I can’t tell you where to find a corgi but I can let you know where I got my corgisack from! Thor weighs about 28 lbs and is roughly two bread loafs long. The large fits perfectly.
K9 Sport Sack | Dog Carrier... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06X1BV1K3?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
PetSafe Solvit Deluxe Car Safety Dog Harness, Adjustable Crash-Tested Dog Harness, Car Safety Seat Belt Tether Included https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JZHRXJU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_xeIzAbRDCCMVX
This isn’t the exact one (we got ours in ‘13) but same brand. The tether to the cross strap is a lot more solid than the other metal fasteners.
We invested in one of these tubes after our little guy ripped open an armpit tumor. These are a lot better for the dog's awareness of their surroundings.
Furminator deShedding Tool for Dogs, Medium, Long Hair https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0040QW35A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JeWfBbV8BAZTY
We use this for our Corgi and it works well
Edit: Looks like OP might also have something similar.
I got one on amazon for myself
not sure if it's dog-friendly. It's about the same quality as any of those microbead pillows.
HOWDY do! I think the green toy is actually one of a 3-pack of stuffed DRAGONS from the amazing costco. 3/$14.99, Not too expensive. Unfortunately I think it's available in-store only. We have 2 sets of these toys, they're ADORABLE and our pooches love them!
Loves it, keeps him stable so he doesn't have to balance on the seat himself. Also machine washable, and has hooks for multiple pets. Here's the Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Bucket-Booster-Pet-Seat-Small/dp/B004ZJOK6C
Lol, that’s the exact one I put out! I used the Wag training treats (Amazon) in most of the spots, and bark box treats (torn in half) for the buried ones (under the sliding boxes).
We have a couple of those puzzles. The Nina ottenson ones are great. There’s also a sliding square one and a more complicated sliding square and round piece in the middle.
I also give her a snuffle mat with a handful of kibble and some treats hidden in it sometimes.
So I looked it up, and the one we sell at our store is a little different than this one, but there's a bunch of caterpillar squeaky toys on the market. Here is the one we sell and there's some others like it on amazon :)
Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003F76Y8C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
We really love them. They connect via seat belt and there is a little seat belt in the car seat itself that connects to the harness. Very well made. I think we got the new pup's one as open box for like $55.
Thank you! I have had to try to restrain myself on my shopping trips!! Got a crate, harness, collar and some toys and stopped there for now. I got her this extra small collar from Amazon. I honestly thought it might be too small until I saw her today. I don't think she will be in it for a long time, but I thought it was a good one to start with!
QQPETS Dog Collar Personalized Soft Comfortable Adjustable Collars for Small Medium Large Dogs Outdoor Training Walking Running (XS, Little Daisies) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087QJ4WC9/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_YBGN88HCV47YB70CP315?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Maybe give bell training a shot. Our pup learned it very quickly. We got one of the "ring for service" style of dog bells (it has a bigger button) and we dinged it every time she went outside. Within a week, she started dinging the bell on her own. Edit: (Here's a non-affiliate Amazon link to the bell we bought, but the jingle bells might work well too.)
Nothing is for sure, and it might not help in your case, but it's worth a try, and it gives him something to learn, which is always fun for Corgis.
Exact item link: HDE Dog Raincoat Hooded Slicker... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HM9NFVY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
(Idk if links are allowed, not affiliated or anything)
Size wise, Medium is ok. Lillie is going on 6 months and around 20 lbs. and it’s a bit on the short side. Maybe large is better for full grown corgi
We got it on Amazon - Medium for our pup
Wanted to buy from USPS website, but they only had extra small as they appear to be sold out of everything else.
I highly recommend toys from West Paw Design. The material is extremely durable and is great for fetching and tugging and he hasn't put a dent in it at all.
West Paw Bumi Dog Toy - Large (Colors Vary) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002JVUAM6/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_xbDIub0MJ5JCA
I customise existing dolls. There is a Korean fashion doll called Pullip, I repaint their faces, rewig them, clothe them and then sell them at ridiculous prices :D Here's one of my customs https://www.etsy.com/uk/transaction/179513282?
