30+ hours of work...
900+ equations...
countless looping of the same songs over and over while working...
I present to you, Kalisa made in Desmos.
Link to a copy of the actual graph here.
Not a question but:
There is a new "Battle Cats" game called Battle Cats Quest. You can get Ketfud, Tickets and Power Ups on Battle Cats from playing it, like Go! Go! Pogo Cat! Check it out!
Link is here: Nyanko Quest
Best of luck in fighting the doge army.
Seed tracking is 100% cheating, no gray territory. Let's see what the dictionary says about it.
> to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want
This definition show us that seed tracking is cheating. Calling it in another way is lying, to other and to ourselves.
If you are looking for very similar combat style, then there is a very new title that is in soft launch: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.devsisters.crcw&hl=en
If you ever played cookie run, it's based aroung those characters. Quite a fun game really and has pvp too.
I used this one as recommended by a reddit user in one of the comments on my thread: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.formyhm.hideroot
I wont call it hideroot, it is more like toggle root enable/disable. That app, unlike other hide root app which still allows other apps than the blocked one to get SU, this one blocks all app and adb from root access entirely. So if you want to run hack engine, run the engine first until it gets SU then toggle your root.
Disabled USB debug as required.
While it allows me to run the game, it still FC the game the moment I open up some hack engine.
Figured out it was not enuf, I also patch out using rootcloak (requires xposed framework) to hide the engine processes. Add BC ponos app to rootcloack and it works with the hack engine.
Matlab is certainly not the best language for programming. I think it's most useful as a huge calculator, especially for advanced calculus, engineering and probability. C++ and Java are more useful for programming.
To study and get better at Matlab, you need to have a basic understanding of prgramming (while, for, if, logical operators) and a basic understanding of linear algebra (like what a matrix is, and what vectors are, also maybe dot/cross product and multiplaction, at least all of 2.2 here).
From there, google is your friend (like if I were to google: "matlab if statement", I'd get a marthworks result and forums and other things).
And then finally the only way to get better at programming is to program. The top answer here is a useful read: https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-fun-ways-to-get-better-at-programming
Firstly, why cheats? Is backup considered cheating at all?
The driver I installed is the Samsung Drivers in
Does it need to be installed on my phone?
I use sticknodes I don't really have any tips or tutorials to give other than practice. I wish you good luck on your game!
Also if you can't afford the paid version with sounds and filters you can get the free version
You may be able to utilize VPNs to increase the number of Tapjoy videos and offers you can watch or sign up for. Because virtual private networks allow you to generate an alternate IP address, people often use them to access websites blocked by government censors or university firewalls. I use VPNs to change my IP address to another country, where Tapjoy provides different offers and/or videos. This allows me to increase my cat food count by watching more videos or downloading more apps.
I've tried numerous free VPNs and the three easiest and safest VPNs are SurfEasy, TunnelBear, and GoVPN. Each has a monthly data limit/cap. If you reach that amount, you must pay to gain more bandwith. Therefore, I tend to use all 3 and rotate them, so that I don't exhaust the data capacity on any one VPN in a given month.
SurfEasy: addresses in 6 countries; up to 2gb monthly cap
TunnelBear: addresses in 9 countries; 1.5gb monthly cap (with twitter promo)
GoVPN: addresses in US, the location with the most Tapjoy offers; up to 3gb (One of the best VPNs for non-USA residents)
You should utilize VPNs to increase the number of Tapjoy videos and offers you can watch or sign up for. Because virtual private networks allow you to generate an alternate IP address, people often use them to access websites blocked by government censors or university firewalls. I use VPNs to change my IP address to another country, where Tapjoy provides different offers and/or videos. This allows me to increase my cat food count by watching more videos or downloading more apps.
I've tried numerous free VPNs and the three easiest and safest VPNs are SurfEasy, TunnelBear, and GoVPN. Each has a monthly data limit/cap. If you reach that amount, you must pay to gain more bandwith. Therefore, I tend to use all 3 and rotate them, so that I don't exhaust the data capacity on any one VPN in a given month.
SurfEasy: addresses in 6 countries; up to 2gb monthly cap
TunnelBear: addresses in 9 countries; 1.5gb monthly cap (with twitter promo)
GoVPN: addresses in US, the location with the most Tapjoy offers; up to 3gb (One of the best VPNs for non-USA residents)
New Flairs:
First two new units are from a collab with PONOS' other game, third is the new Elemental+Pixie.
There's a lucky ticket farm, and the collab has one two-stage chapter (the other unit comes via stamp)
I heard that this was an iOS bug from the recent update.
