It’s a “Spice” grinder. Worth every penny. IMO I feel it grinds rocks to a super fine powder so that more blow gets into your system when you’re skiing. No more baby rocks falling out of your nose when you’re ripping lines.
OUNONA Metal Powder Spice Grinder Hand Mill Funnel with Snuff Glass Bottle 4.4x10.7CM
Norpro Mini Stainless Steel Measuring Spoons, Set of 5 (tad, dash, pinch, smidgen and drop)
I can go through about a gram in 3-4 days. Like 10 lines a day depending on how much i want at the time. Whether it be a small bump or rails thicker than my ex.
I also get scared i'm going to drop dead. Given the half life of the drug 24 hours should be fine. The peak of cocaine's presence and effect on the body is about 30min to an hour. It can have depressive effects afterwards, which can feed anxiety. I suggest drinking water and trying to do something relaxing. Anxiety is a tough bastard and i wish you luck in quitting.
Coke also fucks with my tummy, IBS and a balanced diet of fuckall can make that worse. That might be your chest pain/feelings. Could be anxiety or a legit cardio issue (but a cardio issue is not likely). Take your heart rate every now and again. If it's super high for a prolonged period of time then you should probably go to the hospital. If it is like 80-90 with no past heart trouble then it seems like you would be safe.
The symptoms of anxiety also match up 100% with what you are saying in your post. I'm not going to write off your symptoms with "probs anxiety" like 90% of the doctors i've ever talked to about my pain issues. It's just something to take into account.
If you ever need someone to chat with during an anxiety attack, hit me up. I'm not regularly on here but you can vent into my inbox. How to check your pulse (i just use a clock or timer and count for 10 seconds then multiply by 6 to get BPM).
DISCLAIMER: Not a doctor, or an experienced user. I have just done a lot of research and talking to current and former cocaine users.
Also, you might get anxious while taking your pulse. Do some deep breathing and light grounding techniques. It's not gonna last and you will be okay <3
I use a clip-on heat lamp for turtle terrariums and it's awesome for hot plating and drying post acetone wash. Just clips on the side of my table whenever needed.
Lol it’s these and I added text over them
Norpro Mini Stainless Steel Measuring Spoons, Set of 5 (tad, dash, pinch, smidgen and drop)
SinuCleanse Soft Tip Neti-Pot Nasal Wash System - Includes 30 All, Natural, Pre-Mixed Buffered Saline Packets - Relieves Nasal Symptoms and Congestion due to Cold, Flu, Dry Air, or Allergies
Absolute life saver. Cheep, easy, no clogged nose in the morning
Eisco Labs Premium Qualitative Filter Paper, 12.5cm Dia, Medium Speed (85 GSM), 10? (10 Micron) Pore Size - Pack of 100
Acetone - Premium ACS Grade, 12oz - The Curated Chemical Collection
But you have to make sure you cap it immediately after use, and you need to use an eye dropper. Also I used plastic wrap to cover. I didn’t let it dry in the filter paper though which is what I think did the trick. I put it on a hot plate after about 20 mins and broke it down and let it sit on there for like 6 hours. I don’t use a real hot plate, I use a wax melter (those candle things) and put an ceramic plate on top.
Got mine off Amazon, I'll find what I got and edit this.
Edit: memory foam mattress
This is the BEST investment ever.
So i have most of it on my page, along with other things I have written. If you like stories about cocaine, El Callao parts 1 and 2 are good. But otherwise my book is only available on amazon. This is the link if you're interested.
It’s awesome. Grinds you rocks down to a fine powder. That way you don’t have Little Rock’s falling out of your nose when you rail lines. I feel I get more bang for my buck when I grind my Coke. And I feel like it hits hard too because you get more blow into your system.
Here’s the link to buy one on Amazon. Def worth it
OUNONA Metal Powder Spice Grinder Hand Mill Funnel with Snuff Glass Bottle 4.4x10.7CM
Highly suggest buying a metal straw. Can get them on amazon. Works perfectly and you can run it through the dishwasher to keep it clean.