I have a dog that looks exactly like her, we got him from the SPCA at 6 months and were just told he was a mix. Good to know that he is appears to be a Belgian Malinois/German Shepherd mix. We sadly missed out on the super small puppy stage.
the day we picked him up from the SPCA
We bought a Bolux harness from Amazon. We were having to get up at night to take two out, so we wanted something easy to slip over their heads in the dark.
Also recommend easy leader that goes around the nose and head. Or trainer recommended it to us and it's GREAT for walking training. It was just too fiddly to get on really fast for a quick potty trip outside.
I found it on Amazon! She's almost 19lb right now and I bought it in Medium. It is out of stock right now but it says it will be back on June 1, so hopefully you'll be able to get it before your appointment!
I would suggest metal for the playpen! Your puppy could chew on the plastic. Our playpen attaches as a circle so she can’t push it over. It is safe we just take her collar off when we put her in it. We also put a soft blanket in the playpen that smells like us and our puppy loves to lay on it. MidWest Homes for Pets Folding Metal Exercise Pen https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00377WL46/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_QDYCJDHE9Q6P1331M5E1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
As for the crate, I think 27.5 inches is okay. Ours is 30 inches. It will depend on how big the mom or dad is! Maybe see if the breeder knows?
We had to use one of those maze bowls because ours ate so fast he got hiccups. He eventually slowed his eating around 8 months old.
My Harry slept in a kennel at night or when we were gone as a puppy. Once the housebreaking phase was over, we got him a Coolaroo.
I use a timed feeder. I give meals 12 hours apart (7/7) and the timed feeder goes off at 4 hour intervals in between (11am/3pm/11pm/3am) with a few pieces of kibble inside.
This is the one I use:
To me, the shedding isnt really that bad most of the time. they do shed all year round though and blow an entire layer of their double coat twice a year though which is pretty intense. the fur will literally come off in clumps if you tug on it lightly and youll find little tumbleweeds around the house currently im using furminator deshedding shampoo which my friends say is working! and ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M5DS0Z7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_vZWbGb0Q4N51V?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 ) this brush! i also own a roomba that goes around the house every morning because we have 3 dogs, but my friend with just one dog (also a corgi) keeps her house spotless with just the occasional vacuum and mop or swiffer! the fur really doesnt bother me too much because it doesnt stick to anything unlike cat fur, it doesnt cling to my clothes, we dont have carpet, and the couches are leather. the car is a different story though i see fur blowing everywhere and it ends up getting stuck around the edges of the floor mat, but i just live with it and vacuum occasionally. my car has leather seats as well so im sure that makes a huge difference too. im sorry if this wasnt very helpful! but i think since you have experience with dogs already the fur wont be that crazy to you! none of my corgi owning friends have ever really complained about the fur tbh. you should definitely get a corgi, i never expected that i would love the breed so much but i think theyre now my favorite! their personalities are extremely weird and funny and they bring a lot of life to your household
Toys that make them think. My corgi is a smart one, and toys that tax her brain make her spend more energy.
I'll feed her with this on days where she didn't get to play as much or if it rains
This is fun for treats https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075KDZ1J1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_VmCaGb7JH2C6A?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It's yak cheese. I use these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071NSY33S/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
There is a lot of variance in the toughness of each individual piece. Some of them take days or weeks for my corgi to finish. Others he can go through in one sitting. You need to monitor if you're worried about how many calories your corgi gets.
This is all from experience dealing with my corgi's stomach issues.
If it ever happens and you're awake, wait a minute and toss him a piece of kibble. In my experience if he is enthusiastic about food shortly thereafter, its probably acid stomach. If he refuses food for a longer period, say 15 min, an hour or a few hours, it might be pancreatitis. With acid stomach, hes getting the junk that causes the upset stomach out, which is why he'd be more enthusiastic about food after. With pancreatitis, his pancreas is inflamed so he'll stay uncomfortable until it calms down.
