A book based on the show came out the year before last with a similar theme to this - Slayer STATS: The Complete Infographic Guide to All Things Buffy. Sounds like you might be a potential (ha) reader...
He really is great. He based some of his stuff on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Myth, Metaphor, and Morality by Mark Field. Never read the book but might be worth.
Dusted the podcast and now Still Pretty has pretty good analysis as well although there were some... domestic issues due to one of the hosts which might sour you to listening.
Well, Joss Whedon turned out to be a total creep too. He was sleeping with a lot of the "needy" actresses on the show as his wife found out years later.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale (Popular Culture and Philosophy, Vol. 4) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0812695313/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_dHgEBbDZ9N7BY
Pretty good read.
Nice catch! There's a full-length rendition on ASH's album Staring at the Sun, but it's a slower, more meandering style I didn't like as much.
It's a codename - it won't ship with the name.
Edit: Mashable decided to adorn the article with a screencap of Buffy on the phone - from The Body!! Idiots. link
I have never owned it, but my parents still have their copy. (Come to think of it, I think they let me play the game long before they let me watch).
A quick search and I found this: "Seeing Black."
I did not read it though, so I can't say whether it is good or not, but it seems to fit your description. You can search through the Willow/Tara tags at your leisure as well.
Amazon link as opposed to a tweet linking to the amazon page
Mandamoolah did an r/buffy survey six months ago. She got over a hundred results. I've been meaning to do some normalization and analysis, but haven't gotten around to it.
It's $45 on amazon us. Free shipping, library stickers: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Ask-Malice-Slayers-Vampire/dp/1416915877
Still a bit pricey for a book but much better than $500 if you really want it
Well I was working on my Master's Thesis, which was on "intersemiotic translation" (i.e. adapting between different media forms), and I used Joss Whedon's body of work as the primary subject of analysis, especially how fans continue to reinterpret (translate) his work through various platforms.
Then this call for chapter proposals came out for this book) that was in a series all about fan phenomena, so I just couldn't help but submit something, and it was accepted! All of the chapters in it turned out awesome, and the other books in the series are pretty great, too! It's available on Amazon, if anyone's interested.
I think quality control would be a possible problem: maintaining each character's unique voice.
You would probably be better served by going over to AO3 to look for BtVS fanfic, some of which is of very high quality.
Tales of the Slayers is what you’re looking for: https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Slayers-Buffy-Vampire-Slayer/dp/1569716056
There’s also one around different vampires: https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Vampires-Buffy-Vampire-Slayer/dp/1569717494
Both are canon to the show and have a lot of cool Easter eggs and references!
https://www.amazon.de/dp/B003ZVJJXA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_q343Eb65BNFRG That's the set I bought. You can find it on the German Amazon. I just checked and with shipping it would costs 50€, I don't know how much that is in pounds, but imo that's a pretty good deal.
This is mine: https://archiveofourown.org/works/9289784/chapters/21053432
The context is very very different as it takes place in a semi-au Buffy verse where Xander and Cordelia switch places (so Xander is off in L.A fighting the good fight and Cordelia is in Sunnydale). The Jasmine arc starts here:
I guess you’re right, it’s more fantasy now that I think of it...
If I had to reallyyyyy stretch to make an argument, I would say that elements of scifi could include time travel, teleportation, mind control/telepathy/telekinesis, parallel universes, etc. This website kind of helps make the case, but it’s still a loose case.
I had to really research this hahaha. I had always classes Buffy as scifi without thinking too much about it. Thanks for questioning me, it helps me grow!!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Volume 1. You can still find it for a reasonable price, which is not the case for a lot of the comics since they are out of print.
Titan Books released a couple of books under the title 'The Slayer Collection' that are basically collections of articles and other things from the magazines. I haven't seen them in person; randomly came across them on Amazon. Might be interesting curios for fans who missed the actual mags when they were being released.
There is this from the trivia section of Halfrek's wikia page:
>Rocha and Joss Whedon have both confirmed that Halfrek and Cecily were indeed the same entity.
There is also a comic that deals with Halfrek and Spike and their pasts as Cecily and William but it is, I believe, non-canon. It still makes for an interesting read though. Here are some preview pages of it.
