Here’s the link to the pot for those interested :)
Multi-Face Succulent Planter Vase Small Face Plante Head Face Vase Home Decoration Succulent Cactus Indoor Plant Pot
> RIP Sasha.
> "Use them with care, and use them with respect as to the transformations they can achieve, and you have an extraordinary research tool. Go banging about with a psychedelic drug for a Saturday night turn-on, and you can get into a really bad place, psychologically. Know what you’re using, decide just why you’re using it, and you can have a rich experience. They’re not addictive, and they’re certainly not escapist, either, but they’re exceptionally valuable tools for understanding the human mind, and how it works."
—Alexander Shulgin, Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story
As for books at the same caliber as OP's, I'd like to recommend:
Here it is.
An entire 23-minute video on selecting, disinfecting, soaking, and sowing green coffee beans that were intended for home roasting. All 468 of them in 13 media types.
I know this isn't exactly a /r/druggardening staple, but this is just the beginning. C arabica has massive amounts of research behind it, so it was relatively easy for my very first video.
I hope to expand my video catalog to include as many medicinal plants as possible. Treating them to the same rigor as I gave C. arabica. I've already started collecting research on dozens of medicinal species.
If you want to support the author(Richard Evans Shults) of this out of print book you can purchase their newer updated guide in Plants of the gods.(written by himself, Albert Hoffmann, and Christian Rätsch.
Jim Hogshire's book, "Opium For The Masses" is pretty great.
As for growing poppies, they are weeds. In the Northern Hemisphere: scatter the seeds on open soil as the snow is receding, and stand back.
I find trichos have the ribs sucking in like that when they are dehydrated. The uneven colouration could be due to a number of different reasons, although I'm leaning towards trace element deficiency (the mottled colouring reminds me vaguely of iron/manganese deficiency in citrus). You can buy trace element fertilisers, and if I've had a sad looking plant, no matter the type of plant I've used it on (including trichos) it seems to bounce back pretty quickly. I've heard of azomite rock dust recently which seems to be a highly rated source of trace elements too which you might be interested in checking out.
Edit: I realise you were probably talking about the circles which appear to be scale. You can scrape them off but I've never had too much of an issue with leaving them on either.
Delosperma acuminatum, DMT, 5-MEO-DMT[2] Delosperma cooperi, DMT, 5-MEO-DMT[2] Delosperma ecklonis, DMT[2] Delosperma esterhuyseniae, DMT[2] Delosperma hallii, 5-MEO-DMT[2] Delosperma harazianum, DMT, 5-MEO-DMT[2] Delosperma harazianum Shibam, DMT[2] Delosperma hirtum, DMT[2] Delosperma hallii aff. litorale Delosperma lydenbergense, DMT, 5-MEO-DMT[2] Delosperma nubigenum, 5-MEO-DMT[2] Delosperma pageanum, DMT, 5-MEO-DMT[2] Delosperma pergamentaceum, Traces of DMT[2] Delosperma tradescantioides, DMT[2]
I knew of another list somewhere else but have lost it and cant remember keywords to find it, but here is this. <3
I've uploaded the book I mentioned above. You guys can access it on this link. Cheers
Opium For The Masses - Jim Hogshire
Hamilton Morris has entered his cult leader phase.
If you pay the price he is asking for this then enjoy your stay at Morristown.
Don't drink the kool aid, you can find deep pots at any garden store. They are called "long tom" pots in Europe or simpily "tall pots" in the US.
Check it out lol it’s all free. It’s honestly crazy to hear someone talking about the experience of living a high life in old-timey language. It’s divided into chapters so it’s real easy to take your time with in case you nod off of green out.
I definitely recommend putting these up around the inside of your fences, looks great and totally blocks all visuals through the slats, and they're cheap too.
Im using these and they are really impressing me. Plus its nice to be able to space them and put the where u want and it doesnt have to be all from one lighg like a normal 200w ufo or something
Well, you know, maybe flash them that article.
>Modern research now reveals that memory itself is far less reliable, and much more malleable, than ever commonly believed; no matter how strong and vivid memory may be, the human mind is desperately prone to fallibility. The Courage to Heal has been called "The bible of incompetent therapists," and a recent expose has called the entire narrative of Sybil into question, pointing the finger at unethical clinical practices fed by sensationalism.
>For 15 years, I’ve sat on national review panels, where I examine and consult on licensing and malpractice claims against therapists and behavioral health clinicians. I’ve seen countless license actions and malpractice lawsuits against therapists who used recovered memory techniques, believing they were doing good; in every case I’ve ever seen, the therapists lost, their actions deemed damaging, harmful, and contrary to industry practice.
