There's a book called "Three Felonies a Day", which makes the case that the average person unwittingly & often commits federal crimes.
President Trump, far from being an average person, was targeted by a ruthless federal prosecutor, aided by assistants that were 100% leftists, with an unlimited budget, could find nothing after 2 years of really looking.
Like it or not, that's how you can know Trump didn't do anything wrong.
No, charter schools, private schools, home school, just give the money to the parents and let them decide how to get their kids educated.
Public education in Chicago is about as good as no school at all. We know that is the case with many schools in Baltimore. Worse, Baltimore spends the 3rd most in the nation for that failing education.
Charter Schools and Their Enemies
Nice way to get that last line in there! Really sums up your argument and your personality. I've got some advice for you: learn some empathy, learn about paragraphs, and learn about providing evidence for your claims.
But there is IS, in these cases... literally "brigading" out of places like Free Republic, which is overrun by Trump supporters. So much so that they decided to drive out the Cruz supporters awhile back. There were some stories about it.
Round about April, I believe... the Trump people started taking over.
So anyways, they post the online polls and tell their people to "freep" them.
That makes 2015 economic growth 2.4% <em>with</em> the change we made in 2013 that no other country uses, which increases our reported GDP by 3%, and it includes the additional calculation change we made in 2015 to make first quarter GDP not look so bad.
From my research, that doesn't look to be a reliable source, and is at the very least biased and has mis-quoted the Club of Rome from the book "The First Global Revolution". So, the source is, in fact this book, and it is not what it says in the book, it's been deliberately changed. The book can be rad in full here:
> The cases keep piling up among the vaccinated.
Yes, so are the deaths.
Even Pfizer scientists are saying that 'natural immunity' is better than the Jab.
Only about 8% of Americans consider themselves progressives. Almost all of them (93%) are upper middle class urban whites. They have get disproportionate attention because they're media savvy. But 80% of Americans are fed up with them and their callout culture and political correctness. So maybe Pelosi isn't all that much of a fool after all.
He's right. Candace Owen's book covers this attack on 'smart blacks'......
You should read Blacklisted by History, by Stanton Evans. Turns out the Venona Papers vindicated McCarthy.... And then let that sink in. The communist have been infiltrating our government since the 1920's..
Further it only takes a little fraud to tip the scales in the favor of a candidate. There is a great book, that goes into how few people it really takes to swing an election.
The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics
China has opened their market, but they are still very much Communist and they are being very aggressive.
Domestically, it is a threat because the fellow travelers and front groups brought in from 1920-1980 is now paying dividends for the fallen USSR.
American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character
Well footnoted and argued. Prepare to be disappointed at how much we helped the USSR and how literally we are why Communist China exists.
John Haidt's The Righteous Mind covers similar territory, IMO better. It's downloadable elsewhere if you'd rather not pay a liberal, but he honestly faced up to the results.
> Wtf is this victim shit?
So its your contention that the FBI isn't corrupt and being used to attack the enemies of the Democrats? Have you been paying any attention at all for the last several years?
> Since when do Republicans blame others for their problems and take zero responsibility for the outcomes of actions?
A justice system by definition is just. If there are so many laws that nobody knows what they are, the system cannot be just. It becomes arbitrary and enforcement capricious, using the law to attack people the government disfavors by putting them under a microscope to see what laws they might have broken, or what laws can be twisted to apply, and then using the legal process to destroy them even if they can't be convicted.
Some years ago, the government was asked to determine how many Federal laws there are. After three years, it gave up. When not even the government knows the number of Federal laws (much less what they are), how can anyone hope to avoid breaking them? We can't. ...and that's the point. You aren't supposed to. Most laws aren't enforced... until the government decides it wants to punish you. Then it goes hunting for laws you might have broken. Meanwhile, people favored by the state can commit heinous crimes and publicly flaunt their criminality without ever seeing consequences. That's not justice or just.
What's your solution to this? Suck it up? Go to prison for a decade because you supported the wrong politician or opposed the favored policies of the state, and say "Thank you sir, may I have another?"
> I’ll never vote for you guys again...
I don't believe you ever did.
> He assaulted a man so he was getting arrested.
A state level court already had thrown out the case against him. This is the Federal Government trying to frighten people who disagree with it.
> We stand for Law and order.
We stand for justice. This isn't justice. It is capricious and arbitrary application of laws to punish people the government disfavors.
Oh my god, did you even read my comment? I was very clear when I said NEW TESTAMENT, yes, I know this article also quotes some excerpts from the new testament, but it treats the old testament texts as if they were valid arguments.
First, as I mentioned earlier liking other men is not a sin, having sex with one maybe it is, there are people who just can't feel lovingly attracted to women, that's a fact, the article errs to say that "some people has more disposition to homosexual actions than others" because there are no "homosexual actions", it's not an action, it's a feeling, I know this is an intolerable subject and everyone is tired of hearing this kind of thing so don't I will delve into this, but your mistake is to ignore the deeper meanings of the Bible and only see the surface part of it, we have to analyze the context of the time.