If you're on Android, make sure your time is set to automatic and that you don't have any kind of adblock enabled. Also try setting your country to US with Hola VPN
Record iOS screen without a jailbreak: iRec or ShouTV from Emu4iOS
Record Android 5.0+ screen without root (below 5.0 root required): AZ Screen Recorder
Much better... I've spent quite a time looking and these are the best apps available.
EDIT: My method is also less (not at all) illegal.
This video is sponsored by NordVPN. Staying safe online is an ever growing difficulty and you could be exploited by hackers. NordVPN allows you to change your IP address, making you harder to track, securing your privacy. Check out the link in the description to get 20% off for the first two months and thank you to NordVPN for sponsoring this video.
All 5 characters are already encoded in BCJP 3.4 rare gacha but not yet active. Cat Release Order 162 to 166. It's similar to Princess Punt collab.
It's still not hackable yet using the usual gacha hack unless you do hex hacking like what fredy-san suggested to switch it on to active.
How to improve:
https://apps.qoo-app.com/en Is what i personally use. It downloads and installs apks for you, and even allows you to update games! It has games both english and japanese, including BCJP, have fun! :D
Ok, with iOS 7.1.2 you can just download iFunBox and open it (with your iPad/Phone connected). You can then go to Applications, find Battle Cats, open (double-click) it, and copy the Documents folder to your computer (if you want to keep your previous save). Once I post the link, you can simply unzip the Documents folder, and copy that Documents folder into Battle Cats. Replace the existing one. (REMEMBER, if you want to keep your previous save copy the existing Documents to your computer first)
I agree with /u/Platinum_Manticore - if you have a version of iFunbox that is telling you to jailbreak your phone, uninstall it and download it from here. The legit version will never ask you to jailbreak your phone, and whatever you have installed probably came with a few viruses. :X
Well yeah, but the port number is already hardcoded in so it doesn't really matter. If anyone changes the port number they can change the output too.
Try installing Python/pip and OpenSSL via Cygwin. That should set up all the paths etc.
Hmm.. I think I figured out how to fix corrupted .png files - this is an example - http://www.imagebam.com/image/e34f8d946213254
If my assumption is right, I'll try to write a script to decrypt all .png from game data
I need some advice on my seed: https://bc.godfat.org/?seed=2528891104&event=2021-10-01_622
I currently have 22 rare tickets and sufficient cat food. Progress wise I am at cotc2, sol until ururun and gotten all crazed cats recently.
Uber wise I have wargod yukumura (25), kintaro (10), exalted ganesha (30), hades (2), tesalan palasan (19).
I am thinking of spending 19 tickets, roll 11 times for 750 catfood. At this point I will have ganglion, d'arktanya and empress chronos (30A).
Because 35A is my guaranteed uber slot, I am thinking of using another 3 tickets + first time draw of 30 catfood + next draw at 150 catfood. This is only if I should go for babygao. Not sure how this fares compared to papaluga, sarukani, relentless gladios, adventurer kanna, lasvoss, lil valkyrie dark, bora from future banner. So far lil valkyrie dark/baby gao seems to be the best.
I have put the banners side by side here: https://ethercalc.net/d0q71zpous39
Those in yellow are cats I do not have and green are ubers I do not have.
Sorry for the long post. Thanks in advance!
Well, if you don't have those cats, I guess you'll have to wait on the Crazed Cats right now, unless you can beat some level using a cat you assumed was trash or something like that. In the meanwhile, try to grind for 100% treasures during a Treasure Up chance in EoC (Empire of Cats) and ITF (Into The Future). Treasures such as Legendary Cat Sword/Shield make a world of difference. Same with ITF's Aqua/Plasma crystals, which can take up to 600% off of Alien enemies' magnification. As for the spreadsheet...
Google spreadsheet:
For example, here are my cats and their levels (actual levels shown). Try to make a spreadsheet like this in formatting to be as clear as possible.
Hope this helps!
It depends on wich type of ads are you watching. Sometimes I've the same problem, but in some cases you can solve this problem using another autoclicker (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.truedevelopersstudio.automatictap.autoclicker) because with this app you can customize the time between each tap. In this way you will not open the Google play store.
I've been using TunnelBear on iOS and it's worked well enough for me. It does have a monthly volume cap, though, so for the purpose of watching lots of ads to accumulate cat food it is probably not suitable.
get a Vpn (I use TunnelBear) make a Google acct while connected to the jp server, then without turning the vpn off, go to play store and log in to the account you made. then the store should be the jp version. download what you want, wait for it to finish, then log out of your now jp account and turn off vpn. (if you don't log off before turning vpn off, you have to create another acct every time you want to get a jp app so make sure to log off before turning the vpn off)
You should utilize VPNs. Because virtual private networks allow you to generate an alternate IP address, people often use them to access websites blocked by government censors or university firewalls.