I am not sure. It was a gift so I didn't ask. My guess would be a couple dollars. It still had the plastic on it so despite being kind of old, it was essentially brand new.
edit: I did some internet sleuthing. Barnes and Noble is selling them for $3 and some guy on eBay is selling them for $50. So for somewhere between $3 and $50 you can have one too. I sincerely wouldn't advise spending a lot of money on this. It is super fun, but the ring gave my finger a mild rash and turned it green.
I can’t believe I found it but here it is
Desperate Housewives - season 6 episode 7
Skip to the 27.00 mark. You can also see Ripper and Mr Platt :D
Misogyny by definition only exists if something comes from a hatred of women. Xander and Cordy rip on each other for a lot of different things. Cordelia uses some gender specific insults on Xander too. I don't think it's fair to say that Xander's insults come from a hatred of Cordy as a woman instead of just Cordy as Cordy.
Again, I never said Xander was in the right for all of his actions, just that he isn't a misogynist. I'm not trying to be [litany of insults], just trying to get you to defend a position I don't think it tenable.
I think I've got it working here.
I counted only couples who actually kissed on screen - no crushes or wishes or almosts. I went by actor, not character, so sorry, Eliza, no Marc Blucas action for you. Columns E and F show actors' ages at the air dates of episode 1 and episode 144. G through N are an ugly blur of partner initials followed by the actor/actress age difference.
I couldn't for the life of me remember any new Season 7 pairings other than Willow/Kennedy. Let me know if you think of something.
I wrote a piece of fanfic that ended up with Willow and Tara being reunited, but... it sucked. In fact, it's the only thing I've ever written of which I'm genuinely embarrassed, so I won't link it.
However, this is a great Willow/Tara story that neatly closes up one of S6's plot holes. (I did not write this one.)
I used to use CDisplay Ex. I don't know if it opens EPUB files but I know it opens PDF files and you should be able to get those from IDW. I usually had my laptop on its side so it would rotate into portrait mode so it'd be a bit more like reading an actual comic.
Maybe you're right. I think Chandler and Xander could both be echoes of Cassandra who was the wisest of the bunch but was ignored. In Get Smart (YouTube-able and awesome) it is the female Agent 99, and in the Monkey Island game series it is Guybrush Threepwood whom everyone except the player think is an idiot.
I recommend Fray next! It's about a future Slayer, and it's kind of a must-read if you want to get into the post-show seasons.
Just a warning... due to rights issues, most of the post-show stuff will be fairly expensive... Don't feel bad about reading online.
Note that the link is an Amazon referral link. This is a direct link that uses Amazon Smile, which contributes a small portion of your purchase to a charity you choose instead of some random internet person.
Maybe Amazon Canada is the way to go:
There's a new hardcover coming out in September called "Buffy: Demons of the Hellmouth", which looks like a companion piece to the "Buffy: The Making of a Slayer" that was released in 2012 (links below)
I would also assume that to be a stocking issue. If you didn't buy any of the seasons, Amazon has the entire box set for sale.
They used to sell them.
Joss was very interactive with the fan base during the run of the show. Sometimes scripts were officially released online; sometimes unofficially along with dailies. There was a great hunger for behind the scenes Buffy content.
A source many use is http://buffyworld.com.
What consequences? Dudes rich and did nothing illegal, hes fine.
And read https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0752266357/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It covers angel too. They went out of their way a lot to help charisma in her own words and she acted like they were best friends with joss then. Weird how people stop making money and then its someone elses fault.
>Joss's script for the film was meant to be "a scary film about an empowered woman
FYI - the story as intended was redone as a graphic novel. It covers the movie and then some additional adventures before Buffy comes to Sunnydale.
I didn't hate the movie when it came out and I don't hate it now. It's not as good as the series. The casting makes sense. Luke Perry was huge in 1992 (possibly the biggest star from Beverly Hills 90210) and Donald Sutherlin was a quintessential old guy badass sort of actor.
There is a fun Christopher Golden book, PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW, that explores Spike and Dru many years before Buffy. So, it's dark but you'll see a little of what Spike did to girls (potential Slayers) when they were Dawn's age. https://www.amazon.com/Spike-Dru-Pretty-Maids-All/dp/0743400461
Amazon do them as motion comics, organized into seasons, with music and voices. They're cheap and an effective way to get the content in the right order, while supporting the work, at low cost.
They are, however, absolutely terrible. It's not a fault of the motion comic work -- the core comics themselves are also just absolute dross that quickly lose any connection to the series and reality.