This article distorts the scriptures to fit your views, in the original translation it doesn't say "homosexuality", that word didn't even exist, the only valid passage among all these is Romans 1:26-27, I understand your interpretation , however I disagree, this verse is following on from others, and it was taken out of context, the texts before them are criticizing the Roman rituals that included adultery, heterosexuals who rejected their own nature in the name of false gods.
I recommend some books that offer another point of view, I have to admit that some of them have authors I dislike, I don't usually consume content made by evangelical pastors and activists, but it's always good to have another point of view:
> There are no exceptions in the Constitution, nor should there be. When a person completes their sentence, their debt to society has been paid, in full.
I agree, and have long said so.
> I recently read an article that stated most Americans commit something like 60 felonies per day without even realizing they had broken any law.
This book covers the same concept.
The idea is that there are now so many Federal laws that nobody knows what they all are or can comply with them. Enforcement is arbitrary and capricious, so we don't live in a Just society, we live in one where the government can target individual citizens who express themselves in ways it doesn't like, by enforcing all those laws against them.
Buried by whom? It's right there on the website.
It's called a cost sharing reduction benefit and it's available for those making 250% FPL or less who purchase a silver plan. This individual didn't "discover" anything. It's been this way since the law took effect. Cost sharing reduction benefits change the actuarial value of the plan. There have been numerous write ups about cost sharing reduction benefits over the last few years.
> as for #3 he has done a lot of damage in NY to local businesses, a lot of damage to his former partners, and has stolen from a lot of investors.
Cite a source please. There should be records of everything you just accused.
> He stole from a lot of small businesses, and even came out and said that he prefers dealing with small businesses because they dont have the legal resources to come after him.
Source please. Theft is a serious allegation.
> He actually refused to pay some contractor in queens close to 3 million dollars for services rendered and his defense in court was that if he forced them into bankruptcy he could renegotiate better terms for himself.
Source please.
> that was it, there was no complaint about the service, no other justification, just the wanton destruction of some ones livelihood after they provide good work, so he can save a few dollars.
This is an opinion followed by a reference to source-less allegations.
> He is definetly a bad human being
This is another opinion.
> with no sympathy for any one other than himself.
That's not how sympathy works.
You are not going to get people to take this.
Why not create an anonymous survey for folks.
People are not going to give out this information on a public online forum.
lol OK then double down there buddy. Here's a really good deal to help with that hole you're digging. It can even cut wood. AMAZING!
I know what you were comparing and I'm saying it was flat out stupid because it was, is, and always will be, stupid. It's a far cry from cops following their lawful orders, REGARDLESS of how BS those current laws are, which they are. And even so much as the night of the long knives much less what happened in the final solution. Yes it's similar. Just like men and women are similar. So what? When it comes to some things men and women might as well be completely separate species. lol You think you're up in here right now basically making the same argument Gina Corano made that got her almost canceled but you took it way too far to the point of stupidity. She was right. You took it to the worst of the Nazis. That is stupid.
Just want to say, I've been in two bookstores in the past week. The local bookstore, and the nearest B&N. In both of them, I saw the book "The 1619 Project". And right next to it was the book "Debunking the 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America
Here is a link to the free audio book for the 9/11 Commission Report. This report is not anything I would ever curl up with, but I have been going through it on audio book while I do other things. Loyalbooks takes the public domain content generated by the non profit, all volunteer LibriVox, where people volunteer to narrate books from the Gutenberg project.
Anyway if you go through all of that, which is a very in depth treatment of all of the factors leading up to it. Sections 5 and 6 give some background. There is resentment, there is faded glory of the Muslim empire, there are lots of other factors that contribute to someone being radicalized.
So the way I look at it is that some Muslims are radicalized, others are not, and this is most likely due to what the radicals emphasize. I see the same material not leading always and invariably to radicalization, and there are other factors that matter a great deal.
According to this article, you were factually incorrect in the post you're talking about here:
2011 article citing them as the highest dollar value contributors to charity for three years running. Even if they maintain that standing through this year, five years is simply wrong.
And they aren't in the top five when it comes to percentage of profits. So, according to that cited source, you are waaaay off in the secondary claim you made in the post in question (that they "tied for top percentage").
And it's all bunk, anyway, as the charitable donations information is based on surveys that the companies themselves answer so other companies, like Apple, who don't answer this kind of survey don't get counted. I certainly wouldn't suggest that there would be any shenanigans in the answers actually given but it's not like they're audited on those surveys, either.
So it's a speculative point based on incomplete information that you appear to have gotten factually wrong and it covers an issue that isn't related to the main problem people have with Walmart.
But, no, the only reason you could possibly be down voted is clearly because people are afraid of the truth!
