Rekindled things with an old flame recently. I thought I had been killing things with her, till I saw this book on her nightstand last night.
Edit love how he said ‘the bagel was very good, I’m happy it was because I was about to drive my car through the window and kill everyone’
Edit 2 bagel boss tshirt
If anyone in here is interested in a book about the history of the office, I would recommend Hardest Job in the World: The American Presidency by John Dickerson . Really shows how impossible the job is today and how much the responsibilities of the gig have grown since Washington.
I could post D-Day/World War II shit all day and night but I'll stop with this. The man who you've never heard of but who was as responsible for winning World War II as anyone was named Andrew Higgins. Big ol' Southern boy who by sheer force of personality rammed his mass-produced landing craft down the army's throat and saved countless American soldier lives in the process on D-Day and numerous Pacific Islands. One of the better WWII bios I've read, highly recommend it as he was just a fascinating guy.
this is an obsession of mine and the number one item is this
In two days or less I can get 144 cocktail umbrellas, which are small detailed items.
They had to be manufactured, packaged, shipping across the ocean, shipped to a nearby warehouse, where they sit available on demand to me, all for $8.88
I have this exact same treadmill. It was $200 on Amazon. Pretty good for the price but if I wear shoes I'm too heavy and the thing will stick. That being said I also used it barefoot once and it felt fine while I was walking but then I had rug burns on the bottom of my feet for like a week. Thank you for listening.
Sorry for the short answer... I was rushing to something.
I make my custom decals in, and then create the pieces in Its a digital Lego building platform, all the pieces are genuine digital Lego XD.
I might do a stream at some point, or a video on how I make them, if there is enough interest in something like that...
This is one of the more affordable programs that I've found. Really effective for the price, too
This just got delivered, pretty pumped
I look at amazon's deals of the day first thing every day. This swing looks dope, and if I had it I probably would have died at 10.
Not sure if any of you have been on a swing recently, but I went to the park with my little cousin the other week, and holy shit I forgot how great it was. Assuming your feet don't drag on the ground of course.
This is absolutely insane. The govt can hack into social media or just takeover social media accounts in Australia now. All of this without even a warrant.
Need to buy him one of these.
Amazon has 30% off on a high quality air fryer so for those kings out there that still haven’t hopped on the air fryer lifestyle here’s your chance
Sunny Health & Fitness Spin Bike Belt Drive Indoor Cycling Bike with LCD Monitor, 40 lb Chrome Flywheel, 265 lb Max Weight - SF-B1423
I bought this one. There's a spot that you can fit the iPad on without any issue.
Gonna go ahead and plug a book, The Defining Decade by Meg Jay. It's filled with case studies of people in their mid-twenties figuring out their careers, romantic lives, and mental well-being. I'm 25 and often panic about career direction and purpose. I feel this book gives a very informed look on how the sky isn't truly falling. It's a quick 200 pages and I walked away feeling a whole lot more confident about my position.
tried finding a good onion article and sadly all the articles are real.
If you’re even a little bit technical you should look into installing a PiHole on your network. It blocks all ads coming into your network on the domain (website) level, instead of relying on ad blockers in every browser on every device. It can be run on a $35 Raspberry Pi which you can find on Amazon.
When you think of a website, you think of it’s Domain Name, such as or In fact, all websites simply point to an IP Address out on the Internet. may point to the IP address, and when your computer or phone needs ESPN it finds that address because the Domain is tied to that address. This is called DNS, or Domain Name Service. The internet is easy to navigate because instead of remembering all those IP addresses you just need to remember the Domain Name and you can get there!
PiHole works by blocking Domain Names that are known to be advertisers, or malware, or spying on you. The list of domains that get blocked is fully customizable so you can block as little or as much as you’d like. Once you set the PiHole up on your network with a Static IP address, all you have to do is set all of your devices to use the PiHole as their DNS server (there are plenty of guides on the Internet for how to do this) and ads will be blocked on EVERY device. No more YouTube ads on your Roku. Hulu ads? No more. No 30 second ads in the ESPN app either. It’s magic.
If you have any technical abilities whatsoever, or you have a friend that does, invest in a Raspberry Pi and set it up with PiHole. You won’t regret it.