You should probably see your vet, either way, but to avoid acid stomach, make sure he gets a few pieces of kibble(5 to 10) every 3-4 hours. I use this timed feeder off amazon. I feed mine exactly 12 hours apart (7am/7pm) and set the timers on it at that time for 4 hours/8 hours (11 am, 3 pm/11pm, 3 am). That way you don't have to worry about it too much while you sleep/are away from home.
If its pancreatitis or something else, your vet will direct you with how to handle it properly and will need to do a blood test to detect it. There is no great way to treat it other than to wait for him to work through it, at least none that I've found.
Again, seeing your vet is probably important next time it happens, just to rule things out or if its something I didnt list. It took me a few years to figure out he had more than just pancreatitis so I ran around fretting every few weeks thinking he was in this unstoppable pancreatitis siege (he wasn't, he just had acid stomach too).
It’s a collar😁we do our morning walks before the sun comes up so I try to make sure she’s as visible as possible to cars Blazin' Safety LED Dog Collar –... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F6O4RYE?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share 😂
Hiya! Thanks for trying to help them, just that you can't use links here with an affiliate code in them (that's the part after '...tag=hyprod-20...' which looks like one that's automatically put results like this by a search engine, I know, probably wasn't intentional). Anyway try this one, same thing just lacking that and all the source ref data:
We use the Puppia mesh harness. The pups seem to like it. It slips over the head. Puppia Soft Dog Harness, Red, Small https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0013N183G/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_88Slub0RSSG8C They have a size chart on the puppia website but I ordered from Amazon.
I bought this one off Amazon - Design Toscano Welsh Corgi Holiday Dog Ornament Sculpture, Full Color https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G74BFZ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_lE2qybWES3HFW
It hasn't arrived yet but it looks nice. Not sure what your price range is but by the time you pay shipping on etsy I found most ornaments are between 10 and 18 bucks.
I bought them for my wife for Xmas. Search amazon for cavedog and aquadog, I think.
Edit: it appears the dinosaur one (cavedog) is currently unavailable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075ZK2JZN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_9UlqAbHH9AXYM
I’m not personally a dog owner but have seen they sell life vests fir dogs on Amazon, I would also search locally in your area an instructor or dog trainer and ask some questions/advice.
Here is also a link for the vest if interested:
Vivaglory New Sports Style Ripstop Dog Life Jacket with Superior Buoyancy & Rescue Handle, Pink, M https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01K4V0CAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_efPjDbGS9XDMP
I recommend one of these for fetch and tug of war: https://www.amazon.ca/Tough-Nature-Hol-ee-Roller-9-Inch/dp/B0002DJX44/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=je%2Bholee&qid=1598902842&sr=8-1&th=1&psc=1
We have a few and they are surprisingly durable (at least for my Corgis). Just don't get anything bigger than the medium since the thicker rubber on the larger ones is more likely to crack when flexing.
Dogger gonna dog
Train the command speak to control barking
Walking helps tire them out
This toy or something similar works great https://www.amazon.com/Pet-Zone-Treat-Ball-3-Inch/dp/B00OZOQN3U
Took a while to get him interested though, try putting a couple pieces right at the opening at the start to teach him to understand he can get treats out of the thing if he tries.
We also will put a bit of kong spray into a kong and freeze it.
Fetch or rope tugging is good too.
He will try to eat the rope if you leave him with it so I would keep it to interactive play time only. Expect rainbow color poops if they eat a rainbow color rope.
Bring to dog parks to train to socialize with other dogs. Ask the owners if their dogs are good with other dogs. They may tussle a bit and nip each-other on the ear but it's okay, it's how puppies learn to socialize.
Oh! One thing I wanted to tell you about the teething stage....the following things will be your best friend if you do not want: Chewed up sandals, chewed up rugs, chewed up table legs....etc etc ;)
Frozen green beans. And some kind of nylon chew! I personally love benebone over nylabones! Now there are some contentions about nylon bones and all that, but come on, we're all smart adults here, it's alllll about monitoring your little guy. Also, and of course, the Kong. If you don't want to spend a bajillion dollars on toys....go for Kongs and Benebones. Does my guy love decapitating his stuffed toys and ripping its innards out in under 30 secs flat? Sure. But does mommy love cleaning it up? F.No. And does she appreciate that after he's gutted it. He never has the same amount of interest in it as he did initially? And is he perfectly happy chewing on a kong filled with frozen low sodium chicken stock? Uh yes. Yes he is.