Nice photoshop. Here's the video of the truck with the SS agent driving.Biden truck has 2nd steering wheel.
Since Google/YouTube systemically blocks conservative videos, it does not deserve our time and ad revenue... Rumble is where we patriots hang out:
Big tech is censoring sitting members of congress and other government officials and journalists. The new administration is going to try and classify their political opponents as domestic terrorists, this Is how hitler secured power after he was elected. This is technofascism
Get off google and get off traditional social media, this is very important
I agree with all of that. Both of them love the ladies.. Speaking of which, have you read 'Hilary, the Other Woman'? That's some good first-hand stuff right there.....
But, we must all agree that rape is totally different from sleeping around. If you are wealthy or famous or powerful, or all three, you are going to have offers around the clock. I'm a big rock fan, and I've read more rock books than I care to admit. Guys like Gene Simmons and Elvis didn't each sleep with 5,000 women because of their conversational skills - those women served themselves up on silver platters - their body, their choice. I don't think people like that ever have to resort to rape. I personally worked at a club one night where Simmons slept with 3 women - two of my friends. It was the highlight of their lives. Now they are grandmothers with a secret :)
But, we shall all see, right? And I, for one, want to know the truth... not chatter.
In the 1980's, Ronald Reagan ran for reelection and won 49 out of 50 states. You think a Conservative can do that today?
The truth is right of Center politcs is in retreat. Republicans used to own the old Confederacy. They used to own California and Florida. In the last election North Carolina is turning purple. Georgia is next.
California? You can write them off. It's Democrat for good. Florida? In the future it looks like it will be another Democratic stronghold thanks to the Puerto Ricans moving in.
The Blue wall keeps growing. As for Virginia. I never would imagined in my lifetime that a Democratic Socialist would win anywhere in the US much less the South.
Agreed. Ms Clinton will win.
I noted this already some 7 months ago at the link below, when Mark still thought that JEB! or Rubio will defeat those Democrats.
"The Democrats will win this election"
Wake up Mark! The hour is late, and you have grown comfortably old in your cohort, while the Left defeated you by changing the very physical nature of America to cement their hegemony and control of the future.
Now that they control the future, they will also control the past, and write you out of existence. In 50 years America of 1950 will not have existed in any significant way.
"Vaccines work!"
COVID vaccine didn't work
"It could have been worse without it!"
Thomas Sowell has a great book about this phenomenon. We can't beat them if we don't know their track record.
Even Amazon will only let you order in two genders...
Well, as an ex teacher, public teachers make well above the average income, when you factor in time off (3.5 months a year) and their pension is outstanding, over half the states pay 105% of their income in retirement and that isn’t including the ability to double dip by being vested with 10 years in another state while earning 100% of your income from the previous state.
All this their the teachers are failing at their job and for the cost, we are over paying for their PISA Test outcomes.
This isn’t to mention that places like Baltimore spend the 3rd most in the nation and have entire schools that can’t read.
Charter Schools and Their Enemies
If you want a clear picture on the history of race in this country and how people of color fled from the south throughout the 21st century in what was called the Great Migration, you should definitely pick up this classic. Check it out and read the reviews first. This book changes people's lives incl mine.
We ordered one tonight. The reviews on Amazon are so low. We need to band together and write good reviews. Hasbro Monopoly Socialism Board Game Parody Adult Party Game
One of the most important interviews and I rank it up there with this book:
Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism
Nah, I just don't care to waste my fuckign time.
Go read a book by a Republican operative and get back to me when you pull your head out of your ass.
Amazon link:
Goodreads link:
The first chapter about Dante, the Guelphs, and the Ghibellines starts slow but he gets into Machiavelli, Pareto and others and it’s extremely interesting. It’s almost like the Tucker Carlson show’s political philosophy.
Amazon link:
Goodreads link:
The first chapter about Dante, the Guelphs, and the Ghibellines starts slow but he gets into Machiavelli, Pareto and others and it’s extremely interesting. It’s almost like the Tucker Carlson show’s political philosophy.
I'm not going to down vote someone expressing an opinion (can't speak for others lol). Curious though, how will the increase in taxes correlate to increased revenues? Do you believe our current tax rates are below equilibrium?
I still don't know where you're from, but if you were like me and attended school in California, you were probably fed a very pro-Keynsian view on fiscal and monetary policy. Milton Freidman, Art Laffer, Alan Greenspan... these guys debunked Keynes and progressed modern economic thought. Unfortunately, in states like CA, where those teaching our children are highly dependent on government pay (duh), these modern theories get overlooked. If you want a true basic understanding of economics read The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith (or the spark notes, wikipedia, whatever) - he's essentially the father of economics as we know it.
8.25 x 5.5 x 2.5 Inches. Not tiny.
Pack the thing with black powder, put a detonator in it and set it off while sitting 6 feet away. See how you do.
If you get out of the hospital, try it again with another one filled with plastique.