This is the kind I use:
Short Safer Rounded End Stainless Steel Straws for Half Pint Mason Jars, Cocktails, Coffee Mugs, Small Glasses or Cups (4 Pack + Cleaning Brush + Bag)
Use this every night after you're done to keep nose clean and prevent sinus infections which often cause headaches with or without water and hydration.
I use a grinder, and I love it! It’s quick and easy. Shout out to this sub for me putting me on to it.
OUNONA Metal Powder Spice Grinder...
Glass straws. Use glass straws. The short and thick ones. Get two packs and never worry about it again. Snooters are neat but more specialized. Bills slowly but surely lose you material.
skip the freezer/fridge whatever little moisture that is in the powder will end up hydrating again when you take it out to thaw...
transfer the contents out of whatever baggie you have and find a nice jar that can be airtight... like a mason jar... use desiccant link below and if you want you can vacuum seal the jar and just keep it out of the light
Neti Pot is the most common version of it.
I’ll grab a link to the one I got, but essentially it’s a warm salt water rinse for your nasal passages and sinuses.
Go to the vape store and ask for USB it’s urine,blood saliva . They are pills you take that mask your piss for 14 hours as long as you follow the steps. Has made me pass 5 times. THIS WONT CLEAN YOUR SYSTEM ONLY MASK YOUR PEE :)
I like this the elegant handle allows for comfortable handling and control whilst clearing the sinuses. But I think that does the same shit. Got mine from Walgreens.
You should be paying anywhere from $70 to $100
•Look for some shine, not too much
Too much is artificial and added for appearance.
•Do not buy it in powder, try to get it in a rock.
When dealers sell to you in powder it’s most likely cut. However a rock can be cut and re pressed aswell.
•It should have a gasoline/diesel odor.
There’s lots of good pictures on this sub Reddit.
I see a lot of people using these snuff bullets
Here is a very nice compact scale you can get from Amazon.
Seriously guys. A scale is $11 f'n dollars on Amazon. Why do people constantly show a pic and ask the sub to guess the weight?
I usually add a gram to a small 5ml nasal spray bottle almost full of purified or distilled water and add a small amount of (NON-MEDICATED) powdered saline mix. It works great for work and travel and my boss has asked me about it one time when I left it out and I just said it was saline and essential oils for allergies lmao I'll post a link of the spray bottles I use. Be careful though, a little goes a long way. I would only do one or two sprays and see how it affects you. A spray is about equal to a small line.
12Pcs Mini Plastic Nasal Spray Bottles - 5Ml Fine Mist Sprayers Atomizers Cosmetic Perfume Makeup Water Storage Holder Container Portable Empty Refillable(Blue)
Be safe everyone, hope this method benefits you as much as it does me!
P.S. Find a harm reduction supplies location and get fentanyl testing strips and please for the love of GOD test your shit.
I cant work out how to send you a
I would go. Any blackout - REGARDLESS OF THE TIME PERIOD - needs medical investigations..
Go now please, but when you come back if you could read this book that my friend posted about that would be great
City Of Woke: The Six-Part Anthology
Get a little vial with spatula. Something like this..
Not that I'm recommending this one specifically, because it looks a bit crappy, but you get the idea.
won’t help for right now, but perhaps consider getting something like this. set a timer for when you want to be done. When timer goes off. Put it in the box and set that timer.
Think this would work with a glass tile? Literally bought a cheap 4x8 glass tile on amazon specifically for doing blow! Way better than any plate I've used, cleans easily and scoops back into the bag without any hassle if you need to! Not sure if links are allowed, but this is the link to it, sorry in advance if links are against the rules!
for a whole $1.99, shipping included, I do not care if I drop and break it. I use to have an awesome marijuana rolling tray with an electrified Nikola Tesla on it from V Syndicate, but I accidently dropped it and a corner broke off. Though this is not as exciting to look at... it is good dimensions and the blueish tint really makes the snow pop. I'm not sure about heating it though as it is literally a single bathroom tile. Works great though! Using it now actually.