Glad you found it. Every person with an older corgi I met said they had back problems from jumping off the couch. I hope it helps. Steps on Amazon
The Furminator helps.
-47 here, so my corgi is stuck inside too.
He has been trying to get chicken jerky out of his Hol-ee Roller extreme for the last 2 hours.
And I put some peanut butter on his tail and watched him try to get it :D
The ones on his back feet are from dogbooties.com . They worked really well on my other dog, but Corgi needed extra elastic or they slid down. So I glued extra velco-elastic to them and now they stay in great! They are only good for snow, though.
The ones on his front feet are these and they stay on really well! They work well on pavement but are a bit slippery on snow.
Mine hates harnesses. All of them, he refuses to walk with a harness. After trying many i switched to a collar. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0868G2NBX/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=16MC4W3TVUS2O&keywords=tspro+dog+collar&qid=1670163158&sprefix=tspro%2Caps%2C393&sr=8-3 he can't slip out and can't pull as hard. We are both happy with it.
Did she eat any of it? My corgi things horse poo is a delicacy!
As for the bath, I use one of these in the drain. I put the little rubber one in and stick the metal one on top upside down so I can grab the chunk of corgi easily.
You’re welcome! I made sure to buy a set that is rechargeable and waterproof.
Dog Collar Light, USB-C... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B6BNLZP7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Hopefully that works. It’s $10-15 for 2
My corgi can't keep the ruffwear booties on :( The clasp is too far up his leg, and by the time it slides down he is tripping over them. These are the ones that work well for him. He drags his toes, so I put gorilla glue on them so they last longer. In snow he wears sled dog booties.
It is a pumpkin based blend that helps settle his stomach. Link
My corgi isn't so much a daredevil as he is apathetic to his surroundings. He will walk off the side of a bridge, over a cliff or into a hole just as merrily as he hops through a field. He wears a good harness and stays and a leash so he can't wonder into the mouth of a bear or plummet to his death.
He got his toe between rocks last year and broke it badly. We we on a short day hike about 3 miles in, but it felt a lot longer when I had to carry him in my arms to the car. I suggest a sling or something to carry a wounded pup. Now I don't go more than a mile without it!
Nerf makes a ball for dogs, my Corgiisaddictedtothistypeandshecan'tdestroyit. Shecaneventually, butittakesalmostayear!
Puppy classes for socialization were great. Our Button loved playing with other dogs, and she has great play etiquette now. She understands when dogs will and won't play.
It's important to teach your dog to not chew but also remember your puppy is teething. Moose has a biological need to chew. If you have appropriate chew toys around Moose is less likely to chew you and furniture. With that in mind, texture matters. Sometimes softer chews like rope or rubber are satisfying, other times something more firm is the move. There are mixed reviews on the Nylabone here, but it's hard for me to state how much Button has chewed on this one. It's part of her bedtime routine. Moose isn't ready for something like that until the puppy teeth are gone. I guess the main thing I'm trying to say is try to have some empathy for the biting. That's Moose saying yo, my teeth hurt, help me out.
On the topic of training pads, we never used them. Button was raised with access to grass as a puppy, and she only wanted to go on grass. We decided it would be best to not disrupt those instincts and try to train her to go inside. Going out every 90-120 minutes really helps build good habits.
We have 14 and a 11 year old corgis. We feed them Freshpet and I believe it is one of the main reasons they are so healthy for their ages. We have been feeding them it for the past 7 years.
This is the type you can find it at most major grocery stores.
I hope everything works out for you!
In the event that things don't, there's a FB group that has a ton of Rescuers on it. I've seen a few out thataways recently: https://www.facebook.com/groups/202133739845263/
If your pup is allergic to proteins, try hydrolyzed protein food. You need to get your vet to sign off but then you can buy it on Chewy, etc. It isn't cheap but it works. Example:
Surprisingly he gets under 2 treats a day mostly as he’s usually preoccupied with toys and I used them mostly as a motivating factor for training. For food he eats 2 cups of Farmina’s N&D lamb blend daily.