I've tried numerous free VPNs and the three easiest and safest VPNs are SurfEasy, TunnelBear, and GoVPN. Each has a monthly data limit/cap. If you reach that amount, you must pay to gain more bandwith. Therefore, I tend to use all 3 and rotate them, so that I don't exhaust the data capacity on any one VPN in a given month.
SurfEasy: addresses in 6 countries; up to 2gb monthly cap
TunnelBear: addresses in 9 countries; 1.5gb monthly cap (with twitter promo)
GoVPN: addresses in US, up to 3gb (One of the best VPNs for non-USA residents)
There are 3 things I'd recommend. First, if you're not getting Tapjoy offers, you might want to experiment with VPNs. In some games, VPNs increase the number of Tapjoy videos and offers you can watch or sign up for. Because virtual private networks allow you to generate an alternate IP address, people often use them to access websites blocked by government censors or university firewalls. I use VPNs to change my IP address to another country, where Tapjoy provides different offers and/or videos. This allows me to increase my cat food count by watching more videos or downloading more apps.
I've tried numerous free VPNs and the three easiest and safest VPNs are SurfEasy, TunnelBear, and GoVPN. Each has a monthly data limit/cap. If you reach that amount, you must pay to gain more bandwith. Therefore, I tend to use all 3 and rotate them, so that I don't exhaust the data capacity on any one VPN in a given month.
SurfEasy: addresses in 6 countries; up to 2gb monthly cap
TunnelBear: addresses in 9 countries; 1.5gb monthly cap (with twitter promo)
GoVPN: addresses in US, the location with the most Tapjoy offers; up to 3gb (One of the best VPNs for non-USA residents)
Battle Cats is a bit more hit-or-miss for me when it comes to offers, so I don't know how well this VPN trick will work. But it's worth a shot.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.ponos.battlecatstw what about this? Am I on some some other play store update or is this actually like Korean? Edit: the text is Chinese according to Google translate so ig it is BCCH or whatever abbreviation that is..
~~Hmm, the link in the game data was to this, but maybe that was referring to something else~~
EDIT: They refer to it as an "MT collab" so I guess you're right, lol
Just out of curiosity, what is Merchant? The only things I found after a quick Google search were this and a bunch of financial apps.
Basicaly, you
1)install firewall.
2)Turn it on and ban BC from accesing the internet.
3)open BC.
4)switch to time settings and do -2 days.
5)switch to BC.
6)switch to settings and turn automatic time.
7)your energy should be full and gamatoto ready.
It's somewhat better than u/Awkingkong suggested because you don't have to restart BC
Edit:It's similar to u/bluegie method, but you don't need to be fast, because of firewall
Yeah, I'm gonna wait it out. I already have 10 ubers and a manic cat on this account, so I'd rather not be banned.
EDIT: Says there was an update June 30th on the playstore. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.ponos.battlecats&hl=ja . 3 star sea pollutor, 2 star weak and mildly acidic, and "Dark Cosmopolis".
Hey there, NK. I got impatient and went ahead and fixed the code myself. I'm getting an error when I try to export it through Tasker App Factory, though. It's probably because I don't have the necessary app images configured. Anyway, here's the XML:
-removed, see below-
Edit: initially put the wrong file. Fixed.
Edit 2: derp, hold on, it needs some more tinkering...
Edit 3: okay, so it looks like portability is an issue after all. The above works on my Moto G but doesn't work on my One Plus 2. I put together a portable solution, but it requires the Busybox app to be installed. It's free, so for most people it shouldn't be an issue.
I haven't tested it, but this should in theory also work on Lollipop and Marshmallow even though they (reportedly) changed the input format for date
from YYYYMMDD.hhmmss to YYYYMMDDhhmm.ss
New link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Dw1BGd_jXZNEt2MWwzM0s2Wjg/view?usp=docslist_api
What do you mean by "Google play store only lets me get an extremely old version"??
Google playstore is always the latest, if it is old, then there is no update from the developer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.ponos.battlecats
Last update: 28th Sept 2015
What country are you from? That affects the ads. It's worth trying Hola Unblocker, which is a free VPN. You can use it to fake your country and pretend you're in the US. I use it from Australia and I can complete US Tapjoy offers, which pay much more than Australian ones.
What country are you from? That affects the ads. It's worth trying Hola Unblocker, which is a free VPN. You can use it to fake your country and pretend you're in the US. I use it from Australia and I can complete US Tapjoy offers, which pay much more than Australian ones.
I'm going to assume you're using Android because you used the word 'tablet' over the word 'iPad'. In the order you should try them, go through this list until the issue is fixed:
That's all I've got. Good luck!