He should take a stab at the role, if only based on this more aristocratic look that he pulls off well:
Not only a good extension of the racial commentary that Gunn occasionally mused on, but a good opportunity for oft ignored historical narratives.
It's not just a rumor. At the 100th episode party Whedon was very angry because it looked the show was going to be discontinued in the midst of its success. Due to some extremely complex business and contractural stuff that it would take too long to explain, Fox wanted to charge the network at a higher rate to run the show, but the head of the WB at the time was a disgruntled former Fox employee who refused to pay more. It looked like the series was going to be canceled even though ratings were still good, just because the suits couldn't agree on terms. That's when UPN stepped in and agreed to pay the rate Fox wanted. So the episode was written with the worry in mind that it might be the last ep, but by the time the ep was filmed they knew they'd be coming back on another network.
This is my main source for this version of events. https://www.amazon.com/Season-Finale-Unexpected-Rise-Fall/dp/0061340995
This works, and is a fraction of the MSRB of the original releases:
There is also the collector’s edition for 134, as it might behoove you to get the premium release.
Being for a partner and all…
I love it and it’s under $15. I found it on amazon:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Spike Out For A Walk Bitch Tumbler Cup https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B2J7X4Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_FCKFZ6771A9W7HQGBEMG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
There's a book that the hosts on Buffering the Vampire Slayer have referenced a few times that might be interesting if you haven't read it already. Amazon link here
I don't have kids yet but I do have a three part plan:
Instill a love of Buffy from early on with this picture book.
When they are closer to like 8-10 yrs old, watch the high school seasons. They're self-contained enough as a single story that I think you could pause there and it would still feel complete.
Once they're around preteen age, and able to have serious conversations about consent and other heavier topics, watch the entire series.
Ah I have to admit I didn't watch much Doctor Who (my ex was watching so I saw a few episodes and thought it seemed ok but didn't pique my interest that much). Lost I started watching when it was airing but gradually lost (pun intended) interest over and dropped somewhere in the middle. HIMYM I did watch from start to finish and gotta agree with you, great show, bad ending :/
As for my favs, I actually have been rating/ordering all the shows I've watched for a long time now and just realized I recently passed the 50 shows mark (not sure if I should be proud or ashamed about it hahaha). You can check the ratings there. Anything that I've given 8 or higher you can consider recommended for all audiences :D
I haven't watched Star Trek nor the Wire (heard great things about the latter but just saw a bit of ep1 and it didn't interest me at all), but I highly recommend Oz. I consider it to be the first show that kinda stepped up the game in terms of quality of TV and sparked up the great HBO era. It's special (being about the prison system there's a lot of violence), but the story is very character-driven a la SFU so I think you'd like it ;)
"So, that begs the question, what is the role of the soul in the Buffy-verse, if one can love and do good without one? Says Whedon, also from March 2001, "A soul is the thing that separates a human from a demon. It's the thing that points you north instead of south, that makes your instinct to do good instead of to do bad." "Therefore a vampire can feel love. They can have all the whims and quandaries of a normal person, if they're a vampire or a demon, but their basic instinct is to create chaos and evil and destruction, instead of love and bonding and nurturing and stuff. That's the basic difference." "A lot of demons, like Spike, for example, are not that different from a lot of people we know. It's not cut-and-dried. He is capable of great love, but great love is usually a very selfish thing, but he's trying." https://web.archive.org/web/20011118210557/http://tv.zap2it.com/sciencefiction/otherworlds.html?20561
Full response list in table format
Thanks to everyone who took the survey! These results definitely draw patterns in favorites and least favorites! It was a lot of fun, guys. These responses bring up some great discussion.
I made this last year because a friend of mine was engaged to a Riley type who spoiler turned out to be garbage. It needs some updating especially around my thoughts with the whole Buffy faith thing. But for anyone who might enjoy...