take frontglass for example of two halogen lamps
like this
make both hot, put it on one of them ,crunch and press and turn slightly then harder, move and turn you can crush like half a gee perfectly until its almost 2D :'D
take it away patiently and scratch off, it will be.. literally snow
not like this crumbly rocky mountains ;D
I use a snuff spoon and hit 100 mgs each nostril, then maintain with 50 mgs every 45 mins to 1 hour. Snuff Spoon
Pill mill works awesome. The finest and best powder ever.
nahh ur doing too much get one of these.
and 8ball is a lot bro you might od even if you do an 3.5 in a night boof skipps liver. that shit is straight poizzzzon
Run that shit through a wire mesh strainer or a metal tea ball like this and then hot plate it. It’ll hit better and last longer bc it’ll be saturating more surface area in your mucous membranes
thanks for the reminder i need water pretty bad rn and i keep delaying it lmao but shit imma have to get one for mobile hot plating my rolling tray works but it’s a little too big to keep in my pocket
Hot plate it next time or run it through a metal mesh strainer. They also sell these things called tea balls on Amazon I usually press it through the screen w my fingers and it gets it super fine. That way more is absorbed and doesn’t fall out or give you an immediate drip.
I don't know for sure, but based on the little dimple in the top left I don't think so. I think it's a plastic scraper razor blade. I found this scraper kit on amazon that - to my eye - looks identical to the one in the photo:
Yup, I usually add a gram to a small 5ml nasal spray bottle almost full of purified or distilled water and add a small amount of powdered saline mix. It works great for work and travel and my boss has asked me about it one time when I left it out and I just said it was saline and essential oils for allergies lmao I'll post a link of the spray bottles I use. Be careful though, a little goes a long way. I would only do one or two sprays and see how it affects you. A spray is about equal to a small line.
12Pcs Mini Plastic Nasal Spray Bottles - 5Ml Fine Mist Sprayers Atomizers Cosmetic Perfume Makeup Water Storage Holder Container Portable Empty Refillable(Blue)
NeilMed Sinus Rinse - A Complete Sinus Nasal Rinse Kit, 50 count (Pack of 1)
Use it during once it start getting plugged up as well as Saline spray during
Best two I have used
DOPUDO HELIOS Coffee Mug Warmer for Desk, 50w Wax Warmer for Large Cups & Teapots, 4 Hours Auto Shut off Smart Coaster with 3 Temperature Settings, Electric Beverage Heater
Nah, bombs (obvs), alongside drugs and cash. I saw a border force police show (Australia I think) that had a dog sniff someone's carry on suitcase (linked below) that had a kilo of coke stuffed into the lining etc. They also often asked why people had large amounts of cash on them, usually foreign but still.
As for OP, i think the amount you cant in that space is negligible for the dogs, keep some pepperoni nearby if possible. I doubt it'd show on the X-Rays, but still, your call. Even if they saw it, they wouldn't know what that is on the screen, and the dogs wont catch it, but hey - it's the risk you take.
So I have had many friends with bullets and I was just shopping online at Amazon (hate/love) and they actually have lots of fun options. If you have good fluffy blow I say the old twist nozzle bullet works best. As in twist it, down flip, twist it up and snif standing straight up. I switched to these from the ever wasteful key bumps. I laughed so hard at Amazon's selection of obvious cocaine shit 🤣 ill link a basic one
This one. I was hoping I could fit my little cash box safe in it, but it's too big. I can put the keys to the actual safe in the K safe though. Apparently that's what you have to do for refrigerated goods anyway.
I like to use this, alternatively, I eat serrano peppers - nothing clears helps jump start the cleaning out of sinuses like something spicy
Store it over these:
You can also put some parafilm over the mouth of the bottle and then twist the cap down on top of it for an improved seal.
All this time I was thinking you meant a literal hot plate like this
I got this. Works well
3 Pieces Metal Shovel Spoon, 3 Pieces Keychain Bottle Metal Sealed Bottle, 3 Pieces D Shape Buckle 3 Pieces Mini Metal Shovels for Outdoor Purse Pocket Medicine Outdoor Camping Travel Kit
Don’t sweat it; that’s why we’re here. For future reference (and the health of your sinuses), you may want to get some saline nasal spray to give your nostrils a clean rinse
Zysta Personalized Engraving Acrylic Cylinder Urn Necklaces for Ashes Clear Glass Tube Vial Creamation Necklace Custom Ash Urns Locket Pendant Keepsake Memorial Jewelry Here’s the link if you want to get one :)
I don’t know about the tea strainer, but I use a spice grinder like the one found in that link.