My corgi lady loves this toy!!!
Chris Christensen Slicker Brush. Our groomer uses an undercoat rake that looks like this so I started to use one during shedding season around the booty.
This thing was the only one that would at least take mine awhile to finish off. She’d tear through anything else and get the treats out (even puzzle boards) in about 30 seconds.
She never destroyed the chew ball part and you can stuff other treats inside it even if you don’t buy their specific hard disk replacements that pop in the top.
Plus you can throw it and it bounces a bit even with treat inside.
I got them on Amazon. linky link
They are the best boots I have found for my short man, and I have tried really expensive ones!
My corgi did not like the cone but is totally ok with wearing the donut! In fact he kind of likes it and uses it as a pillow when it's on.
We got a version from Amazon that's half the price of the one from Chewy.
So excited for y’all! Mine has heterochromia too.
Could she be a mix by any chance? If so, might be good to find out what she’s mixed with.
The other commenter covered a lot of great tips already. Have fun training her and figuring out all her likes/dislikes! I got mine everything under the sun in preparation for making sure she had plenty of mental stimulation and a “job” as corgis often like to have. In the end she just loves old tennis balls and fetch lol, but I’ve heard some other corgis like having a herding ball or playing with a flirt pole. Mine didn’t like kongs or treat-dispensing puzzle balls either, but likes snuffle mats or soft toys she can sniff for treats in. Have fun seeing what your baby likes!
You might also want to get her a harness if she’s not leash-trained yet and pulls. Off the top of my head, some other things I bought: portable water bowl, toothbrush and toothpaste, a Zoom groom brush and slicker brush, de-shedding shampoo and conditioner (I got TropiClean), car hammock, seatbelt harness, clicker for training, a pet hair remover (we have a dyson but found only something like this worked well for fabric surfaces).
I did! These boots are pretty thin so Buster can walk in them without much issue, but are thick enough to protect his feet. It seems like corgis can't wear very thick boots of they drag them and trip. Their goofy little legs are adorable, but not very efficient!
I've got something like this one [Shedding Brush]
It seems tonwork otetty well. But never gets 100% of the hair.
We have this for our 30 pound boy and he fits nicely with room to spare!
The cover is also removable and machine washable!
I struggled like crazy! This is probably the 10th style of boots we have tried :/ Buster has reallllly short, thick legs and nothing stays on!
I got these. Buster's front paws are 2.5 inches wide and I got a size 6. They are still a touch big so I suggest measuring the paws and sizing down.
He also wears Ruffwear socks, which seems to make them more comfortable.
Thank you for your support ☺️!! Yes I self published it on Amazon so it's only available there.
Here's the link to the US site, but it's available in countries too:
My 2 corgis both liked to chew table legs, wooden molding, etc. I sprayed any low chewable stuff with bitter apple or bitter yuck spray and they helped to prevent that.
they're good chewers so really hard toys were the best for that- wishbone type toys are great like this
I also have the seat hammock for my golden and my corgi. The seat belt clips will work for the corgi, but I recommend a Chassis style clip that clips into the chassis of the car, in the same spot child car seats clip in. The seat belt buckle style ones have bent when my golden lunges to look out the window, but it’ll work ok for an average corgi.
Not the exact same but similar to the gloves in the video. I used these to dust my house. Very handy.