Hm... I don't see one on their website. I'm happy to report I came third in the July 11 one - it was great fun but aiming to stay on the Top 10 made it extra stressful haha
I think there is a Fray movie in the making
Edit: it's a fan film funded by Kickstarter, better than nothing
Let me add to Broken_Sky's answer that another very good source of used books is http://www.abebooks.com/ Mind, though, that the website is basically a cartel of used book dealers. You're buying from the individual bookseller, not from AbeBooks. It's similar to what is going on at eBay. So you'd better keep a sharp eye on the "bookseller rating"
I know this is "Meant to be 4:3", but I love the 16:9 versions more. IMO, a lot of episodes work a lot better in 16:9 than 4:3. If they can't open up the first 7 episodes of season one like they have with the most recently aired episodes, I think they should keep the first season in 4:3. It would be great if a possible Blu-ray release could have both 4:3 & 16:9 so neither side of the ratio debate gets screwed over. Here are some comparison captures for "Nightmares", looks like they opened it up on not only the sides, but also a little on the top & bottom.
My art teacher in college once said, "Any great work of art requires two people: one to create the work; and the other to stand behind him with a mallet to hit him over the head when it is finished."
You should consider putting up your work on deviantart.com. If you grant permission, they will give viewers the option of purchasing prints, etc.
Anyway, great "doodle".
Yeah this comment was already made, my friend.
If I had to reallyyyyy stretch to make an argument, I would say that elements of scifi could include time travel, teleportation, mind control/telepathy/telekinesis, parallel universes, etc. This website kind of helps make the case, but it’s still a loose case.
I had to really research this hahaha. I had always classed Buffy as scifi without thinking too much about it. As someone who loves StarTrek, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, etc. I’m not sure why I didn’t catch this flawed thinking sooner lol.
I see. Well, https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Peter_Ustinov once said that "Comedy is just a funny way of being serious" and there's probably many older manifestations of that sentiment. Anyway, now that I look at the old photos of her with Robin Williams (R.I.P.) in the tribute she prepared with him here - https://twitter.com/RealSMG/status/498982610668752897 - her blond hair colour already seems fake and foreign (to me at least), and I also think she should change the user-pic on Twitter/etc. It's as if - I'm already past that and am more enlightened now.
But that may be just me - you are entitled to think differently.
Just send me your email/skype/whatever and I will send it to you :)
Edit: Nevermind. I uploaded it here instead. In case anyone else wants it :)
Anya and Xander’s “I’ll Never Tell,” always makes me smile! I recently bought the book for my musically talented, Buffy obsessed daughter. It’s really great - all the sheet music, pics of the shoot and random bits and bobs!
OP there’s another. This one is even better because it uses movie Buffy:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Activity Book: Creative Hidden Objects, One Of A Kind, Coloring, Dot To Dot, Word Search, Find Shadow, Spot Differences, Maze Activities Books For Adult, Kid https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08SQ3PZ57/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_X63WJD1VTP2CA5990S87
It was really hard to find in the UK - I got it from here (for about £10)
But it’s currently wayy too expensive, so I’d wait until it’s back in stock
So the SD on the DVDs is technically lower quality. But as you mentioned, the remaster is awful. I bought the Chosen collection, which was produced before the remaster I believe, so I prefer that especially with the lighting and keeping it in the original dimensions. This is it: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Chosen Collection https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000ARSJVU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_MMBA8W3S9149PCEC0E3T (Can’t believe how expensive it is!)
Wow, that's a lot of omissions. Thanks.
Confusing matters further, Amazon's descriptions for the upcoming Volume 5 and Volume 6 list the exact same short stories as bonuses: Willow & Tara: Demonology Menagerie, Rock ’N Roll All Night, Mall Rats, and Angels We Have Seen on High. I'd say this is an error, but I've seen something like this before: the He-Man and She-Ra Complete Series sets contain the exact same bonus features.
Just get one of these and you can plug in a mouse and keyboard!
Thank you! It’s got a box of promo shots from the series, covert art from the Darkhorse comics seasons, and stills from the show. He got me one a great years back and I loved it so much I kept it up throughout the years, just rotating the months and disregarding the dates. I don’t actually use the calendar but I love the art, it’s like having a new Buffy poster in my room every month. He didn’t realize that they still made them so I now have one for 2021!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2021 Wall Calendar https://www.amazon.com/dp/0789338971/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_9C35Fb0V39NKT
Buffy is usually ranks somewhere in the top 50 whenever there's a best tv shows of all time.
For example, TV: Two Experts Pick the Greatest American Shows of All Time lists it at #26.
Hey! So! Like I said before, Angel comics and some Buffy comics are getting harder to find at good prices.
Amazon just emailed me about Angel Legacy which is basically a Library edition for Angel! They will have the Angel comics after S5 in chronological order! There’s a good good chance that I will pick these up!!