No so been skiing for years and always used the classic note and card bight this on Amazon yesterday my man there are loads of different ones aswell.
I felt like the crack pipes were slightly too thick and found these are the perfect diameter.
Complete 7-Piece Bundle Premium Metal Snuff Powder Herb Spice Grinder Hand Mill Funnel, Metal Keychain Storage, Safety Spoon Bottle, Vial, Metal Spoons with ConClarity Micro Funnel
My go-to is one of these metal straws I got as a birthday gift
Before I got that, I mostly used tampon tubes or just a plastic straw.
I got my bullet off Amazon and a mortar and pestle, the bullet came with a funnel, can't think of anything else I'd ever need. This is the one i got;
I would take detox pills and drink tons of water. If you are drinking while skiiing it stays in your system longer. It takes me 2 sometimes 3 weeks but im older 55.
Get test strips on amazon. 5 Pack Easy@Home 5 Panel Instant Drug Test Kits - Test Marijuana (THC), COC, OPI 2000, AMP, BZO - Urine Dip Drug Testing - #EDOAP-754
Dulls the edge a bit.
If you're at home, these are better than straws.
I keep it in a medicine cabinet locker like this, with my other goodies, under my bed.
ANCKS Small Pocket Keychain bottle with Spoon(2 Pack), Aluminium Alloy Portable Mini Storage bottle Container for Purse,Waterproof Metal Pill Bottle for Outdoor Camping Travel
My best guess without pictures: a bag of marbles, some white stage make up, GI Joe Figurines (scratch that, you said it was white).
First, figure out how to remove exif data from your pictures, it's surprisingly easy.
Unless you use reagents (a solid investment that I use with every new batch), there is zero we can do to help you, especially without pictures.
You might try the "bleach test":
You can snort benzos. It leads to significantly faster onset of effects, but that's about it. The bioavailability is slightly lower. Here's a paper about Lorazepam - but it's true regardless of the benzo:
Add me on Snapchat! Username: ethanguiness
If anyone wants to add me on Snapchat feel free. But fair warning I might delete everyone tomorrow 🤷♂️ or I might keep everyone on. Who knows
Kinda explains the shit I got a couple of weeks. At least some of it looked like this. Is caffeine brown? Plug said it was cut with too much boric but idk about that.
yea life saver .. use it after every bump . it never gives any stuffy nose .
Simply Saline Nasal Mist Instant Relief for Everyday Congestion, 4.5 Oz
[25 Pack] Fentanyl Strips for Rapid Detection, Urinary Drug Testing, One-Step Quick Results, Easy-Read Urine Drug Test Strips, Synthetic Opioid Detection Drug Testing Strip
Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier - Strawberry - Hydration Powder Packets | Electrolyte Drink Mix | Easy Open Single-Serving Stick | Non-GMO
Just order this. No mess b:c your flour goes right into the jar. Then up to you if you want to plate it — I usually replace every 3-4mo but that’s me. Never had one break. Don’t get the small version.
OMO Spice Tools [Ultrafine grinding] Powder Spice Hand shake Grinder[Upgraded Version][Large 4 layer 2.2"] Funnel and 2 Bottle with spoon
[25 Pack] Fentanyl Strips for Rapid Detection, Urinary Drug Testing, One-Step Quick Results, Easy-Read Urine Drug Test Strips, Synthetic Opioid Detection Drug Testing Strip
Here’s the link to the pack I got on Amazon:
[25 Pack] Fentanyl Strips for Rapid Detection, Urinary Drug Testing, One-Step Quick Results, Easy-Read Urine Drug Test Strips, Synthetic Opioid Detection Drug Testing Strip
As i dont know where your from, this is from amazon uk.
The reviews are pretty good.