If you need a cheap/easy gift for an in-law or other boomer in your life, highly recommend this coffee table book of 1000 album covers. It's literally just pictures of albums from the 60s, 70s and 80s but they'll sit there for an hour saying "oh honey remember this one!" and can pick it up whenever to be nostalgic.
When I was young I was over at a buddy's house whose room looked like a Spencers Gifts store. He had one of those giant plasma balls that were always lit up. He told me if the glass ever broke, we all would get electrocuted and it would zap everything it touched. I believed him for longer than I'm willing to admit.
guys im so seriously (eric cartman voice) happy on how good this set is. tune in here!!! gonna swing into some trance in a bit. throwing some bangers rn
Which one did you buy? I have a Franklin 710 and this thing is worth every penny. I had just about given up ever being able to accurately find framing through lath and plaster, but then I got one of these.
Anyone ever date a girl with inverted nipples? My ex had em and they were just a nightmare to look at. One time I surprised her with nipple pumps so I could let the little girls out to play and she cried for days.
I said this all the time when he was alive, but he was one of the best documentarians in my mind. Each episode could only be an hour and they'd make you want to travel to the most happy or most depressed places on the planet. He could make you jealous of all the great food/drink he'd enjoy on the show and then make you tear up with the depth of the people he covered.
One of the more recent episodes that really captured this was the West Virginia one that aired a few weeks ago. There are so many others, but if you like travel shows, it's almost impossible to find one better than Parts Unknown. That and No Reservations (one of his other shows), should be on Netflix still.
Grab these from Amazon has a holdover. At least for the bedroom so you can sleep.
I buy a TON of shit of amazon for myself and for work (which makes invoices easy as shit). It's convenient, Prime's 1000% worth it for the shipping alone, and that future shit they're doing with grocery check outs is pretty crazy. can't think of another company that massive that actually has decent customer service as far as talking to an actual person / refunds.
his answer doesn't work anyway because in it's current state netflix uses amazon's web services to operate. So you'd need amazon if you were choosing netflix.
might not seem to make that much sense because Amazon Prime Video is sort of a competitor to Netflix but yeah.
> One of the foundations of Amazon’s brand is its guaranteed two-day delivery, “free” to Prime subscribers. The company has taught America to rely on this instant gratification. Sometimes this reliance seems soft, or self-indulgent, like when we get mad that a pair of Bluetooth earbuds took three whole days to arrive. You can go an extra day without earbuds. A newborn cannot, generally, go an extra day without diapers.
just tryin to kill time at work reading articles but wtf is this ? just go to the fucking store and buy diapers? I don't get it. I mean I'm not a parent but I think it might have been possible to raise a kid without Amazon Prime. Not sure though. Looks like the writer lives in NYC
> We know that the company has extorted billions of taxpayer dollars out of our home city of New York in exchange for turning our neighbors into terribly treated employees. But babies need a lot of stuff, and they need it quickly.
so I'm sure they bitch about having to go to the store far from them but that's your fault for choosing to live there if that's an issue. pretty dumb article, only linked for context.
Some interesting info about the amount of people who visit barstool.
According to one of those links there are Stoolies in Pakistan!
I mean this is just incredible. Imagine going back to that rundown and showing them that their dumb argument would lead to this
Also what's a guy gotta do to get a cease and desist around here
FERNIDA Insulated Heating Underwear Washable USB Electric Heated Thermal Long Sleeve T Shirts or Pants(Battery Not Included)
The future is now old man Just bought borat voice these. Bad news being horny on Amazon
PSA: Amazon deal of the day is LoTR extended edition Blue ray is $26 on amazon normally it is $120.
2nd this. uBlock Origin is the only blocker that reduces overall resource use (memory / cpu) instead of increasing it. Been working beautifully on BS for years for me.
Proof: see this graph or all performance tests
Being a poor doesn't give you the excuse to not have your children depend on you. I think she needs to let go of her insecurities and celebrate an important day in you and your fiances life. It's very cool she helped with the centerpieces and am happy they turned out well.
You did the smart thing by drawing the line in the sand on your wedding day. It's supposed to be about you king, don't let others get in the way.