If you are growing something photo sensitive get a nice tent... they are all fairly similar, except for the zippers. It's all about the zippers. Cheap ones break quick and light leaks like a sieve. Price buyers are twice buyers. I got a green architecture tent. It is ok but zippers are leaking more and more light. Wish I hadn't gone cheap, i knew better. Here's a link anyway.
I don’t want to ship the seeds internationally, but there are plenty of sites online that do so. Amazon and eBay have tons of listings for Heavenly blue seeds: this is where I bought mine!
Photo of pages from Brugmansia and Datura: Angel's Trumpets and Thorn Apples by Preissel & Preissel.
There is an interesting review on Amazon ( that states that the Datura information is biased though.
This is the one I have. Only one left and it's used but 64 bucks. I've had mine a year and I've grinded hardwood in it with success and it's still running strong. It will grind cacti no problem. If using harder things do more of a pulse, like run for a few seconds at a time.
And no heat at all, therefore you can put the lamp right up almost on the plant. Literally. Here are the cheaper ones:
I bought three, I'm going to set them up on my table at night. These things take no power at all, they can run on 4 AAA batteries for cripes sake but they have a USB source as well. Low power, no fire threat, cheap as dirt and they work!
This is wonderful. Will definitely try it myself.
FYI, for making comments, the best thing to do for images is to host them on imgur and link the relevant text with the image.
If you have the default mobile app, it's terrible. Get Relay for Reddit. It is much better.
Play store link: Relay for reddit
It allows you to collapse seen posts, multiple accounts, OLED black themes, and many other great features.
Hey man. I don't grow anything but weed so I don't know much about your plant but in the flowering stage of cannabis if I get a bug infestation I used potassium bicarbonate (there's recipes and how to mix it online with soft water) or you could use the traditional Dawn dish soap spray which also works. Neem oil has previously worked for me too but what I had to do was place a bamboo stick in the soil and drench the soil so that all bugs go to the bamboo stick as it's free from neem. Next day I just remove the bamboo and that will usually solve it for me too.
If you have tried all these then I have no idea how you'd remove them. Sorry if I couldn't help but both of these methods would work on a cannabis plant. Good luck!
thank you!! I did two of them, but I like how this one turned out a bit more.
I did exactly that! I folded the brug flower into some parchment paper inside of a massive book. flattening the brug to do it was difficult; it felt like I was ruining it, but I'm happy with how it turned out. I put two 25 pound plates on top of the book and let it sit for about 2 weeks - I think I could have gone longer for the leaves to let them properly dry, but the flower is paper thin. I also used latex gloves whenever handling the flower/leaves, especially since some of the trichomes(?) left what I thought could have potentially been hyoscamine/scopolamine residue/resin on the parchment paper, but this was likely paranoid overkill on my end.
this was my first time pressing flowers, so I'd love to hear someone more experienced chime in, but I think the key is picking the flowers while they're "fresh" in order to preserve the color. in this case, I don't know how much of a difference it would have made, since the brilliant white of the flowers (see my previous post for this exact flower, actually!) turned into this more sepia-ish color, but who knows. I'm happy with how it turned out and I'm glad you like it too! :--)
for those interested, the frames can be found here
I'm still learning myself, and I've heard the same advice about poppies not needing much nutrients. However, I've read a little bit of the industry literature regarding cultivation in Tasmania and elsewhere, and they do have their crops on a pretty precise fertilizer program.
I think poppies will usually be fine assuming you have have average sand-loam or clay-loam soil with plenty of room for root growth, but if you want to nerd out and maximize your yield, you can get more complicated and start doing things like sowing them with lime superphosphate, using a basal application of nitrogen and potassium, and some sort of boron application (according to one study from the 80s, researchers found that by doing hand-drill application of boron, capsule yields increased 700%! ). It's probably easy to go overboard and nute burn your crops, so I'd read up more before attempting the above. If you're interested check out section 5 of this book (a pdf can be found on libgen). It's pretty dense, but it has just about all the information you could want about poppy cultivation.
I spent 12-15 years on my life researching, using, and then documenting psychoactive plants and chemicals, from a safety and harm reduction perspective. As per the Amazon description:
that sounds fucking awesome. I'll be growing a plot of Hungarian next year
nice! yeah i'd never buy anything from the streets, the fent/analogues/RC scene is fucked. i got some Hungarian breadseed
i heard thats great. i have some Hungarian
I got this setup from amazon when it was on sale.