Bro, Where do you live, it is only sold in the USA. If you are in the UK, please check this
If you don't make it into a fine dust that can cause it. Invest in one of these. Gets all the lumps out. Push the coke through with the back of a spoon.
What a coincidence lol I was literally looking into mapacho (and kinnikinnik) like yesterday, I found some website that sells it from Peru or something, both loose leaf and some rustic cigarillo types and I was wondering if they are worth trying. Do you think they are? I used to smoke a tobacco pipe quite a bit but switched to mainly oral tobacco but I'm curious.
Here's what I got: Premium Metal 3-Piece Snuff...
I cannot say how well it works for grinding snuff but supposedly that's what it was designed for. It grinds until it's fine enough to be forced through a very fine metal mesh (like a kief catcher. It's well built and would probably work well. Let me know if you get one and how it works for you. I use snuff occasionally too, I go through little phases, but it's never strong enough. Except the Indian ones with shitloads of lime or whatever they use to change pH and they are low quality and smell terrible
No problem! Regarding the monetary issue that occurs when trying to be anonymous I can also redirect you to /r/monero & /r/cakewallet/
Regarding monero if you want to stay anonyme then I would also recommend if viable in your country.
Basically you convert monero to a throwaway BTC address and lastly to the market you want your funds going to. Monero's blockchain isn't really public in the same sense that BTC is.
The point of the convertion and the extra fees that arises is that it's much harder for law enforcement to track, add that to running tails with encryption on a usb-stick and you suddenly have a much better case at plausabile deniability if a package would to be intercepted from the authoritites :)
Good luck and send a DM if you have any questions!
Also OP, could you explain how Vitamin E helps? I'm sure it does, but just curious about how exactly.
I've used this and Neosporin to help sooth my nose + keep infection risk as low as possible.
Have you any experience with that? Am I doing more harm than good? It certainly feels like a godsend, but hell, so do...most things that aren't good for you (in excess...)
Not OP but found this on amazon, all I did was search up 'snorting kit' and loads of results came up but this is the most similar to what OP has
Lmfaooo I got the Olympic gold medal in enabling 💀
Felt that dawg, honestly, why don’t you give caffeine pills a try? They’re pennies on the dollar, you can get them on Amazon, and they might help you out at work a lot. I use them and they’ve saved my ass so many times.
This is my favorite brand for sure. I usually take 200mg so 2 pills but it’s nice to be able to dose em out. Sometimes I even use them during my amphetamine binges as a replacement for a redose.
ive heard ppl say 100% of coke in the us is cut. They say it get cuts prior to being sent here.
I guess we gotta go to the source.
Long story short, Reddit thinks you're trying to make a list when you start a line with any number followed by a period.
It's a relatively common system called Markdown , it's pretty useful but kind of unintuitive for most people who don't have a decent programming background.
ayee bro a few of us redditors are in a chatroom just hanging out while hitting the slopes. feel free to join. its just text
I had about 10 beers. Feeling pretty great after 4-5 lines haha. a few of us are in a chatroom feel free to join.
we are just chilling! talking slopes and coke haha.
Pretty much this. I just mix it with water, but the saline would help with overall nasal care. I just use a normal saline spray separately.
Be sure to use distilled/filtered water and I also add a couple of drops of vodka for sterilization. If you do add vodka, literally just put maybe 2 or 3 drops in because I put too much in one time and it burned like a bitch LOL
Every nasal spray bottle is different in how much of a mist is delivered per spray, but I would say use no less than a gram of coke for the mixture. I had an old Nasacort spray bottle I've been using and I do 1g per 5ml. Def get a little buzz going off just 2 sprays from that.
This shit is a life saver
Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier - Lemon Lime - Hydration Powder Packets | Electrolyte Drink Mix | Easy Open Single-Serving Stick | Non-GMO
For a month straight and a g a day the last of the cocaine should be out of your system in 11-20ish days depending on your metabolism and body weight. 5htp is a serotonin inhibitor, most grocery stores sell it but try to find a reliable brand. This is the brand I've found most reliable
I’d also recommend these. They keep moisture out after you dry it out. O&O, OMO mini metal vial with telescopic spoon Suitable for: Pill bottle Sample bottle