If she ever needs a vacation ---
Fallout New Vegas
If you can get Ghost Recon: Breakpoint for cheap it's worth playing despite its flaws
AC: Origin or Odyssey
EDIT: Don't buy Odyssey yet, it's free to play this weekend
sorry if i post too much about me mixing but eric prydz is literally the best producer to ever make dance music and here’s a link for a jabroni bedroom dj like myself mixing his music
The Ringer has only been around for a little over a year and it's right there with Barstool. Plus they just had a complete site overhaul. They've started to hit their stride. Especially with Game of Thrones on the air now.
As someone with hyperhydrosis, i cant reccomend this enough. I tried Qbrexza and this stuff works better, isnt RX, and only use 1 a week.
They sell on Amazon
$12 and it ships in this financial year, I don't know if store.barstool will be able to compete.
One of her earlier updates inspired me to order one for my parents. I did some research and this one appears to be the most accurate for home use
I use the ziplock method, I tried doing a vacuum sealer but it got expensive and the ziplock method actually ends up working better. Couldn't get a good seal with the cheap vacuum sealers on amazon. No problems, I use a searing attachment on a propane torch ( and it sears beautifully. I've also done a sear in a really hot cast iron pan and that works really well on fattier steaks like ribeye. The pan tends to cook the meat a bit but the torch keeps it medium rare throughout the entire steak.
Going down the Saco river this weekend. Tube rental place was charging out the ass to rent an inflatable cooler so I just bought my own on Amazon. The description said it holds 72 cans but there's no way that's true right?
This is it for reference:
late night FT trust tree
hair was looking dull, internet said overnight argan oil with shower cap
amazon only had one shower cap on prime
so I may or may not be wearing this right now
If anyone on here feels like being a real fat ass today (or any time, the deal expires 12/31), you can get a Family size meal at Panda ($35) for $22 with the discount code: 35YEARS
You don't have to sell to close your account; you can transfer your shares to a new brokerage. Costs $75, but with liquidity concerns with RH, I would highly advise it.
It's on Netflix. Insider's tip going forward, there's a website that tells you what streaming platforms pretty much any movie is on and renting/buying options. I probably use it like twice a day, one of the most helpful sites I've randomly come across in a Reddit thread. Enjoy!
happy memorial day weekend gents. we made it. lets groove into the weekend with some deep and progressive. got a nice rolling stones bootleg a few songs into the mix
I have hyperhydrosis (abnomally sweaty pits) and this changed my life.
If you have a car and live anywhere it snows, spend $20 on a car shovel to save your life (figuratively, though possibly literally)
I few years ago, I over-served myself one night and bought a Kayak on Amazon (an Old Town Loon 111). I had no idea until a 12 foot long box showed up to my house one day. No regrets at all... lotta great times having a few beers on the Potomac with that fine craft. Definitely recommend.
I got lit up in here the other day for this, but a comment below about choosing between $5000 or clean poops for life has me triggered again.
People in FT love to talk about shitting their pants and poop in general, yet people act like I'm a fucking nut for telling everyone it's 2018 (almost 2019) and it's time to advance as a society and start using bidets regularly. There is zero excuse as to why we in America have not widely adopted this technology in our bathrooms. It's cleaner, cheaper, quicker and more environmentally friendly than just wiping with dry paper until you think you're clean.
Imagine if you get shit on your arm. Do you just wipe it off with a piece of paper and decide you're clean? No, you use water (and probably soap, too) to clean yourself. So why don't we take the same logic and apply it to our asses?
This isn't even a "rich" or "poor" thing. The bidets I use at home cost me $35 on Amazon and took me 10 minutes to install.
This is 1000% the hill I'm willing to die on. Stop smearing shit into your skin and start cleaning your asses with water. You'll never feel better.