Angel Legacy Edition Book One https://www.amazon.com/dp/1684154693/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_panpDbK8VJE9M
Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^performed ^^^automatically.
It looks like they're doing a season 12 Library as well. Just found this Amazon, but don't really see any other news of it yet. I'm not fully caught up on the current run yet so not sure if there's been ads in it or not.
Amazon has it as well although I don't want to out down private shops!
There's a book coming out this month called "Slayer Stats" which looks like it'll be filled with this stuff, complete with pretty and colourful infographics.
Some sort of white hair paint is probably your best bet. Something like this . Your hair will be crunchy, but that works for spike.
As an added bonus, from Conversations With Dead People
Sorry, couldn't find a proper youtube link for that one.
If you already have Amazon Prime, you can add "channels" for a monthly fee that add additional content. (I use it to occasionally have access to HBO, Showtime & Starz.) Looks like there's a channel called Fullscreen that has Buffy & Angel. It's $5.99 per month: https://smile.amazon.com/Buffy-Vampire-Slayer-Season-1/dp/B000HCYN18?sa-no-redirect=1
That looks like the cheapest option to me.
Quick note: I picked up the e-book for Myth, Metaphor, and Morality (the one that PotN uses) and it makes for interesting reading. It's cheap enough, but if you don't want to spring for it, a lot of it comes from this site.
I picked up a book at my city's last expo, that has a section on buffy, but is more focused on Joss Whedon in general. It's this book, and I think I picked it up for 20$ at the show, and it has ~180 pages on buffy.
This is a really good book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0742516814/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
If you're interested in the writing aspect of the show, listen to Dusted. It's a really great podcast.
The Johannes Cabal series is good... The first book is called Johannes Cabal the Necromancer. He's actually an anti-hero but it has the same sort of sarcastic humor and wit that a lot of Buffy had. The narrator of the first audiobook does a great job too.
Your welcome! If you want current books- Start with New Rules for Buffy and Where the River Meets the Sea for A & F. http://www.amazon.com/Buffy-Season-Rules-Vampire-Slayer/dp/1616554908/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1425245068&sr=8-1&keywords=new+rules+buffy
The Physics of Buffy quickly went over my head in terms of the math involved.
I also have most of the ones you listed but not all, thanks for introducing me to those!
Thank-you! So looking through the Excel doc, do you recommend eventually reading those that aren't canon, or not really?
Going by the canon in the Excel doc, looks like I'm going for:
Thanks again. :)
Edit: I think I can buy this Spike: The Complete Series (http://www.amazon.com/Spike-Complete-Brian-Lynch/dp/1613772858/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1432603914&sr=8-2&keywords=spike+asylum) as a start.
Thanks! The omnibus I was looking at was this one:
Idk why I thought it was season 8- maybe because it was right next to the season 8 Buffy collections? My bad.
That and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Album pretty much covers most of the most prominent songs. :)
Love those two cds. <3 I'm a sucker for college rock like that xD
They continued the story as the show left off in Buffy: Season 8, the comic series, so I'd start there! You can get the first 10 issues in the Library Edition Vol. 1, which is $20 on Amazon. Good luck curing your finale blues, slayer!
It does sound like fun. Here is a link <em>Serpent's Storm</em> to her book on Amazon if you are interested. Remember CHICKEN!!!!
I haven't heard of this one yet but I highly recommend The Existential Joss Whedon. I just happened to pick it up because it was buffy related but it ended up being the reason I first became interested in philosophy. It's a really eye opening analysis of the buffyverse and firefly as well.
here's what the description says " From the same author that brought you the Flint series comes a new town . . . a new drama. Treasure Hernandez is back with her second street series, chronicling both sides of Baltimore’s black market. Derek Fuller is the head detective of a Baltimore narcotics unit. His team has been assigned to take down the biggest drug operation in the city. There’s only one problem: the head of the operation is his brother, Scar Johnson. Separated in Baltimore’s foster care system, they came from two different walks of life, but both met at the top on opposite sides of the law. With the Assistant District Attorney in their back pocket, this was a marriage made in heaven—until the drama and deceit enters. Delve into this treacherous story of love, deceit, lies, and murder. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and once one brother feels betrayed, the only retribution is death. --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition."
i dont know if you are a comic reader, but theres always the omnibus collections for the original comic book series. book one