Microfiber House Cleaning and Car Wash Mitts - Double Sided Chenille Microfiber Glove - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DKRWP5M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_QPA3D3XHGHRPE1ME0NC1
We used this harness (had to do large cuz our girl is a BARREL)
Large Dog Crate MidWest ICrate Folding Metal Dog Crate Divider Panel, Floor Protecting Feet Large Dog https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000OX64P8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_JYA4ZNWRCBQYB6SB8QKK We used this one for a long time. Ours is a 36# long boy and fits with plenty of room to move and be comfy
Never use step through, they fall off almost instantly. Harnesses made from strap never fit low riders right. I use something like this: https://smile.amazon.com/PUPTECK-Soft-Mesh-Harness-Leash/dp/B07G4SD6Z4/ref=sr_1_62?crid=1ULWQOTBVU4UP&keywords=dog+harness&qid=1645926480&refinements=p_n_feature_seven_browse-bin%3A6741343011&rnid=6741340011&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=do%2Caps%2C95&sr=1-62
MIGOHI Reusable Dog Birthday Chalk Board, Double Sided Dog Birthday Party Supplies Decoration Presents Gift for Dog Cat, Pet Milestone Sign Board for Birthday Dog, Dog First Birthday Outfits Girl Boy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QYFJNBY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_SWXBVSAP8B7BTGGH3AAE
It's double sided! 🤗
ZippyPaws Food Buddies Burrow Interactive Dog Toys - Hide and Seek Dog Toys and Puppy Toys, Colorful Squeaky Dog Toys, and Plush Dog Puzzles, Coffee and Donutz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BTK4PL3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_J7PGQKSZRE9FCS5JFKF8
I got mine a ruff wear. Super adjustable from 10 pounds to 27 pounds. Still has room to adjust too. RUFFWEAR, Front Range Dog Harness, Reflective and Padded Harness for Training and Everyday https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08R5D7H83/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_WPE3PQ6FDRFEK5HDF1GC?psc=1
Get on Amazon and order a soft cone. Its inflatable and it made it much better for my Kiko.
Order this asap, much better
I have 3 by Nina Ottoson. Nina Ottosson by Outward Hound - Interactive Puzzle Game Dog Toys https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087DNTV2V/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_G7WG1ADQ6SNYNW54NGFA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
NVTED Dog Sunglasses Dog Goggles, UV Protection Wind Protection Dust Protection Fog Protection Pet Glasses Eye Wear Protection with Adjustable Strap for Medium or Large Dog https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Z4S66SN/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_MK37EHGJRAQNYERD2WZ5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Browning Dog Protection Vest Dog Hunting Vest, Safety Orange
I use this on really nasty days. It works well to keep him safe and slightly less disgusting. Just be careful if you have a really pointy chested corgi, it can slide into his leg pit a rub. But most harnesses and vests try to slide intoy corgis pit :/
iBuddy Dog Car Seat Covers for Back Seat of Cars/Trucks/SUV, Waterproof Dog Car Hammock with Mesh Window, Side Flaps and Dog Seat Belt, Durable Anti-Scratch Nonslip Machine Washable Pet Car Seat Cover… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075MCHYZV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6WGN9HMCMDJG6AJ0SW47?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
iBuddy Dog Car Seat Covers for Back Seat of Cars/Trucks/SUV, Waterproof Dog Car Hammock with Mesh Window, Side Flaps and Dog Seat Belt, Durable Anti-Scratch Nonslip Machine Washable Pet Car Seat Cover… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075MCHYZV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6WGN9HMCMDJG6AJ0SW47?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
What is the brush thing called? I tried looking up for one but I could only find stuff like this:
Thanks for any info :)
It should help to keep her mentally stimulated and give you more to bond over. She might also enjoy some enrichment toys like puzzle feeders or licky mats. Licking can be very soothing for doggos. We love a little triangle mat with suction cups on the back. We’ll put peanut butter on it and stick it to the wall to distract our boy during his bath, or stick it to the floor with a “gloopy” textured treat (like pumpkin purée, wet food or yogurt). Y’all are starting such a special and heartwarming new chapter together 💕
Burrow toys, where your pup has to get a little stuffed toy out of a bigger one (ex zippy burrows https://www.amazon.ca/ZippyPaws-Burrow-Soup-Dumplings/dp/B08GD13L8F/ref=asc_df_B08GD13L8F/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459528898920&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=407189691199544358&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&h...) and knee bones to chew (knees caps are softer for new chewers).