For sure friend
I got this led light from Amazon and I’m happy with it so far... generally the led lights with a few thin bars that have lights are better than one big sheet of leds... they get less hot and cover a larger area...
The author/ex undercover cop is Stephen Bentley. This is the book.....
This is also by same author, but is not yet released. Dunno what the differences would be, unless maybe updating old facts or carrying on from the end of the original book 🤨!
Hope that helps 👍!
The author/ex undercover cop is Stephen Bentley. This is the book.....
This is also by same author, but is not yet released. Dunno what the differences would be, unless maybe updating old facts or carrying on from the end of the original book 🤨!
Hope that helps 👍!
Yeah, and get a more efficient single light that can adjust the level like this one below:
LeFreshinsoft Full Spectrum 1000W LED Grow Light F1000 Series 3 x 3ft Coverage Dimmable Samsung UV IR Grow Lamps for Indoor Plants
you aren't going to get better than 0.0001g or 1mg without spending an exorbitant amount of money. The best you can get for a reasonable price is this Scale from amazon. If you absolutely require half mg precision expect to pay upwards of 5,000$, like this Example
Your only accurate method of measuring very small quantities is doing it volumetrically, what are you trying to measure ?
Recharge is great:
Real Growers Recharge (16oz)
And this is a good example mycorrhizae:
Wildroot Organic 16 Species Mycorrhizae Inoculant Root Stimulator for Plants, Gardens, Lawns, Trees Explodes Root Growth, Fortifies Immune Systems, Reduces Transplant Shock (5 oz)
They both work well for every plant I've used them on. I make compost teas to get more value out of the bacteria and to supercharge it.
It was this GE 24 inch LED grow light, about 12 inches under the light.
GE Grow LED Tube Light, For Seeds and Greens, Balanced Light Spectrum, Medium Base, 24-Inch, 40-Watt (Pack of 1)
Same here but i just bought my seeds on amazon and did same day delivery. Ill get them in a few hours!!:) heres the link--\_1\_2?keywords=papaver+somniferum+seeds+for+planting&qid=1650307674&sprefix=papavar+%2Caps%2C206&sr=8-2
Tents are mostly all the same, just make sure you get a metal frame and check the reviews. I tried several things to control humidity, all of the small dehumidifiers or even the chemical "RV dehumidifier buckets" did nothing. This is what has allowed me to lock the humidity anywhere from 35 to 90 on a whim. Shinco 2,000 Sq.Ft Dehumidifier... You'll also want an exhaust fan, or else your tent will overheat. I went cheap on my exhaust and filter and they seem to work fine.
As for light, I went for Mars Hydro 3000W for my 4x4 tent. My only thought on Mars Hydro lights is that they do not have a fan for cooling. My first one burnt out in 2 weeks, when I got the replacement I put a fan pointing at the light and power supplies to cool them.
yea man I think this is a classic case of "doing too much".
Here's what I recommend
brand new bag of fox farm happy frog soil. 3-5 gallon fabric pot. You can cut it with a a few handfuls of extra perlite if you want. This is a great "mostly inert" soil mix to start from.
for fertilizer, use organic dry amendments like this, just follow the instructions on the box. Once a month you mix some in the top soil.
measure how much you water it. Until its 30 days old, water it 6-12oz of water once a week, very slowly, right around where the plant is. Do not get the whole pot wet. Roots dry out soil, and without roots filling the soil it wont dry out and cause mold/mildew. Once its more mature and the canopy is about the size of the pot, you know the roots are too, so you can soak the whole pot whenever the leaves start to droop (but AS SOON as they start to droop)
I think thats a really reliable, easy way to get started growing, and is like 95% of what I do. Sometimes you'll get deficiencies show up, and you just fix as needed
I have this kind of grow light that has multiple dimmer settings and a timer...
I put it on the second lowest dimmer setting and set up the timer for 12h / day. It also gets good indirect sunlight the rest of the day. Is 12h too much? Using both the red and blue lights (I could use one or the other individually though - does it matter?)
If you do this a lot get a seed tray with a humidity dome such as this. Once the plant sprouts, take the dome off or at least open the air vent.
And if you don't have the $ fold the seeds in a moist paper towel (wetness of a wet paper towel that's wrung out) and put the paper towel in a ziplock bag. Or wrap it in plastic wrap. Check it daily by putting a light behind it while your looking at it in the dark. As soon as germination (plant starts to grow from seed) happens use tweezers or your fingers to put them in dirt.
I don't think P. manicata is likely to be dangerous. The water extract has some antioxidant properties in-vitro.
Some Passiflora species use cyanide glycosides as a general herbivorous pest deterrent. They all contain some amount of MAOIs though, so probably don't consume them if you are pregnant or taking any medication.
