I am just starting this book, mainly because of this article on asam news.
Has anyone read this book yet? Is it an accurate representation of Asian Americans? How much does it accentuate stereotypes, if at all? Is it a recommended read?
I've only read the prologue, seems promising but I will hold my true judgement until I finish the whole thing. (Then maybe I'll read China Rich Girlfriend)
>"Perfume Dreams: Reflections on the Vietnamese Diaspora" I'm so glad to see you reading about surface level vanilla works on assimilation. Hey, when you're done, try reading this to learn more about American benevolence and "isolated incidents" of "bad apples" in an otherwise "pristine orchard" of "Christian values"
That is just what I am on now.... Like I said I read a lot. And everyone knows America does and has done fucked up shit. Quit being a bitch and whining about it and try to "educate" people who already know America is fucked up. So is every other country, get over yourself and if you are in America then leave if you hate it so much.....
> american empire project
A book series much more focused on nationalism than white men being the root of peoples problems. If you are going to try to cite a book at least put in the effort to make it relevant to what you are trying to say.... I have read one, I won't read the rest. I'm going to clue you in on something, but don't tell it's an insider secret. Most countries have a history of the same thing..... Crazy right!?!?! It's almost like America does the same thing as everyone else!!
>Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam (American Empire Project)
Cool. There are literally hundreds of books about atrocities that were committed during war from a litany of other countries.