BENCMATE Protective Inflatable Collar for Dogs and Cats - Soft Pet Recovery Collar Does Not Block Vision E-Collar https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0725C3RJX/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_T945KEVFHGWG516EMK0H?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I got my boy this as a back up in case he couldn't handle the cone (in the end I used it bc he broke his cone 🙄)
Idk if your furbaby is the type to go stir crazy, but definitely a lot of puzzle toys, lick mats, chews and stuff that they can do with minimal running/movement
My male corgi loves tennis balls (get the dog specific ones though - real tennis balls can damage a dog's teeth if he chews on it) and a toy from the brand Outward Hound that's made out of firehose.
I've seen mixed reviews for the toy but it's held up remarkably well and my 2 Corgis play tug of war with the thing almost daily!
If possible l, get her a doughnut pillow instead of a plastic ecollar. They are much more comfortable and work better for short legged dogs.
Highly recommend this type of ecollar. Plus, makes your puppet look like they are a flower.
NACOCO Pet E-Collar Elizabethan Collars Recovery Pet Cone for Cats and Small Dogs Breathable Soft Edge and Easy to Clean https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XYBV3MP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CC6N3K75NDE2E9W47A5A
That's wonderful, something that I did was order dog doorbells. (1 front door and 1 back), Every time we took Kiko outside, we would pick him up and have him move the bell. Within a week or so, he rang the bells to go outside. The only downside he will ring the bell when he just wants to hang out outside.
This is the one we got;
He did, but it was more like on the 8 month where he became more mature. Now he is a year and 8 months and it's a night and day difference. For the bitting, he/she is learning and they will bite everything. Something that helped me, when he would play bite me or bite my ankles as I walked, I would act as he hurt me and started to cry. He would immediately stop and come lick where he bit me. Now he never bites anyone even when a stranger comes to the house. Hope that helps. If you need any advice you can hit me up, Kiko is now a year and 8 months and things are still fresh in my mind. How's your potty training going?
Dog PLay pen I ordered down below;
What kind of crate do you recommend? I've seen the wire ones
MidWest Dog Crate Cover, Privacy Dog Crate Cover Fits MidWest Dog Crates, Machine Wash & Dry https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074RNQ6YS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_AG3NW8J7NMCYB5RY5DF4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Or this one
Petsfit Travel Pet Home Indoor/Outdoor for Dog Steel Frame Home,Collapsible Soft Dog Crate https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M1VOPEC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_FD9J0ZXF6N8Q63RAM6FD
I had the same issue when getting my corgi. He’s now 18 weeks old and doing a lot better. A friend recommended https://www.amazon.com/Nylabone-Puppies-Extra-Pacifier-Teething/dp/B0017JBYAS/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?dchild=1&keywords=teething+keys+for+dogs&qid=1629831972&sprefix=teething+keys&sr=8-13 as they had used them for their dog. I ordered one and he loves it. He still chews on things every now and then but these chewing keys are wonder working devices.
Also, may I suggest this. It may be too big for her now though. I got 2 of these for my friend's black lab, who likes to play ski ball with his bowls, and these have stayed put when he eats and drinks. They sell similar ones at Walmart too.
I used this one for my corgi. Mines even a little chunky and I have to squeeze her in but once we’re settled I unzip so it expands and she has plenty of room. I don’t have much leg room but it’s ok. Hope this helps!
MASKEYON TSA Airline Approved Soft Sided Pet Carrier Top Loading 4 Side Expandable Large Travel Cats Carrier Collapsible with 3 Removable Washable Pads and 3 Pockets for Cats Kitten and Small Dogs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BZ53ZP1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VTE1P8N1DBMS51NTAGCK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Regular brushing can (help) keep the shedding from falling all over your house haha. A corgi will probably take a couple different brushes, depending on coat type, but a rubber curry brush will help get the top thicker hairs. It's perfect for labs too, as well as GSDs, Huskies, and short-hairs like dobies and bullies.
It’s from Amazon! She loves it. It drops treats as they spin the top part Interactive Dog Treat Puzzle Toy - Promotes Smart Brain Stimulation and Healthy Eating - Slow Dispensing Food - No More Boredom - Adjustable Height for Small/Medium Dog https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XG6492G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_RQJD4NVWB6CKXQVZBG2X