There is only one instance of poisoning from a Passiflora species from eating the unripe fruit of P. adenopoda. I can't find the full text article online, but here's the abstract.
Just ordered one on amazon. Looks like a reprint run that came out last year. Thanks for posting this!
Hallucinogenic Plants
I've seen this mentioned before but haven't found a lot of additional info. I already have this LED light, would it be enough? Does it matter if it's blue or red LED?
Unpot the loph then wash it off extremely thoroughly and ensure all the tiny crevices are flushed out because mites love hiding in any little nook they can find. Once it's completely dried you can load up a Chapin International 5000 Rose & Plant Duster Hand Sprayer with your bag of diatomaceous earth and dust it all over. I use this duster by sealing my greenhouse up and then hand pump a cloud of it to settle on my cacti. This dusting will last for several months until the ambient humidity becomes too high. It washes off and doesn't stain so if you're aren't actively admiring your loph you can leave it on as long as you'd like.
Obligatory safety warning: The reason diatomaceous earth works so well is because it's essentially microscopic sized particles shaped like razors, so do not inhale this stuff and be sure to do the dusting outdoors in a well ventilated area, preferably with a mask on.
For plastic petri dishes get the polypropylene ones made to hold up in a PC. Regular plastic petris do not.
12PK Plastic Petri Dishes with Lids - 3.75" Diameter, 0.5" Depth - Molded in Polypropylene - Reusable, Autoclavable - Translucent - Eisco Labs
Honestly, if it's that accessible - get some cameras. Wyze is coming to Canada eventually but right now you can find them on - I have the previous model of this camera that I use from inside my window and it's still pretty great. I rent, and mine is wired - I couldn't fit it through my door frame and can't drill or anything so I had to place it inside and like I said, it's barely a drop in quality for me. This is likely more an issue for my very shitty door and wall on that side though, a lot of people thread the cords through windows and doorframes with little trouble.
They're imo the best mix of quality and features at that price point. Hopefully, if a thief returns it will catch them and if you mount it on the top floor maybe outside a window the tenant doesn't have access to you'll be good. But like I said, I think you should look into a budget camera anyway with that much access. :)
Any basic rooting hormone should help with transplant.
Any one of theses should help if you sever an area of roots accidentally.
It’s not illegal you can buy it on Amazon. Idk if I still have the PDF or not though. I think I lost it. Still fairly cheap for digital or physical copy on Amazon
Opium for the Masses: Harvesting Nature's Best Pain Medication
I have a rooted leaf from a passion fruit vine that I got to produce a stem with this stuff
Opium Poppy: Botany, Chemistry, And Pharmacology By L. Kapoor
My wife is the artist and it makes her happy to bold them, which is a large bonus, but cost to build is actually less than $25, which isn't bad considering. It's built from nice plywood and painted, you just need a table saw, the lights are the most expensive part, $17.69 on amazon:
Anything is possible with the right equipment!
Permission to ask granted
Here's the product page -
The actual light is good (especially for the price) - but the built-in timer fucking sucks! Can only be set to 3, 6, or 12 hr light cycles. I wouldn't care if I could just use a normal timer instead - but the memory resets each off cycle, requiring you to physically turn the light on each time. So, its fine for setups you want 3, 6, 12 or 24 hours of light - but literally useless if you want something like 16/8 or 20/4.
If you want to support the author(Richard Evans Shults) of this out of print book you can purchase their newer updated guide in Plants of the gods.(written by himself, Albert Hoffmann, and Christian Rätsch.
I have a 4x4 grow tent that I keep my cacti/succulents in.
Use 6 6500k bulbs in a ballist
This one specifically Link
16 on 8 off
3400W LED Grow Light with Veg&Bloom Switch, LED Plant Grow Lamp Full Spectrum with 3500K White LEDs and 660nm Full Red LEDs for Indoor Plants Veg and Flower
It’s actually an oil diffuser that I’m just putting water in to try to up the humidity, but here’s the amazon link :)
Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser, URPOWER 300ml Wood Grain Ultrasonic Cool Mist Whisper-Quiet Humidifier with Color LED Lights Changing & 4 Timer Settings, Waterless Auto Shut-Off for Spa Baby
That is exactly what I have. 48" T5 6500k fluorescents. The brand I use is Sunblasters with the reflector.
And I just use those cheap vivosun bulbs from amazon.... these
Mine absolutely love the 6500k light color.