Edit: My wife is demanding I give her credit for introducing me to bidets, since she grew up in Japan. Credit to wife.
the one I was referring to must have been a good deal cuz it's already gone but heres an even cheaper one albeit not as mint as the other.
you'll get more ass than anybody needs even with an older boat like that.
starting a new weekly, 7 track mix series called "716 radio." making the first mix now - listen here - and i'll post to youtube/soundcloud in the coming days
testing out a setlist for a halloween tailgate this weekend. playing the hits. im recording and ill post a download link if i like it towards the end. listen here
would love to have more than 6 of you currently listening. imaging you're spending more than $40 on vodka soda's for the boys while you all stare down the hottest broad at the bar with this in the background
if you buy it a month or so in advance and you're cool chilling in an airport for like 4 hours, you can get there for less than a grand easily. Wow Air and airlines like that. Here's one for $850 in July from Chicago. Only catch is you've gotta spend 2-4 hours in the Reykjavik airport each way
Barstool - 8.1m monthly visits
Guy is such a joke. His twitter schtick of "murdering" people is incredibly cringeworthy. He's such an unfunny tool that it's amazing people tune in spectacularly vanilla takes on everything. And every time the words "PC Bromani" end up on my timeline I want to crawl out of my own skin.
Bought these a while ago just because I needed some and they were cheap. Never slide down and are low enough that they never show which is really all I’m looking for. Also bought two packs over a year ago and they’re still fine, I have some Calvin Klein ones that had holes after 6 months.
Just got a pack of these and immediately ordered another pack they were that good.
Under Armour Adult Resistor 3.0 No Show Socks, (6-Pairs)
The Last Battle
At the end of WWII the US Army and part of the Wehrmacht fought together against SS soldiers in a castle
If you want to get a little active, smoke some weed and go bang some chains
I went down like a sack of potatoes during wind sprints. Grade 2 was end result.
Take it slow, RICE, some rehab/strength training when you have full ROM. This compression sleeve helped.
I keep a keychain pill holder on my key ring with a couple adderall and xanax which I'm prescribed so if I need to take one when I'm out I'll have it with me. Accidentally lost it a few weeks ago at a family event with all adults and now some family members are accusing me of popping pills at family events and even the ones who don't think it's a big deal are telling me it's a bad idea to keep that on my key ring. Am I nuts for thinking that keeping 3 or 4 pills that I'm prescribed on me so I can take them the way they're prescribed isn't a big deal at all?
awesome thank you. Yes, looking at some inverter style generators for that reason. Was looking at this one:
Was at a friend of a friend’s house recently and they had one of these going with margarita on the rocks in it. Big hit with the folks. Gotta say this is a tempting purchase. Could also be interesting at tailgates, etc
MEG - Military Energy Gum | 100mg of Caffeine Per Piece + Increase Energy + Boost Physical Performance + Cinnamon 24 Pack (120 Count)
Zojirushi and it’s not even close. They’re pricy, but the rice is perfect every time and it’ll last you years.
This is the one I have.
These 3 way speakers will do the job and then some. For the receiver, are you running your TV through it too?
Bro just being this bad boy wherever you go. I pack mine up in case whenever I leave the house in case I stop at a Wendy’s or something.
La Chatelaine Luxury Bar Soap Trio Gift Set | Natural Shea Butter Formula | 7 oz (Coconut Milk, Shea, Sweet Almond)
The Killers: Live from Royal Albert Hall 2009 ->
Best concert i have seen (on TV). The ones from this Era are the best. new stuff kind stinks but first 4 albums are bangers.
Just get the cheapest well-reviewed 1080p 60+hz monitor of your preferred size on Amazon, honestly. There's nearly no difference in entry level productivity monitors these days. I have this and it has been totally fine for 18 months
maybe instead of actual solo cups you get her a set of shot glasses that look like solo cups. That way it's still a funny joke but it's not just thrown away afterwards. The ones I linked aren't the disposable mini plastic ones ppl make jello shots in, looks like they're hard plastic so you can keep them and they're only $9.99
that's just the first thing I found on google there may be a nice glass one or something.
Just bought the $20 Fire Stick + Voice remote deal that somebody recommended below and I still have Amazon open, here's the TV deal:
50 inch 4k Toshiba for $289. It's in your price range u/stonewallfantana !
Looking for a new golf hat on amazon, and saw this..yikes lol:
This was listed as an amazon deal of the day and now I have so many of my questions about girls outfits answered
Have had this stand for 5 years and it's awesome.