Grow Light for Indoor Plants - Upgraded Version 80 LED Lamps with Full Spectrum & Red Blue Spectrum, 3/9/12H Timer, 10 Dimmable Level, Adjustable Gooseneck,3 Switch Modes
Im going to use the two in tandem, parallel over the plants, not splayed out like a freaking sea monster as in the Amazon ad...but this is an experiment in many ways, as someone pointed out these rigs are cheaply made and designed so it may not be cost effective in the long run. I found this model runs 35$ on Amazon...mine was 32$ and will arrive Wednesday...this one didn’t get much use according to my buddy so I’ll say it’s newish. Time will tell.
member nirvanamushroomsubs has graciously pointed out that while a light like this may give seedlings a boost, they lack the proper wavelengths for healthy, sustained growth. So I withdraw my recommendations for these lights. However, as I am the kind of guy who likes to fix problems, I have found an inexpensive alternative:
Three growth modes, timer, 10 settings....32$. Compact and portable.
Oh wow, at a casual glance my eyes saw big...I just bought one of these though. I can’t hang mine so I need something with a stand of some kind:
Grow Light for Indoor Plants - Upgraded Version 80 LED Lamps with Full Spectrum & Red Blue Spectrum, 3/9/12H Timer, 10 Dimmable Level, Adjustable Gooseneck,3 Switch Modes
Using those to give them a head start will be great, but they need more of a full spectrum to be able to grow to their potential. You can get a low watt mars hydroled with the samsung leds for $80 on amazon that would be able to sustain them for years or a viparspectra.
Here are links to the ones I really like. Both are around $80, wait until cyber Monday and they usuallyhave a great sale on these.
Mars hydro
I got 2 of the next step up of Mars hydro last year for i think 85 each on cyber Monday.
These are my first Kratom plants. I'm trying to decide between two grow tents on Amazon. I have other plants that will go in there as well. All advice is greatly appreciated! Grow tent #1 Grow tent #2
This book: The Psilocybin Mushroom Bible has simple step by step instructions of basic and advanced methods with abundant photos.
This is only for flowering plants (it's an organic nutrient booster), but it contains organic insect deterrents as well (read the description). It's worked for my out-door grow with Cannabis, and I use it once, maybe twice a week, but I think the reviews speak for itself (you will never see a comment section on Amazon like this, especially in gardening; no one is complaining!):
Not sure the wattage but it’s just a basic red/blue spectrum indoor LED plant light. I also have a basic daylight colored LED bulb in a little lamp for the Lophophora seedlings on the same shelf so the Sally’s get a bit of that light as well.
Better than the loup, you can get a 40x-1000x microscope that plugs into your cell phone for about $22 on Amazon. Ill try to find a link. Its great. Jiusion 40 to 1000x Magnification Endoscope, 8 LED USB 2.0 Digital Microscope, Mini Camera with OTG Adapter and Metal Stand, Compatible with Mac Window 7 8 10 Android Linux
Nope- amazon special. We are testing it for science and because these damned HPS bulbs are jacking up our electric bill:
Since no one answered, they enjoy being very dry. In the winter they don't need any water at all if kept in a cold environment (but not under freezing), and during growing season they should only be watered several days after the soil dries out completely. They should also be in mainly mineral soil (small rocks, grit, pumice). Ideally you'll want a 1-1-1 ratio fertilizer. Cacti don't need much nitrogen, but if there is too much of an imbalance between the nutrients then it can hinder the absorption of the others. Dyna-gro All-Pro is expensive but one of the best and will last you ages.
Depends on how much you’d like to spend. An HLG65 would probably be perfect for her, you can find em on Amazon here. HLG 65 Quantum Board LED Grow Lamp Veg & Bloom 4000K
If you’d like to go with something cheaper I would just try and find something that puts out more than 100 Watts.
This is the one I bought, idk if it will be true 1000w, what do you think? I’m definitely interested in growing more things too, especially weed when it’s legal here
The one you linked draws 180 watts from the wall. It would do but for a couple dollars more you could get something better. I see a lot of people using the Mars hydro 2 lights with decent results.
I personally grow auto flowers with this light. It’s not a LED though but it fits our purposes. it covers a 4x4 area, has switches so you can run it at half or full power which is around 450 watts. The advantage I see to it is the bulbs are serviceable unlike the LEDs so I can swap out different bulbs to adjust my spectrum exactly how I want it for different stages. Until your ready for plants 4’ or higher it would do you well.
Right on. What's the wattage on it, and what spectrum does it push out? I'm looking at something along these lines: Niello
What are you looking at in terms of lighting for your next batch of seeds? I think something that would cover a 4'x4' space I may need to have something a bit stronger. Your thoughts?