I use these coffee bags / coffee socks
Depending on how much effort you’re willing to put into your coffee I always recommend, and think it’s worth the extra effort, to buy beans and keep them in your freezer or pantry. Get a $20 or so bean grinder, think I got mine from target. Then just grind what you need. The beans stay fresh way way longer with less surface area exposure and keep a good scent
Never had one before so I didn’t want to drop $400 on a bushnell so picked this guy up. Great reviews and pin seeker tech up to 270 yards. Can also turn slope off for tourneys
AOFAR GX-2S Golf Rangefinder Slope on/Off, Flag-Lock with Vibration, 600 Yards Range Finder, 6X 25mm Waterproof, Carrying Case, Free Battery, Gift Packaging
I’m not an anti-mask guy, but if I were I think I’d protest by wearing this everywhere:
Such BDE
I did that about two weeks ago. I just ordered these cut resistant gloves on Amazon.
I just can’t let my culinary interests and lack of knife skills get in the way of improving my golf game any more. By the way, the gloves are great. I tested them out with a knife when they came in.
The sharks have feelings too reviews on amazon is maybe the funniest thing I have ever read I read it every 6 months for a laugh in trying times
Luxe bidet neo 180 on amazon. You def don’t need the one with the hot water/ cold water tap unless you live in like Winnipeg. I am in no way a handy man and I had it installed in 10 mins. Also make sure you order the seat risers as well. they are like 10 bucks and make it so your toilet seat still hits the bowl rim.
Amazon actually has a 10" Lodge on sale now. I have two of their skillets and one of their dutch ovens, lasted me about 7 years and counting.
This is from the Mayo Clinic, the number 1 hospital in the country. I'm sure your medical device knowledge is far superior to the a doctor.
Comments ≠ pageviews.
People saying "nobody reads X's blogs because there aren't a lot of comments" is just backward ass logic. At the height of comment interaction, the most commented blogs would have what, 60-70 comments. Yet, that particular blog would usually hundreds of thousands of pageviews. Since "commentgate," pageviews have remained relatively level. ( But, its only been about a month and you can't possibly assume that's related to the comments vs. other factors (normal seasonal fluctuations in readership).
This website (admittedly biased against tobacco usage) claims that 75% of daily smokeless tobacco users will be leukoplakia, which they say can be a type of precancerous lesion. They don't say what percentage of the lesions actually become cancer. I don't dip, so I realize that this may be common knowledge among regular users. The Mayo clinic online site says that most cases of leukoplakia are benign but that some can develop into cancer. That site also claims that after the patches are removed, there may still be a heightened risk of cancer developing (though this could likely be because these patches are removed most often from tobacco users).
So basically, your question intrigued me, but I couldn't find a real answer. Using tobacco regularly definitely elevates your risk though.
I also found this gem on the oral cancer foundation website (pretty unrelated to your question): In India and Sri Lanka, where chewing tobacco is used with betel nuts and reverse smoking is practiced (placing the lit end in the mouth), there is a striking incidence of oral cancer – these cases account for as many as 50 percent of all cancers.
I guess people in Sri Lanka are sticking lit cigs into their mouths lol
absolutely hammered. in line for a good 20 min before the loser ID checker said they're not taking any more people. either case - so im home mixing some of my favorite eric prydz tracks / what's new. starting off with - pryda - Tijuana. lets go for the king!
That info is all private. Spags might be able to give you a % increase, it's not great to ask numbers unless you're an advertiser.
The best public source of estimated traffic is Alexa:
That info is done sort of like how Nielsen does TV. Through browser ad ons they try to track and then estimate. It's important to know that (1) The info is not real time whatsoever (2) Fails to properly address mobile devices and app use and (3) Is statistically biased as the sample is based on users who have the ad on, which is both unlikely to match Barstool's readership and for which no real ratios for how those groups compare could mathematically be deduced.
Saratoga is 20 min from the Albany airport
I don't pretend to understand tiktok, but it appears I may be developing new fetishes in 2020
I just got another 30 day free trial for this. Took 2 minutes.
Just add a period to your email i.e. --> to use the same email for multiple free trials.
See I swear I’ve searched for it before but never had any luck and presumed that capability was removed when they integrated Bluetooth.
Of course now I look and I found it pretty quickly
Might have to invest in one now
Not bad. Been looking at something like this cuz i been getting into cold brew alot recently too. Maybe ill try yours before i pull trigger
Hamilton Beach Cold Brew pitcher and good coffee